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Guild wars 1 is very much alive, we have a /vm/ guild that has been running near weekly events for 2 years now for anyone interested in doing endgame content, new players are always welcome and no prior experience is needed.

Last thread >>1424589


3 weeks ago we finished our factions prog we are taking a short break from that to let people recuperate we'll start our NF prog on either Nov 29-30 or Dec 6-7. However this prog will be difference from previous progs due to popular demand we are going to do a paragon only prog more details in a later post.

In the meantime we are doing weekly WoC primarily on saturdays at 9 PM EST. Later this month I will poll people to figure out what time would be best to run events.

If you want to join the guild, post your IGN.
If you're new and ever have questions or need help with something, just ask at any time.

And fix your sound!

What is DSOAL-GW1?
>When GW was released in 2005, the audio component of Microsoft’s DirectX API was something called DirectSound. DirectSound had a 3D audio component called DirectSound3D, or DS3D, that could pan and amplify/attenuate sound sources based on their position relative to the camera in the game’s 3D world. PC’s with a high-end Creative sound card also had access to EAX, an extension to DS3D with a suite of hardware DSP effects for occlusion, obstruction, reverb, echo, etc. Like most games of its era, GW’s audio system was designed around DirectSound and DS3D, and owners of high-end PCs could get the “definitive” audio experience with EAX.
>All that ended in 2007 with Windows Vista. Vista completely broke DS3D and EAX. Rather than fix it, Microsoft deprecated DirectSound and pushed developers to adopt its new XAudio2 API for future games. With DS3D and EAX broken, GW hasn’t sounded “right” in any version of Windows since XP.
sex with Devona
Our paragon only NF prog will be different then other progs I'll post the rules below for people to discuss and suggest changes/additions

The goal of this prog is to beat NF with a team full of paragons, no monks, no mesmers, only paragons. Of the 3 campaigns NF is the easiest to beat, last time we did an NF prog I can only recall 2-3 instances we ever wiped while paragons are pretty good healers they have virtually no access to AoE damage, and very low DPS which will force us to have to work together and coordinate spike targets. This run exists primarily to explore the depths and lesser used but powerful paragon skills that never see use due to most party comps being caster heavy.

Basic rules are:
1) No EotN PvE only skills. Sunspear and Luxon are acceptable in this prog however.
2) No pcons/tomes*/consumables unless they drop during the prog.
3) Rune trader is still banned, paragon insignias are to be fought to the death for.
4) Only 2 paragons can have the same secondary, having a party full of P/W would be boring.
5) No Paragons can use the same elite skill, everyone on our team must be using a different elite.
6) You are allowed a max of 1 PvE only skill (not EotN), HR is acceptable, but only 1 person can carry it since it's an elite

*Tomes - Weekly during the run I will hand out elite tomes/reg tomes to half the party this is because many skills in NF are backloaded toward the last 10% of the campaign the addition of tomes will give our group a slow and steady power creep allowing people to adapt their strategies slowly and always have something to look forward to or strategize how they will use it as opposed to having to complete entire campaign just to use a skill for the last 2-3 missions.

I am allowing bank usage if people want to pull out a cool spear/shield or fund skill buying/elite armor buying, just wait till after Consulate docks. Rune trading is still banned because I think it's funny.
sounds fun

1) Do we want to limit it to every paragon must have a different secondary? I figured 2 would give enough flex space for if people had different strategies for same class.

2) Do we want to add a rule similar to no repeat elites but instead no repeat PvE only skills to prevent everyone from just running the same PvE only skill? (Mainly to prevent Spear of Fury from becoming obligatory take on every Paragon's bar)

3) Bank allowance, rune trader ban. How do people feel about this? I mostly want to prevent our entire party from looking identical and I worry that since our builds are so restrictive that skill prices will go up quickly making different strategies harder. I'm most uncertain about this ruleset I kind of lean both ways toward ban bank usage vs allowing it.

I like the rune trader ban, personally. Inventory management isn't too bad if you stay on top of salvaging and merching, but at least allowing deposit only bank use and no withdrawals would be easy enough. No sense wasting decent mesmer rune drops if you still need them on other characters. One question is what's the deal with material vendors, dye vendors, and the definitely coming weapon mod vendor?
Yeah I agree rune trader ban is funny.

I think our prog will be finished before a hypothetical weapon mod vendor gets added to the game :P 20th anniversary is April~ so if we're still doing this prog after 5 months we'll talk about it then.

I've always toyed with the idea of banning mat vendors but the problem always ends up being some rare mats are extremely difficult to acquire or have real nasty artisan recipes not to mention I prefer letting people have more freedom over what armor set they want to run. Dye's I don't have a particular strong opinion on, if people want to pull some dye out of their bank just to make their character look good I'm always ok with it, would rather have a diverse colorful party of niggers as opposed to us all running default dye.
I don't think we need to limit secondaries unless everyone was going to do warrior.
/R, /D, and /A will all be strong. /Rt seems like it would be neat too.
I think we should be able to use mat vendors. It sucks using low level armor when you don't have to, and also weaponsmiths too.
I'm also kind of thinking that it would be useful to have a bank stipend just so we can buy lots of sklills for build variety, but I guess that's what the free tomes are for.
Question about the tomes is whether they're all paragon tomes or if you're giving them out for secondaries too. Nothing stopping a P/R from running TaO that way.
Also, if we don't manage to get 7 people for this, we should organize an early game run to grab some Haydas to fill in (there's always Sogolon).
>Nothing stopping a P/R from running TaO that way
No, the expertise req is though
lmao you're right, how silly of me
Whats the monthly sub and are there microtrans
you could get sort of close though. Heroic Refrain giving you +4, which is base 6 seconds and vocal was sogolon and enduring harmony can extend that.
no monthly sub and there's no in-game store (you can buy more character slots and bank tabs from the website if you want)
it;s a 20 year old game dude
Hero Ascent is a shitty mode full of elitist fucktards that kill their own mode. Having /fame kill any new players from joining this mode as far back as 2006. Anet did the right thing and fucking kill this system in GW 2. May HA it die in hell, that stupid retarded fuck of a mode.
few months ago I met a dude in la who came over from gw2 to get the hom stuff, he'd literally never touched the game til that week. gave him some ecto, showed him the ropes of nick farming so he could afford the stuff, and took him through the basic ele hench ha farm so he could use that pvp title instead of buying zkeys
see him on maybe a week later, ask how he's doing, turns out he befriended some guys while queueing, they've been holding halls for hours together and now he's r6
all of which is to say lole shitter and/or socially incompetent autist
You're retarded
>May HA it die in hell
pls take english classes btw
I mostly only limit so we don't have everyone running the same strategies, 2 per secondary max seemed good to me unless we wanted to limit it further to 1. If 3 people are all running same secondary then that's already basically majority of group running same secondary lol.

If we're short people we'll either add Hayda or whatever default paragon henchmen that are available.

As far as the tomes, I will be letting people decide what I give them. I'll keep track on my end who's been given stuff so I can try to keep an equal balance of how many I'm giving out every game, depending on how many elite para and normal tomes I can buy before our session might just give everyone 1 per week. Going be camping Kamadan alot this month.

GW1's main premise at time was that it was an MMO that did not have a sub fee which was near unheard of back 20 years ago, this remains true to this day, virtually no microtransactions exist as well.

HR/other attribute boosting cons do not increase the primary of secondary classes. Otherwise everyone would run /N for the free soul reaping energy. I'd personally allow TaO but I don't think it'd be a good strategy.

That's just PvP modes in general, I was a low plat top 250 ranked thief in GW2 for months, and I have thousands of hours in WvW. I've had more toxic experiences in that then any GW1 PvP I've done. Even in unranked arena people would flame their teammates for being bad at the game and /sit spam bodies. In ranked you lose the first fight and 1 guy decides match is lost and afk's for 10 minutes causing your team to lose. Don't even talk to me about the WvW elitist guilds who use to scream at randoms to stop following them (there was a reason for this, but it still sucked).

Of course it's dead. It's a PvP mode in a game that hasn't had a balance update in more than 10 years.
In the 2006 - 2012 span. It gotten so bad that they remove HA winning region from opening the FoW/UW, and remove the Guild Hall token and move it to the Zshop. I can easily join Random and Team arena just fine. I can jump into AB/FA/JQ with little difficult. I play a handful of GvG on the side. HA, not so much.

HA is a special case of retards during that time. HA is the one retarded mode adamantly refuse to let anyone play the mode in general thanks to /fame. You have retarded fucks that constantly shit on anyone below r3 but then cry that no one plays their mode. They give "advice" saying those players should form their own group or join guild, which neither of these form does jack shit. Of course, you have retarded fuckers like >>1491646 that have HA cock shove down their throat defending such a shit mode. Fuck HA.
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>, virtually no microtransactions exist as well.
right now, not a decade ago. team arenas doesn't exist, ra had dual vamp report bots getting you banned, codex was never even alive to become dead, ab gets 2 games played a year, gvg had blatant rupt bots winning every mat for years, jq is pve, fa gets some organized games. ha is the only place you can pvp against real humans on demand
sorry you were trash in middle school or whatever, move on
Fuck you right now, I am talking about shit that actually matter, which was pre-GW2. Where many of the PvP mode was pack. But hey, continue to be a HA-cocksucking zoomer that you are and pretend you play during that period.
where did I pretend I played then, I don't even play ha now. why are you still this upset about elitism 18 years ago? maybe you should've been there from the start and you would've had some fame on your account, ole johnny come lately ass
as an aside it really is hard to take you seriously with that english, I keep imagining different racial caricatures, like a tiny dr seuss japanese guy hopping up and down shouting. kills the weight of the insults a bit
A modern game made in the last decade would have so many microtransactions that you wouldn't even be able to fit it into an image, GW2 has turned it into a form of art of managing to nickle and dime every ounce of convivence possible (daily reminder build templates which were free in GW1 cost 5+ dollars per every 3 SLOTS). But to be fair to you, there is a lot more costumes in this game (like 15) then I realized holy shit.

Beyond that though, like 2/3rds of the existing microtransactions are utterly worthless. The only thing even worth discussing is bonus mission pack which is basically DLC, bank/mat storage expanders, character slots, and the mercenary heroes.
>maybe you should've been there from the start and you would've had some fame on your account,
Always the HA-cocksucking retard that always use this excuse. No wonder you fuckers cry that no one play your mode with such a retarded excuse like this. You fuckers created this problem and it left a shit taste one anyone that wants to try it.
"Minor" microtransactions are still microtransactions. Even when they're just cosesmtic, even when they gave them game breaking mechanic like Mercs, even when you get freebie stuff from the bonus pack. GW was not immune to this.
That's why I said virtually no, rather than none. But I don't think its honest comparing this game to current year X game who has a battle pass, a cosmetics shop, official RMT and more methods of spending money on the game.

If you'd prefer I used the word "minor" instead of "virtually no" sorry I guess.
>where did I pretend I played then, I don't even play ha now
do you lack object permanence or something? was I being mean to an actual retard and not just a "retard" retard
it was a joke, c if u can figure it out
I put "minor" in quotation since Merc is a thing. Completely customizable Heroes is a very big deal, even when you compare to stuff that modern MMO offers. The fact you have to drop 40 dollars for something this powerful is telling.
desu mercs are overhyped
if you're trying to break the game for benefit you're either solo farming or organizing scs with real people. all mercs let you do is play a single player game without struggling, like using cheat engine in dark souls
Merc also allows you to make decent looking Merc using that 15k armor you earn from another character. You're not stuck with a bitch, a fatso, and some abomination you found in DoA as your mesmer. God forbid you want to get 3 rit legitimately, but you have to win a Norn tournament, get that abomination from DoA, and/or finish Wind of Change Hard Mode. With Merc, you can get them almost instantly, so as long as you can get access to the Merc NPC.
You don't need 8 mercs unless you're doing hyper niche shit. 3 is enough.

I wouldn't say cheat engine strong. They're a good power bump from the offensive mesmerway team but it's mostly in the stability the inep mes brings, the slight bump in power for the SoS healer, and the speed of not using an MM. The non-merc mesmerway team is still more than enough for everything.
in the sense that you're cheating yourself out of challenge but not disadvantaging other people
like how you can probably rmt a stack of consets for a fraction of the cost and other players aren't really gonna care
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>in the sense that you're cheating yourself out of challenge
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. PvE skills threw that out of the window long ago.
"challenge" can be quantized, the game is easier with mercenaries than without them. I don't get the relevance of that screenshot when you could've posted the one for consets, which are still in the game
Non-merc teams are still going to be cheating yourself out of a challenge. You can basically clear any HM content that isn't elite areas with literally 0 skills on your bar with the non-merc team. Mercs maybe make that process 10% faster.
I think we pretty much agree. the mesmer+necro+rit teams are busted and I tend not the use them. mercs get you started immediately instead of making you play campaigns for heroes and give you more cushion
the way the conversation started was someone else saying mercs are powerful and gamebreaking, and I disagreed. they give you more cushion and a faster runway, but are not an essential purchase for the average player
>took him through the basic ele hench ha farm so he could use that pvp title instead of buying zkeys
do this with me
is Daybreak safe? I'm kind of afraid of putting my login details in there
redditfags's faces when i vanquish all zones
>without any sup vig for myself or heroes
>without cons
>not using the single most objectively strong build for my profession
>no mercs
>taking my time
what are you gonna use em for
the launcher? it's got some cool features idk
Cringe tryhard
I did it back during the three hero days.
who up for a cheeky ruins of morah
right now? I canprobably make it
I'm around all day, can wait for whenever suits you
let's do it at reset (11 Eastern, 16 UTC) and we can hit the ZM while we're at it.
all right
You will always be a 2016+ newfag.
Ugly image you chose. I'll be sure to avoid the game.
>doesn't want to play as a zesty nigga in a skirt tightly gripping spears and using his mouth to please his comrades
wtf is wrong with you
>Play GW2
>Enjoy asura
>Enjoy elementalist (frankly gw1 ele is fucking boring, and outside of some select solo farm builds it is braindead idiotproof to boot, also completely useless in any and all PvP formats).
>Enjoy map clearing (it is basically a more varied vanquish format)
>One of very few games that uses verticality in a fun way (a bit on the nose about it at times, looking at you mr. Lame jumping puzzles)
>both like and dislike the heavier focus on self reliance (i.e. less about frontline/midline/backline archetypes), like because playing alone or with2-3 friends is more fun (nobody REALLY enjoys casting e.g. WoH over and over in PvE as monk), dislike because in larger groups there is no coordination (there isn't even a need for it)
>Don't enjoy the messy clusterfuck PvP
All in all I quite like it and don't really understand the hate it gets outside of "it isn't anything like GW1", which it isn't.

I believe I have joined the dark side.
>completely useless in any and all PvP formats)
the fuck are you talking about
I remember getting super mad at some story boss in one of the later living story stuff, cause of how much visual clutter there is and how the game does a bad job of telling you what's actually worth burning a dodge on and what isn't. Combat clarity in that game blows. And I'm not super into just zerg trains of people flying past me with their dragons and blasting everything before I can get there and that mount being time gated for multiple weeks behind quartz. There's a decent game behind it all but holy fuck it is one step forward two steps back
who up for gate of pain
My bad, I'll endeavor to find some borderline porn pictures to advertise this game in the future so we blend in better with all the other korean coomer bait garbage games on this board. Wouldn't want to offend your exquisite taste.

>ele is completely useless in any and all PvP formats
Man, Who knew a zesty nigger as OP picture would bring out all the newfags. If you played a single hour of GW1 PvP you'd change that opinion real quick, I struggle to think of a PvP format where ele isn't one of the meta picks, not too long ago we were doing a 6 ele meme team nearly winning HA if we ever actually do GvG's we'll probably use that team just because its super easy to set up and use and would work better in that format.

Frankly the PvP meta is centered around ele's the only class more common then it to see would be monk. While the PvE meta is centered around mesmer's a good ele can easily keep up with a mesmer, there were many times where me and Kensuke would be top 2 DPS and the difference was less than 5% total damage. You could argue that mesmer was bringing more utility to the comp but at that point you're arguing hypothetical party comps. If you don't enjoy playing ele, don't play ele. Some people think playing SoS rit is braindead (it is) but others really enjoy that sort of style. You have a lot of flexibility with ele and if you aren't adjusting your build or if all you are doing is running some flavor of garbage ele attunement fire magic build 24/7 that you pulled off the PvX then no wonder you got bored of it.
Not him but one of my biggest complaints is how much scattering by the AI just cucks a lot of ele skills unless you run a snare too, and that the end total for the two skills feels lackluster. It's a lot more satisfying to just smash invoke and watch things blow up.
>nobody REALLY enjoys casting e.g. WoH over and over in PvE as monk
absolutely do not believe gw2 has a better healer experience than prot monk. if you don't wanna redbar, add a hero or a henchman. they had this shit solved in 2k5
if you're talking pvp, gw1 monk is one of the most interesting and enjoyable challenging things you can play
desu the fuckup is more about making the competition in mesmers too good, leaving only a couple comparably busted alternatives to "aoe typeless damage with upside" like abusing intensity
you should have to snare to spam aoe high damage skills, that's not a flaw
I'm not even saying spam them. I mean literally getting just one off on its own. If i wanna use something like bed of coals, firestorm, or searing heat, it's gonna be wasted unless I also snare them. For a lot of these skills, the area is only adjacent, and the total damage is like 150 for usually a lot energy and with longish cooldowns. I could just press lava arrows twice and reliably do more.
Where do you think we are, anon?
now I only need IAU and it's OVER for the skeletons
hand over them diessa chalices
Hate that fucking griffon so much though
he's alright
or she or them
we are all about inclusivity and diversity in this thread after all
vaping rn
next goal: r6 in HA
My pronouns are Me/N and W/Me.
I just realised this is wholly unrealistic
next goal: making it through tomorrow
I’ll do the NF prog if someone posts a funny Elite skill
Need 184 more zkeys for zaishen r3
give me some goals
I have just the one for you Marcus https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Infuriating_Heat

Expertise using skill that can be maintained with 0 expertise, doubles adrenaline gain of all people in range.

GWAMM like other person said. Alternatively try and get max inventory space possible for your character, there are bag expanders in gold zcoin trader to increase Bags to 15 slots, and belts to 10 slots.
no retards real goals not a 3 year goal Jesus (PBUH)
Can you tell us what you have already achieved? It's hard to recommend anything other than the really long shit lol.

Have you beaten all the campaigns + GW beyond content yet?
can you tell me what to do with my life I'm burned out man
It’s perfect. Time to see if any of the beast mastery shouts are worth taking
marcus pls cum beck
Just do your weekly nicks and daily zm+zv, and carto while doing it and skill cap when you can. Zb if it's a eotn dungeon. It's easy guaranteed daily progress towards it.
speaking of I have last bit of slavers exile to do anyone up for it like on the weekend or something
make a new character with a profession you've never played before, don't look up shit about what skills are good or bad, don't get money out of your chest or anything, and play through a campaign
>daily zm+zv
>daily zv
can't that shit take like 2+ hours
If it's varajar fells or somewhere in ascalon or something, yes. But with a built out team most zones take 30-40 minutes.
i wanna do pvp but no one does pvp and im also a scrub
do qq gvg on weekends
It's on the backburner right now unfortunately but I do have plans for us to do some casual scrub PvP in the future. We were going to do some GvG scrimmages against each other but interest toward end of factions died down hard.

During April we will be doing our daily HA runs again, our group went from majority of people who've never done HA (or GW1 PvP even) before, to almost winning hall before we stopped. Possibly some actual GvG plans as well around that time.

The GW1 community gets together on Saturdays to play FA together every week for years, and during competitive weeks you can usually do JQ with some actual players on weekends.
i know i was there dood
ive decided i will take my monk from fort ranik to ring of fire with dagger spam
>with dagger spam
bit gay no cap
if I had a gang to heal I'd do say cba with henchmen
how do you even have /a as a prophecies char
if you're going to kaineng to ascend just cap roj and go smiting
just go Mo/W
or maybe
Boot up game
See empty RA
See empty HA
See 90% bots in GvG OBS and the remainder is some real amateur hour shit
See empty urgoz and deep
See empty every eotn dungeon outpost
See empty doa
See empty toa
Offer 25e to the first person to find me in kama chat, wait 5 hours in sunspear outpost for 1 person to finally find me.
Get depressed and log off wishing I had simply not bothered.

It hurts bros, you wouldn't believe what I have seen in my time...
When we do NF, can we do HM the moment we hit 20. Dunno 'bout the rest, but I found the factions playthrough, while a blast, kinda trivial in difficulty. I think the only times we had to redo anything was when our monk DCd or when Togo fuckface died in TTemple.
I've never done GvG, urgoz, deep, Slaver's, HA or most endgame stuff.
we're almost at the 20 year anniversary of the game tho. it's sort of a miracle the servers are even up and that you can get a decent facsimile of original gameplay
people organize gvg scrims, doasc, fowsc, soosc and the other easy ones, etc. the problem is that it's organized outside of outposts and party searches so if you miss it you're never gonna see it. the only things people lfg for is like dailies
there was a random deep run on /v/ in like 2018 and I dropped some weapon that was easily 3a or so and gave it away cause I had no idea how valuable it was back then lol
I'm up for urgoz/the deep this weekend if anyone is game. Urgoz probs easier to do with heroes.
i wanna do uw!!!
TFW shadowbane didn't last 20 years, an even better mmo (conceptually anyway), another game I sorely miss.....
Works for me. Would be great to get at least 4 people so we don't have to do autistic shit with heroes on certain quests (ahem 4H, uhum dhuum).
okay then see you weekend
hop on
can someone check who's in halls
Depending on what day/time we settle on I'll join for uw
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where were u in my time of need, when I was getting rekted 3v1 by the chinese....
20th anniversary reminds me, during the recent ANet Extra Life livestream GW1 segment Colin was implying they're working on something for the anniversary. He phrased it in a "we'll talk more about that closer to the date" way that suggests it might even be somewhat substantial, I doubt it's actual new PvE content or anything but possibly more than just another weapon set.
He also mentioned they've actually increased support for this game over the past year or so (that one guy becoming game director probably related) and that a substantial amount of people still play, and that they always encourage people to come and play it.
The renaissance is coming bros. Trust the plan.
>that one guy becoming game director probably related
Stephen was already director (and other positions) since 2018 but during an April update, he mentioned that "my time allocated to Guild Wars changed from 10% to 80%".
In the same update, he says, "The game is still in "maintenance mode" and there are no plans for new content" so steel your expectations.
if we're doing only paragon I think we might actually have some difficulty.
this is modern anet so expect the big 20th anniv surprise to be they/them pronoun options in character creation
bro it was 4am
we're doing zaishen mission in 40/50mins join up
my condolences
Yeah I'm expecting it to be rather challenging any enemy with well of silence or vocal minority will be brutal, and any group with 1 or more monk will mean we need to coordinate our spear spikes. God forbid we run into enemies with res skills.

I'm half tempted to make us do entire campaign in HM mode just so we don't fall asleep while fighting normal enemy groups.

I'm down to do Urgoz or another UW run this weekend if we want? I'd prefer Urgoz though mostly because UW runs I like to prep people for more in advance, maybe we can try an HM UW run next weekend. Normal time on Saturday? Or do we want to do earlier/later?
We can always just see how it goes as we're doing it.
I think it will be pretty punishing without a dedicated healer.
im going to kill myself
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kamaniggas str8 seethin 100apm togglin block lists on and off over 1 (one) ecto
Could you for the love of fuck stop killing yourself, how many times has it been now? You never learn.
I once had a dude seethe at me for asking for regular tomes at less than 1e cause that's what buying them with silver coins costs. Niggas are fucking mental
one day i'm gonna kill myself and it will be the last im going to kill myself post
Kamadan traders really are absolutely fucking nuts, like serious mental deficiencies.
who doin fridey nite gaming guild wars One
I might or I might play more Hat World
Give me a FUN build for warrior. I'm about to fall asleep trying to get through Nightfall.
I finished NF like two days ago hahaha sorry you got to go through that bro... over for you
Idk maybe something with warriors endurance and necromancer secondary for dark fury?
>decapitate, magehunter's, headbutt, rage of the ntouka, cripslash, that shout for /Ws
lol what a garbage lineup
run high tactics soldier's stance and play with /para I guess
doesnt even have to be Nightfall only skillls, just want to play somthing different and get this char through NF
>got a monk in early prop
>can't switch secondary until fucking crystal desert
>missed the anniversary hammer (got another weapon anyway)
>stuck with Mo/E
fuck my freak incel life
you can go to factions from la and do nahpui to ascend
solo monk sounds fucking annoying though
Monk sucks if you're not playing prot with humans.
what the FUCK do I do
I don't like healing, maybe you do and you'll feel differently. are you mad about having to carry an ai party or mad about having to play a monk as a monk?
I don't know bro I deleted my monk years ago
I TOLD you to go Mo/W and smite/slash.
I think the latter
I don't wanna delete bro has like 160 months on him nice bday presents
not listening haha
so make another character you'll enjoy playing, goofy ass
I... I... bro...
my gw1 thread on /v/ has 130 replies
I'm going to do eotn on my derv
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was this a rage quit?
what r u guys up to
warrior's endurance or seven weapon stance scythe
alexa check if Mao Zedong is an available name
X Mao Zedong X
how do I get to have korean characters in name
getting new weapon skins on mes my illusion set has been called into question
that certainly calls for action
be korean, have korean account
I am not korean
bored and trying to push my warrior through Nightfall but warriors are un-fun and Dzagonur Bastion is an un-fun mission.
cup im gonna be ready to play in 40mins or so
fellas we are doing cathedral of flames
i don't think it's cathedral of flames actually I might be retarded
try hammer earth shaker or W/D scythe warrior
there's nothing like constantly knocking down some elenigger and stop them from casting anything
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I literally cannot hold all these fucking birthday presents.
they're also basically worthless
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Minis stopped having value after year 1, what's your point
look at those lips
wahts a margie BJ like?
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gimme the minis I need them for HoM
Hey Spirit here, forgot I will be busy tomorrow night whoever's going run something should really say a time/day so people know when to show up.

For anyone new coming from the /v/ thread we are starting a paragon only meme prog of NF in late november/early december. Goal will be to try and defeat the game with a party of 8 paragons should be funny.
so basically some random guy on FA walked me through HA and explained everything, after a few levels at this map where there is three teams we meet two teams full of people and they all know each other
long story short I've been initiated and I'm supposed to log on tomorrow to do pvp with them
it's funny cause I'm clueless
yay i fixed my computer
whenever you guys get midway through nightfall i will be spending all of my built-up Paracoin to bring my Ranger at Sunspear Outpost
stick with it
ha is usually a team that's holding halls, a team of bots that don't even try, and your team. how'd you do in the fight, what build did you play?
wota lol
I'm also going to be busy tonight so I won't be able to WoC with you again Scoozy
are we doing UW?
what time
latest I can start is like 4:30pm pst
HoH is epic
might be out still, can play it by ear
you holding halls?
nah that level where there's three teams we had three full human teams and the fight went on for like 10mins or so
we lost but it was the most fun I had in months, we were doing iway haha
playing FA now ae1
not gonna be back sorry
still playing FA btw
there's like 3 FA games being played now
I wish rit had real caster damage options and not just SoS
rits have so much shit available to them, you can't put even more air magic in their attribute lines
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>Open Hidden Stash
>Get nothing
The Princes of Vabbi are behind this.
cool hamstorm
Thanks. It's actually really effective in pre since enemies don't fuck off to the four winds as a result of aoe.
got canthan explorer (60%) :D and will get Canthan Protector later today this is EPIC
anyone here would like to panic mesmer and duo HA with henchies?
Oy vabbi, not my worn belts! This is anudda Scarab plague!
do you guys have any unded minis
im missing a few
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>You have been playing for 12 hours. Please take a break.
post something niggers
Stop treating this like a general and obsessing over bumping the thread every few hours. I'm glad you're not nearly as insufferable ingame as you behave in these threads.
this really hurt my feelings
Which of the professions should I play?
>LDoA Necro WITHOUT secondary prof in Kama
There used to be a glitch that allowed you to leave pre via guild halls way back in the day.
Heavens, they multiply....
new DoomBox
404 soul not found
anyone up for fort aspenwood?
where's nf
having a kid and working 3 jobs or whatever you're doing now is no excuse
Free zaishen coins today.
>Turned in Warrior Test before War Preparations
No.... my 250 EXP......
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unbelievable scenes at heroes ascent tonight
fug, I missed out :(
Kill all Charr forever.
only took us ~14 years!
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another one put the guild on the map fr
I've got a bunch of extras if you want to help me check something real quick
damn knew I should of came and joined HA tonight
what do you need bro
spirits some pro pvper with 20k hours wants an ally invite
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Need someone to make a fresh presearing warrior so I can see if I can turn in this quest with them as party lead since Van the Warrior fucked off when I turned in my Warrior Test quest.
hit my char limit but we're doing HA rn other boyos will hopefully help
No worries, it's not a massive loss if I can't get it done.
are you doing ldoa?
Yeah. I have it on a different Warrior already from years ago, but I haven't played in a while so I wanted to start with a fresh character.
kk loggin in one sec
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we just can't stop winning bros
we won hoh again
and again
grats on hoh again
held halls for 15 straight wins
hit r6 title finally, no longer a bambi shitter
damn chinks keeping the white man down
nah I left, gotta sleep
the leet paper is forming a meme ele run in intd1 tho
bro you can't just go around calling people that
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rly makes u think
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Imam gonna make another Proph character. Comfy ranger.
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let's do halls again tonight
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Ahhh fuggg :DDDDD wat do?
go for it
ldoa is cringe anyway
t. doesn't have ldoa
t. didn't death level and get real ldoa
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Admitting you death leveled is like wearing one of those "I have autism hats" It's also not really an accomplishment since it's largely an AFK activity. You might as well be asking someone to praise you for taking a nap.
I didn't death level or get nu-ldoa thoughever
Admitting you got ldoa is like wearing one of those "I have autism hats" It's also not really an accomplishment since it's largely a mindless farmer hamnet simulator. You might as well be asking someone to praise you for picking a thousand red iris flowers.
>You might as well be asking someone to praise you for picking a thousand red iris flowers.
That's something actually worth praise though because it takes like 5+ minutes of running through Lakeside just to get between 4-5 of them depending on spawn location. If you showed me someone who handpicked 1000 red iris flowers I'd put on a hat and tip it out of respect because even my autism isn't that strong.
this ain't runescape naga
>hit a tryhard team while henching
it's ogre let me get that fame doe
RA week we should run some
We running IWAY?
on random arenas?
yeah what's wrong with that
I'll do it
Fair argument, I'd do it too, those handful of times we ran IWAY for HA were honestly fun. I'm amazed at how easily it destroyed the bot teams.
hahaha I just lost against a bot cause I forgot to get their priest just tabbed out to post here
how we doing ra iway unless we get all 8 people queuing running it
I'd like to do codex, could do teams of 2+2hench
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Eh I will get to lvl 10 and go for it.
I to this day want to make a SWS Scythe build for my NF W/D but I don't think I'm anywhere near that far in Factions yet
>LDoA Necro WITHOUT secondary prof in Kama
extremely jealous
some tryhards are holding halls it's over for henchiebros
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>Find a Sundering bowstring
>Can't upgrade the Nevermore bow
bros... made it to halls and the tryhards are holding it... I'm sorry...
I believe in you. The tryhards will fall by your hand.
trash that bow and the stone, use random drops and quest rewards for sovl
I held the point for 50% of the time then the 3rd bot team just started attacking me instead of the tryhards lol
give me 2006 game mechanics and I will until then sovl is just an autistic meme
>give me 2006 game mechanics
it's about being able to use game mechanics, that's why you wrote your post. you got a cool sundering string but you have a max damage bow so it's useless. you won't get a bow where that mod outperforms your "starter bow" until the game is basically over, you'll never get a drop and be excited
>you'll never get a drop and be excited
That's just plain not true.
sundering bowstrings are 20% chance of 20% armor pen when perfect
let's say you attack a standard ar60 target, you're gonna do 1.23x damage in 20% of cases, i.e. 1.046x your usual damage in total
so you're waiting for a 14-27 damage bow drop to equal your current damage, and you need a new perfect 15^50 mod too
why would you use anything else until probably the southern shiverpeaks, ~3/4 the way through the game?
let him do whatever dude
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Anon I appreciate your autism but literally nothing you're going on about matters because the only reason I am using a bow right now is because I'm in pre-searing.
nice bow did your boyfriend give it to ya lol
No my dad did.
>yeah I'm actually gonna use the bonus hammer
No it looks like shit. I prefer the Undead Maul or the Gavel of the Nephilim.
For me, it's the Tetsubo.
get your butt out of pre and level to 20 real quick and gear up for devastating hammer build for random arenas
random arenas are so shit holy fuck the only people left playing them are autistic tryhards
shut up retard if four of us could get together we'd dominate
dominate who there's maybe six people playing ever
what if it's just you and me and you dominate me behind the zaishen chest no one's gonna see us haha...
that's gay
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Okay what now
did you have a sex change
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old character
looks like my ex
I am your ex.
FUCK YOU die bitch
It's your own fault. I told you when we first started dating but you chose not to listen. You only have yourself to blame.
no it isn't you're a pathetic narcissist and you're where you are only because I kept dragging your big fat (in a hot way) ass forward you're TRASH never contact me again
I still love you, you know.
no you don't you miss having someone to rely on all the time since you're so damn inept at anything I miss that ass though
I'm sorry for party rocking.
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fav weapon?
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I just think it's neat
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I reinstalled again after that thread the other day, the last time I played was a couple of years ago. This game is like a long-duration palette cleanser from industry practices latched on to modern games like cancerous barnacles.
What's the general showtime for paragon nightfall run?
Post name if you want a guild invite.
What do you mean? Same time as we have been normally gathering, unless the Euros decide to be vocal and vote for a new time.
man I hit the halls and met this pvper with 20k hours so close bros...
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is this worth anything
5-10e I'd say
What makes melee heroes so bad? I'm about to tackle factions normal campaign, and it sounds fun to try with with as many melee (and pets) as possible since I'm running TaO.
I hear they run around a bit, but like, I could grab charge and incoming to help with that. My healers could be dwyna dervs and the paragons will help with prot.
Even if it's bad, I still want to try it. Any advice or fun builds worth trying?
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It's happening, bros! Someone is going to take me out on an adventure!
do u want it
No thanks, I already have a strength one.
I haven't decided on what time we'll be doing our NF prog yet. Waiting till we get a bit closer to start date before I start poling people for what time works best for them.

Moderately rare, problem is >tactics and +44 HP while enchanted bring its value down.I'd value it at about 2-5e but probably closer to 3-4e.

the biggest problem with melee heros is they tend to agroo more groups, and they usually lack good AoE options not to mention any areas that have high amounts of blindness or blocking tend to make them not preform very well additionally they require a lot of set up for setting up additive damages to make them reall crazy, if you are running TaO consider slapping ebon battle standard as well on your bar, maybe even have a SoS rit bringing splinter + SoH. whereas caster heroes almost always preform well in most areas and can be slotted into most comps fairly easily.
I wanna do the woc ministerial commendations farm but it needs like 12 quests woc quests first arghhh
they have a tendency to run around between targets or not doing anything because they get bodyblocked trying to reach their target
>problem is +44 HP while enchanted
it's inscribable, mods don't matter because they can be replaced
ah snap you're right I didn't notice this
turned it into this instead will use it for the commendation farm
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forgot pic
why is vabbian armor so crap bros
because you're crap (not derv or war)
stick to the backline pussy bwoy
vabbi dervish armor blows
I mean the hat ties everything together without the fez you look like a homeless bum but then you can't use like a blindfold or any of the festive funny hats and that blows even more
vabbian headpiece is the best. honestly most derv armor sucks unless you like primeval or norn
also for women I assume vabbian is #1 [via slutmaxxing]
obsidian is cool as hell with the balls and all
>cool as hell with the balls
maybe paragon is the class for u
The AoE is a concern, yeah. My thoughts were like, an axe hero and/or 100 blades, a P/D to do some aoe and burning. I'm not opposed to a barrage ranger either. I also plan on running dagger spam since I went R/W for proph and R/D for night.
Conditions, I have a few thoughts for. One is actually an SoS rit with spirit's gift (or some other condition removal). Another idea (or I run both) is someone with martyr. It+purge conditions+antidote signet might be good, and if they're still blinded, they could do pet stuff.
This is a real concern actually. I wonder if a lot of /A to have death's charge is a more sensible idea than a few speed boosts.
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Looks like I soft-locked myself at Nolani Academy right at the end. I rushed Bontfazz and kileld him, but it seems like the timing was just right that he died the moment Rurik starts the Stormcaller cutscene. But, now that Bontfazz is already dead, looks like the mission is still waiting for the death trigger to actually end the mission. Anyone got tips before I log out and start over?
>If Bonfaaz Burntfur dies during cinematic 2 (e.g. due to degeneration), the mission will not end and your party will not be taken to Yak's Bend. The mission will register as completed, however (the map icon will update and you will get credit for your storybook). Additionally, if you wipe, you will not receive an option to return to the outpost, you will have to re-zone manually.
I'll do it with you if yo haven't started again
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Looks like it solved itself more or less, thanks.
early prophecies has a bunch of random bugs you don't see anywhere else, I think ascalon was the first zone they made
Cup do you wanna do slavers exile?
nvm - there's a group forming for HA I will be joining
Yeah I'm aware, like half the value of that shield is the inscription from everything I've seen this weapon is a bit unusual but not in very high demand so selling it is much harder.

SoS rit with splinter and maybe ancestors rage will handle a lot of the AoE issues if you are doing an all melee comp, I'd still consider bringing either a 100blades or VoS derv. you should include a curse/blood magic necro for support - barbs, mark of pain, defile defenses and enfeeble + weaken armor are really great buffs for melee attacks, throw on blood bond as well for some extra healing and if you really want to go crazy consider Dark Fury or Order of Vamp.

As far as your melee's if you want to go full meme run the dervish dwayna support build but with melandru instead - pulses AoE condi cleanse we used that when we were doing our meme comps to beat SoO and it's pretty great at clearing condis (heard rumors that heroes don't run the build very well though)

depending on how many melee you have I would either bring a panic mesmer, or a warrior hero running hammer earthshaker so you have some ability to disrupt casters it'd be better if a player filled this role since AI isn't great at focusing healers down with this but you are TaO.
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hall of heroes more like [baww]l of heroes
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what the fuck
I'd be more impressed if he was a Warrior.
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Not the first one. The very first Legendary Survivor of Ascalon (r3 surv + LDoA combined) was Stans the Dominator - guy did it on mes, kinda ez mode)
Entire hall of fame can be found here:
>tfw there is entire autistic community of pre fans
I don't think that AN is able to realize how much they could cash on fully pledged RPG set in pre-searing Tyria... I guess agender engineers are more important.
How active is the guild? Contemplating leaving my current one to join this one.
If you're a burger it's ok, if you're an euro.. meh.
t. dirty yuropoor
(still stayin' tho, at lest there I'm free to throw racial slurs @ elonians)
im a europoor and im the only one online most of the time
maybe it's because of timezones
Also a europoor, so guess I will stay in my current alliance. I'm in lgit which always seem to be active.
join us and keep an eye on lgit thru their discord
Alright! name is Jacada Ansar, can you send me a whisper when someone is online that can invite?
i can invite you now. just say whenever you left you're guild
>you left you are guild
I should go back to bed. He's in the guild now.
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I am in!
Thanks for the invite
btw if you ever want to run something or do anything, just post or ask in the thread. if people are hanging around, they might join ya, or if you're looking for help with something, there are plenty of us around. there are a handful ITT who occasionally do zaishen dailies, etc.
yeah for example we're taking halls tonight
>Of Orr [rook]
I don't get it, there are canthans in presearing?
can we try forming for UW again this weekend?
i have a ranger, dervish, assassin and a warrior I can bring so lmk what would be most useful I never done UW before
also a reminder that this week is pantheon bonus so you can farm obby shards and ectos for free
Appreciate it! Two of us just ran sorrows furnace, I have never done it before. It was very cool!
tfw we'll never get the pre-searing equivalent for factions/nightfall...
shing jea kind of is that
Shing Jea, Istan?
istan looks much like kourna I don't think there's that much difference, shing jea still has that cozy vibe
Are there more people interested in doing UW this weekend? I'm open to the idea but we just did UW like 3 weeks ago, and it's certainly a time commitment compared to most other runs
im down
having done it three weeks ago and considering how long it takes, I'm not exactly hyped.
I might participate but I might not.
fix kamachat!!
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rate my fort aspenwood build
>Update -- November 12, 2024

Updated GPU memory calculation to be compatible with modern GPUs.
Preparing for a compiler upgrade to Visual Studio 2022
>I might participate but I might not.
hey femanon do u wanna e-date
rather do something else, but I might be busy saturday anyway
tomorrow's zaishen combat is HA we should form for that
General consensus seems to be lukewarm for UW, we'll do a run of it before the year is over but for now I'm going to put it off for a few more weeks.

Given the recent interest in HA, how about tomorrow people grab HA ZC and save it for Saturday night?
would you still edate me even if you knew I was a paragon?
won't make it this weekend and maybe not next for the burger holidays but I'm hoping to hit UW, HA, and the paragon prog when I'm back
yaeh im probably out for the next two weekends as well
everyone flaked on uw this is just like real life
obsidian shart lol
new update just now
lmao the one gw dev personally updates the gw wiki update page with his own changes
CEO behaviour
he's officially the Game DIrector of GW1, he probably has essentially free reign over the entire game
wtb 34 zkeys
kama chat is down, price is 2e ea iirc? I had no clue it's so expensive (im poor) so I think I'm gonna pass and farm them myself
bots are down atm so prices should go up
I was just faking kama dialogue
if you're not a yuro you can have em late tonight
tfw 0 zkeys
i am euro thoughever
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Damn, is it really worth this much? I've got a total of maybe 15 plat to my name across my account so I'm wondering if I should sell it or equip it. Though, I'm not sure what to use the money on.
yes prodigys always sell well
i have one you can have
if you dont have a mesmer you can use them to gear your heroes for mesmerway
it's just the drones who cpoypaste team builds from PvX who're slavishly buying up the prodigys, just run blessed you'll be perfectly fine
FA soon
they're playing today? thought it's only weekend? I'd reckon everyone will be farming zkeys since it's HA zaishen combat today
friday-sunday from what i understand
oh shit it's friday today lol
played 4 games already pretty decent turn out
log on fellas and join FA
oof, get well soon
you can have em free if I see you online some morning
we're FAing now get on
btw reminder guys grab todays Zaishen Combat quest we'll do some HA tomorrow night
in world of warcraft, there's a potion called Free Action Potion so if multiple players pop it at once, you can say we're FAPing HAHAHAHA get it?????
I hit multiglad in wow and missed my prom to do arenas
i never went to prom and have zero regrets double my lifetime later
all I have is regrets
same but "prom" is superficial and nothing anybody should ever place any serious concern into
you just said you have zero regrets
about prom. i see how that sentence could have been misinterpreted
offtopic blahblahblahelonians tongue my anus
>run blessed
what enchantment are you consistently running as a mes?
They're buying it for heroes, not for themselves. There's just not that many insignia options for mesmer heroes besides prodigy and survivor. Virtuoso might be fine, but it's counter to fast casting so it's always awkward. Blessed doesn't really work since they're not under an enchantment all the time. Radiant is generally a waste given you run it with a bip, but it's not too bad. Hero bars tend to be less energy intensive than player ones (arcane echo is why). As a player mesmer, i'd opt for survivor or radiant over prodigy, but that's because i'll run a variety of builds, and might not always be able to fully used prods. Hero insignias probably are the last thing I'd bother with when building out a team either way. Sup/major attribute runes and getting some kind of vigor rune on each is bigger.
dye on this shit goes hard damn
are we doing anything today
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cup I got a new record
gayest team ever in HA just now 5 monks and 4 shockwave eles
that's 9 bro
ye so
it's max 8 people do you even play the game
shut up virgin
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we should do HA
Yeah we're going do some tonight. Does anyone have a preference on time? If not lets meet up at normal prog time of 9 PM EST.
more like 6PM EST
I'm ok with this if other people are, just be ready to fight off the tryhard euro's who camp that hour lol.
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drop the bow jackass
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thank you finally
Not really a fan of the design but you do you
needed the stats, skin is secondary
bros join for FA
3 of us in FA right now
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for extra humor, he was in LGiT
we're doing HA btw
out of town
gl bros
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kiss kiss
generally for pvp as a frontline should a shield be -20% blind or -20% cripple? I'm thinking blind if there's some sorta ims
both, and +armor vs typed damage
you can make infinite pvp equipment
it's a pve char cba kitting out for 10 diff shields
are you full on character slots
it is very useful having different weapon sets on hand. stuff like high hp or energy hiding too
yeah I read on energy hiding
yeah I hit char limit will have to get a few new ones
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Going to places like the Amnoon Oasis and Henge of Denravi and seeing them totally empty kinda makes me sad, but at least the Kamdan and Cantha locations are still going strong with players.

One day...Like tears in rain.
Games dead jim
what are some cheap ims pcons
cupcakes 10-15e a stack
>we'll start our NF prog on either Nov 29-30 or Dec 6-7
we should probably start discussing what the schedule should be for the NF prog

I'm euro which is EST +6 at this time of the year and I'd rather not have to get up at 3 AM my time to play with you guys again(which I did for the Factions prog until RL stuff happened and I missed out on fighting Shiro and the endgame stuff)
I'm euro too and I never see you at the guild hall
can we change the emblem
I'm in a different guild but the same alliance
what's ur ign we should play
let us please, by the grace of kormir herself, choose a day light play time for nightfall
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>Look inside
this shit look like a linkin park album cover
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>tfw no 9ft tall scandinavian werebear dommy mommy gf
holy SOUL
I don't need to watch videos I was there 235 months ago
q9 tac ancient shield worth anything?
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you can salvage gold zcoins
wait what thats so cool never knew that

Also people keep asking about it so I will post our classic schedule polling now, people kept complaining that when2meet was in EST (the greatest timezone to exist) therefore I have found a new service to use:


It works exactly same as when2meet but should display in your local time? If it doesn't let me know, just click "Add Availabilty" and it works from there, you don't need an account to do this. Ignore the dates just focus on what the days are and when you are generally free.


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kama is freaky
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My melee only team has been going okay. I hit Tahnnakai Temple, though, and it's been a bit rough. So, I'd like some advice on potential improvements (besides switching away from melee).
So far, conditions have been pretty well handled, so I was able to switch from melandru to dwayna on my derv. I might switch Koss from sword to hammer for more knockdown. And my rit will absolutely get a more sensible bar once I get SoS. Also, I think I'm over doing as many pets as possible. It was fun, but if it's knee capping my potential, I'm good to move on.
what problems are you having?
The main issue is going to be afflicted explosions and RoJ, and idk if anything will fix that if you're all melee.
I'm not really sure. My deaths aren't very slow. Like, I'll be okay and then suddenly I'm down lime 3 or 4. I think>>1507017 is probably right with it being RoJ (though I try to focus the Monks down and pop them with ymlad) and affliction explosion just triggering a few times rapidly.
Is there any like, defensive protection from that? Like does weakness reduce explosion? I try flagging my crew when I see them standing in shit which has been a lifesaver, probably.
Also, how much of factions is afflicted? This is my first time through. It would be a bit unfortunate if this is the campaign with a high amount melee hate.
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Spirits Gift will not work in a melee party because it only cleanses people *near* the spirit being created, so unless your ritualist is using a melee weapon this will never help you. However, if you were to instead run something like Rt/N with bone minions you could abuse this pretty hard, that said not sure I'd recommend it even in a melee comp. You shouldn't be having condi issues with an avatar of melandru derv other than the most condi heavy areas.

For your melandru derv, you would be better off going D/Mo and running 12 points into Smiting so you can run SoH, you'll be able to easily maintain 2-3 without any issue I would also go Smite Hex since you have a great lack of hex removal and smite hex has great synergy with melee's.

For your paragon, given you are doing a melee set up with pets its almost a crime to not have signet of return (I'm pretty certain pets count as party members), I would recommend anthem of disruption so you have some more rupts on your team, fall back is only good for running, not good for fights so I removed it personally. If you want it back replace "Can't Touch This" though that has some good value depending on area, similarly you can drop that or "They're on Fire" for a pet if you're determined to do meme pets. (Consider Adding Awe for synergy with earth shaker hero)

Great necro build, no complaints here other than maybe replace Enfeeble with Enfeebling blood (the better version)

I changed your warrior slightly, you use too much energy on your build to make good use of lightning reflex I put bestial mauling because it has great synergy with hammer war and the daze is huge. If you don't like this build at least add Auspicious blow to your bar.

I think you are too committed to the meme with your ranger so I removed her and instead added a smite monk which I think will cover a lot of your problems better, power drain might not be necessary if you want the meme pet

I also made a few changes to your 100blades warrior.
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If you dislike the newly added monk you can alternatively something like Me/Rt.

Hex eater would be an inspired choice giving you a solid hex removal skill that does AoE damage + AoE removes enchantments.

Alternatively instead of hex eater you run PI for more interrupts + KD and run Hex Eater signet as an AoE hex removal skill.

If you need better AoE I would replace the 100blades warrior with a VoS derv. 100blades warrior has better single target hate with additional AoE capabilities while VoS derv is better at AoE damage without much ability to focus targets down. The VoS derv will be more tanky however so if you want something that can self sustain itself better maybe go with that.
Damage reduction exists but generally only as single target. The best you're gonna get for party wide is by having something like shelter or union or a lot of prot bonding.
Minions can help to add additional targets to bait out RoJs or other lingering effects.
You could also aggressively flag heroes but that's gonna be annoying.
Something like an E/Mo Healer would probably work pretty good to spam out expensive but powerful prots, the only problem is, is that any area with mid-high enchant removal destroys it. I love ST but I honestly don't think it'd do this comp much good. Like it'd certainly be more effective than the Martyr ranger but I feel like literally anything would be an improvement over that :P

Thats why I added the UA monk, it has a good mix of condi, hex, and damage mitigation paired with good AoE healing and preventing players from being dead for too long (if you do run UA monk you can probably afford to drop 1-2 of your res skills on other heroes)

I hope OP is a ranger TaO dagger spammer with ebon battle standard. That'd probably be the best possible build they could run for this comp.
Yeah i'm just saying the options for party wide damage mitigation are slim in this game, and they have drawbacks. TaO+EBSoH would be great though.
Are assassin heroes any good or are they trash?
This makes a lot of sense. I appreciate it. I will keep the bone minion rit in the pocket because that sounds fun in a "I love minion masters" kinda way and maybe that'll have a place somewhere else (mainly for kicks).
Keeping melandru and dropping martyr makes a lot more sense, I'll be honest. Even with a few pet attacks and the martial support, I wasn't certain if it was pulling much weight.
Dropping the pet from paragon also makes sense to me. Proph was a full on pet build (even an Me/R and E/R), so I'm fine with that. The party wide almost full uptime of speed boosts was fun, but I can live without it.
I was worried how heroes with act with both auspicious blow and renewing smash, but I'll keep an eye on it. If they don't mesh well, I'm sure I can find something else.
But it looks really sensible and a lot more cohesive. Looking forward to giving this a shot. Thanks!
Oh that's a really interesting alternative. I'll certainly feel both out.
I did go back and forth between VoS and 100b, but I think I like the focusing key targets a bit more. With the aoe hex removal, I think I should be set.
That's fair. It's always nice to see them targeting a pet with roj. I have no clue how important flagging heroes like I'm in an rts is. I hear people have hotkeys for that for hard mode stuff. Maybe doing some practice wouldn't hurt.
Yeah, I'm running tao dagger spam at the moment. I actually haven't done enough eotn yet to get ebon (it looks like I need to do all of their story or am I reading that wrong?).
I've seen people say sin heroes don't really dagger spam well. They feel compelled to do an auto or two between each skill, supposedly.
Auspicious Blow should work accidently fine with your necro running Enfeebling Blood which does AoE weakness and can be spammed. Even if you don't hit a weakened target you still get free energy which is nice. I didn't include it though on the hammer warriors bar because I'm uncertain of how bad the energy situation is. Heros are generally pretty good about using skills that REQUIRE target to be KD'd sometimes they fuck up renewing smash but normally its ok.

Yeah during our factions prog marcus ran an aura of lich minions build with it, was somewhat effective (though given we didn't have many melee its use wasn't as great) I don't personally love it but it's definitely a notable build to keep in mind for your comp if you want to run it, I recommend you replace the avatar of melandru as it will fill the same function.

Yeah I like the party speed boosts too Fall Back just doesn't work well in fights only for running between fights, as long as you research the area first you can definitely still fit fall back onto the bar. But if you want optimal fight bar that would probably be it.

You only have to do the Ebon Vanguard storyline (EotN is split into 3 primary quests so you can choose which one you want to do ergo only need to do 1/3rd of EotN) kinda annoying but it's a really powerful buff for melees and will double the ranger pet's damage.

I've heard there's a decent signet condi/hex hero build you can use and a WotA assassin hero build you can use, but the problem is compared to 100blades warrior or VoS derv they don't provide enough to the party comp to justify running one, additionally they have lower armor rating than both. Everything they can do can be done better by a warrior or derv hero.
>They feel compelled to do an auto or two between each skill, supposedly.
I wonder then. Getting some sort of perma IAS, and maybe using longer CD leads would maybe work then. Maybe something like golden lotus instead of jagged.
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my first q8 drop can I sell this unid or should I bite the bullet
oh I forgot it's insc from NF so doesn't matter if id'd or not but someone told me it might be worth 1-2a
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Y'all got any tips to stop getting filtered by Vizunah Square? It seems like on my characters I either I breeze the entire mission by accident or get stuck hard on the second encounter area.

I'm playing a Memesmer and my party is
Gwen(Interrupts and health/energy burn)
Olias(Minions and Mesmer leach/spell punish)
Vekk(All the dps and AoE)
kamachat works
want some help?
The most important part is to stay close to Togo and Mhenlo to make sure they don't get focused and murdered, which can happen quickly and suddenly if you're not keeping an eye on them both.
Drop one of the warriors and bring a protter instead. Either a prot monk or rit with defensive spirits like shelter.
I decided to one more run before calling it a day and got through it. I swapped a couple of skills around for better endurance. Funnily enough I never had an issue with Togo or Menhlo getting killed, it was that my party seemed to start running out of steam after about 3 minutes of fighting and they would get steadily atritted out one by one. Thanks for the tips, they'll be handy for the next time.
>my party seemed to start running out of steam after about 3 minutes of fighting and they would get steadily atritted out one by one
you probably need more dps
It's also possible that it could be a problem with energy management

Looking at this comp this is my best guess at what probably happened -

Fight goes on for a while and Tahlkora as the single dedicated healer probably starts to run out of energy since there's no prot. Additionally because this is Vizunah square there is a fuck ton of enchant removals Vekk likely gets enchant stripped and spends all his energy making him unable to keep spam casting spells.

Because Vekk is no longer spamming DPS enemies stop dying leading to the number of corpses being generated slowing down as attrition begins to wear on the party, as a result Olias while he might have energy has nothing to spend it on as his minions are slowly killed with no corpses to replace them

Because you are running 2 melee in factions everytime Jora or Koss get a kill it causes them to get hit with Afflicted Soul Explosion putting further strain on the 2 monks

It's unclear what Gwen is running Panic or PI presumably and she's likely performing quite well but enemies in this mission are quite spread out and if she's mainly doing interrupts as opposed to AoE DPS she's just prolonging the inevitable.

The memesmer in this party is probably the one carrying fights once the fight hits this stage, a few recommendations if you want:

1) Add a prot to the team, it will help provide cover enchants, or at the very least reduce the damage being done so the monk isn't desperately fighting to keep up

2) I don't know what Gwen is running but if she's running Panic/PI I would personally switch it to either Esurge or VoR. Panic is great but I find it quite lacking in normal mode desu. The extra damage would help you more

3) A BiP would likely solve a lot of your problems even just throwing Blood Ritual on Olias bar would help the casters.

4) Run what you want, but if you only have 2 mesmers in your team VoR would probably hit like a truck. Consider putting shatter hex on your bar for melees too.

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