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Discussion thread about Neocron Evolution and also our two week venture into it.

>what's Neocron Evolution?
Neocron is a 2002 post-apocalyptic cyberpunk MMORPG. It is considered to be the first cyberpunk-genre MMORPG, and is designed to integrate elements of first-person shooter games.



not made yet

we're playing for Tsunami Syndicate


Databases, Wiki and stuff

This is part of the MMOdventure project where anons get together to play obscure/niché/old MMOs

check out the MMOdventure thread for further discussion:
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Review for those who are unsure.

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>Crafting Poll
>Combat Poll
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this game has some weird stuff in it.
Redpill me about hacking, is worth it, fun?
Layoff the drugs man
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we need hackers to take over outposts from the other clans in the wasteland
what classes do we need more of?
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Hacking is for nerds anyway.
if you can fit research into your build that'd be helpful but you don't need to force it.
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How do you transfer things between alts?
Discord tranny general thread.
Where are these mythical trannies, chud?
I miss you Nate.
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What did they mean with this?
Holy crap this game is still around? How's the player count these days?
Used to play a lot.
1 billionmillion
I've seen maybe 10-15 players in person or speak in the help channel
I think it's just the population of the mmodventure right now and some random assortment of Russians
3rd character from the end is shi, character after ma might be ne. No idea what the first character is, text is too blurry.
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I'm not fluent enough in moon runes, but is all the katakana in this game just straight-up gibberish?
>risu magido bishinesu
>This Magic Business
that's the closest I can get, but only if they messed up and used ミ instead of ネ.
There's also at least one german guy because I keep finding his toolbelt laying around the city.
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Last one.

That's a bretty good guess... didn't think they'ed use リ for "thi" but it checks out since ヂ is kind of far off.
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Thank god I rolled a Psi Monk.
>0 votes in construction

Oh well.. someone has to be the craft slut I guess..
I know one of us is statting construction at least
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Construction and Research will have to be done on alts dedicated solely to each stat. It seems especially important to do so with Construction since the formula for item quality involves the skill, your intelligence and your dexterity and you need a combined value of like 160 to start approaching high quality for your crafts. For Research, it seems your level determines your research success rate.

Why should you care about either of these skills? Because shabby is something like 20% to a weapon's modifiers while even decent crafts get something like 90%. Storebought definitely won't cut it later on. Slots for upgrades are random, with crafts resulting in 3-5 slots being really rare. If anyone knows more than this, feel free to add.
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too late im already constructing here is my cool gun
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it shoots uranium bullets now
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me on the right
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frens, which class do you need? I couldn't start any sooner but I'm about to begin
Play whatever combat class pleases you, tradeskills are best left to an alt and you can't really level a healer. You have to start out as an offensive psy and then respec to healer later. Currently it looks like our offensive psy is doing the most damage out of all of us, what with high quality crafted weapons being beyond our reach for the time being (unless a native takes pity on someone).
You can have those skills on your combat main with minor sacrifices, the important thing is that you dump stats into the skill(don't try to level both on the same char) and pick a class that has 100 int, ideally spy. Wep lore can be ignored if you use a high tech weapon, preferably pistols. An alt would be better so that you can implant all the +crafting stuff but for pve you'll still be rocking.
As usual playing something you find fun is way more important, but we are missing somebody who can research. As mentioned above, the build would be Spy Scientist, with all your intelligence points put into Research, if you want it to be more than a crafting alt then use pistols and get a high-tech one as soon as possible.
Bros, I need my spine replaced. I crave the strength and certainty of steel. Anyone have 60+ implant?
What's a good set of skills for a scientist spy?
For example psi, where does an high tech pistol research build put psi points?
Psi resist and then probably passive psi for ppi skills.
for the non int/dex skills it's largely down to preference. Personally I'd rather be fast than durable so while I put some points into resists I put more into the movement stuff. Just don't bother splashing a few points into melee or something as that doesn't work.

Make sure to grab around 20 recycle so you can clone ammo and for psi, again it's preference, you can pump ppu to make your basic heal for effective or put them in psi resist. I haven't messed with the other ppu skills but you should have enough points to get some of the other basic ones.

respeccing is relatively painless once you have a bit of cash, so you can experiment a bit.
Why can't i pick stuff I dropped fuck
should work fine, press right click.
Doesn't work with those, I was overencumbered
Worked with other items, maybe I went too far
Ok I know how to harck and research but I'm not sure how you recycle. Does it still use the Process tab except with the recycle tool?
yes exactly, so if you want to clone ammo for instance you put in your tool, some ammo and then some junk(dead animal bits usually). You can do the same for medpacks
Thanks, glad I picked right by intuition
There are also recycling recipes that uptier weapon parts by using two of the same weapon part (and maybe armor part?), but that seems like it'll be expensive when the highest tier you can buy in shops is 7 and the highest tier that drops is 10.
I still don't understand hot to open the in game mail. It's not among the taps on top left
Do I need wepaon lore as an high tech spy researcher with laser/plasma pistols?
bumping. game filtered me hard, definatley has soul though. I like watching the webms
I'm loving it so far, not quite sure what I should level up
You don't need weapon lore according to this guy.
you need to find a computer, there are lots of them and they have different named like city com or wireless terminal, etc. There's one in your apartment as well.
It does contribute to your damage but ideally you dump all your points into research, you'll take a hit in combat effectiveness but you won't need to make a separate alt for researching. You could alternately get 50 weapon lore and shave 10 points from research, or level weapon lore now and respec later once you're higher.
you having problem with something specific?
friendly reminder that we're on the Tsunami Syndicate faction. there's rumours about anons missing this detail.
yorkbots in pepper park again, i dont need this rn
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not on our watch
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was not having fun. couldn't open emails. became encumbered in the tutorial area and stabbing robots with a small knife felt silly.
PP Defense Force
the game is definitely of its era when user-friendly controls were still a foreign concept.
MC5 is a trap. Most players just make a beeline for the gen replicator and go straight to the city. It's a terrible tutorial area.
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fuck ncpd
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clan made, come to tsunami hq
no one else came to the clan hideout
i'm gonna buy some cereal to put in the cabinets
Pepper Park Apartments, Zephyr Court, Enter C.
Knock thrice and say the password sneed.
No hats.
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im so lost how do you even get there
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Would you let this torsoless creature in your home?
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>And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.
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It might be wise to set run lock to shift so you can toggle your sprint instead of holding the run button all the time.
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So if you're like me and your glider desyncs and gets stuck in the skybox, then you're stuck walking in the wasteland back home, there's a way to track it so you can recover it or despawn it. Go to any terminal, then info, then myrunner, then ownership and it should list all your vehicles and where they're at.
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Finally a game where I can be myself
these medkits never seem like they're healing the amount they say they are. i wish there was a visible timer showing the kit in action.
That shit is age restricted, I can't watch that!
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Cyberkino when you break your cyberknees, you die in real life too
you can also use it to sort-of fast travel if you hack the respawn pod
is the hacknet color based on your hud color? That's kinda cool.
some areas are orange
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oh god what the fuck where am I
oh shit you're on the MLK blvd. side of the net
How do I get a clan invite. I'm kinda wandering around aimlessly.
You'll need to first remove your LE chip (takes 10 minutes) and then either post your handle here or say "hello gamers" in faction chat.
Note that removing your LE chip enables PvP and also makes copbots hostile to you.
i would wait a bit before removing your chip or else you will have a very unfun time
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How do you join a faction? I went to the Tsunami HQ and got gunned down.
I just realized you choose your starting faction at character selection kek. I must've missed it and just clicked next when it came up.
rip. there's a way to change factions but it's prohibitively expensive
that's unfortunate. how deep in are you? there's another anon that chose the wrong faction, I believe he's been grinding tsunami faction rep to hopefully change over.
>but it's prohibitively expensive
oh I didn't know about a cost, how much is it?
yours looked different?
I only did a few quests in the MC5 area before getting bored and moving on. I've just been exploring mainly anyway.
iirc it's 350k and 50 faction loyalty (or 950k without the faction loyalty)
e.g. about 40 normal missions worth of rewards, so a few hours to grind out
you should probably reroll as Tsunami Syndicate then since you're not dozens of hours in already.
apparently theres a way to remove the menu humming noise but the thread that discusses it is locked. its just like the meme
Do you have to pay every time you respawn? What happens if I'm out of cash.
they rez you for free if you have no cash, it's a little trick to save money
The hell... can I store my cash somewhere then.
if you wait long enough you'll respawn where you died
I left the game on while I went to do something else for a while once and I came back to see the thing that killed me killed me several times because I just kept respawning
Can also just skip the MC5 'tutorial' and go straight to apartment.
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>private eyes get as low as 1/10th as much xp from pathfinder quests as other classes
lol why
they have a lower maximum stat, so it's roughly the same number of quests to cap their attribute. I guess they didn't want to rob them of content by letting them cap out after only a few missions.
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Psibros, what are you not telling us about?
>first job center mission ask you for 10 pieces of bird shit
I'm missing the bear asses already
bad news bros, everyone on the neocron discord hates us.
Please bring all external drama to the MMOventure thread, so those of us out of the loop do not have to keep two tabs up. :)
okay we took the bait and made everyone on the server hate us and are probably Kill on Sight now. a couple sadistic germans want to force us to play with our LE chip in so we play the game 'the right way'.

should we all make an alt now and buddy up so we can talk through the buddy chat? do we really let the germans win? should we just drive through the wasteland for 10 days?

suggestions pls
>has both tabs open anyway
This wouldn't have happened in warhammer
add Lisox for ERP
I'm not convinced by that
what happened now QRD
I'm fine with making an alt since it's early and I have some ideas on making a new char. I'd recommend everyone talking in trade chat just to bother them, I doubt the game has moderation.
someone posted about drama so i came to check it out and there was nothing
imagine how doubly butthurt antipvp-fag has to be right now
they're /pol/tards with bad english, they won't be bothered at all by me spamming NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER
basically what happened is:
>max level anus annihilator starts ganking us in PPtown
>we rally up to fight him
>he can 1-3 shot any of us
>we hide in the apartment and ask him to stop
>the man tells us its a pvp game and that if we didnt want pvp we shouldn't have made a clan
>we acknowledge this and tell him that we simply wanted clan chat and to explore the game
>the man cannot be reasoned with, we cant get passed the 'its a pvp game' portion of the argument and he basically says we all need to reroll or else he will keep pvping us because its a pvp game
>the rest of the natives agree with him because they're all german

so basically we need to reroll cause theres no way they wont be spitefully camping pepper park now to try and learn us a lesson.
the chance of being pvp'd while in the clan is gonna be high so it may be pretty brutal if you want to keep playing on your current tsun character. I am rerolling into the NEXT corp since someone mentioned they'd like to.

ign: Bridger
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>pvp game has no pvp once again because of some gay discord clique agreement
>except any brazen outsiders who dare to explore the game those guys can get fucked
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my god anon have you been playing this whole time with the text looking like that?
yeah ive been nolifing it all week and i haven't seen ANY pvp till today.
who isn't an antipvp-fag by this point
in pretty much every mmo that has world pvp it's literally just max level guys killing you because they have bigger number, there's no gameplay there
>noo you have to play the game my way!
>in a sandbox style MMO that doesn't hold your hand
MMOtards for these dead games say the darndest things
it's crudely stretched in Microsoft Paint yes
Dont give up, he will get bored eventually from trying to catch us. Our autism is higher
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it's mainly so we just have somewhere to speak since we won't have a clan chat. Faction chat was working fine and it saves each of us having to add everyone to buddy. The important thing is we can play and chat, I don't care about the rest.
could we just temp drop guild and join in if we need any storage, or are you guys above lvl 30 already
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It's over neocron bros...
most of us are 30+. theres no reason to just delete all our guys but rn its simply not feasible to play since this dude is on the prowl
let's all make hacking characters and just rule hacknet.
killing low levels is so epic that Morrigan joined in on the fun
the game's even deader than this makes it look since all these autists are multiboxing 5 alts for each profession
one of them literally couldn't believe we were all different people and insisted we were just 3 guys with a bunch of alts
like 5 guys total doing everything they can to ensure the server never gets new people
I guess making a cheat for this game would be funnier
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yeah lots of traffic all of a sudden. apparently we're the trolls though. so begins the flame wars
keep posting any funny chat logs please
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I want to help you guys. I want to give you funding and possibly weapons. Do I show up at the clan apartment? Can anyone let me in?
you suck the blue titty, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. you take the red titty..
wow did we get discovered so quickly?
>character creation is disabled for 22 minutes
Well, I'll see you guys soon.
Reply to this post with your username so we can add everyone and use buddy chat
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I'm not one of the krauts. I'm legit. You have to trust me on this. I will show up at the clan apartment in 15 minutes. I will pay your clan 1 million credits to get you started.

You've stirred up the hornet's nest. I like that. Besides, Neocron needs you guys. Truly.

I'm here to help.

A friend.
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sounds like a scam to get into our apartment and take our meager loot. you can give ME the 1m if you want.
you're just that kreisinger nigger trying to kill us again
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First of all I can't loot your clan apartment. Second, you have fuck all. I know it's a risk right now considering you guys have just become the new punching bag of Neocron. I want to help you punch back.

8 minutes....
lol a countdown? ya totally not a trick
fucking this
Are we sticking with Tsunami Syndicate, or are we picking whatever?
you can pick whichever faction you want, it only matters for clan/PvP purposes
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he only gave me 150,000. It was a trick.
great now they know how shitty our apartment is
Havent been on all day, hows the situation?
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it's not shitty we have this robot statue
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we're getting geared up by some knight in white armor which may or may not be exactly the guy that PKd us for the last hours
I'm glad I spent my time somewhere else instead of subjecting myself to this forced infantilization.
A lot of people in these dead MMOs are too willing to trivialize the struggle by giving us gear, money, or even constant buffs. It's annoying to me.
sure, but this guy just seems to want to offset the fuckers who are doing the opposite
this, i know its autistic but it REALLY bothers me when people try to gear me up in MMOs.
It is too autistic though. Nothing wrong with some hospitality from the locals, part of the adventure is meeting the interesting people in these dead MMOs
You guys don't get killed out there I will be in the bathroom hacking the mainframe
Nice PvP you got there, Neocronies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrDvtICKG50
kek one of the clan names is Bad Dragon, what are the odds
in most games I agree since you generally get gear from fighting enemies, but in this game all the remotely decent items come from crafting and none of us are sticking around long enough to justify making a bunch of alts just to craft shit like the autistic locals do
what's the tradeskills associated with GenTank?
>needing to make an alt
Anon, what else are you going to use all those INT points for? Weapon Lore? BARTER?
I don't think it's unreasonable to try to enjoy the crafting system, and I can relate to the "it's pointless if you just get everything for free" feeling
That said the crafting system looks fucking boring
Driving a vehicle to contribute your massive resistance modifiers to it.
psi use and implant
dude I listened to the song from Akira Sun, is that ingame?
do we need to organize a list of names so we can /buddy each other?
Put your Neocron character names in here for buddy chat.
putting our names when their discord server is having a melty sounds like a bad idea IMO. we could just spam an empty chat channel like >>1493321 suggested
You're getting killed just for being in PvP zones so I don't think having your name in an online notepad really matters.
They didn't need a list of our names to spawn York Sergeants in the newbie areas. You just have to accept that we're going to continue to be griefed.
Pretty sure that's just a random PvE event.
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To be fair, I wish I was told this before I was told to remove it.
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Let's go on a trip to activate all the genreps throughout the wastelands later. Got me the Armadillo now, and it has 6 passenger seats + a 30mm cannon that anyone with at least 65 strength and 95 heavy weapons can gun. I made sure it's not completely helpless against hills, but it probably couldn't handle steep mountains like a banshee could.
do you need a lv1 hacker
As long as you can survive a couple of rockets from a launcher cyclops you can probably survive the whole journey. Activating genreps doesn't cost much in credits, but it'll still be good to have a decent amount of cash on you.
Survive? I don't even know what that is :U
>oil rig dungeon in the background
yeah, I'll join for that. I have some tradeskills that might help.
yep thats exactly what i thought it was going to look like lol.
>what are the odds that autistic gay furries play autistic gay pvp games
>and they're German
i doubt the name was even furry. I've seen some of the outpost names and they are ALL tryhard clan names like "NO REMORSE"
nobody names their guild bad dragon without knowing what it means
there was a time before people knew dragon dildos existed
that video was only 4 years ago my guy
The server isn't 20 years old though and the Deutsch are renowned autistic furries
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>tfw failing construction missions over and over while weather channel music plays in the faction office
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A minute of silence for our fallen anons [*]
May all germs die from acute fecal poisoning.
i wish i had the footage of him jumping from the apartment balcony and immediately being shot.
Quick, hack the belt!
There's another role for hacker skilled runners to fill: hacking into faction databases to get construction blueprints(?) only found in their hacknet database.
even at 90 hacking it seems impossible to hack belts.
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that too
oh, I didn't know anyone was left with a LE still in. When you take it out your gear is dropped, except for your first item and people can hack your belt to steal those items.
LE is mine, thought we restarted?
oh no
we didn't say we restarted
we said we're retarded
found the german
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>mfw installing brain implant
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You just made me remember Homunculus randomly. Good read if anyone here is a mangafag.
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>character creation disabled for 17 min

How do I get in?
Did you use non-alphanumeric characters in your password? Apparently that's a brick.
happened to me after I made and deleted a character
waited 25 minutes and made next one no prob
go on without me
hey it could be worse
They are monitoring us, aren't they? Fucking cocksuckers.
Why would they ban new players trying the game, are they stupid?
Can't you make a new one btw?
Anon, did you miss literally everything that happened yesterday? It's a game "populated" by 40yo gay germ*n furries that spawnkilled us and then swung their limp dicks around in help-chat about how "we knew the dangers".
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no problemo
>he's invisible in the dark
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>he said after edging his dog for an hour
anyone who uses discord at all is a troon
not even major MMOs would make this a 30 year ban, you'd think a dead one would be a bit more lenient, not less
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Still can't get in 17min char disabled error, weird.
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>first mission from job center is picking up animal shit
you 'class' has no real purpose outside of your starting mission and equipment, right?
is this still happening? I'm hyped but won't be free for another hour.
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Profession doesn't matter but class does. Faction gives you a different apartment and starting location. If you fuck up your skills you can take loss of memory pills or LoMs to respec.

You this to plan your character

take me with you into the wasteland
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[elevator music playing]
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This game would be better without the rpg stats.
and with more emotes
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then it would be Face of Mankind, but that game is dead
we're driving around the wasteland, come
GERMANS might.be here...with a car you can go anywhere.
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thug life
LittleGoose here, I crashed on load but I'm going to log for now. I'm up for more mad max adventures in the future, it was fun.
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Where is everyone?
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wasteland adventure
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I want to join!
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You have been warned. Now you suffer ...DIE! You think you can fool us?... Now you pay with your life! DIE!! This was your last chance! Now you pay for your stupidity! DIE!!
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d-delete that
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me talking to the voices in my head
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good roadtrip
ye that was fun
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tfw you're listening to prodigy and some fucker called "twisted firestarter" runs into your face
i only have time to join a bit tomorrow
what's the situation on builds and getting in contact with you people in-game
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add everyone on this list >>1493601 then use buddy chat
And add your character's name (once it's created) to the list
>what's the situation on builds
try using this website just to mess with points. Generally hybrid builds don't work because each weapon type needs 2 or 3 skills to work and that's expensive enough, it's also the reason why private eye only works if you have a clear idea in mind.

pick a weapon type and then if you want hightech(hightech) or lowtech(weapon lore).
or pick psi monk, healer or attacker
or pick drones, which needs willpower.
or you can get to max level with a tradeskill if that's your thing.
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It's funny when people deride 4chan then turn around and behave like a diamond dozen underageb&
>diamond dozen
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What we doing today? What's our next adventure?
am i missing out on vm-german war or it hasn't even begun
it's literally just a single guy fucking with us
hardly anyone else I've seen even takes their chips out since it's not like there's anyone to make a clan with anyway
Not sure why anons are still giving him any of their energy, he gets off of that. Should just ignore him and leave the sad sack of shit talking to himself.
We aren't
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the rocket pistol feels a lot more satisfying with napalm
it's pretty great burning down the whole map including yourself
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Orange-band Pathfinder missions are tough, and the one after the dinosaur and robot killing spree about killing the chaos queen might require a group - and buying both full poison resist armor and poison resist drugs.
if someone gets high enough recycle they can make a full set of viper king armor which gets a lot of poison resist, but you'd need 68 strength to equip it.
Lmao a single german autist makes a bunch of reddit refugee trannies seething.
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the vermin are breeding at light speeds
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oh my
Nate, you should spend your free time learning English.
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>pick on someone your own size
It's a doggy dog world out there, kid
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quite possibly the worst hud design ive seen in an mmo
You can customize your HUD colors through the rposcolor.ini if the presets don't suit you, which is what I did. Magenta is very readable against gray.
Apparently it used to be better in Neocron 1.
quite possibly the best hud design ive seen in an mmo
the armor menu is peak retard.
it doesn't give you an armor total, you have to add it up on your own. also that lil standing guy with the fake text? thats still part of the window, it obscures other windows for no reason, it doesn't even look good and its the only window that has that sort of ornament
so cyberpunk, so cool
I mean, it obviously wasn't designed to have all of the windows open at the same time.
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oh shi-
lmao, first job i get from job center is to collect fucking gull shit
where is everyone?
I'm in wasteland
post name so we can all add you to our buddy chat
You have to add us to your buddy list and we have to add you, see >>1493601
It's kinda dumb
I won't be able to make it but did we axe the weekly guild pics? those were really nice to have
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Either all four of these guys decided to go afk in the same place or I found where someone stores his alts
That's my bad, I forgot to make the post. Did we want to try guild pictures on Sunday?
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Neocron week 1 guild pictures will start at 9:15 pm (UTC), Sunday.

I guess to actually take the photos we'll either need a cameraman who doesn't appear in the shot or use these commands: (alt-e will undo them)
/set ctrl_externalcam 1
/set ctrl_externaldist 130
/set ctrl_externalangle 180
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me on the left
I'll try to make it
>blurred chat
stop ERPing!
can't we use a drone for photos?
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Watch out for zombies.
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daily reminder to avoid germans
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I just made an AHK script to automate this and HUD hiding.
Autohotkey: https://www.autohotkey.com/v2/
Script (run this after installing AHK): https://files.catbox.moe/cj3mmm.ahk

third person, 200 distance, 180 angle
first person
custom distance shortcut
custom angle shortcut
hide hud
show hud

You can edit the script with any text editor to change hotkeys to anything. Here's the list: https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/v2/KeyList.htm
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You will be hard stuck on E12 pathfinder without really good guns or a group, but this was alright to follow for the most part.
we'll meet up at the Neocron Zoo first for the guild pic, sex clubbing will follow
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this is harrd
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come to tiki club in pepper park 2
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Pussy club is better.
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I'm too drunk for this guild picture, fuck
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better dancing than scarlet blade
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the other booze didn't last as long as this one does
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trying to get everyone in pic with constant movement is a nightmare
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tragedy has struck...
Should we do neofrag? We can all pvp in an arena without taking out LE's.
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do you drop anything on death in there?
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It's like a shit arena shooter with a score board with health and ammo stations.
neofrag 2 deck 1
we're all in neofrag 1 deck 1
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In retrospect, Electric Vibes Club would be a good place for a photo. LOTS of space in front of main stage and skulls.
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mfw out of gamepoints
im downloading this. what am i in for? are we still at war with th krouts?
it's deus ex with a serving of jank. the germans will attack on sight, but I haven't seen them in a while
add your name to the list and add all the names here to your friends list so we can chat in the buddy channel.
you're in for a bit of jank and some disappointment if you wanted to be hackerman. otherwise its a really cool game. we could use a door gunner so go gene-tank if you wanna be useful.
what's wrong with hacking? It works fine.
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where do i get the drugs the swamp shaman asks for?
hacknet is barely a functional part of the game
>read lore
>future tech is because of maguffin metal found on mars
>psi powers being real is due to a secret hidden tribe being discovered after WW3

oh and japan still exists, theres a mars colony and most of the city left to go to some terraformed paradise 70lr away. goofy ass lore
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if your weapon doesn't have your name on it it's not really yours
>enhanced enhanced enhanced
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is tsunami any of these pastel shades?
>server shutdown
but I just got on...
It's just a daily server restart for stability.
Those AI-textures really enhance the experience, wow...
Rainmans, redpill me on crafting. Do you just pop lots of LOM pills, or do you have an alt character/account for research?
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Okay there seems to be a lot of confusion about skills and classes and what works in this game. So I'm going to write a little handy guide. Despite the game giving you the option to put skills into what ever you want no matter the class, this is a bad idea. The game is not balanced - at all!

If anything specialisation is key and will save you hours of frustration. I will go through each class and also skills. That way you can have a much easier last week of neocron. It is never too late to change skills. Take some Loss of memory pills, or LoMs, from nearby pharmacy.

neoskiller.com is also your friend for planning your character's build. Also you use the item database to see what gear you like, but this is also build into neoskiller.


Let's begin....
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Gene Tank are your heavy weapons guy or melee weapons. Really simple class and don't allow much specialisation.

You can spec into rifles and pistols, and there are armours and implants to allow that, but you shouldn't. You will gimp your damage and be unable to use rare pistols and rifles.

Rare weapons are key for dealing damage come end game.

So heavy weapons or melee it is. Pick one and only one. If you split the skills you split damage and are good at neither. For every 10 points of skills you use is an extra 10% of damage more or less.

Aim for 150 heavy weapons skill or melee. 8 points of transport or slightly more if you're going heavy weapons. The rest into piercing resist and a little in force resists.

Best heavy weapons is the plasma cannons and the Raygun that does AoE damage. Best melee weapons are laser blades, swords and claws.

Now con. Aim for 70 athletics. 75 health (Important: you need this because it gains access to the tl 75 self heal tool. That way you heal quicker and don't wait as much).

Endurance can be buffed up by implants and only affects your stamina pool and regen. Lots is needed for melee so get endurance boosting implants if you use swords and shit.

Try and spread out your resists to make things even. Aim for 60 across all the resist.

Now for dexterity. You need 90 ish agility. You need speed and it stacks with athletics. Aim for 90 high tech combat. No weapon for tanks needs more than that. Anything left over put into vehicles or recycling.

Recycling is good for all classes but don't put too much into it. Just enough to clone ammo and health kits. If you go low tech weapons then you need only roughly 16 ish. If you want high tech ammo and survival medkits then get 36 skill points. You can also implant a recycle glove which gives you 25 recycle skills.

Psi. You don't use psi. Ignore.
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Intelligence is also straightforward. 85 into weapon lore and 2 points in barter. The piddly two points is la left over from class balancing done years ago. Barter reduces the prices in shop and you might as well save 2 credits...maybe.

Weapon lore and nothing else. You will suck as a researcher because you will only have 85 skill points and intelligence effects research success rate, especially when researching rare parts.

Construction is also similarly affected. You will make crap weapon with hardly any weapon slots for modifications. Do not do psi use, do not do droning. You can do implanting, you can implant quite a bit, except for the tl 115 MC5 ultra rare implants.

HOWEVER, now you can't aim for shit. So weapon lore it is.

Weapon lore is important as it is essentially accuracy. It also provides a damage boost. It allows you to lock your heavy weapons onto enemies faster and you need this as heavy weapons have crap accuracy. Melee also needs this despite being up close as it gives you a damage boost. Melee users also have grenades for AoE damage, just as a side note. They have fucky aiming so be careful not to cook yourself.

In summary. Go melee or heavy, don't do both. If you go heavy have recycle skill to make ammo and meds. If melee have recycle to make meds and stamina boosters. All intel in weaponlore and the fiddly two points in barter.

Implants help raise skill levels and help you level faster. Get strength backbones, physics cpu and cram as many implants in yourself as you can. You will need another player to implant your shit. They are colloquially called pokers in neocron. Hence you see players saying "poke me!" in chat. It is not players doing ERP.

neoskiller.com to practice your character build. Moving on...
How early can you use a light sabers? This is very important...
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These guides are also helpful even if you don't play the class as they have info that applies to other classes. Now for psi monks...

Another simple class with a binary choice...but not quite. You can be an aggressive psi user or a passive psi user. APU or PPU? Which do you choose.

When starting out you go APU. You spam those fire ball spells until you cap your character. Simply put you need to deal damage to level up and you cannot reliably do that as a PPU.

The fundamental problem with psi monks is you either do shit loads of damage, but are a glass cannon (sort of...more on that later), or you are a PPU who buffs and heals other players but does fuck all damage.

It is miserable trying to level up as a PPU and you are wholly reliant on other players running dungeons and leeching exp off them. In a game with a low population count this is miserable.

When you cap your psi monk you can choose to continue being a damage dealer or you LoM yourself into a coma and put all your aggressive psi use points into passive. That way you can heal friends, even resurrect them, and can give them skill point boosts, damage resistance, or even damage boost enemies so they take more damage.

You cannot create a hybrid well in this game. The implants and armour are designed in a way that you have to be APU or PPU. If you go hybrid you also gimp damage and heal effectiveness. It's hard to balance having enough APU and PPU to be a death dealing healer. So specialise.

If you go APU you will need a lot of skill points to use the high end spells and vice versa. All designed to deter you from mixing aggressive and passive skills.

Now that's out the way let's plan your APU.
pretty funny how you can do aggressor missions at like lvl 10 as long as you have a grenade launcher
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sure hope the brain damage is temporary
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Intelligence is straight forward. Psi use and lots of it. You go get more psi points for spell casting. Pump it up.

Ignore drone skills because you have hardly any dexterity. Ignore weaponlore as you wont fire guns. Ignore construction - it requires high skill points to use effectively and you need it for psi use.

Hacking was once good on psi monks but has been nerfed. Basically your psi implants that you'll need when levelling up have skill maluses towards hacking and vice versa. Fine I wont be a hacker monk then!

You might get away with research but you'll need a high amount of skill points for it. Implant skill is your friend. So dump all skill points from intelligence into psi use and 115 point into implant skill. This is good because now you can implant yourself without needing another player and psi monks rely a lot on implants.

Strength. Go piercing resist, little in force and a tiny bit in transport if needed.

Constitution. Get some health in the 60 range, get some athletics in the 60 range and whatever is left into poison resist or fire.

Dexterity. All in agility. Speed will be your friend. 15 points in vehicle use if you want to geta round the wasteland in a quad. In fact I would recommend 15 vehicle use for all classes if you want to drive a bit.

Recycle skill is needed. Use it make med kits, refills for your heal injector (you'll need one them as an APU) and precious psi boosters. They refill your psi pool and you'll need 48 skill points to clone psi booster 3. Although you could get away with psi booster 2 at level 32.

Psi. APU 155 when you reach cap. 70 focus and 13 psi power. These numbers may seem odd but implants and armour will bump up those values.

That's it really. A very simple class. Cast spells that deal different damage types. Heal yourself up with a heal injector and poke yourself with implants to boost skills and maybe poker others for beer money.

Now onto this most complicated class....
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>tfw the faction HQ music hits
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Just to quickly clarify skill points and how they work. While adding points to a skill there are certain thresholds that once you hit you e require pumping more skill points into a skill. Up to level 50 is 1 skill point per level. Then after level 50 you need two skill points to raise a level. Then 3 skill points after level 75 and then 5 skill points after level 100.

Again use neoskiller.com to plan your build.

Now onto the favoured class of Neocron. The one class with the most options, the backbone of Neocron and clearly the class the devs don't know how to balance around.

The Spy.

Just like the monk you can go one of two ways. The combat or spy or trader. As always I recommend the combat route, and if you want to make lots of money, and repair, or research, or construct shit for your other characters and friends, then LoM yourself into success.

Lets start with psi. Put all points into psi resist...or what few point you have into PPU for self healing and low level resistance shielding...thingy. Not much but it helps. If you don't want to use psi then you have a plethora of nanite injectors that can heal, disinfect or whatever because you are the favoured child of Neocron.

Dexterity. You should pick one of three combat routes. Pistols are good for needing less weapon lore but require you to be closer to your enemy. Rifle gives you more range to play with and if you like pvp and are sneaky a sniper rifle can fuck up someone's day. Or you can be a droner with remote skill. The gameplay is ass. You have to constantly repair the little shit...but is often used to exploit the braindead NPC ai. You just stay far away, hover above your enemies and fire rocket after rocket.

You can go either high tech or lowtech. I will say pistol lowtech is fairly good simply because you have more overpowered guns in the wisdom of ceres category because the devs had a really nice berrreta model and by God they will use it multiple times for different variants.
actually this one is cooler
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Repair skill is needed if you go droner or become a trader. You don't need agility as a droner because you don't move you lazy shit. If pistol or rifle then you need agility.

Recycle skill needs as many point as the TL(tech level) of the ammo you are using.

Now constitution. Same as the psi monk. Athletics health and everything else into resists. Strength needs pierce resists, bit of force and quite a bit of transport for carrying all the ammo.

Intelligence. The big one. If going combat route then you need weapon lore for guns and willpower for drones.

Hacking is also your bread and butter. Hacking is good for cracking into hacknet and downloading blue prints, you can hack certain loot crates with random crap in them scattered across the map, or for hacking certain enemies like warbots and cyborgs for rare parts. If doing PVP you can also use the skill to hack a players quick belt and steal any loot they dropped on death. However, a high skill in hacking is required and they might drop shit.

Implant is another good skill. If not going trader or hacker then become a poker and poke yourself to victory.

Now onto trade skilling.
>click too fast
>accidentally pick melee weapon reward

guess ill just fucking reroll
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Construction, Research, repair and recycle can all be done by a Spy and can eb done well. The whole economy of neocron is firmly centred around spy trade skillers.

They have multiple implants to allow speccing into research and construction or just every fucking skill that helps make high end weapons and armour in this game.

There are guides out there on the whole process of doing each skill https://wiki.techhaven.org/Intelligence

Suffice to say most players have a tradeskiller on standby with how low the population is.

Level a spy up with combat then lom to tradeskiller and kit yourself out with implants and power armour that looks like a chinse knock off of master chief.

I haven't even touched stealth. Yes, spies get more utility with stealth tools. They are supposed to be glass cannons, which they are, but they also have stealth tools. Some are rarer than others, and the difference is stealth time, but essentially you click a button and you disappear and cannot be targeted.

Basically invulnerability. Unless a character has an aeo weapon and point vaguely in your direction maybe you take damage, but you're pretty much safe.

This item is exclusive to spies with only a barebones version available to the private eye class. A class which needs all the help it can get.
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The final class and the most fucked. I've tried to played the private eye, tried to make him work, but it has major problems in a game that relies on specialisation.

The private eye on paper is jack of all trades but is master of mediocrity. The class is the red headed step child of neocron. Anything it tries to do, someone does much better and the utility they get puts them in a weird place.

You can play them like a tank, use melee weapons or heavy, but you won't be as effective. You'll use up more strength skill points on weapons that you need for resists and you wont have access to rare weapons that do more damage.

You could go droner but you don't have as much intelligence, and you also can't trade skill as well with your middling intelligence.

Similarly you have psi, not enough to be an APU but slightly enough to do basic heals and basic resists, but it's also redundant when nanite injectors exist.

For combat you either use pistols or rifles. However, in order to use them effectively you need lots of implants and lots of drugs. And if you take too many drugs then this


is your gameplay.

Pathfinder missions reward private eyes less exp so levelling is harder. Getting WoC also requires more exp to achieve for some reason.

Basically you are mediocre. You have decent resist but a tank has more. You can do damage but it will never outpace an APU, Tank or Spy with a rare rifle. To top it off if you play as a guy there is a bug where your lip gets an erection and shoots off your face.

As a new player avoid the private eye. Go Heavy tank...maybe melee, Apu psi monk or rifle/pistol spy as your first build.

Pick your starting faction as a corporation or criminal faction like tsunami or black dragon or crahn, to start in neocron city.

That is my Ted Talk. I hope it helps. neoskiller.com
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we flew too high to the sun
I lommed into research/construction to make some decent ones then lommed back
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kind of a shame theres only like 6 total builds
I wanted to use this meme with the DoMo dungeon stairs being an issue kek.
he's only talking about pvp. I spread my points so I can implant myself with basics, research, mod and craft the starting gun. And I'm doing plenty of damage, I also only have 20 points in resists and like 60 in health, I only die when I get lazy about running away to heal.

I also made an alt and crafted an outstanding tl80 gun and it literally added 2 points of damage compared to the starting gun, so I just mod the shit out of that one constantly and carry 3 of them so I never have to reload in combat.
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Wait till you get to a higher level. The mobs will fuck you up and ruin the late game for you. The advice is not about pvp. It's the game in general.

If you spread out your skill points too much you will hit a brick wall.
this, wasteland mobs are comically tanky as well as do high damage
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handy guide, thanks for the writeup
yeah stomping neocron dungeons means nothing. the outdoor mobs are kind-of insane.
I spent 1 hour looking for smugglers cave.
yep, and then once you finish those missions someone helpfully tells you there's a navray entry for them
there's a navray entry for most of them
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Awrite guise, I'll be holding another movie night tomorrow at this 21:00 UTC, sci-fi thematic this time around. First movie will start playing according to timer:

I haven't found an alternative to Hyperbeam yet, but will keep digging. I'll post the link in thread an hour before movie starts.
Pick your favorite movie here:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHqCb216LNE [Embed]
>Bicentennial Man
https://youtu.be/CbG3JoXU7yc?si=JEkUE3XRnFNsyidk [Embed]
>Source Code
https://youtu.be/i71eXpmkZBY?si=WenjQHI4mLp6lAPC [Embed]
>Turbo Kid
https://youtu.be/AFlZ6pVtnv0?si=bJD88s06vfocEPzq [Embed]
https://youtu.be/NPpDGk2U8_c?si=O3S1lPSgIj5VtNqo&t=8 [Embed]
>Ghost in the Shell
https://youtu.be/aADTX6CmIx4?si=uGyW2noaqrPvbuVp [Embed]
>Battle Angel Alita (AMV because short 50 min OVA with only 1 shitty official trailer)
https://youtu.be/XVPTMvJXBoQ?si=8EgSpJmyKvdOQRLD [Embed]
>District 9

See you there! (I hope~)
the 5-shot burst cannon is p gud. im glad im not stuck having to dual class enery and heavy
>read this
>realize you've done everything wrong
>choice paralysis
>LoMs will cost you your house and your dog
rocket pistol it is.
lomming isn't that expensive, each pill is 10 uses
200k is probably enough to reset most of your stuff
Lom is really affordable. If you stay in a dungeon, looting only the higher value junk you'll get 100k a run at least. You can also dip out to get more missions but I prefer to just stay in there.
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Do keep one thing in mind that LoM pills also take away experience points. If you LoM too much you lose entire attribute points and have to level them up again to get skill points back.

At higher levels this isn't so bad, but at lower levels it can be a bit punishing.
Votes closing in a little under 30 minutes. I scouted out multiple alternatives to Hyperbeam. The few that did count with more than 12 users per room required setting up an account, downloading an extension, or were limited to streaming off of very specific platforms so I think we'll be sticking with Hyperbeam for now. Will be posting room link shortly~
I kind of figured the PE would end up being either busted OP or complete garbage. Kind of a shame as the concept of a jack-of-all-trades is sort of appealing, but it seems like this really isn't the type of game that favors it.
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uuh, what bone is that? I don't think I've seen it before.
it's a femur
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Awrite, room's up!: https://hyperbeam.com/app/room/zMCev-AJS9CbYgYzs7elvA
Temporary room invite in case it isn't letting you in(?)
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>A grand total of 19 players
Wait, how many anons are doing the mmodventure again?
all me
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>pathfinder swamp missions
keep in mind that most of the natives are logged in with multiple accounts at once to do their crafting and to be their healers in dungeons. /vm/ players are probably 80% of the population at any given time.
where did my swamp companion go, I can't kill shamans with this shitty pistol
what's the 'pluto season mission' about? I've had two NPCs tell me to complete that first before talking to them.
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seems like it was an event they ran, there might still be an event npc somewhere.
I hate yorks
Tangent clan apartment comes with strippers:
Remember what germans took from you.
What the fuck? That's so much larger than the Tsunami Syndicate one...
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the only good york is a dismantled york! TOTAL YORK DEATH!
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Imagine being old and still unable to empathize with other people. Stuck at the "my thing good, their thing bad" level of thinking. Mindless fucking animals.
what you don't like enemies with 1 million hp that also have long range nukes that ALSO do poison DoTs?

oh, also they drop no real loot because 90% of the enemies in this game share a loot table.
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what did she mean by this?
>Such an other mad one...
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I'm not able to log in anymore for some reason, guess I'll have to do the quest all over again tomorrow. farewell dinobros
i hate how the gunman mission is so time inefficient due to spawns
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snoipin's a gud job m8
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What did xem mean by this
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>told to interrogate prisoner
>the only dialogue option is "fuck off"
>shoot him
>he starts shooting me
>leave his cage
>all the pathfinders start shooting me
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>sitting outside k01 makeshift jail guarding prisoners
>runner walks by, thinks he owns the place
>doesn't even try to make small talk or ask directions, just ignores me and goes into the mess tent
>hear him shouting something unintelligible at the cook
>cook tells him to fuck off
>cook is kinda a weird guy that we just put up with so this isn't that unusual
>suddenly gunfire
>walk into mess tent, lunch is ruined, cook is dead
hey, you found the german LARP camp!
>no option to get BLACKED by captain valentine
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the rocket bike is insanely good for pve lol
rope, now
looks like you're supposed to use vehicle weapons to farm a lot of the wasteland stuff, I've seen it mentioned on the wiki
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man, Psi is so fucking busted
We're nearly at the end of our time in Neocron, here are some events coming up:

The Neocron clan pictures will take place at 9:15 pm (UTC), Saturday.

And the MMOdventure will continue into the next game at 11:00 pm (UTC), Saturday.
I was thinkingthat before we move on, we should give our money and better items to Voxis. They might help someone, or help fund a mountain of booze bottles.
t. Voxis
>thinking we have more than 100k between us
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Remember to apply for voting tokens
so where are you guys meeting up?
plaza-1, up the gravlift near chloe
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i'm feeling bullied
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Thought I'd contribute.
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>someone took it in the chin so I didn't have to
#greatful #respect
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long chin typed this post
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not leaving anyone behind
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>lacan trying to murder eyeslids
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it keeps happening
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thanks dad
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https://mmodventure.altervista org/neocron/
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Think this is the last one, sorry for thread littering.
It's not littering it's literally what the thread is here for.
Thanks for taking the screenshots.
my favorite reload animation
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This was a lot of fun. Very cool world that the devs put together here. Shame about the unrelenting combat, you really needed a group to grind the midgame monsters with any sort of efficiency.
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It was nice cyberpunking with you anons, wish more games had scifi settings.
Real shame Firefall is biting the dust.
thanks for the good work
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Forgot someone...
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>26 players now
Uh, interesting

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