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>What is this?
My Hero Ultra Rumble is a new battle royale game based off the My Hero Academia anime. It features various different characters from the series (with more to be added) with different quirks and costumes, separated into 5 archetypes. The matches are made up of 8 teams with each team having 3 players. Last team alive wins!
-Season 7 is here
-AFO is now obtainable via Hero Tickets
-Present Mic is now available in the gatcha
-A new skill set for Toga is avaibale in the gatcha
>Game's database
>Google doc with damage numbers
>/mhurg/ agencies
PC: Toga Lovers (ID: 1695305727)
Froggers (ID: 2203659952)
XBOX: Mina is Cute (ID: 7295700145)
PS4/PS5: Juicy (ID: 1219501098)
>Character ID List
>Current gacha characters will be added to the ticket pool at a later date
https://twitter.com/MyHeroUR/status/1707812523259343249 (embed)

-If you want to apply to an agency from these threads, leave your name in the thread in order to be easily identified.
-Certain characters like the ones that can only be seen in the "Special" part of the License tab, can be unlocked just by playing (Bakugo, Todoroki, Tsuyu, Toga, Mr. Compress and All Might). Some have to be unlocked with Character Tickets (Iida, Kendo, Kaminari). Some have to be unlocked by rolling (Aizawa, Kirishima, Momo, Ibara), but may be obtainable by using Character Tickets in the future (Ibara).
pinned threads don't count towards the board's thread limit
because there's 1 pinned thread, the last thread on the catalogue gets pushed to a new page
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Playable in 2027
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>8 people in customs
Impossible, fake screenshot.
Gangrape? Now that's manly!
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the rapid meta will be broken up in Season 8
File deleted.
did US clocks change? is that why there's no customs?
this world only exists to confuse and scare me
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Sorry for the wait; game wouldn't stop crashing.
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See? Told you: >>1495700
Feels like Momo can't do anything against Kendo in a straight fight.
that's why you have to make it a gay fight
just like the show
>strike dabi beta fails like 6 times
worst skillset, and worse than tech dabi too
Every single customs round that involves red Shiggys and Ochakos, the ochakos lose to red shiggy
To be fair, a lot of those times I had Shiggy's gamma super armor.
>faggot frog teams with Mirio fo kill me
>bitch lets him die, obviously
Speedfaggots are cancer, and frogs are ghe worst of them. Bitch won by doing nothing, cheating and betraying
>game crashed
oh no, I CEMENTed the host and his game crashed...
assassin moment
New room.
Did I kill the previous lobby entirely when I crashed, or did the match continue?
I never actually knew that until now.
I don't think there's a single other move in the game that just one-shots her giant form like that. And Mic gets THREE of them.
It's pretty funny watching him just punch her out of it like he's All Might or something.
we're still playing which I didn't think was possible but I think the lobby will die when the round ends
punch frogs into the stratosphere
launch frogs into the sun
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Shut up, faggot
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angry frog main
No, but we don't need these retarded bumps
they were referencing the currently ongoing custom games
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those aren't bumps, and never were just bumps, dumb frog
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Time for matchmaking, I guess.
These are not frogs.
This is false advertising.
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>enter ranked lobby
>look at all players in the menu
>14 rapids
>5 strikes
>2 assaults
>2 technicals
>1 support
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>10 days until S8
time does feel like it moves faster when we get an extra character
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I keep forgetting about customs...............................
Set a weekly alarm on your phone or something.
It's been 9 months.
remember that stretch of time towards the end of the season where we got nothing but an event?
You now remember the early days of Season 1 when All Might was a rare species.
remember when barely anyone had toga? those were the days...
Remember when locked characters costed 1 Hero Icon instead of all 3? Remember Premium Login? Remember Chunko being busted? Remember Red Bakugo being a menace?
Yep. Did my dailies early AND in one match. I think Nejire would be proud of me...
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the rapid meta almost makes me miss the main trio meta
I remember complaining about Bakugo and Assault Deku when I first started playing at the beginning of the year. How times have changed.
I still complain about Bakugo (if it's Rapidgo) and Assault Deku I guess I'll complain about, but wit the stronger Strike Deku around, it doesn't feel as valid to complain about...
just learned you can ping the debris from Ochaco's Gamma and your character will call it out as a trap.
no way...
>yellow deku and mirio near me
>get kicked by deku's beta
>before I can get any iframes, mirio uses alpha and gets to hit the full 4 hit combo
Same with Tech Dabi's beta. It must be one of the least-used voice lines in the game.
>inside building
>red dabi suddenly flies through the wall and grabs me
???????? Hacker? Weird glitch? This game is so exhausting
>only 4 Froggers have been online in the past nearly 2 weeks
Hawks is really killing the game.
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Froggers would thrive if the name changed to "Bubblers"
average red dabi player
total MC victory
>crash in the waiting lobby
>crash again right after reopening and pressing the queue button
the game is not content with just having me die to overpowered rapids third partying me, it's now making me fight to even get into my doomed games
he ruins every fight
The way Kirishima turns around during his new voice line always makes me feel like he's going to say "A true man speaks with his ass!"
Um, my fellow Froggers? You didn't spare me...
sorry, i've been working 7/12s since august but i'm back now.
The Byking assassins actually won...
I warned you...
about what
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>down a Dabi
>all out of moves
>try to melee him
>I'm a little too close and start executing instead
>I roll away, but he still has a chance to get up
>he kills me
Executions should be triggered by holding the melee button down, this is bullshit.
Nejire is going to be a rapid... or at least a rapid-lite...
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I feel comfortable with both Tech Toga and Rapid Toga, but in the interest of certainty, I've been recording my post-game stats with each one so I could put numbers to it.
I have, so far, cataloged 32 games with each of them. A handful of solo games, but almost entirely Ranked. I threw out bot games and games where my team wiped early and didn't really have a chance to fight.
With Tech Toga, I averaged 2269 damage and 3 KOs across all the games, and a 45.5% winrate. With Rapid Toga, both my average damage and average KOs were higher, at an average of 3070 damage and 4.2 KOs per game across 32 games. In spite of this, my winrate with Rapid Toga was slightly lower at 43.75%, but I think there are too many variables for that difference to be meaningful.
Nah, Red, like Endeavor
>They are removing jumping pads in season 8
>Rank will have SR skins
I can smell the shittiness that S8 will bring.
The era of mobility is now, old man
I kinda assumed your damage output would be a bit higher with rapid toga
Anyone else hit by hit by shit when you clearly dodged it more often?
Yes and it's always when I'm fighting r*pids
>most of my cementoss solo matches boil down to me camping inside buildings because what the fuck am I meant to do against Hawks/Rapid Toga?
Gut Rapid Toga
Gut Hawks
Gut FB deku
God I hate Hawkfags
i sure do like getting hits by hawks beta and unable to hit him back due to how fast he is
>use ESC menu to check the remaining players
>that bug where you can't close the menu happens
>have to force close the game because I can't do anything now
haven't had that happen to me in a while, it's my fault for thinking it got fixed for S7
>They are removing jumping pads in season 8
It's funny to me how much console players complain about Iida. They act like he needs nerfs.
Am I wrong to say that I feel like he might be the weakest character in the game? At least, at a higher level of play. He's hardly even a rapid, honestly.
Cementoss is like the only fair high tier at this point
>weakest character in the game
he's only the weakest rapid
>Am I wrong to say that I feel like he might be the weakest character in the game? At least, at a higher level of play.
Weakest rapid? Certainly. Weakest character? Surely the non-rapids like Strike Shiggy and Tech Dabi have an even harder time.
Okay, Tech Dabi I forgot about. Strike Shiggy? I feel like his damage and area denial put him a little higher in more situations. I've found Iida to have too many moments where they can't jump in without getting destroyed by crossfire AOEs.
Those last two are pretty circumstantial
Momo's beta feels like its only use is to execute people now. It's too slow, everyone is too Rapid, and it feels like it covers 120 degrees in front. It also gets broken too easy so you can't even use it defensively very well.
Momo's booba
S8 will give us a new Momo skin that doesn't cover her chest, trust the plan
Hijab Momo skin incoming
hypothetically, you could have a character that deals big damage, but has no way of chasing enemies who will just leave and recover health
My average KOs were higher with Rapid Toga as well, though, so ability to pursue and finish off enemies doesn't seem to be an issue.
Plus the fact that if I can get their blood, I'm just as fast as they are.
maybe you're just really cool and epic and based
A most terrifying power
We need a new map.
>They still didn't fix Twice's Alpha > Gamma bug
What bug?
>yellow deku's beta can be completely stopped by a Mic short beta
Remember when yellow characters used to be a threat?
erm...frogger? our TRUCE...?
but I'm not in froggers
(we) are in heart
saw frogs' legs off
give 0 shields to frogs when they PU
Ever since rapids took over, I barely see Mr. Cumpiss in my games anymore (and that's a good thing!)
i do
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>official Discord server has existed for a year
>Deku, who has been in the game since launch, including Strike Deku who has been in the game for 10 months, has been mentioned 37k times
>Hawks, who has been in the game for 2 months, has been mentioned 24k times
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Anyone want to play? We could use a third.
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what the fuck
gameplay so bad it made a spectator delete their account
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>Byking thought that they had the skills to create and balance a character that negates damage on all four moves
And yet, he is still more balanced than Hawks.
fat frogee
>use level up drink
>someone attacks me
>but i level up
>drink still there but it wont let me use it again
>try dropping it
>pick it back up
>suddenly works and i get another set of levels
I did not know that was a thing that can happen. Wish it was easy to recreate
Mirio is pretty strong but ALL of his moves leave open.
I wonder if roll-canceling it at exactly the right time would work. The timing would be very tight even if it's possible, though.
>Wish it was easy to recreate
if you disconnect your ethernet as you're drinking it you can do it as many times as you want, I have also seen a video of a Iida who could do this with a melee cancel consistently but the timing seems tight.
I must've been playing too much MHUR because I had a dream where I was Bakugo, but I was able to go into the past and redirect life into a different direction. I don't even play Bakugo...
Damn, Bakugo had a quirk liike that this whole time?
>fight tech shoto
>all my shots get blocked by his fireballs
>get poked by his giant ice spike through walls and get hit by the explosion even when I'm outside the red circle
>knock him down but still get frozen by his alpha ice for a shot he shouldn't have been able to even fire off
>when he downs me he kills me in less than a second with the fireballs
I have been reminded of how overpowered tech shoto is
What if:
>using Tech Dabi's alpha while there are no enemies close enough for the tracking to lock on will cause it to hover in place like a trap, and then fly toward any enemies that come near as normal
>Tech Dabi's traps could block projectiles while burning
>the duration of Tech Dabi's gamma could be extended by holding down the button, similar to Mirio's shield
Alpha is a retarded idea, Beta already does that and gamma should just last longer, cause needing to stay there, pressing the button to keep it active
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Anyone want to play?
>Hawks's SA flight is near totally silent
>the punishment for not hearing a Hawks flying up behind you is death
Hopefully he gets nerfed in season 8.
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>pick mirio cause i'm tired of the speedfaggotry of others
>teamed with Mic and a cunt that also picked Mirio
>cunt refuses to switch
>gets switched to yellow decuck
>game doesn't show the lobby so it also doesn't show when that swelling pussy left the game
>essentially play alone cause Mic lands away and dies like a bitch, then disconnects
>kill a frog and the sole decuck of the match in my rampage
>last teams come
>twice, momo and a purple toga
>aizawa and a blue toga
>kill off some of the tards that get on the way
>last team is aizawa and toga
>they get on top of the UA building
>kill toga cause blue toga still ain't shit by herself
>aizawa is the last one but he sucks
>his alpha glitches and i just lay onto his ass
>dumbass tries to go away when downed as if i would let him go
>use the two red card i had to power up and finish him off
Great match, amazing match, and all without the help of some fag who lands on the chest and dies and some pussy that made a fit and left
>last team urakaka, decuck and kaminari
>pick them off one by one
>make sure to leVe decuck last cause she fucking sucks
>impede every attempt of him at reviving them and use the downed retards as bait
>decuck is last
>taunt him and use everything i have against his faggy ass
>throw him into the storm
>spin in happiness as he dies
Man, i fucking woke up with a thirst for blood...
After a while, i found another hacker on Xbox, Endeavor. Either dude saw where a character hiding behind a corner was even without ever facing in his direction and then hitting a beta on him and on some other guy that was in front of him running away, and is just a crackshot, or he's using an aimbot, but i highly doubt the first, cause he was level 24 with bronze rank.
consoles got hackers now? damn
Can you just enter a match, leave and still get event points? I'm at 11k, and i don't feel like playing full matches to get them
I think i saw just another one a long ass while back, but this one fucker had deadeye. I didn't capture any clips of him doing that corner thing cause i was dumbfounded that he did that crazy shit, all the while he was giving chase to a different motherfucker with the air dash
>get attacked in waiting lobby
>accidentally hit someone else while shooting back
>the someone else spends the rest of the waiting lobby attacking me
>the obsessed guy survives to the end of the round and targets me over the other guy remaining
>he kills me with help from the glitchy game
why are lucky children like this
I don't know, but it'd be easy for you to test in Unranked/Solo.
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>need one more point on the "most civs saved in a phase" mission for weeklies
>lots of solo players tend to ignore civs so you can usually get it easily
>save three of them in total before I'm forced to focus on fighting
>finish the round and see that I didn't get the point for the mission
>remember back to earlier in the match when I couldn't get a civ near the edge of the storm because a rapid HOEga starting spamming alphas
>by the time I had killed her and finished teabagging her corpse the civ was too far into the storm and I didn't want to risk it
>if not for all that time plus the time I spent healing, I could have gotten more saved in that match and gotten the mission stars already
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uh oh
Only thing worthwile about this crap is the new info, unless a magazine leaks it first
>blue toga can stun you with beta, throws out several alphas, and then hook you with gamma
rapids shouldn't have combos at all
Please be Nejire and Ochako's quirkset.
Leaked Tuesday patch notes:
>Hawks's wings have been removed
>Hawks no longer has an alpha, beta, gamma, or special action
>Hawks's HP has been reduced to 100
nerf every rapid
nerf every rapid-lite
just nerf all mobility, actually
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please...he's had enough...
SO, you do get event points if you insta retire matches, even more than the ones you get by default. The grind begins
>even more than the ones you get by default
How does that work? Why would it be more?
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>the current #2 ranked player is someone who just goes into matches as Shiggy and uses hacks to damage the entire lobby at the same time and kill everyone in 10 seconds
lore accurate shiggy
>find fhat faggot piece of shotatrash Kota the very first match after completing my weeklies
Boy, i can't wait for Muscular to be in
when is Twice getting nerfed
How do you do yellow shiggy's combo again? Gamma > beta > beta > gamma?
Or is it Gamma > beta > gamma > beta?
Or something else entirely...
So..... WHY exactly does red Deku beta one shot (at lvl 9) and ignores shields on direct hit???
>10 costumes that boost your event point gains
>only have one of them
it's over
Raw power
>get to the final 3 of a solo match and the last two team up against me
it's time for me to just leave the round at the start to get my event points easily
>five rounds in a row of not getting event points while leaving at the start
byking is on to me, it's over
Freaking sweet
>final 4 in solo (me, cementoss, kendo, and blue toga)
>blue toga kills kendo
>i suddenly start getting hit by phantom attacks and die, killfeed shows kendo killing me
>cementoss either crashes or gives up and dies standing still in the storm
>blue toga wins by default
>she emotes like she did anything
rapid privilege
rapids and strikes will be banned from customs today
Customs in ONE hour
posting froge sightings in 40 minutes
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>Tomorrow we will get new info on s8
>People are saying Kirishima is next because his quirkset got updated
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where is he
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>frogs killed our host and stole all the revive cards so we can't bring him back
Apologies, I simply didn't realize what time it was.
We can use >>1503735 though, since it's already made.
one victim has joined....
tell me if there are any latency issues
because I am EU it may affect the lobby
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>Mt. Lady's whole body censored
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uuuh my game crashed.... is the lobby alive still?
In fact the room is still alive, even after the match.
What happens if you try to join the code you posted >>1503735?
It says it can't be found
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Ah, it finally kicked us out.
I went ahead and created another room.
it's bakugover
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Okay this time I crashed just by placing my chako icon on the big chest
I dunno why my game is crashing so much lately
it's okay, I will go to bed now
>game crash
byking is building hype for s8, which will add crashing as an official feature (Your game will crash whenever you attack a rapid)
I guess that's it for tonight.
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>found a way to make Kirishima's special last indefinitely
>there are so many ways for enemies to turn off his special that it doesn't help much
>it's inconsistent to start so you can waste time trying to get something that's easy to lose
>and I'm pretty sure that the sound it makes is audible to enemies so you also give up stealth when using it
Infinite Iida gamma was the peak of good exploits
It would've been a great discovery back before they nerfed his SA to not reduce gas damage anymore.
Maybe they'll buff his SA when his skill set finally comes out. It's ludicrous how much stuff shuts it off. Even Strike Shiggy's alpha, which doesn't even have a knockdown component at all.
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>compress teammate
>he maxes out gamma first
>kill a frog
>we win
I keep getting solo lobbies of only bots, with the occasional extra human player. I think insta-leaving a lot of games to try and get quick event points has cursed me to the shitter queue and that's a good thing
Did you do the quitting trick on team battles?
Sorry bros, I missed customs for like the 9th time... wasn't available AND I forgot anyways!
no, I only left on solo lobbies. I would still think that exiting a solo game early in any way does give you shitter points to punish ragequitting/force-closing the game to rob your killer of shields.
Do what i do: pick hawks, spawn near the box, shoot some tards and/or kill one if you can and then haul ass and retire
Don't worry, byKING Assassins made half of us crash and canceled customs!
Hope it doesn't happen at the tournament tomorrow...
ByKING wouldn't sabotage their own tourney...would they?
>MHUR Official tourney
>every single team has Hawks and Strike Deku
>as a result, AfO gets nerfed in S8
They'll sabotage it so they don't have to send out the rewards so they can save a few cents.
the tourney is going to be rigged by the Rapid Mafia
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Gonna use this pic for the next thread if Hawks doesn't get nerfed
>shitter points to punish ragequitting/force-closing the game to rob your killer of shields
It's not because of that. Quitter punishment was added in order to prevent people from using it as a workaround to not being able to leave teams during the lobby if matchmaking paired you with teammates you didn't like.
It definitely is a thing, but I'm surprised the penalty gets applied even for quitting solo lobbies.
hawks is iidadev's new fling, don't expect him to change any time soon
Wen news?

Togadev needs to get their shit together and nerf everyone else.
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After the E P I C tournament ends
Remember to tune in for the tournament today and cheer on your fellow Froggers.
>no roll ticket betting mechanic for the tourney
>no roll ticket reward for the tourney
>queue takes longer than expected
>decide to switch to solo
>all alone
>suddenly, lobby fills up with "players"
>play the whole game
>fight against the "players", who had no shields, did retarded shit the whole match and didn't finish me off when they had the chance
>last enemy was an iida who actually knew what he was doing, but still ended up eating shit
Well, i guess bits have names now, and aren't just their regular slave names. Also, kinda fucking gay i got put in the fucking baby jail for quitting on solos
they're in?
>play some matches in baby jail mode
>befriend the sole human in thsoe matches
>have some chill matches
I guess it isn't so bad after all. Gonna use this experience to play some characters i neverdo, like Sementosser, ibara, maybe try Mic, since i can't possible lose
>Strike Deku's beta is a better version of Kirishima's gamma
>Mic's gamma is a better version of Kirishima's beta
>most new characters are either mobile enough to outrun Kirishima, or have ways to turn off his special, or both
It's time to remove Kirishima...
please buff kirishima
>game froze on a loading screen
>kicked me out and used all my tries
Well, it couldn've been all good considering i'm still playing this heap of shit game
I think it might be the only three active US anons we have at this point.
How does one tune in for the tournament? They gonna stream it on YouTube with a link when it's time?
>200 points left to get the last event item
I'll save those to when the dailies reset, cause goddamn, it's a blast to play solos in bot lobbies
They'll stream it in the discord itself in a little over an over from now
if they find out it's a 4chan team, you will be banned for pedophilia and racism
>banned for pedophilia
no they won't, it's discord
it's over...
Frog Racism is allowed I'm sure.
very bold of them to announce an event they don't have anything ready for
One more hour.
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I won't be able to cheer for you then, because I need to sleep
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>tourney hosts hate europoors so much that they bar them from entry and then delay the tourney just to make sure they're all asleep and can't watch live
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>crash eet
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Biggest faggot ever, and the wettest pussy alive. Hope he loses, oh wait, he can't even play cause he's on console, fuckig LOOOOOL
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We didn't make it into the finals anyway, RIP.
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I'm sorry, Froggers... couldn't beat the Hawks and Strike Deku menace...
Cute female host…
This is painful to watch.
>don't have access to the livestream
>don't understand the random comments anons are making
so this is how consolekeks feel during customs day...
ban hawks
I hope some glitch happens and fucks someone over
You could always join the server. You only have to do the verification stuff if you want to actually post.
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>open stream
>see H*wks and Fatty winning a match
>Hori release this image.
Fellow NejireGODs...
>a Frog survived until the end
>the team with Hawks, red Deku, and Cementoss didn’t win it all
buff them all IMMEDIATELY
>Nejire + her school uniform and pageant dress
>Kirishima skillset, looks OP
>No ochako quirkskill set.
Its ochakover...
Where are the videos?
trailer was apart of the livestream bro
SEXjire moves will probably be tomorrow then
Where is this live stream?
Just saw it on the stream video. What an obnoxious faggot that guy screaming was. Hope i fucking roll Nejire and Her dress, also Toga got a slut costume
>took me reaching pity to get eyepatch toga outfit
>no tickets after failing to get toga skill set and mic
>now this cyberpunk toga outfit
Actually quitting the game if I dont get this outfit
>no tickets after failing to get toga skill set and mic
Should've saved up for pity, man.
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>this skin isn't in the trailer
it's Tover
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>Ochako quirkskill set
That means I'm saving even more tickets but that's if I get Nejire before pity. I just hope Kiri is like Bakugou, the odd man out.
If I start saving right now, think I'll have 1000 before the cyberpunk toga banner comes and before it ends?
Kirishima's quirk set looks bonkers. Probably the least anime-faithful depiction of a character so far, alongside Tech Dabi.
>remember that time Kirishima curled into a ball and bounced all over the place like Sonic?
>remember when he threw giant rocks at the villains?
The shield is the only thing that kind of makes sense, but it's just Kendo again.
He played Pizza Tower
>remember that time Kirishima curled into a ball and bounced all over the place like Sonic?
ya but it looks cool

The shield also looks like a counter of sorts? He does a big aoe slam right after which is nice.
Yeah the motherfucker looks like a lonneytoons character, he made Nejire look like a competely normal character like she was meant to be in the game during season 1.
Please Red Deku, Hawk, twice, red Dabi, Overhole nerfs for S8.
That depends, is it coming in Nejire's banner or in Kirishima's?
If the latter, easily.
If the former, you'll probably have to rush Ace rank to have a chance. A month's worth of dailies and weeklies is 450, plus 150 from the seasonal license is 600, plus rewards from the various end-of-season rankings is going to be around 150 more.
>red Dabi
>needing nerfs
Are we forgetting that red debbie can two shot most characters with his beta?
>two shot most characters with his beta?
I wish
Half the time you use beta it doesn't track, and when it does finally hit, half of the time it doesn't hug the opponent so you don't get damage.
>Half the time you use beta it doesn't track
When I face enemy Dabis I'll dodge the kick portion and he'll do a 180 and grab me anyway.
Seems like a skill issue to me. Anyway, if they fix Dabi's tracking that sometimes misses or doesn't carry through all the way then it will still be extremely broken due to the damage it does.
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Someone on the subreddit mentioned that AFO's gamma range is widened.
>Huge nerfed against Rapids.
Rapids beware, AFO has a better gamma to capture us now.
>No Ochako qurkskill set
WTF Byking?!?!?!
and thats a good thing!
It's coming next... trust the plan... hers eill be the strongest in the game and she will get a micro bikini costume
I guess they stop caring about themes. I know there are some retarded youtubers that are obsessive over Denki and Kirishima.
How?!? Ochako is a beloved character. She is the fattest girl and she needs come out with a quirkset with her girlfriend Toga. Why break theme by adding Kirishima first?!!??!?!?!
Post-release character alt costume sets count as of S8 (just alternate ones, not counting the default costume set):
>Aizawa: 7
>Endeavor: 4
>Twice: 3
>AfO: 3
>Mirio: 3
>Overhaul: 2
>Hawks: 4
>Mic: 0 lmao
>Nejire: 2
>Mic: 0 lmao
This just tells you that they release P.Mic because they have nothing that goes with him outside of Kurogiri and Aizawa's quirkskill set and we know no one is going to roll for him when Kurogiri or Aizawa are in the same season as him.
How does Toga deal with Ochako's eating disorder?
They fight each other then Toga sucks up and apologize to Ochako then they repeat this over and over again both of them not knowing that they are in a loop.
Unfortunately, Nejire has just announced her pregnancy, and will not be able to join Ultra Rumble this year after all
by me
didn't know Nomu could write
>done with the weeklies in less than 10 matches
>total of 450 tickets
>455 if we count tomorrow's
>gonna have more than 500 if we count the event and the rank ones
>At least 5 attempts at Nejire
GOD, i fucking pray to the gatcha Gods that bless me to fucking catch the rainbow
high end moment
>average experience of people who can't save their roll tickets
>Nejire is coming out on the 20th
Bro, I can't wait that long.
It's just 2 days bro just wait bro
I can't wait, I've been waiting for this moment since launch. Anyways where do you think Nejire will fall on the tier list? I'm guessing she will be mid tier or a little higher, I can see her being really strong if her Gamma's shockwave is really big like Red Deku's beta shockwave.
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good morning
I wonder if there will be winter themed map assets added in 2 days
If they didn't talk about it in the trailer then maybe no.
I already watched that, but I don't think it's something they'd talk about in a trailer
It would be Shoto's cans-tier stupid
Im thingken A+
She'll be SSS tier when I play her and D tier when anyone else plays her. D stands for dookie, btw
I cant believe they just gave kiri a fuckin spindash
And an actual projectile too
why was there a team called Team Frogger Parking in the tournament?
Park cars on top of frogs
what was that image anon..........
It's a froggy frog world out here.
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Not watching your faggy video
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new decorations for the lobby
What do decuck's shit say?
costume gacha for deku, featuring outfits since season 4
What a fucking waste. I have every single one of those, and i didn't even meant to get any
Well it took a year but they're finally adding another girl, can't wait for the next one to release in 2026.
What other male chqracters can they add before another girl gets in? Tetsutetsu, Muscular, Rappa, who else?
Kurogiri, Monoma, and Shinso are next, and there are still lots of OJ2 boys that aren't in yet that they can spam out one after the other if they really want to
>meatball guy
>wind guy
>USJ Nomu
>Gran Torino
>Grand Orca
>not in OJ2 but Sero and Hood Nomu have related voiceline interactions discovered
>the cake is still here
the cake is a permanent fixture
it just shows the characters whose birthdays fall within the current season
Where is that shit anniversary statue that Hori was gonna design, tho? Did those ByKing fags lie again?
the cake is a lie
Ochakosisters failed to remove the cake from the lobby
When Fat Gum arrives that cake is GONE
It clearly isn't, cause fatty is getting another one
just kidding, he has no skins, I only play STYLISH characters
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Good riddance. Worst season so far if we don't count the first one
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>S7 is over
>only noticed earlier today that the lobby text does some weird capitalization with two of the letters
>new Christmas lobby doesn't look like it's bringing back the HERO/VILLAIN PODIUMS
>tomorrow the large potions and level-up drinks go back to the boring normal versions instead of the fun festive versions
They were kinda obnoxious with the text
>new Christmas lobby doesn't look like it's bringing back the HERO/VILLAIN PODIUMS
Nejire Getting two at launch is great. In fact, i hope she gets more as the season goes on, cause that fag Hawks got 3 in his release season
>not in stinky lobbies anymore
>have to endure retarded frogs as teammates now
Twice clones ability to wallhack and aimbot through Cementoss walls is balls!
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>Retards are mad that yellow is nerfed when the fucker still does 80 damage a shot
W-What's going on?!? Yellow Deku is still good and I can still get kills with him but it seems like every retard on youtube is still complaining about him being "weak". Must be a console thing if not then it must be a rank thing, I know those retards NEED to have a character that does damage 148 per shot.
Yeah, they better not buff yellow Deku as a result. I don't think it's a console thing because instead on there they complain about melee characters like Iida of all characters...
Stop blaming every fucking problem with this game and it's retarded comuniy of faggot tubers to console players, you absolute fucking buffoon.
I mean if Iida's combos doesn't drop 60% of the time and if there aren't characters that have attacks with super wide and easy-to-hit attacks then Iida would be really strong.
He's weak compared to Red Deku (115 damage per shot) who remains gacha-only, making it a pay-to-win nerf to some extent.
But generally I think it's just a case of people who exploit a character's power not wanting to admit that the character is/was overpowered. Assault Deku was formerly the strongest beamer in the game, so I bet a lot of these Youtubers were using him for that at the time and are now simply annoyed that they can't stomp as hard.

Assault Deku is certainly still good. 80 damage is plenty if your shots land, and the lack of knockdown on them means his DPS is quite high. Frozen plays a scary Assault Deku to this day.
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I love how Kendo is a overpowered sleeper character that barely anyone complains about.
>her lvl 1 alpha does 88 damage if you aim it right.
>her clap is a guard break.
>she really fast so you can't escape her unless you are a movement character but that doesn't help if she survives until the final circle and healthy with shields and heals
>Her Shield has tech that allows her to close in the gap
She's a true beast I've never realize how strong she until got 7-8 kills with her back to back. but she isn't on the same level as Red Deku, the Togas, and Hawks though.
rapid kendo confirmed
Especially on downed opponents with his beta, it misses way too much.
I don't think he would end up better than any other rapids as long as his gamma engine stalls him, though. I feel like he has an easier to roll beta than other rapids and overall more unfavorable situations he can find himself in.
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>enemy team has a Deku with zero cooldowns, super speed, and infinite PU
>he only manages 4 KOs during the entire game
toga started at the gym yesterday
In Season 8 the agency name will be changed to Nejireggers.
I'm starting to get really good at predicting where enemy Mirios will go when they try to run away with their beta. The audio cue helps as well.
12 hours until every single character is nerfed and Tech CHADbi is BUFFED
>barely anyone complains about.
Probably because people who play kendo well are a rare breed, and most characters have strong vertical movement to not have to deal with her shit close range
Before I try looking up this image.... she isnt peeing is she?
t. Iida main
They buffed the tracking on his beta and kept it a complete secret, it's gross and iida needs nerfs.
Why does everyone call deku a cuck that works at mcdonalds? Clearly he and ochako are together, he's the ARCHITECT that is building her up, why else would he work at MCD's?
>try looking up
The Pixiv ID is right there in the filename, anon.
But also no, she's not.
Actually Ochunky only eats at BURGER KING
>nejire is a fucking tech character
In what fucking planet does her moveset even justifies that?
Did they just make her that cause we only have two tech hero characters in the roster?
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>Tech Toga's a rapid-lite
>Tech Aizawa's a rapid-lite
>Tech Nejire's a rapid-lite
>cause we only have two tech hero characters in the roster
Who wants to bet Monoma will be Assault or Support?
>look up a japanese trailer for season 8
Do japs not play this game? Also, i did this because HOLY FUCKING SHIT Kirishima's voice lines from the trailer just reassure that the english dub is atrocious, like, did they even try?
I would've guessed red or god forbid, blue, but purple? Seems like they did do it because naturally, Aizawa is the only purple Hero
I thought she was yellow due to her moves pushing people back, purple doesn't suit her kit or in canon. Even red will fit her better.
You will never be MANLY!
And i will never listen to a shitty, awful, annoying and poorly acted dub
I'm guessing Nejire's alpha has tracking like Purple Debbie.
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>Top 100 in sight
>play all day yesterday and today
>have been playing for 16 hours today
>just need 37k more points
>only 3 hours left
>I'd have to average 3k net points per game every single game
I'm not going to make it...
I got as far as #127. If I'd started climbing in earnest even a day earlier, I might've made it. I think I've accrued like 80k rank points in the past couple of days. I was only able to climb so fast due to abusing how retardedly strong Hawks is, but still.

I get higher and higher every season. Maybe next season will finally be the one.
Doesn't seem like it, and if it did, it would've been shown on the trailer
The videos I've seen it looks like it has some tracking.
Well, maybe it's because of her Gamma or Beta, still, doesn't make sense she's purple, but that means she has a low recharge time, so that's good
Yeah, its looks like it homes in on Cumpress in this short clip Also, her kit seems to be too simple for her not have another small gimmick to it. Maybe it gets it tracking at lvl 4 or lvl 9. But all of this could be just her sfx that makes it look like its following someone.
From what i saw on some nigs video, her Beta gives her an Iida after vamma effect if she uses it too much
For reals? That doesn't make sense, her beta knocks you down after 3 ticks (might be a Mirio thing). They probably changed her kit before they announced her if she does have a burnout, that would imply that her beta used to not knock you down after a certain amount of hits or her knockdown didn't activate after 3 hits.
Maybe, but if not, they also didn't mention it on the xitter video
>Solos waiting lobby as Kirishima
>Deku shooting at everyone in sight
>I start pummeling him
>He tries to gain distance between us while also sniping
>He fails to do so as i keep smacking him around
im ready for kirishima's skillset
An hour 'till Hawks nerfs.
He'll have exactly ONE (1) less ammo on his alpha at level 9
If it wasn't for all the hackers that fill the leaderboards, you probably may have placed in the top 100.
Gonna miss the card glitch bros... being able to run up walls as any character and run faster made the game so fun.. 90% of my games I'd be running around top speed as if I was playing a platformer
JUICY patch notes soon
Please be fake Togadev would do this for real though
>ibara also doesn’t have one
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Yea, this is weird... I dunno how I feel about it.
>Striker Deku "After a certain amount of time has passed since the start of the battle, Kota's location will be displayed on the map."
>Compress doesn't have one???
>Hawks "Enemies hit with a melee attack will be placed in a search state for a few seconds."
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What the fuck is this?
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kendobros....it's over.....

>Kendo nerfed
They're gonna have a piece of my mind, man, like, why the fuck would you nerf Kendo? Was it because of Hawks? Shit's worse than when they cunted Kirishima
When is the game live again?
This one goes hard.
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Any other girl only ones? Is this 9ne in?
Toga's third canon skin being teased.
Kendo's dress tease and Reiko Yanagi
Good enough. Don't care about thai one, tho >>1507194
Last one. I thought this one was already in the game.
Nejire's recolors. one the pink one, the purple one, and green one looks good.
All good. They do a nice emphasis on her hips
Toga's cyberpunk skin.
Nejire looks like a cockroach. I hope they add her short hair version.
It's up, motherfuckers, get in
>day 7 of the daily login gives you 10 tickets
Well, that's something
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Did they just add an RPG system to this game? What is Tuning? I'm scared.
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Didn't play a voice line at all and the costume was hidden as a gold chest. My first 10x though.
What's the deal with this T.U.N.I.N.G. stuff?
I have to ROLL for stat ups??? Oh god................ ByKing what have you done?
They even have increased CRAWLING SPEED as a stat... MHURGGERS.............
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There's finally something to spend my 6000 hero souls on! Check out there store, my froggers.
Nejire is fucking fun. She seems to be more focused on floating than other stuff woth her special action, cause she doesn't have a fupser jump and her beta and gamma don't consume energy when using them. Also, her alpha doesn't track, but it has a sorta big hitbox, and konck people off after a couple of shots. Her beta also knocks people and it doesn't tire her out on constant use. Gamma seems like an occasional use thing, but it has a wide area and you can charge it. Tuning is retarded, and it remidns me of another gatcha i used to play that implemented p2w mechanics, and i'm scared about it
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What's that?
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Roll exclusive?
Enjoy Mike, bwo
mission event reward
Yeah, you gotta level up Nejire's alpha then gamma if you want to stay in the air. The two gamma go a long way for her.
Based. They finally noticed what Momo's assets actually were. I hope she gets her alt quirk set soonish, preferably before fatty
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>Hawks's alpha no longer homes through obstructions, meaning you can hide from him in destroyable buildings now
>only gets two beta dashes instead of 3, and doesn't start recharging until he lands
>beta knocks down after the first followup hit, reducing it to a 210 damage combo at level 1 or 280 damage at level 9
Finally, thank god.
It shouldn't have taken the whole fucking season, though.
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Did they merge servers or something? I went into a solo match which at first it was stuck at 4 players or so but then the lobby filled up fast and only when the match started I noticed all the new player's names were Japanese.
Those are bots
No, those are bots. As of last season or the one before, bots in solo matches are given random names that are designed to look like player names, and some of those names are in Japanese.
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they done nerfed ochako
Why though? Ochunko is shit unless you do her super hard to do combos which only makes her slightly less shit.
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So the game just added a system to add upgrades and even extra abilities to each costume you own.
For example, if you have a costume with a blue hero special slot, you can start every match as impermeable until you attack, or maybe froppy can revive teammates and instantly give them shields

Some dev just randomly selected what colours to put on each costume, no thought went behind it, so if you want to be a top player, you now have to learn what possible asspulls each costume has so that you're ready for it if you encounter it in-game

There is no way I am going to bother learning what pool of abilities every costume has, and I refuse to wear an ugly outfit just to min/max. And I am definitely never spending any money on this game, which has now become even more pay2win than ever before. I will continue playing like a braindead blissfully ignorant kid, and not care what I'm missing out on, or why I can't stop that frog from opening the first big box (she is impermeable).

This costume upgrade system is also a real mess visually. I actually thought my graphics card had broken again when I opened the menu for the first time today.
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>This gamma buff
I'm so fucking happy right now.
She was too oppressive on JP servers
>Quirk Skill α Ice Fang Wind Flame
> Changed so that the projectile follows the reticle's position at the moment of firing instead of at the button press.
Aiming his alpha feels so much better now.
He also has 3 ice spikes instead of 2, but longer recharge. Not sure how that will work out.
You can climb the ice spikes now if they're vertical enough, which is nice.

>Kendo's alpha nerfed
I mean its damage could be kind of crazy at ideal range, but still surprising.
You can tilt Kendo's shield upward with the camera now, which is nice.
>Kendo's gamma reduced by 40 damage
Why are they hitting Kendo so hard? She's far from meta to begin with.

>Tech Dabi's gamma no longer gets used up if you get stunned out of its animation

Good character changes all around.
I'm surprised that Nejire isn't an overpowered character.
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>10 roll tickets per week if you log in every day
>but the premium login bonus section is still on the login screen as well, unused
check your mail, we got a bunch of character data
I really wish they stolped being such lazy fucks and just removed it if they've already spent most of this game's lifetime having it be an unused asset just sitting there, wasting code
There's Run Speed, Dash Speed, Wall Climbing Speed and Hawks gives Dash and Wall Climbing while Froppy just gives Wall Climbing...
Then you can level it up as well... there'll be some absurd things if the numbers on these things are any good.
>Overhaul's SA has an extra 20 seconds of cooldown, for a total of 70 seconds
Is he still top-tier? They really hit him hard.
oh my gaaaaahhh
you can buy PUR outfits with hero souls...
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Quasi-permeation! Run speed times four! Wall climbing speed times three! Multiplier! Spiralling Leap! Subtle Hacking! Camouflage! Kota Tracker!
It's over for you All Might...
You always could, but only if you own the base PUR outfit. That's how you get the color variations.
Can you? In the customization screen?
so, is it meta to just use the basic costumes now? it only costs 1 key to unlock a tuning slot on them, and the upgrade prices are cheaper too
No. Just checked.
They don't have "Villain" or "Hero" tuning slots that tend to fill the bottom 4 slots, though, but honestly it seems like normal slots are better for certain builds anyways. Especially because if you have villain slots then the selection on them is both limited to a small amount and pretty weak options. Hero slots are alright.
byking cooked
And they burnt the entire fucking kitchen
No unless they have good class augs for their canon outfits. It seems like yellow augs are the worst. also it seems like the augs don't do much besides the ones that give shields if you down someone. I have a health aug on Nejire and it only gives her 3 points of health
byking spamming my inbox
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What does this mean? Reduce the damage taken from enemy gamma's specifically?
When you do your gamma you'll get a defense boost until the gamma animation ends.
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>Tech Dabi with Najire movement
Tamaki Amajiki is going to come out when Nejire is free.
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I still have one last trick, the sacred power passed down to me by the Froggers who came before me...
PUR skins are meta because they have 3 more max-level slots, which increases the effectiveness of your special skills, which are by far the most impactful.
It sucks though, because for some characters I like their common-rarity skins more even if I own the PUR skins, and now I'm disadvantaged if I use them.
God, I hate playing on Ochako, her level 1-4 is so fucking ass. Instead of nerfing her they should buff her beta her level 4 should be her level 1 and her level 4 should be her level 7.
nejire counters kirishima..
Oh boy
so it would be best to max a common outfit now for cheap while building up towards a maxed PUR I guess
>a flyer counters Kiri
What's new?
Just wait until he gets his Pizza Tower moveset
The cooldown doesn't feel that different to me. It recharges like 5 seconds after the effect wears off. It certainly doesn't feel twice as long as before.
>yet another honorary rapid
What exactly does "Nejire's jump" mean? Just her normal jump? Because it's one of the higher jumps, but it's still normal.
If it's her SA jump, I don't know how that would work since normally using her forward jump or hover both consume her SA meter.
Looks so damn fun. The gamma is kinda stupid looking, but also fun. I hope the Gatcha Gods are still with me so i can pull it
Not even. Shit has horizontal movement, yeah, and it can climb walls, but that's it, it doesn't allow you to fly, and it doesn't seem that fast
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she can just hover effortless above me and blast me with sissy hypnosis beams that knock me out of out my abilities whenever i try to get close i hate it
Its a shame that nejire base outfit has shit augs because its her hottest outfit.
Her dress has bloomers, tho, and they change color too
>Mirio's tuning card is just Iida's but better
it's peak im glad i can save for it....
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I think this actually just saved me, was using a team heal in the edge of storm, teammate had just went down, had a red Dabi pass in front of me, looking in my direction, and he did nothing.
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what is this?
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your special tuning slot abilities
holy yeah ok
sorry for being autistic about this already but what would the perfect tuning set be? I was thinking special slots need to at least be techcnical and strike so you can nullify stun and freeze, and this changes between characters but as a rule of thumb I think you need at least 2 strike slots for alpha damage buff and 1 technical and rapid slot for alpha reload speed buff.
>Character usage data
>a better and quick customization for the main menu
>more option in training mode and custom battle
>Allow us to see others profile again
>bring back the retire option in unranked.
What else they could add to make the game better outside of nerfs, buffs, and game modes?
Nevermind, it has come to my attention these is a special tuning slot for Twice that gives 4 cards when you defeat an opponent instead of 2, that's probably better than nullifying freeze
>Nerf overhauls alpha
Why do you think nullfying freeze is good? Only Shoto that can freeze you unless they are going to add Geten or one of Shoto's siblings as a character, which is unlikely for both.
>can get kicked if you afk now
That's incredibly stupid. Now I cant hide when I gotta go piss at the start if a game anymore.....
How long does it give before you get kicked?
So when is this coming out? I thought with the kirishima banner but apparently not? Is it coming after?
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try double tapping jump or sprint
Did you not appear to be invisible on your screen? I'm not sure if I'm interpreting your post correctly.
Nejire's alpha has pretty good range, about as far as a level 9 Strike Shiggy alpha. Farther than close-range projectile characters, but not as far as Assault Deku/AfO/Tech Shoto.
It's a burst-fire style, firing 3 waves in a quick chain. It knocks down after 8 total hits.
At level 1 it deals 22 damage per hit for a total of 66 damage, has 8 ammo, recharges 1 ammo in 2 seconds and recharges from empty in about 7 seconds. At level 9 it deals 30 damage per hit for a total of 90 damage, has 9 ammo, recharges 1 ammo in 1 second and recharges from empty in about 6.5 seconds.
The per-shot recharge speed increase at level 9 is huge, more than I can remember seeing for any other character in the past.

Her beta is a sort of flamethrower-type move. Its range is not very far. It is a charge-based move, but knocks down after 3 hits, so I think spamming it would generally be a waste.
At level 1 it deals 35 damage per hit and recharges in about 13 seconds. At level 9 it deals 55 damage per hit and recharges in about 9.5 seconds.
While using it, Nejire hovers in midair, similar to Strike Dabi charging his alpha. This hovering doesn't consume the SA charge, either. Her beta does not begin recharging until you touch the ground.
I was invisible in my screen
Nejire's gamma is an AoE that sends her straight up, similar to Rapidgo's gamma. Her gamma can be charged in order to increase the size of it and the height it launches her, but charging doesn't increase its damage. Additionally, it only has one level of charge (when Nejire gets an orange aura) and it reaches that in a fraction of a second, so further "charging" seems really only useful for air-stalling/waiting for enemies to get up from knockdown. This quick charge also means that unless you're in imminent danger and truly need any amount of height ASAP, there's never any reason not to wait the half-second for a bigger shockwave. Her gamma always knocks enemies down, and it does not start recharging until she touches the ground. The height that Nejire's gamma launches her, both charged and uncharged, is the same at all levels. Her gamma does not begin recharging until you touch the ground.
At level 1, it deals 100 damage, has 1 ammo, and recharges in about 10 seconds. Its uncharged size feels roughly equal to Rapidgo's gamma, and its charged size is a bit larger. At level 4 it has 2 ammo and its size increases. At level 9, it deals 130 damage, and its charged size ends up quite large. Probably as large as a level 1 Strike Dabi gamma explosion.
Unlike Rapidgo's beta, there does not seem to be any limit on how far down Nejire's gamma will travel. This means you can jump off a rooftop on UA Island or have a Hawks carry you into the air and just drop bombs into an ongoing fight, without even putting yourself in harm's way like a Kiri/Strike Deku/Rapidgo would have to. In fact, you could jump off a rooftop, drop your nukes, then land back on the roof to recharge and just keep doing that over and over.
I already switched back... I'm sorry anon, if I had crystals to spare I'd change it...
Nejire's SA feels hyper-specialized into hovering rather than horizontal travel. While you can press the key to do a short forward jump (including in midair) and gain a bit of height, doing so consumes 20% of the meter and does not give you very much height. Using a gamma to ascend, then using your SA to hover while firing alphas, feels much more efficient. Nejire's hovering is similar to Endeavor's, but much more fuel efficient. Without tap-hovering, Endeavor gets about 7.5 seconds of airtime from a full SA charge, while Nejire gets nearly 16 seconds. With tap-hovering, Endeavor can get as much as 18 seconds of airtime (assuming he has enough initial height to not descend to the ground in that time.)
However, the tap-hovering tech works for Nejire as well, and is even more effective. With tap-hovering, after ascending as high on the map as I could, I was able to avoid touching the ground for 27 seconds and I still had 40% of my SA meter left when I did. In that time I traveled from the center of Typhoon Dome to the center of Fire Dome.
Unlike Endeavor's SA, Nejire's SA recharges all at once, rather than gradually, and although using it again interrupts the recharge, the partial charge is kept and it resumes when you land again. When not empty, the recharge takes 7 seconds, at which point it returns to 100%. When fully emptied, the recharge takes nearly 14 seconds. This means that the ideal strategy is to never fully consume the meter if you can help it. Even landing with 1% charge remaining will result in returning to full charge in half the time that you would have if you had spent that last 1%.
>game is even more p2w now
Actual about to quit this game for good. I better get that toga skin without pity points, byking....
Overall, nothing about Nejire really sticks out to me as broken aside from the fact that she is yet another character that might as well be invincible to Strike Shiggy/Kirishima/Momo/etc. She seems to have good damage and a lot of airtime, but unlike Hawks she has poor midair maneuverability, so I feel like she is likely to be an easy target for beamers like Deku/Bakugo/Tech Shoto/AfO/etc.
>game is even more p2w now
It's more like "pay to not grind." You can get the stuff to unlock the skills by just playing regular matches, even unranked. Hero crystals are merely a shortcut.
>forced to change characetrs because some faggof won't change
>can't kick them because ByKing is retarded, and probably thinks this is an anti-toxicity thing
Well, i'll show these fucking incompetent faggots what toxicity really looks like
Uhhh, that's what pay to win is, dumbass
They just add herostacking at this point, but I don't want to deal with three Red dekus teams.
It seems like all the stuff for tuning is dirt cheap if you have a decent amount of playtime. I only spent like 500 hero souls out of my multiple thousands and I've got more tuning slot enhancement parts than I can possibly use, along with keys and special slot upgrades and such.
Using crystals is the quicker option
Beta maxing seems to be the way to go for nejire
Nejire's AOE is too large and does too much damage, nerf it
>cant kick
Honestly super dumb
you mean the short range flame thrower that will just knock down an enemy without dealing major damage? not giving yourself extra mobility with a second gamma charge or levelling up the very overpowered and longer range alpha?
So it turns out that in addition to having 3 more max-level increase slots, PUR costumes' special slots also have higher default max levels. A PUR costume's special slots can be upgraded as high as level 10/11.
There isn't any concrete data yet on a lot of the buffs, but it seems that there is potential for them to get pretty goofy at high levels.
Compress's level 11 special slot buff allows you to carry 15 team heals in a single inventory slot: https://www.reddit.com/r/MyHeroUltraRumble/comments/1gvqb7l/if_you_thought_team_heals_were_bad_beforethink/
>anon discovers what pay to win is.
"Skip the grind" is the motto of every pay-to-win model. Devs add it as a way to incentivize casual spenders and whales to pay up.
A single max-level alpha damage increase buff appears to be a 2%-3% damage increase. For example, a level 9 Mirio charged alpha goes from 140 damage to 143 damage.
This may not seem like very much, but some costumes have quite a few red slots. One of Mirio's PUR costumes has 5 red slots, and if he were to have a level 3 alpha buff in all of them, that would most likely be a 15% damage increase, taking his alpha damage from 140 to 161 without even accounting for strike cards or teammates.
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>Byking releases a P2W system
>does it during Nejire's season
>uses Mei as the face of the system
>Byking released the system with two girls to make the playerbase negative about girl characters, so that they can release more boys unimpeded
My Fujo Ultra Rumble
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>Nejire's season
At least you have a chance of using your beta to get up to her. I play tech dabi so I just eat shit.
Is the grind faster on ranked?
Neji's Alpha does great damage at level 1.
nobody can afford her
>new glitch that locks you in an item claim screen
>can't do shit but quit and restart
>got nejire in one pull
Makes up for the awful time I had with the past few banners. Now to save for togas skin.

Also I wasted 3k crystals not knowing what I was doing with this new ability system lmao
>look at weekly mission tab
>tuning shit has replaced older items
>already completed my weeklies before the update so I already got the older items and don't have the new stuff
Uuuhhh early chads? I thought you were better?
it's time for me to fully commit to the leaver queue and only get bot lobbies, to avoid these overpowered characters becoming even stronger with tuning
Only the Nejire nude mod can fix this season
For the skills/perks? Not that I know of.
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They really can't fix this bug huh
If that's the bug where no one can take any damage, how did Momo die?
Me too
Don't need shitty 3% to win
you can retire yourself
t...trust the plan....dabisister....
>roll for Nejire
>get AfO knight skin, Kendo emote dupe, Hawks character dupe, the ugly new Hawks skin, and a Nejire emote
But when that happens, you don't leave behind a token or remain visible in the party list because you've disconnected.
this match was kinda unusual, I also retired later on, I dropped cards and a token, but I also remained standing as if I was still alive, and I could still control the camera normally, I wasn't placed as a spectator, I had to alt f4 to escape, that's why you see all those people standing around in the pic, they already left but the character remains, also I'm pretty sure everyone in the lobby disconnected with the exception of me and the Dabi, yet the match never ended, the team counter was going down but EXTREMELY slowly too
I'm going to look at Nejire's underwear every time she's above me!
but she has an attack that targets such people!
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Knowing is half the battle!
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>fighting a Strike Deku
>I have Strike Shiggy blood
>he goes PU
>I know that he's either going to gamma or beta immediately afterward
>lay down all my alphas underneath him while he's in the PU animation
>he betas
>he's atomized in less than a second as soon as he touches the ground
Haha time to see how I can upgrade SemenCHAD! (probably will find a way to make him tanky AF)
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>teammates leaving now waives the entry fee since you're at a disadvantage

>create alt account
>have it leave a bunch of matches so it gets placed into the shitter queue
>invite it to your party
>you are now playing in the shitter queue because it's in your party
>do bot matches for easy ranking
>rank even faster because no entry cost for a free +1000 points or so every match
>rinse and repeat
I'm waiting for Hydros to come out with the datamined numbers for what all the skills actually do.
But my gut says that Cementoss would be best putting as much as possible into alpha cooldown reduction.
Yeah, that too. I think AfO data also lets you reduce cooldown on SAs + HP increase so thats killing two birds in one stone for me
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>apply +GP skill
>I can have 253 total GP
>full shield potions still only restore 250
I'm going to try swapping it out for +HP instead. Maybe the issue is just that they never planned on any character having more than 250 GP.
If the +HP works the same, then that's just shit all around.
Actually it occurs to me that even if full HP potions DO only restore your character's default health amount, I'm practically never going to be at or below 3 HP, so it wouldn't matter to begin with.
Then again, the full GP potions work just fine as long as I have basically any shield left at all, even a sliver, so maybe I will keep the extra shield skill.
I'm pretty sure the amount of character data you get after a match is based either on your performance or just how long you stayed alive.
When I wipe early, I get like 1-3 character data, but when I win I get 12 (12 each of a specific character's data as well as the generic data.)
I think I kight just alpha lvl 4 > Beta lvl 9 as Cementoss because its kinda hard to piller up when a majority of the cast can just fly up and slap you off your pillar now
I wish they gutted Red Deku because I hate how high this asshole goes with his gamma. actual brainless piece of shit
I was going to make this post about how Acesweats are going to start kicking you for not having the right skins and the most optimal tuning on those skins, but I forgot that kicking isn't a thing anymore.
Even if it had stayed in S7, it probably would have been removed this season.
Forgot to add that his alpha does retarded damage with no falloff (fuck kind of shotgun has no falloff??)
Pillaring also prevents you from being able to dodge roll effectively when they do fly up there.
Yeah, its a pain. Such a fun time to play Cementbro man...
I FUCKING HATE USJ AAAAAAAH! Only reason i play ranked is so i can avoid that shithole when it pops up in unranked
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I don't think I'm a fan of this tuning system, I'm glad they tried something new but...I don't think I like it, I'll play till I complete the hero license then log off till next season.
Agreed, I don't like it either
I think I just won't put much thought into using it and mostly ignore it
They really should be adding more content to the game instead of squeezing money out of players like this, but they're probably tied to a pre-agreed release schedule
Does this change even work? My teammates left and I still had a -150 entry cost in one game
I did not roll Nejire. I also have 6 tickets left. I also have 120 something crystals left.

I am ruined.
Sounds like me when i rolled for Mic
>wanted a character
>did not save 2k tickets for said character
You ruined yourself.
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>pick quasi-permeation perk
>every round watch people try to attack me while I emote at them
>I'm guaranteed the first shot on them
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>Byking will implement a whole P2W perk system to get people to buy crystals instead of just porting over the cheerleader costumes and making swimsuits for the girls
Nejire melts Cemebtoss lol
>Nejire just came
>Mirio is free now
>AFO was free last season
>Mic is the second lastest character to be added
And people still play red Deku. Like nigga, stop being boring and play as someone else.
think we'll get a second character this season?
>surprised people stick to the busted characters
No. They would've teased it like the last season. Also, I just got two aura for unlocking a perk slot.
Bug? Because I dont think I got an aura when I did that
Ok, Nejore is DEFINITELY not a good match up for Cementoss
No. Was it a PUR?
You just have to be accurate with your direct alpha hits.
Why'd they dump Mic at the end of last season anyway? Kinda weird if it was a one-off thing
Probably because he is a non-sellable character. Who would roll or even spend real money on him beside YouTubers?
>keep losing because I try to get my teammates rez'd instead of focusing on fighting people
I got a level 6 support item aug trying to see how many full team heals I can carry but can't find any the matches I've played. I know I can just go on training mode to find out, but I still want to grind for augs.
Never mind, you can carry 10 full team heals at level 6
Ohh, that is nice
But your Kiri skillset bro???
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So, unlocking a slot unlocks it for all colors of that costume AND it gives you a dupe for the aura. That also means any character that you have several dupes of have those slots unlocked already. It's nice because PUR costumes require 50 keys to unlock a slot.
Oh................ you can only have one of each hero's data tuned. That helps a lot with the balancing and I should've guessed that'd be the case since otherwise it would be crazy if you could put 6 run speeds in.
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>am mostly going to ignore T*ning
I'm never winning a ranked game again. Not that I was winning them in the first place.
>in lobby
>red deku uses gamma
>he goes so high he almost reaches the very top of metal sidebars
is this Tuning BS, he didn't go that high before right?
I hardly win solos with Cementoss anymore
Pretty sure that's standard Red Deku bullshit.
ain't no way
>Broken character is no longer viable.
holy fuck bros I just Nejigger'd all over the place
My team left and I had to solo the whole lobby, ending with me 1v3'ing. They had a Red Shiggy... he was so useless... I mean, he would've obliterated me the second I had to touch ground due to using all my cooldowns, but I had PU.
Why can't they just give Ibara faster startup on her moves
>Aizawa's X-mas outfit has all reds and greens
This might be broken down the line
It's Nejirein time
Just learned that Nejire's air melee has fairly strong tracking when in range. So strong that it'll move her significantly upwards if the target is above her. Almost like a slam dunk.
>I lose because Blue Toga randomly gets my blood without even hitting me.
Half of you bitches are frauds, and the other half are super blessed with luck.
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>you can't apply a character's own skills to that character
>can't have +HP on down and +GP on down on Toga

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