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Hunt Showdown General

WAAAAZUP hunters!
should i stay at prestige 69 or go to 100
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Prestige to 420, pussy.
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88, obviously
1-70, 90-100 badges are far less cool
fuck you
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ghost face is based on sheet ghost costumes which get their roots from a British practice of wrapping corpses in cloth that persisted up until the 1900s
the actual wailing face has been around much longer prior to the 90's with the most concrete date being 1969 with haunted mansion featuring the design and scooby doo's green ghosts
Gitthens said he based his make a ghosts/his initial personal ghostface on the practice of sheet costumes and his one of his previous masks the "screamer long jaw" from 85

Fun World claims it's based on the artpiece "The Scream", but Fun World keeps changing the script on who originally designed the mask in the first place lol
>and his one of his
had a stroke
the badges are hardly visible anymore so i dont care
i got one of my friends into this game and he picked up a spectre on the first day and refuses to play any other gun even after like 60 hours
the game has like 150 guns, i will never understand this mindset.
hey he chose one of the best, at least it's not a fuckin sparks
now you just have to teach him the value of quartermaster which he probably doesn't have, so pick up gunrunner and get him to bring a winnie or something with it
i told him to use quartermaster so he can also cover med range atleast, but he doesn't seem to understand traits, he said its too expensive but you can just sell the traits you roll and always get 6 points.
a newfag maining sparks would be more based than shotty-crutching
>want to like the 1865 carbine
i like how it sounds and looks but the velocity makes it useless beyond close range where you might aswell use better options in the same price range
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This is the kind of shit we need more of in Hunt. I hope they add a Japanese map at one point. And also ninja hunters.
we have enough japanese hunters, its time we get more black transfolx
A Japanese map with cute brothel Japanese Hunters would be heckin based a Geisha girl too
I've completely lost interest in the game, every match just feels like a chore now.
is marauders still a thing?
It's dead unfortunately
Fucking same. Knowing that penetration is all kinds of broken right now just removes all desire to log in until new weekly challenges.
they really need to bring back the maps ASAP
My ex insisted on using nothing but the lemat carbine after it came out. Needless to say, we didn't win too many fights.
Im a support character. I get no kills but my actions and assists should allow my teammates to get kills. I am the shot caller.
maybe it's because the both of you are retarded filthy homo normies
the lemat carbine slaps. It's effective on even the worst player because it comes with a consistent shotgun
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What's his endgame?
>Knowing that penetration is all kinds of broken right now
It is?
milking the game for its last drops until shutting down in 4 years
>at least 3 ghost faces in every match
gaaaaaawwwd. They should have made it like $30 dollars to milk them harder and maybe make some people change their mind before buying.
game thinks im a 4 star I just wanna chill in 3 star ffs
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Ghostface won redditor chuds lost
4 star is better if you play randoms at all
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I actually started playing CoD (MW3 (2023)) because I got a month of gamepass free with the computer I bought - y'know, to meet the new higher requirements for the fucking engine update? And I've been having a lot of fun with it. No, it doesn't meet the dopamine highs and tense moments Hunt has but queuing into hardcore gamemodes and killing people almost instantly with truly dozens of maps and close to 100 guns is tons of content. Black Ops 6 sucks cock though.

How fucking hilarious is it that Hunt is trying to get CoD players that don't even know the game exists and people like me are leaving to play less retarded games. There was nothing wrong with Hunt before the engine update, sans the Throwing Spear being way over tuned.
I got into Hunt about a year ago. The game just keeps getting better imo.
Right because removing two maps, making the game look/run worse, and making the UI universally shittier only makes the game better
You're misunderstanding, anon. Crytek isn't trying to draw NEW players to the game. They're trying to maintain their more *recently* acquired playerbase to the game that wasn't aware how good the game was before it turned to shit. They don't have that frame of reference, so they don't have any reason to be disappointed.
If the old players aren't spending money and not keeping the game financially viable why should Crytek cater to them? It costs a lot of money to run a dev team and keep the servers running. No one appeals to whiny cunts that don't spend money.
How much are you spending on Blood Bonds nigger?
>It costs a lot of money to run a dev team and keep the servers running.
How the fuck is that my problem?
Matchmaking is FUCKED
6 stars shouldn't be within 5 feet of a 3-4 star team with an AVTOMAT that doesn't miss. Cocksucker.
>have a stable playerbase
>release a new update to draw in new players
>playerbase is now lower
somehow this is good?
peak hunt was tide of shadows with the death cheat bug and 24/7 rotjaw
I think Scrapbeak release is when I was at peak enjoyment. Game still felt fresh, Scrapbeak felt like an actually different boss fighting experience.
If they spent time adding REAL content to their product instead of wasting years on their dog shit engine they might have grown the player base naturally.
At this point I'd gladly go back to 2018 before they fucked up the economy, and before they added the trade system and inertia
Anything to escape David Jewfields nightmare
Am I griefing my team by playing fill trios and not knowing fucking anything about this game other than how to point and shoot?
Of course but don't worry about it too much, anyone playing duo/trios with randoms should expect the worst anyway.
use your microphone when you load into game and let your teammates know, they'll probably guide you alone
if you don't, they're just gonna get pissed off at you doing stupid shit nonstop and leave/grief you
lot of people on the official discord that will enjoy teaching you their faggotry
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Making an ass of himself. Fucking imam looking motherfucker.
double hit some guy through wood from 2m with a slate and basically just tickled him, they better fix this crap
seems the community is finally catching on to these changes now after the ghostface complaining dies
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> Been playing Hunt for about 3-5 years now
> Uninstalled it during the August engine update because the UI was messy, complicated dogshit pandering to console players
> Reinstalled Hunt earlier tonight
> Immediately see that the UI is STILL messy, complicated dogshit pandering to console players
> Uninstall again
...Give it to me straight, bros: the pre-engine update UI is never going to come back, is it? How the fuck are new players coming to Hunt supposed to wanna play the game after wading through it's current, godawful UI with a hundred buttons and subsections?

Is Crytek retarded?
Tried ping abusing for the first time today after I got killed by one on my server. This is basically legal cheating and I won't go back until this bullshit is patched out. I'd recommend you do the same, spread the message so to speak.
Old Hunt died with 2.0, it's only downhill from here. I highly doubt Crytek can pull off an "Operation Health" like Ubisoft did with R6 Siege.
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What was so different about old Hunt?
t. started playing it this year
You using a tool for that or something? I'd like to indulge in that as well
they haven't even acknowledged how bad the UI is, they've made some shortcuts and made 'buttons more consistent in respsponse to concerns'
so heckin over
just que in a are where you have over 120 ping, you can artifiicially pump it using a VPN
Settings > Game > Choose max ping server
I get 77 ping on EU, but for some reason I'm allowed to play at 220 on EU West.
Hunt prior to 2.0 had
>less bugs (believe it or not)
>serviceable UI
>better performance
>bullet pen that actually worked
>could be played on older hardware, PS4/XB1
>better ping limit
>no "rarity" on skins
>no unnecessary crossovers (Ghostface)
>better trade window
>better matchmaking (no 6 stars in 3 star lobbies)
>better audio (got borked around a year ago)
>no beetle/remote dynamite bullshit
>all hunter skins available + tiered hunter skins
>no bullet drop (shooting felt less random)
I'm definitely forgetting a lot of small things, these are just off the top of my head.
>on NA West
The trading has gotten absolutely absurd. I played like 5 games last week and traded in every single one of them. Who the fuck approved this.
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you thought the "casualization" concerns were a meme?

>every non-free hunter can take quartermaster now
>every gun gets dumdum
>MMR changes progresses towards getting rid of matchmaking altogether
>solo necro nerf
>extremely fast burnspeed allows no more comebacks from 1 downed hunter
>bullet drop kills sniping on a map with large open views
>pistols are basically useless
>360 audio gets downgraded
>UI gets nerfed hard
>new map has tons of loud water streams and machinery ambience to kill sound awareness, involves all teams meeting in the middle 99% of the time
>maynard dumdum is a 1 shot kill with lowest spread ingame viable close-med + long range
>bullet penetration gets nerfed to hell
>kamala harris campaign hunter dlc starts
>current quartermaster becomes default slots, quartermaster becomes the gunrunner quartermaster
>melee charge attack, horses, dogcages, gunshots all get their sound range halved
>hunt dollars get removed entirely
>old t3 hunters get added as bloodbond hunters
>bullet penetration gets removed entirely besides for FMJ which only tickles through 1 wood layer
>lower KD players get a longer trade window advantage
>david fifield becomes a hunter skin
>every map gets only 4 spawn points that are the same every time, bosses only spawn in middle compounds now
>poison damage against immolators gets nerfed, now takes 15 sparks poison shots to kill an immolator, immolator now explodes when hit by poison.
>"barbed harpoon" gets added, basically a spear that you don't have to retrieve, 1 shots to body, less melee damage than spear but causes heavy bleed that 1 shots to the chest after 2 seconds, comes with "mythic" spartan spear skin, from the Meet The Spartans movie collaboration.
>the "instinct" trait effect gets added to the "witness" trait, costs 6 points instead of 5 points to make up for the buff
>concertina beetles get added
I already uninstalled and stopped playing when the update dropped
you dont have to convince me any more to drop it
>complicated dogshit pandering to console players
Console players hate it too. It's genuinely just dogshit. They did the same thing with CoD and the playerbase hated it. I think it's more aping streaming services without any real thought behind why they are designed that way and video games aren't.
>At this point I'd gladly go back to 2018 before they fucked up the economy, and before they added the trade system and inertia
Economy? Trade system? Inertia? What're those?
>current quartermaster becomes default slots, quartermaster becomes the gunrunner quartermaster
I'm optimistic, but wouldn't put it past Crytek to do this considering past trait buffs
>melee charge attack, horses, dogcages, gunshots all get their sound range halved
probably will happen, at least for female melee
>old t3 hunters get added as bloodbond hunters
next big patch
>david fifield becomes a hunter skin
Swear I saw a bearded motherfucker hunter that looked just like him
dev post talking about trades
Very nice. They should talk about ping abusers next. More than half the players on EU are Chinese.
playing on europe servers as an american is basically cheating looool
800 milisecond trade window? That's dumb as hell man no wonder the game has been shit on that. Let me guess Hunt veterans are going to cry about it being lowered because it's not like REAL Hunt.
Actually Hunt veterans are all cheering because they introduced this dogshit system in 2021, effectively ruining shotguns for years
I feel the exact way about NA servers. It feels like someone lowered the game difficulty from very hard to easy. Maybe all the people whining about ping abusers being impossible to hit are onto something.
i play on US east when its very late (3am+ in west EU), and i don't know about the 96 ping but the players are noticably different, randoms are much more talkative (i guess because they all speak english), every random teammate at the start blurts out a very reddit-like "howdy!" at the beginning and there is a lot of lame back and forth during fights with enemies. they also have a lot more meme loadouts and behave basically like 2 star at 3 star, 3 star at 4 star. even before delayed shots happen they run around like headless chickens and have no awareness.
lmfao thats some sick shit they let a 6 star aimbotter headshot only fight low level players if he queues with a 3 star. Fucking disgusting. Absolutely fucking sick and depraved.
That's been my experience in almost every single multiplayer game. NA fags have this casual culture of having fun in multiplayer games (bizarre concept, I know). Eurofags don't. They always take themselves way too seriously.
5-6 stars are now put in 3 star lobbies if they play with a 2-3 star player. Yet another braindead MMR change from Sir CoDfield hisself.
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Well gamers, it's time to game.
NA gaming sounds fun, I'm so sick of EU/RU tryhardery
i think its just because EU players dont speak english much
Yeah... Me too. Siege is basically unplayable if you're anything above gold in EU. Like I said, it's the case in pretty much every multiplayer game. There are so many cheaters too in higher ranks, and they flock to EU servers from all over the world. Arab shitholes, Russia, China, etc. A fair share of German faggots cheat too.
The retention rate of both people who try the game itself out and those who watch the streamers playing the game is fucking hilarious. They just had a massive twitch drop event and the viewer numbers of this shit game are back to 5k. People would rather watch someone play boring dogshit like Albion Online than Hunt. Nothing Crytek does, no amount of casualization and CoDification will ever make this game popular.
twitch drops dont get new players or keep players, its just crytek bribing/placating the dedicated playerbase.
they're done basically every 1.5 month now during the battlepass schedules, they'll probably tease new DLC hunter again after halloween BP ends, ghostface came very early for a dlc hunter.
i think trying to grow the game is retarded to begin with, shortly after release games dont really grow anymore, especially FPS/multiplayer ones, and hunt is already too niche for normies. its not destined to be popular or profitable at its core.
same in NA, 6 star is hacker and ping abuser hell"
but there might be enough less that 5 star is peaceful
>crytek bribing/placating the dedicated playerbase.
it's actually insulting to the dedicated playerbase, the skins are redundant trash
>no amount of casualization and CoDification will ever make this game popular.
it does the opposite, it makes the loyal fanbase you already cultivated leave
I havent even launched the game in months
Now that Hunt of Duty is kill, what's everyone moving on to?
i've just been watching shitty tv and playing dave the diver :\
real life, i dont play other games and regret getting addicted to this piece of shit a few years ago, hopefully they don't fix it.
that’s not true you were just playing Darktide
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'been' is past tense faggot
joke is i literally haven't played hunt after playing it 30hours a week for 5 years cause it's gotten that bad, the only exceptions being vacations
the fucked part is i'm pretty sure if i just started hunt today I would have a great time cause I wouldn't have watched and experienced this deterioration :(
>3 man randoms
>no mics
>fresh free hunter with 1865 and conversion
>arrive at healing waters church, spider there, another 3man already there
>both teammates die fast and far away
>1v3 until a 3rd team shows up and makes it a 1v3v3
>I win with 7 downs
Literally ran out of ammo and medkits and had to go resupply from a nearby wagon when it was 1v1v3, came back to just 3man up and got 4 downs on them without taking a hit. Finished spider off with 4 rounds left in my rifle and pistol.
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I've sank like 5k into Flesh & Blood TCG
anyone in Hunt:underground have the leaked bios for the current T2 / T3 bloodbond hunters?
I've been playing the finals
It's pretty fun nowadays desu
Who is that man and why does he treat goats the way that he does?
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are they suggesting kill your bullies?
pretty much every hunter with a bio is some kind of psychopathic or schizophrenic serial killer so maybe not
how many times do you need to die to downrank cause I sure as fuck aint downranking
Yall who sit outside a compound with a compound team sitting inside for 30-40 mins straight are touched in the head m8
imagine you're a mid five star, never get any kills
>die to 6 star 20 times, don't derank
>die to 5 star 5 times, derank
>die to 4 star 2 times, derank
>die to 3 star, derank
something like that
now imagine being 6 star and your lobbies are only six stars, lol fuck you
They are his wives. Show some respect.
I'm conflicted
On one hand I kinda miss Lawson and Desalle
On the other hand I really don't miss fighting in both prisons, absolutely cancerous compounds both of them
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>Crickets when it comes to Chinese cheaters ruining the game
Hrmmmmm. Hmmmm. HMMMMMM. Literally nothing matters when chinamen can get 40-100 prestiges using walls and fmj snipers from 200 meters away.
Merely bringing up China in any negative context in the Hunt discord is considered a crime. You can say stuff like "I'm tired of high ping Chinese ping abusers playing on European/American servers" - a factual statement that merely expresses your frustration with the state of things, and they'll remove your post for "xenophobia".
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are you still playing?
no, i'll consider it when the maps are back (and functional) and they revert the bullet pen changes.
I’ll take the prison and pelican island over the dogshit vertical funhouses that are 60% of Mammoth Gulch. At least you can call out definitive areas on those compounds because they’re small enough, but Gulch compounds are so big and confusing that you can’t really give well informed call outs
mammon's made pushing completely RNG to make the game more cod-like, i said this when they first showed the map and revealed bulletdrop. i was right about everything that happened since the 1896 update.
also keep in mind that mammon is mostly rock outside of compounds, and the compounds themselves are mostly metal sheets which can't be penetrated anymore.
Erm... but they worked really hard on that map chud?? Are you seriously telling me you'd rather play the same 3 maps *forever*??
>inb4 they took away two of the old maps!!
Uh, yeah... they were *old*. And only had normal buildings. Who wants to fight in a bank? Or a plantation house? Real gamers want to fight in entire oil fields or hunting lodges the size of a city block.
also the old weather conditions aren't back either, i actually liked those even though most people don't. i miss thundershower and even ashbloom.
I like how the only arguments in favor of the new map are
>It's new
>It looks pretty
>More entrances and hiding places good because no more stalemates!
Which completely missed the point of the original design philosophy of the game. If they don't peek windows, you know they have traps and shotguns, the only real solution is to attempt to breach with throwables or stage an ambush somewhere else. That's quite literally what made Hunt different because you had the option to just use the map to your advantage. Shit, the fact that the map is in *Colorado* misses the point of Hunt in general. Fuck Crytek man, I used to be so into this game.
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Did they fix bullet pen yet?
its intentional, they won't change it, instead they'll make a dev video response explaining why its a good thing so the asskissers will drown out peoples complaints and you forget about it
Not even their beloved streamers can save them
I'm pretty sure the original dev team is long gone
and then both teams sit for 30 mins straight in a corner because the outside team wants to snipe and the inside team wants to hide. Very fun gameplay. Maybe I can wallbang one or two in those 30 mins!
haha yeah
i think the original goal of this game was to create a niche of esports for the extraction genre, with weird code that is hard to mess with, but that plan didn't work out and then they just outsourced everything and attempted to make the game increasingly more marketable over the years, to devs that have no talent at all.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WOV8sjg3QQ i'm hoping this will turn out to be a good substitute, but itll probably take ages to release
Yes the game made by Chinese will surely take cheaters and Chinese Cheating seriously.
What are you talking about? Hunger is being made by the original devs of Hell let loose, they're Australian
found the crytek employee
Lost all will to play this not on weekends. They need to hurry the fuck up and put bounty clash as a permanent thing not this limited weekly shit. Not touching Hunt until they do. Bounty Hunt is just too boring.
no and I will never touch this trash heap again
Until they fix the cuck gameplay, the game will keep declining.
100% of the time, the niggers that are sitting stil and holding an angle are the ones in favored winning position, and you just can't have that in a game.
You can't have people that are actually PLAYING the game by moving around and trying to find angles be punished for PLAYING, while some cuck nigger is not.
Dogshit game, deluded devs, mongoloid community.
But the new map encourages pushing because there are multiple entrances and many of them are without doors that have to be opened to alert defenders.
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thousands of hours later
cheater detected
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Was just thinking about playing this game again for the first time in months, but these posts killed it for me. My shitty laptop could barely run the game prior to the update so it's practically unplayable now anyway. Can't believe they STILL haven't fixed the fucking UI. Who's the space cadet that thought adding MORE buttons to an already bloated UI was the solution? The game was buggy as shit last time I played anyway, no hyperbole when I say last I remember I had constant graphical and audio bugs that made the game nigh unplayable. The new map is gay anyways.
This guy looks cool, how much were they? I really don't like the other oriental skins, but this guy actually looks like they actually belong. Like an actual foreign beast hunter. The majority of the skins being so DEI libtard ugly makes me sad. How hard is it to make a cowboy?
meant to reply to >>1486851 instead of >1487293
digits confirm never playing this retarded game again
>This guy looks cool, how much were they?
Part of the season pass which costs 1000 huntbux (you earn about 600 back if you progress it enough)
I like these 2 because their lore specifically states they were loyal to the Shogun during the Meiji Restoration and only came to America out of desperation. Ronin is even dressed up as a Shinsengumi samurai a special police unit at the time that were loyal to the shogun
who cares about the lore captain price and Soap are gonna show up next month
>captain price and Soap are gonna show up next month
Dare I say based?
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>How hard is it to make a cowboy?
Funny you say that because I think they’re realizing people don’t give a shit about their over designed OCs, because they added some more normal-looking premium hunters recently to compensate for them removing the majority of the tier 2 hunters - still have to buy them with bloodbonds though :^)
I’m personally exhausted with the fascination with tattoos. Another Moses family member is fine but why the fuck does some Louisiana redneck have so much ink in a time period where tattoos were exceptionally rare?
>Shit, the fact that the map is in *Colorado* misses the point of Hunt in general.
I feel this in my soul, imagine fucking your brand’s identity this hard
Another game is also whoring ghostface
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Is grenade velocity going through windows fucked? I threw a frag out a window and it basically landed at my feet after I cooked it
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The perfect loadout.......
*headshots u from 300 m*
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I can't even enjoy this game solo and drunk anymore. It's vehemently different.
Have a cry about it and go find some other game general to shit up
Erm... but /vm/ doesn't have generals...
Lmao. Imagine traveling back in time to 2008 and showing CoD gamers that image.
It would be dope as fuck to play as the teletubbies in CoD Power Rangers DBZ Pokemon all the classics
>Romero tools and consumables
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No one mentioning that little red looks like a Caesar's legion warrior from New Vegas
>friends drag me into a game
>using 1865 Carbine
>enemy cooking grenade on the other side of the wall
>wallbang them based entirely off the sound of the fuse
goddamn it don’t honeydick me back into playing this dogshit
Lmfao. I can 100% see it. And here I was sitting and thinking, why the fuck do I use this bitch so much now. It all makes sense now. Ave to kaisar.
lawson delta was said to be in december by some official on reddit, don't have the pic though.
Do we want bullet pen increased or reduced?
>t. played Hunt on and off a few years but never seriously
it was good the way it was
What exactly changed about bullet pen? My buddy got tagged through the corner of a brick wall and I got a wallbang that killed someone from 100-125 to the body with an 1865 through light wood, but I’ve seen the Mosin video through metal too.
In what way
ive never seen a single complaint about it, they just randomly nerfed some long ammo and slugs for no reason.
>one of the best aspects of hunt showdown
now it takes 4 long ammo body shots point blank through a wall to kill someone
pen essentially doesn't exist anymore unless it's a headshot
playing off audio and visual ques through compounds meant tosmething
shooting people through walls is lame as fuck and for pussies easily the worst thing about hunt that they fixed
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lmao you have no sense of kino
>game notable for auditory system
>use it to shoot people through walls
hes right its for peopel who have no honour or creativity
Massive, massive skill issue.
mammon's is like 80% clutter, the compounds have like 7 entries but only 1 or 2 ever get used because theres no way to slip into a different one without them knowing, or being rewarded for taking a different path in the first place cause its all rock corridors. every non-obvious path gets filled with traps that do more damage now and its almost impossible to locate a team inside a compound before going in if they sit still now even if you throw all your consumables inside.
whats with the super faggy beetle play in bounty clash now? every team seems to wait at spawn now throwing beetles at eachother.
Sounds like a skill issue.
skill issue
I've been shot through walls maybe less than 10 times in my 1k hours in Hunt lmao.
it happens past 3 star shitter territory and outside of the worst map in the game (mammy's cunt)
you're also missing out hard if you arent trying to wallbang and using FMJ, its risk-free especially with long ammo when you roughly know the spot to aim for, also very fun with fanning and levering.
i get wallbangs all the time.
I can't tell where people are exactly in a building and I don't have wallhacks, sorry. And after the latest big update the sound is now worse than it's ever been.
if you shot someone or missed a shot, and they run past a wall you're free to gamble on a shot while they're running, usually you can easily predict where they'll be running to, in 3 star theres also a ton of re-peeking windows and you can just shoot next to the window where they're sitting like retards. if you use any spammy weapon with fmj you can just spray any wooden wall a guy runs behind close-by. if you have darksight you do have wallhacks. also you can't tell me you never had these situations where some guy is audibly walking above your head or behind some other wall while you're both aware of eachothers presence.
if you're in lower ranks try using the winfield with 15 round mag, levering with fmj, or use dual conversion fmj if you have quartermaster and be very aggressive with these, they're both very underrated unless you're in 5*+ where everyone either headshots half the time or runs shotguns.
if someone is behind any wood at all just spam through it.
>you can't tell me you never had these situations where some guy is audibly walking above your head
This happens a lot, and I aim exactly where I hear them, shoot and nothing happens. I got a kill through the floor 2 or 3 times max. And that was pre pen nerf too.
skill issue
Well, never said it wasn't, but I think it's a faggy way to play anyway and I never wanted to get good at it.
its literally a core aspect of the game, with different tiers of wall, bullet size, and the sound.
just take the compact ammo weapons with fmj and spam it while playing aggressively, it works in 3 star if you push a lot and is fun. it sounds like you sit in the back a lot doing nothing if you don't get situations where people are running around corners and doors where this comes into play a lot.
im in the same boat
unless some balding giganigger has a skin with a long coat where it clips through the floor, i shoot where i think i hear them and nothing happens, it's an annoying way to play the game, and mostly because of the faggy verticality.
at least when you get these rare moments in the dumpster low-iq faggot MMR, there is always some IRC (insta-rezz cuck) nigger that goes to his kikey faggotmate that you just scammed through the floor and you get to down that dumb nigger instantly again.
it's not fun, it's just schadenfreude at this point, you get to redskull some niggerfaggot because his low-iq niggermate is an IRC, but it's not a fun way to play the game
they're usually free shots to take, the only thing you lose if you miss is 1 bullet if using long ammo, there are a lot of situations where the enemy is somewhat visible through very thin fencing/doors etc too, really sounds like you played this game less than like 50 hours and never push or get pushed ever.
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this has been giving me like a 90% win rate in random trios, flare can be swapped with alert trip, throwables can be swapped but hellfire will basically give you the win if you manage to hit one. krag is so fucking good now you don't really need anything else, bayonet is good enough for every boss, choke bolts are severely underrated for pressure and carrying retards.
revive bolts speak for itself, its atleast as good as pre-nerf necro, the instant revive makes up for not being able to revive through walls.
Is the charm on the hand crossbow essential to the build?
Yes it gives 10+ to luck and ingenuity
yes, also copy the exact skins or it wont work, they blend in with the maps. i'm not giving the hunter away because i don't want to help my competition too much.
Don't tell anyone ghostface gives a +20 to skill and enemy seethe
krag is the best rifle in game now by far, with the bayonet you outplay a lot katanashitters aswell, the fire rate with the non-existent recoil is just retarded
The best gun is winfield with headshots
krag has the same recoil, and i think even faster fire rate with iron eye, higher velocity, and damage retention, does 126, faster reload if you talk the base winfield. i think this is better than mosin at this point unless you want spitzer and long range coward playing, i never hit shit with the mosin sights anyway. follow-up shots are insane with krag at any distance
mosin was never good without spitzer
it's one of the few guns that you don't want iron eye on, because it has such an abyssmal cycling time that you can easily die from getting locked in the slow animation, you only it with quickswap
I wouldn't say krag powercreeps winfield because winfield still has higher firerate and much more ammo
But crag completely shits all over vetterli, it doesn't even benefit from iron eye because animation is broken and even though you can shoot before it ends, you can't aim
pooh shiesty and mammons gulch linked up! banish or extract it?
>But crag completely shits all over vetterli
Everything shits all over the vetterli, ever since they nerfed the damage on hv I haven't seen it once
Everyone's joking about a Nicki Minaj DLC. But that shit seems more and more likely by the minute. How can you be more out of touch with your playerbase? Jeez.
>"love what you done with the game"
>saying that to an esports faggot who joined not too long ago after ruining Hi-Rez's Paladins/Realm Royale and continued to make Hunt worse
this entire video is a joke
i understand where Post is coming from saying "oh it would be cool to keep some bullets in the fingers for Springfield" but realistically this is just turning the game more and more into CoD with more and more rapid-fire guns
Skike Lushitier is just a detriment to the game, much like Dafat Baldfield
holy cringe
iron eye krag is so fast i think its basically as fast as winfield, i dont want to test it but it feels faster than the centennial atleast. i really think its the best rifle now, spitzer will probably become in-game loot only so krag is going to be meta.
Hunt is dead, unironically. It cannot be more over than this until I see Mario goomba stomping a grunt.

>Skike Lushitier
Who? What's his real name? I know who Fatfield is, fuck him, but I don't know who you're referring to. He worked at Hi Rez? Grim.
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Yeah it's that faggotfaced grifter in the video on the left
all those retarded suggestions hes talking about arent real things that are coming right? they're not entertaining it, just listening to his dogshit takes.
i know post malone played with some hunt streamers a while ago already, this is just random "hes in town, lets do a dumbass video for exposure".
this guy was an esports fag? how dogshit of a timeline we're in
> Ghostface
> Post Malone
They have the lesser known Midas' second touch, the Fecal Touch
Brace for the impending diarrhea
All the niggardry warning signs are already here

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