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File: Fortnite.jpg (335 KB, 2560x1440)
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Like, elites spent TRILLIONS of dollars trying to make a "Metaverse" and it flopped horribly due to not apealing to anyone. Is obvious to think that, since that objective failed due to people having zero interest on it, they relocated their investments into the biggest interest in gaming rn (Fortnite) and instead of trying to catch people's attention, going where the people already are, thus trying to turn something what already exists into this Metaverse they are trying to create.

Gnostics have a set of "strategies" for achieving their goals, and one of those is the process of "Unification" (Like, unifing markets, cultures, communication, economies). This come's from Herbert Spencer's Evolution theory from where the universe need to go from "A set of determined, separated things" to "One thing that covers all"

In this sense, the Fortnite "collaborations" with different IPs and celebrities aren't a way to "Call people's attention". The metaverse's intention is not to create a funny simulator, is to create an alternative to reality, an "Escape" from the tyranny of the Demiurge, they really try to reach that state of the universe where EVERYTHING is part of ONE.

Fortnite is NOT going to stop NEVER unitl EVERYTHING is part of Fortnite, every celebrity, Every game, movie, comic and book, every character, every weapon, every map, every mechanic that has ever been concieved, every music (They are now selling those), even CLOTHING BRANDS, THEY ARE *NOT* GOING TO STOP UNTIL EVERYTHING IS PART OF THEM. Once everyting is part of it, it will appeal to everyone, that's the only way they can achieve a functioning Metaverse.
You should make a thread on /x/ about evil/gnosticism in videogames.
Yeah it was the worst fucking idea ever

There will never be a big, all-encompassing metaverse, unless corpos go full lobotomy on us.
People are already segmented into small metaverses based on interests and gameplay machanic-preferences.
>evil = gnosticism
/x/ has enough newfaggotry as is.
Delusional fuck!! Fortnite lost most of its players and every big update they still loosing players. Game gets boring at some point i play everyday and i only play BR squads or red vs blu creative. stop talking shit every game dies eventualy or will be played by a smal amount of players than will die
there's still like a year or two before fortnite's Disney World appears. they already have branded SHOES in fortnite and the fucking tesla cybertruck is in there too, so like. yes. fortnite will be everything sooner than later.
except fnaf. thanks scott
Why do people get this mindbroken by gnosticism?
religion is a trauma cult, or something

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