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Together Forever Edition

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/palg/ - Paladins: Champions of the Realm
/smgen/ - SMITE: Battleground of the Godtoons
also featuring...
/rrg/ - Realm Royale
/dkog/ - Divine Knockout
/roco/ - Rogue Company
/tag/ - Tribes 3
/gag/ - Global Agenda

FACT: The /smgen/ clan is [SmGen]: Smite Gen Plus! All are welcome!
Impromptu pubs!

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>FREE Downloads - Play NOW!!!1!

>NEW Godtoon (Nut, Goddess of the Sky)

>NEW Toon (Omen, Disciple of the Abyss)

- - - - -

>Latest News


>Account Statistics

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>/palg/ Original Content Links, Movies & Guides

>/smgen/ New Player Guide & God Splash Art Gallery

>/smgen/ Lore Doc

>Play Of The Thread

- - - - -

Previous Thread
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Hi-Rez Studios sucks.
I'm gonna fucking nut.
6th for best girl.
is subz still dominating?
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>sobek has an execute now
I feel like I could have enjoyed playing SMITE 2 for a few years if they didn't start the game off by adding executes. Like imagine a world where you don't start the game with 40% less hp.
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zzzzzzzzzzz mimimimimimi zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Hi palgoers what are some good builds for caspian?
Today I learned that Paladins doesn't want to work properly in borderless fullscreen mode if you disable the games fullscreen optimization option in windows.
I thought the deer champ died in the great storm of 2019.
Cool when are we getting legacy VGS for console?
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Anyone got the rest of this anon's pics?
Resharing this just in case you guys missed this vital post
she died suddenly when tribes 3 went into early access
Where's the paladins thread?
They said 'never ever ever EVER' in so many words in one of the steam blogs not that long ago.
>Deadlock just got Not-Buck
How we feelin' lads
I want to watch Moji get double knotted.
Who would be the other knot?
Futa Pepper!
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I know it's been probably said again before, but The Morrigan has SUCH a fine ass/hips. I'd argue the best in both shape and size.
Why a h-rez thread? Why not Paladins the sec highest player base?
Who are the most knottable toon champions, and why?
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experimental hero
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Moji: canonically wants the knot. Probably prepares herself just in case she gets it.
Meave: theiving brat needs to be restrained. A good knot will do the trick.
Willo: her tight fairy pussy will make a nice pop sound when the knot goes in and out.
Pip: no one who dresses like isn't at least a little bit gay. Has totally gotten it at least once.
Io: white girl with dog
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>white girl with dog.
This is slander, Luna is a girl!
(K)Not in the pictures I've seen.
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Is anyone even playing this game nowadays?
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I'm gonna be busy watching dragon age burn to the ground this weekend, so I hope they don't announce something fun.
I've officially accepted that Deadlock is too broken and bugged to take seriously anymore so I'm hopping back in
Its an early alpha where 70% of the cast isn't even fully designed yet
Stop being fucking stupid
You dont need to tell me that. Its mindboggling the devs would spend any time at all implementing a ranked system when the game is in this state.
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The amount of outright cheating in the last few days has been insane! I used to run across someone cheating once in a blue moon. Now, every casual match has someone cheating and blatantly so. The amusing thing is when they start off playing normally, but activate their cheats once they're losing. It's so obvious when they do because before, they were annoying, but you could kill them. Then, they're completely unkillable and untouchable.
If only they'd release the support zeppelin slimegirl champ.
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Danke for updating this fishman. Some feedback: it suffers from 1.5 sameface and does the t-pose unprompted.
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>tribes 3
>tribes at all
>global fucking agenda
why even put those in there other to insult anons
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She is literally me
artist slop
Need more artist slop.
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I miss the people I used to play the game with, but I don't miss the game.
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Lads... I think we should give customs a second chance...
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Same. I sometimes look back fondly on the time we all spent playing this game when it was still tolerable and wonder how they're doin.
Me too. I miss when this thread was full of creativity and discussion about the game.
this never happend
I moved over almost exclusively to fighting games, then somewhere down the line I found myself with something resembling a life. Still drop by occasionally to check if they've reversed all the horrible balance decisions they made in Q1 and Q2 of 2021.
I used to write a choose your own adventure game in the thread when I was 18 or so. I got a life and it fizzled out, I wanted to start it back up again a few times but was never able to. Still, it helped get me into writing, which has since become a big part of my life, and I hope I'll be able to recycle a lot of the things people liked about the old cyoa and Paladins in general into something original someday. Thanks /palg/!
[perform oral sex]
yooooo DOOMER here long time no see !
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I pretty much went back to playing TF2 with zero regrets. It was a better experience even before they purged all the bots. Other than that just more single player games with more complex gameplay. I tried out Deadlock but it just wasn't my thing.

Been spending more time on personal work and other things people need help with. It was fun making videos for this General and there was a lot of cool people here too but I'm glad to be able to just spend more time doing other hobbies all the same. Nice to see old faces still pop in. A lot of fun times here you just can't emulate and try to relive otherwise, That's how you know the people here were golden.
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Those were good times. You should probably check to see if Maeve's stolen your wallet.
>TF2 outlived Battleborn and Overwatch 1, and will almost certainly outlive OW2 and Paladins.
Funny how that turned out.
When Valve makes a game that's meant to last forever, you know for a fact it'll last forever, and then some.
Kinessa's about to get hard nerfed, there's no way she stays like this
Does Koga's increased healing card get affected by lifesteal item?
It shouldn't, since it's the old rejuv effect, but things like heal every 1s during agility works. If they changed how lifesteal itself works, then it might work, but the total effect will be rather weak.
I'm unsure how true healing from BLOODBATH interacts with it in practice, but in theory it shouldn't work.
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Pretty much this except I straight up quit online gaming.
Online gaming is just insufferable now, not even Tekken is safe from micro transactions and battle passes on top of being so dumbed down you can press 2 buttons to delete 60% of someone's health bar and have 1 button electrics...
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Pretty much my view on it. DLC and micro transactions have given companies excuses to release unfinished and unplayable PC breaking games at full price with DRM that literally destroys your hard drive. 90% of FPS games are rife with cheaters and aimbotters and oddly Valorant which has some of the heaviest anti cheat never sees any attention from Scrubz (wakka wakka).

Fighting games are full of no lifers who play 16 hours a day and even then when a cheater gets through there's nothing from stopping them. If I remember correctly, Tekken 5 was full of them. Don't even get me started on how esports has turned Tournaments into Orwellian freak shows of failed humans on display. Hell, even the racing games are full of cheaters and F-Zero 99 is proof of it.

Moba as a whole genre has been completely devastating to the industry and are basically poster children of battle passes and paying 30 bucks for a fucking skin. It's also normalized BRs, and other countries who don't belong in your server to not stay in their own fucking lane.

Most team based games puts you in limbo of having your Friday night ruined by being matched up with some of the most subhuman mouth breathing retards on the face of the planet unless you go in with friends. Just about all MMO, Battle Royale, massive multiplayers all have the same kind of live in the basement stoner communities of unfun people to play with. Horror games as a whole have been infantilized and relegated to jump scares and literal FNaF levels of childishness. I'm never getting a psychological and atmospheric experience like Silent Hill on the PS1 ever again.

Believe me, you're not alone in feeling that vibe with Vidya these days. The entire industry is in free fall and a crash is without a doubt in the future at this point. Honestly, the outcome of returning to single player tradition was inevitable. Don't think I don't see Quake in there king.
It outlived them because it doesn't really need to make that much money, if any. It's on life support, mostly getting some sporadic small cosmetic or events releases. It's mostly kept around out of good will and image.

Meanwhile, stuff like Overwatch needs to actually make a lot of money to be worthwhile for their parent company.
It outlived them because it's an actually good game.
what level of autism is this?
I keep forgetting how ugly some of the old characters are.
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The new Tyra avatar has the jaw of He-Man and the face of a 40-year old woman...
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Europoors are fags. All Americans are taught this at a young age, not much to think about
Nice smile and teeth. EU have always been the pioneers of man sex with men

Would receive oral from this Thai
You just know Romanova wants her to fuck her.
i'd have zero(0) problems with trannies if they all looked and thought like this
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So I decided to upload all the videos I did for /palg/ and then some because God knows Bitchute won't be around forever. All the videos contained in this link is everything from Esports/You're Out of Time all the way to the Special Broadcast Programs including all the movies and Paladins related Moonman albums/tracks.
Extras include all Intros, Outros, Eyecatches, Title cards, Random skits, Some original art/audio files, Movie Previews, In game clips etc.

Stay Golden.

Looking back 6 years through time is quite the trip. Can't believe how much fun we all used to have with this game.
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This will be one of the hardest decisions I've had to make between Io, Furia and Ying, but I choose Io and Furia
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[x] none of the above
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the fleshlight
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It's Io or nothing.
Willo was a mistake.
So, how much time do you think is left until HiRez goes out-of-business?
And when it happens, will they do the right thing and sell all of their IPs to a company that will do them right?
Depends. How long until Georgia goes bankrupt?
When smite drops to 5k players.
Lo-rez is like DSP, RWBY and cockroaches, mentally untouchable and physically unstoppable.
I'm torn between Io and Furia for my Palawaifu
When smite is no longer profitable then however is long enough time to milk any remaining whales
They're more likely get bought out by another company imho because they're funded by gobberment bucks and in the last few years they kind of invested into systematical stuff. IIRC one of their blog posts was gloating something about their stuff like "Rally Here" thingy that is like some sort of system thing that allows for other companies to take advantage of for more efficient game development, and the other thing was something like providing opportunities for smaller startups. It's been a while since I read it so I'm probably leaving alot out
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You did her dirty using that skin.
They said that, but they also haven't had any clients aside from themselves.
I'm gonna do that cleavage dirty, humina humina humina humina humina humina humina awoooooooga
Middle Schooler tail
Isnt this hebe-coded?
She's literally ten trillion years old, so no.
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How did we go from Pepper booty to this?
her ass has always been horrendous because of the need for the cape but yeah, they could've changed the model or even swapped leg models with Pepper or some shit
I realized that about the cape, but yeah she needs a BBL ASAP
Now post Willo's booty.
dont! or they will notice that her base recolors arent censored"
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A BBL for the DPS so she can be a PAWG in this FPS that's F2P but don't make her a BBW
How high FPS should a BBW equipped player maintain for peak performance?
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60 hz is the minimum, 100hz is acceptable, 120hz is nice, 144hz is good, 244hz is awesome and anything above is sexy for the patrician DPS enjoyer
What build is that Vivian running?

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