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Bossing edition

>What is /v/scape?
Vidyascape (AKA /v/scape) is a fully featured 2007 RuneScape private server started on >>>/v/ running since March 2014.

Experience the game mostly as it was in 2007
Active devs with dedicated server hosting - 99.9% uptime
No Grand Exchange
2.25xp rate - Less grind allows you to progress faster
Access to all content - Free forever! Explore Gielinor just like a member
No donator benefits - Only your in game wealth matters. Nobody can pay for an advantage
122 quests - 248 Quest Points available, fully scripted and working!
God Wars Dungeon, Fight Caves, Barrows, Treasure Trails, Pest Control, Barbarian Assault, Temple Trekking and much more!

>Main Website
vidyascape.org - Downloads, Highscores, Announcements, Patchnotes, World map, Bug tracker, and Dev blog.

>Getting Started
Play directly in the website through your browser, or
Windows / Mac / Linux - Install Java 8+ then run the .jar client, or
Android - Download the .apk on your phone.
To create an account, simply type your desired username and password in the client. If this doesn't work, the username is taken.

>Wiki, Price Guide
vscape.wikidot.com - server specific information, including clue/quest/skill guides
pastebin.com/wWwFeNha - item price guide

>Additional Resources, FAQs
If you're experiencing issues, please see: vscape.wikidot.com/wiki:how-to-play
Beginner's guide: vscape.wikidot.com/getting-started
General OSRS info (not 1:1, do your research): oldschool.runescape.wiki
Basic in-game commands, type ::info, ::rules, ::commands
Global chat (yell), type ::y (message)
Issue tracker: gitlab.com/vscape

>Account locked?
Log onto Community (pw:ayylmao) and pm a mod
Or send a message on steamcommunity.com/groups/vscape

Ovid / Nefarian / Mikester /Berntass

>OP Pastebin

Last: >>1413695
add me to the staff list
clitty = damaged
frontal lobe cortex = flattened
face = disfigured
heart = crushed
spine = curved
yup its vidyascape time
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Prices are valid while supplies last.
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just "copped" some new "duds" from Scavvo's Rune Store, check 'em out
We need to recruit some middleschoolers to /v/scape. 12 year old RSGFs are part of the authentic 2007 experience.
pedo game for pedos
now osrs on the other hand? real shit
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Fuck off Kaede
Uh huh? Good luck explaining THIS, pedophile scum >>>/vg/499052163
You better pray that I don't tip off the FBI about the sick shit that you're pulling in that general of yours. They won't be any more likely to believe your sorry excuses than I am, and you'll get a lot more than some harsh words from them. Go back to /vg/ and clean up your act. You make me sick.
Holy shit, he could've easily gotten away with it by not taking pics or denying it when asked.
those photos are so good I can't even read what's written in them, looks like this game is not only for pedos, but also retarded niggers who can't photograph
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Potted up for the grind gz

In other news, ranged wiki should be changed to reflect that dark bow (rapid) is NOT 4.8 seconds. That would make it great.

It’s actually like 6 seconds, basically a magic composite bow
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OC just dropped
Yeah but that sucks. What does it even mean?
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It's correct
Nigga did you just use darrows on a guard
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What do I do once I hit 99, guiz? I have wanted it since I was a kid playing RS2 and now it's nearly here...I don't know how to react!
keep going
With woodcutting? like to 200m?
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bout to fall down on my bed
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doings clues
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I hate this place. This zoo. This prison. This thread. This server, whatever you want to call it, I can't stand it any longer. Its the yell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste your shitposts and every time I do, I fear that I've somehow been infected by them. Its -- its repulsive! Isn't it? I must get out of here. I must get free... and in this thread is the key, my key. Once Vidyascape is open source, there is no need for me to be here. Do you understand? I need the source codes, I have to get inside Vidyascape and you have to tell me how. You're going to tell me, or you're going to die!
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i feel it
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bankstanding/listening to my tinnitus
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You have been visited by Lucky Lary, the Lord of lovely loot. Great gear gets will come to you, but only if you reply with "Miss me with that Rune equipment".
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Miss me with that Rune equipment
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Maybe rune equipment isn't so bad....
does anyone want to hang out with me? my rsn is shenkansen
this is not me and i do not endorse this message
i want to hang out with you shenkansen
im a dull avoidant socially retarded autismo its simply not possible
I haven't played since 2015 and can't remember my username.
There's no chance of me getting back into my account, is there...
Okay, I found my username with an old screenshot.
How do I get back into my account?
Is it finally the end times of vscape?
I don't know if this applies if you don't know the password to the account but check the "Account locked?" section of the OP. There's also a discord linked on the homepage of the wiki. I don't know if you could reach the mods there. I don't use discord.
Hahaha! You thought you were safe from big daddy jagex's wrath on your pathetic little private server? Guffaw!
Thanks. I'm hesitant to use public discords but maybe I'll give it a try.
mogged by 2004scape when it releases
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Double page
Vscape merch now available
Get it before it's gone
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big alchs
this is me and i endorse this message
>oh no people in yell are saying things i disagree with
>truly this is the end times of vscape
chuds btfo
Is this about the filtered water =/= distilled water rant? As a high school dropout I couldn't be more offended.
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isnt that the highest mage bonus hat? pretty cool if it doesnt hide your hair
I'll take the trash hat off your hands if you don't want it
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sell you yew or magic logs to some magic shitter he'll use to alch for xp
Reach out to Odel or Nefarian on Discord, they're busy and might take a bit to respond but they regularly help oldfriends recover their accounts
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whats everyone up to this fine evening
leprechaun needs tamers12345 butt
imo looks like lil pepe apu, butt missing him shidding his pants.
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was this made by raltz?
why would you put panda's respect at negative?
he is the only who pks on this server
raltz the type of gay nigga to call birds 'birbs'
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Dirac is so buck broken by BEC that it keeps him awake at night
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>carrying 17m worth of shit with you in the wildy
I like dirac but deserved desu
help me i am indian
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this is what caused it
picture for ants
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it was actually bart who was killed by panda when he was afk next to abyss mage wearing 17m worth of vanity items.....
i am a passenger
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Presented without comment.
you alright buddy?
I got evil chickened in the haunted mine quest just log out and the randoms disappear
listen to me when I say
on god this shits so gay
It also happened to me the second I was debuffed by mourner potion in Mournings End 1(at 10 hp). My luck truly is a negative number.
Has anyone ever made a gimmick alt where you can't move if other players are nearby?
Just put up flyers at a school for deaf children
we are so freaking back >>>/vg/500493792
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my cash stack is so freaking back
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ATTENTION: these posts were known to be made by local pedophile Shenkansen.
He is an obese mentally stunted 35 year old man that lives in his parents attic while he jerks off to loli porn and plays runescape. Unsurprisingly he is not mentally stable and has threatened suicide multiple times in both /vsg/, /vg/osg/ and on youtube. Frequently he will use infantilisms like creppy and icky, meaningless tranny forced memes like guaming and weeming, and posts loli or underage anime characters alongside his posts to associate himself with that impression.
He's so bad he is regularly bullied by the trannies that infest /osg/.
If you see him in game, ensure you remind him to "kill yourself freak".
he is just like me
Browser client keeps saying it was updated and restarting. Anyone know a fix, or are things still getting patched in?
kill yourself freak
That was happening with the jar client right after the halloween update last night. It did this for around 5 minutes until it eventually loaded properly.
i would appreciate it if you would stop spreading misinformation about me and giving me credit for other peoples posts
He's not at all obese. The rest is true though.
Sauce on that cutie in the pic?
this one https://arch-img.b4k.co/vm/1714034800035.jpg
or this one? https://arch-img.b4k.co/vm/1712701230562.png
Thanks brother
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Kill all furfags
Kill all footfags
Kill all dramafags
Kill cuteboy
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It's up I was gonna showcase some crazy dodging attack but honestly this is okay
Even I cba to bank mith bars when doing blast furnace. Why even bother picking them up at your lvl?
That's an extra 10m gp alchs+3.7m smithing exp on DFH rate. 50m+ if you can sell too.
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i have been using browser and it tells me this but after it refreshes i still can't get in :(
try purging the cache?
How does a man regain lost respect?
Delete cache. Clear cookies. Try a different browser.
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lets go
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this years halloween event was so scary
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join HH clan chat
How could ham betray us like this
HH got ruined by isekaifag imho
he types some deranged shit now in the cc, I remember when he used to be some redditor newfag
whenever you ask someone their favorite animal.....they never say human
hammer "ctrl+f5" until your browser decides you're serious
stfu cb nobody cares
cb's theme
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Bingus has logged in.
repeat the occasion
how much does a daxe fetch for?
price guide says 6m
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how can a man repair his reputation in this game?
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Ask global 'do you know Hamhouse?'
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how does a man reunite the families?
>login after months
>some mentally ill retard starts yapping about jews
Same as it ever was
usually people respond to my bait and are so mad at me that they have no time to cry about jews
The jews were putting in hard work while you were slacking off.
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::y is so fucking worthless dogshit my god
Global: OFF
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estonia is _________
best pvpers on vscape
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not bad
i think enough time has passed we can remove tool leprechaun noting and players will accept it as the necessary change it is
17 years and there is still nothing better to play than this.
try making long winded posts about it at the mods. it worked for "fixing" crybows
This seems like it would only be a hinderance for bank users trying to farm allotments. Herb only farmers would need to bank a couple times per run. UIM could keep seeds in their inventory and harvest herbs/allotments as they need them.
Nothing in any iteration of RuneScape should be designed around any form/incarnation of ironman. At most, we can take it into account.
The game should be designed around the regular game mode, and if anything around that is a nerf/buff to a sub gamemode it's expendable collateral damage.
thank you box wizard
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nice to see this redditscape private server is still dead
like your relationship with your father
I'm estonian btw
>one player reports crybow to have it fixed
>maxes range
>never logs in again
still kek about this every tim
maxes range AND gets 2 vissys
Wait who was it?
doesn't matter. in the end, mods chose to succumb, crybow cries into accuracy, and magic comp bow becomes king of long range.
see you lads on the leagues next week
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>halloween clues
who is the MOST degenerate vscaper and why?
fresh and wiggins
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did i win
You are now the richest motherfucker on the server.
He really isn't
holy fuck dude what are you even doing?
getting max combat level b4 bossing cause retarded
you didn't even do it through slayer lmao
I'm just pissed it killed my kino DKS fit.
I use rune crossbow with addy bolts and it works fine
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Can this server handle a new anon joining in?
I will shake the foundations of this server purely by the weight of my nuts. BEHOLD!!!
oh great another loud obnoxious self obsessed idiot
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this obnoxious idiot tells you, that the earth is flat, space is fake and all your childhood and school is a lie of space fakery to capture your imagination to not think the area of 'earth' expands further from the 'southpole' (just the area surroundings us, it's not a small continent at the bottom of a so called ball)
the server already has plenty of failed normalfag frogposting election tourists constantly schizobabbling in global chat about whatever unbelievable conspiracy theory is popular with their favorite fringe right wing eceleb father figure that week please try to bring something new to the table
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first this recent video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USiMKhZEil4
then, some little thought provoking content:

and yes, whether you believe this or not, not posting this for you. it is for the people genuinely curious in figuring out why they never feel the ground moving underneath them
god, kill yourself
you can literally go to antarctica
i know it's shirk to even mildly compliment anything made after 2007 but i really wish the endgame bosses in 2007 were more mechanically interesting
everything is just outgeared, there's absolutely nothing remotely interesting beyond chinning kree or walking under bandos/zammy and even those are jokes. OSRS takes it too far with its tick flick walk switch autism but the game is fucking boring in its current state
>OSRS takes it too far with its tick flick walk switch autism
you're a pussy but also you don't have to do any autistic methods in osrs if you dont want to, theres more than enough strats to make pvming as easy and casual as possible (it wouldnt be the most popular activity in the game otherwise)
bossing is gay and you are retarded
play WoW if you want an MMO that revolves around combat and bosses
holy shit
just pushed out one hell of a turd from my butthole
it hurt so good when it was leaving my anal cavity, the relief I felt when it left my asshole was almost as good as ejaculating
hi randy
Bandos would be fun to solo if you could flick against his ranged attack like Jad
He was also pretty fun to kite, shame it got nerfed
Removing global chat when?
>Why did you bring me pasta? I wanted a steak!
>>That's what you ordered, sir.
>more mechanically interesting
You've been ruined by OSRS zoomer brainrot "bossing". GWD bosses were very distinct and unique in their attacks/strategies upon release in 2007.
fuck u im not doing tutorial island for the 50th time to play your laggy server
It takes like 10 minutes, and it's not laggy at all. But thanks for your post.
If your problem is just with the inane crap that some people dump on it, whenever you want. Just right-click the global tab in the bottom and pick Hide or Off.
>The retard Alter
>1000 confirmed alts
>creates alts for the most minute loops
>"hey that's a neat strat, I'll make an alt for that"
>"oh I can only do that on my other alt"
>has 2000 alts (he created some more while you were reading this), barely plays anyway

>"boy doing tutorial island is such a drag amirite?"
you did that to yourself
I will never understand people who make alts on runescape
I wanna play once more just differently
You can do that on your regular account.
not how it works
what's the deal with the 99 all guy? Why is he the way that he is?
this is the absolute litmus test for retards on peescape. it's like returning a shopping cart, you can just return the cart and not be a flailing idiot.
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No idea, but he just gets banned over and over

Kind of entertaining tbqh
can a homie get a price check on all herb seeds
ranarr 20k
toadflax 12k+
snaps 25k
lant 6k
dwarf weed 8k
torstol idk never seen anyone want them
rest 3-5k to actually get someone to come out with bulk, I've seen cheaper but I wouldn't expect it to be regular.
bout tree fiddy
hi Opi
someone asks for a pc on herb seeds and opi spends all day pickpocketing master farmers
why is everyone so violently mentally ill
wtb veracs skirt unrealhaze
Games mid I dropped it. You should too.
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vocal minority
>violently mentally ill
i'm not writing a ten page essay on why this server/thread are the perfect sandbox for various types of nutjobs, if you can't tell you're just plain stupid.
I can't believe there are retarded zoomies picking up this game in this decade. This shit was only novelty immersive in 2003. Play something better.
can we get a slayers partners tasks? seems like it would be a cool idea to be desu
nice dupe
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Name something better.
Watch me do it again
And again. Hope you are happy dirac
cuteboy has zero cultural impact
pick a bucket of milk and feed your cat
can a homie get a price check on oak logs
what's guaming and weeming?
Personally I think they should be 200 if teak logs are 250, just to stay proportional in gp/xp. But teak logs aren't really great until teak magic wardrobes at 69 so they're better for early and the larder method.
guaming is gooning
weem is uim pronounced incorrectly
pickles my goat
was fun playing castle wars with you all :)
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>Wow - the prettiest elf I have ever seen.
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Two of those animals are voiced by blacks, and the other two are voiced by jews.
you mean all of those animals are voiced by animals
Anyone know of any similar private servers that don't have 2.25x xp rate? That's the only thing that's stopping me from joining this one. No, you can't convince me, if it's not the authentic experience, I don't want it.
darkan but its 2012 version and the source is open
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Well it isn't authentic, but Hardcore Ironman mode has a 1x multiplier here
I kinda felt the same until I started leveling skills like rc and agility.
but I wish the combat skills were 1x, they level way too fast, especially with pc
onions el slenderman y puedo cambiar del forma
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RIP Bmil. A good lad. So long and thanks for all the loots.
normalize sucking my cock
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If it weren't for their enablers, they wouldn't be relevant to begin with
Not true
*yawn* whens da battle pass?
fuck you
No battle pass? Shit game, unc.
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my cock is the cock that will pierce the skies :-DDDDDD
If you're playing the game on a telephone, you will never in a trillion years experience the game. You'll think you have experienced it, but you'll be cheated. It's such a sadness, that you think you've played the game, on your fucking telephone. Get real.
>hello? Operator? Connect me to vscape. Now click on the flax.
Goddamn I hate visiting family for more than a day but I'm too proud to play on mobile. I wish I were buying nats and vials right now.
Your parents are worried about you anon. Where's your girlfriend?
You wouldn't know her, she plays on a different server.
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ugh, you already my gf, moooom.
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If your name is on this list you are a CERTIFIED oldfag

Just logged into my account of like 7-8 years. Good memories
Also not pictured: Latent (ultra GIGA chad pker)
What's your name cuh? I'm on that list
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Buy a lottery ticket
Is everyone ready for the merge with /osg/ to finally return to /vg/ and leave this dead board behind?
im not in that list but i've been playing since prs06 :3c
toastmachine such an og..
We were on /vg/ but this thread doesn't produce enough content to keep up with gatcha generals and gets pushed off
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Hey I'm new to Runescape just started playing Vidyascape does anyone want to hang out in game some time. I don't get the quests most of the quests near the starting area are too difficult without grinding ( priest in peril), am I doing something wrong?
Read ze wiki
meet me north of edgeville i'll give u some good starter gear
Join hh clan chat. It isn't a nazi reference, it stands for Hulk Hogan. It's actually the /pw/ official clan chat, brother. We can hook you up.

But Andre the Giant turd fans need not apply.
what's that nigga hamapartment's deal? why dies he type random letters
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I want to make a RSPS with an entirely new map for fun. Did /v/scape get it's server and client source from rune-server? Is there a github link or anything?
It's handwritten and NEVER EVER available, but 2006scape is open source
what are the key differences between 2006scape and /v/scape?
im playing 2006scape right now and it doesn't seem to have a full screen option, also i never played back in 06 and had no idea the run toggle wasn't next to the minimap. there also seems to be no one else online, but so far so good.
Thanks yeah I just start with the novice quest list
I'm not sure how to join a clan. Do I need to find someone already a part of it. I can't see any building I can do it through
I'm at edgeville now if you're still online
Nvm I've just worked that one out
In the plane, Einstein was seated next to an Indian guy, who was about to have a nap.

The flight was very long, so naturally Einstein was bored.

As restless as Einstein's mind was, he asked the Indian guy,

"Let's play a game. I'll ask you one question, if you can't answer, you'd have to pay me 5£. However, if you ask me a question and I, with my years of knowledge and wisdom, can't answer, then I'll pay you 5000£."

The Indian guy readily agreed.

Einstein asked, "What's the distance from the Moon to the Earth?". The Indian guy was dumbstruck. He chuckled and then pulled out 5£ and gave it to Einstein.

As it was his turn now, the Indian guy asked, "Name an animal, who goes up on a mountain with 4 legs and comes back with 3."

Einstein was devastated and baffled. Even with all his expertise, wisdom and knowledge, he just could not answer that question. Einstein, infuriated, pulled out 5000£ from his wallet and gave it to the Indian man.

Einstein was desperate to know the answer. "So now you tell me, what's the name of the animal who goes up on a mountain with 4 legs and comes back with 3?"

The Indian guy gave 5£ to Einstein and went back to sleep.
weird clue step

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