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Revenant is here, how's everyone enjoying the new patch?
well that corp that war dec'd me never showed up to attack my structure, i've unanchored it now and it's reanchoring in jspace
Grats anon. Hope things go well for you in j-space.
What does one need an Athanor for?
i plan on doing reactions
Reactions and reprocessing. You can also mine your moons with an Athanor (I think) but we have autominers now so there is no point unless you're a nullsec warlord and own an expensive moon.
R4 moon ore has literally dropped below Veldspar in price, it's retarded. There's absolutely no reason to moon mine in HS anymore.
Everything is proceeding as I have forseen.
How's the ice mining now, that ought to have gone significantly up, right?
i'm not gonna stand here and listen to you badmouth the greatest democracy new eden has ever known
WTF-432 Cosmic Signature Wormhole Unstable Wormhole 100.0% 9.45 AU
Not exactly a high bar what with democracy being a gay system for fags.
stopped reading there
Ice was on the rise, but it's kind of stabilized now. It's still up and I imagine it'll stay high for a while, but there might be some minor fluctuations after people stop running as many moon drills.

It's mostly HS ice, the isotopes are on the rise, everything else is remaining fairly static. But mining ice with a hulk and orca boosts is approaching 100m ISK/hr right now, and since the majority of isotope ice comes from HS (Which is already getting fully mined out as frequently as possible), I don't see people being able to meet the demand without traveling to NS to mine some more.
What does the emperor of Amarr look like
why would someone be using a deluge for PI shit?
it has 45k m3 hold for pishit
and its a blockade runner
>missed 1 day of login rewards
>doomed to have a skill issue because there's no filler booster "buffer" at the end
>get free stuff
>login rewards
this game is unrecognizable
Faster align/warp, it shaves off about 30-60 seconds per character. Important when you have 30 of them.
because it's the best ship for it? what kind of question is this
>why would someone be using a deluge for PI shit?
because decent sized rats spawn around Skyhooks now so you unironically need tank and DPS to kill the shit tackling you on grid.
that implies you ironically need tank and dps
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>N770 wandering hole in my farm
How dangerous is taking a shuttle full of blueprints from Amarr to Jita through high sec?
Is it better to outfit some other fast align ship with more armor or use a covert ops ship?
To add to this >>1502569
Other than searching each individual blueprint for existing contracts, is there a good website that can give me a ball park of their values?
just use a covert ops ship, or use a travel
fit dramiel. shit goes like 12 au and like 2/s align time, maybe 80m isk total for all t2 mods, its fun and i use it way more than i thought i would
>How dangerous is taking a shuttle full of blueprints from Amarr to Jita through high sec?
The risk is extremely low as long as you use instadocking bookmarks. You get the occasional autists that suicide ganks shuttles with smartbombs, but those guys are extremely rare and they mostly got bored of doing it.
That said, use an interceptor or Dramiel. They go faster and you can put shields on them so you are difficult to smartbomb. My Dramiel survived getting hit by 2 smartbombing Machariels, so would recommend. You still have to use instadock bookmarks or you could get killed by some guy with a thrasher or two.
holy fuck reactions are insanely profitable, wish i had been doing this sooner, i can't believe this
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PI and reactions are the basic two forms of passive income that everyone ought to have running.
You can chain the two of these together as well, as the fuel blocks you use in reactions consume a lot of PI products.
And it gets even better if you chain it further into production.
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>pve subsystem
Not very high, but not 0. You can safely assume if your autopiloting in anything someone will scan you just to take a peek, at which point its just a matter of is it worth losing a trash fit thrasher or tornado and taking a tiny hit to sec status.

If your manually piloting, the only thing that stands a resonable chance of swatting you in a shuttle is shartbombers. But if your moving more than 20 mil worth of stuff, why not just spring for a inty or some other sub 3 second align ship with max warp that can be fit to take a couple slaps? Or better, pay some freight fag larping being a space hauler 40 mil to toss your papers ontop of his bulk load of veldspar he was shipping anyway, while you afk autopilot and do literally anything else with the time.
How is this game still alive? Or is it just rotten at this point with flys buzzing around, I though the devs went for multiboxers instead of fun stuff for new players so it's all fucked innit
EvE is "almost there" with a dozen different things on the verge of being fun. But its like they start shit then abandon it at 60% finished.

All the other games on offer like Elite and Shart Citizen just dont have the depth. They were designed to hit a player threshold they just can't reach.

You also can't deny that a person thats played EvE for decades has an incredible advantage over new players in doing things in the game. You can just slap them down with your wallet if necessary. That kind of baked in whale inertia is tough to fuck around with, like people still clinging to Mechwarrior online because they bought a founders pack a bajillion years ago x20 for EvE.
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Sisters...where can I find sugar daddy in EVE?
Are the new ships good or just a meme?
can anyone suggest me some good reactions to do? i'm having a really tough time deciding
They're extraordinarily good in a couple of specific niche scenarios but kind of useless outside of that. They're most useful in wormhole brawls taking place in Pulsar systems, where they essentially apply 5k effective DPS to a Nighthawk or SNI, and can spread that around for 35k DPS across several targets if they don't die.

Completely worthless in Nullsec fleets. Way too expensive to be useful in small gangs.
I don't know if the launcher can be used in HS, but they can apply 75k damage to a freighter if they can. By comparison, a Catalyst can do about 11k in a .5 system and a Talos about 21k, while the new ship can do its full damage in any security level.

It's overly expensive for that purpose, but if the ships ever get cheaper I could see them start being used for ganks like that.
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He said the thing!
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Why is the important button smaller than the one that's almost never used? why isn't there a hotkey for this important function?
>why isn't there a hotkey for this important function?
I think there is but it's some shift+ something combo. Check in settings
It's too bad that these were made back in the day when grey was cool and sleek. I would like it if the base version used black and white design and then the navy version was gold.
Ladies and gentlemen, they got him
nice tank
Should had fit lasers.
>he did not attend the officially official All-Out mining op
I seriously hope you don't do this.
I also seriously hope you don't actually mine how can people do this I've only done an hour and a half and I want to kill myself.
first kill worth over 1 trillion isk I’ve seen
>fake overinflated value
yeah sure
I used to say that, and then I started mining and suddenly I couldn't stop. I don't even know why I do it, I just feel compelled to shoot asteroids in dangerous places.
If anything it's under valued. The hull has been selling for 1.5t and most of those abyssal rolls are perfect deadspace or Officer rolls worth several hundred billion each.
I am dumb and retarded when it comes to making fat stacks of space dosh, how do I stop being dumb and retarded in this regard
Learn how to do burner missions
Learn T5 Gila abyss
Find four other people, do Homefronts
Do Incursions with EVE Rookies
Make a shit ton of P2 products in wormholes, print ISK
Run a skill farm

Whatever you do though, don't do anything that would give you an ounce of fun, if it's fun it's worthless for ISK.
Get the fuck out of Nullsec, it's the worst place in the game for making isk.
With how dishonorable the war 'over there' is going on, you really really think ECM is 'dishonorable' at this point?
>corp is going down the rabbit hole of autistically cyber stalking some unemployed grognard because he keep making a nuisance of himself
It's amazing how much info you can get about someone through Discord without them knowing you're logging literally everything they do

Actually amazing
>Normalfaggots just LOVE to tie as much IRL info to their online accounts/identity
More news at 11.
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Join an AT team and win a few games, now you're set for life.
>With how dishonorable the war 'over there' is going on
Uh oh, schizo moment.
tfw 200b net worth
wtf do i build now to make bank
the stuff i have been making is too low value/volume to be good
buy plex when its on sale then HODL.
start getting into market fuckery.
>the stuff i have been making is too low value/volume to be good
remember if you're doing T1 industry you're competing against people who are buying their minerals 10-20% cheaper than market price, then using bonused citadels and fancy implants to squeeze those last extra %.
get into T2/T3 shit instead, margins are much nicer. lot of lazycunts out there that'll dump their gas straight to the nearest buy order rather than fuck around with it themselves.
You should undock in a thorax, it has everything.
Based Lowsec Ice mining Thorax enjoyer
what if they never scrapped walking in stations?
EVE would have x2 playerbase because of people just playing poker or blackjack for isk in jita.
nothing is dishonorable
newfag here, where do i go to blow people up with my poverty 3mil fits? i enlisted with amarr because i heard FW is where the noob pvp is, but so far every scout complex fight has been against either a really expensive ship i can't kill or a group i can't kill. what else can i do solo? (i don't mind joining a corp if that's what it takes to get good fights but i don't want to join one of the huge ones and idk how to find a good small corp)
fw is a meme for good fights
solo doesn't exist anymore as everyone is gonna be using scouts/links and have batphones/droppers at the ready
look for a corp, if you are really new and need to learn basics, eve uni is fine
This is really the reality of things, EVE is an entirely different game when you always have a cloaked T3C or Falcon waiting in the wings. People throw a fit about it not being honorable, but I was never there to have a good fight, only to farm in peace.
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The posters above are somewhat correct but it's not as bad as they make it out to be. The short of it is that solo is for experienced players.
Can you go out on your own and learn? Yes you can. There are people who have done that, figured out the fighting meta all on their own. I would not suggest that, ever. Those guys died dozens of times before they figured out the most basic of traps and then dozens or hundreds more before they got good.
Join a corp, join some fleets, go fight. Participate in battles and some of the basics of what to do and how will suddenly become very obvious. Give it a few weeks like that, get some kills in fleets and then try solo again, you'll have a much better time.
in addition to this anon, big fleet fights are what you take away from it
yes you can be an f1 monkey but you can also learn a lot if you are willing to put in some actual effort
learn hotkeys, learn the tactical overlay, learn the scanners, do that and you are above 80% of other eve players instantly
PushX is recruiting freighter pilots - make 200m/hr hauling for New Eden's Premium hauling service!

We require:
Freighter (obviously)
2 Omega accounts
3b of liquid isk to cover collaterals

Kill hauler. Behead haulers. Slice haulers in half with a katana. Total hauler death.
another newfag question: i killed a npc frigate in a scout complex and it dropped an "unlimited skin" and i made it through uedama and now i have a billion isk. i barely know how this game works, i didn't expect to have so much money this soon, wtf should i spend it on? ideally something that can make me more isk
i'm actually in eve uni right now lol, it's a good corp and i've learned a lot but i need something more laid-back than the whole professional classroom atmosphere. i'd rather learn as i go like >>1506399 said than learn by watching powerpoints. i guess i just need to put myself out there and find a small noob-friendly pvp corp
>wtf should i spend it on?
I'm trying to answer this question but I honestly don't know how to make good money anymore. I told my newfag friend to go farm faction warfare, but you do that with a 2 mil isk atron.
I get my shekels from industry and I could recommend that if it wasn't a major skillpoints problem. You aren't going to train both combat and industry skills at the same time.
So haven't the foggiest, really.
i am building t2 frigates using bonused structures
i buy minerals, moon goo and fuel blocks from sell orders.

i have two spare rig slots on my raitaru so im trying to figure out what to move into so I know which rig to install next
newfag here
how do I stop being space poor? it seems like most of the stuff that pays well requires omega which I can't get because I'm also earth poor.
is it even feasible to get enough isk to buy plex as a f2p?
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>how do I stop being space poor?
You can't.
>how do I stop being space poor?
I suggest farming Faction Warfare to get out of poverty.
Omega time is pretty expensive right now and could get more expensive, I would not want to farm that up with an alpha clone.
Assuming ~100 mil an hour farming FW and a month of omega time costing ~2 billion, that's about 20 hours of work a month. It's actually more because you don't get paid in money, you get points that you still have to sell.
There are more profitable activities I guess, but not having the SP is very limiting in that regard. Hacking is better, but doing it with a low SP character kinda sucks, you can get unlucky and destroy all the look by accident because you don't have the good hacking stats.
Getting space rich means you're either doing trading/industry or you're doing some of the high value PVE like highclass wormhole ratting or lvl 5 missions.
>where do i go to blow people up with my poverty 3mil fits?
FW but you won't be doing much killing if you have to ask this. If you want to win then you need to outskil, outship or outnumber your opponents none of which you probably can do. You may get lucky and find someone that you can kill but it will be difficult. The easiest way is to join a corp like FW corp and join in one of their small fleets, that way it doesn't matter if you are in a cheap ship and bad personally. You could try to attack pve players as well but those guys run away pretty fast and it may be difficult to find.

You shouldn't spend it, you now have enough cash to reship if you lose your current ship. You can use it to explore different activities in peace without having to worry about immediately making money. You can fight in FW or try to roam low sec or do some exploration etc. Try different things and see what you find fun.

>is it even feasible to get enough isk to buy plex as a f2p?
Sure you can but you should get a job instead. Even if you make enough to cover your sub just by playing you will inevitably have more fun actually spending that money on things you like to do instead of endlessly grinding to keep your sub active so you can grind more. Unless you like industry or market pvp in which case the money is kinda the point in which case feel free to spend it on the sub.
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>Cenotaph stream is total disaster
Literally AT ship.
What about ratting and exploration?
decent money by 2010 standards, dogshit today. rat bounties have NOT kept up with inflation lm0a
I'm making okay money doing rally points running an under skilled Ishtar but I'm sure dens/sanctums or whatever would be better. Certainly not making as much per hour as I was doing exploration during the event.
Still new and learning all the shit, but I think a well fitted Ishtar can do high tier abyssals right? I've only done the two lowest tiers and the loot was abysmal
The issue with abyssals is that to get the big bucks, you need to buy a very expensive ship and if you make a mistake or if the game bugs out you lose this very expensive ship. I'm not sure how CCP treats refunds from abyss losses, but I wouldn't count on it.
Also the test server is no longer up so you can't test before you go in. Which means there's no way to learn properly either.
they've specifically made it where you can't anymore
create problem, sell you the solution
>join big corp as a newfag
>first real time in null
>overwhelmed by all the new shit that comes with corps and nullsec
>overwhelmed by the amount of SP I'll need to skill completely into doctrines
Just when I think I've gotten over this game's learning curve something new always appears
>the amount of SP I'll need to skill completely into doctrines
If they're forcing you to skill up into doctrines it's a redflag.
any nullbloc has day 1 stuff to use for fleets, roll with that for quite a while until you are in to something to make your money with
Nah, not being forced to. I can still bring a tackle or ewar but I want to fly doctrine. Should've added that it's not just the sp that's overwhelming but the ship types too that I'll have to learn
pick your One Thing and focus on becoming good at that
That's a good idea. I'll look at the doctrine ships/types and see what appeals to me the most and then skill up in it. Hell, I'm still learning what more there is outside of the basic kiting, brawler and tackle basic types/fits
if you wanna cause extreme amounts of asspain
ewar, especially ecm
That sounds like something I could fuck around with in a fast t1 frig and learn fleet play in. Not looking to be/know I won't be a DPS gigachad immediately. I'm not super underskilled, but just focused too much on Amarr ships/systems/no shields because I thought they looked cool
fucking up a logi chain and either having them not notice or respond fast enough can swing fights pretty hard
just know you'll be a high priority target but its a good way to learn to fly the fuck out of your ship and understand keybinds and the tac overlay
ECM is kind of mid, people still hate it because it used to be super OP. Now Damps are actually the most cancer. They do the same thing as ECM except with no RNG and no counterplay. The Keres is the most busted ship in the game.
>i buy minerals, moon goo and fuel blocks from sell orders.
then your next step would be setting up undercut buy orders or going directly to corpmates/friends/suppliers for that stuff.
lot of people gladly give up 10% or more in price just to not have to haul it 20 jumps to Jita themselves.
>how do I stop being space poor? it seems like most of the stuff that pays well requires omega
not really
problem with Eve is
>the fun stuff pays like shit
>the boring/dangerous shit pays really well

if you're too earth poor to afford 2 pints of beer worth of Omega time a month then thats fine.
Keep training your alpha up to the 20mil SP cap with daily goals, daily alpha injectors and event SP.
skill into a good Gila and Praxis.
your best bet would be to get into Incursions with a noob friendly group.

Researching blueprints to max then selling them is another slow but steady way. Look up the youtube guide on this. 80mil investment plus a couple of months maxxing a cruiser blueprint can make a nice return if you're patient

another option is flying a Worm in T1 abyssals which even on an alpha is a solid 50mil/hr.

FW is another option for you as well as exploration.

If you're a miner, an option for you is the Mining Barge Expert System. This lets you rent skills to fly a Mining Barge for a week so you can do that even on an Alpha. Its pretty easy to pay the Expert System off within the week and still have isk left over.

>get enough isk to buy plex as a f2p?
the only limitations on this are your actual knowledge of the game and isk assets you have to start with. has nothing to do with in-game skillpoints or Omega/Alpha status.

Omega is one of those things that's easier to maintain once you're Omega.
3 char slots with 6 planets each all doing PI will pay for 2/3rds of Omega on their own, then the rest you can make up with casual hour or two every few days of playtime.
ultimately, grinding for Omega with isk sucks a lot of the fun out of the game when you could just do 1 hour of overtime on a public holiday and make 3 month's worth of Omega that way instead.
>overwhelmed by the amount of SP I'll need to skill completely into doctrines
just skill into a Ferox/Drake and tell anyone that complains otherwise to fuck off.
Omega for 1 week is 10 plex at the moment and everyone just got given 10 free plex.
try to time it so you reach Day 9 on your daily goals and you'll make 15 plex from that (5 per char).
That ended at DT yesterday.
It did not because I still purchased 7 days for 10 PLEX today.
i absolutely dont have the patience to babysit buy orders
especially since ccp removed margin trading and now i have to put full escrow up, i'd be looking at 3-4x the isk investment for 5-10% extra profit.

right now i do about 10b/wk on roughly 25% margin, i want to go for 30b/wk on a 15-20% margin

friends don't let friends mine
make alpha accounts, train a character up to 5m sp
redeem all free sp from login rewards and referrals and use it to fill skill extractors

i filled 20 extractors from alphas this expansion, and I make 400m profit on each extractor
thats 8b in two weeks and all you need is enough capital for a single skill extractor to do it

its 300m profit per injector if you just dump to buy orders
That's a good idea to help me, a new player, get sp faster
How long does it take for an alpha to hit 5 million so?
6-8 months.
another thing people do is run AIR Career Program over and over on an alt slot on their account, redeem the SP to the main, delete the alt and repeat.
finishing AIR gets you 750k SP. really easy to get the SoF one done if you have a friend.
Wait what the fuck? I can redeem shit from my alts on my main if it's the same account? Does this include dailies and monthlies?
No, just the air career shit
only the SP and item/isk rewards from AIR Career Program, cuz it all goes to your Redeem Items window.
Pre-nerf, why did so many people fly Cyclone Fleet Issues over Drake Navies? What sort of benefit did they have?
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How can one possibly look at this and say yeah this is good.
Better application, smaller sig and faster.
Punisher is based. Fuck off
No it's shit, as is every single
ship in the game.

They should just delete Amarr as a faction.
>Seething Mimatard
They have easily the coolest frigs and destroyers of any empire faction
*beam lasers u*
>They have easily the coolest frigs and destroyers of any empire faction
They are trash. Let's see:
The only one worth anything is Malediction.
Meanwhile gallente has Keres, the most broken EWAR frigate. Minmatar has Hyena, Wolf, Jaguar, Stiletto, and even T1 has the most based ship of all, Rifter. Caldari is also decent with Buzzard, the best exploration frigate, Kitsune, Hawk and of course Heron, the 2nd most based ship in the game.
The only use a Coercer has is ganking abyss divers in Highsec. That's it. Dragoon is trash, navy coercer is a joke. Confessor, Heretic and Pontifex are whatever.
Meanwhile, Gallente has Catalyst and Algos, both very good ships. And while Eris and Magus are whatever, Hecate is one of the best solo hunting ships out there and can be relatively easily fit for sub 1s align and resistance to smartbombs for highsec/lowsec transport. Minmatar has Trasher and TFI, excellent offensive ships, Sabre, the best dictor in the game, Bifrost, the best boosher in the game and Svipul best destroyer for wormholes. Caldari T1 is whatever, but they have Stork - a good boosher, Flycatcher -2nd best dictor and of course Jackdaw, best PVE destroyer in the game.

Amarr is just trash trash trash trash.
Just DELETE them already.
I'm not going to burden myself with reading all of that, as you can't comprehend a single sentence. Coolest does not imply best/meta/whatever. It's aesthetic. And if it looks cool, I fly it. Simple as
>And if it looks cool, I fly it. Simple as
Red killboard subhuman detected. Don't ever speak to me again noob.
I'm actually even rn, with the majority of my kills solo :)
actual metanigger detected
we need more empire ships desu im tired of every new ship coming from some literalwho faction ccp made up a month ago
>new deathless expert system
>tholos hull is still priced in the billions like any other just added ship
wow it’s fucking nothing
I see someone was #punished
Are you joining sisters?
why would i join sisters of eve they werent in that fight
that's a lot of words but i'll answer
>dog ACTUALLY has minmatards still seething about Amarr
>people ADMITTING they're minmatards
its fine as long as we all hate goyllente
Blasters are literally the least useful weapons in the game. They have no redeeming features, their DPS isn't even that good.
death to those who fly monitors
Iceland is exploding again
>even nature hates ccp
shouldn't have blundered my wod mmo
>amarr skybox
It is just rebelling against the faggotry happening on its surface.
Monitor was the point of no return. A gay and boring ship tailor-made to enable infinite scaling of clueless F1 monkeys remote controlled by a single dude.
I think the Ashimmu buff doesn't go far enough. It should get +50 hull, too.
don't join null fleets
where does the guy who always says "get the fuck out of nullsec" live?
for me, it's wormholes
I live in a 5-5, yeah. I tried nullsec for a while and i was astonished at how utterly worthless it was. The only way to make decent isk is crab beacons and even they're mid. I also didn't like how autistic all the recruitment shit was.
It's funny how much more relaxed wormhole groups are, despite theoretically being at bigger risk from spies.
Newfig here, I did some of the baby quests but I wanna have fun, how do I do that
>theoretically being at bigger risk from spies.
No cynos. No stable connections between the systems. No gates. No supers. In null I can sit in your comms and pretend to be your friend while killing your dread in my redeemer. And I can do this all day 24/7. Even most casual frig pvp can rigged because you have spies in comms.
complete few combat sites and join spectre fleet events
> I wanna have fun, how do I do that
Uninstall Eve and play Foxhole.
honestly depends on what you think is fun
for some people making isk through industry is fun, simply not getting killed can be fun
there's all sorts of ways to gamble, you can grief, it really depends, what i will say though is the PVE content is generally not very fun
traditional "fun" in an MMO is a bit of a crapshoot in eve
Fly around and look at the sky. It's different depending on what region you're in.
seconding npsi/spectre, you can make some friends there
fun in eve is what you make of it, its all a chore first and foremost, the fun is after the chores are done
>ECM is kind of mid, people still hate it because it used to be super OP. Now Damps are actually the most cancer.
it completely depends what you're doing. in a brawling ship I don't give a single fuck if you show up and start damping me, it does nothing. ecm on the other hand is total game over with zero counterplay
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>farming LP defensively
>awoxer shows up
>move away from the beacon
>he starts hitting the faction rat (why?)
>Sit there for a minute while he tics the timer
>pirate shows up and kills the awoxer while I watch from a distance
>pirate leaves and I get back to farming
T-thanks mr. Mileghere
>Farming Guri LP solo
>Frat alts come by about 25% of the time to Awox
>Get mad and use the 7 days omega to online four Algos alts
>Frat no longer bothers me
>Farm 700k LP/hr in peace for the entire weekend

I'm halfway tempted to PLEX these accounts with the money and just keep doing it.
Do russians never fucking sleep? Don't they have fucking jobs?
This is their job.
Gallente, ackhually
It's Friday, anny
AIR Career Program.
Its like Achievements that will reward you with Skillpoints, skins, isk and skillbooks.
They're good at giving you complete freedom of the game's sandbox while giving you a variety of different shit to try.
If you do all 4 paths you get like 750k SP which is huge for a newbro.
New to fw... What is awox? Is that when people show up in complexes to share lp?
when friendlies shoot friendlies
actually strictly speaking awoxing is joining a corp to shoot its members. it used to be that shooting friendlies didnt give you criminal timer, until ccp added a toggle to enable/disable "friendly fire".

named for awox, some dude who did it a lot back in the day.
The Heron has good computer and electronic systems, giving it the option of participating in electronic warfare. But it has relatively poor defenses and limited weaponry, so it's more commonly used for scouting and exploration.
i killed a large mining barge with a punisher in lowsec. felt good, sold him back his modules kek
It's when someone joins your corp, or militia in this case, with the specific intent to shoot you. Because the militia has an NPC corp, there is no way to kick them out.
Sometimes it's enemy militia members doing it to mess with you, sometimes it's just some dude doing it because he thinks he's an elite spy or idk what.
alpha newfag here, is the 20% off omega sale the best deal i'm gonna get or will there be better sales
The best deal you're gonna get, probably any time this or next year.
Technically the best deals are the 2-for-1 extractor sales — flip the extractors for ISK and use it to buy PLEX (it's an even better deal if you wait for a PLEX sale before you buy any) — but the next extractor sale won't be for a while since there was one a couple weeks ago. Just buy Omega now if you like the game and want to play it seriously, it's not worth spending months as an Alpha for a slightly better deal.
>he starts hitting the faction rat (why?)
there are a bunch of exploits that involve attacking your own faction's rat in the plexes.
in Battlefields, doing it, then glitching yourself inside the capture beacon stops the rats coming in the capture zone allowing you to solo capture it without having to kill the NPCs.
>Don't they have fucking jobs?
if they live in a commie block, with how cheap their shit is they can work literally one half-day a month to cover $10 for their rent and then make it the rest of the month with 50c bottles of vodka and butter on rye bread their babushka made for them.
they're pretty fucking lazy, there's a reason why theyve been there 3000 years and still ive in an abject shithole.
awox was a famous player many many years ago who would use blue alts to tackle corpmates, then kill them with his neutral main character.
now the term "awox" is a catch all term for killing friendlies.
in the context of FW, its Chinese nullsec alliances 10boxxing alpha algos pilots with a VPN and farming FW sites 23/7, and killing anyone that warps in including people in their own faction.

Its been an issue for 10-15 years but CCP are too retarded/lazy to type one line of code that would just kick them from FW for teamkilling.
They get around it at the moment because they use a few hundred alpha alts with positives standings to keep the corp's average standing above 0.0, keeping them in FW.

Rough example: up to 30 something people can all cash in a Battlefield for full reward which is 150k LP, which is about 150mil.
If you clear a BF on your own with 30 accounts you make around 4.5bil for 20-30min work.
Its no different to ppl multibox botting Homefronts.

So yeah, like every MMO ever, it all boils down to lazy retarded devs too busy sucking dicks to bother fixing exploits, botters, RMT and hackers.
just buy 2 less beers when you go the pub next. congrats you can afford Omega
The problem is getting kicked from your militia for killing each other wouldn't even fix it. It's not uncommon to see 10 Frat pirate militia and 10 Frat empire militia working together to kill everyone that's not them.

People just need better tools for fleeting up. Five real pilots in actual ships will win out vs five shitfit Algos or Vexors every time, but westerners are dumb enough to fly around solo and bitch and moan they can't do group sites.
the reason they do it is cuz they're farming 100s of mil per hour in unfit empty ships.
just stop them from making the money and frat will fuck off and find something else to bot
Exactly. I just joined in at some point, if you 5 box it they won't bother you in a site because it's not worth the time lost. I've literally got around 30m LP from one weekend.
>Log in
>claim reward
>undock in rookie system
>scan all the cluttered newbie sites
>claim dailies
>log out
Shitter here from previous thread.

I tried some frigate PvP, and I did nothing but lose hull after hull. Then suddenly I started getting some kills....

Most of it comes from picking fights. In the beginning I went for everything. Now I don't. There's little point in

My problem now is security status, I had an unblemished record but now it's getting quite low. That sucks.
It's also surprisingly hard to find fights proper.... even in systems with 50+ people it's still dead quiet, and I look around the entire system. Suggestions on where to go?

There's a surprising amount of people who "bait" in PvP systems. They got this shitty alt in a venture doing fuck all, what's the point? If they want a fight, just bring your ship already. What the fuck. Who needs to bait in a fucking war zone?
Everyone wants to be elite pvpers but nobody wants to lose. Faction Warfare tends to be better for providing pickup pvp than just roaming around.
You earned something remarkable, you're more experienced that 95% of the server in pvp.
You need bait because people like this
>Most of it comes from picking fights. In the beginning I went for everything. Now I don't. There's little point in

If you just showed up in your real ship people like this guy wouldn't engage and give a free kill so you set up bait.
It's like gangster tattoos after making kills

But for real people who come to """pvp""" in superships need die
Their ships are cute and birdy
sounds so boring. why even play at that point.
Did CCP bargain a bounty buff in exchange for nullblob standings reset?
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>Running mining op
>Wormhole opens to our system
>15 seconds later, Executioner in our mining site
>Six people grab combat frigates from Orca
>More shit starts to pour in from the wormhole
>Mining fleet is docked in station by this time, trading out their mining ships for battlecruisers, Blackbirds, and T3Cs
>We outnumber the attackers at least 2:1
>Score some kills, force them back through their wormhole, even leave their pods and let them go because wormhole bushido

>One of the guys from the enemy fleet convos me and calls us limp dicked cowards for "blobbing" them
EVE PvP sucks, but the people who play EVE suck even harder. They pick fights against barges and piss and moan when those barges swap out to something heavier. You should not give two fucks about what others say in EVE because generally everybody is worthless.
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>leave their pods and let them go because wormhole bushido
For that particular alliance, I don't anymore. In fact, when they connect to our system, we nuke their pods, jump through rolling ships, then roll of their exits to make them scan them down again after we leave. Seriously fuck those guys.
>Who needs to bait in a fucking war zone?
Eve's in so dire need of a complete rework to this shit that people have to play 5D Underwater Chess to trick people into fights, because retards will just up-ship or 50v1 unless they 150% know they will definitely win, or else they wont engage.
Its been like this for decades.

When I was first starting solo PVP I ended up having to fit guns to Logistics frigates/cruisers because its all people would engage.
Now I just use T1 destroyers because nullfags are retarded and willingly afk Approach you to 0km if you're in a Thrasher
No. There is no guarantee you aren't just a someone's alt bating for easy kills in your blingy ship. Or you're actually a good player in blingy ship farming kills. With expensive pod of course. Ships itself can counter each others very hard if you keep in mind average popular fits. There is no guarantee that you're alone either.
No one fly T1 destroyers in null so if I see Thrasher I will instantly think about fleet of Thrashers ready to jump on me from near gate or new sig
It's true.

It does however lead to a "meta-game" of cat and mouse, of tricking the tricker. I have spotted several common "baiters", which I know how they fly, and it should be trivial to counter-gank them. I just need to convince someone I know to come do it with me, which is hard because eve is y'know.... zzzZZZz to most people. Even though it is THE game ever.

Other than that.... they had proving grounds which could be fun. But it did lead to tryhards maxxing out pods and all that.

The cost of PvP is also prohibitively high, unless you fly shitfits which make you lose.
We need more retarded whales buying plex to lose overpriced shitfits in lowsec.
Ships are cheap, it's just null blocs have convinced everyone that they should make shit isk ratting in nullsec instead of things that make actual money.
t. I crabbed for an hour today and made 2.8b and I'm on the lower end of what people can do in my situation.
disregard wormhole niggers
>Just go to null and make literally no money bro be entirely reliant on SRP to do any form of PvP bro just be space wagie tax cattle for my alliance
>At the end of this phase, only characters in Carriers, Dreadnoughts, Supercarriers, or Titans can link to the CRAB in space.


those are not cheap and require at least a corp to support
I wasn't talking about crab beacons, although they're basically the only way to make decent isk in null aside from being an indy jew.
give me secrets|
Do c5 sites in a farm hole with Dreads, or roach other peoples farms with Marauders.
Dreads are cheap btw.
if it's so cheap, wire me the ISK for one

even if I were to afford one, which I technically could by selling some stuff here and there, I would still just get blobbed and DIE in lowsec without adequate support
There's nothing to do with Dreads in Lowsec unless you want to do CRAB beacons, but that's not advisable. Making isk in lowsec is just waiting for CCP to add some random ass one off limited time even that funnels trillions of isk into your pockets directly before they remove the content two weeks later.

Man, I'm still butthurt about what they did with the Drifter invasion sites. Those sites were more content than what comes with most expansions, then they literally just remove them after two weeks. What the fuck? They could have been a fantastic bit of content scattered through lowsec but CCP is just like "lol nah we're just getting rid of them entirely too bad".
>it's easy
>just jew it up in my crabhole that's defensible as one person
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>he doesn't own a krabhole
> The cost of PvP is also prohibitively high
> kill
> sell loot/redeem bounties
> buy ships
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>redeem bounties
Just roach other peoples krab holes then.
Mick Fightmaster on the CSM is requesting we get the Drifter invasions back in some form. I personally didn't get a chance to see them while they were going on, so I don't know what they looked like.
>so I don't know what they looked like
It was a site with drifters that were just copypasted from the overworld so they had the DD and oneshotted 4b golems.
Most people didn't because CCP so intelligently put them exclusively in space controlled by only a handful of groups. They were basically Incursions except good. Most people couldn't do the content because of where it was.
Other anon is retarded, Marauders couldn't enter the sites.
That's part of what kept me out too, to form a fleet for content, figure out what we need, pick a day to get into the systems in question, and have a decent chance that we don't have what we need and things will go wrong was too big of risk. It's not like we all get shitfit T1 cruisers and don't care if we get blapped on the way, from what I understood the sites needed some investment to do properly. The little time I had to play during the week I'd rather spend doing something fun instead of trying to figure out new content that won't even be around for over a week.
sansha incursions removed when
Sadly never, they bring too many people in to the game. They should nerf their payouts though.
can't quite believe they bring anyone to the game
The sites were restricted to BC's and down, so a lot of people were using Command ships, which is neat because they don't get much use. It had a variety of different enemy types, including high DPS snipers, short range brawlers etc. Some people used Logi, others didn't. The groups who were able to run them a lot made literally trillions of isk off it though, who would have thought giving them exclusive access to Officer drops would make them rich, right?

More reason to undock Command ships and Logi is always a plus in my book, they were a much better designed encounter than Incursion were. I legitimately don't understand how CCP can put out good content like that as a limited time event, but then turn around and push out expansions with objectively less content and all of it being undercooked. Like, it goes to show there's obviously people at CCP who are capable of making interesting content, which means the leadership at CCP are intentionally not letting that content be developed.
no thanks
yeah, just keep removing isk
Which corps need Logi? love filling up health bars.
Just make the sites pay out mostly in LP instead of ISK. This makes people convert the LP into items to sell on the market which makes prices balance based on the number of people doing incursions. If too many people do them, the LP becomes worthless, if people stop doing them, it goes up in value.
as long as people buy more plex right?
Are you trying to say that somehow removing ISK from activities will make it hard for you to buy stuff? The price of goods is determined by the total amount of ISK in the system, shit like incursions, blue loot, abyssal loot, and bounties cause it to climb. Remove the ISK faucets and the price of goods go down.
>The price of goods is determined by the total amount of ISK in the system
leave high-sec
Quit talking out of your ass. The more ISK people have to throw around, the more expensive things will be. Anyone with the most basic of economic sense would know that, you gain nothing by being a contrarian.

The problem in EVE is that every time CCP introduces something new, they usually make it pay in ISK, and to make it attractive to veteran players, they have to make it pay more than what was previously out. This has created a runaway effect where newer activities pay more and more ISK and obsolete old content, with a few glaring exceptions that have simply been optimized to death. The other problem is EVE's playerbase is shrinking and is made up of more veteran players than ever, meaning anyone and everyone has the knowledge to farm more ISK than the population at large in the past, further injecting more ISK into the game. Add the Chinese influx on top of all this and you have a recipe for PLEX going from 300m ISK/mo to the 3b we're currently at.

Cutting ISK payouts of content where the risk doesn't match the reward would help diversify the game's ecosystem by making more types of content viable as a source of income. The best solution would be to introduce very level ISK payouts for many activities where you can make a similar amount of raw ISK doing whatever you want, but have each one provide unique commodities that could be converted into ships, modules, and other useful items. As we saw with scarcity, when you lock commodities to certain areas that are similar in difficulty, the harder to get items go up in value and the easier ones go down. You can still have people rewarded for doing hard content in this way while providing a baseline of ISK that enters the economy which would fix the massive spike in prices in the last few years.
>defending scarcity
i didn't realize a ccp jew actually posted here
conflict drives isk prices, nobody fights anymore so isk is out of control
Conflict drives the amount of available ships and modules in the ecosystem which only indirectly affects their prices. Prices for basic goods have risen not because of fighting or no fighting, but because scarcity forced people to gather resources in low sec where large bot armies couldn't effectively operate like they could in null.

The mineral economy has been built around botting and scarcity was CCP's attempt at combating it. And it worked, except it worked so well that Isogen prices skyrocketed to the point where no one could afford what people were asking for it. Almost everything in the game is built from it in part, and with supply at an all time low, even shit like T1 cruisers started costing 15m ISK. After five years, CCP finally admitted they needed those mining bots in null to help keep prices low because without commodities all they did was farm ISK in Ishtars. ISK kept being injected into the system while commodities were not, leading to an oversupply of ISK and an undersupply of goods.

CCP would've done far better to ask "why aren't people acquiring goods post-scarcity?" If they would've realized the reason was the amount of minerals gathered by actual people compared to multiboxed fleets in null was way too fucking low they might've had a chance at fixing things. Instead they just put botting back to null to at least try and get prices to drop.
scarcity is good though
You want more isk to continue flying carrier, dreads and marauders which you don't need, any honest player knows you only need to fly t1 cruisers and BCs to get around.
scarcity is socialism
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>everything i don't like
>everything i do like
A central commitee controlling prices is literally socialism
but that isn't what we're talking about
ok ccp
Kill yourself.
Why don't nullbabs just mine in lowsec?
Bro your super umbrellas? Your massive standing fleets? Just fight them off bro
>willingly providing content
lol lmao even
Scarcity is great, but the game wasn't designed around it. It did exactly what it was supposed to do, make the price of minerals weighted by difficulty to acquire.
it did about 0.1% of what's needed, then they rolled it back
ok wormtranny
the russians in my wormhole system have decided to move out and will sell me their astrahus for pretty cheap
i don't know if it's a good idea for me to run a citadel and an athanor by myself but i think i'm going to

wish i had friends that played kek
evicting someone with an astra and an athanor is at least twice as painful as evicting someone with just an athanor (still gonna happen)
Astras are cheap enough to be disposable, i don't know how much an athanor is exaclty but they're probably not too much more. Just flip them once they're yours so you can get whatever loot they leave behind and there's a good chance you break even just off that.
the athanor is already mine, the astrahus is going to have most if not all assets removed
i'm doing reactions in this system so i plan on staying
mining gas occasionally ain't bad either

i'm making about 15b a month off reactions and i don't want to give that up, it's such low effort isk
So both structures should only be like two weeks of income. I assume you're in like a c4 or c2 or something right? Relatively low odds of an eviction. Flip the structures anyway, people can see how old they are by comparing the structure ID to one of their own structure, if they've been up for a while someone might decide to shoot them purely on the chance that they have decent loot., and if you're a small operation then you aren't really going to be able to fight them off if they know what they're doing.
I have been living out of my epi for 7 years, and was just invited to join a new corp that has taken up residence in my wh. They have an athanor set up and own most of the poco now. Bumped into me while i was doing my bi weekly rounds.

Is there an advantage to it, like, will i join and they just eject me into space and blow me up?
Even if they kick you the only way they can force you to undock is by unanchoring the structures, which is vastly more effort that it's worth to screw over some PI hobo livong out of the back of his van. Theres no real downside.
More than likely the corp has no reason to cause you problems. At worst, they'll probably want you to pay a tax or communicate with them regularly. They could decide to block your docking, but they can't actually steal your assets, only force you to eject them into space to collect them.

I know when my corporation moved into a wormhole, I studied the exit for months to see who all the locals were that were living out of their Epithals and gave each of them docking access. I then offered 90% Jita buy for their PI so they don't even have to take it to high sec because then I'm making some extra ISK and they're saving a lot of time for all those PI alts. I even gave them extra Epithals so they don't have to drag in new ones if they get killed. Sure, there's a risk that they could work as a wormhole seed and bring in a fleet to fight us, but why would they bother? We'd all stand to lose if they did that, just like I have no reason to kick them.
>nobody fights anymore
That's a nullnigger being faggots problem, not an economy problem. Nobody fought during the rorq era (which is what killed the economy), either.
if the game incentivises being faggots, it's the game that is busted
The best way to make people fuck off is to not kill them but to not engage them altogether, it is entirely unsolvable as far as eve design goes
ess and skyhooks would solve this if they weren't broken by design
>ESS and Skyhooks would solve this if they magically could solve this
the basic intent is not magic, retard
>krabs dock up
>you steal a little of their shit
instead they chose to make it so there's no money and it's in a 75km scram bubble for big ships only, so it's fucked
>Nobody fought during the rorq era
let me laugh even harder
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Holy fuck I could’ve never imagined that this game could’ve gotten worse. Logged back on for the first time in years. I quit when it became Leshaks online. I used to PvP almost exclusively with marmite. Then I went solo because that kinda gameplay was and is gayer than aids.

Plex and alts have always been a thing but holy shit it’s never been this bad lol. This shit is just like every other free to play MMO, just wait they’ll add “premium” ammo any day now so that you can “play” with your 2+ chars and dunk on anyone who isn’t paying for multiple subs. For fuck sake just let this rotting corps of a game die.
Back to the cuckshed with you.
no no you’re just bad at the game obviously
Yea Marmite were giant fags. But I did learn a lot flying with them, would’ve never imagined that level of sweat would become common place.
Leshaks are actually bad in real pvp.
What’s “real PvP”? The leshak and praxis make t1 battleships obsolete in PvP. The only ship that I can think of that isn’t outshined in its original roll by those two is the Scorpion.
blobshit isn't pvp
EVE doesn't have real PvP, so ignore anyone talking about it.
The Leshak is more comparable to Navy BS in terms of price and effectiveness, and it's extremely easy to cuck with tracking disruptors. People use leshaks but the days of leshaks being the primary fleet ship are long gone.
I'm surprised how effective the ramp up nerf was at putting the final nail in the coffin. Leshaks were still just flat out better than pulse apocs and such before then, but making their starting DPS 25% lower finally did them in fully.
It's not really that alone. People just realized you can put unbonused TDs in your mids with other heavy armor BS, then you just repeatedly cycle through half a dozen Leshaks and break their spools over and over with Optimal Range scripts. One TFI can make it basically impossible for as many Leshaks as they can target to get to a decent spool.

Leshaks are still good to have but if you bring only leshaks you're just going to get turbocucked, you need other ships that are less vulnerable to TDs in order to force your opponents fleet to use other ewar in their mids.
Prior to the nerfs, a completely unspooled Leshak did the same damage as a pulse apoc though. It was an objectively superior ship, having higher damage and better tracking before even getting in to the fact that it could ramp up to deal 2.5x the DPS.

But yeah, I think it was also a change to the PvP meta that helped kill it too. They were vulnerable to having their ramp reset before, but now being knocked back down to base damage is crippling. There's still huge fleets of Triglavian ships flying around, but it's most Drekavacs now.
Yeah but the apoc is just absolute dogshit, that's not a reflection on any other ship. Apocs are just dogshit even in comparison to Absolutions which arent even a battleship.
> lebanon/argentina/zimbabwe/etc
not capitalism
> usa
simple as
>you will never racemix with a cute minmatar slave maid
correcting a true amarrian brat with my BMC
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I grabbed 14 days of free omega on all my accounts and haven't logged in since
Is this the only eve thread? Why it so dead?
because the game is dead too
Because conversation largely moved to various dickscords.
dead game
dead thread
dead board

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Not funny, didn't happen.
Return to your Ishtar, citizen.
>wow classic and osrs are a roaring success
>no eve classic
i want to go back to trinity. before incarna. before all of this.
>botfarm classic and botfarm classic are success
>I want botfarm
Eve is a special kind of autism simulator because it caters to a wide blend of spazzes: try hards, socially isolated boomers with codependency issues, failed middle managers who want to play act being important, spreadsheet number crunchers, lore retards…

WoW doesn’t even come close to the rainbow coalition of social rejects that Eve draws.
Eve lore used to be neat though or at least the world building.
Humans in space getting reset to 0 and then returning to space mostly independently only to discover some others had not only beaten them to it by thousands of years but they had already fucked off to god knows where.
But nowadays it's just devolved into "insert new mysterious faction of the year with new ships we won't revisit"
>devolved into "insert new mysterious faction of the year with new ships we won't revisit"
that started with wormholes and got worse with incursions. it's one of the reasons i want to go back.
its unironically more alive than most of the other threads on here.
if you're expecting to hit a 1000 post bump limit multiple times an hour, then the 6 Fate GO generals on /vg/ are thataway
>Autism Simulator
you retards really overexaggerate Eve like holy shit.
Its just Albion in Space with a bigger world map and way more shit on the Auction House.
Just like with Dwarf Fortress, Eve being "hard" is a meme pushed by SomethingAwful circa 2006 when shit all was known about the game.
eve lore is cool because it's so human-centric, it's basically a cyberpunk setting in space - it's not focused on mysterious precursor artifacts or grand wars against ayys or high-stakes shit like that, it's focused on people fucking each other over for petty small-scale reasons. the lore is at its best when it's about politics and intrigue and it's at its worst when it's about fighting evil jovian niggas with ancient artifacts, which is why the lore went to shit with the drifters/jamyl sarum stuff and never really recovered desu
i could live with the trigs because they had a cool aesthetic and some interesting lore but ccp started pretending they don't exist before their plotline could actually go anywhere. the deathless are irredeemably boring and generic and the worst thing ccp's ever come up with
stopped reading there
>he deathless are irredeemably boring and generic and the worst thing ccp's ever come up with
stopped reading there
There is basically no difference between Deathless and Angel lorewise. They are both redundant as in totally not Jovian's puppet.
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Should had saved that All-stars skin and sold it for an amount equal to 10 months of sub.
>name yourself the deathless
>in a universe where everyone is immortal
Capsuleers being immortal is a cope. When you die you die, your mind is simply copied to another body and to keep up the illusion only one copy is active at any time. SOMA style.

There is no such thing as "transferring consciousness" and anyone who knows anything about how brain and computers work can tell you that.
Nobody knows how brain work in terms on consciousness and computers we have are still really fucking primitive compared to brain.
>Nobody knows how brain work in terms on consciousness and computers
Speak for yourself room temp IQ niggermonkey. I know EVERYTHING about brain and computers and I say it's a cope, COPE.
Being a highly versatile class of Minmatar ships, the Bellicose has been used as a combat juggernaut as well as a support ship for wings of frigates. While not quite in the league of newer navy cruisers, the Bellicose is still a very solid ship for most purposes, especially in terms of long range combat.
>your mind is simply copied to another body
>there is no such thing as "transferring consciousness"
It’s an old sci fi trope that’s really just the Ship of Theseus question. If a wooden ship is, over the course of time, slowly replaced board by board, piece by piece, until none of the original ship is left, then is it still the same ship?

If I take all of your thoughts, your memories, your emotions, and I move that schema into a new brain by flipping the right switches, mirroring your neurons, getting all the chemicals and receptors exactly the same, is it really “you”, or just an excellent copy. Would the original “you” cease to exist, or would your consciousness or “soul” be transferred as well?

>inb4 I’m not reading all that faggot

Don’t care.
git gud @ reeding faggot
Basic teleport clone problem, if you die you still die but a close friend that has shared it's entire life with you up to your last save point is created in your place.

I don't know what they call this fallacy but we do know how consciousness and computers work. One is neurons firing while the other is transistors firing. There probably isn't a single human bean alive who could accurately describe how me pressing buttons on a keyboard turns into a graphical representation of my post on the screen in real time and then gets sent to your computer when I hit post but that doesn't make it magic. Human mind isn't magic in the same way, neurons operate with simple chemical reactions that we understand fairly well and consciousness can be derived from those first principles, just because no one can accurately pinpoint it happening doesn't mean it's not true.
says that God says that the clone is you then it's you.
Simple as.
I just assume there's multiple concepts that make up a person. Yeah, there's a consciousness of the body, there's a soul in the theological sense, but as far as this world is concerned, there is a Will that we all have, a set of ideas and demands we wish to force upon the world. "I" may not exist after being cloned or after my body is destroyed or any number of other things, and that's fine, if my soul returns to where it was destined to go, all is as it should be. But why would I ever not want to leave behind a linger Will that will continue to do my bidding and influence the world even after I'm gone?

I don't even care if it doesn't inhabit a meat body, if it's a ghost or a machine or just a psionic projection or what have you. It could even be just the other lives I've affected and influenced who's own actions will always carry me forth by virtue of being influenced by my presence, even from eons ago. I'll continue to exert force upon the world long after my passing, and as far as the physical side of things is concerned, that's a form of immortality in and of itself.
>neurons operate with simple chemical reactions that we understand fairly well and consciousness can be derived from those first principles
doesn't explain qualia
+hard problem of consciousness
+brain in a jar
+you're gay
You are simply mentally ill, science can't explain that but it's derived from first principles too.
how could you possibly know any of that without first having a consciousness? how do you know that any empirical observations about the outside world are in any way accurate and not just an illusion being cast by an evil demon or the matrix?
You don't and you can't.
Your clones aren't you because in theory they could just copy your mind to a clone and activate it while you are still alive. You obviously aren't in both bodies, it's just a copy of you with your memories.
>reddit pseud
But you have to be real autist to be able doing pve, mining, hauling or trading year after year in this game. Normal people just leave after few days at max of "haha circles go brr" or spinning a ship in hangar monotonous unfun activity. Eve online is one of the most boring games of all time. It's more like social network, than game.
But what about soul and magic?
i wouldnt count trading among that
a couple hours a week and you get to see number go up ad infinitum

people pay good money just to watch number go up, see mobile games
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>But you have to be real autist to be able doing

no different than every other MMO. chill semi-afk drunk or high with something on in the background like netflix or a podcast.

its literally afk except for the 2min every 30min where you have to warp to station

click a few things over a coffee every few days, buy low sell high. this is common in all MMOs.

>Eve online is one of the most boring games of all time. It's more like social network, than game.
All good community-focused MMOs are like this.
If you try to play alone or solo you will get bored and quit.
Where Eve gets good is doing the boring stuff while shooting the shit on comms with friends.
>If you try to play alone or solo you will get bored and quit.
maybe if you are normalfag tard
>everyone avoids other people and do their best to do everything solo
EVE is asocial as fuck and was so from the beginning.
If you try to play alone or solo you will get bored and quit. Where Eve gets good is paying for five separate Omega accounts to multibox the boring stuff while shooting the shit on comms with friends who are docked and/or playing better games. All good Korean MMOs are like this.
ok homo
>eve is a social game
>eve is infested with multiboxers
pick one
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>good Korean MMOs
>eve was designed to be a social game because players skilled into different roles, if you needed to do something you didn't have trained you had to find someone else who could do it
>injectors turned it into multibox online because now if you don't have something trained you can just swipe and do it yourself
>le funny injectors meme
People have talked about making mmo’s where you can only have one account, but in the end people don’t play games to be a cog in the machine; they want to be the machine.
>nullblob ratter with 1 ishtar: cog in the machine
>nullblob ratter with 3 ishtars: the machine
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>People have talked about making mmo’s where you can only have one account
That's what CCP is trying to do with Frontiers — they're not banning multiboxing but they're going out of their way to make it difficult and inefficient. It's a good idea but it's never going to work thanks to the play-to-earn crypto bullshit. Poch is already 70% RMTers from third-world countries where ISK is more valuable than the actual currency; just imagine how much more dedicated they'll be once RMT is officially condoned and encouraged.
it was like that before injectors too. the injectors just let ccp monetize it
Has anyone played Vanguard? They added tons of new shit.
frontier pisses me off more than any other retarded ccp side project bc its so close to being kino but its a fucking monkeys paw
>manual piloting is essential since the tick rate is higher and projectile collision lets you use objects as cover
>collision also applies to friendly fire so n+1 isnt always a good idea and f1 monkey blobs will blow themselves up
>structures require upkeep, blocs cant own 50 systems they never step foot in
>travel and cap usage cost fuel which means your home region matters, supply lines are actually important, and theres no magic force projection
wow thanks for fixing eve thats everything i wante-
>btw the fuel is a cryptocurrency, producing it costs real money, and the richest players get to vote on game mechanics like a p2w csm
the character bazaar sucked too but it wasnt nearly as prevalent bc most oldfags didnt want to sell their characters and most newfags didnt want to spend money on a name they didnt pick
whaling/multiboxing has always been a thing but it went from something a couple of the most autistic guys in your corp did to something that almost everyone who plays seriously does
love it
but wont reinstall it until they let me choose my own install directory and they add an uninstall button.
nice quads by the way
>extraction shooter
Call me when they add TDM
>>btw the fuel is a cryptocurrency, producing it costs real money, and the richest players get to vote on game mechanics like a p2w csm
what the fuck? what exactly made CCP think that people are going to jump at the chance to play EVE but with crypto fuel?
It is TDM sorta, Mordus Legion vs Guristas, some red nigga ganked me, spawned, and attacked some blue nigga like a retard, theres no friendly fire it seems.
if there's one thing ccp loves it's chasing trends that stopped being trends several years ago!
but honestly as much as i hate it i don't think it's the worst idea. for all the hype blockchain games got, there were literally zero of them from a relevant IP, and they were literally all ugly as fuck. eve is questionably relevant but most gamers have at least heard of it as "le nerdy spreadsheet game with big wars" and it's got pretty graphics
they're not really trying to attract current eve players (but a lot will probably try it even if it's only to secure a presence for their corp, i mean some of you niggas played eve fucking echoes), they're trying to attract cryptofags by being the first crypto video game that actually feels like a video game
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Keep em counting lads.
Why are my most killmarked ships all gaydari now? I have 24 on my Naga and 14 on my Cerberus
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What's wrong with Pulses? Pulses are great.
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scorch nerf when
>what exactly made CCP think
they didnt
they were just told to make it by Pearl Abyss investors.
Eve is PA's only profitable game cuz shit like BDO and others are all running at a loss.
Their richfag korean investors want Eve to make number go higher while they fail on other p2w gatcha shit until something else takes off.

you have to remember that anyone earning over 200k/year is unironically retarded and completely detached from reality.
they're so self absorbed that they're probably scratching their heads wondering why it ISNT pulling Genchink Shitpact levels of success
CCP is pretty well known as a slow dev, mostly because they waste time on meme projects like this in the first place. You have to understand that crypto was still hot 2 years ago, NFT boom happened in spring of 2022. If you look at it from that perspective making a crypto game in 2024 is exactly what you would expect from CCP. Consider their history, Dust 514 is a FPS game well past when FPS games were all the rage, Valkyrie is a game from 2016 for a system from 2012. From that perspective being 2 years late is not even that big of a deal... except of course the fact that crypto itself is much faster boom bust product than the genre of fps. Like it could be worse, take something like Concord which is bad overwatch clone released 8 years after the original.

And all in all the idea itself isn't even that bad if we ignore the inherent badness that is crypto. Like if you were forced to make a crypto game then this is what it probably should look like. EVE has an autistic, adult and wealthy playerbase both used to regularly paying but also believe market pvp is something that is fun by itself. Being realtime and slow allows for all sorts of things that can be gated behind tokens or coins so you don't end up in the axie infinity scenario where the only reason to get their token is to sell it to someone else without incentive to actually buy. Basically you can have a real market which is necessary for something that isn't just an vehicle for speculation with lots of ways to tune it which eve economy has. It's still a dead on arrival idea because it's crypto but I can see how in 2022 some abyss execs thought this was a good idea and how in 2024 they still think they may as well push it out the door to recoup their losses.
ccp have gotten $50M in funding for

i doubt anyone at pearl abyss gives two shits how successful it is, its just investorbait
they're counting on the mobile shit for actual revenue
Holy shit should have known I could had sold that All-stars casino skin for a full year sub.
>BDO and others are all running at a loss.
Sauce? How did they make the money to buy CCP if that's true
I don't think BDO is running at a loss. But according to that one guy who did the PA financial report, BDO profit is shrinking, game is dying that is. It's still their #1 income source with EVE being #2. But yeah it seems PA and the investors are banking on Crimson Desert succeeding.
we should schedule a NPSI fleet
main questions are
>where do we formup
>where do we go looking for ifghts
>when do we formup
>what do we fly
omens and bellicoses
>not Tendhyes
>not Rancer
the 420 is correct
>not Erises
More liek
>not doing an Oneiros and Napoc fleet
armor hacs only 1v1 @ the sun
who said anything was wrong with pulses
>How did they make the money to buy CCP if that's true
they bought it before all their other shit got run into the ground.
Eve's their only MMO that's still growing, so Hilmar does a few powerpoint presentations then gets $50mil to make some crypto shit.
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>wanting to die of old age warping around in a battleship fleet just to get 50v1'd by Snuffed
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A friendly reminder to categorically report every single homefront fleet you come across.
Pulses suck because beam typically work better in realistic combat ranges of the laser ships that are worth flying (Maller being not one of them).
Fuck the Chinese.
Because 99.9% of them are chink bots.

With all the nerfs to pochven I am hopeful they'll finall DELETE homefronts from the game. That's the only way to fix them.
Do you report non-bots/multiboxers for homefronts? Because I do occasionally FC homefront fleets for newbros, one account per player.
>not reporting everyone that you don't like regardless if they slighted you
Zainou 'Cumshot' Heavy Penis HP-706
only 4 dailies now?
i need to actually go do menial chores or pay 5000 evermarks? what a pain.
I ignored dailies in the past and I shall keep ignoring dailies.
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sounds like a bad idea
the sp freebies are not insignificant
that, and occasionally you'd get duplicate tasks where you could do only one thing and finish. eg a day where there were two 'manufacture one item' tasks and queueing up a single t1 small ammo bpo run would complete it
I wonder if somebody in CCP has had this incredible idea of making the game better and making people naturally want to play it instead of implementing various daily fomo buttons to press? I guess all their workforce is working on other games so we need to wait for those projects to die off (at release) before that happens.
>Because 99.9% of them are chink bots.
yeah, what do you think pochven is
i never bother with dailies but reducing it to a choice of 4 tasks is retarded as fuck

ccp can't go three months without making the game markedly worse in some regard, its incredible really

surely best thing for daily tasks would be to add more choice of tasks while removing duplicates
this literally just stealth buffs highsec chink botters
I think it'd be fine if the tasks were slightly harder but were weekly based. Paying Evermarks for completion would be fine if there was a good way to grind out a bunch at one time.

As it stands right now though, I have enough Evermarks on all of my characters to complete the dailies for four or five months straight, but being able to grind out a week's worth of Evermarks in one sitting even if it took an hour would be nice.
>Frat feeding titans on a misclick again
they were good before. 15-30sec per character to make 350k SP and 30mil isk per month.

but like everything CCP loves fucking up content that's fine while ignoring shit that's being botted or exploited, like FW awoxxing by the chinese, Homefront botting by the chinese or AIR Career SP farming by the chinese
It was even better than you'd think. Even with a conservative estimate, 10k SP is worth about 8m ISK if you literally buy extractors and sell injectors directly to the market. That means every alpha account you have sitting with three characters in a rookie system to complete the dailies with in under a minute pays 1m ISK (Two dailies)+8m ISK of SP per day you log on and another 60m ISK for the monthly SP bonus. That means one account logged on to once a day for a month makes you 990m ISK from skill extraction after you hit 5m SP and you don't even have to pay anything for it.

If you're buying PLEX/extractors during sales, you can add another 500m ISK to that. It's the single most time efficient ISK farm in the game, done in perfect safety and it's amazing the injector market hasn't completely crashed from it.
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i love skinr
if it takes you 10 minutes a day to complete the dailies on each account thats 200m/hr

you also need to be omega to extract which probably means waiting for free/very cheap omega during expansion or event

really not as gamebreaking as you seem to think
meanwhile the other abusive sp farm technique nets you 800m for about ten minutes of effort
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me too
its even less
10k sp is worth <6m isk if you use sell orders for both extractor and injector

i'll stick with the tried and true 15b/hr method
>it's amazing the injector market hasn't completely crashed from it.
It actually has. SP farms are currently isk negative and the profit in them comes not so much from the LP as it does from buying extractors on sale and selling the injectors when the price recovers.
And a major reason why is because some people had farms of alpha accounts that they extracted during the free week.
I have dogshit terrible font in the launcher. Anyone knows what it could be caused by?
isn't the """4chan""" corp basically all troons? Why do you bother posting this thread, it doesn't belong on 4chan.
Who are you and what corp are you talking about?
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skinr bros unite!
Hit up CLOT, it's an Amarr FW corp in a good alliance. I work with them all the time. They'll get you started and help you get pvp figured out. Or you can come to null if that interests you. If you're not a spergy retard, I can always use people who have a decent attitude to learn.
>tell russians how they can make enough passive isk to pay their plex with PI and reactions
>i don't like that i prefer to grind
russians are weird
>passive isk
well yeah you do have to spend a few hours a month hauling, but other than that it's just 15 mins of clicking every 4 days or so
its a gfx card setting in your card's software control panel, or its a windows registry setting or some shit like that.
i had this ages ago on an old PC that made all my text in everything like my browser fuzzy for no reason.
4chan's never had an official corp
we've had a few corps say they're 4chan corps when really they're just troony discord corps that were just shilled on here for memes

closest we have is the /v/bros chat channel that only has 3 people in it that never talk.
>a few hours a month hauling
like 5min picking all the shit up from your customs offices and 5-10min taking it to market, at least for me.
>4chan's never had an official corp
>we've had a few corps say they're 4chan corps when really they're just troony discord corps that were just shilled on here for memes
Name them. Then name the troons. Which certainly exist and you aren't inventing this.
all-out is the official 4chan corp. its officially dead.
never had any trannies in it though
the bulk of that hauling time i mention is for the reactions, the PI is like 5-10 mins yeah
will a crimson harvest fit work for the winter nexus combat sites?
why bother with pi and hauling shit when you can do same amount of effort as pi but make ten times as much without leaving jita
every time i've tried to get into trading it seems like it's a fuckload of work, don't you have to be constantly adjusting your orders?
trading is indeed a lot of work unless you pick your niche well
cause you can't beat the bots
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yeah the sites are almost the same
cuz i need to undock a ship once a month to remind me that I'm playing a space game
Can someone help me understand what EVE Frontier is? I just got an email asking for money for it and it doesn't seem to be a PC shooter or mobile game, and I'm not really sure what a blockchain game is or what the basic gameplay loop is supposed to be other than "survival sandbox" which I thought EVE was kind of like anyways?

I haven't played regular EVE in like a decade either but somehow that message popped up just now in my email.
It's something extremely stupid. Some have described it as a scam and that's arguably true.
The gameplay itself is EVE Online, but built specifically to accommodate RMT. And the game itself is very sparse in comparison in its current iteration, with few ships and systems.
It's what happens when bunch of retards keep egging each other on for making the worst product possible and no one stops to say "jk"
I just can't seem to get back into EVE. What are my best options for solo PvE?

Years and years ago I did some large scale PvP nullsec war stuff. Then just a few years back I got into it again for a little while doing small group wormhole things. Now that group doesn't play anymore and I just don't know.
Yeah I don't give a shit about PvP anymore. Small scale PvP in EVE is gay as fuck, and large scale PvP is too large of a time commitment and is too scheduled for me to care.
your gay as fuck nigger
'your' a retarded shitskin so I guess I still win
get into abyssals, hunt 10/10s in NPC nullsec and daytrip into wormholes
don't you have to invest few billions in ingredients
It's a Jewish pyramid scheme marketed for poos, crypto bros and other third world subhumans
Abyssals I guess. For me, even though they're solved as far as challenge goes, joining Homefront or Incursion fleets is a lot more worth my time than any solo pve. Sometimes a group like Eve Rookies does dual-standings Pochven fleets and stuff.
>poos, crypto bros and other third world subhumans
Those niggers don't play Eve. I know 1 or 2 pajeet who play Eve Echoes. But Eve Online is inherently a white man game.
PI makes 1.5bil/mo with an extremely lazy passive setup that takes 5min a day to maintain.
After that you can just casually log in 1-2h 2-3 times a week and effortlessly pay for Omega and then some.
Then there's other shit like market, blueprints, reactions and skill extraction as well to add more.
chinks are not white

i have tried to do pi in a system next to jita or so 6 years ago and buying/selling was tiresome
You are supposed to do PI in Null/WH space.
dont do PI in hisec you nerd.
it was pretty profitable back then and doable solo
Can you call people niggers in local, or will you get banned?
The current meta in eve online is to try and sneak spies into enemy discords so you can screenshot them saying the bad thing and then get the thought police to ban them.

Wow, thats gay. I thought this might be the one game that still allows you to scream nigger and write about how you will fuck the other guys mom when you get ganked, but I guess not. Thankfully I already had a hunch to not try it out.
Frat chinks are always racist and I never see them get banned or punished in any way
I've been awake too long because I kept reading this as "fat chicks are always racist" and spent a good five minutes trying to figure out the logic.
Got to bed and dream of Catiz in cow swimsuits.
someone explain to me how i'm supposed to mine
rats tear my shit apart
You can defend yourself with only one hornet not that hard. Retards go overkill with 5 hammerheads
no you cant
Drones can defend you in every place where you are mining with the right ship for the location.
Where are you mining, what ship are you using, and what is your fit?
maybe i'm retarded but i couldn't find any corps with that name/ticker
>Or you can come to null if you're interested
where in null? i'm definitely interested, i just don't want to be part of one of those giant alliances that are too powerful to have fun
>i just don't want to be part of one of those giant alliances that are too powerful to have fun
The only "giant" alliances in null would be goonswarm federation, pandemic horde, fraternity and the initiative.


Even the 5th biggest, Brave is noticably smaller than the 4th. Take a look at the sov map and decide which one of the smaller alliances and their position on the map you like and start looking from there.


Now if you are talking about nullBLOCS then there's only 2 currently. But that might change starting next year since Initiative, PH and I dunno who else have pledged that they'll do a standings reset so we might actually get a couple new blocs forming. We'll see.
Anyone played any recent build of Vanguard?
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I survived farming event combat sites in low. This is some stressful but profitable content. Everyone who cries about muh pvp, muh nullsec, muh local, muh safety should be forced to farm it until the end of times.
mack, null
Sounds like you’re doing great then! I’d suggest buying some plex and moving on to an Orca asap.
>tee hee Reddit post
Go back nigger.
played it for like 5 minutes, made no sense, no instruction as to wtf is going on or what you're supposed to do
>grrr edgy 4chan post
My bad, their ticker is CL0T, corp name Tide of Carnage. I highly recommend them and Edict corps for amarr FW corp/alliance.

As for null. Down south, to the east and south of Stain. We're not in a mega alliance, though we are part of Imperium coalition so mega block. I'm looking forward to the INIT reset next year. Less blue space is better. We get plenty of fights nearby and as a corp do a lot of small gang, filament fleets, fw fleets, ess, etc. We do that more than the mass blob stuff you think of from null. That's available but as a corp most of our guys interests are in more personal pvp than anchor and shoot. Put an app into Vindicta Optime and I'll pm you in game later to answer questions and give more details.
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You joined a fleet and hung out with your fellow capsuleers this weekend, right /eog/ ?
use a Venture or Endurance if you're solo.
they can tank all nullsec rats and even kill them depending on the region.
also you're in null, you have entire alliances of 10s of thousands of people to fleet up with for mining or to get mining advice from.
they bitched out like usual
I've been running NPSI fleets almost every weekend for the past two years. It's always a good time, if a lot of work to organize.
nah, i play solo
>As for null. Down south, to the east and south of Stain.
Oh hello neighbour.
I was actually considering recommending him to join SU but I wanted to stay neutral.
but i want to ask here
Does your null corp/alliance not have mining ops?
I thought about starting an alpha account again and just fly around trading NPC comodities while scanning.
Are there any decent chill or light roleplay groups that'd accomidate this playstyle well?
they do
but i like you guys
Anyone tried a bowhead with the highsec filaments?

Providence was a no last year so I moved everything in an orca.
>highsec filaments
High sec ice storm filaments.

they take you to a random snowy system. Useful for consolidating stuff I dumped through the year to high-sec
Signed in for the first time in ages. At some station in Pochven in one of my Stabbers? Idk, used a filament to get out and made the 30+ jump trip back to my home in Amarr space.
why'd you join a corp you dont like or get along with?
mining ops with your corpmates is drunk friends linking racist memes and youtube videos to each other all night on a Friday
>want to force myself to like Dominix because I want to use drones.
>everytime I looked at the ship, I puked a little.
This really is a major problem in the game. Once you fly Amarr it's very difficult to fly anything else because the ships just look so ugly. Every time I just think I could be flying an Omen or a Punisher instead of this.
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I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn’t believe.
where was that said
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CCP sure enjoys crashing extractor prices, they do it every other month.
>what is a discount
I have like 5 million unallocated skill points but I can't bring myself to apply them to anything because idk what I might need them for later even though my skill queue is like 180 days long
i have 2.7m unallocated points, im in the same boat as you, but ill probably use part of it on some stupid shit like AWU V when i gotta, because that seems horrible to wait for, even with a +12 attribute cerebral
For the longest time what I thought I wanted was to get involved in some kind of small group PvE stuff as a battleship pilot, incursions or whatever the thing is now, but the way I play is too inconsistent to actually be part of an organized group. It's too risky to take out battleships to do solo ratting so I'm starting to accept that I'll just be a cruiser scrip forever and I'm going for full Minmayer cruiser mastery.
i can't stop buying
send help
fully 70% of my net worth is extractors
whats the survivability of electric x2 retributions in t3? remote repping 1 another, both using afterburner and beams, 1 deadspace local repper each. should we swap to pulses, or should i get a deacon, or at least an inquisitor?
i should mention we absolutely destroy t2s in under 10 minutes most times, but i know these abyss power spikes are mental
PvP is too autistic. The EVE player base doesn't have a healthy population of new players and casuals, it's mostly ultra tryhard nolifers participating in PvP and the only way to have 'fun' is to try and get on their level which removes all fun from it and leads to the only satisfaction being a thin gruel of killmail driven dopamine.

I have considered factional warfare, but PvP in this game is mostly griefing and gatecamping outside of nullsec corp wars.
you'd make more isk doing literally anything else
didnt ask about isk, im poor and happy
if you actually want to have fun, avoid lowsec, fw and wh shit
go to null and do whatever shit ass requirements they have and then find some small gang bros and dumpster the f1 idiots
its only as tryhard as you want it to be
>Have fun doing fleet command for major battles
>These battles only occur three or four times a year, the rest of the time you're sitting around twiddling your thumbs waiting for something to happen
Most fun I ever had in EVE was running a web frigate in major fleet battles. I earned my rifter hero status in like 2012. Like you say though, the battles only happen rarely and the reat of the time you're stuck in some nullsec shithole with nothing to do but drunk roams or gate camps which are gay.
I flew with a corp that was in Goonswarm and TEST at different times and back then rifters were the cheap disposable web frigate of choice for their fleet comp. One time I successfully tagged a dread and it got popped by about 200 Rokhs right before I died and it was great. Shortly after they switched to a Malestrom based fleet comp. Idk, I don't really follow this stuff anymore.
where does this gate camp stuff come from
i've been in nullsec for 12 years and maybe done it a half dozen times
9/10 times I've died in EVE was from getting caught in a gate camp. Idk anon.
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>Once you fly Amarr it's very difficult to fly anything else because the ships just look so ugly.
I did this for a while until I got fed up and dropped it all into a 60 day skill I was putting off
>The EVE player base doesn't have a healthy population of new players and casuals
anon, like 70% of Eve is newfags and casuals.
Most of the reason Eve's doing so well now is people getting dickteased by how shit Starfield was, then everyone wanting a space game.

They play a couple of other space games only to realise that the genre is shit, then after 10,000 hours in Space Engineers they give up and come here.
>the rest of the time you're sitting around twiddling your thumbs waiting for something to happen
you should be getting off your ass and trying to get 250-man fleets going 4-5 times a night.
eh gatecamping is like going fishing with the boys.
mostly afk for a few hours shooting the shit, then you casually pop the one thing that comes through and call it a night.
its lazy, easy PVP that can be done in cheap ships and only takes a min to set up
I would fucking die if I had to prepare a 250 man fleet more than once a week. The amount of planning and coordination that goes in to one is akin to completing a painting or other work of art, accounting for hundreds of unique personalities and behaviors and somehow still getting everyone on the same page together takes nothing short of a miracle.

There's a sense of accomplishment after the fact, but everything leading up to it makes you feel like you're drowning. It's like a drug in reverse, where you start with the withdrawal and then get the high.
>The amount of planning and coordination
"Ok guys, everyone grab a beer and undock your Apoc Navy"
Set desto
Kill cunts

wow so hard for literal 40,000 man alliances to do holy shit
I don't have a navy apoc
Not at all. It's more like contacting a few dozen corporate heads who are responsible for getting their guys together, finding out that each one has a varying level of preparation, trying to get a headcount before the formation over who's bringing what, accounting for the fact that half of your planned logistics won't show up, the scout's fallen asleep again, your dictor pilot is bad and is likely to bubble the fleet, and some chucklefucks refuse to merge their fleets and so they're shooting/jamming friendlies half the time.

Either that or your doorstop has fallen asleep, but you don't know how much mass remains on the exit so jumping out will either take a HIC that no one can fly except for two guys who are more important elsewhere, so you basically have to throw a newbie through an exit and explain to them we have no way to get them back in. When the next exit opens, half the rollers are AFK and so a third of the enemy fleet slips through before you can get a handle on things, but they're too small to beat anyone in a standup fight so you spend time chasing them around until they safelog or you catch them.

See? This is the sort of bullshit I put up with. Navy Apocs have been part of the doctrine for a year, yet half of the fleet can't even fly them.
Can you guys wait I left my apoc in another station
But which mapper/boolmarks folder are we using?
This is taking too long retarded FC. I will leave and join an Omen roam instead, who wants to come?
>250-man fleet
>>your dictor pilot

i was sure you were larping til i read that

fuck anyone who flies in fleets where the player list in fleet chat has a scrollbar
Please stop, this sounds all too familiar. The only thing that's missing is catching a friendly fleet member who continued krabbing and pretends they missed the formup notice.
What you expect me to show up on time and just sit there? You know it takes like 45 mins minimum past the agreed time to form up, I can be there in like 2 mins so ill just keep on crabbin till the fleet is actually ready for me
No joke, I've lost members of a fleet once (A fleet booster, no less) because someone got bored and decided to go do C2 wormhole sites while we were waiting for a defense, with the attackers logging on and sniping him two hours before fleet. At the very least they should've continued crabbing on a second account that didn't matter.
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Fly what you like.
Generally pretty bad idea if you want to put up a fleet that's actually effective. Not only in the sense that your alliance/corp probably wants to stock up on the modules in your stations that go into your doctrine ships and having few ships and items everyone uses makes them cheaper for everyone but also because mixed fleets will inevitably degrade towards the lowest common denominator, which is cheap sniper ships because you don't want to be the guy that has the shortest range and any damage gets you into killmails. That's a race to the bottom of shitfit cruisers and frigates that only exist to get into killmails but are worthless in an actual fight.
>cheap sniper ships
more like fast ships with good cargohold
>nigga think I will spec into a napoc becasue he said so
Nothing stopping you from fitting your oracle with a mwd and afterburner and cargo extenders.
I've tried giving parameters before (X amount of EHP, Ykm range, Z DPS) but for the most part it does make it far more difficult to coordinate. For example, I had a guy who wanted to fly Brutixes in fleets and I told him he could if he kept his own stockpile, the minute fighting starts and he's reshipping to his third one he tells me that's the last of his ships and he can't fight anymore after that. Not to mention he skimped on the fit and couldn't meet the EHP requirements.

Now I just let the other corporate CEOs handle their own guys' doctrines. It's still messy, but at least now I know I had 15 shitfit Brutixes in the fleet that all behave similarly and giving commands to them is worth it, when you have a massive hodgepodge of ships with different fittings and you're trying to get them all to behave like snipers it's next to impossible to relay meaningful orders.
Have you tried joining a competent group?
I know what is required better than the FC, there is no need to do what he says
as someone who never FCs, you sound insufferable.
the shits not wow raids
Just blobcore problems.
Competent groups respond to such problems by kicking everyone involved. Which means you're not in a real corp, you're in some retard blob congregation.
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>open ibeast stream
>6000 m/s 100ab tengu
>you're not in a real corp, you're in some retard blob congregation.
Yes, and that's what makes it fun. You have a core that's a legitimate corp of people who actually want to be there, but then you have the challenge of a horde of shitters that you have to wrangle. It's all about weight of numbers combined with a strong center.
>real corp
define this
Not him, but there's a threshold you cross at some point with a corporation. At the basic level, you have a group of loosely affiliated dudes working together, then you take a step up and the organization increases with actual structure. The final step before becoming a real corp is knowing that you can transfer power to the next people in line and the corporation continues to function as it always has. That it becomes a gestalt entity that survives the original leader(s) stepping down or going on extended break without dying.
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"MATARI could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this constellation before. There could be MATARI anywhere." The space snow felt good against his bare skin. "I HATE MATARI" he thought. All Which Was Lost Has Now Been Regained reverberated his entire ship, making it pulsate even as the 9 ISK Standard Blue Pill Booster circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of tribals after downtime. "With an Amarr Shuttle, you can go anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.
Wish I could buy some standard blue pill for 9 isk

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