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RoR is a private server for Warhammer Online(official servers were shut down).
There's usually 500-1000 players online at any time.

Official site:

Talent calculator:
I've played the original back in the day and a little of this recently. It's pretty comfy and the dorf slayer seems super fun. I played a little of the WH but not sure I wanna be a stealther.
Now I just have to convince my friends to join.
My only concerns before investing more time: how are the community and admins? The biggest complaint I continue to see is that admins sometimes wantonly ban people
I'm waiting for Interbellum.
RoR could really benefit from making a fresh start server. Really the only thing that could get me to play it again.
>I'm waiting for Interbellum
Another private server. If you are familiar with WoW private servers, RoR is akin to a Blizz-like server (Mythic-like?) while Interbellum is a custom server that replaces the classes with new ones and most features are redesigned.
Another private server. I wouldn't worry too much about it I'm sure it's still over a year from release.
Holy shit.
I tried out this game for about 1-2 hours, and I've got to say that it's got the worst community in an MMO I've seen so far.
Absolutely everyone was an a-hole. Not only is it factions fighting against each other, but apparently players fight against each other by griefing and then taunting.
I'm just too tired to deal with childish, literally retarded retards.


The game itself is terrible, but that could be endured if it had normal human beings.
I don't know what attracted the griefing, "hardcore", non-humans.

Too bad, because it looks like it's going to be played by /vm/ soon, and they'll have to endure the worst cancer they've seen in an mmo yet.
I will be skipping this game if it's picked.


And don't forget the game's mods, who will actually appear infront of you and write a damn novel in the chat, and then treat you like a child (the irony) by asking retarded stuff like "Do you agree? y or n".

This is my review.
The game sucks. Avoid.
I think my biggest gripe is that no one talks in local. Also, the time to kill a shaman and other healers is insanely high, but maybe that's normal for an MMO.
And yeah, I've had faggots taunt me trying to bait me to fight while solo and they were grouped but whatever
>anti-pvpfag now goes into other threads to try and sabotage an event
newfag behavior is embarrassing.
Is Azareal still involved?
Oh look, this post again...

He feels the need to come into every RoR thread to pretend like you're going to encounter a toxic playerbase and get banned by mods within an hour of playing

I don't even know how you hold these contradicting ideas in your own retarded head. The idea that everyone is toxic yet the mods only ban you doesn't even add up. Yet you are still in every thread babbling the same braindead talking points.
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Looks like the game is beyond it's last leg. Even with "big youtubers" advertising it for the past few weeks, it can't get any new players.
Interbellum waiting room
this is vaporware, right? can't find anything substantial about it
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Which faction would /vm/ choose?
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If the game ever wins, then we should play as Greenskins.

>playing with a bunch of degenerate retards who keep picking awful weeb mmos
imagine the smell
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Welp, I gave this game a fair shot, got to about rank 30 and I'm about to just give up.
It seems to me it's basically balanced around healers. Got a healer? you win. Your side has more healers? You win. That's pretty much it. It takes like 3 people to kill one healer, more if the healer has tanks peeling for them.

Maybe it gets better in the endgame with coordinated teams but I'm not going to bother to find out.
I made a dwarf engineer. Sucks that you're forced to have a beard, and I don't want to play as a female because their breasts are gigantic.
Also, if you say certain words in chat then you get some kind of gay, retarded 1hour time-out.
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Your choices are: hairy midget or pregnant midget
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Male and female elves
(left is male)
for me, it's choppa
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Like these elves more.
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I've made it to rank 9.
I don't know if I can continue. It's too painful for me to level. The world is very empty and the few people that I find aren't very friendly.
And I also just dislike fantasy/medieval settings.
Would probably be fun to play with others, but I don't know if it'll win:
>wants to play a beardless dwarf
>doesn't like big tits either
I'm starting to think you're the gay retard here
I made a character, got to rank25 but I think this is it for me. The game can be fun but the way this server is setup is fucked.

Once you get out of T1 RvR (so rank 16) you are constantly farmed by premades while on the other hand you're getting kicked from groups for being too low yourself.

The only solution is to make your own groups but that wasn't very successful for me, I suppose the server has its own cliques already that just play together at all times.

I voiced my concern in game but got told to "make my own grps or quit" so, yeah. Guess that's why the population is so low.
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At rank 10 now:

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