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>What is this?
Korean anime-styled battle royale with moba controls/skills. Currently 8 squads of 3 for a total of 24 players per game but they may bring back solos and duos in the future. Game has been in early access for a few years and version 1.0 has officially launched on July 20th, 2023. Ranked season 5 started Sep 2024.

>Steam Link


>Eternal Return 1.0 Animation Intro (Full Ver.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqDLrvrl_p0 [Embed]

>Dr. Nadja's Beginner Guide
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3tDK2EcO80 [Embed]

>Match History, Character Lookups, etc.

>Interactive Map

>Items/Tac Skills/Augments





>/erbsg/ friends

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>Eternal Return Season 5 Preview

>Season 5 Lucky Preview - Eternal Return

>[New Character] Yumin - Eternal Return
>Isn't the majority of this game's playerbase zoomers?
Eh maybe, but mobas are really dead in the <18 crowd, they're too used to first/third person games for moba controls
>The crafting is just too weird for most people
I understand how it works, but trying to figure out the differences between minor stat changes on different items to plan different builds and then overlay that on top of item pools and route planning, and it becomes so convoluted. It's clear why the game heavily pushes towards picking some preset build and following it fully
Item systems in mobas work because players have total control over them and can adapt easily during games, items in BR games work because weapons have distinct playstyles and stats of a category are limited to their own items (only armor impacts survivability, only guns impact damage, etc) so reading your or an opponent's becomes instant instead of trying to determine which stat spreads their gear has
The first day/night in ER is just spent fully equipping yourself with purples before actually playing the game, it feels like a rather big failure when other BRs are known for scrappy shitty fights with bad gear at contested drops, which ER doesn't have the systems for
On the one hand I do agree that needing to spend the first minute crafting on Day 1 sucks for both people trying to learn the game and is tedious for experienced players as well, but I do feel like if it was removed then the game would just be people spawning together at lv 1 and competing over chickens and boar spawns or trying to fish for wipes... It's more or less the same type of shit you'd see Night 1 except extended. Alternatively they could just begin the game at Night 1 lv 7 but then you'd have hell going loose on the best farming spots. Day 1 crafting sort of helps adds some inconsistency to every game that makes it so that every game isn't playing out the exact same at the start while also not severely impacting your team's tempo too much if things go wrong short of a full wipe.
Yeah you’re right and neither of those solutions are great, but it’s still a bit absurd to be able to just guarantee having a perfect build after a few minutes compared to how much improvising tends to be a core part of BR games
There’s not much the game can do this late into its life, but idk something like grouping item spawns for weapons/boots/armor together so spawning as a team and building up could work better? Maybe only spawn items for purple crafting after the first night, so people are constantly scavenging? The way special crafting resources spawn and work is great, but it’s very winner takes all and only goes towards one person on your team, compared to scavenging some high value area in other games
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>Skins available in store and boxes again
Arcana of Fate Adina
Underworld Org Haze
Steampunk Martina

>Skins not avaialable in store and boxes
Crimson Devil Echion
Magical Girl Rio
Lovely Magical Girl Rio
Beachside Nicky
Exterminator Adriana
Test-taker Hyejin
Masquerade Daniel
Demon Hunter Johann
Burning Maid Adriana
Morning Coffee Sua
I feel like they should pop 5-10 second ads or popup ads on youtube/other social media platforms. It's probably less expensive than what they attempted to do, which was pay big sponsorship to very few league streamers hoping their viewers get attracted.
Idk about other people but I'm a retard and ads easily get me interested, esp if anime
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Well the problem lays back to
>person interested in anime tries game out but doesn't stick because doesn't like MOBAs
>person interested in anime and likes MOBAs doesn't stick because doesn't want to learn ERBS
It's just hard to get new people into the game when the game demands a lot of your time and effort to learn - especially when ERBS is (in my opinion) the most fun when you are playing at a decent+ level. You are certainly not going to enjoy the game and want to get better as OrdinaryTim42 player level 28 Aya main with 0/20 recent games won avg rank 6.1 avg dmg 4,038 that gets matched against mythril 3-stacks every other game and getting killed by one of them trolling on crit Eleven.
Yeah I get it. Mobas in general have been losing popularity; even league's no exception. There is no saving this genre
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It's an ouroboros of game not having enough new players so the queue for new players isn't big enough to accommodate skill level gaps in norms and so new players don't stick around and that goes back into contributing to the game not having enough new players. The main new people who do stick around are friends of already-existing players - very hard to find someone who isn't associated with anyone in the community jump into this game and stick.

The same was for me when I first picked up the game and got thrown into solo lobbies with Titan players 2 days into learning the game and I stopped playing until S1 came out because I was re-learning the game with friends this time, and eventually started playing with anons here too and had (still am) a blast.

This game is mega fun when you've actually learned how to play and play with friends but getting there is the hard part that filters most people out and I do think you also need to be the kind of gamer that enjoys working for their wins which I feel like most people aren't so that's another filter.
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Yeah I would've quit earlier had I not played norms with anons first. Addicted to ranked now but playing norms solo with randoms who flame 24/7 or can't get a full build before day 3 is miserable and I would've quit before reaching level 30. Norm players are oddly extremely toxic
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So what we've learned from this is play with your anon bros! For those who haven't already, add yourselves to the /erbsg/ friends list and add people on the list!! Invite them to norms!! Play!!!
Nah. I'll continue to just randomly get added by people I play against because I spammed emotes along with them in the waiting room.
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He has a point tho, met some cool people through soloq from emoting with or playing well with
That being said we're so back yesterday was not it but today was so nice. Anon was right RP and game quality is literally just a wave
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new chapter
>A crate
Why would the last 2 of 3 teams willingly grief each other at school before wick is even up when there's only 3 teams left lol. Got everything given for free. One of the 2 teams fighting up there had to just not be paying attention or didn't care about putting themselves in a worse position
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>willingly grief
luv me those situations
just held southern poolside angle and the lone Arda and eastward team ended up crashing safezone from top and we just jumped in and wiped them all
literal godsend
Lmao but I get that for BZ esp if someone's alone. They're 100% gonna try and grief to try and steal kills. This one's just a 3v3 jerk off session as night 4 begins while we are given wick, red box, everything. Throwing for fun
Rip unpaid intern.
I couldn't get akinator to guess Bianca or Sua. It is so over.
I feel like I fundamentally disagree with some of these points. I don't think it is unreasonable for even the newest players to realize Red > Gold > Purple etc. There is a reason most players upon meeting an enemy team immediately check items. They don't even know exactly what they have just knowing what colors changes decision making.

I think getting rid of crafting would be a mistake. They already dumbed it down multiple times, but the routing and planning adds depth, and honestly players DO scrap early on. It's not uncommon to see the best players finish their builds later than good players cause they work in other optimizations such as farming, cooking, or hunting kills. Scrapping also over farming routes and obj spawns. I reject the notion that being on all purples is a "perfect build." Purple gear IS bad. Refer to above about how players will just cut and run if they are down by even just 2 or 3 transitions.

Improvising and scavenging exist as a product of not getting any transitions. Avoiding transition spawns, staying in yellow, or playing around reopening zones are all equivalent to scavenging. With very optimal play you can actually split farm pretty competently to keep/catch up. It reminds me of how No Flame had their entire team able to buy FC when kiosks opened cause they read the map properly and just farmed like maniacs instead of contesting objectives.

The improvising part comes from when you get rng and it doesn't fit in your plan. For a long time my biggest gripe with the game was lack of item diversity, but we are slowly getting there.

Grouped spawns do exist and they're known as loot clusters. It'll guarantee you can get the items you need out of an area. You can see this being abused by ERCS teams all the time with them meeting extremely early or even just all spawning in the same area.
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so for some reason or another NN have now given the discord sekrit clubs a way to mass report someone they don't like and actually get them temp banned from ranked
but i'm sure they're all upstanding individuals with no spite who won't abuse such a system until it gets removed
Wtf let me in I want to abuse this power :-)
must be a nightmare for little timmy when he gets into diamond for the first time, finds he's in a master-immortal game that's too difficult for him and then he gets reported by 50+ people afterwards and can't play anymore
>I don't think it is unreasonable for even the newest players to realize Red > Gold > Purple etc.
>I reject the notion that being on all purples is a "perfect build." Purple gear IS bad
Yes, there's a huge focus on upgrading your gear to golds and even reds if you can, but this takes the place of the regular BR game behaviour of finding bad starting gear and using that to clear higher value areas to obtain better gear
Instead that bad starting gear takes the first day of just searching and crafting without really making meaningful decisions as you're just following your plan, rather than deciding if you'll take healing items or spare bullets in your limited inventory
>They don't even know exactly what they have just knowing what colors changes decision making
Yes absolutely, but seeing someone with higher value armor in another BR indicating they're more tanky doesn't really exist in this game when you have to figure out if their gold item has defensive stats or offensive stats or whatever else. Someone with 3 more golds than you is definitely going to have higher stats but you don't know what those stats are.
The point is, the game's fighting its own nature as a battle royale, especially with how much of the build consists of pre game augments/tactical skills or weapon choice that locks you into a role. Not having tactical skills be found as loot shows exactly what I mean by fighting its nature
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>Maintenance Nov 7th
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Dont forget use the codes because it will expire soon!
Trying to determine if using the skin voucher on chiara's beach ass skin is worth it
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>Use voucher for a skin of the shop instead of stuff only available in the rng boxes
Unless that's my main or own a huge collection I won't
if katja doesnt get a halloween skin I will riot
>especially with how much of the build consists of pre game augments/tactical skills or weapon choice that locks you into a role. Not having tactical skills be found as loot shows exactly what I mean by fighting its nature
after reading the some of the text I think I begin to understand how different the game would be if it followed its own identity instead of being lol with BR elements sprinkled over it.
I don't think they are planning in changing direction though
Exactly my point, there's no chance something that deeps gets changed at this point but at least that's why I think the game's not doing great
Getting gigacarried is probably the best and worst feeling in this game. On the one hand it is amazing to just let someone else call all the shots and all you have to do is be a human being that can listen to orders and you just win. On the other hand you have to cope with the fact that those wins weren't really your wins and were a combined effort of the other two players doing 90% of the work while you just sort of existed. It's both motivating since I want to get better and not be as much of a burden but also feels demoralizing like did I do anything those games :(
>check replay of really dumb chase yesterday
>2 people chasing me through 3 zones for no reason even though my team escaped and is ready to revive me
>I have cctv so I see 1 team in the back chasing after map noise we're making
>I just keep baiting and trying to live as long as possible
>they wipe after finally killing me
That felt motivated. Trying to prove who is the best main lmao? All that for 1 TK and them being terminated

It's the best feeling. You will not have the latter feeling when you start being the highroll on your team. You will want back those comfy games. Take the wins because you'll be eating losses later on unless you're a god gamer
>Instead that bad starting gear takes the first day of just searching and crafting without really making meaningful decisions as you're just following your plan,
Blindly following your route is not good. Your spawn matters a ton, and immediately influences which direction you take. For instance a popular route is Dock > Factory and if players get a bad spawn they'll often skip their intended cluster and run to a better one. There is also the matter of pre-farming transitions, and the idea of farming while you loot by taking certain routes to hit chickens/dogs/boars at precise times. Currently the stream/hospital/pond trifecta is a very popular route and it is recommended to change where you spawn based on where others are spawning. Also, since you get dayscan when the game starts you can plan your routing around other spawns to make sure you don't hit already looted clusters. There is a ton of decision making to be made in the first day.
>rather than deciding if you'll take healing items or spare bullets in your limited inventory
You only have 10 inventory slots and at any given time you'll need: items for your transitions which take up 1 or 2 slots each. 1 or 2 stacks of food. 1 or 2 stacks of drinks depending on character. Cams. Recons. and then uncrafted cams/gunpower/binoculars, and a mobile kiosk if you find one. That's like 8-16 items all vying for space in your inventory.
>especially with how much of the build consists of pre game augments/tactical skills or weapon choice that locks you into a role.
You can see many builds will have flex items depending on what your team needs. For instance, one of my most played characters is Elena, and I can flex dfury vs crusader depending on if I want to be a true frontliner or a diver. Some are locked, but plenty are flexible enough to switch their roles even during the game.
Comfy games are nice but it feels so wrong to be this comfy in the backpack
Feels almost like cheating
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>Royal straight flush. That's how I play.
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Yamato nakadashi
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Kick back and relax bwo. Unless you want to feel in control then throw the game
I'd rather not be in control. Just feels weird as if I'm not doing my job properly in these games but we're winning still so I guess I am?? I'd never survive playing tank or support.
Jackie a shit, Leni a shit.
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That's a sick skin, time to play Jackie!!
There is no other choice left but to make a smurf
Twao... no...!!!!
twao fallen from grace
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These games are stressful man! Gotta ping here, there, don't go too far, back off let's do xyz objective instead. Let me be autopilot!!
Games start getting better at like midnight-3AM when the degen good players start logging on... But from now until then it's meteors and mith teammates... I want to be the one with no brain. I'm not even good enough to macro people so don't make me do it!!!
And no macroing = literal 7th/8th territory. I tried that 2 days ago just following fights teammates are taking
I am no longer a twao fan
no hawk
no twao.
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It sounds like it's time for us to play some nyorms.
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On my smurf!
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Just for you I will make a new smurf so we can level to 30 together bwo...
Playing with some of you bros might be fun but I’m new and I suck…
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I'd rather play with newbros than random vets desu
Having fun with anon bros >>> winning with randoms
Hold the thought for now bwo, I am maybe thinking about smorfing but I may just fast drop rp too
Who cares if you suck, anons can just guide you for general macro and then the getting hands (mechanics) comes with hours played
nyooo but your 8k!
Man who cares when the games become unfun
Yes I am a shitter who wants to just get carried and play on autopilot
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Everyone sucks at first might as well make it enjoyable. Playing with anons here means you dont have to use braincells to deal with cancer pubs and can truly learn the game
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I got a character ticket and I'm not sure who to grab with it. I'm planning on grabbing one of the 8K coin characters to be economical.
I want to get Tsubame, Katja or Darko based on what I think they're like. Katja is an ADC, Darko is a brawler but I can't tell exactly what Tsubame is. Is she also an ADC? She seems to want to cast skills a lot though from what it feels like trying her out once.
she used to cast skills a lot
now she's a carry but slightly more elusive
ADC/assassin hybrid
>coupon already expired
Yumin deserves way more nerfs than Garnet ever received. Garnet barely had any players while anyone can play Yumin and do insane damage. The fact that Garnet got constant nerfs through hotfixes and patches while Yumin got range buffs... Somebody punch the devs
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Yumin didn't get a press-to-auto-win button like Garnet though, NN should just reduce the damage numbers.
Pick rate nerfs working as intended. If yumin was a ohoho ojou with a fan you bet your ass he'd be nerfed to the ground
find it funny that the retard start the convo with coomer comment in chat lobby. then, process to tell me to uninstall the game didnt spell uninstall correctly after he did not tp escape in teamfight. check their profile, its a silver shitter lvl 100+ malding over a normal game.
Did you cat emote to hopefully piss him off even more?
I am probably going to just make another smurf in all seriousness just so I get playable norms
There's just no winning when my teammate is literally a new level 12 player in a lobby with 3-stacks
just a matter of time until the rest think just like you and it affects newer players more
oh wait it's already in motion!
Not worth it. Plus, I checked the person next match, 7th place 0/2/0.

Let him be immobile after a dash for 1 sec. I get that is' great that you get cd back on landing spells but this mfer character e q and his e's back up again
He's highest pick but not a girl so yeah not highest by far. 2 more days until patch gut his ass
Playerbase should increase in december.
I just hate the current MM system for norms. I genuinely feel like they should just increase queue times for newer players if it will at least let them get into pure beginner lobbies instead of just throwing them into having a teammate that has 1000 hours and fighting opponents who are stacking together with 2000+ hours played. I think it's worth the increase of queue time to ensure higher quality matches.
>inb4 but it's just norms
Yes I do think that making the norms experience better for new players will increase new player retention.
just accept you cant win them all? ... or just 3 stack like the rest of them
Trying queing in kr server
They'll just end up being thrown back into bot lobbies and adding 10 minutes more to the queue timer will have them quit for that day on the spot and if it keeps adding up, just quit entirely.

>inb4 but it's just norms
>Yes I do think that making the norms experience better for new players will increase new player retention.
Totally agree, it would also make it a decent environment to practice stuff for ranked, therefore getting more people into ranked queue. Because if you need to play ranked to even begin to learn the game, you are already setting up for failure. The next problem would factor in the small player base and the lower ranked players not getting matches but that could be solved with a RP system revamp where higher ranks pay less RP depending on the rank of their team mates so you can then match the two (<plat and >diamond) closer together.
That's why they added the translation. NN already know the playerbase outside korea is small. Plus, im thinking they're gonna close the servers in EU and SA if the trend continues.
eubros??? sa doesn't exist no playerbase at all kek.
EU suppose to shutdown ages ago but the playerbase signed a petition and begged NN to not shut it down lmao.
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I don't mind not winning if it was a good effort at least. More often than not though it feels unwinnable.

For instance I am baiting an entire team away from hotel tree and pinging my teammate to go get the tree while I'm keeping the enemy's attention, and my teammate wastes time rezzing other teammate and we lose the tree because I can't hold on much longer and the enemy team walks back to tree and catches my teammate laggardly trying to get it. I don't want to be a toxic asshole spam pinging and caps locking in chat in norms of all things especially since I don't believe that kind of talk magically makes people play better and in fact would make them either perform worse or just straight out not listen to you but it's still frustrating.
wasnt that SA though?
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somehow managed to not win a single game today it's over this is the karma I get for getting too comfy with being carried
Dw I'm getting some of the most boring games where nobody wants to fight us and it drops to top 3-2 with no kills. Farmville ass game
they see you they run away that's how strong you are
literally suffering from success i fear
Wtfff it's not fair...
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Play and love, LOVE, Chiara!
>no pubes
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You can redeem 1st anniversary skins using vouchers
Just finished a game where I got queued into a Mythril player in norms but they picked a tank instead of a carry and our 3rd was a Chiara that sabotaged so hard it made the game unwinnable and the Mythril player was calling them a bot

Useless dumb penguin!
Chemo kills pubes follicle
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I need this!!!
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I’m probably on the wrong continent to play with you guys anyway, tried playing on NA and the ping makes it painful to fight
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Idk if this is the KR player or an impostor, but the KR guy is unironically one of the premier Lenis. I use his build.
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It's over, fellas
I have the ultimate one-handed gameplay kit.
Don't worry Leni has plenty of them, the bushiest of the female cast.
>not korean
shame on you
There are good korean voices.
Sua is definitely not one of those.
I can play on Asia if that's where you're from. My ping is like 180 or something but if it's just KR bronze-silver tier matches it's probably still good enough.
gayest opinion
Sorry bro the only time I get added is to be put on someone's dodge list
can I add you to my dodge list anon?
Only if you encounter me in-game
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>Priya if had good skins and more traits beyond of generic plant girl
>seeing the same names again and again in normal games
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3 stack immortal bros...
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>Vampire Queen's Skin Voucher have Bianca, Sissela and Chiara epics to choose
Huh. Koreans are the most toxic in their little clique complaining about every player now that I'm watching one of them stream. It's just complaining about every player. Weird badmouthing culture
first exposure to korean esports?
Yeah I don't watch esports or sports. Honestly if I think about it for more than a minute it's probably just all competitive culture and not just Korean. Sucks, wonder how much gossip girling there is behind the scenes
Ah, yeah it's just extreme competitive culture, but you do see it literally everywhere in korea
Extremely normal to compare and shit talk everything and everyone, sure it does push them to be better but it's also truly exhausting
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That's why the 'cord is also considered bad eh? But yea that's exhausting
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>mad at me for not landing r
>nicky literally doesn't even ult her who has 4 items but ults me and I almost 1v1
>she just dies to getting lenox hooked on her side of the fight despite being 4 items to 1-2 items on enemy team
>passive aggressive exclamation mark typing and refuses to boom himself for a fast kiosk rez
>lose instead of turning fight around
Holy shit I'm sorry but if this is your mental maybe this is why you're not climbing? But I guess rank doesn't matter or something? Anything to protect your ego. Just say what you want to say instead of being a passive little bitch and then griefing because you don't want to play anymore
swap to embolden and ignore painkillers
To be clear I won the 1v1 but she ran, didn't kill. Just waited at kiosk for my great teammate to rez to turn it around while we're high hp and they're at 20% hp but adcGOD spent more time typing and being mad. Could I have played that better? 100%, but I'm not going around acting like I'm a god gamer
>swap to embolden and ignore painkillers
Ty I'ma try it this game
This is where you throw your weight around and tell them
>silence sub 7.5klpkek
The benefits of being your team's highroll!
Alot of players fumble at 'down' judgement. in times like these it really comes to that teammate having a knowledge gap/lack of situational awareness. You got that rate up since its a adcGOD who cant see beyond the scope of their character.
Not to sound like a complete retard but has anyone made any resources comparing characters to league characters in terms of their kits?
Trying to find who I click with and would want to main is such a pain
Think it might be easier to just let us know who you enjoyed playing in League and we can tell you who are the characters most similar to the ones you listed
I don't really care until they start typing lmao. Like the game after teammate threw pressing R immediately to give enemy free hp but oh well go next. This game people 4fun'd first time Fiora oh well go next. If they start typing to be toxic then I'm like god dam reflect on yourself

Nope but uhh off the top of my head I can't tell who's similar to who. Barb = Heim? Who did you like playing in lol?
>muh league
fuck off
Bruiser/duelist top laners like Riven/Fiora/Irelia and melee assassins mid like Kass/Katarina/Yone/Ekko
Reading enemy characters in fights seems surprisingly easy for knowing what role they are and who I should jump but detemining who's fun to play is a crapshoot
Currently enjoying Jackie, Chiara, Elena and Ly Anh. On the fence with Abigail and Bianca, Debi and Marlene seem fun but they're far more of a tank than damage dealer?
You're entitled to call me a retard for being a league player but comparing characters to it isn't unfair when it's already directly stolen multiple designs
Riven = Dailin/Felix
Fiora = Fiora (lol)
Irelia = There isn't really one, Tazia maybe but she's more of a caster dasher
DeMa is a tank that does good damage yea
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DeMa just dives and dies for piss damage while spam ping teammates for not get raped as well
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And league directly stolen starcraft mechanics long time ago
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LMAO I'm trying the fight 24/7 with teammates on d1/d2 again and I'm getting quick 7/8ths again.
2 games in a row of these people having no self-preservation/awareness and suiciding for the fight when they can just walk out. But I'm on autopilot and idc to macro anymore, if these people want to be retarded then they'll drop rp fast with me I don't want to micromanage them.
Wave goes up and down
So I only recently picked up ER, how important is the weapon choice? Can it actually change their role in a composition or is it more just for the 1 skill and item passive and the character function in a team never changes?
the only thing matters is the weapon skill, except for characters like jackie or alex, nadine
on say Eva the diff is not that much
which char do you want to know
For some characters it changes how they'll have to fight. Like Aya, who just right clicks people with AR, but with sniper or pistol she has to rely on her W to do most of her damage.
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I got three holes like a pretzel
Tight as a virgin, boy, don't get nervous
I'm here to serve you customer service
I save dick by giving it CPR
I save dick by giving it CPR
Put my mouth on it like CPR
Let's make porn and watch it on CCTV
Alex has like melee weapons and ranged weapons, does that mean he flexes between ADC and bruiser is the specific one I was thinking about.
Hmm, I see. I assume this is just something I'll have to learn over time.
he's... special
he's a flex
Alex is a special case, because unlike everyone else who just picks one weapon at the start of the game and sticks with it, Alex gets to actively swap weapons mid-battle.
That seems kinda nightmarish to be honest, how does he get enough resources
A lot of luck.
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>Everything I do is for Peace and Love...
he doesn't, he uses 4 items slot and very very rarely a gold weapon
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norms is pretty comfy on a smurf being the low roll to some plat-myth player while the rest of the lobby are iron-bronze
god NN fucking fix your matchmaking you are literally encouraging smurfing if you are making it this comfy to smurf
wild walkers nerf (lol)
that just means you go down and they won't (they remain in their skill level)
Well... Too bad maybe I'm just not meant to be the team's highroll cause I'm too fatdog. It was fun getting first time pickers, suicidal teammates, and doing most dmg every game (except for 1 game). Takes too much brain power to play. I will try to improve for next time but I don't want playing games for fun to feel like this
I know, it's time to strim to 0 viewers tomorrow. Watch out bros
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>Twao stream
stream late
I can't watch if you stream early
start 4 hours before now
I have no idea how to stream. But I got you guys. Watch out for a mentally deranged individual
just download OBS and play around with it/read some beginner guides, it is very easy to set up
I am retarded and even I've been able to stream scarcely here in the past
If you are using HDR on your monitor be sure to force SDR since streaming with HDR on makes the colors look really washed out and faded
What laptop that can play this game?
I used to play this with 60+ fps on high settings on a fucking 3050 laptop, most modern laptops should have no problem.
Gtx 3050 is still too expensive for me unless you mean another kind of 3050. My limit is 1660.
laptop 3050
the lite version
1660 can run this game
the card, idk if there is laptop 1660
Honestly a laptop 3050 and a 1660 are pretty similar performance wise.
I'm pretty sure you can wait for a black friday sale if you are in the states and snag a decent laptop for a couple hundred of bucks unless you're working with a sub $500 budget.
>has to tilt and lose all his fans to begin streaming
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>be me
>never give a shit about ecelebniggers
>have fun and good life while others rather waste time in drama shit
Baited btw there's a patch today LMAO
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You're going to pay for that.
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Can these both be active at the same time, or can I only get progress towards one?
Also the "Escape successfully once" mission means buying that forfeit item that costs 100 points right?
I want to bury my face in li dailin's pits and huff and puff until I fucking pass out.
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Cheating on Eleven already?
Only one.
Yes. You need a dead teammate and for there to be a certain amount of teams left to buy it too.
Damn so that's just never happening for me since I only play norms. I only recently unlocked ranked and I don't wanna jump in while new and ruin other peoples games.
It can happen in norms. I've seen it every now and then, but it is fairly rare for people to do it.
Alright thanks I’ll check them out too
Need more katja
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Yamato Nakadashi
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>VAMPIRE queen's skin voucher
Where is the vampire shoichi skin
Sorry, no male skins in the binky box
You will probably still have time to stream for an hour or two if maintenance ends on time
She stinks
Rio stifling her moans as I grope her ass
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>Hisui wears the logo of Tsubame's clan
>Probably killed Goroh (AKA guy mentioned and once lusted by Tsubame before end in Lumia) out of spite
she'll use 2h and dual swords, won't she?
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Expecting the Twao stream in 2 hours
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the right emote
>Chiara was raped again
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By me but it wasn't rape, it was lovemaking
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post your stream NOW
Not advertising on 4chin. Find it or let me stream to 0 while I do my usual shit!
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So are they giving out more of these cards, or is the only way for me to get the last two to spend money
Damn, really? Its like that huh?
Wait but I don't think I missed any logins, was it a thing you could only get if you paid in the first place?
I believe if you spent the event np on the boxes you should be able to reach? I myself am missing 7 but preddy sure I missed a day since was bz
I can't see the boxes in the store
guess I'm fucked
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How did I even gain I felt like I wasn't 100% in it
good one twao
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Miraibelle (real) benefited from that nyes
How old is Eva?
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My wife (left) and her best friend
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They're so cute! Although Emma seems to have remembered that she may have left the washing machine on...
i thought they fixed diamond matchmaking, why am i still getting queued with plat carries who cant kite for shit
>play normals
>get matched with meteorites
>Slow as fuck
>Can't escape
>Relies on R and start with 3K hp to do something
>Can't help frontlines and backlines properly if the whole enemy team decides ignore him
>Can't 1v1 since everyone 95% of characters are faster and do more dmg by default
I keep getting matched with people with only 5 games under their belt in pugs, it almost makes me feel a little bad that this is their introduction into the game. At least I had someone holding my hand and spoonfeeding me info when I first started
th-that's me bwo...
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>E can't through walls unlike Li Dailin, Adriana, Yuki, Nicky, etc
>R can't do damage unless you go +1000Amp glass cannon tonfa and even must hold charge while any other retard just right click or press it once
>Nerfed to the gound since early access unlike Aya, Sua, Camilo, etc
When NN think rework this outdated motherfucker? Other melees like Darko, Luke, Kenneth and Markus doesn't need overthink a build to perform well
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I sent some friend requests to /erbsg/ friends but got ignored..
I haven't played since official launch. Are solos back yet? If not, did they talk about it?
No and no
I never received a single Friend Invite
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High skill ceiling cheese
lol lmao - Nimble Neuron
>Meanwhile Fiora who just need hold auto
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>99, 3%
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>Check builds
>All tonfa glass cannon
>yuki goes over walls
Was this added in the last patch or is this chatgpt
No, Yuki doesn't go over walls, anon's just a retard.
I only tried to add players on kr since my ping is unplayable on other regions
How could you do this to me bro...
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I'm going insane. Please stop spamming this emote.
>Garnet execute back to 25%
I'm starting to think NN doesn't really know what they're doing.
Her winrate was ass.
What would you do with her? Unless you want her to be permanently unplayable.
What is it with korean games and adding 500 different monetisation methods, currencies, systems, and trackers so I don't even have any idea HOW to spend money on their game let alone want to
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Maybe it's just cause of the changing environment, but they nerfed her for like 4 fucking patches in a row, then slowly started reverting them. It's ridiculous. The execute was such a core part of her identity touching it in the first place was a mistake.
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4k np for an epic skin selection voucher is alright, considering that the only other reliable way of getting the one you want is mileage.
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NN don't want admit that put Execute as skill was a mistake and Garnet's R should do damage instead of give victory automatically, like Smodel being trash weapons but refusing to replace it for better effects.
>but they nerfed her for like 4 fucking patches in a row
And yet Yumin who's way more polarizing only got 2 "nerfs" and he's been roaming free ever since. Garnet is still unplayable btw.
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>Garnetshitters depends of a press-to-auto-win skill to beat a underlevel Leni with crap build
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code working again
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>garniggers literally can't win unless she's reverted to day 1 release state
same for yumin players. yesterday on anon's stream there was 0 yumins in mith lobbies. he got gutted.
I keep seeing her in my diamond games. She can't be that bad.
Any kino Twao stream tonight?
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Huh. Didn't think about it today; was just gonna casually play on my own and drop RP. I can technically do the same as yesterday and chat while playing or use mic if needed but idk what to do inbetween. Usually just read manhwa/manga at this hour while waiting in q. I don't play any short games lmao
twao stream segue into ERM
it's going to be beautiful

do it bwo
Ok bwo
thank u 4 fun strim again
I think you're sorta playing better at times but now all you need is to stop using creds on prep and you can buy more game changing items and/or revive allies if needed
then it's just eating food before fights and you're increasing your odds of winning substantially
I went to toilet and ended up at erm
good stream twao
see you next week
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Today was uhh, WOAH. Big losses. Too bad can't be bothered to get mad at people; I am now the lowroll again let's goooo. Also fun times so doesn't matter. Dunno if worth doing tmrw, but def can't do on weekend goodbye then
Is it bad to eat food during? But yeah I need to prep items more
You sometimes forget to eat during so better to just stack the effect before going into the fight.
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tomorrow is weekend for me
scrawny dog twao
Oh, it's Friday for me lmao. I'll watch whatever tourney is happening tomorrow that's apparently happening tho unless it's super late at night like this ERM
I take it back...
msj is smoking something fierce
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Imagine Chiara actually being on TV, attempting to assume Billy May' role as a loud, exuberant advertiser trying to sell people drain cleaning tablets or car polishing solutions
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Chiara spotted
Chiara smeared on the wall by markus...
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the second time
Chiara has got this. SiN will show those frauds MSJ how strong she is.
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Didn't R2 the jan, it's chiararly over
Nina just carried chiara's incredibly fat and useless ass, what a turnaround
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If that was Emma instead of Chloe it would've been a 25 tk first place.
chiara bros I fucking KNEEL
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Chiara in rank 1!!!!
ADINA, markus progidy
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Yes that's cool and all but Chloe's got Nina so shes better by default
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>Losing to Chiara in 2024
Peak shitter
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EU is doing their fucking best, okay?
Even if their former rank 1 died to Chiara so many times he went insane and clicked a scam link so his discord account got hacked
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I love my retarded, dumb as a rock, zero spacial awareness, completely oblivious to her surroundings and as smart as a 20-watt light bulb wife
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>Uh, I'm only wearing this because I have to! Don't get used to it!
I bet she likes taking it up her ass
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Don't insult my very intelligent wife
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She definitely does
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Is 8-11k damage a good number for tanks? I know doing damage is but whenever I play Eleven or Mai I feel like I'm not really doing enough damage in team fights
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damage is not what you should be focusing on*
my brain died
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Oh I agree, Chiara is really smart! It took her only 4 months to solve a jigsaw that said "3 to 5 years" on the box!
>Oliver Buckland
Damn it's a small world.
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i'll never understand why this blew up as it did
Forced meme for viral marketing
>Everyone's saint
>Everyone's cumdumpster
It become popular in kr months ago in season 4 though, even players in masters were playing the meme song during the tournament
Like I said, forced meme
>Unable to cope
Shouldn't dress like a slut if you don't want to be treated like one
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Chiara slander will NOT be tolerated in this thread
bastard vtumor covering up the whole screen I CAN'T WATCH SCRIMS
you WILL like it. FUCK team 8.
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>122 views on vod
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Who's checking that wtf
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well you had no vods on
so people couldn't share it in their super secret discord to hawk twao in private
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LMAO uh oh... sharing my skillet gameplay in the secret discord...
Nyo your dumpire??
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>18min penalty because I refuse the system make me play with one (or even two) level 30 noob who can't even finish a purple item while everyone get decent teammates
matchmaking fixed and improved my ass
another ERM segue banger
hope u get freed soon
Strims are over
ignore chiara. wtf is this jonathan character? all that healing through -60% antiheal? time to gut him.
I am a believer that you will get out of jail and stream once more
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play and love, LOVE, Chiara!
I think I'll rape instead, thanks
>Got a lobby with people using Demon Hunter Johann, Burning Maid Adriana and Test Taker Hyejin skins
Those skill effects looks so fucking good, what is waiting NN to bring them back??
Weeding out radical feminists so they can hire artists to take on those characters and more is my guess
I want to make Katja emotionally depend on me!
I love her feet.
kys subhuman.
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keep alive upstanding individual.
You wouldn't torment an emotionally vulnerable girl, would you?
It's been like more than a year ago since the drama and only 3 skins returned, NN should do it faster at this rate
More like unstable and no, I just would like for Katja to become yandere for me.
Tanks who don’t lead… fuck you.
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hopefully he got her to have a wash first
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your vod is being passed around like cocaine
>he is still at it with his shitty headcanon.
all me
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Chiara Love!!!
your techniques are being stolen
she looks confused
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She's just embarrassed after I told her how beautiful she was
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She would probably get flustered and start stuttering all of her words. How adorable!
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Autism sex
Why you the frontline lead want if average dpshitter just fuck off once get hit by a Leni? In my last match as tank I got a Hart doing nothing but escape despite we had Charlotte covering her sorry ass 24/7 and leaving me in 1v2 almost all the fights
The technique to lose 600 RP in 2 days...
>90% of my matches with a Charlotte ended in defeat because those retards don't stay close healing and rarely use the stupid shield
>90% of my matches with a Charlotte ended in defeat because those retards do the shitty le epin meme crit Charlotte build
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You'd never catch Chiara players doing dumb shit like that...
...probably because you wouldn't see any Chiara players outside of EU in the first place.
. _.
._ .
oh well.
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I need Garnet to ruin me
>Crit Charlotte
Why people do this crap? She only have 1 offensive skill in her whole kit and takes a eternity to make effect
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I used to play this game like 2 years ago, I heard it doesn't have solos anymore?

Is Jackie still viable? tysm
>Is Jackie still viable?
No unless you like norms against uncoordinated comps
damn dead game
She's one of the characters who is unfortunately assigned to be
>le 1v3 skill resets #ERMbigplays
yet is both too telegraphed and too limited to actually do this at anything outside of magical christmas land scenarios or against random pubs
Yeah it sucks
I REALLY want Jackie to be viable but she dies when anyone sneezes at her.
The inevitable shutdown of NA and EU servers.
Because low IQ niggers think griefing your team by building damage items on supports is the height of humor, AD Soraka and carry Crystal Maiden have been around longer than ERBS even existed and the metal pipe Charlotte meme doesn't help
About as viable as dailin, some gooks can reach immortal with her but it probably takes an insane amount of effort.
Jackie and Li Dailin have the same problem of Hyunwoo currently, forced to build it as glass cannons to do damage because NN refuses to properly buff/rework old meless.
I think it's just a result of all the game changes, everyone gets so many items now that damage is really high and most of the melee carries are from a time when you'd see a gold item only once every few games
>teammates vacuum up every single drop just to flail around and lose in the very first fight
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>abigail and bianca are gonna get ANOTHER skin
I'm gonna say it
Maybe, but a Yumin with just 1 gold item doing over 40K dmg while Jackie barely do 17K dmg with 4 gold + 1 blood item and NN pretend that's "balanced" it's retarded
Your example just makes the Jackie sound like a dogshit player, way too too hyperbolic
To be fair it is retarded to compare the damage numbers of a mage that has AOE capabilities vs an assassin/duelist that does primarily single target damage. Character like Yumin can farm damage just from poking groups of enemies whereas characters like Dailin and Jackie have to unload their skills and autos to effectively kill one character at a time. Character like Jackie is not going to reach Yumin numbers unless she is allowed to just auto all 3 enemies to death one at a time and that usually will not happen past Gold level lobbies. Meanwhile Yumin hits 3 enemies with a skill 1-2 times and that already does more damage than Jackie normally would do during a single teamfight.
I wish, but in my last match the enemy team had a Yumin doing nothing but throw a skill, then ult and die like a retard while the jackie was giving veryone a ok fight and making sure they don't get 8th'd
>Wild walkers
>Ok item for tank/bruiser but not that great
>Gets nerfed after 1 single patch
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>Binky supremacy
>Hoes mad
healing reduction and cooldown is too strong apparently
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>get home
>play few games at 2-3AM
>climbing no strim
Strimming's a curse
everyone was in scrims
yes even our guy
how come I saw no stream
beats me
>ping a literal reviving guy in his face that he sees
>1 auto to heal back up 20% hp
>refuses and dies
Aight nvm back to normal business. Too zoned in to notice the 100 pings and reviving sound? Happened to me once so it makes sense I guess
Eternal Return Masters Phase 3 Finals
a couple of boxes
I thought you meant twao
Nah I'm playing at this hour but gotta be up in a few hours for more business. Coffee on 4h sleep lets go I need to get my games in. Who needs sleep
Do you now recognize the greatness of Chiara? EU was not wrong.
Bicycle making her rounds
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Binky gf
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10/10 would funnel her with VF blood packs.
climb and then strim again
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Chiara love!
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We love our daughter in this house
all me (listening to EGO)
I'm new to the game, when will I stop being matched with bots for normal matches? Like 8 games in and pretty much nothing but bots I'm just stomping because their idiotic.
Probably around 2-7 more games.
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While you're there you can practice getting your purple build ready by the time wolves spawn, and then figuring out a farming route that ends at tree/meteor right when it spawns.
Depending on the region and at what time you queue you might get matched against veterans right after the bot games end, better buckle up.
A good advice because many newfags think they're too good until get matched with regular players and then process to experience Chiara's simulator mode where everyone fucks them 24/7 in Lumia.
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>"It's getting harder and harder to see you now."
If you're on NA, do you want to play some games together? Stacking will generally put you into non-bot lobbies unless the entire stack is new. Be warned that non-bot lobbies are significantly harder but are generally a better learning experience - especially if you have someone who can help direct the macro that you can learn off of.
>Chiara's simulator mode where everyone fucks them 24/7 in Lumia
>hile you're there you can practice getting your purple build ready by the time wolves spawn
This is extremely important. I've had teammates that don't have their build done by night 1. And occasionally much worse than that.
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>Barely used since day 1
>No effects unlike 80% of chest items
>Mogged even by old shit like Mithril armor in term of stats and durability
don't forget
>buffed attack speed in other slots making it a less attractive choice
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>Don't look away! You never know when I might turn into a rabbit!
ima breed her like a rabbit
>join a match to test builds
>kira and his niggers doing 3stack
>in fucking normal
>"oh kira, it's over lol" comments a teammate
>told him that stop being a cuck and focus in play well
>day 2 and kira jump at us with his niggers thinking 9TK will be enough to impress me
>process to suck my dick, die like a retard and his dying niggers try to escape
gg narcisist cunt, just because you're a expert in abuse of gimmicks to snowball the lobby doesn't mean you know how hold a fight
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Chiara slander or bullying will not be tolerated in this thread!
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Didn't ask
Bwo what did Kira do to you
it's met not tree for carries
hyejin sure
not rio
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>Will you accept my fate?
fates too big
not canon
When do I start first timing in ranked cause I'm not a fokkin' 1 trick copium it's gonna grief whoever's on my team
play more nyorms
Frontline? You can jump right in
Backline? Play more norms
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>Ready for a summer adventure?
Erm I picked first time Laura and they dodged me?? Gave my Vanya to my other otp brotha but I got dodged anyways??
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>Chiara will never part of merch, events, collaborations or anything
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Dumb cat
I need to bully her
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What events? Gather 21 Europeans and a Chiara cosplayer and see who runs away from her the fastest?
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Cute CUTE!
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Rioshitters need to learn their place
t. Rioshitter
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>his adc didn't get 2 fc by night 2
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Yamato Nakadashi
yes, I'm Rio's husband
Rio leglocking impregnation
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Tried my first match yesterday. Game's really fun
Stop having fun
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Fun? Bad
My bad
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Who did you pick?
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Settled on Eva after the tutorials. Thought she would be more support oriented, but ended up having afk teammates.

The laser beam is fun
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Based. Eva is cute and youthful.
Eva get out of the Lumia wifi
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Playing with fellow anons will be funner!
Assuming nothing has changed, you'll be tossed into bot matches your first couple of times, enjoy your chance to learn and take some slower games while you can before the game decides to throw you into the utter deep end of normals, there is no real MMR for that because of small playerbase so it very quickly becomes a madhouse.
Figured as much.
How do I add people? I just played a match and both my last bots broke at the end of the game. Tbh I'd prefer the deep end instead of this
Oh right, to add to the other post, right now you should focus on learning your pregame skills, and routes.
As a new player, your focus should be solely to get full purple build before the day turns into night, in a normal non bot match you should be full build before night 1, unless you're a mage or mana intensive character who needs SP regen drop your water as soon as the game starts, and use a teleport to group up with the rest of your team ASAP, preferrably someone who is also fully built and just farming or moving.
Take the chance to learn the day 2 spawns for items as well. They're static and do not change, for example a tree of life will ALWAYS spawn in temple. Same with hotel, which means you really want to be grouped up with your team and contest those materials. It might be too much of an information overload so generally you're gonna want to just tag alongside your team and get a feel for how they path to farm animals, and the likes.
Anytime not spent fighting or contesting after your full build should generally be spent farming animals, bears are your priority pathing as they give big exp and money. The other really important animal are bats, ALWAYS loot bats if you can. They drop a guaranteed vision item either a camera, lens (1 camera and one lens makes TWO upgraded cameras with extended lifespan and stealth reveal.) or gunpowder (one camera and one gunpowder makes TWO drones. a point and click area reveal that you can use far away to reveal a given area without fear of your drone being targeted, useful for peeking over walls where you suspect an enemy is, or checking bushes far away instead of facechecking them and risking getting exploded by 3 people hiding inside.) Vision becomes game changing the more the game progresses, so getting these for free is huge.
Don't tp to your teammates on night 1. Farm on your own because you are a greedGOD. Tp to your team with 20 secs remaining in night 1
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>I wonder who will come tonight to my shop
I can't tell if using all those healing bonuses on Adina is a great idea or terrible one. Definitely a better idea than the horrid bullshit I came up with at one point.
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>Maybe it's time to put the book down and go on a little adventure myself
uhh hate to break it to you but he was a solo getting paired with dumb low level duos
>implying kira never 3stack in normals just to post in discord about how much they stomped the lobby
lmao even
Anon I can't even find a game where he ended 7th with 9tk+ in norms this season. Are you hallucinating or a time traveler?
Shut up dpshitter.
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if you care so much maybe you should ask him since he made sure his goons farm early kills to get him special items and yet lost like a faggot
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>sucking kira's dick
Imagine care about ecelebnigger in 2024 and cry because someone kicked their asses
>4 replies sperging out when someone wants to see the game
Right...someone's got issues
Sucking Chiara's dick
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>"It's like looking at an animal?"
perhaps this is not wraithkira lol
I lost..
which kira is it then...
Imagine caring about ecelebs so much you make posts about beating them in norms
calm down EU
I beat superior homecoming lucipurr 3-stack in norms once with my 3-stack so I am basically Immortal desu
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Look at this retard (endearing)
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>implying beating kira or lucipurr 3-stack with randoms in norms never happen
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I'm pretty sure Chiara would squeak if you squeeze her.
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Consider hag ass
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>You need to master every role you play to be called a top actor.
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Binky gf during pocky day.
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What's their problem?
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I want all these hags gone from my games.
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>Squeaks and tenses up when you hold her at first
>Gets used to it over time and relaxes
>Starts to enjoy hugs so much that she gets upset when she doesn't get one and won't let go even when you're done
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They won't.
This is why Nina is better than Chloe
I prefer Binky
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Not allowed
What is going on here?
Farm the mutant chickens, anon
Why do they have chicken hats on? Explain to me like I'm Nina in that pic.
They're about to do to you what mutant chickens do to characters with no aoe
I'm pretty sure none of the characters in the pic have trouble killing mutant chicken spawns
It's a Korean meme. https://namu.wiki/w/닭장
>literally just more hag memes
At last I see
Why is Eva called a hag when she's 17?
bwo dont trust her. her age is a lie
Because she's 17?
You went away from your allies to farm what you thought was a pack of chickens and it turns out they were hardly chickens - but they will take your cock.
Therefore, you experience what will be the first Test Subject on Lumia Island to be quite literally tittyfucked to death. Lots and lots and lots of tittyfucking.
Johann clears that ez
Any kino Twao stream tonight?
twao got his eceleb mindset on
he's no longer with us
Watchu mean bwo...
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*meanwhile in south korea*
I'ma just say it I feel like I get stream sniped when I stream and that's the only part that doesn't feel fun. People chasing through 2-3 zones, people looking for corners in a zone when they usually don't bother looking. I'm not good enough to do anything about it. But it's a different vibe than when I'm offline climbing lol
add a stream delay
But the interactions!!
>Got another Lenore who never used the fucking in all the whole match and Charlotte who never stayed close to heal
Imagine being this kind of retard shitter under the cope excuse of "save skill for later" or keep them as panic button thinking this will make you win automatically as Garnet's low effort R skill, go play another game at this point and don't make us waste time
>fucking ult*
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Awww, how cute! At that point you'd just have to spoil her rotten and hope no one notices...
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Aya love
Aya sex
just add stream delay, snipers will never stop sniping cause they're badd
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But I don't wanna be a sextoy for hags!
those eggs wont fertilize themselves
Mythril quiver and shield need better effects than Streamlined
Shield seems fine and niche but quiver could have something else
Sex with bink
>we have barb
>we can poke and wait it out
>nyo all in NOW
>we lose fast 6th
I would have never guessed. I shouldn't have followed up and instead just ditched with Barb to -250 creds. Sometimes you can't salvage a situation
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>bro sees pings from pond, doesn't move to red zone to rez asap
>waits until they're literally there next to us
>we get jumped and game's even more over
Good games were earlier. Too autopilot at this hour; don't pay attention even tho it's pinged. I also play autopilot later at night but my autopilot is still watching the map with shittier mechanics
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I feel NN regrets made default Abigail with short hair
Gib old range+
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I had a stroke reading this
My bad, maybe I shouldn't shitpost while watch crap movies
Nooo bink shrunk from dying too many times!
If she dies a few more times she's gonna become "Bin"
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Why is EU so afraid of Chiara, anyway?
>tfw I've become a filthy Haze abuser
Zanzibart forgive me
I can't keep playing Alex anymore
It's so unfunny how everyone else just needs to right click or press one button to autowin while I need to perform every combo perfectly
This but Sua
thats what you signed up for. alex does have more potential than easier characters though. magepower has >40% wr at 7.7k with sentinel soulstealer alex
Rio, William or Katja do more damage hitting a enemy twice and dying like retards than Li Dailin, Jacke or Hyunwoo killing someone though
Debi sucking me off while Marlene licks my ass
Fucking Marlene in the ass while Debi is somewhere else far and away
If you want one you have to take the other, those are the rules
Fucking Marlene in the ass while Debi is making dinner.
No not like that
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any kino Twao stream tonight?
though unfortunately idk how to combat stream snipers unless you stream on some site no one uses or discord screen share with the 4-5 anons that watch you play...
Titan armor should get Reflection since NN if NN don't have balls to put Weak
Yeah why not let us GAME. But bwo we shouldn't flood thread with strims, I'll just pop strim whenever and uhh be there or be square. If you're not around you're a square Holy jokes!!
>she'll use 2h and dual swords, won't she?
tummy erotic
Need a double blowjob from her and Tsubame
She looks like ass. Who let this clown in Lumia Island?
t. Tsubame
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>Let's see what kind of sound you make
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She’s a master at playing the meat flute.
>Can't get any rank queues
>Every normal match is some retarded nigger third worlder teammate that has never played a video game in their life
God this game fucking sucks
>can't get any rank queues
Stop queueing on SA or EU at this time maybe?
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I just Googled Dessert39, and they have 20 outlets just around Seoul alone. What the fuck
compare it vs mcdick's or starbuck
>1,893 vs 480+
I’d say it’s a pretty popular franchise over there.
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fuck you too twao
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good strim
make it to top 10 NA please
Just kiss already
we are 3 diff people
That’s ok too bro
Erm probably not happening
3 way highway....
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I don't care about cheap ecelebniggers.
took me a few guesses to realise this is meant to be charlotte
expected her to just clonk chiara over the head with the pipe but charlotte isn't a bat class character so that's unlikely
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Her hair is on the wrong side
And Chiara bullying will not be tolerated
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Not their best work. Surprised they even bothered drawing her in the first place, it's not like Chiara is ever even picked unless she's gigabroken
unprotected sex with chiara...
...and taking responsibility afterwards
paying child support to chiara..
in the form of being the breadwinner of our marriage
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Waking up next to Chiara in the morning...
Chiara Love!!!
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I love her so much
The Chiaraposters are multiplying
chiara mindbroke me
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not enough mentions of chiara in this thread for my liking.
I fucking NEED chiara footjobs.
chiara ryona...
When will Jackie be viable?
she is viable in ERCS (because NA is a joke region)
When NN update old melees (probably never since they're busy in make shitters can win pressing R once with Garnet)
it kind of makes sense when newer characters are just designed as a 2.0 of existing characters with no real care or attention to avoiding overlaps
>Li Dailin's ult is basically a stunt
>Hyunwoo's ult have to hold the button to do damage
>Garnet's ult is press to enemy with 25% hp regardless of miss any previous skill in the fight and bareñy stay alive with 100hp, getting victory automatically
Imagine being NN and say this kind of shit is "balanced" lol
wtf lol
NN have always had this
>fuck it, we'll fix it later
attitude to developing the game
it's not subtle and it doesn't make them look good
Doesn't make sense make 100 test subjects and only 1/4 be useful because better update or are brand new, this is moba battle royale, not a fucking gacha genshit chinkpact tier
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well genshin is actually popular unlike ER so it's no surprise that NN would copy that when they just shamelessly ape whatever means they keep the lights on for another season
and if the game ends up being this zero identity frankenstein's monster of league of legends, blue archive and genshin impact so be it as long as it sells
Did I fucking miss the memo that Rozzi is now a mandatory pick or something? I wanted to practice her, but every fucking game one of my teammates takes her.
She's second to Nadine in strength right now
Very true. They should have gone for a more realistic art style like Lost Ark and Blade & Soul instead of weeb shit. If the models don’t look like they’re from a boy band or a K-pop idol group, I’m ain't touching it.
I would moan, whimper, and groan
maybe even beg too
>I get matched with 2 shitters fast to get all the loot but not 2v1
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they're getting bigger by the second
>barren wombs
Hell no.
why is this hag so desperate
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Aglaia's top researchers are on it but have yet to reach a conclusive answer
I forgot to say our guy is playing
scrim lobby 1
scrim lobby 2

when are we getting boxes for scrims NN...
Yo don't get washed this time bro you got this-
>enter stream
>his team is fucking dead with 0 TK
sniffed lenore's pantyhose a bit too much
they're doing great now!
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the commentary on this stream is cheeks
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Autistic sex
yeah it gets better at times but they are doing it for free
Imagine Abigail staring at you blankly as you thrust into her and you think she's not feeling anything until she randomly moans super loud and squirts everywhere
At which point you file a bug report because Abigail isn't meant to be using Estelle alt-W, unless they reworked her when no one was noticing.
This season it's more imbalaced than usual, something feels off.
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It's working as intended.
Find the Hidden Code
Complete the missions in the Lucky Stamp Quest Book to earn great rewards—and find the hidden coupon code for an extra bonus!

Hint: Collection Items
Coupon Code: L**********7
Coupon Reward: 777 A-Coin + 1 Research Center Data Box
Valid thru: Thursday, November 21st 14:59 (UTC)
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>Struggling to guess a code in 2024
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>Join queue
>Go to Alley
>Craft stuff
>Chiarashitter randomly attacks me from nowhere
>Gets punished with my dick
She's just BEGGING for correction
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Is there anything worthwhile I can nab with the free event NP?
Also are Skin Data Boxes/Research Boxes worth grabbing from the personal store or should I save up for when there's a skin for the 20k A-coin in there
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>getting engaged on day 1 by the absolute worst early game character in the cast
nice meme
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Double the sex
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Not my fault level 30 shitters from lol like you think they can beat someone with shit characters or it's fun to play with a "stridjer charlotte" healing less than fucking carnivore
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>EU player tries to collect his build on day 1
>a wild chiara appears
>he frantically spam pings for assist while immediately burning flash to try and get away from the french nun menace asap
>said chiara hasn't even gotten 2 items for her base build yet
>goes on /erbsg/ later and says how he totally owned that shitter chiara player who tried to step up into "his zone" and how everyone clapped
and then everyone clapped?
Everybody liked that. Including Keanu Reeves.
chungus reeves??
/erbs/ is my favorite fictional board!
We love bullying Chiara and hags
We love bullying dpshitters and WraithKira.
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Play and love, LOVE, Chiara!
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Chiara Love!!!
Chiara deserves buffs and headpats
Giving headpats to Chiara with my dick
What is it about crying girls that's so hot?
Chiara crying after servicing fat ugly priests.
because mascara running down is hot
/erbs/ i-isn't real?
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Johann pov (she spilled his drink)
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>Join match
>Charlotte with Stridjer and Red Sprite
Dodged, I don't think waste time in this bullshit with a character exclusively made to heal who only have just 1 fucking slow attack skill
People that play Charlotte are genuinely all retarded mouthbreathers
pretty sure most charlottefags spend the entire match flailing their arms around like that retarded meme video instead of actually playing the game
I really don't understand why so many "mains" doesn't realize that play Charlotte it's
>Stick to frontline/backline and keep healing
>Use the shield every time it's available
>Cast ult to secure chances of team survival
And not
>Leave frontline/backline to deal with a 1vs2 or even 1vs3 alone in middle of fight so they kill it fast and get you next
>Barely (or never) use the shield
>Keep ult for yourself thinking this will make a difference when everyone is already dead
I play fucking tank, and didn't took me much time to figure out how this kind of support works
NN owes me micro bikini and reverse bunny suit sissela skins
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Keep your fanfic to yourself
twao stream HBR NYOW
I am playing it rn how did you know
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the game just came out there's no way you wouldn't be playing it already
I want to play hbr more than ER rn LMAO
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I will go have fun with HBR nyow
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How do I play binky...
I felt bad because my team kept funneling items to me but I still didn't do shit and died embarrassingly
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When will I get more katja?
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chat is this real?
When did you graduate from just being Twao to being the might HAWK TWAO?
Don't care.
what is it about this game that turns people into assholes? im not saying everyone has to be saints but still
It is extremely hard to 1v3 in this game compared to something like League where you could 1v9 if the skill gap is big enough. If you put Onecircle or Gwork into a team with two lv 30s who can't even finish builds by end of Day 1 they will absolutely lose against a lobby of Platinum players even if players like the formerly mentioned far surpass the skill levels of the latter. The inability to 1v3 in this game further feeds into the "not my fault" mentality that people mainly lose because their teammates weren't good enough and can create toxic habits because surely it's never the player's fault, only their teammates.

If you're talking about people who actively grief however they are just hard wired to be assholes.
>how it feels to play binky
>Kira went to cry to discord after anon kicked his sorry gimmick ass
I might regret asking but
What do you mean?
from this if I'm not mistaken
i think people used to be happier not playing this game then they are playing it
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>me yesterday when I just want to play hbr and pull Juo Sena
I didn't get the latter.
Just a play on the stupid meme hawk tuah lmao
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Speaking of binky, i remember you guys posting a JP youtuber that did funny edits of his matches with her. I remember stuff like her E having the falcon kick sound effect, does anyone have a link to his stuff? I forgot to sub
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wtf am I watching
yuki sends it when they have eva
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqgW6IvVCbg this?
Alex didn't reset, he started the 2nd fight with 30-40% hp.
I think the yuki team probably would have won if rozzi hadn't run circles around karla.
thank you
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shoichi toilet
I am rooting for these guys but they jobbed all season they're not getting out
CatGPT is SO back
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Onegai! (It gives you 1000 gems too)
I already used an invite unfortunately
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I also used an invite... sorry...
I NEED to drink sake from her lips
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>Korean Immortal three stack in normals emote spamming after every kill
How much of an absolute loser faggot do you need to be to do this?
For a while I only ever saw one or two people use it, now ive had pregame lobbies where 14+ people were all spamming it
I should have turned on shadowplay, it was hilariously obnoxious.
Also starting to get teams that spam it all game long when we are steamrolling
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Depends, were they at least playing something funny like triple support, triple pure tank or crit mages?
>Only rappier and now sniper are the only gold weapon with crit chance
What would win
A KR immortal three-stack
or one pinchy fingers
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>exclude 2p teams matchmaking
>skipped 3 games in a row
Old pre-release melees need a buff.
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Bring back crit and amp Luke.
Lukeniggers just know spam Q and shit themselves when can't do it
>Still seething this hard
>Almost no fanart of Jackie's new skin
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I farm lukeniggers since his release, newfag
Yet you still seethe about him every thread and fake smugpost, curious!
>More projection
Just tell us you only konw spam Q at this rate
>ESL so mad he's rushing out his posts now
Don't worry lil pup, you'll beat those mean Lukes and make it out of Iron some day!
The lukebot felt that
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>Even more projection
>n-no u
I'm guessing you just found out that word exists today, Paco?
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>Now just making things up
This thread gets shittier by the day, I swear.
>Just doing /v/-tier "u-u-u mad" replies now
Concession accepted. Get to bed little guy, you have school tomorrow.
>Y-You're just making /v/-tier replies now
>Process to post the most /v/-tier reply of all times
ly ahn is bullshit! nerf this shit!
>Still replying
You already lost, stop trying to beg for scraps. It's pathetic. Go out with at least a little bit of dignity, though I understand that might be too hard for someone of your complexion to grasp.
>Ly ahn
Unless you don't have a tank with sustain or play "ME CARRY 900AMP/1500HP" I don't see how you can lose to this slut
>Still seething like a manchild
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From the lads in the cup. >>>/vg/502625538
We just got 2nd place!
>Free CC immunity by just cast a skill
I am not really good at this game bwos
The current "balance" of this season its a mess though
Anyone got this month's newsletter yet? Need my poverty boxes...
Did sua get them there?
How so?
>Sua literally can 6v1
>Somehow this is okay because she's the dev pet character
It's been downhill since returning to /vm/
Which is scary given it was relatively peaceful on fucking /vg/ of all places
It's ok NA politics decided no win this round
Jackie is an unlikable cunt that doesn't even have the good grace of being hot
Jackie is hot,what are you smoking
we can gut johann's healing now thanks. overbuffed supports are cancer. antiheal doesn't even work against them anymore.
/erbs/ can stop bitching now. Sua is officially weak.
I agree! (I play a character that can't burst through any healing even with antiheal)
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Chiara Love!!!
>Sua can stay alive thanks to her free CC Immunity by just spam skills
>Garnet get automatic victory by press R regardless of play like shit compared to his enemy
>Yumin still doing +40K damage even with just 1 gold item, press skills twice and die like a retard
>Sniper Rifle got Crit Chance and Magnetic Midnight despite it's doing much better than other weapons
>Weapons with Smolder still being trash because "too op to consider a buff", yet NN refuses to replace it for another effects
>Oldest characters like Li Dailin or Hyunwoo still without a update post-release
>Where's the Crossbow Rozzi, NN?
>The results from Healing and Healing Reduction by items are turning gacha tier
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She played out of her mind the entire tournament and got a crucial assist when the team needed her the most. A fantastic player all around, so thanks for lending us this slut.
Total paizuri victory..
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Hell yeah
you're most welcome as long as she gets nerfed in our game
Suits her in some strange way...
First game in diamond in awhile and it's a 200+ LP chunker
Now I'm tempted to try for Mythril by the end of the season...
Stop being so horny for Sua all of the time without me
this general is so slow
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You say that, but this thread is top 10 fastest ones on this board. The board itself is slow as fuck, nothing we can do about it. Not every thread can be /cs2g/.
dont cry leni... I love you
I lost..
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4th fatest thread btw
B-but we hit 1245 posts within three weeks during October.
That thread was a wild ride
We even reached image post limit
Why are you only posting this now that the season is ending in less than two weeks?
Would we survive a resurgence in /vg/?
Would being on /vg/ even help us with getting new players in the thread?
Last time we had a /vg/ thread it only lasted a few weeks before coming back
no, fuck that shithole
Because he's making up things to fit his cope narrative
It’s pretty comfy here, and we don’t risk ruining the thread’s quality with necrobumping.
Sissela Sex
Stop posting erotic sissela images, i cant get hard to a sick girl, makes me feel guilty
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yeah, I like /vm/, bonga is here too
I don't want bonga to languish and er to move to /vg/
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Holy shit
>psycho hag
I've got irl for that crap
Milk. . .
blue lipstick stains
>KR YT comment section is filled with hag jokes
>"It looks like the dress I used to wear for my performances."
I need someone to draw her struggling to put on her old dress.
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>bro legit won 1 game in as long as me in match history
>rest is shit scores like me
>erm new build is bad you can't beat camillo anymore it's him favored now
>only fight he remembers is the literal fight for #1 where we ratted and stole #2 from a 20 TK team
>we had 3-4 items and 1 item tank vs 3+ bloods full build
>every other time where he dies to it is just smokes and mirrors
What made bro want to ego talk out of nowhere. Why not just not say anything like the times where you just die to it lmao. Wow full build with blood beats 7 TK rat team in a straight up fight no way...
msgk got griefed by the punchwoos and db yukis... Nyo...
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>Game matches me with the same brand new spankin level 5 player three times in a row
I know he's new but cmon, three times in a row...
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Fellas what do I buy, I have no idea what do with event NP
Buy emotes or skin boxes
If you somehow had 300 more green NP you could buy a skin.
Would it be worth it to buy a character, or can I not spend free NP on it?
I'm thinking on getting like Aiden or Adela
Hell no, you can buy all characters with A-Coins that you get LITERALLY by breathing. Buy anything but characters.
You can but its not worth it. Once twitch drops come around you either get free np or acoins. I bought out the entire roster with drop coins.
Sex with Sissela
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Brat status?
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you mean gutted to irrelevancy
I want her to torture me sexually and non-sexually..
Top 10 pick rates across all ranks up to diamond. What the fuck are you talking about?
just because its picked alot doesnt mean she is good, post winrates
Here you go,13.32% average till diamond. Go ahead and move the goalpost again, I know you will.
post garnet cunny and i will concede
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Funny how the garnetshitters are getting uppity after cry like bitches until NN reverted her to press-to-auto-win status
Thread's dying, post Garnetsex and I'll play her again
>Cope "dead thread" narrative status: Destroyed
It was the fastest thread when Garnet got released.
It was faster when the season started, newfag
I'd say I'd beat garnet over the head with a steel rod or something like that but that's the sort of thing that needle-dicked koreans would draw after adina shit on them at temple tree so instead I'd just give garnet a kick up the arse and walk off
Been here since 2021, cope.
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>Amazing, right? I know!
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/erbs/ talks about garnet and not how each lobby is filled with 20 markuses
Drains so much brain juice when my cute too eager to poke backline gets flipped and you get a millisecond to react to the initiation before she gets gangbanged
I am actually surprised this "Dead" game has constantly the most posts on this board

Meanwhile for comparison heroes of the storm (where i can easily find games under a minute,has more players) has the same thread rotting for months
It’s pretty "dead" in the West but prospering in the East.
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anime game
anime website
Anime game gets the autistic fan base, which is this place, so of course it's relevant in here.
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Fucking weebs
Yes, and?
Died to another party after but was completely right, me on 3 items vs 4 items completely sweeped his team lol. Only talked the one time his team was 3 bloods full build vs 3-4 items and 1 item tank. ERBS has league reject ego problems
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patch notes
Those are some great emotes. Rare dailinbros W.
That grim dailin can finally replace my aya tea shaking
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Hate the monkeys who for fun day1/night1 then die and ping you not to die. Man I want to play like a retard like that too and just go don't die after suiciding and whoops quick 8th.
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I need all 4 of those on my emote wheel
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POV: you see a full purple build Dailin at the forest 40 seconds into the game

We’re reducing the damage and sustain of Sua’s P - Bookworm to lower her overall combat power, regardless of skill accuracy since she has been performing well with both of her weapon types.


Damage 40/100/160(+Attack Power 40%)(+Skill Amplification 50%) 40/100/160(+Attack Power 40%)(+Skill Amplification 46%)

Nearby Damage 20/50/80(+Attack Power 20%)(+Skill Amplification 25%) 20/50/80(+Attack Power 20%)(+Skill Amplification 23%)

HP Recovery proportional to Damage Dealt 60% 55%

nite twoa
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It's over....
Raid boss title relegated, can't 1v3. cope Beyond over
My wife
>Chiara nerfed
Death to Europeans
>LCQ not being broadcast in EN
thanks for the link
it's like 6am
nobody is willing to be awake at 4am on a weekday to cast this
maybe you?
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Montecristo and Doa would do it.
Stop touching Johann's R wtf!!
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>Maintenance Nov 21st
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Who would /erbs/ rather have as a gf?
Eleven so I can bury my face in her pits until I pass out to sleep every single night of my life.
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long hair abi
or bink
None of the above
t. hag fucker
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Yamato Rape
22 isn't hag age
I am unspookable
Nyoooooooo he HATES US
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All it'll take is another 10 nerfs and maybe Chiara won't have a 100% WR in EU anymore, losing only to other Chiara players or their own pilots being retards who haven't improved in 15 seasons
Literally how the fuck do you die to chiara
She's the most useless character in the game currently
Finally... I WILL beat Sua
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It's kind of what happens when you spend all of your time making dozens of smurfs to stomp silver players all day, you stop knowing how to fight anyone who isn't completely blind
sadly, this then means you're dying to Chiara players of all things, and it can't possibly be that you're making mistakes so clearly Chiara is broken and not that you're just shit at the game~
and since EU is all contained in one tiny discord the word spreads that Chiara is now apparently broken so everyone runs from her on sight lest she takes their LP and squashes it beneath her fat french ass
sadly, this means that they now give a character who is only good in late game a free ticket to endgame where she actually becomes a threat
you can see where one thing leads to another here...
oh and koreans hate her because she's too old
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>squashes it beneath her fat french ass
Wish this was me
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Unfortunately, Magnus died on impact from a crushed ribcage, since Magnus is always losing.
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My wife and her best friend!
>Terrible placement and play rate but decent win rate because of low play rate so only OTP schizos like me play her
>Still gets nerfed for some reason when more popular characters are left untouched for months
Very cool NN!! Still playing Chiara!!!!
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>get flattened by Chiara R2 once
>get so mad about it you immediately call in the mob to get her nerfed so people won't pick her and it won't happen again
in all fairness dying to the penguin nun's point and click tilts pretty much anyone 180 degrees
I wish Chiara would squeeze my dick between her fat french ass cheeks
New bread since this one has almost ran out of images and also P10

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