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>A free-to-play MMORPG with crafting, building, landscaping, foraging, hunting, fishing, a dash of poetry, and open PvP combat

Its a perma-death survival MMO.

World 16 is coming out tomorrow, 1st of November, 20:00 UTC time.

The game now has STEAM integration, and for that reason, devs are predicting the biggest player count ever. If you were looking to play this game at some point, this is an interesting time to do it.

In addition, there was some major food rework, which essentially gets rid of meta foods and introduces a tier food system, making it easier and more intuitive. There are other minor changes, and what is assumed a re-work of steel producing.



If you are a newbie, I recommend joining a village, there's still time to do it. You can also read the "Quick Help Pages" on the wiki.

Post more, OP.
I would've loved to play something like this in the past, but nowadays I'm tired of working in games, so I just play games and avoid all crafting, no matter how difficult that makes the game. At least I'm making my own choices - which is why I also get rid of npcs that are evil, even if they had quest, rewards, etc.
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They do nothing to stop bots and maintaining an army of alts is required to play. There is no anti cheat either. This is a game where veterans shit on new players for fun to make them quit. It's a huge waste of time.
The server is likely going to shit itself and they refuse to add another one. They are incredibly unprepared for a Steam release.
W16 offers nothing new other than some balance changes for the top 0.1%.
Fun game but holy fuck are the devs retarded unironic communists.
PvE is still nothing but boat cheesing and you won't participate in PvP due to 24/7 bot users having throw-away fighters with 3000 STR by the end of November.
Play it for the first week chaos but don't get into the quality grind autism.
I'd just end up playing for a month and then dropping it when the inevitable quality grind begins.
Salem is better in many ways and completely f2p now btw.
I will only play if I learn how to make a bot. How do I make a bot?
Custom clients are on the Steam workshop.
I have my old accounts. Is there any advantage playing on Steam?
No, everyone plays on the same server.
3 hours left
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downloading. looking forward to trying it
What is the best way to split alts now? It used to be miner/fighter, forager/hunter and I don't remember the rest.
I go with one character for outside activities (foraging, mining and pve) and one who stays inside the base (cooking, farming).
Anything more than that and it's turning into a full-time job.
I wait a few weeks for the autism to settle down. I don't want to build right next to a village by accident.
beginning of anything is always the most fun when it's just chaos and people (like me) don't know what they're doing.
>775 players
We're going to the moon!!
Right now we are in the speedrunning minmax phase that's all about large groups asserting dominance by rushing Rage and killing every sprucecap they can get their hands on. These players get bored and quit once the "casual" bot users caught up. By then most players are in "waiting for fresh start" mode.
1-2 months into wipe is when casual solo players get to enjoy the game.
This is not a PvP game where you can have somewhat fair fights. The PvPers will be lightyears ahead of you in just a week.
game is full of bots don't be fooled
You are supposed to use one yourself.
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oh no it's over
Says 1500 rn on the website. What did W15 get on the first day?
That's what 15 years of word-of-mouth marketing and a ProJared video gets you.
W16 is a new record with 1857 players.
The last three worlds all peaked at around 1550. This always went down to around 300 over the following three month. W17 starts in six month.
I enjoy checking in on H&H once in awhile because it's the only game I can think of where the inmates effectively run the asylum.

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