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Unity beta now in its 3rd phase, official release on December 3rd.
Download: https://www.dofus.com/en/mmorpg/download
Guides: https://pastebin.com/aqfxZywY
News: https://www.dofus.com/en/mmorpg/news/announcements
Pre-register: https://www.dofus.com/en/mmorpg/news/new-servers (This is only for the new servers. International players are between Dakal 1, 2, and 3, most anons will be on 2. New servers will have free transfers for the first few weeks, so don't worry about getting the right one.)

>Dofus Retro
Download: https://www.dofus-retro.com/en/mmorpg/download
Guides: https://pastebin.com/EnGbaLMz

Download: https://www.wakfu.com/en/mmorpg/download
Guides: https://pastebin.com/Ae7X8phu

Download: https://www.waven-game.com/en/download
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total cra death
For mobilebros, here's a link to Dofus Touch. https://www.dofus-touch.com/en/mmorpg/download

Also for Dofus and Wakfu, servers listed as "single-account", also known as "monoaccount", mean players can only run one instance of the game. Normal servers, or "multi", mean you can run several with multibox. Mono servers are like a classic MMO experience, multi is more of a singleplayer RPG due to player social dynamics, different kinds of fun for people. Much of Wakfu can be played f2p.
Subbing in Dofus is cheap and worth it since you can get on mono, a week's sub is just a few bucks.
If you want to play Dofus Unity with some /vm/ lads:
We're going on Dakal 2.
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What's the Dofus equivalent of this?
considering the starterpack to try out classes on beta, does it actually give you a level 200 to try out shit?
WTB (fake item that leads you to a phishing link when you google it)

It gives you as many level 200s as you want, and any gear you want, you can just buy 1 week if you want to try it
beta gives you everything the game has to offer for free, so you can test any level, any gear, anything you want
>player 1: sacre bleu!
>player 2: honhonhonhonhon
>Selling audio codes pay first
>Selling gelano (shit rolls) 99999999999999k
>Cheap kama visit £eChinoi$.com
>WTB egirl
What if I want to play Dofus with /vm/ lads but don't want to install Discord?
Then you just join the guild ingame and nothing else, you don't NEED to be in the discord
Fortunately for you it works in browser, you can join the guild without joining discord though, as long as you can contain your anti discord autism no one cares if you don't join it.
Spic servers be like
>RESELLER!!!1 Buying items at 1/10 of their market price!!!1
>lvl 1 looking for a gp
>fuck [insert soccer team]
>(to the guy above) the fuck did you just say bitch?
>[insert random ass player's name] is a faggot
>SELLING MELONS!! (is Colombian or Venezuelan)
>[some guy trying to scam you]
>(Commerce) Sasuke-God-X : ACHETE / COMPRO / BUY [Gobbal pubic hair]
>(Recruitment) Pro-Sacri : Recrute sasa pour blop VS drop
>Elnoobito : Anyone got 1k for zaap plz?
>(Recruitment) Sadi-weed : NEED 2 PEOPLE TO STAND ON A TILE -42;69 I PAY 50kk
>(Private) Asdfa-werwr : @@@ CHEAP KAMA FAST @@@ www.getscammedyourmoney.com
>(Recruitment) El-Retardo : Hola estoy reclutando para mi gremio Los Hombres de la Muerte
What's the status on beta fire fromagelance being the most broken class in the game's history?
The only classes you can go wrong with if you're new are Osamodas and Xelor

Otherwise just b urself
Every class is good at something
There's no point falling for the "grass is greener" mentality, because you will literally never be satisfied, as classes are meant to have pros and cons.
Besides that pick the class you like the look of most (playstyle, gimmicks, content or aesthetics).
i would pick based on boob size but so far feca and sac are tied
And most talk of meta before the early game is pretty much irrelevant. The majority of casuals will have been filtered by then, before they can even see their classes true potential.
the frenchoids don't seem to be getting upset about it, can't be that broken
I'd pick based on the goddess then. Dunno about you, but for me, those fucking Feca goddess hips end up sealing the deal.
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Total newfag here
I heard about Dofus from /v/ and it sounded neat, so I came to check out the /vm/ thread but OP lists like 3 different games so I'm not sure if they're all variations of one another or there's a sequel or what
Where should a newnigger start his journey into cute girls and autistic french vidya?
Dofus is a 20 year old game made in flash. It's moving to unity engine in about 3 weeks, that's why everyone is hyped about it. There will be new servers on which most of the playebase will be playing. This is the place to start, if you want to play.
Wakfu is a newer game, but it offers much less than Dofus and it's pretty dead right now.
Waven is dogshit, don't even bother.
Dofus is the oldest, it's getting a huge revamp/engine upgrade next month with new servers and it's what we're all waiting for, there's also classic servers if you for some reason want to play abysmal dogshit.
Wakfu is basically the same game, at the start it was intended to be a more sandbox variant of Dofus and probably meant to replace it but it flopped hard and then they revamped it into a themepark game exactly like Dofus, has gotten very little attention from Ankama since then, still fun but more or less dead for now.
Waven is pretty much a shitty mobile gamified version of Dofus/Wakfu, not worth bothering with.
There's also Dofus Touch which is a mobile version of Dofus but slightly different, and an older version, I don't see much reason to play this.
Btw, for people with too much autism or discord hate, they made guilds easier to make. I guess as soon as we created it, someone will post the name here so more people can join.
Discord is still useful in case you want to do something at X hour with some anons but suit yourself on how to play honestly
I'm not interacting with any of you weirdos
What's the best class for solo play?
If you want you can try Waven
It's actually not a bad game but it competes with Dofus
It's not a good long-term game though because it runs out of content/replayability stuff while being slightly less grindy and more easy than Dofus.

Dofus is the OG game everything else is based off of and is the best because they nailed a ton of MMORPG stuff down.
any because you won't get very far soloing in a game like this
some would say.... he's ngmi
Thanks for the answers
I am probably going to try playing with my wife. I like the sound that there's a necessity for grouping in Dofus, but how easy is it to duo with other players? Any particular classes that are easy to learn or that I should stay away from?
guess i'll play water cra
besides this

only thing you should be wary of is higher complexity classes (you need to put more mental effort to think through their best play)

like Eliotrope uses portals, Hupper and Ecaflip has their mechanics, Rogue and Fogger manages their bombs, Sadida manages their mechanics, meanwhile Cra, Feca, Iop, Ougi can more or less through out abilities

but the game has a steep progression, as you unlock skills over time, so even hard classes give you time to learn, so in theory that hard class might not be so hard once you have lots of hours progressing into it, and getting used to every new skill, rather than getting all skills at once
The gameplay is pretty simple so you can't really go wrong with any class you want, some are better than others but that's every MMO. Just don't pick Xelor.
Duoing is viable for a lot of content but you can struggle sometimes, there's even achievements for completing dungeons in a party of two, you'll usually have to overgear to do it that way though.
Aren't they reworking Xelor in the beta?
Why is everyone calling it shit still?
Could we not let the egotistical faggot be the guild leader?
Yes, they reworked it then immediately nerfed it again, Xelor isn't allowed to be good.
can't be worse than osa
even if it's good it'll get nerfed so picking it is bait
>Why is everyone calling <class> shit still?
Cope due to skill issues.
i'm kinda hesitant on rolling cra because all the newfag complains might actually get them nerfed
cra never gets nerfed, it's the most popular class
it's popular because because it's very strong and retardproof tho
Add Rogue to the list.
If you don't know what you're doing it's completely useless.
In team, the team has to play for you or your kinda useless too

It's not shit, but the rework is boring.
The new spell, astrolabe, kinda reflect the entire rework. They removed spontaneous return, a seemingly simple spell but that allow a shit ton of good combo for the class, and replace it by a spell that is a basic point and clic TP (no symmetry, pivot or whatever), or a free telefrag if you use it on an enemy.
yeah, but it doesn't get nerfed, only buffs.
if it does receieve a nerf it gets a buff to something else that ends up making the class stronger as a whole, devs are very biased towards certain classes.
>Sadida manages their mechanics
the only mechanic they have to care about is infection and it plays itself
>devs are very biased towards certain classes.
Heard the same for upper and panda, at least it's not one single class shitting on everything else
They have trees, summons/dolls and infection
They use all of them differently
what's the difference between a single & multi account? which one's better if you wanted to dip your toe into the game?
exactly what it sounds like, multi account server lets you run multiple clients at the same time, single account does not.
multi account = single player game
single account = MMO
newfag here, what prevents a faggot from realistically multiboxing the game on mono if he really wanted to
same thing that prevents faggots from botting in MMOs
detecting them and banning
SMS verification and anticheat preventing VM usage, you can get around it with multiple devices and phone numbers but who's going to bother with that? You also need a VPN solution that isn't blocked if you want more than 2 accounts.
>It's moving to unity engine in about 3 weeks, that's why everyone is hyped about it. There will be new servers on which most of the playebase will be playing
Oh yeah, I forgot to ask about this.
So basically the only reason to start playing on the older servers right now is to familiarize yourself with the game for the new server launch, correct? There's no carry-over from characters on old servers to new ones, or is there some means of transferring characters to the new one?
Yeah, new servers can't be transferred to, they're entirely fresh starts.
the game also requires a sub
so if you wanna double your subscription then lmao
people can also see your fights so it'd be easy to report you
They have some measures others have addressed in replies, but the big thing is that if you are playing just 2 characters, you can probably get away with it fine and no one will really notice you, nor is that strange if you + 1 other account are playing from household and basically do everything together.
But if you are playing 4 characters? 6? 8? yeah its noticeable and you will get banned.

I don't really think people have a problem with people inherently playing multiple accounts, like if you just run 2 characters its not that big of a deal.
Its when you start running an entire team and exclusively play by yourself and powerfarm shit to maximize profit, if you are just fucking around on 2 characters casually playing no one really gives a shit.
I have never fought the Giant Kralove
I don't think I have it in me to redo the dofus quests bros
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Man did they really remove every portrait from the game for this dumb speech bubble instead?
Please tell me it's at least a temporary thing until they redo them in v3 style
Lmao Ochrelet
I'm probably retarded but just to confirm -- Dofus Unity is 3.0 and it has a whole revamp of the skills and such, right? I'm reading through wikis and things don't seem to match up what's in the beta client. I'm guessing all the wikis are old 2.0 information?
the beta has a lot of balance changes so some things are outdated, especially wikis since this game has a tiny english playerbase, they were probably outdated even before unity
That's fair. I'm mostly just reading skill descriptions and such so I can just read it from the client.
Thanks for the help.
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>pre-registering for the new servers
>OP says most anons will be on 2
>See this
just you, and me
the perfect server
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>Anon awaiting the fly to enter his web
It's been years since I've played Dofus, but with the 3.0 thing and me having a lot of time thanks to an extremely chill home office job I am excited to play.
I've been reading about it, I remember I used to think Fecas were pretty cool, but could anyone in here confirm some of my questions? I understand shit is probably different in 3.0 but any response works.
>Fecas unlock their first set of glyphs around lv60-80?
>Consensus seem to be that they are very bad and slower than most other classes during the early game, correct?
>Chance seems to be a highly popular all around stat for them, does it stand true even at end game?

Even if it's just information from current Dofus helps a lot to give myself an idea, thanks
>Chance seems to be a highly popular all around stat for them, does it stand true even at end game?
It's because their best Chance ability is a 4AP, long range, decent damage 4 cell push. Dofus end-game favoring range, positioning and kiting.
>Consensus seem to be that they are very bad and slower than most other classes during the early game, correct?
Pretty much. Don't worry about it though.
>Fecas unlock their first set of glyphs around lv60-80?
Glyphs actually aren't that important as they're just toss-and-go. Though they're the most damage efficient spells for Feca and are useful for farming in the future.
Thank you!
And alright, that is very good to know.
I mostly asked about glyphs because well, from what I remember they were a very huge part of the class identity, I might be completely wrong though.
They are a part of the class but you can honestly play without them in end-game. The super-big glyphs often have shorter cast range, which isn't fitting for a ranged-kiting style of style. The spell variants are used more because they have longer range and are basically just an efficient damaging spell, or even have more practical utility.
Thanks anon, I do appreciate it a lot.
I am still on the fence between Fecas and Steamers, both look very cool, but I had a lot more questions about Fecas overall, mostly because I have not researched a lot about Steamers.
This means there is 1/15000 available slots left. 14999 players have preregistered on this server.
Chance is better for early levels solo because it has more range than the rest but Earth pumps better damage all the way. Glyphs makes Feca one of the best AoE class in the game because you can stack those glyphs and trigger their damage by teleporting on them.
>Glyphs actually aren't that important as they're just toss-and-go.
/agg/ does not give misleading information about classes for a day challenge (impossible)
Kill yourself retard, I gave plenty of information on them and I have a level 200 Feca. What the fuck have you done besides jerk off to Dantinea?
>Cra's AoE is not that important it's just something you toss up and here there
That's how retarded your statement reads. Feca is legit the 3rd best AoE damage dealer in the game and you're downplaying it. Stfu you dumb nigger.
I didn't say anything about Cras
Yes, Feca is in theory one of the best AOE damage dealers, except for the fact their giant glyphs are short ranged you gigantic faggot. I'm downplaying it because it's not relevant for progressing content and because the AoE Feca farm strat also doesn't work for poor, retarded newfags.

You will literally never spam Glyphs doing dungeon bosses. You might to clear dungeons and if you do enjoy being within rape distance.
>13-14 max range water spells
>7 range (+2 from AoE)
>Rest are 5

Wow it's like you can't even use the Glyphs if you play properly!
Glyphs are literally at Scarier range
If you think being an AoE damage dealer is so cool just play them.
>3rd best
Sadida (technically)
Cra is better at ranged (so just better)

Are all better.
>I didn't say anything about Cras
That's literally saying the same thing. Does Cra relies on AoE damage to clear dungeons? No. Is it "not important"? No.
>AoE Feca farm strat also doesn't work for poor, retarded newfags.
It does as soon as you unlock glyphs. Spreading misinformation again.
>Dungeons are the only content in the game
Cra AoE damage isn't within melee range, kill yourself you schizo.
#1 and #2
Good but takes more turns
Same type of deal plus requires setups
Good but smaller AoE
Are you high? Could have mentioned Earth Eni but you're retarded.
>Cra AoE damage isn't within melee range, kill yourself you schizo.
So by your definition Forgelance that's not Water is bad? Dumbass nigger just stfu.
NTA, but why do keep fighting that strawman? It's not a good look if you want to be taken seriously
Schizo fucking mad Feca AoE shit btfo
>Takes more turns
Sadida can AoE and kite mobs, Feca cucks need bread to even farm using glyphs if they're going to bait mobs into them
Sacriers don't need bread and have a dozen attraction abilities, "AoE" size doesn't matter + all of them deal more damage. Iop and Panda make their own killzones.

Fogg doesn't kill itself to deal AoE damage.

Don't know what your schizo ass is saying about water lance.
All Forge elements have massive AoEs and a mix of decent range and even closer ranged abilities. Water is exceptional as the distance element.
I will pick Eni so I can give schizos their meds.
and post your cute feet online
>Nooo you must consider the class in a vacuum
Faster and bigger is better. Imagine pretending Feca of all classes is fragile or saying they don't have attraction. Is that really who am I arguing with right now? You're clueless.
Forgelance has less range on their AoE than Feca's glyph except on Water. Yet it's the best AoE class as Fire. Apparently you niggers can't even read and would rather claim retarded shit instead.
Post your retarded level 80 glyph farm strat and build you schizo. Go on, let's see how it plays when you realize why people don't do it!
Wasn't Fogg literally the fastest leveling class in the beta
Feca glyphs are all one of each element and aren't spammable
Other classes have spammable AoEs or even several of a element

You're not spamming multiple glyphs anytime soon unless you find some godly Power set. And Power sets often naturally arent as strong as pure stats.
>decent Q&A on Feca
>Schizo screeches Feca glyph is actually stronger
>"um okay but they have issues and -"
>"they're not"
>more autistic screeching

Oh boy can't wait to see what happens in-game when someone dissed someone's pet-class
This guy having a meltdown over a mere contradiction is going to be the guild "leader" by the way. Just let that sink in.
how good is agi iop for low to mid level gameplay? and what is a good iop build for after that? just mono str?
I don't want to get to 150 or something and find agi sucks and str sucks and I need to slog through a bunch of bullshit as a shitty class before I even get to end game if its not worth it while wanting to class change the entire time and never even doing any late game stuff because of it.
another day of dofus fags arguing about their brain dead classes that all do the same thing
You could have baited me to do it if you pretended to be genuinely curious. Better luck next time retard.
Could be. I don't know enough about this class to tell. If I had to guess they're probably clearing fights they should have no business doing. They have crazy tools to manage difficult scenarios.
>Feca glyphs are all one of each element and aren't spammable
It does have a 1 turn downtime but its strength is the initial damage output + beginning of turn effects for a laughable amount of AP plus the filler AoE spells on top of that. AoE farming is all about clearing fast anyway.
For harder stuff they can go balls in, stack up, do great damage and make themselves immune then get blasted by the rest of their team. Nobody else can do that.
Ye ye that's not him having a meltdown and calling people schizo over literally nothing. He truly is a calm and collected optimistic person.
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Animations and interfaces are completely bugged out in beta
Are they seriously going to have everything fixed and ready for the live release less than a month from now?
how so?
whatever problems I've had are nothing compared to the absolute dumpster fire that is flash, I don't think people even understand how shit the current version is or they're so used to it they don't notice anymore.
they fixed so much shit since the first beta I can believe it honestly, I haven't had much graphical bugs but I haven't played third phase so maybe they fucked everything up
dofus 1.20 dumpster fire my beloved
>Game is alright
Play Panda on beta and report back.
you could just say what's wrong with it I'm not resubbing until release now
How are the class items nowadays? Are they still funny and gimmicky?
Panda is just glitched as hell. Your turns take forever because visuals are bugged. Sometimes they glitch out and you can't see them lmao.
GUI will randomly reposition whenever I relog, some will be impossible to interact with until I disable and enable it again. The map preview is just permanently stuck in place when you activate it and only goes always after I relog
Mobs that go invisible will keep their sprite around the screen, yesterday I had 5 of the lanky bastard from the Kolosso dungeon burned on my screen until logged off
Those are just the ones I had in an hour of playing yesterday. There's no way anyone who played for any amount of time didn't have any menu issues.
Maybe it's a problem on my side? Did I need to reinstall the beta after the third phase started?

Here's hoping
I haven't had any issues like that, only similar thing is that my settings reset every time they do a patch which is annoying.

Some classes still have missing visuals or sounds but it's nothing major or gamebreaking, I don't think it will take them long to fix that, there's still a few more patches before launch.
basically unchanged, they're hardly ever used now
I'll probably try to play around them when I can, they're such a fun idea and have always been shunned by ankama for some reasons
>Guild drama before the guild exists
Guess I'll have to play with the frogs again
Fabricated thread "drama" =/= guild drama
ignore threadfags, this always happen in everything be it minecraft servers or mmo guilds, you will always have people making up drama in threads to make things look worse
Can anyone else comment?
I'm seriously wondering if there's something wrong with my installation if I'm the only one getting these bugs
class items are awful during leveling because half of their effects are about spells you don't have, don't bother ankama hates them they're pvp items in a world where pvp is about stats maxing
I've only played panda against the training dummy and I never had these bugs. The worst thing that happened was no animation on Schnaps.
Didn't have those issues but plenty of minor bugs
Please do that
There's a lot of bugs overall, my UI breaks if I try to check buffs/debuffs and sometimes my UI just resets some parts of it
just stop responding it's that simple
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more data
Thank god my class is in the hipster half
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>Ougi not last
Cra and Osa always at the opposite ends
I don't even care if Osa is shit, I just wish they made it fun to play again
It was the coolest shit to summon cracklers and bworks before, now you got your choice of tofu, tofu but white, and tofu but big
Fucking soulless
There is no way this many people will play Panda or Enutrof on mono by the way. Lots of multifags in this sample.
why not, i though those classes were broken
They are also boring. While this is not an issue in multiaccounting, it's a big issue if that's your main character in a mono server.
they aren't the main character
metafags never cared about fun tho
People metafag much, much less in mono in comparison to multi.
Any rushers here?
Enu isn't boring unless you play it exclusively mp removal like multifags do
It's a more interesting cra with funny spells
Why do some people pay to get through some dungeons? Isn't the whole point to try and do it by yourself?
1. In mono, it may be harder to find groups available in later content, especially if you're in a time zone not favorable to the playerbase.
2. Some content is really fucked up, and your class may even be useless for certain bosses.

For instance Belly of the Whale dungeon is super cancerous and relies on other people also being in need of it, which usually isn't likely. Even if you do find a group, it's such a shit dungeon that even with a decent random group, you guys fail to do the boss.

Then there's Cire Momore, a dungeon that Cras pretty much cannot do, where you cannot brute force with group size, and is a very endgame dungeon usually only done to progress Sylvan Dofus.
Some people also like to get passeurs for early content just as a means to get quick and easy exp from achievements. A level 200 doing all 1-100 dgs and achievements for a person and the dungeon quest lines.
Are Srams still good?
Ask again in a month
>Muh "you can do all content with every class"
did i get lied to?
Yes. Prepare to pay, slut.
Probably, there's some weird people who refuse to acknowledge things like class disparity in this game, if it sounds too good to be true it probably is, Dofus is far from a perfect game.

You actually can, there are clears of some of the hardest dungeons with only "common" spells, which are available to all classes.
And class spells are pretty much always stronger.
Almost always its a skill issue or gear issue if you can't beat something, I'd say most of the time it is the former.
did you think you could solo end game dungeons with every class?
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No you weren't. There are a lot of fags coping due to skill issues in this thread claiming the dumbest shit. I mean he's pretending Cire Momore can't be done as Cra because you can only hit him by being 2 tiles from him. As if Cra had 3 or more min-range on all their skills.
Some classes are indeed better at certain scenarios than others. Doesn't mean you will be useless but sometimes you have to think outside the box and adapt or in the absolute worst possible cases grab a new set for another element or play style. Also just remember one thing, positioning is king in this game and not damage.
That anon exaggerates a bit, belly of the whale is a gimmicky fest that filters retards that can't read but it's doable with any class and after Cra's nerf(buff) they can also do cire more now
The only content that I can see as "Impossible with X class" would be some gimmicky solo fights for the ebony dofus but they are buffing everything in the beta so I bet they can clear now
Post your Cra in Cire Momore faggot. Cire isn't a range issue.
Post Whale and Cire clears right now.
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BASED Volcasaurus connoisseur.
IGNORE fags itt.
Listen to the GOAT who said CLASSES DO NOT matter and proceeded to BTFO every single crybaby especially Xelors.
>B-but he used giga optimized gear
If you think this copes for NOT USING CLASS SPELLS I'd suggest you renew that FFXIV subscription.
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>Bro Cire is so hard
>No mobs
>Hit him at 2 range and fuck off
Holy shit this is the people explaining you some classes are unplayable. The absolute state of this thread.
It's probably asked a lot due to the 3.0 servers coming out, I am in no way as good 99% of the people in this thread, but I've been looking at Foggernauts and they look pretty cool.
How good are they on dungeons and 1-100? Endgame information is appreciated but I might not even make it there so who knows.
I am just looking something that has summons, is viable/fun (I know this is subjective) and good at whatever it is doing.
Everything is viable my nigga. Do you vibe with the class after looking at it and reading the spells? Pick it. This is the only thing that will matter in the long run. You will be better than half this thread in no time just being self-aware do not worry.
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>bought a 7 day to fuck around and test classes on beta
>turns out an hour ago they bricked character creation
The same retard who's saying everything is viable is gonna go on a diatribe about how his poor Xelor got nerfed to oblivion, but you say any other class is bad you'll get hit with a "b-but your just bad".
Waiting for that Cire run
Cope more faggots. Git gud.
oh so it's not just me, i was wondering if i client was broken
>this one turboautist could do it after 10000 tries so you can too!!

Just as >>1500283 has said, you can play anything especially in pvm. Foggernauts are very good in pvm as they have access to not only solid damage but also they got utility such as heals/shields/positioning allowing them to be enablers if they need to be.

Low level dungeons are not really all that complicated, especially if you go in with the recommended 4 players team size.
And if you decide that you picked wrong, you can always put your gear in the bank or sell it and make a new char, this char will get x2 exp till it catches up with your main.
Still less tries than your retarded ass who paid to switch class for those dungeons lmaooo
Still waiting for footage of your clears, nigger.
Reminder to ignore the turboshill who dismisses all class balance discussion as "skill issue".
He unironically believes that the game is so easy you can solo everything in the game without using a single class spell, which would make the game so insanely boring that nobody would be playing it in the first place.
Don't bother asking for proof, you won't get it.
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Yeah I noticed it at the start, this is ass.

Overall unity is a huge downgrade on the art part. Everything is fucking flat on the interface, classes looks very similar too, they lost a shit ton of detail, everything is smooth I hate it so much. And let's not talk about the dumb idle boxing stance.

People complained so much on french twitter at the start of the beta that they had some random UI designer improve all their shit. Ankama apparently hired him but whatever they decide to implement won't be in the game for a while.
pic is his take on the speech bubble thing for example. But it's insane to me how a random guy in one day is able to easily grasp what dofus art is suppose to look like, in term of shape color and all, while ankama worked on that shit for month/years and produce the blandest shit ever.
This is him again for something as simple as a "play" button https://x.com/eternarisdesign/status/1826972444864753837
Fact is if you don't play the top 8 classes you're going to be left behind and bullied from group finding. Then you'll have to be carried like a useless tool.

This is the fate of all non metafag contrarians
Didn't he post proof already?
Also nice samefagging
Maybe it's just me but putting portraits in the speech bubble does not make sense since they're not unique pieces of art, they're just the same model you see in the map.
It's like putting a clock widget on your desktop when you already have one.
Proof from HIM, not some frog autismo lord who plays 30 hours a day.
My guild will kick all schizos and dramafags
That isn't proof of him doing every dungeon in the game solo with no class spells, it's not even proof of someone else doing it.
The fact is even if it's possible it's not a viable option to retry every fight 500 times for people who aren't done with the game twice over already.
No sorry bro you've to got beat solo a boss that you can't access without a long ass questline and not accessible in beta to prove it. Too convenient? Too bad.
I never claimed I was good or bad at the game. That is not the point. The point is your argument is retarded. The game being "technically" beatable by "any class" just because 1 in who knows how many people did so is stupid beyond belief.
>he posts proof of his claims
>somehow it doesn't count because he didn't do it himself
Ok, do you have ANY proof of the game being impossible with a specific class aside of talking out of your ass?
>Getting carried
Pfft ahahaha haha
is there a good ressource somwhere for decent gear seats based on class? what's considered bis to know what to aim for etc and maybe some of the important gearpieces to grab while levelling?
Seems like limbo staff is a big one for cra at least but apart from random french reddit threads can't say i'm getting much.
Game seems to have a shit ton of gear pieces as well
Iteration A looks great, and they already have all the sprites ready so I have no clue why the fuck would they take it all out
Part 1 of beta really was terrible, at least they seem to have fixed the boxing stances and made each class feel more distinct. Wouldn't surprise me if that same guy had a hand on it
Early game doesn't matter
In the new servers you will literally be looking for any piece of gear you can find because there is simply no economy. There is no pick and choose there are only beggars seeking scraps from people offloading previous gear.
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So in the beta pretty much all gear in the game has been changed so there actually aren't any resources like this anymore, will have to wait until some autists redo it
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The point is that this guy is literally the undisputed GOAT of PvM. He gets asked all the time "what should I play" and made a video about it explaining that player skill expression with a class you truly like will always lead to better results than going for what's "meta" or popular. However because he's the GOAT and giga based he proved it by the most insane way possible and channeled the power of German Autism to BTFO all the naysayers.
Hope that clears things up.
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They didn't really fix it. It's still there.
Apparently all their new animations are built with the boxing stance as start and end of all new animations. So you get the class specific stance when it'sn ot your turn, but when you start using spells you go back to the boxing stance
>multiboxing autistic with 20000 hours in the game
how does this apply to mono servers and new players exactly?
imagine baiting people into playing the shittiest classes just because if you multibox and know every single thing about the game it's easy
you're operating under the assumption that everyone who plays has speed run tranny levels of autism and is okay with resetting over and over for the perfect run in a game about quickly and efficiently clearing things... sometimes the fun comes from your character being overpowered, not struggling because you picked a worse one in the name of "fun"

let's not even get into some classes being significantly less useful in mono servers because of how you're not playing with the same team every time
Ban all Xelor players
Don't they ave it bad enough already?
Fact 1
>Some classes are better than others in pve.
Fact 2
>Despite fact 1, Every class can do every content in the game easily
Fact 3
>It's a team game
Play with the strength of your team and build a strategy around it.
Strategy doesn't matter for like the first 160 lvl, after that, you should know your class enough to be able to build a strategy.
Otherwise, pick a Top 5/6 pvm class if you want to clear the game by following premade strat, but at this point why even play this game, it's a tactical.
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It's pretty simple. If you play a character you like then you will be motivated to learn the ins and outs and become a true master.

If you are not driven by passion you will never achieve greatness.

There are no bad classes in this game. Only scenarios where some are better and some have to adapt.

Just the fact that your initial argument was about Cra and Cire Momore truly shows it. Aren't they allegedly the "best PvM class in the game"? Well even them have to adapt.

I will forever be here to remind everyone that this is the case. Like it or not.
Are these schizos going to be in the guild too? God help
>Noooo stop talking about the game
>Here is me contributing to the thread by calling you a schizo
like it or not I'm not the only person calling your logic completely retarded and I've said nothing about cra.
but enjoy your delusions.
Enjoy playing your "meta" class and still being terrible at the game because you don't use your brain. I'll have no issue clearing it with my "sub-optimal" one and farm your ass in kolo.
Unlikely, schizos usually multibox because nobody wants to play with them.
Not easily
They can, but not easily.
And you technically only need to do content 1-2x times to progress the questlines unless you really want to do the autism-achievements.
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>Enjoy playing your "meta" class and still being terrible at the game because you don't use your brain. I'll have no issue clearing it with my "sub-optimal" one

Literally me.
>not a french player
doesn't count
Damn that sucks. Surely they'll fix the animations within a few months, right? It's their big game after all.
>tfw you have a 100% winrate in PvP while using no class spells and no gear because your iq is simply so much higher
feels good man
*Kills you with a BM freedom against a wall*
Heh noting personal kid
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it's time to d-d-d-duel!!
At least we can all agree that PVP keks ruined this game
Ankama are just retards that don't know how how to manage Dofus to the best of their ability
I accept your concession
newfag cra here, can i level cra going int from the start or is it too painful?
i've seen people usually recommend air all the way through and switch to omni at max level, or at least very high, but int supposedly becomes better starting from 105.
Needless to say i have no fucking clue, i'm trying to find some info on the class and spells
mostly ankamas fault for not fixing their game by separating PvP and PvE balance, at some point you can't even blame PvP fags anymore
literally do whatever, you can freely respec, you unlock all skills, only thing that matters is gear + what skills you have accessible
earth>fire>water>air tends to be the most damaging elements but the gains are marginal and at the cost of range or some quality of life or side effects

it's only at later levels when you have several skills, and your gear costs a lot more that you need to care more about what your build is besides "imma just grab and use whatever i can" until level 80
I don't think you appreciate how important PvP fags are for the economy. It's Ankama's fault for not making the sensible choice of balancing spells for PvP and PvM separately.
i though erosion mechanics where the main pvp thing
They made some redesigns to lot of classes already
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>This standing pose
mfw, why didn't they just port the art and upscale it or some shit.
It's litteraly one of the only things that game has going for it
iirc they wanted to make new models because previously they had to make each asset fit every class and check for clipping, which meant it took forever as they had to literally inspect 19 classes
so they decided to standardize player models and split up cosmetics into further pieces + they wanted animation and old art wasn't designed to be constantly animated
they already said they're going to give every class standing poses just like they did idle combat poses, shit takes time
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Everything you need to know for that matter is here :
Air is definitely the best. Just have a look at the spells. Range steal, attraction, pushback, life steal and great single target damage. All of that really early into the game (except life steal).
Fire is nice if you're really into farming but it's AoE only and does friendly fire so it can be annoying in group content.
Earth is satisfying to play but I'd recommend waiting for Destructive Bolt (level 155) but even then Air is probably still superior for leveling.
Water is a meme. Water+Earth is viable and a pretty fun way to play Cra however which could be done with a set like Ancestral while pumping STR (it gives more Chance than Strength but Earth is still your main damage source).
They are retarded and just started work on Unity three years ago even when it was announced like five or six years ago. They had only really initial feedback and didn't even try to make more polls or something
>Needless to say i have no fucking clue, i'm trying to find some info on the class and spells
Go on the main website, click Game then click Classes in that menu, then click on the class which interests you.
You will get most of the basic info like unlock level for each rank, which element a spell is etc.
>can i level cra going int from the start or is it too painful?
You could, however it will be much easier to start with agi or cha because you get your second spell sooner. Agi also has some gear early on that makes gearing it very easy compared to other elements like the Mad Tofu Cloak.
>i've seen people usually recommend air all the way through and switch to omni at max level, or at least very high, but int supposedly becomes better starting from 105.
Kinda outdated as spell rank unlocks have shifted since this info was up-to-date.
Also this kind of gear progression will work only on the old servers, because the gear is there on the market, you don't have to do all the dungeons to get specific mats.
Int cras get better in mid game as they get a power spike at 125 when they unlock Assailing Arrow. At this point you have 4 different int spells at your disposal.
But yea, int is the best at AoE, omni builds are pretty much only viable at endgame so don't worry about it as you won't see it for months to come especially if you plan to play on new mono servers.

yea, to counter healing, but you can also apply it to mobs that heal in pvm so they can't heal forever. But that is not that common.
mad tofu cloak got nerfed, the changes made the differences between gear at the start much less.
how is this post spam?
ok you're right I missed that change. In that case I guess spell order unlock plays the main role.
Retro Ocra is peak soul and coom.
is eni the quintessensial pvp fag class?
It's good-mandatory for multi PvP, not really 1v1 though.
You are a disgusting newfag tourist
I am an epic oldfag veteran player
Meh in 1v1
Good in 2v2/3v3
Mandatory in 5v5
80% of you guys will be filtered anyways
make it 79% then, I quit
What the fuck does this mean? Why should In get excited for this?
you get a pat on the back for being part of the heckin wholesome community
>stating the obvious
majority of games lose more than that over a month
I'll be playing hupper because hupper girls are the hottest
Simple as
based and waifu pilled
Dofus will thrive and reach 1 gorillion players. Trust the plan.
Dofus is too difficult and slow paced for zoomers
Once every 25-40 year olds who play this game leaves, it'll finally die
Do i need to preregister or can i just hop on the designated /vm/ server on day one?
You can make a new character on day one.
ill play ougi because women love dogs
Reminder that if you play as a male char you are GAY
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she's literally me
Won't servers be overloaded on day one?
At least that's why I assume you have to pick one to preregisters, to save your place in line?
You preregister to save your name. The release of the unity beta was a bit wonky but the login servers were a lot more stable than what people remember
I wanna try the beta as a new player to pick my class. How do i go about it?
I don't think unlocking 200lvl and reading/testing the skills is a good idea when i don't know combos, how to play, or gameplay at lower levels...
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Masq women got the biggest tits
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>Panda and Iop getting buffs in beta
LMFAO, can't make this shit up
Are you retarded? Dofus 2.0 art is absolute dogshit. If you think Dofus 2.0 character sprites are even passable you have no standards.
the french aren't going to be happy with this post when they wake up
I can't find it currently but there was a devblog where Ankama showed how emotes break character sprites and it's so very bad, so so bad. A game releasing with that art would instantly bomb.
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The overall look and feel of Dofus was the main reason I've avoided it for years, everything about it looked terrible and/or boring, tactical mode was basically necessary to play the game and it was completely soulless, I'm glad they came up with a solution that manages to retain the qol from tactical mode and the visuals of the world.
Characters and the world finally being nicely animated really pulls it all together, it actually looks like a proper game now.
You are a filthy newfag tourist and you will be filtered.
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Nope, I'm unfilterable, no amount of MMO bullshit can get to me, I've seen it all.
Even if he is plenty of friends I have despite being interested and wanting to play it have been completely filtered by the visuals (and needing to move around the world map tile by map tile) despite liking the rest of the gameplay and even playing plenty of wakfu.
So I don't believe what hes saying is some unheard of super minor opinion, I like the look of the game, but it definitely has a lot of rough edges and less than stellar visuals despite the overall look being amazing.
Emotes break sprites with the new art too so nothing changed in the end
dofus 2 is worse than wakfu and the clique won't change my mind
i'm super happy that unity is improving a lot of the shit parts (unfortunately maging stayed)
>needing to move around the world map tile by map tile
Yeah that's a big one. I tried Dofus with the group I played Wakfu with, and it almost instantly filtered the lot of us.
Didn't help that we tried Dofus because we were fucking sick of Ankama mishandling Wakfu but it is what it is.
Wakfu did a lot of things better, but also countless completely retarded things. Why they even have multiple MMOs is beyond me.

Thank fuck you can just click the map to auto move from the start now.

First you need to buy a sub to access beta, even 1 week would be enough.
Then you create ur char, as you log in you exit the temple there is a potion on the ground that gives u access to the shop zone - it is an infinite consumable.
In that zone you can buy every item in the game pretty much, but since you want to learn you should probably buy one 50 level scroll then purchase gear for lvl 50 (talk to the portal npc to get to the right shop zone, talk to the pile of kamas to get 50 mil kamas)
After that come back to the first map of beta zone and go to bottom right to move to portals, and choose either bonta/brakmar or amakna. Remember to grab zaaps as you pass near them so you can get back to places you've been.
Then you can pretty much try playing the game normally, so as you are solo try hitting mobs of 1-2 monsters at a time that are near to your level.
You can also do this on lvl 100 or 150 because u can use up to 4x 50 level scrolls.
Or you can even start at level 1, just buy some basic gear because market is dead on beta so dont waste time farming for gear and crafting it here.
Kill yourself /vm/ PvP schizo
>I've seen it all
You haven't. Dofus is very unique. Fair chances you don't even know what an actual quest is like. We ALL end up thinking "there is no way I have to do all this" at one point.
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>Xelor massively buffed again
>"B-but Ankama hates my class?!"
>Xelor massively buffed again
>It's still bad because of gravity
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>You LITERALLY can't hit something if it's under gravity as Xelor
And that's a good thing. It's not healthy to play a single game for over a month.
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You must be baiting right?
The new art direction feels bland. We’ve unironically sacrificed soul for uniformity to make dev work easier. Shadows, edges, and volumes have all been flattened, with smooth, edgeless shapes and muted colors. Every character model looks the same, with standard body types, oversized heads, and thin legs like antennae.
This guy made an actual explanation as why everything looks like that now with the new style (it's in english) https://www.dofus.com/en/forum/1191-general/343559-dofus-unity-beautiful-eyesore?page=1 it's a pretty good read.
If there's one thing to take from it it would be this part

While I agree that the new maps are a visual improvement, they also feel like a step backward because maps are now instanced. It was more immersive to fight exactly where you started, with the map’s actual layout, if there were houses, for example, they’d appear in the fight and could even be used as cover.
Now, when a fight begins, you’re teleported to one of about four pre-made maps per area, which are usually very symmetrical with oddly “perfect” obstacle placements. And it just feels weird.
The issue with these new designs, whether it’s characters, maps, or even class reworks, is that everything feels calculated, like it was planned out on a spreadsheet by people focused on maximizing ROI. The new philosophy seems to be about standardizing and minimizing wherever possible.

This isn't an art problem, it was a flash technical issue, basically they can't really "move" the flash models, so any kind of animation or emote require them to do some workaround, and it's clunky on a lot of aspect.
So I guess it flopped, see you in 2027 for the brand new monocompte servers with the big overhaul patch.
>server 2 is full

its over.. i wont get to play with english people

why are the french so brown?
>He thinks not every single server will be full of French
Bitch we run this shit
That's the problem, I remember when ankama segregated away the stinky french, so we had an exclusive english server, a br server, and other servers free of the french
That wasn't sustainable thus why it went from that to international servers. Anyway you'll be fine, there are always communities for Spanish or English speaking players. Frenches are notoriously bad at English but some like me do prefer playing with international guilds.
By the way you'll be able to create a character on Dakal 2 even if it's full at release.
About "immersion" in maps, it's a moot point since you'd be teleported into the literal void on flash, you retain the map layout but you can't actually see the map, unless you're an actual freak who didn't use tactical mode (nobody did this), there is no immersion to be had.
But in dungeons you aren't teleported to a different map, and I don't really care about overworld maps being more limited, it ends up being better for gameplay since the old maps weren't exactly designed with combat in mind, having some weird layout where half the screen is empty isn't that interesting.

Also the game looks better than ever and you really can't change anyone's mind on that, the game will have a lot more new players because the ugly look of the game was a big deterrent, it wasn't possible to convince anyone to bother giving it a chance because it looked like a prehistoric flash game, nobody took it seriously.
Did they really need an orchestra to rerecord every single BGM?
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Who's everyone's favorite npc? For me it would probably be Otomai and Brumaire
I used to hate Otomai because he felt like a Mary Sue but nowadays with all the powercreep and the way he's portrayed in shows it really softened my impression of him
That one Osa in Incarnam that belittles you and then you had to fight against to get the starting set cape, raping his ass always was the best feeling whenever I made a new character
>Also the game looks better than ever and you really can't change anyone's mind on that
The thing is that you're wrong here.
This has been the number 1 complain people had (according to the dev itself). They don't like the new design, their character suddenly are ugly and most people hate it. The new design are also objectively flawed on a lot of aspect. The new look won't bring new player because now it looks like any random bland mobile game. There's no unique direction anymore.
The issue isn't about higher quality, they could've kept the same style and upgrade the old flash, but instead they went with a new art direction, and people hate it and rightfully find it ugly.
>you retain the map layout but you can't actually see the map, unless you're an actual freak who didn't use tactical mode (nobody did this),
this was an art issue, they could've fix it (they did for the dungeon map), but they just didn't want to redo all the map in the game. It's just lazyness. Again it's just worse but for the sake of standardization, they do it.
>it ends up being better for gameplay since the old maps weren't exactly designed with combat in mind
God you're a fucking npc. An excel player, if you could remove all the UI and just keep the numbers you would be the happiest.
The odd map were better for gameplay exactly because they require you to adapt and allowed you to create interesting strategy based on the map.
Standardized map is the death of strategy because handling the map is literally the 101 of tactics.
If you think pic related looks better than unity you are completely retarded. Like actual eating feces-and-paying-for-it retarded.

And regarding the shadows in 2.0. They are painted on and become completely nonsensical when the character moves or is in light/dark spaces. If you think painted on shadows are good you are completely retarded.

I have nostalgia for Dofus (1.29 and 2.0) and even I can admit 2.0 looks like shit compared to any other game production out there.
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What kind of shit eating retard would think the new sram looks better than the old.
Like how braindamage do you have to be? It's the same shit on all the other class too
Unity looks way better, animates way better too
So apparently the demo for Savara's been out for like 10 days? Anyone tried it?
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>the game looks better than ever
AM I supposed to know what that is?
Hades but with a Iop girl. Kinda slow and lackluster and visually bland
Classic Ankama strategy of making games no one cares about or asked for
Hope one day they achieve whatever they're going for
Those Unity sprites are outdated and no longer in the game shitposter.
Meanwhile D2 had half the female faces in permanent horny mode, if you're a coomer that's cool I guess but it's just creepy to me.
So Sadidas got reworked nerfed and then buffed again or something right?
Are they in a good place now? Thinking of trying one on unity
>Meanwhile D2 had half the female faces in permanent horny mode
Now I hate Unity even more
The guild is ran by a schizo...
They are top tier, maybe top 5 for PvM
Unity increased the cup size of every female character. God 2.0-tards are so dishonest.
They're incels so they need easy women who are horny 24/7 to have a chance.
You're not an incel because you appreciate sex appeal, you're just no an eunuch
Put the fries in the bag, bozo
Loopito... please come back ;_;
Sram got a ton of damage amp in beta, might be a good team player now instead of just being 1v1 cheese.
You will never be a woman
Yeah ignore Duny, he's literally autistic nobody actually cares what he has to say.

Come back Loop
>you can make better classes deal even more damage
oh yeah, exactly what I want from my glass cannon assassin class
Oh shit you can just ctrl+click anywhere on the map now to auto travel? Don't even need to have a mount on? Fucking game changer
It's a 1.21x multiplier on your own burst turns too, retard
>Why does the assassin class debuff??!?!?!?
a xelor joined me for my newfag dungeon run and i have no fucking clue what that class does
is it against etiquette to aoe down their accomplices or whatever? they were always in the way
I don't want to play if my main job is to be a debuff cuck rather than damage king.
>3ap = whole turn
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I just wanted adventure and tofu spamming. What went wrong bros..
Just play Touch or Retro bro. Unity hype won't even last that long.
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Current year
I am forgotten
ougis are good though
>Ougis have a niche in melee teams in dreams content
>Instantly gutted to being useless
>Cra and Panda dominate 90% of PvM content for 10+ years
>Get buffed in unity
>Ougis are not allowed to have a niche
do you think the class was made entirely for the sake of this exact pun?
Ougis have been buffed for weeks now. They are pretty decent now in PvM and still amazing in PvP. I don't really know what you guys are talking about
is there anywhere I can see the updated spell list for unity without having to pay a sub for the beta?
isn't there some updates announced for 3.0 but aren't on the beta as well?
an actual spell list for 3.0 would be great
Outdated picture, characters are better proportioned and the items have more detail now, and if you want characters to look good in unity you can't design them the same way as you did in flash which is why they look stupid when they're ported over without any changes.
Just look here, a lot of great looking characters made in unity: https://barbofus.com/unity-skins

>inb4 incoherent rambling about why they actually look like shit and my old unanimated .PNG character looks better
I would say that only a couple of the unity characters don't look better, and even those are worth the tradeoff of getting better and smoother animations, idle animations.
The customization is only going to get better too as they release full fledged outfits and not only items that get slapped over your base outfit, more faces, hairs, alternate base outfits etc, this is all in the pipeline if you've been paying attention.
My png had soul and was with me for 20 years and I have autism.
Sadida is completely broken now wtf
I'm a new player and I got an important question
Which class has the hottest girls?
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sram girls
all of them
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I'm not even surprised I immediatly found a pre-existing tierlist for it
Sacrier, Foggernaut and Sadida my beloved
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IG screenshot or did you use a website? I wouldn't mind prepping my colors early
it's from the link in the post i replied to
my bad, I didn't bother reading his ramblings


Elio girls are cute though
>Empty white eyes are back
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>humans A/S
>everything else lower
coward taste
>humans A/S
>Sadida in S
>Pandawa in A
>human A/S
all classes on dofus are humans.
you fucking tourist loser.
elio are not humans lorelet
Aren't we all Mondo inside?
You’re in an English speaking ankama thread we’re all losers
We're not french
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Makes me feel for dads in real life. The female art direction is weird as hell.
you're weird
what's the best pvp class?
maybe not anymore
Even with the best gear at lv50 Dofus doing same level content, the game pushes you towards kiting to minimize damage taken.
>game rewards you for taking the least amount of damage possible and not dying
wow man, that's crazy
What's a good DPT at level 200 to aim for? Without external buffs.
Ankama will never balance their games in a way that makes sense, fixing this would be as simple as adding some resists into lower level gear instead of only offensive stats.
You can stay in melee and take no damage with lifesteal
Enjoy erosion
Enough to 2-turn endgame mobs
you take erosion and you're not fully healing off lifesteal at lvl 50, if you even have a lifesteal spell at that point
No mobs will erode you hard at level 50. And when you encounter big erosion you can circumvent it by applying flat shields.

Also the shield changes will benefit tank classes and nerf glass cannons which is good.
which is?
Around 3k after resistances
How does fashion work in Dofus?
There's cosmetic items that can be obtained from various places I assume? When checking them out, is there a way to tell if they're actually obtainable and not some legacy newsletter reward from 10 years ago?
You can also turn any regular item into appearance right, but how to do that and how much does it cost?
Best you can do is check out the cosmetics marketplace and see if it’s for sale. Lots of the cosmetic sets are limited time bonuses for subbing that players then sell for kamas on the market.

You can turn any regular item into a cosmetic skin with an item from the shop. Or you can buy it with kamas from someone reselling it ingame. The equip you turn into a skin will be destroyed. It costs like 2-3EUR for 1 of these items, so I would just buy them for ingame kamas instead.
most of the valuable ones are paid shop locked unless you think ahead of time when doing your colors, but Dofus also lets you buy cash shop items with ingame money, but the rate is dependent on people selling the paid currency
you have two types of cosmetic items, "mimibiotes" which are the ones that let you give the appearance of an item to another item
and you have "colorivants" items that have appearances of popular items but they will match your character's color AND they can be slapped on another items
poor man's method is that you can make premade equipment slots, you get your hands on the cool hats and capes you make a cosmetic and a fighting slot and you swap between each others
This part of the game is getting an upgrade in Unity, cosmetics will have their own inventory that will be server wide so you can use the same hat, cape etc. on multiple chars/sets on the same account (but only on that one server).

>There's cosmetic items that can be obtained from various places I assume? When checking them out, is there a way to tell if they're actually obtainable and not some legacy newsletter reward from 10 years ago?
Just as others have said most items are cash shop items, where they do a limited run and after a while they might return again. If someone bought these items there is 180 days before they can be sold on the market, so if you like some cosmetics you can either buy it as its released or wait half a year to buy it later with kamas. There are shields you get for clearing a dungeon on "dungeon rusher" events - these are account bound. There is also other event cosmetics like the ones in 15th/20th anniversary events but these events have ended and you wont see these cosmetics on new servers. There are a few craftable recipes too, but they aren't that great. Some cosmetics are rewards for being subscribed for a time like every 3 months you get a new one - but luckily they don't look amazing.

>You can also turn any regular item into appearance right, but how to do that and how much does it cost?
It costs 1 Mimisymbic (2400 ogrines) and with Unity this is getting an upgrade too, as the appearance will work as a skin that u own on your account, meaning it works like other cosmetics - server wide, can be used on many different items of the same type.
You have to sacrifice an item to get its appearance this way.
Ogrines are the premium currency and they vary in price (big packs are cheaper) so ur best bet is to see in store for yourself how much 2400 is for you.
But Mimisymbics are also things you can eventually buy for kamas as they become tradeable after a while, just as pretty much anything you get from the store.
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Just don't let the paranoiac pessimistic homosexual leftist redditor create the guild and I'll join it. See you on Dakal 2 in any case.
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>Bro just bend the knee to the least suitable faggot to be a leader for a 4chan guild
Don't think I will. I ain't a little bitch like (You).
Is this the supposed guild leader? Some dude avatarfagging with cat pics?
Fucking hell, why is it so hard to just get normal people to play with in this fucking website
Err wait Duny is a leftist? Dropped.
Why does no one ever talk about dofus story?
You guys read the quests dialogue, right?
I do, I also read all the dofus related mangas AND the little stories they used to publish in the magazine, there was those two adventurers/investigators where one was a xelor and the other was a sramette, that was good stuff
I haven't played since the eliocalipse so I don't know anything lorewise that happened after
Over 10 years playing this game and I never managed to read through the entire dialogue of a single npc
I heard the Frigost questline is kino though so maybe I'll put some effort into reading it this time around
Yeah, collect the eggs n shit right? Love dat shit
I'm not a good judge on that because I picked up dofus I was like 7 and basically all of my vocabulary is out of me trying to understand the puns from the game
>expecting normalcy from a 4chan guild
it's not that bad but still, weird expectation to have
damn they really fucked up feet in unity, can't even see toes and toenails now...
No, that's the guy he btfo'd
Hence the seethe
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Nah I just hate this condescending (yet massive loser) faggot. I was fine just spitting on him but he had to mute me because he's a little bitch. Why would I keep associating with anything that gives this disgusting animal power over me? There are a bunch of cool lads in the guild so that sucks but it is what it is. If they don't care about putting an unhinged schizo in charge so be it. I'm not stuck playing with this thread because I speak French anyway.
>Make pre registration goals
>Also cap the maximum amount of pre registrations making those goals unachievable
Interesting choice
Ankama moment
we're not gonna make it are we bros
dofus unity doesn't feel optimized enough, buggy
and apparently has a memory leak
We got 2 weeks bro, we gotta BELIEVE
lmao have you played the flash version?

They'll add more servers or increase the slots, they keep doing this
zamn tons of gear is droppable 60 and below
but after that lmao have fun getting geared
Beware when picking your class because how they play changes dramatically from 1-50-100-150-200.

level 50 is fairly easy to reach, and by 60-80 is when people start to get filtered by increasing difficult in gearing, content and experience
level 100 is when a class gets enough spells to make a judgement call on their gameplay and class identity
a ton of strong spells are actually locked above level 150
for instance Strength Panda sucks without Filthipint (155) and Pandatak (175), because before that, they lack any high AP, high damage AoE Strength abilities

200 is their full potential, but most people won't reach it if they drop the game before then
What's the QRD on the profession grind? How cancerous is it typically and on fresh servers like this? I fear it's going to be fucking impossible on launch because of the way the resources work and the sheer levels of competition for them.
It's going to be impossible. Most people will use dropped gear up to level 100.
>dofus unity doesn't feel optimized enough, buggy
>and apparently has a memory leak
they really did a great job porting dofus 2 then lmao
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1 client btw
game nearly crashed just now, the pauses are getting worse, my cursor had a "spinning blue circle of loading something"
don't bother, it'll be easy to find people willing to craft your items for free if you have the ressources because they want to level up the job
if you play a low damage class you're unironically a beta
I don't think there's any real low damage classes in dofus anymore
lol you clearly don't play dofus (laugh at this retard!)
I stopped playing back when spam cac was the meta
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you're memory leaked, restart your game
Tragic. Thanks for the realistic breakdown lads.
Leveling up gathering will be hard, but nothing is stopping you from being one of those people sitting next to the crafting benches and leveling up their profession by having other people craft stuff for free
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uh oh!!
I want to play a mask nigga
What am I in for?
It's not that flashy or fun desu
It's damage is okay if you play melee, but it's distance is poor until you get over lv100. The class suffers from more spell segregation because of Elements and then Masks
Intrepid Mask is free though, so it's not as bad as some people think. But it can be annoying sometimes.

Cowards Mask + Martelo (lv105) and Apathy are crazy good. Range modifiable -MP Strength spells with a splash of AoE.
The most useful ranged Water spell is locked at 165

Class is more melee oriented, with /some/ ranged options in every element that deals lesser damage.
And of course the main strength of the class is
It's more of a support class that can do damage, a weird combination.
Masq does insane single target damage when it wants though. Probably highest or second highest melee damage in the game.
Hahahaha fuck no.
Iop, Ougi, Sacrier all deal more.
Masque definitely feels like a duo element class though. Mono is too restrictive. Getting Furia+Inferno for double damage buffs looks nice.
Masq does more with buffs up and a weapon.
Post build, chud.
I love the recent trend of making betas a month before set in stone release dates so that it's too late to change the big issues.
>all monoacc servers but one are full
>multiacc servers still have lots of slots left
>ankama keeps catering to those retards
Truly a retarded company. Also there has been lots of bugs in the beta, I don't know how they can fix all of this in just two weeks
They are actually fixing bugs surprisingly quickly.
the beta has been ongoing for three months or so
Yeah but overall, the beta feels kind of shitty. I end up reinstalling the game and it seems it fixed some of the stuttering issues but still, the UI is a complete issue itself, there are some bugged animations, weird bugs with sprites and the timer seems to run too fast
What's the most complicated class that fulfills the role of a tank in this game?
It's the de-facto 'Tank' in Dofus because it has the most utility and it has perfect positioning because it can LITERALLY FUCKING PICK UP AND DROP BOSSES
Elio tank actually

technically you can tank with any class
Panda is the overall best tank. Feca has more mitigation while tanking and sacrier has more self mobility and can deal good damage at the same time.
How do people find groups in this game nowadays? Last time i played recruitment chat was absoleet garbage
the most complex dofus mechanic is positioning imo, every class has to learn how to place themselves properly but if you play a tank class like panda or sacrier you need to think about it twice as much because to fulfil your role you need to position yourself, your enemies and your allies
I really like those two classes, I haven't played the most recent iteration of them but their kit had plenty of spells that allowed you to manage all of that and it made tanking feel really fulfilling, especially when you'd group with people you don't know
Making friends
Recruitment chat but prepare google translate
Oh and Feca can apply gravity state so it can lock jumping mobs, panda can not
you go in front of the dungeon you want to do and you send a message in chat
when you match with a group, talk with them and if you think they play well and you like their vibe make friend with them
then next time you play and you want to do a dungeon, and you see them online, invite them to play with you
and when with your group of friends you see someone who's been trying to do that dungeon you were about to jump in, invite him in and talk with him
and repeat the process until you make plenty of friends
It's basically the only mechanic most of the time.
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God, the combat at low levels is so much longer than I remember.
>that damage
945 main stat, no flat damage and 20% dog boost

at higher levels it evens out in damage potential, but lower dmg classes at lower levels and with worse gear are gonna fucking SUCK
kaniggers have some tough mobs too at 160
honestly I don't mind because it's my main reason to play dofus
>The positioning CHAD
>The virgin damage dealer
Multi-account players are funding Ankama. They're the players that keep playing not fotm mono-account faggots. Cope, seethe and dial8.
lmao no, multi servers are dead
Sure. We'll see about that in the long run. Spoiler : there will be a singular mono-account server but still multiple multi ones.
there used to be like 6 or 7 mono servers before they all merged into draco......
why wait? go check now, they're dead as shit
>Playing a MMO by yourself
Legitimate what's the point?
zoomers are genuinely afraid of any social interaction
Mono is also much more popular in Wakfu, and it's much harder to do anything in that game without a group.
People just prefer to play an MMO like it's an MMO, multibox tards ruin everything they touch, literally sucking the soul out of a game in the name of efficiency
Everyone will be playing mono on release because it's fotm hype but eventually most people will either quit or go back to multi.
Mostly because of PvP. You can't pile up all the gear to play anything you want as fast and efficiently on mono especially Infinite Dreams stuff. Pretending there are no players interactions on multi is straight up wrong. Economy alone is a major thing.
That's not even mentioning how you can play with 3 characters per account in Wakfu multi servers, so it's also way more convenient than Dofus is for multiboxing but still most people prefer not to do that.
>Multi fags ruined the game
>When 2.42 made PvE a joke because mono faggots couldn't make their little duo achievements due to skill issues
Multichads stay winning
multi fags not only ruined this game, they ruined countless other MMOs that didn't do enough to stop them, there's a reason it's explicitly banned in basically everything now, and there's a reason they're segregated in ankama games
100% honest, Dofus is a great singleplayer game if you multiacc. Really fun.
Zoomers play fortnight and cod,not french disgaea
Another good reason to hate pvp cucks
Does dofus even have cunny?
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ankama has plenty across their series, but no playable ones I believe
How does Masq compare to these other tank classes?
A lot more work for a worse result
masq is more that they gave their allies tanking abilities than them being actually proper tanks
masqs are jacks of all trade, you'll never tank as well as classes whose kit is entirely dedicated to their role
they have so many tools it's really up to you to make them whatever you want
It makes the game way too easy, I did it with Wakfu years ago but I got bored since nothing presents a challenge when you get to play so optimally, other people making mistakes is what makes the game fun and exciting, having to adapt and think about your turns thanks to unexpected situations is good. And you get the benefit of being able to talk when it's not your turn.
Turn based is the ideal format for an MMO, it's one of the few types of games where you can use the chat while playing.
Frogs are actually based?
Masq is more for making his whole team stay alive. It is tanky on its own but it is a protector/buffer rather than a tank
You can make multiacc harder by not being a metawhore
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>age up your cunny in your path
nothin personnel kiddo
>Breast growth
Damn ankama are some deviants
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Oh okay, well a jack of all trades is good too since this is going to be my first character. I just figured since it's listed as a tank on the website that it could viably function as one
the website really considers tanks anything that tacles and can do life drain/lower damage taken, in practice real tanks have to provide more specific positioning than that
I think masq is a good class to start, it's a fair bit complex but at the same time you have a lot of tools to do a lot of stuff, and while I might not be the most up to date about current dofus I'd always welcome as masq in my group because they can provide a lot
Harder but not hard unless you make a complete nonsense team, really the only difficulty modifier is not using a panda, but multi account players don't do that.
The benefit of always having the same team and being able to control all the characters is too strong, and they can't balance the game around it because it's still an MMO and it has to be doable for a random group of people with random classes, it can never actually become a challenging single player game because it isn't one. I wish they would make a real single player game so that they could up the difficulty.
It’s still fun. And some content is still hard.
it calls it a tank but it really should differentiate between something like "tank" and "bruiser"
masq are definitely not some squishy paper thin class that can't sustain or protect themselves, but they aren't tanks.
Well they could lock down like 2 mobs and survive the damage, but they are outclassed as a pure tank by Feca and Panda
Masqs are an offensive tanks. You can cover yourself with shields and jump into the middle of a mob, deal huge damage to them and fuck off before you get overwhelmed, then start again.
While something like pandas are defensive tanks, where they can spend a hundred turns taking a beating and still end at full health, but they'll literally have 0 damage dealt by the end of it
is cra really as boring as people say it is?
Not. It's worse
Most boring class easily, they didn't even try to make it interesting.
Ankama is retarded and all the classes will be gimped as long as they don't separate PvM and PvP balancing
>Osa is LE BAD in pvm cause summon swarm is weak
You know you can spec Osa to play with one single overbuffed summon? It’s not bad in PvM, tons of buffs for team, healing and good damage.
Ankama is retarded and all the classes will be gimped even if they separate pvp and pvm balancing because class reworks is how they "spice up the game"
>Most boring class easily,
That would be Feca
Actually placing a square on the ground is fun
It's so boring I forgot it exists.
Panda positioning is point and click, it's braindead. Feca is very forgiving and can easily adapt to any situation.
Sacrier has to think when tanking.
>rework Feca
>expect to make it more like the protector/shepherd it's suppose to be
>make it even more boring than it was, nerf defensive potential while increasing offense

It's a strong class, but it has 0 identity and 0 fun
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You can easily spot a retard when he says Cra is the least skilled and boring class in the game. It's neither of those especially in PvP. The class has a bunch of cool tools and has very satisfying spells like Punitive Arrow. Managing line of sight alone puts it above a bunch of classes in terms of difficulty, something the majority of players do not know properly.
this is your brain on crafaggotry
>managing line of sight
>put ruler on screen
>draw a line
>it works
cra isn't the easiest, but claiming it's not boring you never played the class
holy kek what a retard
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Cra isn't boring if you're a braindead retard faggot nigger like he keeps calling everyone else, please understand
I-It takes skill to know the right time to use it!
please understand it's a level 120 spell, he hasn't unlocked it yet
>You know you can spec Osa to play with one single overbuffed summon?
And they still die really easily.
>tons of buffs for team
Like 2 or smth. But this is a Dofus problem, the modern game design team is for some reason allergic to buff. A buff class in this game can give like 2 pa to one ally, 200 stats and that's it
>good damage
Below average, need to play water for big damage which means close range which means your summon dying because osa is a shit melee class
Another problem is that the class is clunky to use, having to hit stuff to get the correct level in whatever element you need to then have the summon do whatever you want it to do is just too many step.

I like the class but I really wish they went back to something closer to retro, where summons aren't element based, but instead utility based (we would also get more different type of summon, instead of literally only 4 with a different coat of paint for each inside each family)
Crabros… We are fucking retarded
osa basically provides nothing to a team these days, not sure what he meant by that
do they not have resurrection anymore?
Isn't Iop supposed to be the braindead class?
No, it was removed a while ago
>Retards immediately came out of the woodwork
that's fucked, I'm looking at the spell list I guess they turned them into offensive summoners with the summons doing the support now? seems kinda lame
Iop has to think about when to go in and when to hold back/retreat
Osas now having six spells that are EXACTLY the same fucking thing when I'm certain they could have done something better with a single slot is all the proof I need that Ankama does not give a fuck
>Iop has to think
stopped reading there
same design philosophy as cra but close range
You sure proved them all wrong by calling them retards again
>I can't read
Skill issue, literally
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>Crabros think their class takes skill
crab bros...
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pandas have low iq damage zones but high iq placement techs, which makes them mid iq on average
>Point and click is high IQ
It’s literally the most braindead easy placement skill in the game
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You want proof the "Cra is totally 100% braindead" retards are wrong and don't know wtf they are talking about? Managing line of sight is a major skill to have in the game and only a few classes are really concerned by it on the regular. Here is an example.

Look at this picture. You have <20 seconds to figure out the 2 tiles where that Sadida has line of sight on the Pouch and has enough MP for.

Chances are, if you are not quite experienced playing ranged characters, you failed. Most players cannot find the answer at a glance and a lot can't even figure it out at all. Mind you, this is a simple setup on a small map and it gets trickier the further you are. Cra is all about finding and/or creating lines of sight with positioning spells which makes it quite entertaining. If you mess up, you will potentially pass your turn doing basically nothing or not hit the target you want.

Never, ever listen to anything this thread has to say about classes. Always make your own opinion.
I've played wakfu for a long time and I still can't always predict the LoS.
Cras have a spell that deactivates line of sight lil bro. Put the fries in the bag after you’ve pressed that destructive arrow button twice, bozo
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Literally 100% of classes have to play with this same mechanic, only they don’t get the unga rewards cra do for getting it right
cra gets to bypass this, other classes don't
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Wakfu has way smaller maps and not much ranged play from what I've seen. It's not that hard but it does take some getting used to. On this specific scenario I've showed, you should pretty easily figure out the closest tile which is always the same color as the target's then just have to "shift" that position further away.
This is a somewhat niche scenario but it does happen often enough to be useful. Most of the time you'd want to position units accordingly but that again is a major skill in itself if you stay wary of your teammates and what mobs do.
Cra is nowhere near the hardest class to play but it does go over important fundamentals of the game if you try to play it right.
>Bro just use Acuity
Traded for Distant Shot which is one of the best team buff in the game. Imagine passing over 6 (SIX) range for yourself and your whole team. Acuity also only lasts 1 turn for a 3 turns CD. That's not an argument at all. Every Cra should and has to know how to position.
>Literally 100% of classes have to play with this same mechanic
Not at all or not to this extent at least. If you really look closer, there aren't many classes that rely on high ranged + line of sight required + not in line spells. Even then it's only on one or some elements unlike Cra which is for everything except Raining and Piercing.
Crabros… Everyone is laughing at us……..
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take a ruler and draw a line
It lasts 2 turns with a 3 turn cd my man, chances are the rest of the team isn't going to be hugging your nuts to receive your range buff anyway, disabling line of sight takes cra from easy mode to autopilot, this is probably one of the most retarded spells ever conceived in a game like this.
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>He confidently gets it wrong
You're all really a bunch of retards. You should really shut the fuck up.

Crabro having a melty.
provide the proper answer if I'm wrong
>Cra has to spend 3ap if they cant reach their opponent with their spells
>Other classes have to pass their turn
It was right there for you to see >>1504651. Dear Lord that's embarrassing. YOU FLAME CRA AND CAN'T EVEN GET THAT SIMPLE THING RIGHT.
that's not a proper answer, because you're not providing proof that you're right
I'm asking you to provide proof here
List of classes easier than Cra:
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Why the fuck is this even a discussion?
Cra is INTENTIONALLY one of the easiest classes in the game
It's supposed to be easy as fuck, so any new player who's unsure of what to play will see an archer and go "Yeah I know what an archer does", Instead of getting overwhelmed by the name of mechanics he doesn't even know and decides to just drop the game
December can't come soon enough so there's some actual discussion to be had
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I'm not going to bother summoning shit to show your last 2 tiles were not even in sight. If you don't even know this is a 1 tile due to the obstacles your retardation is beyond saving.
>I'm not going to provide proof
concession accepted
Who said anything about skill ceiling you brainlet?
I'm specifically talking to the people saying Cra isn't at the bottom of the skill floor
If you think a year of training with the class will let you buff damage and attack from across the map more effectively then whatever, go solo Count, I don't give a shit
What a weird thing to say
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You suck at the game. Now shut your whore mouth.
>Brings up skill ceiling when no one is talking about that
>Brings up wakfu when no one is talking about that
Okay man I'll just leave you to argue with the voices in your head, have a good one.
There's only 2 tier of difficulty in this game.
>Tier 1
Rogue, Xelor, Elio
>Tier 2
Everything else
Total cra medication
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Absolutely and utterly BTFO. Total Cra main victory.
Actually water ougi takes skill cause you need to play with LoS
Tell me the hardest class though
Hardest to learn is Xelor.
Hardest to master is Rogue or Osamodas.
Iop takes skill because it has to find line of sight
>Master Osa after years of playing
>Still the least useful in any fight
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>Mastering a class to play PvM
If you're useless in PvM it's a skill issue. It's a high IQ class. An Osa that understands how AI priorities work is pretty strong. People don't take them in groups because they don't know what they can actually do. I would take one over a meta class, if a guy plays Osa at high level he must be a real gamer.
>muh line of sight
sounds like a skill issue
Well yes, that is... the point?
No. Damage isn't boring
This. I have the most fun raping everything that moves with my arrows.
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>Sets reworked to be more appealing and give more gear variety to players
>Every single interesting set above level 60 requires alloys, substrates and pvp tokens that will cost an arm early on servers
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It depends. Low level sets (above 60) have low item requirements and can be farmed by you or in a group.
However Dofus crafting resource requirements scale with level so eventually X level item won't be realistically farmable.
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even Moowolf is relatively easy to farm
the 120x is from a level 46-50 mob at 8% drop rate
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Then lv200 gear says fuck you and requires a lot of lv200 mob loot and several boss drops.
Btw this is a super cheap item at level 200. Babby's first lv200 headgear.
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Bro those Bakelelite will cost you like 50k kamas each lol. It'll be 95% of the the cost for this necklace.
Ye Moowolf will be absolute go to for Earth. Easy to craft relatively speaking because for that Cauldini cloth and Moowolf tooth you will have to farm the bosses for a 5% droprate. Double set bonus for +2 AP is the play but with all the gathering shit required almost every time you inevitably have to cough up way too many kamas for them. There are exceptions of course but very few and they don't necessarily pair well with each others.
Reminder that the Chance element which increases your Water spell damage, also gives Prospecting and actually increases loot drops...

Play a class with good early Water and a solid Water spell set if you want loot :^)
Will I finally be able to level gathering professions in unity now or do I still have to buy everything from bots?
If you play when frogs are sleeping, otherwise you're fucked.
Beta finally gave me the opportunity of trying out Masqs at high levels
Holy shit bros this is so ass...
I used the term "meta" loosely to refer to easy classes. There isn't really a meta except Panda being always relevant. Otherwise it depends about what we're talking about. Leveling? Dungeons? Solo? Duo? Party of 4, 8? Farm? PvP? Infinite Dreams? Doing those in rags or with good gear? Everything leads to different answers.
Why are they ass?
>High damage
>Gigantic shields
>Unique and cheap damage buffs to several people at once
>Can increase damage taken for enemies with nearly 100% uptime
It’s meta in melee teams for a reason.
Meta depends on the content and progression
PvP, PvM, Early, Late, Infinite Dreams
This. It's a teamplay class.
post build
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These niggas look cool in a dorky way
Are they fun?
Yeah not for me then. Pity cause their design is the coolest

Strength. Not going to open the game to look at items
They can one shot everything in the game so yeah they're pretty cool
Don't tell them
>You choose to worship Sram
>Suddenly you am become skelenton
Then who was phone?
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Just have a vagina bro, then you can keep your skin
skelegirls when?
When you level up and put points towards your characteristics, is there a means to reset your choice and "respec" your character at a later date? Or do I need to glue my eyes to a guide during the entire leveling process?
Before 30 you can reset for free as many times as you like at some npc in incarnam.
After that, if you are subscribed you can respec as many times as you like by pressing a button in your UI at any time.

So if you are subscribed, no, you can respec your character a million times a day.
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spells are free to pick and choose
stats are free respec
class change is free up to level 20 in incarnam - won't do much because class identity isn't a thing until level 100
>because class identity isn't a thing until level 100
H-how long does it take to reach 100? I'm just dicking around to figure out if I'm interested in this game until they launch 3.0
they're over reaching, you always start with the basic spells that define the class identity and most of the time you get the more complex options at later levels usually within the first hundred levels
level 100 for a new player is probably a good month or two but if you don't like leveling at low level you're not gonna like what comes after because exp is exponential in Dofus, level 100 is like a quarter of the way to 200
rping as a cute caramel girl who's playing for the first time to get myself off
Bro that's not been the case for years lmao. Stat respecs can be done anytime anywhere for free and spells have 3 tiers acquired automatically upon reaching certain levels. Thank God.
That’s what he said, crabro
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No it's 100% false. You can restat wherever and whenever you want, subbed or not.
>Retarded Cra flamer
Of course. At this point I'd just stop posting if I were you. It's just embarrassing. You can't tell anything true about the game even if your life depended on it.
>it was actually the craschizo
ain't no way, bluds....
>a month
if you play one hour a day I guess
that's a new player on a new server so no exp boost, have to craft all the equipment and who will hopefully do a soulful mix of questing and dungeoning
they won't have to craft anything since they'll be behind the thousands of speedrun autists who reach 100 in a day and you can buy cheap stuff off the market, only way it takes a month is if they're new to MMOs as a whole and try to do all quests without guides which would probably just make them quit. or they have no time to play the game
I haven't played from scratch in too long for my opinion to be well informed, I don't know how easy it is to make money nowadays but I sure wish things will be as fast and easy as you make it sound
>tfw getting filtered by Count Harebourg
Share some tips bros...
well achievements give you a lot of exp and kamas now, and you can drop gear up to level 60, so it's very easy to level up and get gear as long as you're a bit behind the curve, you don't have to do any grinding for a long time as long as you're trying to do achievements and the around the world quests which make you do the dungeons.
It's not going to be easy at all if you compare to a few years back. Achievements got nerfed and rare boss or dungeon mobs resources farming are back on the menu. Idols got removed so no more easy resource drop. Money generation is scarce and mainly obtained through quests or achievements which give a fairly low amount. If you take it chill you should still be alright. There is not much point to rush anyway. The only motivation to do so is to get early on the item crushing for runes shenanigans and even this got nerfed. First crush coefficients on new servers will be 1000% instead of the usual 4000%. Still a fairly decent incentive but giga neet sweaters will not bank nearly as much.
2 more weeks...
Dead thread dead game
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>"Ho wow so cool set bonuses were buffed !"
>Has to wear blop and scara set all the way to 110 because everything is expensive due to retarded gathering materials
They need to either remove or rework gathering. Fuck this shit. Legit going to ruin the early game on servers.
What are the strongest early game classes? I want something that will prevent me from getting filtered. Fogger looks strong, but too many people in guild have it, and summons share global cooldown, so it's not fun in team play. No Cra suggestions please, I'm straight.
No bots this time though bro
Sacrier is easy mode until level 199
I think chance has the best lifesteal
Just spec into that and face tank everything
Is face tanking actually viable? I find it hard to believe a Sac can solo early dungeons the way fogger can, but I've never seen modern Sac so I don't know.
>No bots
>Extremely high competition
>Only a few nerds who will get ahead of the pack playing 48 hours straight manage to get 40+
>They proceed to list materials at insane prices
Wow so cool I'm glad bots are gone meanwhile I'm wearing a blop set at lvl 100
Insta kills bosses only start showing up at 200, and chance has some range so you can just kite around the occasional ones at lower levels
Just use a half decent set and don't be a complete retard trying to face tank 8 enemies at once or doing dungeons twice your level
Insta kill mechanics are so fucking gay. Woohoo, I sure love having to do everything again over one fucking small mistake. So fun.
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>One-shotting the boss with Sram trap networks
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>Retarded cra flamer
Just don't play melee, iop brain
Hey everyone,

I understand that passions run high when it comes to Dofus, but can we please keep the general thread a space for friendly discussions and helpful interactions? Constant arguments and heated exchanges only clutter the thread and make it harder for others to engage or find useful information.

We all have different opinions and experiences, and that’s what makes the community interesting, but let’s try to keep it respectful and constructive. If you’re feeling upset about something, it might be better to take it to a private Discord message. Let’s keep the general thread a place where everyone can contribute without feeling overwhelmed by negativity.

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation!

Let's keep it fun and positive!
My DMs. 10 minutes.
I want to RAPE all Cra and Cra players and have very STEAMY and HOT BABYMAKING SEX with them UNTIL they can't stand ANYMORE and then cum on THEIR BOWSTRING so they can't shoot it anymore AND are reduced TO MY personal cumDUMPS
Which goddess would you fuck the hardest?
For me, it's Feca
>Opt for the easiest class in the game
>Not a shitter
>Still coping
You're so clueless you can't even tell which class is the easiest, that literally can't die and with get out of jail free cards.
>19 classes
>one class represents 25% of the playerbase
actually insane
Taking no damage and never having to interact with mechanics is a pretty good get out of jail free card
Maybe try playing above level 100 before opening your mouth. I'll be nice and not consider this a try. So which is it?
Level 200 farming has been cra spam for like 10 years, crabro
OFFICIAL difficulty ratings according to Ankama

Cra, Iop, Sacrier, Eniripsa

Ouginak, Sram, Enutrof, Feca

Forgelance, Sadida, Masqueraider, Pandawa

Ecaflip, Foggernaut, Osamodas, Huppermage

Rogue, Xelor, Eliotrope

Osa should go to 5
Sram to 3
Feca to 1
Ecaflip to 3
Based on the complexity to understand spells and not actual gameplay.
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Where did they say that's what it means, they describe it as "Difficulty"
fair but it's also not reflective of his level play and how rewarding they are to play
Because otherwise it wouldn't be like this. Elio wouldn't be on the same tier as Rogue and Xelor. Sram is higher if you network. Some classes are way harder in PvP than just casual PvM etc.
So you're just assuming they meant something other than what they say it means, which doesn't make sense because unless you're illiterate you shouldn't have any trouble reading spells.
she's my absolute favorite
It means
>How difficult is that class to understand
>How difficult is that class to play
Idk what to tell you if you don't understand this. Just play the game.
You're just disagreeing with what they described it as and expecting anyone to care, it's a difficulty rating get over it.
Irrelevant and also untrue. There were other farm metas since the 1 global explo nerf like full Eca and full Sadida. Forge is also the best to AoE farmer now.
>Ask a question
>Doesn't like the answer
>"Waaah who cares what you think"
Still cracks me up that they censored her design for Waven
I didn't ask for your interpretation of what they think the word "Difficulty" means, does it hurt your ego or something?
Krosmaga was so niche they just could get away with a lot of things
I was answering what is the truth about this rating and you come to me arguing about semantics. Just play the game and maybe you will understand but I wouldn't bet my money on that with how stupid you seem to be.
Imagine the reverse rape
she's my one and only goddess and I'd let her do anything she wants to me
You must be ESL because it takes skill to be this dumb, take it up with Ankama if you think they used the wrong word.
>Being an ESL equates to being dumb
Meanwhile you're a mono-lingual faggot speaking a caveman tier language arguing the term "difficulty" takes into account how the game plays globally on said class. Just play Sram then, 2/5 stars class. Should be pretty easy right ? There is no way Ankama would mislead you !
Tons of classes have pushback spell paths but I never see anyone play them. Only pushback fogger is somewhat common.
Really? Did they cover up her tits or what
most of them are used for minor placement in PvE
they do see uses in PvP for some classes but they're dedicated builds
It's not good, that's why, why load your damage into something that has extra conditions like needing something to push into and requiring the target to be able to be pushed in the first place?
what's wrong with you people can't you be normal for one day
The damage is high no? Also bypasses resistances.
there are flat pushback damage resistances in high level equipments
There's also pushback resistance, the damage isn't that good because it's only scaled by level and pushback damage.
Who was saying Masq does low damage? I hit 4k second turn after buffs on 0% resistances.
Scratch that, I do 5k if I start turn with right mask.
there are classes that do double that t2
nothing in the game does "low damage" though
No class does 10k on turn 2. And 5k is higher than Sac and maybe Cra on turn 2
Sac does 5k in aoe
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Pushback builds are strong in PvP but not great in PvE for two reasons. First, there isn't an uncommon amount of abilities that would make monsters immune to it. Things such as being unmmovable or having a load of pushback resistance. It's a similar reason as to why xelor has a rough time in high level content. Second, there are many boss mechanics where the position of you or the boss is important. That means it can interfere with you wanting to push things into a wall. To put it simply, there are many aspects that completely shut down pushback builds depending on the dungeon you're running.
No it doesn't. 3k perhaps.
You can do 8-9k with some classes on turn 2.
You don't need to go hard on building pushback damage, most pushback damage spells got regular variants of the same elements for use in dungeons where pushback sucks.
What's the most annoying class to fight against?
Thinking of pissing off some PvP cucks on the new servers
Pushback damage builds are all fun and games until you encounter a monster which cannot be moved or you're in a dungeon where pushback is punished.
How much IQ do I need to play rogue well?
Pushback is only good in PvP
Not worth the PvM hassle compared to glass cannon crit
Not much, new rogue isn't remotely as hard as all rogue. All classes are being homogenized to be easier.
3 digit
Aww darn
50 for Unity
200 for Touch
000 for Retro
You fags sure are talking a lot of shit considering you will all be hardstuck on Catseye forever, if you even make it this far. Eniripsa is the easiest class in the game by the way and it's not even close lol. That thing has lifesteal on basically everything and legit completely braindead. It's definitely not Cra which has the absolute worst survivabilty when sustain will be the name of the game for clearing dungeons in rags on new servers.
Wtf happened to enutrof man?
>more range than cra
>Almost as much damage
>Remove ap
>Remove mp
>Remove range
>ST damage
>Aoe Damage
What's the disadvantage of playing these old farts?
I'd just be roleplaying a jew so it's okay
>Cra lifesteal spells
6, one single target in each element (2 aoe but they're variants) + eye for an eye (20% of damage dealt as lifesteal 1 turn for the whole team, also makes enemies push themselves back if they hit you, also steals range)

>Eni lifesteal spells
4 (2 aoe but one of them pulls enemies towards you) + bloodless word (same as eye for an eye but 25% and costs 4 ap instead of 2, and no additional effects)

Eni has some other random small ways to heal but it also has less range, and far less damage.
Don't even know why I'm bothering to reply to a Cra downplayer but based on FACTS and LOGIC, it's not worse than Eni in the sustain department, in fact they're similar.
>almost as much damage (than cra)
deranged cra downplayers

they have poor positioning for mechanics, MP red +a lil push is good enough to kite
you're in a dofus thread, this is mostly french people speaking in english to each others
this but someone who tells me to skip turn
Okay but which class is the most fun?
this is the gayest answer but you really need to play them and get grasp at the classes to find what appeals to you
I love managing placement, I find it very fulfilling so for me the most fun class is the Sacrier
Some people in this thread love managing their line of sight and deal big damage from afar so they play Cra
each class has some specific appeal (often with some overlaps), you really need to test them at least a bit to get the basic taste of them
Shill me on this, I feel like making a mistake and trying an MMO again.
Dofus is a grid-based, turn-based mmorpg in the universe of Dofus
You can play one of 19 unique classes and you'll have to cooperate with other players to beat dungeons, farm ressources and do PvP
Each class has some unique wacky mechanics or advantage that makes them all significantly different from the others, which can allow to some class having really nice interactions with each other and it makes working together with your allies, since it's grid based and turn based you can talk and plan things with your allies
it's definitely more on the strategy side than your average mmorpg, especially in late game where if you fuck up some boss placement it could spell total wipe of your entire team
also the girls are hot
also on the 3rd of December the version 3 of the game is coming out with brand new start-over servers so it's basically the best time to start the game
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Lay off the weed your brain is completely fried. Imagine arguing Cra has even remotely as much sustain as Eniripsa. The class that literally carries your dumb ass with absurd heal output because you can't handle dungeons lmao. You sure don't want your little pet to get a bad rep itt, your progress depends on it. It is the easiest and most braindead class like it or not.
Cra's lifesteal? Immobilizing arrow has laughable damage. The lifesteal on Judgement is low and does not scale with MP, only damage. Eye for an eye has a 4/3 turns CD, heals 20% of damage when HIT with no reduction and trades for Lark Mirror which is more useful in PvM (granted you are smart and understand static summon priority). Devoring only lifesteals once changing target after copious stacking (so 1 out of 2 turns at best). Crushing got nerfed and has a 3 turns CD. The ONLY somewhat reliable lifesteal is Tormenting and that's 1 per target per turn. Also that's literally it, no damage reduction, no shields, no cleanse just measly lifesteal spells and pushbacks that won't save you the higher level you go.
You sure talk big about "fact and logic" when spouting such retarded nonesense. There is a reason why Cras have a bad rep out of all the easy classes. Once difficulty arises, it hits them like a train. There is no room for mistakes because if that happens they just fucking die. Problem with Eniripsa? Just top yourself up bro, remove that nasty debuff and put on a little shield.
Crabro it doesn't work when you're the one calling them spergs
The auto win everything comp is Panda/Iop/Elio/Enutrof seething retarded schizo. Even if you add more to it Feca and Eni come before Cra at the very least. Anyone with half a brain would take an Enutrof over a Cra in a group.
I'm a metafag, but I just can't bring myself to play Enu. I just hate their stupid design.
Design as in visual? If so same but their kit is just insane. So many "I'm ruling this fight" buttons.
Crap was meant for >>1506310
Don't worry Enu bros
Young Enutrof skin is happening in unity soon
Trust the plan
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They opened more spots in each server
Based Ankama stress testing servers live and crashing them with no survivors.
That's not the maximum capacity of each server. They already said you can make a character on any server you want on release. This is just to save your name
>make the classes with the goofiest aesthetics the strongest
>somehow make them even more goofy in 3.0
I don't care how strong you make Enu and Panda, I'm never playing them til they have good character customization/models. Reminder Alibert from Wakfu is an Enu, and Enus can be young.
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Trust on the new customization options
That'll be $20 each, goy
It hardly matters, just play whatever you want, Dofus classes are getting more samey by the week, such is the fate of any game balanced around PvP.
Yeah, visually speaking.
Enutrofs are cool and unique though. I've never seen a fighting treasure hunter / prospector in fantasy that is old and decrepid because they wield dark magic from a god that ages them.

In lore, Enutrofs aren't old, their body just withers due to the magic they wield from the god Enutrof. So stronger Enutrofs look old because they control a lot of this magic. While those who don't worship Enutrof so dutifully look younger (like Alibert).
Name 2 classes that are "samey" PvM cuck
How are people playing the beta?
Whenever I get in I play for 10 minutes before some annoying bug forces me to relog and after a while I just give up
Works on my machine, there is a bug that breaks the game and forces you to restart but its only happened to me twice, not every 10 minutes, and it takes 2 seconds to relaunch the game.
The question is, how are YOU getting such problems? The beta works quite fine except a couple skill animation issues maybe.
Sure isn't working in mine
Every time I log in the resolutions resets down to 1080p so my menus get scattered around the screen
I have enemies and my own summons go invisible mid battle and can only target them through the portraits
And them there's npcs just disappearing, professor Xa at the end of his dungeon is invisible almost every time I get there so I can't leave

That's a great fucking question.
I reinstalled the beta already and didn't seem to do anything, neither did messing with settings
Honest don't know what the fuck is up with it on my machine
Are you playing on Linux?
I can't think of any other reason why you'd have more problems.
No, normal windows 11
I removed everything and am reinstalling it outside of program files now, no idea what else I'd try
It's what happens when you actually play the game and not just hit the Pouch. Report your issues on the forum. If you want to have a laugh try playing Panda. They have so much weird shit happening it's actually hilarious unless that got fixed.
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>windows 11
Yeah I'm starting to think that might really be the case
If anyone can be bothered to do a test, try fighting a mob with invisibility and tell me what that looks like
It's the same shit as the 5 previous iterations of windows.

It functions as expected for me
Yeah I don't fucking know then
I'm just sure it isn't supposed to look like this
It could just be a class specific thing who knows, post it on the bug reports section on the forum.

Looks like it got reported in the french forums already
They are saying it's linked to the "bring entities to the foreground" setting, try turning that off for now, I've never had it on so that would explain it.
It's a feature, MAPphobes
Can someone explain Fogger to me? Not specific mechanics, just in general his role in the group or what makes it unique compared to other classes
Is /agg/ still playing on Dakal 2 at release ? They added some room to all the monoaccount servers, I'm asking to see if I should move my prereg
yes, dakal 2
Foggernaut's gameplay revolves around turrets that will help you fulfil some roles, they're kind of a jack of all trade but more support oriented
you've got good heal, good shields, good support, good placement while still being able to deal a fair amount of damage
Huge warning for Foggernaut. The turrets are globally shared between all the Foggernauts on the team. So multiple of them will cuck each other. And it seems like it's popular with the guild, because it's a strong early game class.
Map control with good healing and damage sprinkled in. You fortify a little area with your turrets and sit comfy there while pushing out mobs.
>multiple sexy foggernauts looking for a team
god I might need to join the guild this time
How can I tell what the rest of the guild is playing? There's an excel somewhere?
Fogger is probably the most fun class. They get fun fantasy mechanics while being strong at the same time. And nobody will ever object to a fogger in a group.
Role picker channel on the guild discord gives you an idea of what everyone will be playing. Eca and Sram seem to be the most popular.
Does Eni still have a way of giving +2ap to more than 1 person? I think I saw an eni do that.
Yeah, if you cast the spell on Coney or the Flasks it becomes AOE.
I wasn't even aware there was a guild discord, I guess you get access to it by actually being in the guild?
Would be nice to have something the entire thread can post their choice on. A poll maybe?
I'm sure there's a lot of people waiting to join only when the new servers are up (like me)
>actually being in the guild?
Servers aren't up, so there's no guild yet. Anyone can join. Jannies must have deleted the discord link that was posted earlier.
You really shouldn't care what the animals in this thread are playing. 80% of them won't make it past level 100. Just pick whatever you vibe with. If you're going to play with a mate on the regular maybe consider something that synergies but even then you should be fine picking anything you both like.
Just pick whatever you want. People will try to make the guild as quick as possible so anons who aren't really comfortable with discord/autistic can join
>4 ecas
>4 srams
>3 masqs
>3 foggers
>3 forges
>2 enis
>2 fecas
>2 sacs
>2 sadis
>2 pandas
>2 rogues
>1 iop
>1 osa
>1 enu
>1 hupper
>1 ougi
If anyone is curious
Xelorbros... There's no rolling back from this one...
Eni is ba-ACKKK
Based Sram enjoyers. Hopefully you're playing female too, though the skellies aren't too bad I guess.
Bro, please understand. They don't do as much damage as Cra so they are bad, ok?
Here >>1499175
Pretty weird distribution, sounds like we're all contrarians and furries.
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Yeah, I went to take a look, seems like you guys have some hilarious memeisters in there.
I'll just stick to the game chat, you all have fun doing your thing
Good thing you were able to run back to 4chan to be safe from memes
Chondo here
please play a cute male eni so you can be my bf
If we ban catdo will you come back?
So this seems to have fixed every single one of my visual bugs
I don't know whether to be glad it was an easy fix or pissed off that the hacks at ankama made the game unplayable because of a single checkbox
What are we thinking of the new Xelor in beta?
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>Eternal harvest with 4 characters
Why do you have a problem with me and not the 50 people going ew an account made today I was just trying to be friendly to you kek. Come back whenever you like we can still be friends :^)
That's it cat I'm starting a petition to get you banned
I was going to ask why but remembered Ankama is legit fucking fried to put "six out of six" as a requirement for the Sylvan. Hopefully they fix this retarded shit because they literally did that to justify the actual quest being laughably short and uninteresting.
good luck im behind 7 mondos
No MAPphobia in the guild PLEASE
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>Enutrofs can go invisible now
>a clique of 94 members
Yeah sure
Just doing it with one is making me wanna kym
How are the classes compared to wakfu? In wakfu they were very unique and gimmicky, like Xelor's clock or Fogger's rails. From what i see Dofus is more simplistic?
You successfully lured a bunch of people by claiming the spot of the threads guild by posting a link. Congratulation. Doesn't change the fact you let a faggot schizo in charge who will abuse his power like with this guy who likely did nothing wrong other than being too based. You don't call him out over his bullshit because you're a clique. How does that work for a 4chan guild of all things? That is pretty simple and everyone in this thread deserves to be warned.
The guild worked just fine for both the dofus and wakfu monoserver launches so chances are it'll be fine for the unity launch too. It's also big enough where you don't have to group up with someone if you don't like them. Dunno what your damage is.
Dofus focuses on width over depth, you have more spells available at once but they're less specialized than they are in Wakfu, you might have spells that kinda do the same thing but in a different element. Classes don't have passives to choose from, some have one baked in but some don't have any at all.
They also don't have inherent spells like the third bar from Wakfu, and much less gimmicks usually, so yeah Dofus is a bit more simplistic.

A good example is Cra, in Wakfu it's like jumping through several burning hoops over a spike pit in order to do damage thanks to all the passives, resources and gimmicks you have to deal with, while in Dofus it's like walking from point A to point B.
Is he going to abuse his power soon? I've been waiting more than seven years and all I've seen is schizos like you talking about themselves in the third person and making the thread unusable
what about fun? Is dofus combat more fun and/or fulfilling?
Fuck yes
Wait for the elio to clean the room simulator wasn't my cup of tea
That is entirely subjective but what I can say is objectively better is that Dofus plays out much faster, all the animations are faster, enemies play their turns faster etc, Wakfu combat really drags on because everything is slow.
It also really depends what classes you play because some are painfully boring in Dofus and some in Wakfu haven't been updated in years so they're terrible compared to recently reworked ones.
he didnt banned loop tho
loop left.
Even if I don't like duny and he doesn't like me he never did anything about it and didn't abuse his power.
I argued with him constantly in wakfu and he never kicked people for not liking them. Just because you would abuse the modicum of power you get doesn't mean everyone else would and you don't need to live in fear of it.
>loop left.
Conveniently forgetting that was after being muted for no valid reason.
>They got rid of the goofy skeleton face
from >>1504939
I'm kinda mad about it ngl
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touch digital grass at least
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lotsa colors...
Eyesockets aren't round enough so it loses its goofy vibe
0/10 skeleton wud not calcify again
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To be fair, the reason they made the foreheads so big is because of hats.
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Mating pressing fem Fecas.
What are you talking about? This discord has been around for a while and was the discord for Tile Lovers back for Wakfu release last year and even further beyond that for older 4chan shit like Hams. Which I'm not knowledgeable about because I'm a newfriend. If you don't like it you don't have to join and you don't even have to play with any of us or use discord at all. You can just join the guild and use the in game chat. Or join a different guild entirely. You don't have to socialize at all but keep in mind it's a MMO and socializing is a pretty core aspect of these kinds of games. Let's all try to get along sis it's really not a big deal in the end.
Pandawas are built for rape
How is Forgelance? Spears are cool. I want to be a spearlord.
gods of AoE
you can AoE through walls
AoE at a distance
AoE up close
massive AoE damage enemies just cannot escape

Single target though? got none of that shit, you will do pretty mediocre damage to bosses but by jove will everything else around them be absolutely annihilated. If you like to lay waste in an area (but not to a single individual only) they are absolutely for you, kill their entire team at the same time, or I guess just die to the 1 guy who is left.
a highly rated class
pros: mobility, positioning, defensive spells, aoe damage, range
con: single target is lackluster compared to other damage classes

the con: isn't that much of an issue
Holding hands and smiling awkwardly with fem Sacrieur
Last time I played Dofus, I played as a Pandawa in 2.0. How did the class change since then? I remember having to grind like a retard until level 80 to get a single ranged attack.
streamlined and given more offensive tools
pandawa ruined dofus
it's the best class
it's been like this for 18years, it's time to accept that they're the favorite class
Dofus is about tactics, Wakfu is about min-maxxing numbers
Make new

It got deleted lmoa
Last thread hasn't even been kicked off the catalog yet, This one will last another week
>Dicking around with classes
>Realize there's an alt limit of 5 characters total
There's no limit
fuck you juden
What's the best class for a sigma, lone wolf such as myself?
They're both about minmaxing numbers and tactics.
They're the same game at the core but slightly diverge in game design.
Even if you have completely maximized gear in Wakfu the game is still very difficult and you can't solo anything so I'm not sure how you're getting that impression.
Nonono, Wakfu is about stacking modifiers to reach big numbers. Wakfu dungeons stat check you HARD. Dofus dgs don't stack you to this extent.
>Wakfu the game is still very difficult and you can't solo anything
Because the content stat checks you.
You can't be a sigma lone wolf. If you could, you would know the game enough to not ask a dumb question like "what should I play". Anyway, I'd say Foggernaut or Eliotrope but the latter is really hard to play in early levels.
You can solo in Dofus because the game isn't a number check but a strategy check. Players who are able to solo hard dungeons are legitimately cracked. The game rewards smart thinking and not retarded RNG grind. You rarely truly min-max in Dofus outside of PvP. It's more efficient to have gear for multiple play-styles and adapt for different scenarios than a single one with the best stats possible.
You can literally clear all of Dofus with NORMAL spells. Knowing how to play is the most important thing. Gitting gud is your way to success in Dofus!
what's the point of classes then if you can clear with normal spells...
The cool thing is that even content which you can clear with neutral spells is even legit hard for a normal player. It's good design and high skill ceiling.
>What's the point of any spell I dont personally use
Yes but that doesn't mean you don't minmax numbers in Dofus nor does it remove the part where you need to do mechanics and not be dumb in Wakfu, just playing the game well is still more important than gear. The whole game is clearable in green/orange gear on level (which is easy to get full slots) without any sublimations, you're not getting stat checked you're getting team composition checked, you're not meant to be able to solo dungeons because it's an MMO. And if you unironically believe you need full maxed out legendary gear with expensive sublimations to do anything then skill issue I guess.
The difference is in that dungeons are made for 6 people and it expects one of them to be a healer and one of them to be a tank, so I understand that it might seem like an unfair stat check within a group that has no one playing either of those things, class roles are much much more important.

I'm really struggling with the logic here, Dofus is tactical because it allows you to cheese enemies and solo what's meant to be the hardest content designed for 4 players? And Wakfu Is exclusively about numbers because the enemies are stronger even though the mechanics are ridiculous. Is that the argument?
implementing the strategies you use in Dofus to achieve solos would trigger 3 different enrage mechanisms on every enemy in the fight in Wakfu and immediately cause you to fail, it's a very punishing game, it's more fair to say that it's built for multiboxers than it is to dismiss it as a stat check, because what the game demands from a team is borderline unrealistic for a group of 6 random players.
Wakfu is restrictively hard, I guess is a better way to put it.
Yeah, true, that's how I would describe it, to the point it's not even fun anymore, so I still think Dofus is better.
you're isekai'd into the world of Dofus, which divinity do you worship?
Sadida because lazy + unlimited sexdolls
If you're playing with a group in wakfu and you have only orange gear while everyone else has yellow (not even mentioning full runes and sublimations), you'll be severely lagging behind to the point where you feel like you're dead weight. Meanwhile in dofus it's much easier to have 1k+ power in your main stat before you're level 200.

I think you're being disingenous because in wakfu the power level between shit gear and opti is such a massive powergap. Meanwhile in dofus it's more like a 15% difference at best.
ouginak to fuck many women
white women*
>Muh cheese
Delusional. You will wipe with 4 people in dungeons some people can solo. It takes a masterful understanding of a class, complete knowledge of mobs behaviors, mechanics and carefully plan every move to do it. It's impressive for a reason.
coombrained retards
Ouginaks are canonically human, it'd just be normal intercourse.
honestly Sadida in Unity play like shit
the animations are terrible and the sound effect are among the most forgettable ever produced
honestly Dofus Retro still has the best sound design of any version
The game is made for coomers, grandma. Have you seen the designs? Have you read the jokes? Retard.
Now I'm wondering just how much of your genitalia would change as your appearance changes once you start worshipping a god. I would so worship whoever makes my dick bigger.
Wrong and nobody plays with sound on after 2 hours of gameplay
Worship eca so you become a fat cat with a barbed dick
In Wakfu the numbers get cracked
Dofus numbers at end-game are relatively same, with the exception of Infinite Dreams

Gear disparity at end-game, even between top maged gear, is much smaller than Wakfu's "top gear" after factoring their version of maging. Which is expected in their end-game.
If you think Retro is good you objectively have shit taste
Reminder that some classes are more predisposed to be mono, duo, multi/omni builds. If you want more builds/variety, play more omni/duo classes.
Ougi and Iop for instance are more Omni
Feca is great Omni/Duo or Mono or Tank/Meme/Weapon builds. Most variety!
Rogue is very mono due to bombs.
Sadida is excellent duo or omni because they want to use other element spells to maximize their effects.
Masque is better duo than mono
>Rogue is very mono due to bombs
But don't they benefit a lot with classes with good positioning for the same reason?
The only true omni classes are Fogger and Hupper
Cra too.

Ougi is not good omni.
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>Iop and Ougi omni
Sure, but you shouldn't be playing cra regardless of element
Jesus, is it a competition to see who's going to say the most retarded shit in this thread ?
>Playing an omni class
Do you even realize how much that narrows the choice down? Eca, Cra, Feca, Steamer and Huppermage maybe Xelor in PvP if they ever revert the Knell nerf. That's it. Everyone else has to favor mono and only a few some niche dual builds (mostly to hit hard with a specific weapon in PvP). Not being an omni class doesn't even mean you can't have builds variety, on the contrary actually. You're not going to rely on the crit dmg build every NPC will go for.
>Cra hater doesn't even know which classes can omni
Yet another proof of your stupidity.
>playing mono builds
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Play Cra
I'm playing Sacrier so I can see this every time I level up
Imagine living in the Dofus world and NOT worshipping these.
what class do I pick if I want to punch gods in the face and not worship them
sorry, meant mono
I get the other answers but how does this one make sense
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Should I get her finisher even if I don't play Cra? It's a bit retarded but God damn she really is the hottest divine...
Less than 2 weeks away and I still don't know what I'm going to play
It suck being retarded, I'll probably have to waste money on class changes
pick the class you enjoy the looks the most.
do not care if it's weak or shidd, as long as you play on mono-account peoples will want to group up.
you hate all the other gods so much that you're willing to play Osa
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You don't play as any of the gods in this game so their appearance is irrelevant
Tell me which class has the hottest girls
when is the mouse getting her second movie
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I'll miss the sex-face blush/smile from 2.0 player sprites...
Kanigrula will still have it I think.
>Not doing a "tribute" to your divine
Damn, I'm not a furry but...
cant find my foggernaut one with the sex hair...
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Rogues also are cuties
Not a furry but...
>Class I like gets nerfed
>Pick up a new one that looks fun
>Get good at it
>Start to like it
>Class I like gets nerfed
Why do I even bother
Hey dudes, is the beta server multi or mono?
You can multi on beta
Thanks, almost reported an innocent man
I have to say, the choice of locking combat to specific maps is completely soulless.
I hope it'll pay off with whatever it is they're planning
Fem fecas and its not even close
The tree hugger girls are cute
Are they good?
good but a bit slow since they need to setup
we're probably in different timezones but if you want we can try to help you narrow it down if you want to? What classes are you thinking about playing and why?
female foggernauts own me and my soul
Nta, but im stuck between fogger, hupper and ecaflip. Fogger seems very flexible, ecalip was fun in wakfu and hupper seems like a typical mage an usually im a mage main in games
I'm also stuck between these 3
sadidas feel fine rn
you just need to get used to how they play
>madoll infects 2 for 2 turns
>even if it dies infection stays (this change is so fucking good)
>if it dies (which is a good thing because it's taking aggro) you can just resummon it again for 2 fucking AP
as people mentionned earlier, really good support class but still a jack of all trade, basically build a nest and support your allies with it. Your turrets are really good even in solo play but you'll see the best results when playing with people
however a lot of 4chan guild members seems to be aiming for it and turrets are shared so you'll usually want to avoid having more than one fogger in a group so keep that in mind
Might not be as fun during leveling it up since the whole point is to combine elements which is harder at low level, but you still deal big damage, you're a mage after all so you're all about damage, especially earth element has insane pushback, with very little means to support your group you're more the one being supported
Really good solo class tho, because you'll be blasting through fights while Fogger is more dependent on setting up his nest
it has had a unique rework somewhat recently, you basically pull cards through your actions and depending on the hand you pulled it will give you extra effects, you basically cycle through card pulling and card spending, I find it fun but you have to be mindful of it at all time and act accordingly, you'll basically be swinging between attacking your enemies and healing your allies
They're all fun classes, there's no good or bad pick so just be sure to pick one that fits your gameplay style, if you're a brute and just spam offensive spells you'll probably be happier as a huppermage, if you like standing back and enabling your allies you'll probably have a good time with foggernaut and if you want to do a bit of both while being ok having to adapt to your pulls then go with ecaflip
when I'm tired of leveling up my main I'll probably do a Sadida girl, I haven't played them since they completely revamped their gameplay and I keep hearing about them being stinky fun
Mdrrrrr genre là il y a des adultes qui jouent à ce jeu ??? genre t'as 28 ans et tu joues encore à ça ?? grandissez ptn
haha yeah
>28 ans
who's gonna tell him?

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