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Thread for the Third Person, Third Biggest MOBA, based on various World Mythologies.

FACT: The 4chan clan is [SmGen]: Smite Gen Plus! All new players are welcome!
Most members are on around 10pm-4am UTC+0 (esp. Saturday). Party up with anyone you can find.
Post funny clips if you're feeling cute. Original content is encouraged!
Regulars usually talk / LFG in-thread, don't mind them.


>>Currently in Closed Paypig Alpha
>>Free access if you're not a retard (but why would you want to?)
>>Two unnecessarily remade Godtoons planned every 3 weeks
>>Five total new Godtoons before the formal release at 50 in mid 2025
>>Roadmap planned for 100 by late 2026
>>Finishing catchup of 135+ by ~2027
>>Basically, it's fucked

>New Player Guide + Splash Art Gallery



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jing wei (in hd)
Hel (my wife) looks so cute
what godtoon is behind loki
but that's her shi1 model
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You will buy last gasp. by last gasp, I of course mean my last gasp as ix chel farts in my face.
>Latches onto you
>"Take your last breath."
She''s the goddess of venom, so you know that stuff's toxic.
Is she in Smite 2 yet
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at first I was like
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but then I was like
It's assault or nothing.
They're both shit. Smite 1's map is overstuffed with random crap because hirez thinks more stuff = more depth, and SHITE2's map looks like it was generated from with random noise and oilified. Neither of them have any structure anymore.
Flat Toon
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Bloat map. Take me back to season 4 instead.
Is Hirez gonna die before they finish Smite 2?
Hirez has infinite money so that's not a real risk. The CEO is a trust fund baby who has funded them out of pocket before when Tribes failed. Smite 1 was the first time they actually made money as a company.
I'd say it's possible they go under. They're clearly hurting financially, since they said they needed to make Smite 2 when they made it to survive.
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hey guys ive been cooking a merlin build, what do you think?
I think you should try smite 2
proggs :D
alright time to gank the solo
*he blinks away*
alright time to gank middle lane
*he blinks away*
from now on i will only be ganking duo.


Do you reckon war flag procs last gasp.
Maybe. Even if they don't, they'll probably sunset all games that aren't smite 2 in order to survive.
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made a new firend (thingsthe wubbster will never know tfw of bc hes no in the clan)
he's welcome o hop on during pubstoms (you kno who your ar, with thtis epic subtle reference)
let me guess, another egirl who is actually a man?
This never happened.
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Nice to know this slop format Isn't exclusive to SMITE.
That wouldn't stop him from proccing.
Oh god, I'm close... I think I'm gonna...
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No more proofs, Will
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Dont care still not playing SHI2 or buying diamondgembucktoons
You wouldn't proc Scylla, would you?
Im range banned from posting images rn but I would
I'd proc her Mantle of Discord if you know what I mean
Hell no, but Jing Wei on the other hand...
agni rework looking particularly shit
>shield of spoiler][/spoiler]thorns / curseweaver / sands of time new art
shitbuild too
What if Jing Wei had a futa dick?
We need more Gallon... and Genlog...posts.
Then she would be called Jing Weiner
Slime can we not?
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>start the game 07/2 (enemies full damage noobis suppor t and i gotta eat some wraps to keep the adctoon safe) (it'sa hard job, but someone gotta do it)
>everyon down in the dumps
>crack a phat joke
>everyone stil lhatesme bu wr dodge the surrender
>congraulate everyone on hier kills
>make phat calls on who's arriving at what lane
>se up a fukkin arsome quadra
>20 minutes later, winn
>everyone thinks they were the one who carried the team (bu t really, it was a team effort ;) )
the moral of the story: menalstate wins games

This never happened.
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any godtoons for this song?
>still no text chat
>another non-adc mage turned into a fake-adc
The Morrigan 2 is the worst god in smite 2 and a downgrade in every way buggy unsatisfying fuck why would lermy do this
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nah i'm good
i feel obligtedto play more than i really should when i' mpartying, and i've got things to do toniget (like yo momma LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOl)

aprreciate the gesture
Chronos with the Chronos64 skin
It's an alpha, just like tribes 3.
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why aren't we halloween theme?
works on my machine
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Only after I made the post. Maybe it only turns on for threads posted in during Halloween....

Post some spooky art anyways.
This is a no fun allowed genera- thread.
Srry Im still range banned so I cant
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This is just sad.
It's ok they banned all the toxic players so now SMITE can flourish.
don't care about what other niggers are doing
fuck off back to your wannabe threadmerge
i will continue to play smite
I'm gonna play dragon age: spectacular launch failure guard for two hours so I can write a mean review, and then I'm gonna refund in and smite 2.
Dont care

I'm still not playing Deadlock or Marvel Rivals
As long as you can still find games it doesn't matter. It's not like this game has functional matchmaking anyway.
Dont care still not playing Paladins or posting in hrzg
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andromeda was one of the biggest shitshows ever and somehow people still thought bioware can make a good game, i simply dont get it mane
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People truly believe that there'll be good things following bad.
It's because the Golden Age of Bioware was so golden.
Shit's like people still respecting Greece & Egypt as cultural powers to this day, despite the Christian and Muslim Conquests going out of their way to destroy as much of it as possible.
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>Will not be at pubs this weekend, MonHunWilds Open Beta is going to be on.
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Happy Halloween
Be sure to get your complementary Banshee Blowjob.
Cliodhna porn??? Where? Where Cliodhna porn??
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im not telling
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how about now?
Is it mint flavored or just dyed green?
green food coloringmaxxed
yeah no, find it on your own
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This is offensive towards black members of /smgen/ such as wubb. Please delete the image.
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im white, chang
Its okay for you to be black wubb. You are accepeted her despite the fact.
I will now be commissioning cliohdhna porn.
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>commissioning CP
Assuming this is true, based.
She's kinda cute when she doesn't have the evil banshee look.
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I've returned from my 3 day. Again.
its muscle
Dolize gets banned on reddit. Dolize gets banned on smite. Dolzie gets banned kn 4chan. Yet he always manages to come back unlike altpaki.
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>decide to play Cthulhu duel
>against a medusa, not so terrible
>ignore defense and goes full life steal
> she builds double D as last 2 items
>camps tower until she gets BDK
>my titan at half hp
>she surrenders on her 8th death

Guardian duel chads rise up. Managed to get 60 stacks of tablet of destinies, they hit her for 100+ damage, Cthulult is nasty with it.
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wait did she go full lifesteal or you? Your grammar makes it ambiguous.
her, farmed her early and mid easily, then she got double D
He's much more fun to watch, so he gets a pass.
Dragon age fell to 40k players already. I guess people are busy playing the monster hunter beta demo, and maybe some of them are in smite 2.
Don't care still not playing dragon age, monster hunter, or smite 2.
madam please this is the smite thread
corpofaggotry belongs in hrzpalanig general
Raptor has turned and left me here
Just where I was before he appeared
And in his place wubb's shitty assault games
Has filled the place behind my mmr
It's time hirez admits they were out of line banning AltBlue and hold a public meeting to apologize.
why doesnt altpaki make more accounts to play on while his ban expires like dolize does? is he stupid?
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>It's time hirez admits they were out of line banning AltBlue and hold a public meeting to apologize.
We're on osrs doing raids waiting for you
He's right. The game cannot survive without the top SMITE player with the biggest community.
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you WILL play SMITE 2.
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after 4 weeks of dodging the questions, the west has fallen
random piece of white cloth for no reason??? is it a diaper??
ugh I know but I'm just not going to play it is all
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Don't care still not playing SHITE 2.
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Updated for modern audiences.
Looks better.
wow they were really out for blood with aphro
>le classic was well liked!
it wasn't, it wa worse and this literally covers up all her skin visibility from behind like a fuckin backward-facing burkha.
not playing it btw. hope appealing to the combined 200 player playerbase on leddit was worth it.
Why did they put a second loincloth under the first?
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It's because It's pay 2 p-play!!!!! (Let's ignore that they've been handing out a billion codes for free)
My thoughts are that you're not getting the attention you want in your dogshit wannabe thread merge, and we should start reporting you of offtopic (hypothetically)
meant for >>1488774
>post smite numbers.
If I streamed SMITE right now I would be the trop streamer.
>is an obvious derailing offtopic nigger with history
>brings up the same fucking points over and over, to the same replies
Shut the fuck up, you raging sperglord.
Chris gets really upset when you show him the steam numbers guys.
And why is that?
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We just don't know.
How would your stream be better than the others
I would be sexist and racist. I would tell my teammates to kill themselves at every opportunity. I would let the voices win and talk with no filter.
Because you spam it nearly every day and nobody here even play shit 2,
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I will keep posting smite and smite 2 shit in the smite thread, and there's nothing you can do about it.
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Now it's even sadder.
AltBlue can we not
Yeah maybe I'm just stupid but I liked the current Aphro design more.
Sometimes they overdesign the characters. It's why I prefer default serqet to her T2.
Honestly if hirez payed AltBlue 2,000,000 pound right now he could save SMITE.
altblue already weighs 2,000,000 pounds
What could be possibly do that would save SMITE?
uh oh altpaki melty
Altpaki will save SMITE.
Bros I feel like streaming getting perma'd. Would you watch.
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cute shotatoon
cute girltoon*
Charbdys is fish, therefore she's a girl
how does that logic work
charybdis cloaca.....
set up a time far enough in advance and ill let you know if i can make it
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not even whales will have enough to unlock the entire roster, this is a highly jewish technique
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>900 gemcoins to unlock a god.
wow <3. i love video games
now show me the diamondbucks price for skins
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I want to fuck this.
Cute long haired boy. His strong facial features kinda ruin it though
I want to fuck Fenrir.
It's time hirez apologizes for banning AltBlue.
It's time lorez apologizes for creating SHI2.
It's time to buy gemcoindiamondbucktoons.
It's time altBlue announces his return to hand of the gods.
Holy fuck I could actually probably remake Hand of the Gods. Wait no way do we. That could be bussin.
I would play hand of the toon gods, at least for a little bit.
It's time lorez announces their return to developing SMITE.
It's time SMITE announces their return to developing lorez
Post some fucking gameplay videos.
It's time to post some fucking SMITE2 gameplay videos.
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Why do you always post the numbers you get in the early hours in the morning, as if you're making some huge grandstand statement that's convincing a thread that's already told you to fuck off.
>stop posting about games! REEE!
Because it's almost like that's when I'm browsing this not-general, that has zero discussion about either of the games it's purported to be about.

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you're not posting about playing online multiplayer games, you're posting about numbers for the XXth time.
It’s an alpha
He spams the charts in the middle of the night like clockwork.
uh oh melty
uh oh smite 2
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Uh oh, altblue made a post again
sugoi uwu Fafnir-kun desu
If I won a million dollars I'd host the EU SMITE LAN.
and that's why you'd need to win a mil, since you'd never make a mil.
You won't win a million dollars so how about you try getting a job and stop donating money to vtubers first?
Vtubers are the only thing keeping half this genera- thread's posters alive.
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Pretty sure you posted this in the wrong thread pal
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>but Dolize and altPaki are perfectly fine, and always on topic.
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janny took offense that i suggested someone in their late 30s should have a family
Lol u mad
Name the current VN you're reading NOW.
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time to go nutz
>hrziggers have resorted to posting cropped child pornography

Dont care still not posting in your off-topic shitposting general
Dolize get banned 50% of the time he posts and he's rotting with 3 days almost every week though
>He doesn't know
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gg's malcazar
nevver let a chud bring you down
i hate getting pussy.

nothing more disappointing than a cute girl inviting you over to her place to play chess when all she wants to do is fuck.

women do not blue-ball anymore. i want to chase you for 3 months and feel like having sex with you is the last time every time. it’s much more fun doing things while imagining fucking each other the entire time. i want it to feel like you’re punishing yourself by fucking me, like you’re doing me a favor.

i was getting my dick sucked and literally the only thing i could think of is like wow this is so gay and not fun, put your goofy tits and stinky pussy away. i barely know you.
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my love for sol is like a truck
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Can't believe how many ultra high quality posts were made since I last posted the steam numbers.
I'll host an EU LAN in my bedroom and it will be epic.
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Thanks Crazy. Check out Paul Allen's card.
Will they ever add any new content to SMITE?
It's almost as if we're on a board which doesn't need a bump every 10 minutes, so there's no urgency to force a conversation.
It's almost like there should be some kind of engagement in the game, instead of CP posting.
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Post the Nox taunt.
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A relic from a more civilized age.
Can't play a game of SMITE 1 without a player toon leaving. It's genuinely over.
Dolize using his mom's pc to ai generate cp and wonders why she kicked him out of the house
I am owed pubs this weekend. If I dont get them I'll hurt myself.
we went on a small pub crawl yesterday (me and my new friend(
this never happened
What if Dolize isn't real, and we're actually playing with his mom?
So are they still updating this game or are they gonna stop since they're making that sequel nobody likes
They'll update it, but no new content is being made.
So essentially the game is on life support?
If the game was on life support it would at least be breathing.
They said they'd add no further gods to SMITE after they added Nut, and so far they haven't added any.
No wonder all the e celebs left then. The game has no room for growth and the sequel is rancid.
B-b-but muh crossgen goypasses...
Why is she wearing diapers?
it is. buy the crossgen pass
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The last few times in the span of few days that I've been playing SM1, I face annoying lag that I don't notice when I'm browsing, downloading or playing other MP games. Could it be due to the infamous lo-rez servers (now also on maintenance due to SM2)? Or could it be something from me?
Playing from EU.
>nerfed tits
>covered ass
thanks god i didn't played this shit
It's not impossible that it's on your end, but it's probably low rez's servers. They probably cut them back at the start of the month or something.
so when are they fixing the fact that only half your kit will be viable no matter the build when playing shi2
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>when playing shi2
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I can fix her
She needs me to impregnate her so much.
how many abortions has lermy had?
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i can heal her

lets just say cliodhna's ult has inspiration
>and I just laughed...
lol deserved
jesus christ ill never see clioh the same again
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Look lermy had sex in her youth but we ALL do that, real virginity doesnt activate until you turn 18, and lermy still has that. and thats what matters.
Dumb slut needs to have the stupid bred out of her.
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It's over...
A million peoples votes don't matter that's crazy actually.
Democracy, baby.
jing wei
Leave Lermy alone, she's done nothing wrong.
True actually.
>someone got banned again
/smgen/ sisters...why are we always persecuted...
Bros I cannot be arsed learning all the STR/INT/PROT abilities in SMITE 2. I think I'll boot up SMITE 1 and play mitigation bellona instead.
Chuds need to realize that this isnt /vg/ anymore and they cant get away with their shitposting.
might be on later tonight if im'm feeling it idk
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Izanami 1 now applies a stacking bleed.
3 has a movespeed boost
4 applies a fading slow
naturally she has has int scaling in the prockit so when your adc is incapable of killing tanks dont be shocked to find out shes a mage, actually

khepri 1 has more left/right movement when you grab someone
2 has a delayed explosion at the end of its range
gain 2 of each prot for each toon you revive

Nemesis now has int scaling on 3 of her her abilities. such innovation

if you reply DCSNPS2 to this post ill fucking get you by the way
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Both of my hirez concubines are having melties... needing correction....
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I'm still not playing SHITE2 by the way
Going to impregnate these mothers-to-be with my white seed and force them to further the 1488.
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I will finish... what he started....
I think smite might have the best feet in the moba genre
don't care still not playing shi2
jing wei2
>can't have the literal goddess of sex be too lewd :^)
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delete this
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Mitigation bellona is actually pretty fun. You don't need Deaths toll to infinite pull the fg you can do it with just equinox.
Too much CP.
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"wE sHOulD nErF sUPpoRT sTaRteRs tO oNLy giVe gOLd iF hAvE tHe LoWeSt gOlD oN yOUr tEaM" - Actual quote by an honest to god hirez SMITE developer.
Yeah, I'm thinking hirez are based after all.
Proof hirez hates good players.
>steal every kill from your carries
>get punished
>how cood dis happen???? durr
Typical fatass killstealing support tranny. Why would you need MORE gold after leeching off your adc all game?
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Explain to me how It's fair I get matched up against the same 5-man queue twice in a row?
just gitgud nd kill all of them at once yourself
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>immediately reque
>have the same MMR +- minor changes
>get the same matchamaking
a jubilacious 5 stack is more likely to be socially adjusted and have a job, thus be more likely to buy gems than a loner basement dweller who never buys gems. this was a hard pill to swallow but making fair queues was never the objective.
jubilacious proc
You had the opportunity to run it back with the smgen 5 stack but refused
They wouldn't because half the regulars got banned in game or are banned from 4chan
this never happend
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Worth it.
Post a jubalicious proc
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Will there be jubalicious pubs later today?
FACT: I will be playing Monster Hunter so I will not be able to make it to the jubilacious party.
Can you at least lie and tell us you're playing a good game instead
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Thanks It's still useless.
damn...so this is the power of post shi2 updates...
Tommorow. Trust the plan.
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what the fuck did they do to aphrodite
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for comparison's sake here's what her original smite 2 model looked like (it's no longer in the game's files as of the latest PTS update)
Why does she have man shoulders.
Don't care still not playing SHITE 2.
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Why are magetoons so bad? Whenever I'm forced to play them I have the urge to throw.
The only mage you need is support baron samedi
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not looking good for shi2 faggots

we are so fvcking back
why is no one online?
why is no one online?
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get online
get online
get online
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Good luck!
Get buzzed!
assault makes me want to kill myself
Mages are the retard's choice so thats why or something
If their skills are on cooldown they don't exist
If they're out of mana they don't exist
Warriors and guardians are at least phat, and Assassins and Hunters do good damage even without mana or skills.
>T. Cthulu player
Hate it when I blind pick an ability toon and I'm against a tank toon like C'thulhu that demands qinns.
If anyone is a plays regularly and needs a +1, add Malcolm(Maicoim) in from the clan list. I'm on most days and down to proc.

Also will be on today at around 5pm est
jubilacious proctoon
jubilacious pubs
Rumor has it Erlang Shen is getting a voice change.
What % of players think this is a good idea, and is it above 96%?
Can't get the original?
heartseeker retard

aren't they pausing development for smite? why would they change erlang and nothing else?
I meant in smite 2
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and am i suppsoed care about shi2? as long as the original (as godtoon intended) is untouched, who giveth a phuck. nothing wrong with rlang, he's fine, just more shi2 busybodies chaning shit that a loud minority whined about.
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Betrayal...There are no pubs...
hopping won now
I will be home in an hour
Sorry Im finishing my yearly VTMB playthrough so youre on your own.
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online = check
snakcs = soup + lemon rizzle + tangerine
comfy = defintiely
goypass = needs finiishing
ready to prock = affrimaive
jubilacious pubtoon
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>brand new gallon of milk
>bacon cheesebread
>root beer candy
>minor brain damage
>obelisk is active
waiting for invproc
playing one without you littlescylla
jubilacious party
jubilacious procs
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>warrior against single damage type
>die 6 times
time to put on animal i have become 1 hour gym motivation version
what if ne zha spammed vgs for 40 minutes
they lag switch raijin taunt comboed me
what if your tank spammed vel all game
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jing wei paizuri
i want those two greasy pancakes in (and around) my mouth
They should do a crossover with Digimon. I think with both franchises being nearly dead they would sync up together.
Do you think uncapped cdr will go nuts on Discordia when she's added to Smite 2?
Are there even enough proc items for her in SMITE 2.
they cant afford crossover stuff anymore since shi2 has been killing Lorez. They couldnt even afford to have a bunch of devs anymore and fired all the oldguard.
that's not what I asked
some of my fondest memories on Smite are going discordia and just rolling my face on the keyboard
For me It's building no cdr and all proc items then using her 3 to give you the cooldown you are not build.
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but what about when your 3 is on cooldown?
I'm a Jungle fight enjoyer. I just 1 over the wall then run away.
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I hope they add weedmon
This is wubb when he cant play assault
Let's all love conquest.
From now on we are only going to queue slash and assault.
...and conquest.
updated for modern audiences
susasno and aphro both got nerfed in the same patch for smite 1 :)
From now on we are only going to queue joust and arena.
...And SMITE!
Bros SMITE 2 is simply too complicated.
The official SMITE Reddit opinion is that the low playercount doesnt matter because everyone is waiting for SMITE 2 to launch properly. Is this true?
copium, methinks, i concur
We are the last SMITE players on earth.
>the smite dev team exists to serve us and only us
b....based..... s-so fvvvvvcking bassste....
Why does my team always persecute me for playing Lancelot
because you buy defense on him
Would you let her finger your butt?
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I would saw her head off and eat it.
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Who the fuck is Suhlayer?
Is this Lermy?
ligma balls
I will now buy Diamondbux and play SMITE2.
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SMITE 1 has more build variety than SMITE 2. (SMITE 2 was created with the idea of build variety in mind)
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>you cant force a meta
shocking truth!
>you cant force me to care about shi2
shocking 2th!
Where's the fucking frag videos?
as whomst
Baba Yaga.
I created a new build for King Arthur. Might make some clips of it tomorrow.
Can't wait.
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Gallon. Raptor. Wubb. Genlog.
Post clips for me now now now now now!
Is it bad that as soon as I sent the message "based" I realized OH NO WAIT IM NOT SUPPOSED TO SAY THAT HERE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
AltBlue would have posted clips. Too bad he died from gemdiamondcrystalbucks overdose.
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Here is a picture of Achilles with a 2,450HP Prydwyn Shield.
>lasts 2 seconds
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5 seconds Ackshually.
Even if it was 2 seconds it's still basically Aegis on a 65 second cooldown
>you JUST have to stack redstone and waste the ult you're best off holding for theat
i'll just take mantle of discord instead for an auto-silence when i'm in a pickle
*AND have 2 active before using it
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Why was redstone slept on bros it literally gives you +25% overcapped prots
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because it doesn't fit into it's own build niche
if you want raw bulk as a bruisoid, you're taking sigil+aggro starter, because both sigils are stronger in terms of raw bulk (old guard being the second strongest bulk item in the game after proph); axe if you want a balance of sustain and damage instead. you take bluestone + prot starter for early clear, and if you're taking it it's probably your main / only damaging item, at which point brooch is the single best damage item in the entire game an you've got 5 other slots doing def for you.
if you're a damagoid, you're always taking brooch because the prots off of redstone mean nothing.

it's strong, sure, but it has no usecase in builds. if you put it on tainted instead of the 50% antiheal one, and gave bluestone something different like a prot-based liferip burn, then you might be looking at something procalicious instead.
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Ok this is fun.
>666 prots.
Mulan is the legend, not the Mysterious Warrior. She is the one who brought the legend to life. People thought the Mysterious Warrior was just a really good soldier and didn't really care until she took off the mask(Bane!?). Mulan should be the default.
No one cared who he was until he put on the AltBlue gamer tag.
AltBlue? The #1 Grandmaster Terra on SMITE Console XBox One Series S Ranked Season 4 Split 2?
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Fuck, was it really that long ago?
true but redditors are dumber than bricks
Mysterious warrior is just kne of mulan's skin they gave out for free bro
>its a SHITE 2 thing!
Dont care still not playing it
>blah blah blah muh SMITE2
Dont care

Still not playing SHI2 or buying gemdiamondcrystalbucks
But why did they removed all the relic options and starter choices. That was like half the games fun for me.
Because people were having too much fun, and it's easier and faster to balance and control fewer options.
Genuine attempt at self-sabotage.
its an alphabeta
Bros... I wanted to proccy a baba clip.. but ive been playing league of lagends again.. yone *cough* is so fucking gay.....bros....
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>playing gook click games
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Tried to make some clips but the player base doesn't play past 10mins.
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devastaing still issue altblue, maybe if you stopped complainig lik a bitch and counting deaths, you'd get full gmes

condolences for your loss
agame so pozzed, even the legal team talk like jaks
Post vocaroo saying THE OBELISKS are active
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who is this DERRANGED man that is looking at me?
drawing woman
equals man
women can have chin bones and jawbones without being men. chud.
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>YAAAAGHGH, women can have chin bones and jawbones without being men. chud.
Only when the democrats are in charge.
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>Play Mage toon
>Build max damage
>Tankoids abilities deal more than mine
is smite 2 good yet?
>Tankoids abilities deal more than mine
I was playing Vulcan vs a C'thulhu toon and he killed me with his item procs.(I had a full anti C'thulhu build for context)
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>no proofs
Proofs who say proofs?
So you can't prove that the tankoid actually did more damage than you.
We are the knights who say proofs
Proofs? Proofs ? Who Say Proofs ? Where ? Where ,is Proofs .
SMITE was a mistake.
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>Hi Rez said Nike is coming later because implementing her barrier is hard
that makes me sad
>implementing her barrier is hard
why can't they copy the one from UE3
Bruh It's literally not. Why did they fire all their senior coders LOL.
All the devs that knew how to do that were fired a couple months ago.
if(auto attack){absorb}
It simply can't be done the tech isn't there. Maybe it 20 years for SMITE 4.
When I finish my degree I will work for Titan Forge and save SMITE.
Didn't they literally just make barrier tech a relic in SMITE 1 like a month ago. Did they forget how to do it.
Doesn't Anhur pillar already do this. Maybe they're trolling.
Don't forget
if(contact with enemy god){pushback}
Yeah bros It's just herc push without the stun and anhur pillar the tech is all there.
Nah what about knockback immmune or cc immune characters they need to be able to pass through it.
Don't they already have displacement immune gods not being affected by pulls like Ares ult.
Guys you don't understand we don't need chud coders at hirez only basedjack game designers
I'm just not going to play SMITE 2.
...and SMITE!!!
SMITE 1 is so unplayable right now. Nothing but perma vs 5-stacks.
But those cost a lot of money...
FACT: This is 0% true. Smgen only does 3 stacks.
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Why cant Nike just block the autos with her titties? She has boob-armor for a reason!
what an ugly bully dyke bitch
She's beautiful where it counts.
There is no godtoon but Jing Wei and I am her prophet.
Jing Wei is old and busted.
dyketoons for this feel?
I will find your account. Join your games, and then behead whatever godtoon you are playing and dump it in the accursed sea.
Stop saying godtoon.
They need to buff blackthorn hammers mp5 threshold. 25% is way too low.
"The coward dies a thousand deaths, but the valiant taste of death but once."
- AlterationBlue
wouldn't it be the other way around, retard
here's one for ya, if we're getting philosophical
>they'll cry time and again how they were kicked out of 109 countries, but they'll never tell you why
a similar parable to your game ban and evasion history
Video games?
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And I can't proc on my own
(And I can't proc on my own)
Because my games are in Conquest
So cut my mmr and mute my lobby
(So cut my mmr and mute my lobby)
So I can proc somes games tonight, or die
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I make ravana noises out loud while I play him
Need more tunes like this.
I think if I start maining Loki from here on out I'll become a better player.
Hey guys heres a flashback battle pass because we no longer support smite 1 teehee
Nike is the best
minions have spawned...
I thought SMITE would keep getting content, but I guess not. We paladins now.
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Sub 7k soon.
We need to talk about how Blackthorn hammer Isn't doing It's job and needs a buff.
ugly masculine bitch. I like my women feminine
Stop attempting to troll us.
It's not possible to troll people who post CP.
Meds. Now.
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I'm on them already.
I want a heal meta
Jing Wei needs to be on my lap.
A meds meta.
That's every meta in Assault
This never happened.
but I can't pick my favorite healer (guano poo) in assault
It did in this very thread two weeks ago.
So do you dislike Bellona and Artemis too, then?
Artemis is cute and feminine. Bellona is meh but she at least looks like a woman. Meanwile Nike in smite and fanart keeps getting represented as butch.

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I'm gonna buy steambucks and then I'm gonna play half-life 2 and both episodes., and then I'm not gonna play smite 2
Where's the new Halloween pic lerms.
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shes busy having mommy issues
Why is everybody who walks at hi-rez oozing daddy and mommy issues? Is it something they feed them?
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I am entitled to to more Morrigan porn. Start commissioning.
There's only one smite pron i've comissioned, and it involves one of the newest smite 2 godtoons
Morrigan is OLD NEWS.
>paying for porn.
you owe me porn for free, whores and drawslaves!
Damn her mother cares about her well being and enjoys talking to her? How horrible.
They should bundle unban tokens with every gemdiamondcrystalbucks sale, so paying customers don't have to worry about being unable to spend money on the game.
AltBlue, you literally asked to be banned.
imagine crying about getting banned in a dead game every day on 4chud
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I will login in 1 hour.
i mihjy eoo depedning on how long i take snacking (it might be a while, i'm making a toasie blt)
smite 2 is improving. it may be almost equivalent to smite 1 at launch
improving... from alpha....... status... woah........
Raptor abandoned me for his shitty monster hunter game for the 3rd week in a row.
raptor didn' aandon you, aptor's has shit to don h's coming online now
in the end
i cam online
but i oo awas abandondned..... so sad
Over for...and SMITEcels.

Where did the fucking ...and SMITE meme even come from?
Post your favorite godtoon, kiddo.
...and PALADINS!!!
Redstone Medusa has had It's time in the sun. It's all about Sigil Transcendence Herc now.
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Anyone playing tonight?
God think of how much cum lerms forehead could absorb
Fuck it I'll queue.
devastating artwork
No. I was promised Saturday games and they never happened.
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who else /baublehead/?
How dead is this game that I'm versing nothing but 5-stacks back to back.
buy gems to break the curse
Have you tried buying gembucks or diamondbucks?
Conquest and arena are full of stacks squeezing the last fun out of the game, so switch to assault or slash.
slash has the highest frequency of 5 stacks of any mode
>conquest and arena are full of 5 stacks
>so I'll recommend slash instead
Play jungle practice.
Only if you do some dances for me.
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Nike best girl.
...on opposite day.
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Titan talk! Recap
>PLEASE buy skins PLEASE PLEASE buy skins yes we know direct purchases are overpriced but the community LOVES the chest system PLEASE
>Also we wont be making any balance changes for a while because muh professionals need stable balance (hosting tournaments in an alpha, by the way)
alright see you guys wednesday!
Berzerkers shield doesn't even give prots in SMITE 2. I don't think they know what stable balance means.
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No way this is true.
It is LMFAO. AAhahahahahaha why would anyone ever play SHIITE.
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>All the best stated items are actives with random functions.
they need to add a female god of mental illness
Arena is unplayable. Every fucking game is against a no life 5 stack with 20 stars on every godtoon playing the most cancerous comp possible.
go to smiteguru and record proofs
There are already many female gods, so mental illness is well represented as is.
*female godtoon
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>Your account has been banned.
Well, toodeloo to you too motherfuckers.
oh boy what did you do this time
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I can't really remember. Last naughty thing I did was shitting on some Arena retard who was like 2-14 and was costing us the game instead of staying behind or in base. But so did another one as well. Guess that was it? No big nono words though.
And here I thought moderators had forgotten about the original and were focusing on SHIITE.

Not this faggot.

In any case, I might splash a bit more on HOTS, but if I grow bored I will stop playing MOBAs all-together. Veeery small chance of going to LoL.
Don't know if the ban gets transferred to SHIITE as well. Haven't played it yet.
Kek we have like 3 players left and they're just banning who's remaining.
uh oh melty
You chuds are banned in smite 1 but smite 2 is still available to play :)
I'm just not going to play it LOL.
>ban people from smite 1
>"but you're not banned on smite 2! :)"
Low IQ strategy from hirez to try to get people to play SHITE2.
I'm just not gonna play it, is all! HAHAHAHA
Can you guys go one week without getting banned?
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Look at this amazing increase in players.
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I was playing conquest but it turned into Arena.
Our banning strategy is working. Quick take down the SMITE 1 servers.
Who wants to go to Japan with me in January
Are you fat, and if not, what are you going to be doing in Nippon?
I could find my hime-cut wife in Japan.
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SMITE can't compete with Anime girls. It's over.
Uh bros why aren't you supporting our girl the lermsterr?
I eat like a fatty but no I'm not fat. One thing I missed out on last time that I'd like to do is go to a sumo event
Where was my invite
Take me with you. Now.
These are based on your own analytics altblue.
That can't be altblue because Gura isn't on there.
Jan 1-20 I'll see you there
Smite 2 is woke, and that's why hi-rez is going broke.
how can shi2 be woke, every time i try to give it a chance to impress me, i fall asleep
smite 2 will be good in 2 years sarrs hold the door hold the door
Proompt faster, saars!
You're supposed to use steroids and vitamins, not sleeping pills.
Charybdis sisters...
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iv'e been pondering this image a lot recently, and its also my reacion to your timage
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>initial version is rough around the edges, but gets the point across, and has an extremely distinct silhouette
>after a decade of development and improvements, with some more mistakes along the way, slowly but surely improve the chibi aesthetic to the point it's easily one of the most popular skinlines in the game
>finally time to remake cupid and do it justice
>don't use it
We League of Legends now
We bugman slop now
We a mobile game now
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gravity defying sovl nuke
another reason i will not be playing shi2 added to the list
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Bros, r*ddit thinks it's a good redesign...fuck...it truly is over for the smite playerbase...
Where has the soul gone?
>caring about the opinions of leddit scrubhumans
you need to go back
You can't put a price on a soul, so it was removed to make the game more marketable.
Don't care still not playing shit 2 or buying diamondbucks.
Don't care still not playing shit 2 or buying diamondgembucktoons.
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diamond dogs
That was a good short story
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>Generic Pitt/Icarus asian pretty boy twink design
>Isn't even holding the arrow in place with the forward hand
>Chasing the asian market but nerfing the coomer skins
big brain lorez moves
charybdis if she boy
but charybdis is a boy?
I think we should all redownload SMITE 2 and buy some diamonds.
i don't think i'll be downloading shite2 even if you paid me diamondbux
>its a game where your teammate plays the OP toon but they're a shitter and the enemy has the OP toon but they have common sense
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My lane lost? Then I'll just sit in base spamming F6 every 5 minutes until I can ruin another game.
>jungler didn't gank my lane. millions must feed.
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Post close games that were epic to play.
There's a distinct lack of proccing in this thread,

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