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/vm/ edition



Current map

/AXG/ Steam Community https://steamcommunity.com/groups/vgaxg
What is this and where is the vg thread
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vg thread keeps dying...
KP needs to be removed from ranked, it's one of the few ways to save it
no, just make it the old system where there is no benefit above 6
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No generals on VM newfag
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nobody making thread on vg...
No. Any KP that is worth getting is bad for ranked. The objective of ranked should always, 100%, be to get the highest placement possible Having meaningful KP irreparably changes that for the worse
Theyve irrevocably raped the game with mechanics like this
OOF this is awkward, i was loading up Battlefield. Sorry!
owari da
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best teammates:

worst teammates:

why do good players gravitate towards some legends, and bad players others?
lifeline probably because they think they can be useful as a revive bot
and yet they never fucking rez
Conduit players are like the wattson players of 2024
The one you see supporting their team most of all and hard to kill
Im not even sure anymore what the main reason is for this phenomena at this point.
Bang and lifeline are both "free" legends that have utility in aiding your teammates and healing so theyre fairly popular.
OG playlist gone?

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bless these jumpjets, and blessing this thread
I'm here
Let's stay here
>Wingman + Wingman (2x)
Is this a feasible kit to run?
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>on slower board
it's truly over babs...

>it's truly over
It never really began
Generals are allowed now newerfag.
No, it just means you don't need to keep on endlessly bumping your thread with your ugly waifus (wattson) in a never ending rat race.
it did when it launched... i'm assuming since i wasn't an active blue board poster
i'm no watto poster
Properly utilizing smoke grenades is too much to ask from the average double digit IQ Apex player
Rev is a braindead OP legend that craters to selfish idiots who only know how to W key and die
Playing as Lifeline is basically playing the game on easy mode. Constant free resets, fast heals, and the tiniest hitbox in the game. There is no challenge or demand from the player to git gud at the game if the legend has nine lives and free resets every 30 seconds
Personally I'm taking full advantage of support legends this season. They're so busted that there's no reason to play anything else.
Shield cells and syringes giving 2X heals is insane. I've won countless fights entirely because I could pop a shield cell in the middle of a fight and have half my shield back in seconds. You don't even need batteries or medkits anymore. Go into a fight with Lifeline's drone following you healing and you can't lose.
What size monitor do you guys have and how far away do you sit from it?
I find it so hard to see shit in this game and I'm starting to wonder if my 27-inch 1080p monitor is just too small and maybe even low-res, sitting around 3 feet back

been watching some funny videos about apex legends
24 inch 1080p (played with 21.5 inch for like 5 years being poor and dumb)
I sit a bit over an arms length (i have quite long arms though) back with my eye level lined up just below the very top of the monitor
I see the same players in ranked constantly the numbers must have flatlined
going to start using these when we hotdrop and die
Cant believe that pirate event when storm point released is nearly 3 years ago
i have two 24", never measured how far away they are tho
Its weird because its not like they stopped working on the game, and i like the changes and improvements there have been but it seems to be not enough to bring people back
Maybe its just me being easily impressed but it seems like over the last year or two the devs have gotten a grip on feedback but the playerbase is just trash
and i dont know whats happened to matchmaking but its like the "new season buzz" has already gone and all i find are the same dead weight trash teammates over and over.
No point even queueing trios really if you want a proper match, you will just have the same combination of retards
>all i find are the same dead weight trash teammates over and over
this, its retard central
>100 damage away from 4K last night in Diamond
>last guy runs into zone
>500 damage away from 4K today on Broken Moon
>Loba and Rampart push low ground and die despite us having high ground in final zone
i wonder what fuckery awaits me tomorrow
Theres a problem on ps5 on mixtape where the games are 3v3 on control
nobody cares about console
consoleGODS rule apex
I'm the cocky tryhard player's worst nightmare. I don't care if I lose. If I detect a little shit in your voice, I'll either throw or leave outright.
>Oh yeah I'm totally throwing on purpose, it's not like I'm a shitter or anything.
storm point ranked is based
I'm not a great player, but throwing in this context means that if we get in a fight-- or more accurately, when you initiate a fight, I will not fire my weapon, where otherwise I would provide cover fire and do a sizeable chunk of damage.
havent played in a week, thinken of ranking a bit
genuinely games in a great state even though the support meta is cringe
still say the skill level up stuff was a mistake to add
relic wingman my beloved..
12 shots on a wingman is insane. If only I didn't suck with it.
>hottest of hotdrops
>teammates split off so you can all get separately 3v1d

>coldest of cold drops
>teammates land directly on you so they can loot your immediate area

why the fuck are these niggers so backwards holy fuck
>use the "I'm going over here" ping to mark the specific bin you're landing on
>teammate drops on same bin

also amazing how few people can find that specific ping for some reason
matchmaking ded?
ah it's working again
Had nothing but hard endzones yesterday on stormpoint. Might be my teams worst map rn.
>1900 dmy
>alter had 220
>please revive me
yea getting right on that
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Oh man are we really not moving back :(
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Stormpoint is 3 years old
that freaks me out to think about

4K requires perfect conditions. You are playing well and/or carrying which means solo q teammates are probably not doing any damage but also adequate enough to not die and engage in fights.
I guess they got a bit too cocky with how smoothly things had been going, but you wanted to play more cautiously and farm damage rather than just push everyone and go out in a blaze of glory.
Well eventually you will need them even if just to absorb some damage and distract enemies.
If you can atleast get them to play with you.
Instantly thought of that "wow is this your room" meme but too lazy to actually make it
go ahead and try, you know we arent making it to 750 tho
great, having akimbo guns still instantly breaks stealth after a mirage rez
(it automatically equips them for some retarded fucking reason)
>the devs have gotten a grip on feedback
what fantasy world are you living in?
Fuck relic weapons what about relic maps
how do i buy gifted packs from chinese bot farms? i don't want to give ea any money and knowing bot farms didnt spend on the game either, i feel like its the morally correct choice to buy from them
What killed this game?
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>controller aimasissy
>adding casual features like everyone getting wall hacks
>getting rid of clubs/social features instead of building on it
>not taking the ranked ladder seriously, still no in-game ladder 5 years in, constantly changing shit for the sake of change
>removing exclusive ranked rewards like dive trails, no point in grinding ranked
Very basically they killed any interest there was for esports and ranking. In a competitive game that is a death sentence.

There's no longer anything here but a hamster wheel for people who can't let go, and cheaters cheating cheaters. Just let it go.
its crazy how just a couple of paypigs can sustain shit games like this
For me it's not being able to separate normal players from the premade stacks of pros sweeping every match. People who join with friends should be in their own server against each other.
just bring back solos what the fuck is the devs problem
Mastiff, Peacekeeper, EVA-8, or dual Mozams?
mastiff is king right now akimbos fell off hard
>retards land hot
>both die while i struggle to get loot
>wants to respawn in the exact same zone with several squads around
>i choose to go to a less guarded zone so i can gear up
>both immediately leave when i had a clear chance of spawning them
sometimes i forget how retarded the playerbase is
for me its eva
>constantly changing shit for the sake of change
and yet somehow managing to make the dumbest meta that the game has ever had
>supports buffed to the moon
>if you don't run at least 2 of lifeline/newcastle/gibby you're throwing
>shotguns mandatory
It's actually made the game boring to play and watch
>constantly changing shit for the sake of change
this is hilarious, especially with the ranked system itself. i feel like literally every season the patch notes say some variation of "ok guys, this season were overhauling ranked to finally give you guys the system you want"
>tried to save you retards by combining /axg/ with THE FINALS
>some retard rejected THE FINALS and made an Apex only thread that died shortly after
>moved to /vm/
Didn't want to say I told you so.....but yeah.
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>server crashed in the final ring
Another episode of "teammates get knocked in Revival and won't manually bleed out as I run away from full enemy squads for a straight minute waiting for them to start respawning"
Nobody wants to sift through and figure out which post is for which game for the sake of keeping a thread alive. Stupid idea
More frustrating matches today. I'm getting to the point where if I notice my teammates joined as a pair, I'll just quit immediately because I know they're going to play like a duo, never communicate with me, and then suddenly get on their mic to blame me when they get killed even when their buddy does the dumbest shit imaginable.
Unironically this. I can hold my own against 1 pred, but I cannot fight against a pred stack with 2 ankleweights.
> I can hold my own against 1 pred, but I cannot fight against a pred stack with 2 ankleweights.
I've had people try and fail and then start bitching at me, their random teammate. Like motherfucker, you saw the champion squad at the start of the match, did you think we were going to kick their discord-coordinated asses? There's little I can do to back you up once you bump into them, and the engagement always starts with my cocky teammate running ahead thinking nobody can touch him
Does nobody play this game anymore?
i do, and for some reason pretty often this week.
I don't like the playerbase of this game. They aren't good people.
yea i don't know why but it's like all the faggots play this game
alter is so fun but so bad lol
I almost never see anyone playing Alter now. The ult can be really good in some circumstances, but the tactical is mostly useless and her hitbox is bulky.
They just released her and she already needs a rework.
i really don't like this game
even when you're playing well it feels miserable.
i guess you need 2 friends to play this
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Finally we can gamble with the rarest/most expensive currency in the game.
She's just extremely niche and that doesn't work in this game
Alters portal should go through at least two floors so you don't get cucked by bad placement. This way you have more options and fighting an alter should be annoying as fuck because you should have to guess where she's going
>She flies now
What are they going to give her next? Invisibility? Vampire damage?
It's a game of getting clowned on. You either clown on or usually get clowned on. Last match if I played like my teammates we would have been locked out in control. It's wild when the other team is setting up beacons and pathfinder zips and aping B off the get while ur team literally does nothing
It's not your fault, it's retardspawn's fault for not matching players according to their skill level. You don't even need some kind of mm algorithm for that, just implement a solo-only queue.
I’ve played a TON of games as Alter, the problem isn’t so much her it’s more that she’s only good at the main POIs of the map, she has absolutely no use in maps such as storm point unless it’s very situational
I also don’t think her ultimate should have a portal the enemy can take as well. It sucks to begin with and most retard teammates don’t know it’s even on the floor after getting knocked
I hate this fucking Marvel movie quipping faggot
Would it be bigoted to have the option to just mute certain legends?

Theyre really tapping into the remaining playerbase who only play loba/lifeline
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*throws up*
*screams for a few seconds*
*punches wall*
Ah, thats better.
The goyim who use those packs are gonna be salty when next year's heirlooms are "the bestest ever"
>first time in a while that an Apex Legends thread isn't dead
I guess my meowpex, poopex or sexpex bumpd are no longer needed.
this being on /vm/ isn't so bad, it's unironically been the most i've played apex in months since it moved here.
i barely play apex anymore
Pexbumps are kino
amazing balance team
I need a space tranny death scream compilation to play on loop when i go to sleep.
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They made support legends so broken that they had to just remove gold knockdown shields for everyone, which just adds more reason to only play support legends
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t-they'll get it right next season
Would've been fine if they just gave us the epg at season start so we could grenade barrage all the supports
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Wraith deserves some buffs
It's pretty cheesy but alters tac should give you a quick scan of what's around it so you don't kwab yourself with a bad portal
She also needs more than one charge. One portal every 30 seconds is shit
nah, i think they should give big nerfs to like half the cast instead
damn, it's not the same
They fucked everything with the "game sense" updates or whatever it was called.
Now you get free wallhacks just for breathing the same air as somebody.
Instead of a bar i would rather have had something diegetic like they get lit up in red and the brighter the red the closer to death or something like that where it didn't literally give you hp values
Not sure the billion dollar company can find the manpower and talent to make this happen
Time for your dose of testosterone, sissies.
Whoops forgot to namefag. Don't want to upset any of the filtertrannies.
This game just goes from bad to worse.
Titans soon!
we dont want that tho
dogshit game
Apex need to do another anime/gacha inspired event to reel in new customers
Porner Creeking Shite
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>in wotsits voice
>"i can do zat"

I like this game because i like zapping people (with disruptor alternator i just picked up from the relic things)
I wish lifeline was not so good now. I do not like playing against good lifeline players while still having bad lifeline teammates (literally in my first match this happened)
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Good season.
Relic weapons really make everything easy mode
I think you are just more sensitive to who you are playing with because the kind of game it is. I dont know how to explain.

Not saying it doesnt attract a certain kinds of people tho
Why does it feel like wayyyyy more recently that i last played on phase runner?

Did it come back for another mode after arenas was binned?
bro its been used as a tdm map for years
Well i dont think recently, i must have played it a handful of times on TDM a while ago.
I miss arenas desu
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Girls get it done
>Lifeline has a fucking drone following her around healing her in the middle of a fight
Who okayed this?
Kuben Blisk i would assume.
>not even trying in tdm
>have more damage than 4 of my teammates combined
>get blown out 40-11
Jesus christ this game is dead
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Apexaryans will be back... in season 24, 2025
I find that the non-BR modes are usually a landslide for one team. It's fun if you're on the good team, it's fucked if you aren't.
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only 2nd place, but the pex was still good all things considered
is audio from behind fucked for anyone else? like sounds behind you that you should definitely hear are way quieter than usual?
>8 damage in 13 minutes
This should get an account flagged
I was thinking this the other day you should get banned for sabotage or afk if you're not putting up anything
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Its even more funny when its a legend with free damage abilities like yer old mate Foosey
>when ur game is ded
I got to diamond two weeks ago now there's nothing to do
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>wen u play it anyway
You have to be able to destroy path ziplines and newcastle shields
Yea it's ridiculous you can't destroy NC shield. Pathzips gotta go too hate zipnig getting free movement
>youtube pexer posts "toxic teammate OWNED and HUMBLED" video
>youtuber is the most toxic egomaniac around and just trying to find easy targets he can be a bully to and get clout for it
>zips can't be destroyed
3 zipnigs per team in Control just breaks the game - every back spawn point will have a direct path to point A / C by 50% on either side
>NC shield is unbreakable
>Maggie drill should counter, but DEI coding means it doesn't
nobody was breaking the shield before this season thobeit
Because it wasn't an issue and could be played around. This season you get into entrenched firefighter where you need to be able to break that shit. A support combo can have 3 unbreakable barriers up at the same time
shit had like 800hp, youre not breaking it this season either even if it wasnt indestructible
im not saying its a good change just that it didnt really change much, its not the big issue with newcastle
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I must have unlocked the extra chaotic/retarded Wattson because everytime i take a screenshot recently shes pulling some funny face

I think it would suck if your ziplines could get destroyed really easily but the newcastle thing probably should be
Nerf roller into oblivion and be done with it fuck you respawn
rollerGODS run this game
Ranked should be solo only after plat
After playing a bunch of I can ascertain that the 25% aim assist nerf did literally fucking nothing, nothing has changed, I am still getting hardlocked without fail but anyone even remotely competent at that input.
a bunch of r5 i meant..
>month old thread
>no general in /vg/
it's so over
>rollerFAGS ruin this game

>month old thread
Oh god you're actually right
Passage of time fucked up recently i think we're all just waiting for Christmas then spring
it wasnt used for the first two weeks
*coughs blood*
Finna boutta pexxa
Just got a wattist banned
>get the same teammate for like 6 matches in a row
What are the odds of this?
Winter Express is never coming back is it?
It's coming back this month
I hope so. I miss it. The music makes me feel jolly
havent played in 2 weeks
This games the only one where your teammates can get clapped multiple times and still get mad at you for not picking them up
Literally can't get a lifeline or Newcastle on my team that knows what they're doing meanwhile every fight the guy I have has fucking doc attached to him
I don't think I've ever had a team without a Lifeline on it since the start of the season
My last teams were
>loba valk
>0 kill Newcastle and gibby
>mirage horizon
>vantage lifeline
The tranny killed this game desu
I miss the old firing range
>queue into pubs
>got a 4k20 lifeline on my team, champ is a pred
>half my bullets do no damage even at point blank
>apparently it's not my turn to win
>next game
>delete people at 100m left right and centre
>network is the same, server is the same, I'm just magically better over the span of 5 minutes
gee that's a real puzzler
The goat
Kitsune ponta is the goat??
finna hit masters this season
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Respawn saw their current low numbers and panicked with Marvel Rivals release.
I feel your pain anon. Lost count on how many times this has happened to me
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finna bouta pex
Genuinely bizarre how teammates in diamond make the absolute worst decisions possible in any situation. How are these retards getting up in ranked i don't understand it
Valk ults are picking up on teammate mirage decoys as if theyre enemies
>1 gold faggot in my diamond lobby
>he's on my team
>0 kills 5 assists
>shithead duo drops last
>still manage to die first
Games just filled with double digital iq brown people
he helped
Newcastle and Lifeline now are like if you told a 5 year old to invent a superhero, and then just put it straight in the game exactly as described
He leeched
And yet my teammates still don't know how to use them
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Try single and youre nearly there
Negative and you're just about spot on
wow, too bad they didnt do this years ago
Rivals is alright. It's pretty mindless
Aaand the anticheat is broken again
>basic tier ADS aimbot on every default skin lifeline I come across
>no movement compensation so they stand there like a turret and laser you
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god damn i love shitting on these emergency bubbling gibbies with the drill and seeing them panic when they didnt get a free revive this time
>redo rev entirely
>make him bad
No one plays him now it's sad
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Quite simply: Loba.
Philip Marlowe Pathfinder is still the best skin for him
did loba and valk break up? the lines between them now seem to suggest a falling out
Who the fuck knows
good, but this probably won't be enough since gold shields might come back.

they did before rev's revival.

tldr: valk was working with loba's friend to help kill rev, and she sorta found out.

i think loba also pulled a gun out on valk, but i can't fully remember since it's been a year since anything interesting happened lore wise
Thank god lobas relationship shit is the worst and she was so mandatory for ranked for so long all you would here was her gay bullshit
>shield is brrakbale
>take bad fight
>spam pings while you watch me clutch
>spam harder when I'm in the most nerve wracking moments just to make it even more challenging
Thanks diamond team
>just want to defend the ring close
>Mexicans pop a balloon dive right into contested territory and fight a 3 teamer
Alter should move to assault
>was already conditioned to not bother attacking mobile shield since teammates never focus it
>didn't even know it had been made invulnerable this season
I've been getting the urge to play more Rampart so now I'm just going to burn down every mobile shield and large ult wall I can with Shiela to annoy Newcastle players
It's insane clearly something is going very very VERY wrong at respawn.
Apex will be dead in a year, and Respawn has done and is contuining to do very little to salvage the game.
Hundreds if not BILLIONS of dollars are being pissed away. There needs to be a criminal investigation, I just can't see how this is possible.
Clearly someone is embezzeling this games developement budget.
They seem to be pulling resources away from apex updates are generally smaller and mainly focused around selling cosmetics.
My guess is that they are trying to make a successor to apex to bring in more players. Not sure if it will be any good as the original team are mostly gone.
They're all working on the titans
Thank heavens. Was getting tired of this support meta
>get 5 kills with rift relic weapons
I don't want to play this shit game, just give me challenges I can afk or do quickly without teammates please
They're the most OP weapons available. Even my shitter ass just knocked out 3 in one match. Relic mastiff is a 2-shotter every time
my team dies before rift relics spawn and I have to 1v3 every time against controller cheaters and preds
if I landed on an alternator or a mastiff it'd be less challenging but I keep landing on 30-30s, I played 10 matches so far and only got 2 kills with rift relic weapons
>relic 30-30 with 2-bullet reload, skullpiercer, and vampire damage
We're back
Why do these faggot developers keep removing revival? Just remove pubs already and leave ranked and revival.
Genuinely impossible to solo q out of diamond
It can't be a coincidence that every Apex streamer has the gayest voice in the world
They stated recently that there is no successor coming, and that they are gonna try and maintain the game they already have. It's too late though, this needed to happen 3 years ago, and even so I doubt anything will improve from this statement.
Whoever was incharge needs to be fired and blacklisted from working in the industry, they are clearly a blight for allowing this game to fester as it has.
gay game
Well if they aren't pulling resources for a new project then it's probably the wave of layoffs that have been hitting the industry making everything slower and dropping more work on the remaining devs.

If Apex doesn't give good returns in the next financial quarter it's likely to lose even more funding and staff and then game will death spiral worse than it currently is. EA usually don't invest more money to save projects they just dump them after they aren't profitable enough.
This but other games that arent apex
The biggest thing they could do is upgrade the servers but they'll never do that
Everyone is on roller. This game sucks cock. Back to The Finals I go.
Do you still rank down at splits
>20 preds and masters in my lobby
>get the duo with the plat 1
>they put up 45 off drop and die
>spend the next 20 minutes furiously typing and seething while I rat to top 3
They were about as ungrateful as can be for a success like apex initially was. Overwatch spent MILLIONS trying to fix the big blunder that bled a ton of the playerbase. Apex meanwhile has only done the bare minimum and it shows.

Fortnite is less competitive but with all the content and season changes it doesn't feel stale. It feels like they respect their playerbase
Yes Newcastle teammates thank you for never reviving or using your shield you are credit to the team
They're the opposite of Lifelines who will doc-revive you in the worst spot possible so the enemy squad can blast you out in the open instead of allowing you to crawl behind cover first.
You can see it coming too, and say out loud "don't res me here, don't res me here, don't res me here" and next thing you know you've got the drone on you and a second later you're a deathbox
Hey bud I know you wanted to push through diamond but I'm gonna have to give you plat and gold teammates sorry you can carry them right?
>rip off 1500 with the bow while my hapless retards flail around and ignore my comms of KILL HERE
>literal 40 year old nigger with kids on my teammates playing mirage with his kids rattling cans in the background
It could always be worse EU bros
Relic mastiff is just ridiculous
I haven't played ranked for about 3 seasons now
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Lobros... it's fucking over
all the relic guns are ridiculous
>g7 has no recoil, you can just spam bullets out to 250m
>wingmeme is the most wingmemeiest wingmeme there ever was
>30-30 has both bullshit mechanics active
>spitty is "hold leftclick to win"
>alternator can kill 2 purple armor targets in a single mag
get this shit out of pubs already, it's way past stale
>it's up
They barely try with the trailers now lol
they're all probably on christmas break now
>get this shit out of pubs already, it's way past stale
There's 3 more weeks of it left based on the challenges. They'll probably be adding more relic weapons each of those weeks, though I don't know what other broken weapons they can bring back
Usually I'm the retard, but today's teammates, Jesus Christ
I even got the quintessential Fuse who gets 30 damage in a 13 minute match while talking shit the whole time teammate
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>0 esports drama posting
>even zer0 schizo left
I sleep, no point in coming around anymore.
And the quintessential Lifeline who thinks they're only supposed to be the healer and does ZERO, DAMAGE! Not one single bullet from ANY GUN worth of damage! Not even a melee attack! ZERO DAMAGE in 15! FUCKING! MINUTES!
What the fuck?
WOWE Winter express! :D :D So awesome of them to add this awesome gamemode again!!1 Surely they can removed the chrismas part and make it a permament mixtape gaeemode
I'm still getting those teammates who want to go everywhere but where the fighting is happening, thinking if they just get that gold mag hiding on the other end of the map that it'll turn the whole tide of battle when their blue shield ass goes up against all the red shield squads
id unironically rather have this than the lifelines who dont fucking rez or drop doc
put iraq as your clan tag
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>Getting blacked tonight
Season 5 of THE FINALS gave us new gear and a new map!
Ummm, I mean, Apex Legends' slow death!
Does pathfinder just not make noise when he grapples and makes ziplines?
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Is this supposed to be entertaining? I don't get it.
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boy I'm so glad relic mastiff still exists I sure do love getting hit for over two hundred in two shots at midrange by someone hipfiring what a fun and enjoyable experience I hope they add this thing to ranked it would make ranked so much more fun and help bring back all the players that left
let's just make all the guns deal eight times more damage than they should I really think they're on to something and just need to expand the idea to cover everything
>tranny nigger team
>gibby meta again
>620 damage 1 kill newcastle
vgh... such kino
They gave up trying to balance shit and went nuts
>filtered by a shotgun
just back up a bit and shoot lol
they should put it back in the pack again
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This happens before you even know they have one
The whole relic thing sucks. It's not fun to kill with or die to badly balanced guns, that were vaulted for a reason. I can't believe they have that shite game mode still going
>all this time he was talking about the black and white celebration photos he knew he'd get taken
they also should vanish after successfully bamboozling someone
ult decoys can require multiple shots so they're not instantly cleared out when they're still clustered together at the start of his ult
*peeks your bubble*
How over is it?
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*speaks in to walky talky*
over, over
>those stats
Mommy, he looks like me!
What's YOUR highest damage, pexxies?
The NC mobile shield is still too strong, by the time youre done shooting it it's disappeared anyway
My brother they spawn in the first ring.

Cap: X8RAT
Like 13-14k
Did you know that they were supposed to for over 10 seasons? It was just a bug that took years for respawn to fix not a buff
THE FINALS new map "Bernal" is like Skull Town. Not too many high rises and decent cover with a lot of doorways.
Uh, I mean....BLGS EMEA Finals is happening now!!!
Been a few weeks since i last played THE FINALS or Apex
Hibernating until next year
Revival is unappealing to me if it isn't also Straight Shot
Why would a hologram have footsteps
It's hilarious seeing a million trails head to monument on WE and quarantine on BM every minute
will the meta ever shift
The idea of mirage's character is to confuse and trick his opponents (aka bamboozle) into thinking he is his decoys. Before they fixed the audio and buffed the holograms movement it never worked on anyone because a mirage silently running in a straight line was pretty obviously a decoy. There's no logical explanation for it to make noise anymore than there is a logical reason for Ash's robot body to have a fat butt and tits.
>anymore than there is a logical reason for Ash's robot body to have a fat butt and tits.
Extra storage space for her computations
Reminder Respawn is responsible for Apex's death, not EA.
Everyone gets bamboozled just from the visual decoy, even if you hesitate from seeing a decoy it's done its job. Scans, heaftbeat sensors and footsteps shouldnt work on mirage, using seer against him is cancer
shouldn't work on decoys*
I will still blame both of them
Respawn for being inept retards
EA just for being EA
Nope it's entirely on Respawn, they had full control over the game.
What the hell is BLGS?
Modern EA is never blameless.
No they might be responsible for 10%, but that 10% could never cause the death of this game. So it's 100% on Respawn.
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I round the 10% up to 50% and end my turn.
Respawn's greed killed it, not EA.
EA's greed infected and directed Respawn's. This is the curse of being owned by EA. You're either chopped off when you become unprofitable or die trying to appease the overlord.
>It's up
Respawn genuinely had near full control of the game in the first 2-3 years. They were meeting financial targets and then some. They could've easily actually invested in the game. But seeing the retarded management the original dev team left. Instead of hiring a new, competent dev team they focused their resources on hiring diversity writers for their gay tranny lore. If you still think EA is to blame, there's nothing more to be said.
What the fuck is this disgusting garbage I'm gonna throw up.
Hello from Fortnite again :)
kids game
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Ramirez should be added to Apex!
They already got rid of revival?
They only allow fun on the weekends.
Nobody plays Caustic anymore
>split 2 in six hours
>still no information on the map rotation, gun or legend changes, or ranked changes
>just a shitty 30 second trailer for a shitty battlepass
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did they change winter express? i swear respawns didnt used to be round-based
Same old shit and gay maps
just got kicked back to the main menu in the middle of a game of winter express, no error message
Game just makes me mad when I play it
>bought pass
>didn't finish it
I want my money back
where tf does this retarded epg spawn? i've broken several of those dumb ass relics and keep getting regular ass weapons.

this shit's retarded.
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>fuse and hound engaged
how does he keep getting more based?
>playing pubs
>still have to deal with bullshit broken vaulted weapons everywhere
>doing OK this round, actually have a competent octane/lifeline duo
>final 2 squads
>push the lifeline, get 2 arc sticks
>bullshit void reflex procs
>chase the lifeline to finish off
>eat a 105dmg EPG round to the face
>dude is 2hp I can ez challenge him
>and another
this game isn't fun
teammates are worse this split
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my thoughts on the new valk skin?
>bullshit void reflex procs
This right here is what's ruining matches for me
>For us, good matchmaking means putting you in a squad with players of a similar skill, in a lobby with squads within your skill range, where everyone has a shot to come out on top.
I can tell early on if my teammates are worth playing with. If it's not going to be a fun game, I'm not going to stick around with you.
Is it basically always preferable to buy the battle pass? It seems to reward more apex coins than it costs to purchase
yeah but only if you complete 95% of the Battlepass. Otherwise your just flushing down apex coins
Snowball event in THE FINALS for cosmetics!!!
uh, I mean, the same retarded winter event again in Apex for a shitty badge!
They need to go full circle with worlds edge and heal it. Make the railway and train work again. Make the lava coolant. At this point the map should be "fixed"
>drop at normal location
>not a single weapon in 4 bins or anywhere on the ground
>enemy squad rushes us with 301s and mastiffs
This needs to be fixed before anything else. There should be no circumstance where you drop and are only able to find medpacks and shield cells with no weapon in sight. Not even that there were few and someone else got them first, there's just straight up no fucking gun to pick up sometimes.
they should go full postal and nuke that fucking map from oblivion
If you open a bin with no gun it always gives a gun
Not true
Yeah it is true retard
I've seen it not be true too many times
Only maybe on the red and blue bins but theres no way you opened 4 in a small area and got no gun you just suck and are gay. You probably had two guns that you don't consider OP official ImperialHal guns so you don't even consider them guns
i do not care for winters express
I like it, but it's very focused around controller legends. I play Caustic in that mode, and I never play Caustic.
i play valk because i like going nyoooom with the jetpack. train doesnt change that but i like that it goes choo choo
Getting blacked tonight
karambit sucks ngl
Half the people in a lobby don't want to play apex legends and that's the biggest issue.
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Hi everyone! Haven't visited this thread in almost 1 and a half months. So neither have I played Apex. What's new? Anything good? We've switched the board, huh? Is posting this bad these days?
gacha rules vg, we cant keep up with them
overbros our status?
60k is decent for a 5 year old game with minimal real updates
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*Holds down press to talk key*
Over, over.
I didn't get the Winter's Bane but I did get the Attunement Hemlock.

Will the event store reset and offer another event pack? It usually does, but when it does it also says "refreshes in X days" which it doesn't this time
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>have boards the most niche shit
>cant make a board for gacha
Its pretty obvious they are control freaks that want to just have an iron grip on the site

In a just world they would be on /vm/ and we would be on /vg/
>playing lock down
>Maggie and wattson are sitting in a corner with charge rifles
thanks for being on my team! Definitely didn't want to play the game mode the way it was intended! Glad this is a constant theme with solo q!!
true. a board for gacha shouldve been made years ago
Thoughts on the new matchmaking update?
I haven't touched the game in like 6 months and probably won't for another 6.

One for gacha, one for kpopfags, one for idolshit. That should contain most riceniggers outside of the regular boards and maybe /jp/ will finally be decent.
>One for gacha, one for kpopfags, one for idolshit
We pexxin?
nah I'm good
Alive game?
Also, how is Steam calculating revenue for a FTP game?
on mine it's in top 3 with cs and dota, we are so unbelievably back time to move back to /vg/
The west has quite literally fallen, fuck all of you
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Whew i haven't played in like a month but i like playing some winter express so imma do that
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Well that is cute
You may not believe it but the Newcastle, watto and caustic 3 stack won
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Wtf is this real?
How do i rate the items??? Though i seriously want this to see if devs take any notice or not
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merry xmas lobros
Why am I so much better in non-BR modes? My aim sucks when I play BR but gets 10x better in other modes. I'm better with a blue weapon in Winter Express than I am with a fully kitted weapon in BR
beleza, what a beautiful gift
Haven't played this game in a year.
I logged on to check it out and already i'm considering uninstalling. This new battlepass system is complete dogshit and the cosmetics look trash.
I need to know if this game is still a controller aim-assist fest at least.
Is the OG playlist still up anywhere in this game or did they remove it completely?

Tick Tock chuddies
>devs could've gave us a goated br game
>ea said no, and forced them to keep shilling skins
ass game desu
yea hes right
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>preds getting paired with lower ranks as fodder
I thought they fixed this shit? It's either that or there's not enough players to fill a lobby.
I'm very sure it's the latter anon. I'm a bronze rank and I somehow get diamonds and press rank
It's unfortunate but I have to agree with xim.
You just know they must be bored of farming low rank kids. Hal seemed miserable and tired in the clips I've seen of him. Rouge seemed dead inside and had the fakest forced energy, but to be fair he's always kinda been like that.
At least hal will still have a streaming career after Apex eos, can't say the same for a lot of the personalities in the apex scene.
dead game
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I quit this game for League of Legends
It's the money earned from the microtransactions since you use your Steam wallet to buy currency. The question is where is the money going?
When are they pulling the plug?
When the whales stop pigging. They really dropped the ball with this game. Tbh they needed to figure out the healing situation

herwraith dropped a vid
thought the MONEY on his shirt was edited in or something when i saw the thumbnail on YT
pull the titanfall 3 lever it's the only way
Over a thousand hours in Apex and I only just found out that TAB opens the inventory. I've been awkwardly pressing i this whole time.
gr8 b8 m8,i r8 8/8
the weird thing about that post is that i had ZERO fucking clue the post ended in 88

i forgot dubs existed on /vm/ that is so fucking BASED
Fusechad save us....
Out of my control lad. I'm sorry.
Its too easy here /axg/ bros
/vm/ babbies cant compete

check em
Wow i somehow managed to spoiler my entire post without noticing
> no fun multiplayer games out
> Not a cod guy , the finals got stale for me considering the only way to play is on medium and they get all the cool shit
> fill the void with mindless apex
> realizing I have been playing worse then usual, really struggle to get shots in
> buy new roller
> realize my old roller had the worst stick drift known to man on both sticks
> go back to roping ppl
> teammates instantly become retards and Mexicans

There’s gotta be a better multiplayer out there
If only there was another general thread on this board with a fun multiplayer game
Welcome to /cs2g/ nigga.
there's definitely not enough players to fill pred lobbies
Even EU mid-day during holiday season I get the same 60 players in pubs matches. Although pubs is a permanent meme game mode with all the extra stupid shit, so not really surprising
>daily challenge: get a kill with a red tier weapon
>smash relic tick
>it drops a red gun (mastiff)
>shoot a guy with it
>don't get credit for the challenge
Apparently it was the wrong color red
you fucked up your last get but redeemed it here with trips. very impressive. now check these
and these
dead game, only people left are 3stack no lifers and cheaters
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This would be really cool if it wasnt on an extremely slow board
/tf2g/ are making fun of us again, sisters...
What are your new year pexolutions?
It's my fault
I stopped playing after moving from console and told myself I'd come back when a good season came. Every time I checked in...it never caught me. I'm just glad I was there for the first ten seasons at least. The only battle royale game and hero shooter I cared about.
that was the joke anon
Yeh........ but its pretty cool that both digits were posted at 48:22 and 18:44
This is the only game that puts multiple 3 stacks together in the same mode against solo players
>dont fix matchmaking when game is alive
>fewer people keep playing
>double down on not fixing it now the game has less players to match with
Its just another vicious cycle that respawn put themselves in
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We limin into 2025
>12,650 ice gems left after unlocking everything in the event store
>~6 days left of the event
Were they just overgenerous or is there a possibility that more event shop stuff will be available? It seems weird to end with 1000%+ more points than were required to unlock everything
This will be loba graphics in 2025
Apex WILL be saved in 25
>hiswatson quit Furia 5 years ago
wtf?? time flies
Apex 2 releasing 2029
Titanfall 3 ETA ~2040
play until I've done dailies/BP then stop
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I miss 2024 babs.. the brief warm fuzz of Christmas fading away

back to normality..
Dragging teams to second fucking sucks
Better than dragging teams to third right?
Well it depends
I love being dragged to second, and I am never going to help you get there or to win at the end.

Play up, playpiggy. OINK OINK
havent played in a month desu
Play caustic/rampart/fuse express!
I started playing bloodhound again. I like the threat vision and you move so fast in the ult that people can't hit you
After all these years, xe is still solid pick.
And after all these years, noobs still scan at every moment, in the middle of nowhere, until we are near other squads and they forget about it.
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Just got this cool Devotion skin from a rare pack
funny to think this movie is 20 years old, and it now looks less advanced than most video game graphics
Wood skin chads cant stop fucking winning
Who's the Magnus Carlsen of Apex?
Wow the game with butt ugly nigger characters ISN'T the favorite game for coomers? Who could have seen this coming?
>but Loba got a dumpy!
Yeah? So does every other hot girl in that cook character list. You know what else Loba has? An ugly face, just like the rest of the cast.
The benefit is that they're all over the place and everyone has access to them.
I'd rather balance revolve around two people fighting with similarly overpowered weapons than the game to turn into who got luckier when looting.
>doesn't give a fuck
how pathetic are you that you have a bot afking for you in mixtape
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lobot stocks have been declining steadily since atleast 2022/23
its over...
Who's the Luke Littler of Apex?
So, speaking relatively with how old the average Apex player is, you're less than 12 years old?
Had one good match earlier and then nothing but gum-chewing nincompoops since.
I believe this is the norm
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I made it to silver
2 mastiffs is a valid ranked loadout
2 new maps are coming
mirage is being given rivals lokis teleport with his decoys
>source: my ass
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>im gonna grind ranked this season
>win a few matches
>get to gold
>refuse to elaborate
It took me a day to go from gold to plat ranked really is a joke until diamond
Don't go to the circus if you dont want the clown to tell you a joke....
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> it’s apex time
> drop in for some casual because need BR achievements
> every game is Mexicans with kids & / or a fan
> drop 10+ kills in those lobbys
> wait I’ve seen this before
> remember when I got a nostalgia boner for SOCOM confrontation , and an old cod multiplayer nostalgia boner
> remember that a dead or dying game is always filled with Mexicans
> realize that all my lobbys are Mexicans
> kills flowing every game now

Either that or I fucking clicked late in the lifespan of apex
Should i, an EU player, cash in on the beanerfodder and switch servers?
guarantee at least half of /axg/ doesnt know who he is
i remember his grappling hook
man in charge of release seer, as though adding 3 fucking wallhacks was good design
and you can see his braindead tweets about how seer won't be OP here cause he's gone protected
it took like 3 seasons for seer pickrates to leave single digits. everyone took the devs at their words and never bothered with him, even though it was extremely clear just from looking at his abilities that he was busted. was about season 14 he hit peak saturation and calls for nerfs began iirc.

that said, yeah dzk was a retard. i remember him crying about how he was worried valk would be busted (cos of the passive, not the ult) and then confidently dropping seer next season
seer got nerfed after one or two weeks when he was released, after that everybody stopped playing him until everyone realized he was still insanely good
oh right, my bad. i just remembered being adamant for months that he was clearly still busted and being countered with "nuh uh, low pickrate", and then he eventually picked up in usage and became super oppressive and i had my told you so moment
yeah the first scrims after he was released was just literal constant seer qs
a team would be in a building in range of like 5 teams and just die for free cause it fucking did damage
>dabbed on wattson mains
>shit up comp scene with OP space nigger
/our guy/
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That was a pretty funny time... and then the gloop troon dropped next
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Mommy's angry
Yeh mummy maggie
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lobas getting the same treatment her girlfriend did
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why do the devs have such a hate boner for zipnigs
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>bringing back launch royale for all the maps except olympus
>Movement is le bad
>Skill is le bad
>Now lets buff support and defensive into the stratosphere
Lootpex Legends
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jesus christ i cannot wait for this season to be over
its like they fundamentally dont get what draws people to apex
>Now You See Me…
>Now also cloaks when using a healing consumable item
>Cloak is removed by damage, ability use, or dropping the heal action
>Cloak has a 5 sec cooldown that begins after exiting the cloaked state
>NEW Boozle-Eye: Bamboozles now also scan the target who shot the clone
>NEW Renaissance Man: gain access to all other Classes’ world interactions: Assault Bins, Care Package scans, Survey Beacons, and Ring Consoles
>Mirage and his team will ONLY gain EVO for these interactions if the squad also has a member of that class
LOL WTF are they doing?
>>NEW Renaissance Man: gain access to all other Classes’ world interactions: Assault Bins, Care Package scans, Survey Beacons, and Ring Consoles
what the fuck lmao
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>LOL WTF are they doing?
Saving babex
now that is one zesty purple nig
Damn the charge rifle stonks just keep rising
I guess its like whats happened to the mozam(s)... trying to make high risk/reward weapon accessible for people who cant hit shit
babs... i dont know how much longer i can go on...
I heckin love handicap slop!
I wonder if the 5 second cooldown only applies to invis triggered with healing, or if revive invis also subject to it
The only way to fix ranked is to give points for Squad Kills. I.e. if your team has ten kills then you all get the same points for the ten kills.
buffing boosters and carries is an interesting take
Genshin but with guns and apex mechanics o.o
Awful Loba buffs
Grappling Hook: cooldown increased to 30s (was variable)

The rest of the zip nerfs were tolerable, but now you're actively punished for being a good skirmisher and choosing when to use the high-skill-cap mobility

This is a game in its death throes.
the last few seasons seem like theyve finally settled on whether they want to cater to casuals or skilled players, and they made the shit decision
Just more reason not to play unranked
at least this gamebreaking bullshit is contained in pubs and not every other game mode
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Alright who's your new main?
Jester bros... when will it be our time to shine.
Is this a new board? I was aghast when I couldn't find anything on /vg/ lol
>its already been almost 3 months
Feels like we've entered some kind of time warp since October/November
Of course we will be SO back tomorrow
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Be honest chat, is this reversible?
There will be like a few seasons upswing again
It's so fucking over
Yay we hit bump limit we pexxin naw
/vg/ next ... haha
Hands too cold for MnK...
>og mode back


current game sucks, overpowered legends and other retarded changes ruin the game balance, the game is dying because of this

they need to bring back the OG mode with quality of life changes (like they are doing with this iteration) permanently

The old game was just BETTER

People want the old game, when it was good, before overpowered legends and retarded balance changes ruined the game.
lol, they'll do this to pathfinder but won't dare nerf trannyrizon, the legend that's needed a nerf on this level forever
Problem is they bring shit back in the worst way.
Its just to bait you into playing again
Hey Respawn. Add these to Apex, you cowards
>NVIDIA Reflex 2

I should clarify, I want to be able to flirt realistically with my wife Loba in-game
Playing bladepoint mobile with my virtual alter gf
>fuck it, remember that gibby bear skin?
>just fucking slap that shit on a few other crap legends
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is it just me or are the eyes on his mask way higher than his eyes actually would be
I think so. But also the angle its framed at.
Anyways, his forehead looks ridiculous lmao
>made a hole for Bang's yee-yee ass haircut
>couldn't both with a mouth hole for Rampart so her bubblegum doesn't clip through
i hope with these old battle pass apex packs theyre doing they add one for the pass from a season and a half ago. i missed out on the loba cleavage skin
Respawns cynical perspective of the playerbase is basically just
>Loot goblins
>Pay pigs
>Twitch streamers
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uhhh, babs?
Is this just you?
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It looks like they pulled DX12 support. I guess they're still working on its implementation
i did not miss e-district
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Their skin designs just get worse and worse. I'd rather use a typical rare skin than these new prize legendary skins
remove the DX12 launch parameter, DX12 is the default now
I welcome more alter slop but theres already way too many of these Horizon skins
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I swear the octane/wraith skins are exactly like skins they already have
Like i couldnt say i have ever seen that kind of skin on, say wattson or idk
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the zest is strong with this one
idk what it is but they cant design good skins for horizon. i can count on one hand the number of her skins that are even remotely decent
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Playing chinkpex with my APAC gf
>missed most of the season
>olympus and edistrict
See you all in february
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*sexos your path*
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is this real?
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russians are weird man
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is it just me or did they make her more asian looking? is it just her hair?
>lower post cooldown than /vg/
How did i only just notice

Its just the hair, make up n' shit
Boost kit hover is kewl
Already got myself downed doing stupid shit with the hover kit
qrd on the new weapon changes?
Mastiff better
Charge rifle buff + auto fire hopup
Re45 +1 damage

Relic weapons
i read on the changes, i was more curious on how they are in game. mine is still updating so i can't play yet.
PK definitely feels alot quicker
Mastiff i havent tried yet (actually it was nerfed)
The new throwing knife is probably busted if you can aim (unlike me ;_;)
Even the relic EVA-8, nobody wants
There are boatloads of OP weapons as easy ground loot because of the relic shit
What were they thinking
Decided to go full masochist in duos for some reason with the relic charge rifle

Also why does it feel like theyve made every part of the gameplay faster? Abilties, weapons, healing all seem to be more responsive, but maybe partly because i was playing support.
Also legend perks + boost kits + class perks + abilities really start to pile on top of eachother in the right combination.
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>corner peaking constantly
>basic movement, mostly just strafing
>only uses AR/SMG/Sniper
Well he wasn't lying lmao
>be near full health/shield
>pop a long heal like phoenix kit for longer cloak
>fast-walk around people to stick a mastiff in their back
haha shit is stupid fun
kinda amazing how few people seem to have functioning stereo sound
Bloodhound is almost as bad as Newcastle when it comes to skins. They all look the same and none stand out
Shouldve put on patch notes "gave mirage 10 second invisibility abilitiy"
Why do people play duos like solos and then wonder why they are outnumbered and running away all the time?
Mirage chads, i kneel.
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God, valk players love pretending they are good at aiming, movement or literally anything, and then choking when they are relied upon
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whoever i just ragequit on after being respawned im sorry
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>jump off one of the skyscrapers while using mirage ult
>create gargantuan muttrage abomination in the process
myeh sucks how they don't spread until you hit the ground
So the launch royale doesn't hvae he classic maps when they were good before Respawn added a bunch of gigantic, colorful POI's to satisfy the loot goblins
Broken Moon is one of the most insane butchering ever of a map. They ruined it completely.
i know it used to have great flow. I would like to play WE with the train and Storm Point with the forbidden zone and tall grass in the middle
>i know it used to have great flow.
My grandma used to say "it's like the fucking Snoop Dogg of Apex maps."
Now she says it's wack.
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Made it to gold. I can finally say that I'm good at this game.
I have some bad news, gold isn't good.
They don't let just anyone in gold. I've proven myself
the demon one is cool but it has fingerless gloves on the right hand instead of a clawed gauntlet
I'm going to rename my account "nothinpersonnel" and do nothing but backstab newcastle/lifeline players with this kek
theres so many people like that cuckstic pic and it always makes me ask why are they playing this game again? even now at the games deaths door people still play like that
you can cover an insane amount of ground with two alter ults
respawn might be the GOAT character designers. when they set out to make a character they go balls deep, or at least the og team did. horizons kit is the most annoying thing to fight so they made sure to make her the most annoying character they could. similarly with gibby they gave him all the bunker tools so he could be a camping faggot and then in the lore they made him gay so hes also ic a camping faggot
bonus exploit: you can drop shields on the ground, take 5dmg from a frag you throw nearby, pick up shield again, then pop a medkit and invis for 8 seconds, then engage at 99% hp
tell me devs don't playtest without telling me they don't playtest
And you can move around at regular speed while healing while invisible
who gets the best skins?
Thanks for basically repeating the post he replied to
People are saying tap-strafing was nerfed, is that true?
Will be the final nail in the coffin for me.
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>The test result is that Tapstrafe cannot be saved, thank you very much.
>Tomb Tapstrafe Tomb
If you leveled up your Evo shield, the initial new bar shield regen lightning bolts FX ignores your cloak D:
gg babs, they put the final nail in the coffin
was inevitable with their shift to focusing entirely on casuals
Delusional post but nice trips
People play like that more than ever no, i noticed atleast more in the last 2 years
Probably a combination of cheaters, rollerniggers and shit matchmaking that make people crawl into a hole when they take a slither of damage
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>tapstrafing DEAD
>they are still (STILL) nerfing based off pick rate
Rest in piss respawn
APAC bf ...
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kairi "valkyrie" imahara has the best ass in the apex games. that is all.
When I look at her ass, imahard
e-district is so fucking stupid. a city map should be like 10% the footprint of a regular map but have all the buildings be fully explorable. varied skyline and plenty of broken/breakable windows for lots of movement options, have the whole thing play like a tense hide and seek in a dense city block
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In the midst of It's So Over, we found within us a wellspring of WE'RE SO BACK
Warzone can do this but these retards can't. Like when you see a stadium you can go in the stadium, if there's a high rise you can ascend it. Apex devs are just talentless hacks
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>tap strafing
>movement aficionados
Do controller players really think this?
reddit speculation is that all the skyscrapers and walls separating pois were for a hybrid titan game mode
>meanwhile buy more lootboxes goy
>we'll give you more wacky recolors in return
Its like a minecraft hunger games map... actually no that shit actually had interiors and shit
You can have a winrate of 100% in Launch Royale if you pick Lifeline, fill your inventory with meds, keep calling care packages to get gold gear and just heal outside zone with meds and your drone. The zone can't kill you fast enough and you'll win the game because enemies have less meds than you.
VGH... just like i remember season0bros
Reverting the game back to season 0 would unironically revive the game - a testament to how far the game has fallen.
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Olympus is one of those maps you get tired of really quickly on a bad day but you cant help but hold close to your heart just for the one time everything goes smoothly

whoevers making prestige skins needs to be beheaded for making EVERY TRAIL TRANNY COLORS
Does Lifeline's care package have smart loot in Launch Royale?
It didn't have that in S0 and sometimes contained complete garbage, even in endgame.
haha lifeline teammates are kinda annoying now, now that I want to try to stay at slightly below 100% hp for phoenix kit cloaks
im not clicking that link nigga, fix your shit
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You've gyatt to be kidding me! New Alter skin is le collection-event-walled. Another L Respawn. New Pulse knife relic is pretty strong John Doe. Haven't played for two month because of lack of content and here we are, struggling for the Wattson Nessie pyjamas. Relic Charge rifle and Devotion, combined with the said knife are an extremely strong combo. However, I can't avoid mentioning the horrendous MM. It has gotten MUCH, MUCH worse than I remember it during Halloween. Dozens of 2k+ kills enemy players and not a single one in my team. What the sigma, chat? Is this negative MM rizz or what? skull:emoji skull:emoji skull:emoji
Why can't Randoms just be good at the game lol
The loba ranked shitters are back in full force and more degenerate than ever
>2 tacs
>ult off drop
So gay
>reddit embedded youtube link
How the fuck

Well the doctor octopus shit is kind of cool but i get what you mean about making everything purple/blue/whatever colours
>get a top 10 finish 10 times
this is not a daily, this takes like two or three hours to do if you're playing with randoms and don't quit as soon as you reach top 10
You should never get the same ranked squad back to back. It's always the little griefing faggots too
Dont know how they manage to fuck up something as simple as a daily challenge other than it being "too easy" i.e only takes one day to do it.

You vill sleep in the pod
You vill take the E-bus to your Chuck E-Cheese job
You vill go to the ship arcade at the weekend
And you vill be happy
It's not enough that she gets 2 charges on her bracelet, but it also gives a speed boost and recharges her shield.

Every Loba teammate I get gives up the fight and runs 1000 feet away the second they take any damage
>it's okay, I'll just craft you guys
I fucking hate the fact that you can't heal while sliding. It's fucking bullshit.
I just have to ask who's actually benefiting from these support changes like was loba not already OP?
Still love this game
Still playin
Still dominatin
We pexxin
Huh? you can cant you
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No it didn't, but i think it had fixed loot scaling based on what round it was. I think the smart loot is still there because they didn't revert it/spaghetti code lol
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but what about all your favorite characters anon

we got space nigga
we got flying dyke
we got looting dyke
we got uhh... a few schizos and zoomers too
The assault class is supposed to get a similar buff focus next season. What can they even do?

Weapon supply bins give all gold/red items every time?
Speed boost and auto healing after using a tactical?
Every gun akimbo-able?
Infinite grenades?
>we got flying dyke
leave my flying dyke alone ive one-tricked valk since she came out i just like the jetpack :(
bigger ass
I can't. If I use Rev's tactical and slide using the momentum for some reason I can't heal or recharge my shield.
sounds like something specific to rev. you can definitely heal while sliding ordinarily. maybe youre still in the ability state until you stand still? something respawn should sort regardless. they wont though
>Speed boost and auto healing after using a tactical?
i could unironically see this given what support got this season.
also its bullshit that recon had their moment in the sun and while the buffs were nice, they fucking pale in comparison to what theyre doing now. if support gets all this i want everyone on my minimap at all times
Speed boost for breathing oxygen
i've had controller players who don't check the ring console, skirmishers who never look at care packages, and recons who don't scan the beacon. And now here comes these Mirage players doing all of them
>recons who don't scan the beacon
A lot of times, my teammates don't give me time to. We get our loot and then they're off to the next POI, and I'd be 30 seconds behind them if I climbed to the beacon and scanned it before rejoining them.

For me though, it's teammates who run right past EVO harvesters
What legend takes the most advantage of the perk boost kit?
I like Maggie having two charges of the big drill
>teammates who run right past EVO harvesters
especially when you ping it while they are right next to the fucking thing
and/or they are the high mobility character
Ah yeh forgot about that. Shame the wrecking ball doesnt fuck up gib dome/whatever else anymore
Vampire damage aka siphon on hit
Is the cheating catposter subzstance aka subzwoo still here?
Looks like we'll need another thread to migrate to

What is the bump limit on this board anyway? 600?
faster reload/weapon swap/ADS, better recoil, something like that
ok then babs, time to rotate
i kinda figured it still be a while before we hit page 10 since this is a slow board but whatever

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