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Dexter wins edition

other unimportant rmrs later


flyquest will fail
Based Sexter.
There is not a single black player in the cs2 major.
if china gifted teams jackets what should the indian to gift teams who play for their tournaments next year
cricket bats
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oh i would've used one of the flyquest ones for the OP if i'd seen it before
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>no eng stream
>big happening, 3h until next ence game
Who picked anubis? And is there an english stream?
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Any skinlords here?
This is my loadout from now until the end of times. No more knife/gloves.
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It couldn't be....
could it?
its a very common sentiment
go on reddit and even hltv and you'll find most people saying its a dick move
the benefit is that they have a case unboxing meme streamer to hide behind so they have at least some people defending it
I can't stand the fact that this screeching faggot ohne is getting any attention during the Major, it's worse than gaming the rules.

At least they were "fair" and got a pretty bad EU player as a replacement instead of someone like BOROS who can actually shoot. Sener1 sucks.
Rightfully so. It's just some legal shenanigans to have his meme team enter a weaker region. At least should've forced him to pick players which actually play in said region rather than literal jews with dual citizenship.
Hadji is also French-Moroccan. Morocco being in Africa and about as far away from Asia/Middle-East as France is.
You know you're legit when people are doing citizenship shenanigans like in soccer
eh, its just goofy to make israelis qualify as asians on valves part
but gods chosen people so I guess they're the exception
asian rmr is just a misnomer considering it's middle east, asia, africa, oceania

55% of earth's landmass, 77% of earth's population
>55% of earth's landmass, 77% of earth's population
and 2% of earth's cs talent
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ence bit of a goof after losing anubis from 8-4 lead but besides that did well
kaspersky 1.8 rating on vertigo, so thats something
I wonder which map they're gonna pick instead of vertigo when train gets switched in
Same for astralis and coL. Don't remember who else picks vertigo
I imagine all the old astralis guys would just go for train. Don't know about coL
NiP can't even win the local Swedish LAN, it's so fucking over
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navi sissies are having a twitter styled mental breakdown, you love to see it
where should they qualify?
NIP is gonna lose to metizport
just fucking disband man
Why did simple do it?
they are asians, turkey is borderline asian
they only play eu in other sports because the local competition is all arabs
Why does nothing go right in Chinese CS?
lmfao fucking chinks
They don't play the same version?
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December 15, Shanghai Oriental Sports Center, People's Republic of China
what was it?
do these retards even play the game they write about
don't think you can play the chinese version of cs outside china
>features a prominent bug that drastically effects the accuracy of the first bullet fired, leading to it flying off in a random direction rather than where the crosshair is pointing
>the first bullet fired from common weapons like the Desert Eagle or the AK does not line up with the crosshair. This first bullet also appears to be very inconsistent regarding where it lands.
Sounds like a normal counter strike game to me.
Did they hire a shitposter from /v/ to write this article?
post sick aces

I'm not clicking your stupid tweeter link. I just won't!! I'm not sorry.
do people really post clips of them blatantly cheating now? is this the state of this game?
would be cool if you made a webm instead 2bh
i didnt make it, this website does it automatically it just parses everyones demos all the time and finds highlights
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>not even pretending to be okay with chinese teams advancing
self righteous cocksuckers are going to get humiliated
why would australians pretend to like chinese? we hate you
Why do you think about sucking cock so much?
Are all you fags OCE?
I like pretending to be because I work night shifts and can make the chink seethe.
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Aren't convoys dirt cheap, could have gotten a mw pair? Kukris pullout animation is pretty stemming.
As for me, sold plaids cuz needed money, don't have a knife since it's distracting me most of the time, only fat playskins left, never selling this ak, just too perfect
Incredibly based actually, I'm guessing a fellow yuro then?
Those are Queen Jaguars, as for wear they are like 0.17 which is good enough for me. I can pay more and get a pair in 0.10 for example but visual difference is negligible
Plaids are really, really good. Sadly community caught on and they're very expensive now. There was a time when they weren't, should've gotten them then.

Don't you miss the knife life sometimes?
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>You can be hotter AND wealthier and still get cheated on
Lmao @ Monesy. Guess it's time to bonk donk from now!
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>Queen Jaguars
fuck you got me there
>Don't you miss the knife life sometimes?
I do, the urge to flex on poor faggots from 3rd world still is alive deep inside of me, maybe if I get more money I will get myself a Marble fade stiletto, or a vanilla Karambit/M9
Nice, I too participate in this wealthmogging of the thirdied.
That said wouldn't it be better to look for a knife to match your purple gloves? Nowadays the trend seems to be to completely colormatch your entire loadout rather than just buying stuff you like.

What happened to that bayo? I really like bayos, hugely underrated knives
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I think the $220 in crowd funding is funnier.
>the Major basically starts tomorrow
>no hype
it doesnt start for another week tho
Hand sanitizer, soap and WCs.
>Chinese aren't soulful
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>your purple gloves
sold gloves, and don't want to buy them again, watched too much old stuff where pros don't have any gloves on, before the update.
>What happened to that bayo? I really like bayos, hugely underrated knives
Pullout animation is very pleasing, I sold it and then bought other knives(Nomad vanilla, Skele blue steel) which I got tired of after a 1 week trade hold, then bought Icarus Fell T1(really miss it), then traded for a FN Oni Taiji with Rox on lens, also will probably never sell it.
>be okay with
it must be crazy to conflate hate with someone not thinking you're good, then losing everything
chinese dont have souls
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The Chud of /Pol/ Street
>VAC also doesn't work IRL
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not even once
Good taste. That exact pattern Icarus Fell is my #1 skin in the entire game.
I would literally never sell it
No one can beat Sexter's humbleness, he knows he brutalized chink vision gaming see >>1423606 >>1423551 but he still chose them as one of the teams to advance, respect. I hope this is a lesson for you, residentschizochink, about hating the wrong man.
>captcha: GAYMVP
Also based Liazz trve pioneer of Asia CS, he knows Talon, FQ and Mongolz will qualify, others don't have a chance. Imagine how humiliating it would be to not have a single chink team at the chink major.
Just lmao
My favorite player
Him being so deranged only makes me love him more
>a year of hype and buildup itt for the asia rmr
>every game is at like 4am est
wtf is this cocktease, is the major in this gay timeslot too?
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Asia RMR finna be a bloodbath. On a related note I'm rooting for Alter Ego, would love to see OGs like Xign and Bntet succeed.
based Alter Ego bro, me too
the first game is huge because Mongolz have a shaky bo1 record and they had minimal rest after returning from Europe, it's probably the best opportunity any team will have to beat them at the RMR.
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norway is mogging
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Nah the ASIAN major in SHANGHAI CHINA is gonna be the perfect timeslot for American viewers.
oh good, what's the rescheduled start time then?
when do you get off work?
China is Han America.
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8h until absolute kino
Most Asian team
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and thats a good thing
flyquest suck dick anyway
>admits to wanting to have sex with based Sexter
Going to sleep early so I don't miss Drillas vs LVG. Good night best coast bros.
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Today I am Chinese.
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>kills flyquests hopes and dreams
its great seeing this level of competition in the asian scene, drillas, flyquest etc ASIA REPRESENT
you know whats crazy? in a little over 24 hours flyquest will be 3-0
I don't think thats crazy at all.
niko is only spiritually a nigger (for getting jks kicked), physically he white
who is she kissing? dude looks like a pile of shit.
Would be since they only need to win two matches.
Seems silly to have the openers be bo1s when the bracket is so tiny
>you think flyquest will beat rare atom let alone talon
you're just pretending to be the chink to set up the inevitable humiliation
flyquest has looked like diarrhea ass all year
if rare atom loses to them its an indictment on the entire asian scene
that only happens if they don't lose to talon first
you're not him
correct i'm not
i don't speak from a place of bias
you are biased as you disagree with me
thats not how bias works
why would that be an indictment on asian cs, rare atom are substantially more ass than flyquest
if mongolz lost, then there would be a problem
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What are these soulless rooms they are playing in?
Where's the cuck chair then?
Yeah nah it was never going to happen, Asian CS is EXTREMELY top heavy. The gap between tier 1 and tier 1.5 is more than tier 1.5 and tier 10000.
you said this like you were dropping knowledge on us
im dropping these nuts in your mouth
>5 players, 5 different countries
>soulless asia mix
At least soulless euro mixes are usually better than most nationals. What's the point of mixing if you're not even gonna break top100?
there are plenty of shitty eu mixes you never hear about
is bntet the most overrated player? dont think he ever did anything of value
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I may have never seen an uglier person

like you cant go "just lose weight bro", it wont fix his features
Average scandicuck
That's just Banks
temu banks
We wuz vikingz n shieeetttt
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God I hate that faggot
Would be pretty funny if they take an asian spot though
It's so over for Chink sissies
Nigga he can 100% lose weight, shave all those pubes on his face and get a haircut that doesn't make him look like he just woke up.
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looks normal to me
I hate these shitty fallguys rip offs they are showing.
No way LV loses to this random mix
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Animations look pretty cool, very comfy, faggots like this one >>1497366 should die
Would be hilarious for an EU mix to qualify through the Asian minor.
>muh heckin wholesome reddit chungus comferino
lmao ur trans
Would be hilarious for an EU mix to fail qualifying through the Asian minor.
Bruh why is ohne dressed so sexy, bro put on some pants or sum...baka
>monkeydonian is throwing for change and ruin Asia CS
of course
How are we hoping this group goes down?
I'm thinking
>Drillas beat Lynn Vision
>Alter Ego beat Lynn Vision
>Mongolz beat Drillas
All that matters is Mongolz and FQ make it through, rest are cannon fodder.
Kek nice delay. This major will be complete shitshow and fluke
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>30 minute delay
bruh are you serious? chinks already showing all the glory of their incompetence
agreed. But I also think it'd be funny if the third sport goes to a non-chinese team
chink anon's screeching is all that keeps this thread alive between matches
Please move major to Singapore to save it. There is still time
Why is this shit taking so long?
Weren't they supposed to start an hour apart?
These driggas need BTFO'd
security found out theres europeans in the asian rmr and are working to remove them from the offices
jeez emy hit the wall p hard my duds (shes still cute tho)
Already off to an hour delay.
Can't wait for the RMRS to finish several days late.
if they're not going to start the game i'm just gonna go jack off
there are rumours about lynn vision being dq'ed due rulebook violation but they are waiting for valve's green light (no one answers)
what violation?
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honestly what the fuck causes 1h delays
did ccp block valve servers?
>1 hour delay
Niggers, simply niggers
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>As a reminder for the English audience, PGL is only executing the English broadcast with no involvement in the tournament operations. We are waiting for the next game to start in Shanghai.

Full chinks fault
Wonder if it will end up more delayed than the Mongolian RMR
What even is the delay?
source? it was revelead to me on a drug trip
I'm excited for the Shanghai FACEIT-PGL Major!
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>Ancient again
Do you think cache meta will be exactly the same as ancient one?
Unironically rooting for chink vision gaming against these scamming frauds.
>delays already

move this shitshow to Sydney please, australians know how to put on CSkino
what the fuck is this annoying foid shouting about in the background?
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lets go KEEEEEK
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no fucking way man
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IEM Chengdu was played on the regular client so why is the major being played in the perfect world client?
>match paused
>match delayed
>now tech pause
Why cant chinese and brazil hold good tournaments, is it because they stink and have brown skin?
The issue is because SENER1's mouse is straight up dogshit lmao

fucking dogs I swear. LV in the chat are saying it's ok. DRILLAS are a disaster
make sure you blame him for this
Production wise there's no delays. His mouse shit the bed before the game started that's why the game itself started late despite scheduled to start on time
>password PWAloveCS2
Don't sweat it, chink.
Nobody expected it to go smoothly from the beginning and not that many people give a shit about this stage anyway.
>buy rifles
>buy pistols
finally got around to doing my tax ausbros

15k bill, even after paying 7k PAYG

flyquest better win this one
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just ohne tactics
man lynn really sucks
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this your guy?
dude got mad at a nigger sticker craft, he is NOT our guy
keep this energy up when flyquest gets raped in their match
bming a chinese team at a chinese major
woro is a serious cocksucker
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I kneel
>bming a chinese team at a chinese major
>woro is a serious cocksucker
Silence, Chink sissy slave
>it's happening
european meme team is knocking out the chinese favorite for the chinese major
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welcome to the second century of humiliation, chink
I understand their rankings but is lynn vision really the favorite over rare atom
this rmr is a fucking joke
theyre a fan favorite
Dont pretend to be surprised. gooks doesnt even know instant smokes despite stealing chines gov paychecks
I hope drillas coach will help them with closing this during next timeout
Ching Chong! Ping Pong!
drillas throwing for odds
nice spray and flash
I had 100 on lynn vision go fuck yourself
Drillas are Han chinese so it's fine.
You turbojews need to quit buying this sticker so I can make more crafts.

30 mins until next ence
rare atom is going to rape talon or flyquest
whats with you and talking about sex all the time?
like are you sexually frustrated?
the fuck is this pajeet caster
hes pakistani
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same street shitters, same smell. sounds disgusting
Isnt it weird people latch onto drillas being in asia major while sporting 5 eu players but at the same time Australia is part of asian rmr
Australians are basically white
just say you don't want a way for australians to qualify instead of going "uhhhh, asia?" like a blithering retard
>random t3 eu mix cucking whole asia region
It's not about race, it's about regions
Also, if Asia didn't suck so much as a region, this wouldn't even be a problem
The teams are so bad that any outsider, no matter how shit, is a threat to all the teams. Which is fucking sad.
Just be happy that mongolz happened and root for them
Australian teams can bootcamp in eu just as easily as any other
So get rid of every regional RMR and qualifier for it and just have a 400 team clusterfuck in europe?
I thought you wanted asian teams to have a chance to qualify
he wants europe/na/oceania/mideast to be one region and asia(china) another
But asian teams can bootcamp in eu even easier than aus teams?
if cs had cutie anime girl maybe asians would give a fuck about this game
asia has millions of potential players in china and trying to deny them the opportunity to play makes no sense
plus perfect world is being paid by the cpc to run events like the major so there should be incentive to have chinese teams in
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big just lost to a rank 52 team
i'm watching the videos on the chinese stream and i fucking hate them
i hate cute things
it pisses me the fuck off to see cute things
They should have 2 tiers to the majors
Tier 1 for the teams that are actually good and qualify
Tier 2 for fan’s choice of meme teams
This would give reps to all kinds of unrepresented teams
they're playing condom ads on the chinese stream
if there's so much money in china, and so many good players, they can go to the EU rmr. It's all one landmass anyway

And australia can have it's own RMR with 3 spots
they must know white tourists in china are watching
there are comments in the chinese stream that say "if you can't do it just let singapore do it"
>finally get to auschad match
>have to sleep
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just realized mhl is playing for Talon, what the fuck
what a surprise flyquest is shit
how's that surprising? au stack and eu awp hasn't been that bad

posted one round into the game
i didn't know he was out of Europe, i completely forgot about the guy. he was a big potential few years ago, i think HLTV even made a dedicated article about him.
he's not out of europe, talon has been in eu
round 11 update flyquest is still shit
please win this flyquest i bet $50 on you guys
it is OVER for flyquest
nah. There's still the lower bracket
Talon, FQ and Mongolz are going to the major
disgusting matchfixing by flyquest
fuck this shit and fuck you valve
why would you bet on the best of 1s?
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I've been listening to this game for 23 rounds and only just realize AZR and Hazr are different players. I thought Hazr was just the way the Indian casters pronounced AZR.
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uh oh flysissies
thats right
flyquest was humiliated
you prayed on asia cs downfall but the only one to get humiliated was fucking flyquest
lynn vision vs flyquest for last spot kino is on the menu
australia won
>lynn vision
only one team can take the spot
Kiwi bvlls won
Ausissies lost
>hltv comment section for ence vs 500 game keeps bringing up betting
kill all betting site owners right now
500 are known matchfixers thats why
bulgarias entire talent pipeline got killed off because all existing teams just fix matches
Imagine trusting a condom that says “made in China” on it
glaive online fucking sucks...
Drillas for the salt and memes please please please please
BulGODrians too strong
strongest danedog versus weakest bullgarian
because the Major is ran by PW
Chengdu was ran by ESL
so far the chinese major has been a massive disappointment on all fronts

expect teams to come out publicly soon about the horrible conditions in china

this is why you dont host tourneys in third world shitholes
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>JANO sign Airax and jelo; Twista returns as coach
what's next for him?
Frosted tips and a boy band
Based Flychads letting Talon win so they have an easier path to qualify and Flychads can easily dominate the lower bracket.

made a decent profit off the most obvious throw

you'd have to be a retard to gamble on the eventual winner in the first bo1 that doesn't matter
>nafany & co. playing Yalla Compass qualifiers 5 days before the RMR
yeah i'm thinking based, fuck qualifying to a Major anyway, right
>90% of major matches will be unwatchable for people with a job

I hate being a wagecuck
sex with bibiahn
what race is that creature on the left? Looks like Vincent Cassel in that one movie he played the schizo rapist villain. Not even going to mention the analbanian, the poojet, the arab poojeet and the jewish rat.

What kind of team is this that the millenial germoid and fucking Woro are the only normal looking ones?
i really, really, really hate jewish people.
death to 8 team RMRs and death to BO1s. If Valve weren't incompetent faggots then TYLOO would be in this tournament and not those incompetent chink teams like LV (had 1 semi-good tournament 10 gorillion years ago) and RA
>death to BO1s
tyloo aren't here because they lost a bo3 to rare atom
Liquid, Complexity, FURIA, paiN, MIBR, M80, Imperial
TYLOO, FlyQuest, Mongolz
G2, Spirit, MOUZ, Faze, NaVi, Vitality, Virtus Pro, Eternal Fire, Astralis, Heroic, Fnatic, Falcons, BIG, SAW
>losing an online bo3 after winning 10 games straight is enough to make you lose out on the tournament

imagine if France lost out on the world cup after losing one random game to Portugal while Luxembourg got in for playing Slovenia
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new top10 dropped
She looks cute and incel-like.
>highlighted stats (past 3 months)
>0.00 - 0.00
>0.00 - 0.00
Do they not play at all unless invited to womens'(and trannies') league?
imagine if france won 10 games straight to make the final of the world cup then lost it, they should just lose because they lost?
maybe they should just win
fake news, g2 #1 per valve official ranking
TaZ effect
So which NA team is gonna massively disappoint at the RMR?
Astralis cadian comeback arc is my favorite
that doesn't even make sense, I'm talking about qualifying to a major tournament, you're talking about making the final of a tournament where in 99% of cases it's just one game. Qualifying should be done over the course of many games or tournaments even, as it was in 2021 Stockholm which is the reason it's still the best post-COVID major (it had all the best teams in it)
>Qualifying should be done over the course of many games or tournaments even
yeah valve should make a ranking where every team is sorted by head to head and winnings so the top teams can get a bye to the rmr while lower tier teams play an additional closed qualifier with only decent teams
oh wait, that's the system they already mandate, and the TO overruled them specifically and only in asia because they were worried about a certain team rising up the rankings fast enough
So are the regional spots for the next major still being decided the same way?
I don't think Valve's said anything but it's safe to assume right?
I think so, except the distribution of spots among regions may change depending on who does comparatively better or worse this Major
flyquest isn't qualifying for the major
if I were valve I would just up the guaranteed spots by one for all the regions and let the other 5 go as they may
Don't worry sweaty we have Talon as well. What's going to be your excuse when they brutalize RA?
Is the Americas RMR also happening in China or is it online?
whats your excuse when rare atom rapes talon like they did gradar?
I don't think so either, Alistair is a straight up scammer I don't know how they keep paying him
How are the matches so early today?
so the stream dropped 5mins ago but the game is still being played? Chyna #1!!!
Alter Ego bros.....
alter ego chads we got this
goddamn this chinese superteam looks like shit lmao
gay ass tournament inna middle of the night
m80 1am? prolly later with tech delays?
shoulda let japan finish the job before we started dropping nukes
uhhhhhh lion sisters?
Are Americas and Asia running at the same time? Or is it just one stream and they swap between the two?
PGL's overlay is so good
all the RMRs are in Shanghai
Yeah I was just confused when I saw the timings for today's matches.
Lynn Vision are peak all aim no brain
Compared to Rare Atom they are quite bad
and flyquest are worst than both
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didn't flyquest just win a tier 1.5 tourney?
So Australia won again? Wow you sure showed me buddy.
asia org? chinese org even
you sure showed me
gaules crew fucking around in china asking for discounts in every store they go kek
they are celebrities they should get discounts
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Buddy, just because white engineers built your country doesn't make you at par with Europe.
>Talon Esports is a professional esports organisation based in Hong Kong
>in Hong Kong
>in Hong Kong
>in Hong Kong
if anyone is using stolen valor its you
only a few hours before flyquest 3-0 these impoverished zigger faggots
gt your tissues ready when they embarass themselves again
Fine, as long as you're okay with Australians representing China.


Hong Kong isn't China by the way, neither is Taiwan or Tibet. Hope this helps!
dang when did hong kong switch flags?
hong kong is an SAR of china
>we wuz saaaaars n shieeet
NGL this hotel setup is rather comfy.
can't believe they're forcing na v na games
rigged asl
Just like Aus vs Aus games. Truly a travesty.
keep crying about flyquest you cocksucking faggot i told you they were the worst team
thirdworldist yeast hate to see us winning
ole 5'6 ass nigga
flyquest lost and you still have fags coping that they can do the lower bracket
they cant even beat shitters
I know you're not the original chink, you haven't mastered the art of LARPing as him yet.
they just won a major lan though, something that cant be said of any chink team
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>major lan
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Did autism shoes really make a come back?
No he's just German I think
who are alter ego anyway
south east asia super team
>jks winning on NA RMR stream
>flyquest soon to be winning on asian rmr stream

ausbros, today is our day
yes, kids wear huge chunky new balances n shit
>6 teams above the highest ranked chinese team
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>lost to top 167 team
keep crying
dang if it's that easy for them to win a tournament think of what lvg could do should they enter
they dont get opportunities because of shitters like flyquest getting handouts
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based aucs lover
they punch above their weight for sure
literally a chinese org
this james banks wannabe keeps pronouncing xign in a chinese pronunciaton
is faze na cs?
is ultimate back, or just against shitters
just put $10 on bestia
lets go
>lost to flyquest
shitters obviously
he's never played flyquest, kill yourself
wildcard are shitters
learn to read
I wish I had a tsundere Chinese femboy obsessed with me like Sexter does.
I asked whether he was back or his performance was just inflated because he was playing shitters
I am clearly presupposing that wildcard are shitters, not asking whether they are shitters, you illiterate tard
kill yourself
cry cry
is that a chinese player's name
do you have his record against flyquest committed to memory
i should go to bed
legacy lmao
jba kinda sick with it
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just retire
crazy that /ourchink/ is the only person watching flyquest play random shitters
repressed gay feelings for dexter or what
this rmr is fucking rigged for odds
Why is a Russian team playing in the Asia RMRs?
Yekindar is the most washed player of all time, if you watched his demos 2-3 years ago and compared it to today zero people would guess it's the same guy. He's costing Liquid a comfortable regulation win bc he can't hit anything 7 rounds in a row.
vladivostock or some shit
he still has more value to liquid as an aggressive space taker than jks is as a mid anchor
They're from the Asian part with over 100 ping to Europe
awful twistzz game too
actually kill yourself you aren't even watching the game
I should be able to fight you in an arena and throttle you to death with my bare hands
Scoreboard says otherwise.
why is the fallback hud better than the main hud
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fuck me
at least they're probably playing case whosports next
we're gonna see some retarded qualifications out of this rmr if liquid and furia both can't make the 2-0 games
why were the north americans the worst part of the liquid vs wildcard game?
jba did good though
yekindar is not NA
Can you feel it?

Can you feel the energy rising in FlyQuest?
better question is why are the two eu imports on wildcard not carrying
Furia-Legacy is so absurdly close, neither team had more than a 2 round lead for over 30 rounds
Legacy probably hyper focused preparing for Furia since they're the big dog of the region.
We're watching the FlyQuest match sweaty.
we're watching nouns
>we're watching our pronouns
We're working out.
Get lifting.
Only the NA teams should make it out of the RMRs.
I'm watching all 3 simultaneously because my eyes are big enough, unlike the chinx.
Nigga I already lifted it's fucking 12 at night here.
>game is over
>flyquest WILL win
>shitters drag it out because mad
its just like my mm games
>not working out late at night
Except Liquid of course. TLD.
ez gg
Save us Complexity
>thunderpick has rare atom vs talon at 50/50
value for rare atom
Memes aside, I could see Talon winning. AZR has always been a strong IGL.
Of course he's going to win, he's Australian.
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he is literally starving. be nice.
you know its so fitting this retarded twink faggot is a vegetarian
Remember the lack of eggs at the London Major?
like 15% of the population in China are vegetarian, maybe he should get someone to go buy him some veggo food if he wants to be a princess
>$10 is rent money in pessiland
It's over for you bro. Just don't gamble next time, gambling is for losers, like pessi.
>have to struggle to beat a team full of known cheaters stuck on lan in front of a referee
wow... i hope drillas rapes them and puts them on the flight home
Nigga is obsessed with getting raped by chad sexter.
Jeopardizing your team by refusing to eat because your lo mein isn't Certified Vegetarian™ should be reasonable grounds for a kick. He's obviously not vegetarian for health reasons, just stop being a pussy and eat it.
>M80 vs Boss
Tired of NA on NA cannibalism.
I am starting to think you're just biased against Australians
finally some kino
it sounds like they had a harder time than most teams would
So when you said Flyquest were raped by Faze and it was OT does that not sound hypocritical of you?
>I lost because there was meat in my food
context matters
were they constantly in round deficit?
ong nigga you might actually be retarded
How so? I am pointing out his hypocritical stances and wish for him to act better and consistently.
Unless you're a newfag you'd know better not engage with him.
why are yuros so SHIT
what the FUCK are you being paid for, to bottomfrag vs fruitcupx the pugger?
M80 getting kwabbed by a totally random unsalaried team
I can't be that mad, maybe m80 will still qual
>There are 56 teams slated to compete at the RMRs for 24 coveted spots at the Perfect World Shanghai Major, and only one side enters the fray without backing of any kind: BOSS. No salaries, no sponsors, and no bootcamp.
>Jack "micro" Ryan was initially brought on to fill in the final rifling spot in July, but BOSS decided in mid-August to gamble on an ESEA Advanced player who had never even reached the ESL Challenger League: Gavin "Fruitcupx" Norman.
>"We scrimmed Fruitcupx a couple of times when he was under Final Form, and he was doing decent," Cryptic says. "We did think he was kind of an idiot while playing against him."
na truly has the most SOVL per capita
The classic "this guy's so stupid how is he beating us"
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Can't be mad losing to this chad
>mongolz goes down to lower bracket
>eliminates flyquest
>eliminates all other asian teams
Mah drillas might actually be doing this bros
i'm ok with this if talon make it through
they wont
Legendary throw in progress
Won't lie, I am excited for more region abusing next RMR.
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We'll get the next 2 maps Mongo bros. I'm not worried.
Did some gambling go wrong friend?
Only 3 Content creators have an item in game
Imagine being not those two, and dedicating a decade to a game only for a german gambling addict to get in by sneaking an EU team through the APAC RMR
>tap tap
drillasisters this can't be happening
theyll rape flyquest anyway
Map is T Sided
I refuse to believe there are anyone here that are actually rooting for them (with the exception of sneed enjoyers)
And if there are, they should fuck off back to tiktok
Dude just rub one out or something, this built up sexual frustration bit is boring.
it's so over
its an expression not sexual
Uh huh sure.
Unlock that cock cage no nut boi.
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Never doubted.
the amount of chinese cs fans coming to jump down this guy's throat for making a joke on the mongolz page is making me laugh so hard
Why are they so insecure?
real cs time
if talon wins they basically doomed the entirety of china to having 0-1 teams at the major
on principle they should throw
i didn't know this before but the chinese fans believe that drillas tech timeout against lynn vision was intentional to destroy their momentum
Based if true.
liquid lost to this
chinese fans are currently rallying for flyquest to eliminate drillas
this is so fucking pathetic
Drillas dominates lower bracket now. Nobody that’s left is coming back against drillas
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Lynn Vision could neck them
well well well look who suddenly supports Auschads.
i think its just pathetic that they want one of their mortal enemies in the region to fight a proxy war for them just for the opportunity for the lower bracket to be easier for them
they shouldnt be showing any love for flyquest at all because it is the wrong idea
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baiting at squeaky for a knife on nuke is pretty cute
ez awp money
wildcard best in na
pulling through for their owner
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bro what the fuck
you've experienced similar mentality in this thread, it's not that surprising
Why the sudden mald against drillas? They played against mongolz and now fq.
if lynn vision beats (loser of talon/ra), they have to fight drillas for the last spot
if drillas advanced to the lower bracket finals they will almost certainly have to fight a chinese team to get it
Don't worry Auschads are here to save the day.
someone get this paki to stop yelling in my ear
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Talon sissies, it's over, Rare Atom sticker would go hard btw
So frens has any Chinese team qualified for the Shanghai major yet?
Only Han Chinese.
i'm here to watch elegiggle's mental decline
Pretty sure it's just because they participate in 'Asian' RMR with no Asian outside of probably 1 Israeli.
They're actually making me root for that faggot's pet project
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Flysissies vs Cum droolies, who will win?
fruitcup looks like such a retard lol
>wake up
>mongolz qualified
Rare atom is going to qualify, you moron
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this is so out of pocket
rare atom is going to the fucking major
you doubted me
kek based
Tyloo btfo
0-3 waste of a spot that could be taken by a region that's actually improving
are they going to stop sending death threats to drillas now?
>ChildKing made it
cunnybros we fucking won
I already bought 10 DickStacy stickers
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Why are aussissies so bad at counter strike?
>reddit frog
Sorry pal wrong subreddit.
I'd rather see CunnyKing play instead of giving that spot to EU so that Virtus.trash can qualify
Less EU spots, more tier-4 trash spots
MonGODS would never lose to a memeteam.
If Liquid lose this...
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amerilards CRUMBALING
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Erm... Delet that.
No shame in losing to GOAT IGL, somedieyoung and the 3rd best polack
i was fucking right and everyone doubted me
rare atom goes to the fucking major and flyquest is a game away from disbanding
i'll take that apology i asked for
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kru is owned by winners
rare atom won 3 maps so far versus ~115 ranked teams
can someone explain why alistair still has a job? any faceit 3k elo aussie will play better than this bum
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i apologise for doubting you
i thought tyloo was the chinese superteam?
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holy KEK
>china pls don't fucking choke you absolute retards
ultimate is so entertaining to watch, he's probably the most similar to s1mple of current players
But s1mple was actually good though
100 years of humiliation!
there are 2 australian teams and 1 chinese team
if drillas gets through its more australias fault than anyone else
Finally. We've found Liquids level.
there's no fucking way you can comfortably play that close to the monitor
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the good ending
there's no good endings after Alter Ego got BTFO
XigN and BnTeT deserve better
they’ll choke CT
>prove their worth
>as men
>our home
>defend it
>pride and honor
>grow stronger
this is some fascist shit lmao
yes mongolz are quite based
scratched my balls and in that time liquid won
what's wrong with your balls?
Furia packing bags rn
Brazil gets cucked yet again
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>yet again
he's based for giving EUbros a warning
there's nothing wrong with reporting on the lack of options and the mislabels, this isn't SkyEsports, just cook some fucking caesar salad
Twistzz is such a moron, typical Cucknadian, go suck off you fatass boyfriend kekindar and that dumbfaced poolish 322 tier 2 nigger
Career salad isn't vegetarian.
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>perfect world is shit
no way??????????????????????????????
it is vegetarian unless you make it with anchovies like a real retard
>egg is a vegetable
>what is the difference between vegan and vegetarian
search it up on google and don't spread your stupidity next time
>egg is meat
search "vegan vegetarian difference"
screenshot first result
attach the screenshot to your post and apologize for being a retard
and in today's episode of "How low can NiP go?"

Round over - Winner: T (15 - 12) - Enemy eliminated
zorte killed MisteM with awp
zorte killed REZ with awp
zorte killed r1nkle with awp
MisteM + jocab (assist) killed KaiR0N- with m4a1_silencer (headshot)
KaiR0N- + s1ren (assist) killed jocab with ak47 (headshot)
jocab killed nafany with m4a1_silencer
nafany killed isak with ak47 (headshot)
isak killed s1ren with m4a1_silencer (headshot)
jocab killed Magnojez with m4a1_silencer
Round started
What plant do eggs grow on?
I accept your concession and shan't give any more (You)s
>too scared to respond directly
vegetarian isn't plant only though
>A person who does not eat meat
cheese and milk aren't plants
Glad you agree with me.
together we can laugh at the retard that thinks eggs are meat
cs player iq fully showing with this discussion
if you think that perfect world won't try to rig or cheat in favour of Chinese teams, you are peak delulu
whats with the bo1s
are we in a hurry
nobody plays cs here
Jason came to China via sea route, they said it on the Talking Counter podcast yesterday (unfortunately don't remember the exact time stamp) that during the trip they were attacked by Malaysian pirates. Attackers fired their (reportedly 6-pounder) cannons and despite the ship having good defence measures towards pirates, Moses was on deck during that time and unfortunately a cannonball managed to hit him just above his right ankle, shredding his lower leg to pieces. He was super lucky that they were close to Japanese shore, so when help finally came, they were able to quickly transport Moses to the hospital in Miyazaki and save his life from gangrene. Jason has said he will try to act as professionally as possible, to not show any signs of his injury, to save the broadcast from putting unnecessary attention to himself, not the game we all love. You really can't love Mr. Goblin King enough.
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Can't believe it's real bros...
easier to rig
prefiring cope already?
Loool Fishtank trannies somehow have mistaken cs thread with their faggy trhead, go suck off your rabbi Samuel Hydeberg
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we're back
he looks like he loots random Ukrainian villages
first time I'm glad we don't have flags and id's itt
why are you censoring names
>tech pauses
>shit computers
>zero food safety and hygiene standards
>fans making death threats

Is this the last major will we ever see in China?
Oops meant to quote >>1498930
My cutie patootie :)))
>matey lost to boss
>furia lost to legacy
>liquid lost to wildcard
what the fuck is happening ameribros? Is coL gonna be the american favorite for this major?
liquid's gonna clean up still
wildcard-9z mite b cool
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>liquid's gonna clean up
AHHAHAHAHA Liquid are literary Jannies, BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH WTF, Yeah They definitely will need to clean up some cum from their faces bruh
kek based Liquid hater
there are 3 recent posts with a cartoon frog all calling teams associated with australia shit, so not exactly a liquid hater
esls in charge of coherent posts
zainab zaaz probably best ass
God, she's so nice, I would let her milk me
They will have other Asian countries host it from now on. I’d like to see a Tokyo major, and you can hate me all you want but I want to see a sim reap major, for no reason other than it’d be funny as fuck to see twistzz all pissy and butthurt about the food and having to play in a third world country again.
DESU the perfect system was the previous RMR where the major participants were decided off 3-4 qualifying tournaments. Dominant tier 1 teams could get in even if they did badly in 1/4 tournaments and cinderella runs were still possible (CPH Flames, Movistar Riders) etc. At least that was for the non SA/APAC regions
>Tokyo major
CS is dead in Japan
I'd love to see TALON making the major for their stickers and jerseys alone but man hazr and AZR really don't deserve it
I really want to lick bibiahn's pussy
>3-4 qualifying tournaments
fuck off, when are they scheduling 4 tournaments between majors? most teams have played like 8-10 total since copenhagen
what you want are more open qualifiers so teams can break into t1, there should be random shitters at other events and every good team at the major
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Jitter fixed
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is this bitch singlehandedly the only female girl that australia has who plays cs? the fuck is this
she's legit, she played in a mix team vs t2-3 na and topfragged
>Short: donk dominates FACEIT Matchmaking Season 3; kyousuke second
savage1337 diff
>can‘t believe my ssd had a bad cs installed with weird m_yaw settings, I fortunately noticed it after warming up for the first gam
What the fuck is wrong with this major
Never host shit in China again
kek, truly the goated command
if i was an admin at a pro tournament i'd get woro or some other unpunished cheater fag VAC banned with that
literally the home of matchfixing of course this shady shit will keep happening
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the chinese are on dexter's side this time
i never thought i'd see the day

>tweet "hey bros be warned that there's no vegan food if you care"
>cs2 community implodes
meateaters are mentally insane
I just find it insulting you know.
>my diet is OTHER peoples problem
no, it really isn't.
It is
its a private matter and doesn't concern the cs community at large
we aren't going to get meals comped by perfect world they are
so tell them in person that you can't eat anything but vegan food
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how the fuck is flyquest favored?
>>my diet is OTHER peoples problem
>no, it really isn't.
are you retarded? did you ever take one of those basic mental competency tests?
he and the other players are the entertainment, they obviously have primacy over the poverty wage buffet chefs, and tos have accommodated way more retarded requests than labeling food with meat in it. when s1mple had black mold in his hotel room, was that OTHER peoples' problem? can they complain if people are playing music at 3am, or is that just whining?
>tell them in person that you can't eat anything but vegan food
>@Twistzz Ah, I tweet it now because I just checked catering and saw nothing changed
sounds like he did and they didn't do anything about it, so he's forcing them to
They provided them with food, he decided the food isnt good enough for him and went onto tweet about it.

Eat shit.
are you chinese and seething or what
they provided s1mple with a hotel room, he decided the hotel room isn't good enough for him and went on to tweet about it
ingest mold
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>year 2025-1
>host the biggest CS2 event of the year
>don't have the decency to add fucking tofu to your menu
>twistzz is the one at fault for reporting this
he's not even vegan I think, stanislaw is
he just doesn't want unlabeled velly tasty mapo tofu pork mince
don't talk about my cunny girl like that
hope drilla loses so I don't have to see ohne ever again
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are you really telling me there's no salads or every single ingredient is comprised of meat? he can just take the fucking pad thai and not eat the chicken lmao

eat shit
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I have to wonder whats the economics of sponsoring female esporters that literally no one watches.
like do these companies have a diversity fund for sponsoring minorities and the retarded?
>pad thai
>he can just take the fucking pad thai and not eat the chicken lmao
>They are mislabeling the food as well, so you can never tell until you search through the food
actually kill yourself
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Bro you think they're getting authentic chinese
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I know your small chinky eyes can't see well, but our aryan eyes can actually see and gaze what's in the food, chinky
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this is what the rmr is all about
perfect world is shit, nothing new. corruption is rampant
ask dotards what they think about chinese events lmao
Good for him, love seeing guys get the chance to play for the stage on their home turf (excluding F*llen)
based auschad
i have to leave for work at 9am but the games start at 6am for me. should i get up to watch them?
nah honestly get more sleep
are you confident you can notice a difference between almond milk and whole milk?
gluten-free bread and wheat bread?
a soup with sesame seeds and without?
imbecile, I hope you get an allergy and die
>The interview ended with Summer praising the Asian scene and talking about the lack of opportunities for the region as a whole. "The Chinese and Asian teams are just as good as the European or American teams. But the Asian teams don't have that many chances to attend tournaments," he lamented.
you know who wasn't mentioned in kazes interview
>just as good
>go out last
that would be flyquest if they werent on the next flight home
>b-b-b-but muh heckin australians
don't deflect cuck
rare atom won what is there to deflect about
its an observation you dumb fuck
>they won against asian teams so therefore they're as good as real teams
>The Chinese and Asian teams are just as good as the European or American teams
holy KEK that's hilarious
mongols? tyloo?
where are you from
I can't figure out what demographic would think it's normal for westerners to analyze gutter oil slop to figure out if it'll make you sick or not. third worlder with an ego, not big on china, use of aryan, indian maybe?
pan european
lol. you gotta be kidding
Tbf LV could probably give liquid a hard time. Did they play in Copenhagen?
they played at epl, lv couldn't even take a map off that rainwalker osee liquid
Yeah had to pull it up and rewatch a bit just now. I do feel like liquid has gone downhill since then but also every now and then they show up. Like it’ll be one day in the major where liquid just looks killer, and the rest of the time it’s like watching gold nova matches.
Captcha: OHYAWN
>I do feel like liquid has gone downhill since then
that roster's peak was 7th place at blast groups
This roster didn’t even qualify for Copenhagen, or did they make more roster changes since then?
that was the roster with cadian igling and 0.94 awping, and skullz
Jesus I can’t keep up man
What’s the lineup now?
JKS and Ultimate. You could just look on HLTV yourself.
how do you have an opinion on their form if you haven't watched them play in like 6 months
Why do they change when matches start each day?
Just watch the highlights later.
sun tzu proverb... the erratic general catches the predictable warrior in a trap.... the erotic general catches the pro-dick warrior as a trap... must be inconsistent and effeminate to subdue your enemies....
May Complexity, Nouns, Boss, M80, Wildcard, FlyQuest and Talon win. Good night sweet niggas.
it's time
the big event
what we've all been waiting for
m80 vs legacy
in just a few minutes flyquest will play their last ever match before disbandment
flyquest is a shit team and this is the end
dont say i didnt warn you
have you had that wank yet?
dexter goat asian player for sure
So it begins
they gotta take this m80 game off the air you can't show rape live on twitch dot television
alistair needs to be sent to brazil until he can actually hit a sitter
a call so retarded it's brilliant
it's over
just fucking disband shitter
you, empathetically and euthanistically to your toilet, after the rotten dog hit
Is Lake the future of NA CS?
lake is the present of na cs
liazz fighting to avenge bntet, fighting for his asian home
>timbermen lost to this shit
I don't watch ohnepixel. Is there a joke behind the name "Drillas?"
reminder we are watching flyquest, not whatever dogshit na pugslop is on
Flyquest are NA.
Flyquest are Han Chinese.
we watched furia 13-1 boss, not some meme crap
Flyquest are the top asian team right now.
not even top 2
Correct cause they're top 1.
yeah cause m80 legacy is between maps
not even fallen dickriders are watching that trash
>0.97 past 4 months
presente your retirement papers old ass
I've had the boys build my hopes up enough times to know this goes to OT.
remember that fucking big nuke game
just checked and FalleN is about to make his 16th Major. how many players have more Major participations? I know dupreeh is one and probably device, but who else?
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anyone have a chinese proverb for these trying times
krimz karrigan apex rain
absolute masterclass by dexter

alistair firing on all cylinders

this is looking like the start of the FlyQuest era.
flyquest life gaming because they're afraid of what the chinese will say if they cant fend them off
Nakama mentioned btw
A bunch of meaningless shit?
SENER1 low tab how surprising
how the fuck they ended up getting this bot of all possible players, it must be connected to dona or something
How did dualies become the meta for pistol rounds?
tw0stzz w0shed
one bite of meat and his career was over
Back from maccas with a large classic angus meal and a large caramel sunday, just in time to watch flyquest destroy these losers on d2

-ali and ins to awp goddamn
Can you feel it?

Can you feel the flyquest energy?
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woro plugged in the usb stick
he's so ass it's crazy
all of flyquest suck
hes replying to himself now
ins is good
cheerleader effect
Why would you let a pug team play the pug map?
if you can't see that ins is good, you have no eye test for cs
TOs need to cut down the time between halves to maximum length of a time-out. it's so fucking boring waiting 5-10 minutes for the 2nd half, completely kills the immersion for me, because it's not the way the game is meant to be played and not the way it's played on FaceIT/MM. i'm enjoying the RMR games much more just because there is none of this stupid half-time delay.
they need to remove timeouts entirely and let the coach talk at the start and end of each round

watching 2 boring teams like navi and old vp and them calling all their timeouts is mind numbing
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what is going on in britain
yeah that might be a good idea too, like talk during freeze-time. but then the coach gets too involved because he can give input every round, and Valve doesn't like that. but it would make the game play out faster for sure which in my opinion is good.
The only time I don't want shartquest to lose.
>06The only time I don't want shartquest to lose.
they provide nothing positive to asia cs so they should lose
>she thinks Asian CS is a positive
the positive is they arent soulless ugly yellow chinksects who arr rook same
if dexter forces round 2 again he deserves to fucking lose
Listen I'm one of the niggas defending FlyQuest all these months against residentschizochink but if they lose to a t2 eu mix in such a fashion it's time to make some changes.
>some changes
a change*
scroll to the bottom
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>overweight manlet

This is who /cs2gog/ looks up to ?
this hotel shit is so gay
shoulda had alistair screaming at this fat tard in person
woro literally just toggled lol
drillas realise if they win this that valve will change the region requirements right?
they'll still lose but i was just a bit early
>he deleted it
you have no conviction
why'd you delete it then
more conviction than you fuckboy
goodbye flyquest
This is how I imagine every German man dresses
genuine 1g?
gonna delete this one too or nah
with how scared they looked last half no
their faces say it all
they've already lost
Get these fucking carpetbaggers out of our RMRs
dexter is such an untalented shitter
i really hate watching games of new teams who just play retarded pug strats for cheap wins
*wins when it counts*
what the fuck
it's over



region abusing fucks


Never in doubt
based, fuck ohne
>in just a few minutes flyquest will play their last ever match before disbandment
>flyquest is a shit team and this is the end
>dont say i didnt warn you
>all of flyquest suck
>goodbye flyquest
>with how scared they looked last half no
>their faces say it all
>they've already lost
chinksects lost
soulless international mixes lost
region abusers lost
ecelebs lost
gambling companies lost
auschads won
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/cs2g/ is saved
>all those chinese fans in the replies
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we had fun and stomped the chink, now we watching wildcard qualify for the major
fq win next game either way
these faggots tried to gatekeep flyquest
Wildcard are the same breed as drillas. I cannot condone any of their matches.

Germcucks need another genocide
wheres the fucking flyquest interview
the fuck they are, sonic (honorary na) is 14-3, jba is 9-5
africans will never be na
europeans will never be na
Based native American supremacist.
Day improved.
if you still want flyquest to lose you need to pray for lynn vision to win their match
well this isn't going as planned is it?
>africans will never be na
sonic spent 5+ years in na teams, he was on fuckin bad news bears
this isn't hadji scamming, this was his pug team while he attends college here
Why would I want that?
Did I fucking stutter? Go back.
>Flyquest almost lost to the meme team
Not looking good for Asia's biggest hope
I'm american you tard
I want jba and stan on a major stage, go find a south american forum and bitch at them about martinez
I remember saying because of the seeding 9z would be a huge whale for anyone in qualifying or elimination matches but I still don't get why 9z shit the bed so hard
stanislaw stickers holy shit
phzy failed to qualify with rare atom for the copenhagen major last time
phzy just made the major with wildcard
im proud of him
GODislaw redeemed
yeah, he was smurfing during but everyone else on that team was ass
I remember he has like a 1.40 average on that team and the next highest was like 1.05
this just in
amouranth > ohnepixel
being an internet whore (stripper) > being an internet whore (gambling)
NA (NA) > EU (Asia)
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Aran Groesbeek more like Aryan cause he been slaying nonwhites in china
>they were actually chanting amouranth when they won
you support these coomers?
that's hilarious. yes, i support them
is that another e-celeb who started "coaching"?
twitch simp-farming streamer that also has an OF
she bought into wildcard around the time that they redesigned their logo
gotta sleep, gl ins & co
yeah sure
go read that naf interview, there's 0 money in this shit
if an ewhore will pay my bills so I can make $100k+ from stickers I'll chant whatever you want
So she's just a sort of investor?
meh. As long as her fans don't creep in everywhere I don't care
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based coomerGODS
she's an actual co-owner, not a marketable face for a gambling site like faggotpixel
ayo azr?
i genuinely find her repulsive in every way

its the first time i havent found a hot girl hot, despite her personality
>red hair
>green eyes
>hourglass figure
>repulsive in every way
that was the worst pistol round i've ever seen. how do you lose a 5v2? with bomb planted
>FlyQuest have put an end to what fans dubbed the European colonization of the Asia RMR.
fucking what

drillas were like 3 kikes and 2 euros, and at the last minute they subbed out one kike for another euro

they straight up abused the region system to try to get an easy win for sticker money, frauds got rekt
droolas being invaders has been a narrative since the RMR start, yes
even mongolz themselves on twitter rallied everyone to beat those faggots
It's even worse, it's 2 kikes, 2 ukies, one "french"-moroccan who used his 2nd citizenship, and one fatass from kosovo
I have no idea how you can make a more controversial team with fags from every sensitive European topic
i have an idea that can beat it
team aurora should larp as east russians
+donk +Jame and this might unironically work thanks to Lack1 and those two being from Siberia
Can't wait for Valve to release some vague statement explaining how region abuse is fine because they didn't win.
>release a statement
mark "ohnepixel" zimmermann already confirmed that valve said it was okay
next year's asian rmrs:
team anomaly (previously known as talon)
team heyzeus (previously known as flyquest)
team mcskillet (previously known as lynn vision)
team furiouss (previously known as eternal fire)
team sparkles (previously known as rare atom)
team overdrive (previously known as gr)
>Flyquest vs . Lynn Vision for the last spot
crazy to think that in only a few hours Flyquest will have qualified for the major

cant wait for the kino stickers
not happening
it ends today
yeah flyquest goes home
>complexity loses
>flyquest wins
We need more salt. Something to make up for meme team not going to the major
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>NA team
>founded in NA
>play in NA
>live in NA
>2/2/1 split between players' nationality, giving them a choice between EU RMRs and NA RMRs
what seems to be the problem, asshurt zoomer?
come on col
lose some fucking rounds
Well yeah, there's a couple week break before the next stage of the major that they qualified for.
hallzerk +3months on contract
didn't they just renew it?
I remember that cringe vid of them announcing it
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col broke this man
only 6k people watched NA RMR but over 12k watched flyquest beat drillas
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yeah but he hit a collateral
the absolute state of north america
>abusing regionals is okay because drills didn’t win
Flykino just started
two mortal enemies
it ends here
1 on 1
I am convinced that people who complain about Wildcard and Liquid being NA are the same drooling retards who complain that Russian players are allowed to play in Asia
zigger opinions dont matter, go die in a ukranian field
post IQ results as soon as possible
A nice flyquest loss to round off the morning. Comfy.
post wall outlet and hand, impoverished global south citizen
not seeing IQ results
want me to explain why GR were playing in the asian RMR, by the way? seems like it's a sensitive topic for you
i want you to stop posting, we are watching flyquest destroying rynn vision, thread is comfy without thirdie seething
you're the one who started screeching like an autist about some fields, lil bro
this aint it lil bro quit the yappin and take the L
>ran out of time

lynn vision arent cut out for tier 1
bugs' map pick btw
where'd that bullet even go?
alistair is so bad
>the best chinese team is about to be 13-1d by an average australian team

i might even suggest a lmao
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the last time this happened it was a reverse sweep btw stop bragging
>noooooo you can't le make fun of le meeeeeee!!!!!!1
>posts minutely insulting auschads
different team
I do not root for Lynn Vision because their logo is trash, they have a sticker, and not a single chink has a funny name (unlike ChildKing and somebody)
I root for FlyQuest because I want to apply a Gold aliStair sticker on the scope of my Dragon Lore
can you remove those gay stickers?
otherwise I imagine you'd depreciate the value
shit taste
nice Word 2009 font, jackass
>dude angry bear!

you can but where's the fun in that?
i hope alistair makes it to this major and next one so that my awp can be blessed by his 5 stickers
virtus.pro called, they want their bear back
nice try from that one chink in the end
Way too late to start playing though
how did such a shit team make it this far?

lynn vision please disband
They should’ve made their animal a bat lol
The second century of humiliation starts now.
the fuck "lynn" even means?
rare atom already won
ausbros, i had a large classic angus meal and large caramel sunday for lunch.

thinking of getting hungries for dinner, what should i get?
MIBR won
Hunger tamer meal
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flyquest showing off now
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What are you all snacking on while watching flyquest win? True blue tucker right here
Made an Irish stew earlier.
how the fuck are flyquest winning these retarded forcebuys? this would get punished by literally any other team
Asian CS isn't very good.
The chink is unraveling now
>gets reset anyway
nice job retard
these lynn vision shitters need an early retirement

embarrassing that this kind of cs is streamed to anyone
unaustralian, deported
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just saw this lol
lvg can still reverse sweep
2 PM on Wednesday, so naturally I am sipping on beer
im starting to think its actually over
why is that pal's nickname "Emilia"?
I am excited for you to delete this post in a minute.
named after https://rezero.fandom.com/wiki/Emilia
i won't because they'll actually win
>i won't
>do it every time
but why a guy is taking a girl's name? you don't see anyone rocking "Scarlet Johanssen" or "Margaret Thatcher" or "Asuka Langley"" as their nickname
>lynn vision is going to win map 2
>flyquest will throw as always
reminder for when FQ has defeated communism
you think you're funny or something
the flashes have been on point
Any chance FQ is going up against Rare Atom early in the major?
delete it before it's too late
Admittedly it isn't nice to the chinks, but it is nice to everyone else that they don't have to suffer watching them waste slots in the major
are you happy? fuckhole
fucking drillas were better
see you in the challengers stage folx and sirs
>wake up
>flyquest qualifies
oh nonononooooooooooooooooooooo pfHAHAHAHAHAHA
>Dexter wins edition

well whaddayaknow? he won
Imagine spending months seething to get dabbed on like this.
i'll be watching metisport braining an australian team at the saudi world championship to make myself feel better
congratulations cs2g, i was wrong
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>flopski vs 90 years young talent rickeh in tier-4 ESWC
match of the century, truly
So which top EU team is just gonna completely shit the bed?
I am manifesting the following failures
G2, mouz, faze
NaVi are going to go 3-2 with close games
In the same vein, virtus.pro will actually qualify
>i won't because they'll actually win
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theres so many chinese fans that are saying they have newfound respect for dexter
solely because his team killed drillas
navi had no bootcamp going into blast and the astralis game was a situation wherer blade couldnt really anti-strat them due to how new the team is

People are likely overrating that loss
vitality had no problem "anti-stratting" asstralis by just going 13-0 against them in their first match, stop the cope
teams that rely on star power just rely on star power
zywoo carries vs weaker opponents, navi is a system team with 4 equalish fraggers that does anti-stratting to succeed more often than not
in about how many messages are you going to say "it didn't matter anyway they are saving strats for le major" after I point out that they, also, lost to faze afterwards?
i don't have much time to spare
Faze have a star in Karrigan.
they didnt bootcamp and losing to faze isnt anything special, all top team can lose to other top teams
>two star players with the same roles, two 0.8 rating 50 year old rookies, and Helvijs Parkinson
>top team
I guess one point could be that navi relies on winning mirage for their bo3 wins and maybe faze just counterstratted them well on it, navi got 1 ct round.
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say it aint so complexitybros
lulquid vs furia
col vs m80
9z vs pain

no matter what another american team is through
was trying to figure if this was possible, nice to know it is
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just a little bit fucked up
wake up check scores
>drillas lost
>flychads won
excpected and based from /our guys/
not even close either, they absolutely EMBARRASSED china AGAIN
Love it
Really exemplifies chinks' complete lack of humor and irony, having to resort to soft gore to get the point across

Compare that to the FQ banter >>1499937
hilarious that flychads are more european than drillas
Inb4 liquid gets denied a spot at the major AGAIN
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it's finally happening
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what happened here?
>kyosuke's profile picture is donk
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>see anti flyquest comment in reddit match thread
>check comment history

cannot make this shit up
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>Wake up
>chink vision lost to flychads
Life is good. All that seethe, and for what? 13-2 lmaooooo it's over for you lil chigga don't ever show your face here again.
>wake up
>check score
>lynn vision straight raped by flyquest, then dexter topfrag to eliminate them and qualify
god is good
if I scroll down and read some cope about how rare atom made it so it doesn't matter, I'm finna belly laugh
go back
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more actually

now die you stupid chink shit and get nuked again
>almond milk and whole milk
>gluten-free bread and wheat bread
>a soup with sesame seeds and without
why would sesame seeds be in a soup?
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>intentionally scamming qualifiers=playing your designated and intended ones
third worldists are so retarded. it's always someone else's fault
There's like 50 games tomorrow what the fuck
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Flyquest our fuarking hero
Based valve changing the competitive pool just before the major starts.
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>Got 3 major spots back last major
>Mongolz top 10 team
>Best Chinese team with ex-Tyloo players qualify for chinese major
>Grayhound back at major
>Region abusers put in the dirt
>Best opportunity for 2 Asia teams to get to top 16 ever
We're literally seeing Asian CS be revived before our eyes
even though I despise dexter and alistair I'm happy for FlyQuest. They're a good org with good branding and support and they deserve it
RA is not even a top 2 chinese team, wish we got TYLOO but they're the chinese astralis
Schrodinger's Chinese team:
The best Chinese team only exists when it fails to qualify for T1 tournaments. Whenever it has an opportunity to lose to FlyQuest, it is no longer the best Chinese team.
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>it's real
>rainy weather
Train, Cache, Mirage, Overpass, Inferno, Cobblestone, Subzero

Can't believe they added Nuketown and replaced Mirage with it.
i remember nuketown
what a shit map
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reddit hyped this shit for months kek
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Please let it be real..
Not a fan of that Borderlands looking B-Site but I'll reserve judgement for when it's finished downloading and I can see it in-game
jesus christ
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So yuro RMRs will be played in this new patch? Genuinely excited
Okay it looks way better in-game
The A site seems smaller but is more open. I'm gonna guess A will get quite a few tweaks.
I really like it though, Volvo popped off with this one.
What the fuck they did with catwalk
Of course not lol
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its joever...
Gaben will pay for this
Never fucking reply to me again.
They removed water from overpass, now i guess it's an oldfag callout like car on banana

Mr. Owl is playing Train.
watching summit play on yt bc lol no ads. train looks nice even tho they removed a lot of things
Popdog was unique, I still remember double dropping and fake flashes. Longdog is just another forgettable piece of the map.
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Cobblebros just hold on a little longer...
castle - cobble
warehouse - cache
bank - ????
bank is overpass
But OP was already in the game.
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Tough luck chuds, ohne is still in the game!
its not in the map pool thoughever and just got lots of tweaks in the latest patch

There, I fixed the map pool.
Nostalgia map pool
Ancient is unironically a good map
Remove inferno or mirage
Ancient is alright it can replace D2 or Nuke.
ancient is dogshit, util spam at the start, camp dumb angles looking to abuse shadows and then spamming smokes in retakes hoping for kills

thats it, thats the map

oh i forgot the horrid colour palette that lets skin retards abuse dark skins like camo
fuck ancient
Yeah it does feel like Ancient has kind of run its course. I feel the same way about Anubis but it just hasn't been in the map pool for as long.
Now think about V*rtigo.
Bank - overpass

The question is, which 3 go out?
zoomers will piss and shit their pants in fear at the thought of pushing that one door on T side
I genuinely think it's a list of new maps that'll come to the game rather than maps that will be introduced into the map pool. So that rules out Overpass.
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It also had Lake.
Did a zoomer fuck your wife? Rent free seething m*llennialoid.
a zoomer bussed all over my wife
aces out for flyquest

Oh alright, i was wrong, it could be a new map then
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When are they going to bring back actually good maps?
No cap? Thats grimace bro
He must’ve been skibidi rizz
It’s agency
type shit
Was agency a bank? I thought it was just a generic high rise.
stop playing dust 2 you 20 iq monkey
only map that tryhard chink 5 stacks cant utterly shut down with extreme autism
not clicking your link
checked but where's your 5 stack?
thanks for the feedback, dont forget to check out my profile for more funny moments and epic plays
Americas don't deserve 7 spots at the major. Hope this helps.
The teams are beyond pathetic, especially the SA ones. A better alternate arrangement would be 4 spots for NA and SA gets nuked off of the face of the Earth.
americans deserve nothing but pain and suffering
maybe if EU wanted more spots they shouldn't have lost to NA teams at the last major
is the bell on train still there or nah?
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karrigan's stance on asia is that australia and europe shouldnt be taking slots
There's no mention of Australia you obsessed freak
he explicitly mentioned rare atom and mongolz
where is flyquest mentioned?
They weren't you retard.
They also aren't European unlike you.
nigga just be glad talon beat flyquest otherwise it'd be none of you at your own major
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this fat retard is always seeking validation
0-3 guaranteed for flyquest
Lynn Vision
thank you for the counterjinx, aucsbro. they're sure to do well now
strongest jinxer in the world, killed tyloo drillas and lynn vision with just the power of your thought and words. your service will not be forgotten
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>No one mentions GO Bank
Did all of you join with CS2 or something?
Worry about your own team hippo-gramps. Australia is Asia, Asia is Australia.
Genuinely can't remember what this is. Was it a hostage map or something?
i dont play shit maps sorry
It was a demolition map, it's not surprising not many remember it.
I think it can work with defuse mode but they'll have to expand it quite a bit. Probably going to be a wingman map.
Isn't that a Payday 2 map?
Why do you think it's called GO Bank in Payday 2? It was a collab.
I never cared enough about Payday 2 to care.
early payday 2 before it became a solved game was absolute KINO
You mean just speedrunning the jewellery store cause it was the only map?
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CSGO map called Bank.
Mission called GO Bank in Payday 2.
matchfixing pause by boss
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nice one naz
ez 4 matthew "d4rty" "d4rtymontana" paplawskas
D 4 R T Y
argentinian cs
I'm bossed the fuck up
>COL vs M80
>2 AM
nigga istg
slight is so shit
>Be CT
>Only expend utility when the Ts do
It's literally that easy dumbasses.
they thought zonic was crazy too when he started
this is the guy in my MM games who lets them run out long D2 or A main on mirage, round after round and flames his team for not rotating fast enough
I guarantee you're the tard who runs long thinking he's simple but dies within the first 20 seconds of the round starting.
we found him, the guy who complains when you smoke things off at the start of the round
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Unless you're DMG or below, opponents are NOT rushing in buying rounds. You're literally wasting precious utility.

Also stop with the groupspeak "we" this isn't reddit you fag.
d4rtymontana holy shit
he's a dirty dawg
also fruitcupx is insane for a sub-esea advanced pugger they picked up a couple months ago
BOSS aren't winning this one are they?
DMG is top .9% of the playerbase because ranks are broken shitter, stop talking.
I was talking about GO ranks but whatever, 20k ELO for you retarded zoomers to understand.
ok but I was GE in GO so your fake gatekeeping just failed, CS2 peeking is even more retarded than GO which is why pros religiously util dump certain areas of maps and will continue to do so forever while you impotently theory craft in cs2g
>muh peeking
Already debooonked. Also justifying something as correct just because the pros do it is undeniable proof of acute mental retardation. Especially CS pros. They are the dumbest hivemind retards on the planet.
you arent very pleasant to be around
please do not reply to me unless you are high rws (9 or higher)
That is correct.
fuckin way she goes
thats what i get for having my hopes up for america
with BOSS and 9z losing today I believe there is no possible way for complexity and liquid to play decider for the final spot
if complexity and liquid both lose today, but win their 2-2 games liquid will automatically advance to the major without having to play the 7th place decider match
put your hope in the miracle liquid+col+m80 qual path
Austin brother, trust the process (script).
How do you get 13-0'd on your map pick?
why do NA RMRs get 1/3 the viewers of flyquest games?
Who are NAbros rooting for? Love both teams but imma have to go with COL.
>grim is the win condition here
>they lose
-hallzerk, floppy, jt, grim
col but i like both but also col has no chance in the 2-2/7th decider bracket they'll just choke
You're overestimating the monkeys.
hueshitters are notorious for gatekeeping good NA teams only to bomb out in humiliating fashion to euros

its like a nigger beating a white man to death and then being enslaved by the chinks the white man couldve put down with extreme prejudice
Actually good analogy.
just a single interesting game on today baka my head
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I cant fathom people cheering for col winning instead of the team imploding and elige joining falcons
>consigning him to the trash can along with niko and simple

kinda based by the saudis ngl

>china qualifier
>gr gaming

>GR Gaming is a Hong Kong esports organization.
Elige emulating the GOAT dexter
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how do i achieve this physique
Not so fast, Austin is coming up. COL is based out of the Lone Star State, yeehaw!
Just eat carbs like rice and pasta but in a moderate - moderate high quantity. No/minimal protein. And don't work out.
source of calories doesnt impact your physique, the waist is just where fat accumulates for men most visibly, and yes he doesnt exercise for muscles to bring out better form
I didn't say calories, I said carbs. Starchy foods that are high in carbs and low in protein.
Eat until failure x3 per day
Focus on calorie dense processed foods
So Cloud9 are an NA team?
So why are they playing the EU RMR?
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Cause they compete in the CIS region which is a part of Europe
But you said they were an American team, should they not play the Americas?
They decided to compete elsewhere, it's not that complicated
So they're not American?
his name was "Jaqcues" this whole time?
Their headquarters are in California my dude. Can we get to your actual point?
That where the org is based doesn't fucking matter for team nationality.
Evidently it does
Russia is part of China now anyway.
I can't tell if he's making the fake chinkcel argue against the real chinkcel's point that China beat FlyQuest because Talon is based in Hong Kong or two retards just ended up making the same retarded arguments in different conversations
McDonald's Qatar is an American company. Don't let these Euros play tricks on you
>m80 won't make the major
serves you faggots right for changing the logo
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Based humble Sexter.
Can't imagine their reaction when that one nigga 1G'd on the retake
the 1 actual asian player on drillas...
no one pointed out yekindar got an ace? with 3 awp frags?
why are aussies so honest and humble?

such a breathe of fresh air compared to the duplicitous chink liars and cheats that infest the asian regionj
You can’t, his dad actually part muffin. That’s all genetics
He'll fall off again to counter balance it.
its over
the beef is over
the chinese have reconciled with dexter
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Honestly good for Sonic, he grinded hard in NA and made a major.
what lando norris doing there in shorts?
Removing heaven from A site on train feels like a crime
>ultimate lifegaming saving multiple rounds
>jks doing 90 dmg and getting run over at A, but gets one ace
>only 0.01 difference in 2.1 rating
HLTV rating ruined counterstrike didn't it...
>HLTV rating ruined counterstrike didn't it...
I never cared about rating and I never will
yekindar is so fucking retarded
nice plant naf
they win on map 3 btw
liquid has no chance against furia EZ 2-1
I don't give a fuck i lost my bet anyway
no one cares
good, id say you'd learn your lesson but you gambling addicts never do
you can lose 100% of your savings but you can gain an infinite amount of profit
>outskill and make enemy mad
>they buy SMGs and rush

its just like my MM games
get mac10d lololol
I have never seen a team up so much and have a player on 0 kills.
liquid with the 10 seconds enter fallen strategy
oh god liquid are going to throw this lead
karrigan goat igl even taught twistzz how to mismanage time on inferno
furia 13-11
passive homosexual needs a reality check
yeah jks is the reason they can't hold b
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Your epic "aggressive" player
Oh hey Ultimate remembered how to point and click
do you think pro players lay down to sleep at night and hear 'YES' 'NICCCCEEEEE' 'NICE BOYS' 'LETS FUCKING GO'
gg furia tomorrow we destroy 9Z
-jks btw
its insane how jks pulls out those multikills

A site is literally off limits with his dude there
>unless Red Canids somehow beats Imperial, the winner between 9z and Furia directly qualifies
>the only way for M80 to directly qualify without playing the 7th place decider is for Red Canids to beat Imperial
M80 are so fucked
Can't believe JKS learned from his fellow country man Sexter how to make his teammate miss every shot.
australian aura too strong
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What's the tape covering?
it's always betting companies
he has a nipple piercing

open secret in the scene that hes a bdsm power bottom
>flyquest in
>jks in

absolutely based
Unless Canids win tomorrow if M80 and Furia win they'll face each other for the 7th spot
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coldzera needs to toggle to save north america
south america needs to be glassed by nuclear hellfire to save NA
if that happens imperial faces m80 for the final spot, who wins there then
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this is the autism i love
how shit was Yekindar today?
m80 obv, death to brazil
YEKINDAR 27-32 57.8 61.5% 0.81
>br0 to step in for Astralis in Shanghai as device out until 2025
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its devveover
cadian actually snaked his way back to the awp, unbelievable
ONE time with a w*man literally ruined dev1ce's life what the fuck bros TOTAL 3DPD DEATH
device is a fucking beat cuck, let a woman ruin his entire life and career lmao what a bitch made
He most likely has some real health problem or a fake mental health problem

give device a break
To my fans and the community,

I’m deeply saddened to share that I won’t be able to participate in the Shanghai Major 2024 due to a recurrence of stress-related health challenges.
This has been a difficult decision to make, but after discussions with a medical team, I know that…

— Nicolai Reedtz (@dev1ce) November 14, 2024
Adev1ce said something bad about his experience in numba1China and now he’s worried for his safety.
wow thats amazing
he just owned nafany interz axile and shitro all time goats
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I was looking forward to seeing what this new astralis lineup could do
I never really bought into them being heroic 2.0, but I guess that's actually what we're gonna get now
Hopefully we'll get some cadian kino. Unless he keeps riding his faggy bicycle
How does Astralis keep being this drama factory
device is the one single handedly causing a lot of them
Now its prob that he's been at the top for too much and achieved too many majors, otherwise no player goes "I has a sad, better skip the major"
Link please. Or which map/round it happened in.
last round before ot on the final map
If M80 wins, it'll be a decent result for NA. Wildcard, COL, M80, Liquid. Not bad. Would've been nice for BOSS and Nouns to join us but whatever.
>ruin popdog
>ruin ivy and the train near it
>condense both bombsites
>less opportunities for complex plays because of the reduced architecture in the sites
>multiple long lines of sight completely removed
yea thanks valve
How is this shit acceptable? Why don't they drug him up and beat him until he plays?
You play a fucking childrens electronic entertainment game for a living. What fucking stress?
fucking hate china so much bros
can't watch any of the major except the very early games because they don't start til like 8pm
Train got improved and anyone who complains should go back to getting killed while going through one of the super narrow and easily campable ways to enter the sites.
That map was absolute garbage and it's good valve acknowledged this
I can actually root for Astr*lis now. Br0 is a real bro.
season... now that was a map...
Saw it. The 1g was stupid but it was already a 3v4 retake with an awp. They weren't winning that round regardless.
Don't forget about subzero.
yeah i too am very glad for that guy, i remember him carrying South Africans back in the day, he has a real interesting journey as a player. going to NA, Extra Salt, the Envy benching, Bad News Bears... stood in for coL last year out of retirement and he's the best player in an elimination game, the only one that doesn't choke. switched from AWP to rifle in CS2 and qualified for a Major, on top of that i think he's doing college now while playing in Wildcard, seems like a nice role model of a player in a sea of dumbfucks, diligent and adaptable.
no trophies since 2020
no Majors played since 2021
GOATbros, is it joever?
Old csgo train was trash
simple won the 2021 major
IEM Rio Major 2022: health problems
PGL Antwerp Major 2022: health problems
BLAST Paris Major 2023: Did not qualify
PGL Copenhagen Major 2024: Did not qualify
Perfect World Shanghai Major 2024: health problems
shit comp' map
great dm map
maybe the real br0virus-19 was the enemies we made along the way
rest in piss u won't be missed
3 more majors than that slavic subhuman s0mple though
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white sissies...
honestly if all chinese died I think it'd be for the best overall
Chinks got little clitties
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bruh there's no way we got an actual chink itt, ching chong, ping pong!
BRos how likely is it that red canids can win vs imperial
have you thanked talon yet today for saving your country from complete embarrassment?
>the savior of CNCS right? if Talon hadn't beaten FQ, FQ would have won the second half and Drillas would have been very likely to win in the loser bracket
>RA should take Talon out for a good meal tonight
>If they hadn't taken over FQ, CNCS would have been completely wiped out
you can write it in english here too: "if not for the tenacity and strength of an oceanic t3 team, my country would have been an even bigger laughingstock than it already is. thank you AUNZgods"
based GOATess vicu, the only female who can flick with the AWP
Nigga I'm tired of daytime maps.
>Vitality -Spinx
>The king has returned to usher in a new golden age of blatant LAN toggles and undeniable hackusations
makes you wonder why they all want to move to white countries then
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>from wearing a suit sitting in his greenscreen office to this
Has he lost it?
You wouldn't have made the major if there were only two slots like last time.
if this were last time, the fq talon game would've been a bo3 and you wouldn't have even a single team fluke through
>you can write it in english here too: "if not for the tenacity and strength of an oceanic t3 team, my country would have been an even bigger laughingstock than it already is. thank you AUNZgods"
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devve already had IBS and other health issues well before he ever met that succubus, but she finished him off...
It's called divine retribution for macrotoggling
>To me, CS is losing its game feeling with updates like this. It feels like it’s trying to become more realistic with each map being redone. It started off with inferno becoming so overwhelmed with details around the map that it not only hurt the performance but also the visuals.
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Total freak death
He has a point about subtick
the lag/jitter in this game is insane
Didn't you see the patch notes? They totally fixed it.
They fixed the net jitter and packet loss? Where does it say that on the update notes?
>jimi joins falcons
cool I guess
Just read all of the notes, they didn’t do anything to address the packet loss that’s plagueing the game right now. Ontop of that, they added more features which can make that packet loss even worse.
What's the proper punishment for D0nk's meta-toggles? Kursk?
reddit post about a tweet by a leaker
How many jobs does Freakazoid have? Like what's he even up to other than tweeting like he's 15 again?
trying to hook the retards and children dumb enough to watch his streams on gambling
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didn't this guy say spinx was leaving like 20x
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drillas 2 incoming
yeah but last time he said a bunch of stuff and the coach denied almost all of it unprompted and called him a clout chaser
like he said it was because spinx hated mezii or something
Why are the EU RMRs several days from now?
Why would he decline Vitality and G2 but not Falcons? He isn't at the post-retirement-paychecking-stealing age yet like Niko.
For the love of god just open up the skybox I don't get the point of all the overhanging arches that close off the sky please for the love of god just open it up it's killing me.
the CEO denied it
and after that apex admitted it was true
sorry, coach* admitted it was true
>One of the rumors spreading was about Vitality being in advanced talks with Nemanja "huNter-" Kovač, but that was quickly shut down. "We never spoke to huNter-," XTQZZZ said. "Be it before, during, or after Cologne."
>While Spinx's transfer may have been on the table briefly, XTQZZZ dismissed issues with William "mezii" Merriman as the reason for him to ponder a possible exit. "He has his reasons, which are not the ones that were reported about him having problems with mezii," the coach said. "We know his grievances, which have nothing to do with this.
>"I don't know who ran their mouths to try and look good or whatever," he added, responding to KRL's claims that the leak came directly from Vitality staff. "I can just say that it wasn't about mezii. It lasted three or four days, and that issue was closed. I also want to protect Spinx because players explore their options in CS all of the time. I will say that there was never any will to make changes after we decided that we were staying put."
he's sorta overdrive tier where he might have half the story through the grapevine and makes shit up to fill in the gaps
oh wait, you mean apex said spinx didn't like mezii after that article?
no no, i just mixed up apex and Xtqzz giving the interview from this >>1501706 post.

i also vaguely remember someone from the team saying mezii and Spinx being regular gym buddies and pretty close, so i don't think they had a confrontation, if i had to give an opinion i'd say it's more likely about the general playstyle of the team and Spinx slowly starting to slump in form after they added FlameZ and mezii, who knows.
go m80
go red canids
go usa
shit i forgot the games started
if m80 loses then south america takes the majority of the 7 slots
CHEERS to m80
CHEERS to red canids
SA already constitutes 10/16 of the RMR participants. So unless they go 5/7 they're underperforming.

But all that is irrelevant SA needs to be nuked ASAP.
na only has 6/16 slots and half already qualified within the top 5 spots, compared to 2/10 sa
wait i'm retarded and only read the first 5 words, ignore this
yes, na earned 7 slots then legacy stole one by breaking the rules, bringing the total number of na teams to 6
Literacy is hard for you evidently you fucking twat
why you spergin out
you weren't even the one talking to him
because 2 people already explained the situation and he STILL fucking misunderstood the argument
these people aren't worth the oxygen they waste
Na vs SA shitposting lacks the fun of China vs Australia.
You guys need to be more mentally ill.
I don't dislike any br teams besides the ones who play na quals
I think the cn-aus thing is because both regions have been bad recently (china forever basically) so they don't advance at the major and get more spots, so it's zero sum. liquid furia col even mibr could fluke us a legend slot
to clarify, I want the best teams going through and winning, not a pity qualification
bigger event and more invites probably helps with this, as does only splitting invites between two ping regions
I dislike ALL SA teams. I dislike the entire continent of SA. This post here >>1500885 perfectly sums up the situations. I hate these gatekeeping shitters so fucking much it's unreal. They NEVER win anything. NEVER. For the amount of money and infrastructure invested they have absolutely NO returns. Just think how many SA teams you have and then recognize the fact they've won absolutely nothing. NOTHING. BIG FAT NOTHING. TMD.
pause major
bravo china
gatekeeping what though
legacy&co going through na quals to events like epl, indefensible. legacy&co going through na quals to the rmr, indefensible. but if we can't beat fuckin bestia gaming on lan in a neutral arena pan-american tournament, we weren't getting to the legends stage anyway
>I dislike ALL SA teams. I dislike the entire continent of SA
incredibly based
Nah NA teams have that secret sauce, C9 Boston was proof. SA teams are just above average but will never win anything.
Why did M80 change their logo to a like radioactive symbol?
c9 was the #5 team in the world before boston. they were not choking to fallen like col did
actually the biggest low-tier major overperformers were probably that fallen team that made legends when c9 (gambit?) completely collapsed vs them
refinement culture
Would've loved to see Nouns qualify they were the only pureblood mutt team in contention.
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>RL has spent the last 2 and a half days arguing with ohnepixel fans for saying that drillas was stealing major opportunities from real asian teams, all while preparing to host the shanghai major
also why is the "i just shit myself" picture his wikipedia photo
>she still cares what this bald retard thinks
still not watching your podcast ol' richie boy
fuck you m80 fuck you
hold strong
Why are monkeys and insects always loud when their team is winning but cuck silent when they're losing?
why are yuros so unreliable?
m80 in 3, not even worried
don't look up m80's history against bestia on anubis
i need this
i need swisher to win
for all us incels
road to ot starts here
gg go next fast
is this sabotage by eu double agents?
bros it's happening
no jinx you fuck
this does not fookin slip
jesus christ what a fumble
no one pulls off 12-0 runs in back to back maps against m80
and again, embarrassing
M80 has no chance against Bestia
sorry gringos
drop these shitters
lake too based for this era, needs to move to the a4 for mag size
bestia and m80 are both lucky that red canids will destroy imperial
i miss the old A1
the 25 round A1
talking bout the cold A1
so much control A1
american CS is awful, it is such a bad look for our game that all NA teams need to be barred from competing
its over
third world seether neck yourself
rapt watching our game, our games, like a lil cuck
germoid dogshit anchors
i can't believe it
i can't fucking believe it
the problem with the "send lake on a suicide mission and they'll think it's our real attack because he's our only good player" strat is that he's their only good player and the rest of the team is wet paper towels without him
get these euro shitters off the team
out the country, deported
benedict arnold fucks
pls god
the classic PGL matchfixing starts now
So which team is Lake going to?
Liquid or Complexity?
no one is making more to throw a single game than they are from sticker money
grim out lake in
none, elige and twistzz are joining him
what the fuck are they doing seriously
tomaszin 1vs5
both teams need to pray for Red to win because they don't have a chance against imperial or furia
Silence, monkey.
Tomaszin sounds like a name from a 1950s Italian mob movie.
remember m80 fnatic anubis
i remember
I remember a lake round
why the fuck is reck hiding
piss break match inbound
PWE spectator is cooking.
fuck this shit
ridiculously bad
The Rothschilds taking control of M80's minds at the opportune moment to ensure they push like retards and throw the round.
n1 slaxz
i didn't hear no bell
the utility usage is abysmal
the defensive setups are atrocious
No that was just the favela executing your neighbor.
fuck this shit i'm going to bed and will wake up with lake stickers
it's third map double ot win or go home to qualify for a major
M80 should win because their stickers are objectively superior and will pair really well with some AKs.
That 4v5 retake was crucial. Very well done, cool and calm.
m80 gets to match point and every time they forget how to play
just the most retarded plays lmao
>another ot
bros i cant keep doing this
This match is still going?
>Verification not required.
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Based USA.
goodnight americhads
A little late to the party but why did Legacy play in the NA qualifiers?
they and e-xolos lazer are brazilian teams who live in the us
because its ok for browns to break rules in biden's america
They are a completely Brazilian team playing with a Brazilian org. 1. How are they allowed in America? 2. Why weren't they forced to go back to Brazil to play in their qualifiers? Can Liquid just stay in Shanghai for a week and decide they're eligible for the Asia RMRs?
dont worry, everyone in cs2g hates brazilians as much as you do
I mean yeah I hate monkeys but I'm trying to understand how exactly were they allowed to play in the NA qualifiers.
Genuinely sad Nouns didn't make it through. I wish for a full redblooded American team to win the Austin major. American org, American players, American major, American win.
good fucking shit boys
Wonder if someone could gaslight Trump into supporting NA CS
ughhhh sexo
surely Mr. Lake has some high profile connections
i'm guessing that you can move between north and south america because it still trickles down to the americas but you have to have residency
9z moved to europe but they still have to play in the americas
This map pool doesn't feel real. Something has to give.
vertigo is being replaced by train, ancient will be replaced by cache
I can never bring myself to watch a full SA match. Boring as hell garbage plays made by soulless players.
I've come around to liking ancient.
I've gone from hating it, to liking it, and now I kind of hate it again
valve seem obsessed with making maps that cater to SMG rushing retards and shadow abusers
they are subhumans who are breaking the rules
they are explicitly banned from playing na rmr qualifiers per the valve rulebook, they do it anyway and the TOs don't stop them. na teams have asked if they can move to south america and play there and been told no
nope, it's by citizenship
justify mirage being in the major pool for all of csgo
its fun, everyone knows it and can relate to what they are watching

the only people who hate mirage are the nolifers on faceit who play it 10 times a day and think the map is the problem
if you cut it, a nonzero amount of people will stop playing cs
it's not like when they cut d2 and had mirage waiting
also, the main issue with mirage was the one way smokes, again, not an issue with the map, but an issue with valve not fixing smokes, and tryhards abusing them
Yeah Imperial really did delete Red Canids.
>and shadow abusers
This is not talked about enough. Shadows are a BIG mistake. I'm often the cuck B anchor in my 5 stack and the amount of times I could stop a push + inform my team beforehand because of a shadow is uncountable.
Especially Ancient and Nuke are bad
Is Red Canid a reference to dog cock?
niggas acting like M80 can't pummel a bunch of monkeys with extreme prejudice
man i just wanna go to bed
so what are matey's chances against
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based fallen
That'll buy him another year of paycheck stealing
Major MVP btw
>condoms company is sponsoring this major
>deliberately no freya nor sjokz was hired for broadcast
what do they mean by that?
whats the forecast on amerilard cope when they choke against furia as fallen aces every other round?
M80 has no chance against Furia.
Thank god with the invites next year using VRS the NA scene will disappear
you will never be him
1 hour until m80 vs furia for the last spot
games you can watch in the mean time
you have to pick one
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i know my GOAT caster when I see him
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M80 with that SHIT logo does not deserve a sticker, please win Furia!
Oddly I like their logo on their jersey and how they have it on the shoulders.
for what its worth i hope team australia loses
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I rarely root for american teams, but I really don't want a 4th brazilian team for the major
what the fuck are furia doing
Might be controversial to say but I think Lake is looking to be a promising prospect as a young NA player.
You mean besides playing in a team with multiple top 10 players and endless money?
Vamos furia bota esses gringos pra mamare
Go furia, these white boys are bots?
m80 picked map, t sided. but yeah looking a bit shit
australia won btw
why na cant produce any decent full na roster without some random europeans to carry them?
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Furia 2-0
Anubis: 13-10
Vertigo: 13-2
It will never not be hilarious that amerilards have to poach european talent just to pretend to be relevant.
too much fluoride in the tap water so they all play valorant
dogshit germoid awp choking in the rmr AGAIN
fallen and the boyz humbles na prodigies on thier very own map
how did they not show a replay of that?
What is it with american teams and choking?
this isn't even a choke
they are built different
they're german
Kek what a RAPE
typical Han German team
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I vividly remember slaxz missing every shot on ancient back then
singlehandedly fucking threw the game because they still got close
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Thank God EU starts in a couple days. This third world gameplay has been a terrible experience.
EU aren't even good enough to qualify through Asia.
m80 are done
I hate the USA but I hate Furia more
get your shit together
kek what a throw
You can take the monkey out of the favela, but you can't take the favela out of the monkey.
Peaked at ProLeague
based fallen
based professor
good riddance, imagine calling yourself m80 but then having people say it em eighty and not matey
fuuuuuuuuuuuck :(
also why does it have to be same day?
why are Americans here more invested in M80 than coL? at least that's what it seems to me .
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deserved for their shit logo
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EM EIGHTY sissies, we lost...
>only 6 teams from EU in the major
opening stage
eu gets more slots in the elimination stage
>Rare Atom (china)
>Rare Atom (australia)
>EU already eliminated
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americans, explain yourself
that's like the basketball world cup, who cars
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what should be done with him?
Change your stats
Like a girl
Changes clothes
Yeah you
Where'd he go?
what is this?
saudi world championship
no excuse losing to Tunisia CS
also that tournament has a 100k dollars grand prize which matters a lot for Valve ranking, it would be in every tier 2-3 team's interest to win this actually (if they are not at the RMRs).
our competing team is hltv rank #227 and not even on the valve rankings. I've only ever heard of one of the players and it's because he's a meme for making tiktoks
>wake up
>M80 lost
What have you guys done?
kek based
everyone threw a game they shouldn't have
m80 vs boss, furia vs legacy, red canids vs imperial
liquid vs whoever it was
Olof is /our/ guy, ukies in shambles
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Needs a gf stolen so he can channel that rage into CS
faZe up
i think this solidifies m80 as a shitty farm team
someone save lake
they kinda fluked that EPL run, basically only beat tier 2 teams to get to quarter-finals (coL is a boundary tier 1 team i guess) and then lost flat to another tier 2 team, as a neutral i think you (Americans) are expecting too much of them and it's mostly based on that performance.
i played with gabe on mapcore he's not very sociable or nice
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>Virtus.pro vs G2
>Inferno decider
>12-11, VP leading
>Jame is left on B site 1v3 behind box
>He breathes out, and remembers what happened that one time
>"See you next year during our's and Falcons' El Trashico, Nikola Kovac"
>Channels his Christ energy and 1v3s
Enjoy the script.
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Why is it always Inferno B though
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alright, who will choke, who will overperform and qualify?
SINNERS and maybe Sangal will slide in, one will probably eliminate falcons
Cloud9 & SAW will continue their downward spirals
Na'Vi should qualify, though I do expect them to drop at least a game due to overexerting themselves previously, and having a shit ton of games ready to dissect.
Same applies to Vitality, but Ghost of France will farm and carry them over the finish line
FaZe Academy are starting to look like frauds and will likely find themselves in 2-2 territory
FaZe are 50/50, entirely depends if rain and frozen want to ghost or not
Falcons are going to either 3-0 or 1-3, depends if anyone on that team gives a shit about giving the slightest bit of shit
BetBoom are doing worse and worse, likely 2-3 or worse
fnatic are going to luckshit their way in, I feel it
Nemiga are on the rise, likely gonna steal a spot as well
Unity are easy 0-3, M1key is one foot out, and he's the only one playing with his monitor turned on
Cloud9 are easy 0-3 as well, should disband and let BB, VP, Spirit pick up HeavyGod, Ax1LE and ICY (not respectively)

Don't follow others well enough to comment.
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How is SAW on a downward spiral, they just dominated a tier 2 LAN and qualified for EPL with a new player
navi 3-1
vitality 3-1
mouz 2-3
faze 3-0 / 2-3
falcons 3-0 / 1-3
fnatic 3-1 / 3-2
nemiga 3-0 / 3-2
unity 0-3
cloud9 0-3

dunno about others
Played a mm game with some botter with 10k commendations who doesnt do anything entire game ending with 13-0 and I just know valve wont jack shit about it, or botters in general, or derankers or griefers or psychopaths who abuse people entire game if they feel like it.

I have to spend my free time playing something better than mm where 90% of games is either turks or walling russians.
>Vitality extend flameZ contract through 2027
>He and fame now have the longest known contracts
lmao gg
thank you based vitality
Flamez is good though, he's comfortably the 2nd best player of Vitality already a year after joining, as an entry. They can rebuild a great team around him and ZywOo easily.
Is this a joke post? That's literally what happened
not a fan of jail contracts like this
everyone knows what happened to FURIA and their blockbuster roster move
but vitality already have their albatross of a shit national player in apex, and he's gonna retire sooner rather than later
there's zero guarantees vitality will be a tier-1 team after apEX fucks off, or ZywOo asks for a fatter paycheck
they already started wobbling after zonic and magisk left, this might very well put flameZ into jai
and needless to say, they left precisely because Vitality couldn't keep their salary after the big man asked for a bigger slice
zywoo is getting paid $100k/yr
I have confidence they can find a competent enough igl to win with zywoo, they clearly did fine after ALEX left
that's it?
obviously not as he would get 1mil+ from saudis
there's zero guarantees for anything in life, how is playing alongside #1 player in the world for at least 2 years considered jail? ZywOo is in Vitality until at least 2026, FlameZ just has to play his usual game and he will probably win multiple trophies and earn a lot of money and stickers. he is not a supestar like m0nesy, ZywOo, etc., 99% tier 1 players would love to be in that position.
>#1 player in the world
because he'll be 28 when his contract runs out
that's not even jail, that's prision, one slip up and he's rotting on the bench until the end of times while everyone around you gets higher salaries
it's a great deal if you're an average tier-1 player, sure, but I think a 2 year contract would be way better for his future
certainly not d0nk, not may0NESY either
nobody else who can compete with BywOo comes to mind
i agree, it's a bit too long, but far from bad. also we don't know the details of the deal and what his priorities are so it's all blind talk from here. he could end up like rain or like es3tag.
Jake Paul vs pashaBiceps when
$100k/mo, sorry
still Vince
pretty impressive, i only make 32k/mo as a dj
Bettors of r/globaloffensive, who are you betting on winning in Tyson vs Paul and why?
they lost chudtronic (who has gone on to kill VP as well kek)
kek i knew this post was coming
All part of the plan for C9 to become NA again.
Even BR vs BR matches were more entertaining than this.
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that was so fucking grim
tf are you watching
the fight
he should go to mouz, they could go undefeated in group stages for all time
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you have got to be fucking kidding
>be chinese
>not cut out for white mans game
>transitions to femal-valorant

just to recap
>tyloo creates a literal superteam that dumpsters all other chinese teams
>tyloo can't make rmr directly because flyquest and lynn vision took invite spots
>tyloo lost the chinese qualifier to rare atom in a massive upset
>tyloo still dumpstered lynn vision on lan to make epl
>tyloo now lost one of their best players to fucking valorant and zdr is going to replace him who wasn't even that good in china let alone against eu teams
there is no such thing as happiness
EU RMR Predictions/Premonitions/It-was-revealed-to-me-in-a-dream's
>SAW go through 3-0
>GL-Faze face off in the 7 place tiebreaker
>Dynamo Eclot(who) beat s1mple's Falcons 13-7 in the opening match
My prediction is one of the big teams will shit the bed.
magixx needs to lose a ton of weight and transition
>and transition
When does EU rmr start
you look at Snax and think "das a big man"
you look at chopper and think "das a big man"
you look at ZywOo and think "das a big man"
you look at JW and think "that's a disgusting type of a fattie"
you look at magixx and think "that's a disgusting type of a fattie"
>you look at ZywOo and think "das a big man"
ehhhhhhhh not really, considering that he's like 23 and looks 33, also you forgot flusha
tyloo is collapsing before they can even make a cs2 major and you dont give a shit
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BywOo is the worst of the three strongmans, but still not as bad as Mr. 69 and pregnant man
flusha... das a big man
is that a fucking burzum tshirt
>tyloo can't make rmr directly because flyquest and lynn vision took invite spots
tyloo can't make the rmr because they didn't put a team together until it was too late. they added their last player on august 3rd and invites went out on the 6th
current valve rankings are mongolz (1731), flyquest (1379), tyloo (1040), atox (998), lynn vision (992). the gap between flyquest and tyloo is bigger than tyloo to gods reign, but they could've gotten a direct qualification in third place if they didn't wait til the last minute to build a team
Snax is a fucking giant (201 cm), he made NEO who is like above average height look like a manlet.
>everyone puts their right arm over their left
>except FL1T
also this jersey is better than the previous hexagonal shit, and makes them look like an actual threat (lol)
>everyone puts their right arm over their left
my right, their left
>everyone puts their right arm over their left palm
8pm PST (the main character of time zones)
now that falcons is most likely
are they gonna buy siuhy as igl? Allah knows mouz cant outbid falcons.
Glaive is in the background in ence perhaps which would be funny since snappi came from ence.
Or get another rilfer and have niko igl.
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longest loss streak I've ever had. I went from 2180 elo to 1846
Welcome nafany!
You now remember oBo, leaf, and Xeppaa
oBo got mindbroken by living in NA
lads what should we think about that?
8 fuckin minutes im not watching that
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>Hey what's up guys I'm a horrible human being, woman rapist and a misogynist
Could not care less about this french ugly pathetic bug
kill yourself anglo faggot
Silence, incel chud
he's fugly so nobody cares
actually he is one of the most normal looking ones among this whole shitshow
can you redpill me on our mr mental fatigue?
if you mean devve:
everyone from the golden squad said that they've been overworked to hell, and I think device either was the one with the most pressure, or is just weakest physically and mentally
then nip and his girlfriend shit happened, and he just gave up on living, as did his body, so now he's a shadow of his former self
he has a micropenis
What pussy does to a mf
I'm going to sleep, waking up in 4 hours.
Vitality loses against GL.
Screencap me.
he's incredibly normal looking and in no way some ugly incel. He's also quite well behaved publicly and comes across as some business major type who also played some CS.
Post the webm of Snax pulling out of a van
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Kek that's stupidly fast based anon
I really don't see any upsets other than C9 vs Faze but given their current state it's hard to even call it an upset.
maniac how do you pull off the fall+grope maneuver
once I'm drunk I don't have the hand eye coordination to manage the acting and the precision grope, is it out of reach if I'm not a pro gamer or do you not get that drunk
get in, get your sniff, get out
Fucking based, i wanted to ask that for months but didn't think anyone has it
upsets always happen at the EU RMR, you'll see
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There's gonna be major seethe over the 7th/8th deciders for sure
I actually do wish Thorin was at the major
Euro RMRs must be the highest pressure tournaments of all, bunch of good teams where you can lose to anyone, you play 2 or 3 bo1s and there's like at least a couple of million dollars for the org and the players at stake
I think we can say with a good amount of confidence the following teams will qualify:
Betboom (unironically)

I just don't see Fnatic, Cloud9, Falcons (lmao) or Gamerlegion showing up. The remaining teams I don't know very well but I'll take my chances.

On a related note, any NAbros here who bet on these games? Which state are you from and which site do you use to bet?
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>Betboom (unironically)
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Good morning NAVINATION
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good evening pekka
jL my beloved
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God it's good to be watching real CS
Is the real CS being played right now?
by one team
>tranny mutt squad
>real cs
wasn't talking about vitality
It's kinda sad remembering that Fnatic used to be one of the best teams in all of CS.
when did cooper become such an unironic howling basedboy? he wasn't like this a couple years ago
hes gotta peddle gambling sites to teens so he has to pivot his strategy
this nigga istg....
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need it or keep it?
GL fairly competitive with Vita
>Major grand final will be BO3 MR12
Don't forget that, in case you were starting to enjoy these matches too much.
i can't believe broesser lost to dust...
im so done with timeouts and tech pauses that im completely ok with bo3
that makes me more hype
fine as long as it doesn't start at 7pm or something late like that
don't forget that it's gonna be in china at some godawful hour too
c9 13-7
rain pulling out those rounds that keep him on FaZe
doing well against c9 in a nothing game is not keeping him in faze
faze kwab
c9 looked decent, then absolutely terrible
ropz and frozen kwab
twistzz leaving ruined ropz
the NA effect
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>It's been 216 days, 18,662,400 seconds, 311,040mins, 5184hrs, 30 weeks, and 6 days or 7 months and 2 days since this tournament was played, and still, nothing is paid out to the teams that played (correct me if I am wrong, or have I been lied to again? ).. Nothing from them!
Jeet sirs?
Easy for my heroes FaZe Clan.
It's funny because twistzz leaving ruined twistzz too.
what needs to happen to get navi vs falcons round 2?
Oh no no no
s1mple haters???
jumping-clutching-s0mplebros we are so back
>see csgog simple posting
>check stream
>taken to OT by...Eclot?

Did you miss his 1v2 clutch?
i just opened the stream, that sounds epic, the goat is back
why does this caster sound like an american documentary voice over
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good morning turkroach, pls don't make these if you aren't watching tier-2 cs :)
>not a single upset
rmr b is better anyway
>Not a single upset
And thats a good thing at this stage
falcons won tho
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broky manhandled prime s1mple back in the day
falcons are done
Saw lost
>in 2024 (2025)
>manhandling anyone
lativian loser is gonna be outclassed in 30 minutes
it's just the truth
s0mples gonna tilt out the server by round 5
gotta make it an even field somehow, it's a bit unfair to play as a 5 stack vs ropz and 4 bots
You’re literally the guy they use in faceit ads with a 20 L streak lmfao
based ECLOT
bald fraud, kikes, fat fuck, french sissy and the guy nobody remembers about to be BTFO
dont think there will ever be a team i enjoy seeing lose more than kiketality
-electroNic +Magnojez
vp have an era
shitmixes are soooooooo fucking boooooooooring to watch
EU CS is soulless.
can't wait until another 13-3
holy fuck this was a boring day
>mantle up
what the fuck does that even mean
rain having a good day into extending the contract for 10 more years into having 0.1 kd more than karrigan
respect to the norwegian man, he knows what's uo
Falcons should unironically disband and start everything from the scratch.
based rain + godky sequence
So Zonic is a fraud, thats settled, right?
Who is staying for next year except Magisk?
he's still the goat coach though, he transformed serial chokers into the most dominant team in history of CS
s1mple and maden
tier 1 CS be like:
"real cs"
stoppable force vs movable object
SPUNJ is genuinely the worst t1 caster in the scene
they should just disconnect, apologize and disband
i hate this stupid mongoloid manlet and his slavshit band of incels
>professional CS2 Esport athletes
>they get paid millions for this
You have to fake being drunk or potentially using some sort of upper drugs with it.
Something like cocaine, mephedrone or amphetamines will make your alcohol resistance go double and you will be sharp as a knife despite being 8 beers in.
after the first kill and rain's position is known. s1mple should defuse, magisk should cover
epic shit, thanks for webming
jesus clutch against ropz here
ropz is a fucking bot, getting overran with duals like a gold nova on map point
get this ugly incel ropz out of my team
Post Porsche
maden awareness GOAT
holy fuck +frozen might contest +electronic for the worst roster move of the year
what's the point in keeping both ropz and frozen in one team, they are carbon copies of each other and in every single game one of them just logs out because of it
maden is so fucking awful I wish I could beat up this ugly incel-looking turkish lanklet for ruining the GOAT's chances
frozen is much better at this point
My schizoky.
Easy for my heroes FaZe Clan.
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I have never seen anyone molly that spot in 16k hours of cs
he's right tho, ECLOT choked a 1v2 against s0mple
they should be 0-2 at this point
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midky BTFO by a 40 year old awper legend
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talent mollies a spot no one else can hit, genius mollies a spot no one else can see
this loser with the gamer dent looks like an ape in this picture. very sad display.
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The voices told him he was there. The voices are never wrong.
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there are now zero koreans left in counter strike
this is your fucking fault
work visa ended, back to north korea you go
>blamef could step up with this rifle....
gets one then baits his team as they all die
he's gonna do his military service soon, and I don't think he's coming back to play CS after that
very sad, S.Korea is entirely riot games' turf, he had no chance from the beginning
should've switched to valorant and try to build the career there, but I guess he liked CS too much to switch*
>this is your fucking fault
interesting, i thought the last Korean man standing, XigN, explicitly said it was all his compatriots' fault for being cheap bastards and not wanting to pay 9 dollars for a game, in a country where virtually every fucker owns a Samsung flip phone and a bunch of other useless tech shit.

South Korea, while never a Counter-Strike superpower, appeared regularly on the CS 1.6 world stage in the second half of the 2000s, when teams like project_kr, Lunatic-hai and e-STRO (who would later become WeMade FOX) wrestled with the best. By that point, however, the impressive flow of talent had dwindled to a trickle as Counter-Strike had lost a lot of popularity in the country since becoming a paid game.

>"Back then in South Korean culture, people were negative about buying games with money," XigN explained to HLTV. "Many players left for other online games that you didn't need to pay to play. So when e-STRO and WeMade FOX were tier 1 teams in the world, CS was already dead in South Korea."
>refuse to buy a 9 dollar game
>blow thousands on F2P dogshit
Asians are so fucking retarded.
i think this is the result of the internet cafe culture
not a lot of koreans play on their personal computer at home, and why would any respectable internet cafe business pay money for a game 40-50 times when there's a shit ton of free slop?
can't you just buy the game on your Steam account once, go to an internet cafe, log in any play your shit? i've never been to an internet cafe but i always thought that's how it works.

also, Russia and Ukraine are poorer than South Korea and i know they had a vivid internet cafe scene
kill yourself aushit
the only reason you haven't killed yourself is you refuse to buy the rope
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this motherfucker hasn't aged in 10 years
hohol don't spoil
Chrisj randomly becomes lucid to call maniac a sociopath kek
yes compared to fondling a lady for 5 seconds in a club is so much worse than losing his career/job he spent decades building
is chrisj just retarded?
he's dutch, he's probably schizophrenic from all the drugs he's taken

why is moses mic quality that bad?
I have mutual friends with ChrisJ and he used to take drugs and go to DnB/Hardstyle raves like a decade ago
Tonight's matches:
>Navi vs Mouz
>Faze vs Vitality
Might as well wrap up the major here.
I wonder why like, top 10 teams needs to be in the rmr

in the past you specifically avoided having the major grand final happen on the 3rd match
>fondling a lady for 5 seconds in a club
maniac you'll have more luck trying to control the narrative on hltv
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>XELLOW, ragga and old man BTN finally fucking won big
based beyond belief
2024 starts the era of the Romanian BVLL
even gypsies don't claim the manlet, that's crazy
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what'd romania win?
an actual world cup would be so cool.
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national team tier list
>sweden great
and danes because.. heroic has 2 danes or is it solely karrigan who is one leg in the retirement home?
russia would have 3 teams in top tier desu
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Why are poolish "people" so bad at videogames?
Elite is understandable.
I'd put danes and swedes in good, french in great just because they can probably make 1 great team (Zywoo being the back bone). Swap Bosnia with Brazil, too many BRs vs Niko and his family.
wtf are swedes doing there
nigga tried slipping in danedogs and swedecucks thinking we wouldn't notice it's 2024
russian national team would be insane
donk and m0nesy are 2 top 3 players, and both aggro enough to fit other baity stars
>navi and mouz playing each other for qual spot
>meanwhile in asia rmr rare atom qualifies from beating #130 talon
>meanwhile in murica rmr wildcard qualifies via beating 9z

well, that wont be happening in 2025
Navi/Mouz winner will go directly to the 2nd stage though
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This is the 4th one. People must really like me.
Agreed because in 2025 half of Mouz will have been poached, Talon will be top 30, and Wildcard will have been signed by a top org after Stan the E*ro Slayer leads his team to a top 4 finish.
nigga I am NOT staying up till 1 AM it's fucking monday tomorrow
c9 chads
Go to bed early so you can watch the matches.
It's what I've had to do for pretty much every tournament ever.
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EU and NA when they have to spend a single tournament doing what we've done our entire time watching CS
if they moved to the new system 9z would qualify without even playing an rmr
if they are actually adding 50% more spots next major (as rumored), wildcard would cmfortably omake it too
well yea your region fucking sucks and is DOMINATED by flyquest
yeah this shit blows
what have the chinese ever done for cs
when renegades and 100t were good they played in america so that was basically us too
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>instant replies
ya seethe?
why do you keep attaching selfies to your posts
>our entire time watching an eu/na centered game
uh yeah?
do I bitch about starcraft or pingpong or whatever they're good at being on at weird times? of course not
Starting to think Falcons aren't a very good team for the money.
don't need the "for the money" bit
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name the 3-5 teams you're most excited to see play at the major
It's incredible how bad Falcons are on a fundamental level
I've had more teamplay in low elo solo queue
snappi beyond fraudulent
maybe zonic too
>that s1mple lean back and sign
Saudi solution is to throw more money at the problem with NiKo and Jimpphat
2026 major in tuvalu
it kinda is though lol
I'm giving my two weeks' notice tomorrow so I can stay up as late as I want, fuck my shitty ass job lmao
white people are the only group that matters
saw blatantly microtoggling
falcons playing like they're all getting cut
RL must be creaming himself watching this
I'd be reacting that same way if I knew I'm wasting the 3 months of my big return playing for Falcons desu
Everyone in it plays like a retired millionaire
do yuros really
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>china in the toilet

what did they mean by this?
aleksi is hot
nice ass (no homo)
>perfect world
>world isn't perfect
mouz is such a fucking ugly team
>less people watching navi v mouz than a flyquest game
well maybe because americans are asleep and europeans are at work
if i wasn't on sick leave i wouldn't be watching it
navisissies..... this can't be happening
triple OT on pgl_cs2
nemiga have thrown a 2v1 vs a dude with 3hp to win the map

and now a 3v1 against a dude with 10hp
studio warriors
haha but seriously end the series now
Not a good sign when Karrigan has been your best player.
I believe
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shouldn't have come back
>True Rippers leave Counter-Strike
>According to Dust2.in, Indian organization True Rippers has decided to shut down its CS division for the time being citing financial viability and lack of results.
the asian scene is dying in real time
easiest ace to send to OT of his life
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and looking at their twitter they just won a tournament yesterday?
More like True RIPers
Lmao so many overtimes
>15:15 piss break
why are euroid bladders so weak? it took 60 rounds for m80 fnatic
another satisfying day of watching kiketality lose
What match are you watching exactly?
red canids also did the same thing and were getting chewed out by the chinese ref for it
respect for ropz protesting the jump box by not using it
fail clan
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One of these guys just looks different from the others idk why it's weird huh
This RMR qualifier shit is stupid.
Its like jerking off before visiting your gf.
Why are we getting T1 vs T1 team bo3 in fucking QUALIFIER so early?
Fucking insect chinks cant do anything right
>Why are we getting T1 vs T1 team bo3 in fucking QUALIFIER so early?
cause normally three of them choke a Bo1
but more importantly
Because they were both in the 2-0 part of the swiss bracket which is how they always work?
hot ass
bye bye failcons
KEK 10/10
should have been oskar giving the interview though, he's the out of retirement boomer in the team
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You're laughing. This man is about to miss major again, and you're laughing.
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>another satisfying day of watching kiketality lose
Vitalitysisters, i can't believe we went 0-3... the ghost of Paris disappeared again...
man i want both faze and fnatic to lose...
kek what a KWAB
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>Looka at me, look at me
>look at my arms
>looks at my muscles
God I hate gymcels so much it's unbelievable, fucking retards
I only dislike people abusing steroids to get unnatural body shape
those and people who make their large arm their entire personality
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>>Looka at me, look at me
>>look at my arms
>>looks at my muscles
>God I hate gymcels so much it's unbelievable, fucking retards
holy lelmao
Hvly insecurity
>never won a big LAN event
>won 1 (ONE) big online event
>appeared on 1 (ONE) Major in his career, despite playing for big teams since 2019
>statistically proven to be an eco cobra, probably the only such case of a star player in history of top tier CS, plays 2x more aggressive on ecos than on full buys
>won 1 (ONE) MVP award, Pinnacle Cup Championship 2022, by farming Party Astronauts (who got signed by EG as part of their "15 player fluid roster" experiment, playing as EG.White)
>somehow nominated 4x for HLTV top 20 player of the year
you can't make this shit up
name a bigger case of fraudulence in esports

that aside, he did play well today when it mattered
Vitality, Na'Vi, MOUZ, FaZe
Spirit, G2, Eternal Bots, Blastralis, Heroic

Why such discrepancy in skill?
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G2 always pays to have the easy path
desu this is the first time Vitality ever went 3-0, they always had some problems in the RMR
>If anyone issscccchhhh running a podcassssccchhhhttttt, newssscchchhhh outlet, or ssccchhhhhhomething similar & would like me to guessscchhhhttttt it, feel free to reachssccchhhh out.
This formerly fat fucktard should get a lifetime restraining order from all microphones
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make sure to go out there on the internet and vote for aleksib
Literally just make a "We need LGBT agent" post and you get 10 in an instant.
what do aleksib and zypoo have in common?
What is this?
lol bugs will win anon
faker fucking stinks
the GOAT is never washed
>e """""""""""Sports"""""""""""""
if athleticism wasnt a factor why is there zero female esporter in a top team?
>Short: peacemaker open to coaching offers in 2025
Get certified to run heavy equipment, sit in an air controlled cab watching cs all day long and get paid for it.
Infact the major issue you’ll run into is there isn’t enough cs to watch and you have to supplement it with other things like sci-fi or horror vids or anime if that’s your thing, for me it’s not, I like to learn and think about weird things.
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Fuck forgot pic
Also please tell Elon to stop automating things they’re gonna terk muh jerb
Simple needs to retire and coach
>play like s1mple
>Iz eazy just shoot like I do ok
holy cope
try and consider why this draws such ressentiment out of you
Faker and T1 will obviously win those but cute post. Maybe we'll get the eSport award shoutout with CS2 just because it's "new" but it's probably League too.
I can see him unironically leaving the booth after losing 3 rounds in a row.
Just quit my job so now I can stay up and watch the major.
We need to rally the Finns on /int/
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>FaZe pre-game: karrigan is locked-in, reading the stratbook, everyone is serious
>Vitality pre game:
>ZywOo is listening to "Can't Be Touched" and making fun of Spinx who's doing aim_botz
>Xtqzzz is sitting at the desk, apparently doing nothing but sliding the bottle in the rhythm of the song
>mezii is helping FlameZ decide which knife skin to equip
>Vitality wins 2:0
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what the fuck
fr*nch """""""""""""""""culture"""""""""
He can buy one from childking
Maniac is innocent.
for me it's SINNERS, SAW, Fnatic and
not a single swissoid is innocent
you are yellow and you eat dogs
i am not from switzerland so no i am not yellow nor i eat dogs
Theres literally nothing wrong with eating dogs or being yellow
you are a chinkoid and i look down on u
take the rope off your neck, step down from the chair, and you'll stop looking down on me bwo
why are europeans all rapists?
Losing to Auschads
ChildKing won albeit?
Childking is such a fun name. There is nothing inherently "pedo" about it but for some reason it riles the normals up. I'll probably buy 20 stickers of his name.
"Child x DICK" sticker craft will restore relationship between Australia (thank you DickStacy) and China (thank you ChildKing)
Maybe if it was childs king or king of children it might have more connotations
all cloud9 has to do is beat sinners
Cloud9 is in the same category as Fnatic where I genuinely forget they even have a CS team.
I cannot believe I get to live during Cloud9 ERA
I am sorry for ever doubting you, Boombl4, the GOAT IGL.
I can't believe the international literal who mix lost to the international literal who mic
who gives a fuck
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Why did broky change his name?
Based oskar owning on an old wired Deathadder chroma
consoomerzoomers btfo
>not consoomer trash
wake me up when a pro wins on a membrane microsoft keyboard, not on a "gaymer" device
go back to quake boomer
>calls others consumers
Shitposting during the Asian RMR was a lot more fun.
probably because the teams sucked so it was more chaotic and more upset potential
like 1 upset happened in the entire rmr a so far
it's national teams. the only nationalish teams are sinners and unity, rebels, saw
the 4 good teams there have players from 15 different countries. what the fuck
cs has always benefited from being an approachable esport and part of that approachability has been not needing to autistically analyze the homogenizing playstyles of the teams to know who to root for
unfortunately i'm going to be asleep when failcons and s0mple miss the major in a few hours but i'm sure the thread will pick up then
damn why did they put all the kino teams in the other rmr
this one is a sovl black hole
czechsissies both our teams are going 2-3...
Hopefully G2 deliver in fucking up.
That save in round 2 on inferno the other day when he was literally on site when the bomb got planted really showed what kind of player he is.
Based. I probably passed by you today.
>Navi vs Saw
>Faze vs Fnatic
Who asked?
I didn't know boombitch wasn't (as) fat anymore
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he ate all the fat they lipo'd out of boombl4
>fat as fuck
>call yourself HeavyGod
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My nigga Rush looking like an AI photo
Also in this """"sporrt"""" literally not tested?
we've been over this, he's an ubermanlet
Thumbnail does have strong AI vibes.
someone buy moses a new mic, christ
wait til you find out half the pros have 'legit' adderal prescriptions
Teams with ugly logos should not qualify. They affect craft quality. Survival of the fittest, Logogenics.
i know this is a joke but skincels are some of the most dysgenic human waste on the planet
I don't make crafts I just use default skins but one can appreciate good quality crafts. It's an art. Especially in CS2 that allows full creative freedom. Look at some of these
What is James "dead wife" Banks doing in China? I thought all of them were remote?
if its not a nigger or faggot craft im not interested
>wtf why is the in person interviews being conducted...in person?
Need to be 18 to post here retard. Go to sleep you have school tomorrow.
seething zoomer shitskin skincel gambling addict

get the fuck out of magog
I'll be honest I realized that as soon as I posted. But I also expected it to be someone else, someone local.
>seething about gambling addicts
anon I-
>buzzword buzzword buzzword
Are you a woman? Don't reply to me I don't care either way, take your impotent rage elsewhere.
>admitting his existence can be accurately defined by buzzwords

who's the real loser here?
>I said so therefore it's true.
Holy fuck someone get the chink back at least his rageposting was funny this nigga just plain retarded.
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>40 minutes
what the fuck?
>admitted to being a skincel, and thus a gambling addict
>mad at mean words like nigger and faggot
>ergo, is obviously a zoomer and shitskin
>I just use default skins
>admitted to being a skincel
Stop replying to me, cocksuckingniggerfaggotcuntshitheadincel. You lost, both here and in life. Bet you're bald too and a good chance that you're obese. Hahahahah fucking loser.
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The Falcons resurgance starts today!
Every modern flagship phone does AI processing on photos. Nothing is real anymore
prompt: sea sex tourist
pgl has some banger choons ngl
>blamef top fragging
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the kwabbening

I am so fucking sick of hearing this
'fraid so
God please let Falcons bomb this map.
kek Harry and Hugo roasting Falcons
this map is prime example of how it looks when a team has a good coach but a bad IGL, ztr fucking threw 4 roumds with his dumb calling and plays
>t. ash
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>banned from flights
>Xi is so embarrassed he ordered LV to bootcamp in Asia
>doubting the goat
they never learn
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>take bomb blyat noob
When I say GAMER you say LEGION
classic purple move
flaming out
For the money of Falcons, do you think you could make a better team?
you could probably have paid the salaries of the entire asia rmr. so that'd be 3 rosters better lol
I am excited for the + Niko move.
FL4MUZ is the baitF antipod,, pure impact player
if any of these players will be staying on niko should be trying to pull out now
Faze vs C9 for skipping opening a stage in an hour
could be an interesting game
we don't doubt ZywOo here
Actually an interesting point which I hadn't considered.
Probably pretty cheap for Flyquest to invest in an Australian team while having a good return as you are basically buying a built in fanbase at the same time.
>s1mple losing actually secured Navi legends stage
Mongolz would be better value for money. Way lower cost of living so salaries are probably lower. Though you might get more sticker money from FQ

I think china would be hard to invest into... but like, fucking eclot can't be on a high salary and they might make it
>Lynn Vision has moved Peiqi "flying" Song to the bench as it evaluates the team's future lineup arrangement, the Chinese organization announced on Weibo.
>The change comes one week after Lynn Vision fell just short of qualifying for the Perfect World Shanghai Major, exiting the Asia RMR in fourth place.
>The Chinese team narrowly lost to DRILLAS in their opening match before rebounding in the lower bracket with wins over Alter Ego and TALON, but capitulated entirely in their qualifying match against FlyQuest to miss out on a "once-in-a-lifetime" chance to attend their home Major.
flyquest stacking chinese bodies like it's the korean war

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>Dexter wins edition
asian cs players losing their livelihoods isnt funny
you're right
its hilarious
ropz and frozen, two baiters who try and outbait each other
because of it, karrigan has to flip a coin before each map
tails - frozen shits the bed
heads - ropz shits the bed
>Though you might get more sticker money from FQ
mzhinho made his signature reference a legendary chink dotard XinQ, he's about to be the first mongolian billionaire
and I am fairly sure the org gets a cut from the signatures as well
>wake up
>falcon eliminated
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These animations are so cute!!! I love China now!
Was thinking this earlier.
Might be my favorite major so far because it’s so cozy
I love jamie so much, I wish he had scored that goal against qpr, imagine the scenes
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>because it’s so cozy
>wake up
>FaZe won their BO3
>in another BO3, 1 map up
Uh ok, wonky ass RMR.
Huh? What animations?
>Boombl4 raping faze
i love seeing that baiting estonian faggot get shot in the back and the playercam switches to his confused face
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Ilya, behind you!!!!!!!!!
wheres karrigans rocks?
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The Raped
How is FaZe losing to these shitters, interz on Major in 2024 is a crime against CS
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Do not put disrespect on a Ukrainian kike representing Israel in a Russian speaking team like this.
You mad goyim?
*eats you*
the fuck are you talking about?
oh there's a tie-breaker
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the zonic effect
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CT sided map...don't get too excited , fazeniggers
OH my god broky, if he had that one man... I fucking love that guy.
-shitky +m0NESY
the former doesn't belong in a good team, and the latter doesn't belong in a team with Snax and huNter-
No one can predict what he's going to do.
What the fuck was that? gg no team rush mid? lol.
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Apologiz e
sez who
thank you for what? crashing out in rmrs to no names?

forget the money, their skill alone should be enough of a reason to qualify
Sorry Falcons, I was expecting a 2-3 but you managed to go even further beyond.
>thank you
magisk GONE
snappi GONE
dupreeh GONE
maden GONE
zonic GONE
It's time to admit that zonic is a fraud and Astralis' success was entirely carried by their safe-as-fuck CT sides
thoughts on heavygod
he's a big guy
It's time to admit that revisionism is being done only by the biggest faggots on planet Earth
Needs to get picked up by BIG
I know, everyone realized blad3::zonic as karrigan::gla1ve years ago
nobody but unbearable shartus vincere fans think that b1ad3 is "goat coach"
who's better?
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>leaves the GOAT roster
>wins 3 meme tourneys vs literally whoms
nope I hate navi but blad3's the goat
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maybe zonic can give pointers to B1ad3 on how to stop choking so much, after all TSM core started winning only after he arrived
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blade won everything with several iterations of navi, he's clearly the goat
maybe he did, blade won 4 tournaments since your pic, including a major lol
zonic hasn't won anything since paris though
>zonic winning 3 tournaments including major
>le bad
>b1ad3 winning 4 tournaments including major
>le good
reply to me when his team doesn't bomb out in the last place during blast finals, zonic would never
no need for him to go head to head with b1ad3, he has 5 majors while b1ad3 choked again and again despite having best AWP and best rifler on the scene
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>nerd rodent
>badass swordsman
i've seen enough
winning with 2 rosters >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> winning with 1 roster
simple as
zonic won with two rosters albeit
no he only won with vitality
no dupreeh no major
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>zonic winning 3 tournaments including major
you forgot the * in major*
5 majors with 2 rosters > 2 majors with 2 rosters
as s1mple as that, I think he regrets his choice to go to navi just to play with useless bums that robbed him of majors for years
not vitality's problem other teams failed to qualify during the most important event of the year, keep the asterisk for the first CS2 major where your game can just close out of nowhere and the round will continue on
truth nuke: both paris and copenhagen were flukes
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i can't take this shit seriously
so blade 1 zonic 0
blade 1 zonic 4
no, he got carried, i coulda led that team to 4 majors
I can't take these RIP tweets seriously. This is how you write about a rough breakup or your beloved dog dying, not your brother or wife.
>not vitality's problem other teams failed to qualify
but it is, because you're talking about the importance of the achievement. if the majors still had open qualifiers and everyone else choked leaving my esea open team against other esea open teams in the major playoffs, would my win there have the same worth and legacy-building value as any other major?
obviously not
stick a uooohhhhhhhhhh :( :( :( :( on it
blade got carried by s1mple and electronic, your point?
okay so blade coached the other 3 while zonic sat and watched
s1mple was the one coaching everyone though
zonic likes to watch
You heard it here first
blad3 won a major with w0nderful. zonic has never won an event without dev1ce or zywoo, two of the three best players of all time
he currently has s1mple dropping 1.65 ratings in elimination games and still missed the major
why isn't zonic getting carried by simple now?
in fact, simple had his lowest rating ever at a major under zonic
it was a fluke
because 2024 dupreeh isn't perfecto, and maden isn't electronic
sounds to me like zonic is just a shit coach, he can't even fluke his way to a major with easy opponents like gamer legion and saw
he fluked his way to #1 team?
big banks energy
hard to force a fluke to happen when you have demotivated players and the shittiest igl in top 50
we're talking about majors here, if you didn't notice
>when you have demotivated players and the shittiest igl in top 50
how is zonic at fault that snappi is complete garbage and niko is coming to take maden's or dupreeh's job?
nobody gives a shit about qualifying when you know that your days on the team are numbered regardless
>how is it the coach's fault his team can't execute tactics
>how is it the coach's fault his team doesn't care about the biggest tournament of the year
>evades the question
I accept your concession
i answered your question, not my fault you can't read
you didn't, you've replied with barely related nonsense
neither of those two answer me how is zonic at fault for snappi's miserable performance, and how is zonic at fault for niko joining falcons being plastered everywhere (including G2 CEO) months before the move will actually happen
>i don't know what the coach's job is
dang anon, i'm sorry you didn't get to play sports as a kid, but the coach's job is literally to develop tactics and evelate his team's performance, regardless of the circumstances.
>several old fucks decide to not give a shit about performing because the team won't look the same even if they win major without losing a map
>zonic is the one who failed because he didn't mindcontrol 40 year old snappi into shooting his gun in rain's back
you're a complete moron
Coaches more often than not have a say on the roster, if players like snappi and maden keep mailing it in then it's his job to replace them
And he's had a loooong time to do so
>zonic failed to ready his team for the biggest tournament of the year
>zonic let his team phone it in
yes anon, glad we agree. if he can't handle them because "they're old" maybe he should step down.
>Coaches more often than not have a say on the roster
not when you owners are rich saudis who beg NiKo to join their team for over a year now and make a point that they are making all-stars teams everywhere
they're quitting in several months, not a single coach on the planet will motivate retiring old fucks to perform
>they're quitting in several months
and the year before that? maybe their quitting because zonic is a fraud and can't win without being carried
and the year before that NiKo cucked zonic out of a proper roster that he envisioned, and he had to settle for an overrated ENCE core
hope that answers your question
>how is zonic at fault for snappi's miserable performance
very interestink
when he has a danish superteam or the undisputed #1 player it's mastermind zonic that made it all happen. when the team looks like ass and specifically the igl/tactics/teamplay look t3, it's because he was dealt a bad hand that no one could be expected to win with. never mind all those legendary stories about zonic making tough roster decisions, almost cutting dupreeh and picking magisk over k0nfig because of character and motivation, zonic being "the bag," there was nothing he could do dude!
do you happen to know what ence was ranked before snappi left, with my goat sAw coaching? shit players, no zonic to corral them, must have been 50th in the world or something right?
do you happen to know how many tournaments did snappi win?
You just know
u got crazy lateral quickness my man, could probably make the nba as a lockdown defender
you're free to seethe, but ence have always been overrated shit
IEM Dallas is BetBoom Dacha tier, and so is HLTV's rating system where Virtus.throw are allowed to be top 10 for months and months
no i fucking don't
snappi's last tournaments with ence, in reverse chronological order
semis at cac
5-6 at Sydney
now I have it on good authority that cs2 was a buggy mess so the real accomplishments start here:
semis at blast fall
semis at epl
final of gamers8
final of cologne
final of dreamhack meme
win at dallas
5 t1 semis or better in a row, but add zonic and suddenly he gets one playoff spot at cologne and that's it, they're peaking at esl dreamhack momsbasement and not even making top 5 at those betboom dachas you mocked
>but ence have always been overrated shit
well zonic should be able to change that, surely?
imagine arguing about coaches lmao
fucking nerd losers, get a job, or at least spend 300 posts arguing about players
if someone is wrong I will harangue them
that's it yo
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dupreeh is mentally retired for a while now
pair those stats with snappi, madden doing their thing and you get a team that cant win vs a paper bag.

Well, looking forward to the + jimi + niko transfers, maybe siuhy too
ECLOT don't care about the major, it collides with Tipsport MČR Brno 2024
He had ok stats for four months but now its just all red
probably turned his brain off when they told him he was cut anyways
He did the banks crying emoji
Can someone explain why NaVi fans' IQ has dropped significantly after it went international? Before 2023, I've had lengthy discussions about s1mple, electroNic, the former's toxic influence and the state of the scene. Now when I talk about Navi, I have to pray that a reply will be from a Finnish Aleksib fan, and not some retarded Lithuanian who dickrides jL or Romanian who thinks of iM as the greatest man that ever lived
I have come to a conclusion that Navi is the definition of a family friendly cs team.
the saddest part with the brand vitality is that their counterstrike team is what generate the most money for them but they use that money to fund their shit teams for other games instead of buying top players.
They can do it because they're sitting on millions in emergency funds.
If anything goes wrong, they can just sell their League of Legends LEC franchise spot for 40 million dollars.
>Navi is the definition of a family friendly cs team.
Kek, I like the team but that is so fucking accurate, holy shit.
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and in that counterstrike team it's one player generating all the income kek
ZywOo made so much money for Vitality that if you did the math his lucrative contract is probably still underpaid
Still sad about that final. If Elige were at his current level Liquid probably wins 3-0 or 3-1
ok, but you get current form yekindar playing too
What does everyone think about new train? Feels super T sided atm
I miss popdog.
its shit
needs balancing but it's cool
less huge long straight fights. not sure I like nupopdog
who are we rooting for
our guys
big boy blameF
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can they make it through RMR B?
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saw showing some amazing form on the ct side of their map pick of vertigo
>calls a flawless T side
>9-3, 1.69 rating
Saw looking like a silver team rn
I'm the biggest Astr*lis hater on the planet and I believe Zonic is the GOAT coach. Astralis era was by far the most dominant in counter strike history. And no, other than device they didn't have any star players. But that's no reason to discredit his success, teams with far greater firepower have never achieved a fraction of what prime Astr*lis achieved. Blade doesn't compare, sorry navi fans.
hello mr gaben this is Golden speaking, the head coach of an organization Sucking Ass Worldwide, better known as SAW
please unban snap tap, my team is hot garbage and just lost to nafany in 2024

How could a team that beat falcons lose to nafany
>I'm the biggest Astr*lis hater on the planet and I believe Zonic is the GOAT coach.
Same, and I agree. The Astralis revisionism is pretty retarded. But also this Falcons project is a huge failure and he has a good chunk of responsibility for it, it's a big negative mark on his career. They won 2 fucking games in the last 20, and they look like a mix team after a year of playing together, it's unacceptable.
since the falcons project is such an unprecedented failure you cant even blame zonic
like if a coach failed in a team but the team had true potential they would do better than falcons
Since the failure is so profound you have to blame the players, they stopped trying. They lost motivation, the will to put everything in for the win, and some just reached their personal age cap while in falcons
>they stopped trying. They lost motivation, the will to put everything in for the win
literally the coach's fault
Yeah, everyone is at fault to some degree, I am not saying it's only zonic's fault. But when the team is so dysfunctional beyond saving usually it the guy managing it who should take the most blame for that happening, or as they call it in football "he lost the locker room". Players don't believe in the coach's ideas anymore because it failed again and again.
Is Falcons the biggest team failure?
The only other one I can possibly think of is the Brazilian 100T line up which didn't even play a match.
He definitely has some responsibility as coach in Falcons' spectacular failure but

1. Look at the team he's working with. Magisk and Dupreeh are NOT the same players they were in Astralis. In fact, I'd say they began mentally checking out after Vitality and in my opinion they just treated Falcons as a retirement home, getting that sweet sweet paycheck for minimal effort. They benched Sunpayus, arguably the best player in Falcons at the time. I don't know if Zonic had a part to play in this monumentally retarded decision but it affected the team's quality significantly. Whenever you watch Falcons play they always look lost, which I suppose can be attributed to Zonic. But if you look at plays made by individual players, especially Maden, you're left wondering why they're in a tier 1 tournament.

2. When arguing about who the better coach is, Blade or Zonic, this stint in Falcons is irrelevant. That's like saying Jake Paul beat Mike Tyson ergo he's better than him. Also people saying Blade is somehow handicapped in the players he's managing are delusional. Sure Wonderful might miss some sitters but in CS2 he's still an excellent awper. AleksiB one of the best IGLs in the game right now, jL, iM and B1t are all great players. So to say he has to work with worse compared to Zonic is simply untrue.
not really because the players they managed to get were ence core + dupreeh and theres 0 star players in that mix and 2 players were on their way to retirement when they joined just from age alone.

Like falcons isnt here to be financially sustainable top 10-15 team, their aim is to be top 5 and you never had the players for that.
Biggest failure for the amount of money invested, yes.
remember when the st louis blues were DEAD LAST on january first before firing their coach and winning the stanley cup?
No coach can fix current Falcons. And I severely doubt Niko's arrival is going to change anything, he's in the same mental space as Magisk and Dupreeh. If he really wanted to win something he would've stayed on with G2.
imagine if Niko wins in Shanghai and then completely psychologically empty and unmotivated joins this Falcons to play for paychecks. the two biggest tilters in the world with 3 pensioners, i think it would be the most entertaining shit ever seen in tier 1 CS.
EG was pretty bad. Isn't the org almost dead now? If Falcons never pans out, the Saudis aren't gonna disappear like that
EG still made majors
yeah well this lineup is deader than dead and everyones waiting for 2025
The talent on that C9 roster was nowhere near what Falcons have though. The salaries/buyout prices were the silly part.
I dont really get the focus on money since the game is played by the players on the server and not the saudis bank account
Its like people ignore that the roster includes snappi, maden, dupreeh + couple slightly better players
clot bros.....
>And no, other than device they didn't have any star players
this has been debunked sweaty
>theres 0 star players in that mix
sunpayus was hltv #6 2023
this is the goat coach not some fat dane
euroids a complete joke talm bout "no one can make them care. just throw the year away. it's the players. it's the mouse. it's the age. it's the management. it's the community."
fuck you. make it work
Kill yourself.
all soft as shit and you know it
ahhh zywoo save me there's a jordinian who won't follow orders and my handpicked danes are frail. I simply must miss back to back majors. devve, where is devve?
GOAT coach is blade because he's actually found success across multiple rosters
>benches the reigning #1 player in the world
>immediately wins the next major
my goat
specifically for building a #1 team out of thin air
losing your star carry, 4 new players from 4 different teams, 3/4 had never won anything before, and aleksib was being cut by fucking nip back then
it's easy to say these players are good in retrospect to pretend he had it easy, but up and coming players turn out to be busts all the time. jl had a 0.94 rating at paris while boros and cypher were supposed to be the breakout stars
Blade wins with s1mple, zonic doesn't.
As aleksib fan hearing about simple benching himself felt like a bad joke, like god is angery with him.
Thats why he appeared in the dreams of 17y old sergej to make him demand aleksib to be kicked from ence or something terrible would happen.
It turned out better than expected however.
>drillas fiasco
>falcons/simple out
>g2 probably going to bomb out because the roster is falling apart
>faze the same

this shaping up as another mickey mouse major like the last GO one
>bad teams losing means it's mickey mouse
>drillas fiasco
no different than jiejiehao or twisted minds, they got their shit pushed in and didn't make the major
>aleksib was being cut by fucking nip back then
TO BE FAIR aleksi was basically a stand-in and NIP was (and still is) on the same level of disability as Falcons
What a fraudulent one-tournament wonder kek
>nip are retarded
yeah I know but the narrative from most people was that aleksib earned a shot after og, got it with g2 then couldn't hack it. too much micromanaging, teammates wouldn't buy in, basically only finns and thorin thought he really had it
skim these comments
its over
What's with all the decider/tiebreaker matches? Never had those before.
eu choked 3 slots to apac and americas
flyquest will be guaranteed 0-3 anyway so not a big lost
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>flyquest will be guaranteed 0-3 anyway so not a big lost
>one OT ago there was a chance of 2 czech teams at the major
>now there is a chance of 0
>blamef to major
>astralis has no chance
I hate this baiting nigga like you wouldn't believe. Even chink vision gaming deserved to be at the major more than fnatic did.
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>16 opening duels taken
>12 won
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Actually thats 20 duels, 16 won (12 were on nuke btw)
baitf is dead
entryf is here
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this is the official end of the asia super team
Sure thing champ.
>b-but this one round
here's some actual facts for you to suck on faggot
3rd highest rated player overall, 4th highest on openers btw
>super team
>literally outclasses every other non-mongolz team in asia
yes its a fucking super team dumbass
wait they're at the major?!
That one round is the pussiest play I've seen in counter strike history. Never before has a more bitch move been made in game. That one round perfectly highlights his mentality as a player. Why are you glazing him so hard anyways?
they would have
kek I read it as
>super dumbass team
and it made a lot of sense
>why are you countering my fraudulent lies with actual stats
Did they not play a qualifier? Why would a super team be skipping major qualifiers?
Very nice, very nice. Let's look at his career stats.
>Entrying 9/100
lmaoooooo my 0-3 pick is locked
I find current stats to be far more reliable of a metric, or is s1mple still the "goat"
p0mple was never the goat, not by any metric
>out class
stop asking questions
>shartus vincere fans are already prefiring "mickey mouse tournament" and "akshually w0nderf00l got cooties and was hospitalized for three months, if he wasn't sick he'd be s1mple 2" cope in case they get BTFO
nice game valve
>Sources: Vitality’s Co-Founder, Fabien 'Neo' Devide, is reportedly looking to sell Team Vitality’s IGL, apEX, without informing staff or the captain himself
this years' "most retarded roster move" competition is getting insane
welcome vitality nitr0
so why XQTZZZ has a job still? there is legitimately no coach that I hate more, dastan using Google Translate would be better than that bald fraud nigger
save ZywOo from this shit org
>want to discuss the 'Strike with my magog bros
>have to wait 900 seconds before I can post
What the fuck is this?
patented antiphoneposting technology
B-but I am at work and don't want to log into the incel hacker hideout from the work network
Where is she?
in my bed
>lose 8 rounds
>call timeout
>suddenly win
not even trying to hide it
go fuck yourself matchfixing scum
kek stay mad, retarded bettor
cam on GL
0-2 -> 4-2 comeback
>s1mple: "I am not joining falcons"
the next few months are going to be so entertaining it's already starting kek
Yeah I'm thinking BB Clan are done. GamerLegion got this 2-0.
you wish you little bitch nafany will own your little shitters
kinda expected since his tweet after they were eliminated
i think i will just log off completely from CS news until Katowice for maximum surprise effect
and maybe they even fix the game in the meantime
>FL4MUS: "If my teammates are afraid, I will come to them and smash that fear from them"
bro cooked
as if it was his choice
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BB clan more like BB gun lmao
nice throw lmao
and what were you saying cuck?
I like Jame, but I now hope that kaiR0N- qualifies while VP don't, that would be the generational karma
>Cloud9 qualify
>BotBoom one map away from qualifying
And you people said that there are no upsets
sinners have such a good logo, sad to see them leave
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lmao rip
this is why you don't resign that early
you better start praying BywOo won't replace s0mple in Falcons now, boy

[Announcement of personnel changes in the CS2 division of TYLOO e-sports club]

After full communication and consultation with the players, TYLOO e-sports club CS2 division player Yang Yi (id: JamYoung) will be moved from the starting lineup to the substitute lineup from today.

— TYLOO (@tyloogaming) November 20, 2024
tyloo with jamyoung would literally rape flyquest if they had a match
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Dexter wins edition
THIS. flyquest qualified for the major to dip off season matches vs tyloo
he's moving to Valorant or?
ritual suicide for shameful performance
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>6/8 teams already locked for the second quali
>eternal bots
>an heroic
>>>locked for the major
tauson looks jewish
Boombl4 as captain (and singer). Communication in Russian

• I remember from your channel that you listened to Boombl4's song, "HOW MUCH DOES THE LOVE COST". What do you think of Kirill's music? Does he ever sing for you at bootcamps (even occasionally)?

He doesn’t sing that song usually but I think he has an insane voice maybe he should do one more song

• What positive traits can you highlight about Kirill as a captain? What do you like most about him?

I think he understands the game in the highest level possible, he has good reads and he likes to hype us up and give us that good feeling in the game that gives us confidence to play the game also he will drop guns to us play with pistols just so we are more focused on aim and he can jump for anyone always to give space he is not scared and he is trying so we all won’t be scared at all.

• What is the most challenging part of communicating with your teammates in Russian? Is it hard to process a lot of information at once, or do you struggle with understanding slang?

I think it’s not easy to move from English to Russian instantly , I don’t struggle with slang but sometimes I don’t understand.
would be kino
HeavyGOAT, trample on those shitters
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twink death
you can see the whole cuck thing really took away his happiness
Peaked in 2020
nafraudny won more prize money in cs than GeT_RiGhT, truly an incredible pice of info
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2019 Astralis pics are so bad and make everyone but dupreeh like 1/10 goblins, kinda funny how its' their most famous ones
not a good time to be choking FL4MUS bro
lil bro fumbled the bag :skull:
GAYmer leegion
what a fucking choke holy fuck, KaiR0N- sold so hard
nafany is a fucking shitter
sl3nd what a fucking hero in the last 3 rounds
maui won
Smug nafany posters?
>why are you countering my fraudulent lies with actual stats
I can't believe we have tards itt who actually got fooled by the hltv ecofarm stats telling other people not to trust their lying eyes
fun shit to read for the resident chink
complete analysis on rare atom's numbers and stats
you can tell it's written by a chinese person because it's all technically correct and seems like impressive effort at first glance, but all the information is completely useless if you actually read it
it's made by an autistic brazilian from HLTV, he has a shit ton of breakdowns on tier-2 teams like this
here's 3DMAX as an eample
>pick igl
>pick the best 4 k/d players
>win major
literally that easy
never knew there were portuguese and albanian luans before
I don't get the point. outside of the bit on maps where their winrate is deceptive, it seems like it just describes the team in a way that doesn't help them improve internally or an enemy team scout against them
like the 5 pages on rare atom's players, who benefits from that besides a viewer who wouldn't care enough to open a demo?
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KRL is such a monumental fucking faggot and attention whore
hello fabien
name one time KRL was wrong
ziggers how do you feelin?
he walled hard
feeling nice
FL4MUS is based, botboom is trash, cloud9 surprised me with great gaming
hoping VP turn off brains and just outaim to win, spirit don't choke, g2 don't choke, heroic don't tilt
no hopes for aurora and 9pandas, though getting deko's signature would be great
Kair0n 5 kills in 31 round that has to be a record worst CT side ever in what was an actually close game
jame sniffed that shit out fast
goatb3rt stays king
According to KRL, NeO has been trying to sell off apeX to Falcons, negotiations with the saudis ongoing. The targeted roster of Falcons is:

now that would be a team to root against
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what is ninja doing in cs? go back to playing forknife my dud
interesting that RMR B has only 2 mixes (Jitu and Heroic), RMR A was full of them
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hasnt apex been pretty lackluster recent times, like g2 is the one winning trophies over vitality while having no igl and they cant match navis performance

why wouldnt they want to get the money from selling him to falcons?
>saudis chose m0NESY
s0mple's ego and Ukrainian pride must be in the gutter lmao
>now that would be a team to root against
Found the faggot!
I honestly think EU will lose even more spots this major. Their Opening Stage teams are


and 3 more, probably some shit like 3DMAX, TSM and B8

while APAC and Americas got


If all those teams I just mentioned make it to Legends, then both regions would automatically gain 1 extra spot, not to mention any other spots gained thanks to the +8 teams expansion
kill yourself faggot
2018 was the peak of CS
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Astralis won't win a tier 1 tournament again unless they go back to their black/grey kits
found the negro
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He reminds me of young Vincent Cassel
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Dexter wins edition
mongolz, liquid, furia, all comfortable
everyone else I honestly can't trust to go through, especially the brs and flyquest. some of them it's way more likely than not, but I still won't take it for granted
>didn't mention pee poo or team fluke
Damn you can notice the stark difference between 2022 and 2023. Was this when the whore fiasco took place?
mibr and paiN are much more consistent than liquid and flukia
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Ahahah nice thanks for posting this spreadsheet, really solidifed my position on what a shit player he is.
What's your response faggot? Or are you still busy gurgling his nuts?
Damn the zoomer interns are really having at it lmao.

>Virtus Pro
>Eternal Fire

make it through, this honestly might be the most stacked 24-team major ever, in both brand recognition and strength of participating teams.

You could argue that Rare Atom instead of TYLOO, Wildcard instead of M80/RED Canids/9z and Gamerlegion over Falcons brings it down, but that's mostly when it comes to recognizable names, especially concerning GL since they are a much better team than Falcons

Every other major had way more shitty underdogs fluke themselves in
ah that's when he stopped smiling and has never smiled ever since
>Rare Atom instead of TYLOO
Let's just stop with this superteam meme already.
in comparison, Stockholm had:

>CPH Flames/Movistar Riders (first time those teams played in a tier 1 tournament)
>paiN with PKL and hardzao

Antwerp had:

>IHC with kabal and nin9
>Complexity with Fang
>9z with rox and luken

Rio had:

>rookie Gamerlegion

Paris had:


and Copenhagen might have been the worst

>Lynn Vision
>Apeks with sense
both those teams have firepower big enough to simply outaim all tier 2 shitters, so they are basically guaranteed
Your point would stand if those teams didn't also have an abundance of shitters needing to be carried. Chopper and Magixx on Spirit and Snax and Malbs (he has become way worse since leaving M80) on G2.
are you serbian or what
NGL I was debating on posting Hunter or Malbs but wasn't sure on the exact statistics. So yeah replace Malbs with Hunter and my point stands regardless.
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Whomst? I've got
>NIP (I can feel a BO1 upset)
>Eternal Fire
>9Pandas (Astralis is in disarray right now with Device leaving and them rehiring br0 after ruthlessly kicking him for Cadian).
>BIG (Only because it's a BO1)
>TSM (Didn't even realize they had a CS2 roster, welcome back Valde)
>Malbs (he has become way worse since leaving M80)
lmao what
debating what
malbs does ~0.2 better in his t positions than expected, the only players that do better than that are donk, zywoo, m0nesy, and jl
I have absolutely no idea how you can watch g2 games and think he's dead weight that needs carrying
Nigga I just told you I didn't check the exact statistics. I'm not saying Hunter is better, I'm saying I didn't know who was better so I just picked one. Now that you have posted the stats, I agree Malbs is better. It still doesn't change my original point that G2 and Spirit are NOT infallible.
it's not that you got the specifics wrong, it's that you did it in a way that makes me think you don't watch the games. like if someone said gymfat was a liability for mouz
g2 have had 3 questionable losses this season, total
Maybe it's just that the few matches I saw a couple of weeks/months ago of G2 Malbs was not playing as good so I suppose that kind of stuck with me.
unpopular opinion: TaZ is a good coach that gets targeted for deh maymays
unpopular opinion 2: Snax is better than HooXi
unpopular opinion 3: out of all top 10 teams, G2 are 2nd least soulful (1st would be MOUZ, naturally)
>HUNDEN is Sashi's head coach
wtf? wasn't he permabanned from CSGO and banished to mcdonalds burger flipping??
how is this allowed?
this isn't csgo
if you threaten them with a lawsuit, esic unbans you no matter what you did
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>what if peter griffin and chudjak had a baby?
this the nigga the saudis want? lmaooooooo
Real Benjamin Button
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I see you my chigga.
Think what always annoyed me about EG is it felt like they would always benefit from the most absurd bullshit and just luck their way into being relevant enough to go out last.
is this from a valorant forum?
Coziest major by far. Chink-sama, I aporogize. I underestimated the great country of 中国.
Wishing donk a very terrible major
Even if it doesn't start today
Don't like 'im
I'm trans
So is Donk. Or soon to be.
Waiter! Waiter! More tier 3 teams please! I need it for my top1 2024!
0 IQ play from headtr1ck, holy fuck B8 are bad
>donk 2v1 backs turned
>1 kill
>chopper 3v1 backs turned
>2 kills
are we washed?
Damn I was watching that fat neckbeard talk thinking the match was going to start on that stream, forgot we had 2 streams.
kinda soulless NiP team desu
still want them to beat G2 however
Rooting for my retardigga Rez.
i just puked after seeing that shit
holy fuck this is an execution, donk have mercy on these retards
B8 are so fucking bad
Impressive, donk
Now let's see you do it against a real team
damn that was fucking insane, a fake save triple into defuse win wew
nice "real CS" you got there ewwwtards.
here's a little sneak peek
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>sophomore slump is still 1.17
breddy gud
frogniggas love a good seethe
admire greatness while you can
zywoo last 3 months top 5, 1.23 rating, less impact, less damage, ~same kpr, basically just dies less
13% of vitality's t entries lmfao, baitwhoo king of baiting
watching vitality really tells the story of how zywoo looks good, they basically funnel all kills to him
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dunno why but this made me kek out loud hard
hltv putting spoilers when I got "show results" off?? gonna email prof and striker
Christ what an embarrassment
I'm starting to think NIP isn't very good
Time for Jame kino
Anyone else not care about these matches the moment the shit team wins a round?
where the malbsdoubter at
I think g2 might just beat 3 of these teams my man
Wonder if Niko is still going to Falcons now.
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh g2 sisters??
we're stuck on 12???
hey buddy
you're late
crazy that we allowed 7 to fucking nip
can't end without serbs farming rating, please understand
time for Russia vs Ukraine kino
real clash of trash this vp vs passion ua, bleeeeeergh
Enjoyed your real cs, yuropoor?
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zelensky's greatest warrior
nigga ion give a fuck about your gay ass war fuck all y'all
kek this was funny
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Holy fuck Jame is so bad.
Jame getting the war experience in game.
>what does UA in Passion UA stand for?
>which country is VP from?
people keep getting baited
>Ziggers try not rushing B blyat challenge: Impossible
i was joking when i posted this but this dude has actually killed another russian team
>pearl necklace
we already know he's a faggot, no need to signal it
what the fuck happened to fame? he was crisp, a second coming of ropz, now he's consistently worse than n0rb3r7
apologize to jame right now
How cum I've never heard of these Passion UA players before?
You had a fucking molly and there was 30 seconds left
Just fucking jump spot b and make them run through it
this is a pro-jame general, nobody here thinks he's the problem
can't wait to read in the interview that elecTronic is the one calling T rounds so that I can confirm that this faggot never changed his flag back to Russian
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its over
i think virtus.pro should do the kair0n and replace egotronic with pashanoj
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unpopular opinion: outsiders would be good if virtus.pro org went the route of gambit and dissolved, leaving the roster in the hands of someone competent, not populist shitters
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big are such shit
no wonder they lost to flyquest
Flychads are well known for being better than EU
Cute chink girl! I think Sexter taught her English, he did a good job.
Her interviewing is soulful ngl, definitely better than Banks.
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Was it Dove? Sorry bro, she's taken
Can someone explain to me why E*ros get 8 reserved spots directly in the elimination stage?
because hallzerk whiffed on zywoo in the 2-1 match
Which one?
Okay I got this information from Valve's official rulebook.

>One Opening stage invitation is assigned to the region for every team of that region that reached the Elimination stage of the previous Major.
>One Elimination stage invitation is assigned to the region for every team of that region that reached the Playoff stage of the previous Major.
>Additionally, 8 Opening stage invitations are distributed to regions. 3 EU, 3 Americas, 2 Asia.
So since all the teams in the playoff stage in Copenhagen were E*ropean, they have 8 elimination stage invites this time. And since Mongolz made a miracle run into the elimination stage, Asia has 3 invites total this time. Good luck to all 3 Asian teams, hope you guys make it to the elimination stage at least.
Does chink riggs it for ziggers? Another games against Ukrainians
guys? wake up
passion ua were grinding shit hard this year, right?
>Passion UA, an Ukrainian team, upset the top two Russian teams
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disgusting jerseys
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Niko 0 kills since 12-4, truly the GOAT rifler amirite
What the fuck? I went to go take a shit when G2 were up 12:3 and it's OT?
snax igl and taz coach masterclass
>9Pandas - Aurora in round 3
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Russia 2-2 Ukraine
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it's hard to play 1v9 as an IGL

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