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Revenant is here, how's everyone enjoying the new patch?
well that corp that war dec'd me never showed up to attack my structure, i've unanchored it now and it's reanchoring in jspace
Grats anon. Hope things go well for you in j-space.
What does one need an Athanor for?
i plan on doing reactions
Reactions and reprocessing. You can also mine your moons with an Athanor (I think) but we have autominers now so there is no point unless you're a nullsec warlord and own an expensive moon.
R4 moon ore has literally dropped below Veldspar in price, it's retarded. There's absolutely no reason to moon mine in HS anymore.
Everything is proceeding as I have forseen.
How's the ice mining now, that ought to have gone significantly up, right?
i'm not gonna stand here and listen to you badmouth the greatest democracy new eden has ever known
WTF-432 Cosmic Signature Wormhole Unstable Wormhole 100.0% 9.45 AU
Not exactly a high bar what with democracy being a gay system for fags.
stopped reading there
Ice was on the rise, but it's kind of stabilized now. It's still up and I imagine it'll stay high for a while, but there might be some minor fluctuations after people stop running as many moon drills.

It's mostly HS ice, the isotopes are on the rise, everything else is remaining fairly static. But mining ice with a hulk and orca boosts is approaching 100m ISK/hr right now, and since the majority of isotope ice comes from HS (Which is already getting fully mined out as frequently as possible), I don't see people being able to meet the demand without traveling to NS to mine some more.
What does the emperor of Amarr look like
why would someone be using a deluge for PI shit?
it has 45k m3 hold for pishit
and its a blockade runner
>missed 1 day of login rewards
>doomed to have a skill issue because there's no filler booster "buffer" at the end
>get free stuff
>login rewards
this game is unrecognizable
Faster align/warp, it shaves off about 30-60 seconds per character. Important when you have 30 of them.
because it's the best ship for it? what kind of question is this
>why would someone be using a deluge for PI shit?
because decent sized rats spawn around Skyhooks now so you unironically need tank and DPS to kill the shit tackling you on grid.
that implies you ironically need tank and dps
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>N770 wandering hole in my farm
How dangerous is taking a shuttle full of blueprints from Amarr to Jita through high sec?
Is it better to outfit some other fast align ship with more armor or use a covert ops ship?
To add to this >>1502569
Other than searching each individual blueprint for existing contracts, is there a good website that can give me a ball park of their values?
just use a covert ops ship, or use a travel
fit dramiel. shit goes like 12 au and like 2/s align time, maybe 80m isk total for all t2 mods, its fun and i use it way more than i thought i would
>How dangerous is taking a shuttle full of blueprints from Amarr to Jita through high sec?
The risk is extremely low as long as you use instadocking bookmarks. You get the occasional autists that suicide ganks shuttles with smartbombs, but those guys are extremely rare and they mostly got bored of doing it.
That said, use an interceptor or Dramiel. They go faster and you can put shields on them so you are difficult to smartbomb. My Dramiel survived getting hit by 2 smartbombing Machariels, so would recommend. You still have to use instadock bookmarks or you could get killed by some guy with a thrasher or two.
holy fuck reactions are insanely profitable, wish i had been doing this sooner, i can't believe this
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PI and reactions are the basic two forms of passive income that everyone ought to have running.
You can chain the two of these together as well, as the fuel blocks you use in reactions consume a lot of PI products.
And it gets even better if you chain it further into production.
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>pve subsystem
Not very high, but not 0. You can safely assume if your autopiloting in anything someone will scan you just to take a peek, at which point its just a matter of is it worth losing a trash fit thrasher or tornado and taking a tiny hit to sec status.

If your manually piloting, the only thing that stands a resonable chance of swatting you in a shuttle is shartbombers. But if your moving more than 20 mil worth of stuff, why not just spring for a inty or some other sub 3 second align ship with max warp that can be fit to take a couple slaps? Or better, pay some freight fag larping being a space hauler 40 mil to toss your papers ontop of his bulk load of veldspar he was shipping anyway, while you afk autopilot and do literally anything else with the time.
How is this game still alive? Or is it just rotten at this point with flys buzzing around, I though the devs went for multiboxers instead of fun stuff for new players so it's all fucked innit
EvE is "almost there" with a dozen different things on the verge of being fun. But its like they start shit then abandon it at 60% finished.

All the other games on offer like Elite and Shart Citizen just dont have the depth. They were designed to hit a player threshold they just can't reach.

You also can't deny that a person thats played EvE for decades has an incredible advantage over new players in doing things in the game. You can just slap them down with your wallet if necessary. That kind of baked in whale inertia is tough to fuck around with, like people still clinging to Mechwarrior online because they bought a founders pack a bajillion years ago x20 for EvE.
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Sisters...where can I find sugar daddy in EVE?
Are the new ships good or just a meme?
can anyone suggest me some good reactions to do? i'm having a really tough time deciding
They're extraordinarily good in a couple of specific niche scenarios but kind of useless outside of that. They're most useful in wormhole brawls taking place in Pulsar systems, where they essentially apply 5k effective DPS to a Nighthawk or SNI, and can spread that around for 35k DPS across several targets if they don't die.

Completely worthless in Nullsec fleets. Way too expensive to be useful in small gangs.
I don't know if the launcher can be used in HS, but they can apply 75k damage to a freighter if they can. By comparison, a Catalyst can do about 11k in a .5 system and a Talos about 21k, while the new ship can do its full damage in any security level.

It's overly expensive for that purpose, but if the ships ever get cheaper I could see them start being used for ganks like that.
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He said the thing!
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Why is the important button smaller than the one that's almost never used? why isn't there a hotkey for this important function?
>why isn't there a hotkey for this important function?
I think there is but it's some shift+ something combo. Check in settings
It's too bad that these were made back in the day when grey was cool and sleek. I would like it if the base version used black and white design and then the navy version was gold.
Ladies and gentlemen, they got him
nice tank
Should had fit lasers.
>he did not attend the officially official All-Out mining op
I seriously hope you don't do this.
I also seriously hope you don't actually mine how can people do this I've only done an hour and a half and I want to kill myself.
first kill worth over 1 trillion isk I’ve seen
>fake overinflated value
yeah sure
I used to say that, and then I started mining and suddenly I couldn't stop. I don't even know why I do it, I just feel compelled to shoot asteroids in dangerous places.
If anything it's under valued. The hull has been selling for 1.5t and most of those abyssal rolls are perfect deadspace or Officer rolls worth several hundred billion each.
I am dumb and retarded when it comes to making fat stacks of space dosh, how do I stop being dumb and retarded in this regard
Learn how to do burner missions
Learn T5 Gila abyss
Find four other people, do Homefronts
Do Incursions with EVE Rookies
Make a shit ton of P2 products in wormholes, print ISK
Run a skill farm

Whatever you do though, don't do anything that would give you an ounce of fun, if it's fun it's worthless for ISK.
Get the fuck out of Nullsec, it's the worst place in the game for making isk.
With how dishonorable the war 'over there' is going on, you really really think ECM is 'dishonorable' at this point?
>corp is going down the rabbit hole of autistically cyber stalking some unemployed grognard because he keep making a nuisance of himself
It's amazing how much info you can get about someone through Discord without them knowing you're logging literally everything they do

Actually amazing
>Normalfaggots just LOVE to tie as much IRL info to their online accounts/identity
More news at 11.
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Join an AT team and win a few games, now you're set for life.
>With how dishonorable the war 'over there' is going on
Uh oh, schizo moment.
tfw 200b net worth
wtf do i build now to make bank
the stuff i have been making is too low value/volume to be good
buy plex when its on sale then HODL.
start getting into market fuckery.
>the stuff i have been making is too low value/volume to be good
remember if you're doing T1 industry you're competing against people who are buying their minerals 10-20% cheaper than market price, then using bonused citadels and fancy implants to squeeze those last extra %.
get into T2/T3 shit instead, margins are much nicer. lot of lazycunts out there that'll dump their gas straight to the nearest buy order rather than fuck around with it themselves.
You should undock in a thorax, it has everything.
Based Lowsec Ice mining Thorax enjoyer
what if they never scrapped walking in stations?
EVE would have x2 playerbase because of people just playing poker or blackjack for isk in jita.
nothing is dishonorable
newfag here, where do i go to blow people up with my poverty 3mil fits? i enlisted with amarr because i heard FW is where the noob pvp is, but so far every scout complex fight has been against either a really expensive ship i can't kill or a group i can't kill. what else can i do solo? (i don't mind joining a corp if that's what it takes to get good fights but i don't want to join one of the huge ones and idk how to find a good small corp)
fw is a meme for good fights
solo doesn't exist anymore as everyone is gonna be using scouts/links and have batphones/droppers at the ready
look for a corp, if you are really new and need to learn basics, eve uni is fine
This is really the reality of things, EVE is an entirely different game when you always have a cloaked T3C or Falcon waiting in the wings. People throw a fit about it not being honorable, but I was never there to have a good fight, only to farm in peace.
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The posters above are somewhat correct but it's not as bad as they make it out to be. The short of it is that solo is for experienced players.
Can you go out on your own and learn? Yes you can. There are people who have done that, figured out the fighting meta all on their own. I would not suggest that, ever. Those guys died dozens of times before they figured out the most basic of traps and then dozens or hundreds more before they got good.
Join a corp, join some fleets, go fight. Participate in battles and some of the basics of what to do and how will suddenly become very obvious. Give it a few weeks like that, get some kills in fleets and then try solo again, you'll have a much better time.
in addition to this anon, big fleet fights are what you take away from it
yes you can be an f1 monkey but you can also learn a lot if you are willing to put in some actual effort
learn hotkeys, learn the tactical overlay, learn the scanners, do that and you are above 80% of other eve players instantly
PushX is recruiting freighter pilots - make 200m/hr hauling for New Eden's Premium hauling service!

We require:
Freighter (obviously)
2 Omega accounts
3b of liquid isk to cover collaterals

Kill hauler. Behead haulers. Slice haulers in half with a katana. Total hauler death.
another newfag question: i killed a npc frigate in a scout complex and it dropped an "unlimited skin" and i made it through uedama and now i have a billion isk. i barely know how this game works, i didn't expect to have so much money this soon, wtf should i spend it on? ideally something that can make me more isk
i'm actually in eve uni right now lol, it's a good corp and i've learned a lot but i need something more laid-back than the whole professional classroom atmosphere. i'd rather learn as i go like >>1506399 said than learn by watching powerpoints. i guess i just need to put myself out there and find a small noob-friendly pvp corp
>wtf should i spend it on?
I'm trying to answer this question but I honestly don't know how to make good money anymore. I told my newfag friend to go farm faction warfare, but you do that with a 2 mil isk atron.
I get my shekels from industry and I could recommend that if it wasn't a major skillpoints problem. You aren't going to train both combat and industry skills at the same time.
So haven't the foggiest, really.
i am building t2 frigates using bonused structures
i buy minerals, moon goo and fuel blocks from sell orders.

i have two spare rig slots on my raitaru so im trying to figure out what to move into so I know which rig to install next
newfag here
how do I stop being space poor? it seems like most of the stuff that pays well requires omega which I can't get because I'm also earth poor.
is it even feasible to get enough isk to buy plex as a f2p?
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>how do I stop being space poor?
You can't.
>how do I stop being space poor?
I suggest farming Faction Warfare to get out of poverty.
Omega time is pretty expensive right now and could get more expensive, I would not want to farm that up with an alpha clone.
Assuming ~100 mil an hour farming FW and a month of omega time costing ~2 billion, that's about 20 hours of work a month. It's actually more because you don't get paid in money, you get points that you still have to sell.
There are more profitable activities I guess, but not having the SP is very limiting in that regard. Hacking is better, but doing it with a low SP character kinda sucks, you can get unlucky and destroy all the look by accident because you don't have the good hacking stats.
Getting space rich means you're either doing trading/industry or you're doing some of the high value PVE like highclass wormhole ratting or lvl 5 missions.
>where do i go to blow people up with my poverty 3mil fits?
FW but you won't be doing much killing if you have to ask this. If you want to win then you need to outskil, outship or outnumber your opponents none of which you probably can do. You may get lucky and find someone that you can kill but it will be difficult. The easiest way is to join a corp like FW corp and join in one of their small fleets, that way it doesn't matter if you are in a cheap ship and bad personally. You could try to attack pve players as well but those guys run away pretty fast and it may be difficult to find.

You shouldn't spend it, you now have enough cash to reship if you lose your current ship. You can use it to explore different activities in peace without having to worry about immediately making money. You can fight in FW or try to roam low sec or do some exploration etc. Try different things and see what you find fun.

>is it even feasible to get enough isk to buy plex as a f2p?
Sure you can but you should get a job instead. Even if you make enough to cover your sub just by playing you will inevitably have more fun actually spending that money on things you like to do instead of endlessly grinding to keep your sub active so you can grind more. Unless you like industry or market pvp in which case the money is kinda the point in which case feel free to spend it on the sub.
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>Cenotaph stream is total disaster
Literally AT ship.
What about ratting and exploration?
decent money by 2010 standards, dogshit today. rat bounties have NOT kept up with inflation lm0a
I'm making okay money doing rally points running an under skilled Ishtar but I'm sure dens/sanctums or whatever would be better. Certainly not making as much per hour as I was doing exploration during the event.
Still new and learning all the shit, but I think a well fitted Ishtar can do high tier abyssals right? I've only done the two lowest tiers and the loot was abysmal
The issue with abyssals is that to get the big bucks, you need to buy a very expensive ship and if you make a mistake or if the game bugs out you lose this very expensive ship. I'm not sure how CCP treats refunds from abyss losses, but I wouldn't count on it.
Also the test server is no longer up so you can't test before you go in. Which means there's no way to learn properly either.
they've specifically made it where you can't anymore
create problem, sell you the solution
>join big corp as a newfag
>first real time in null
>overwhelmed by all the new shit that comes with corps and nullsec
>overwhelmed by the amount of SP I'll need to skill completely into doctrines
Just when I think I've gotten over this game's learning curve something new always appears
>the amount of SP I'll need to skill completely into doctrines
If they're forcing you to skill up into doctrines it's a redflag.
any nullbloc has day 1 stuff to use for fleets, roll with that for quite a while until you are in to something to make your money with
Nah, not being forced to. I can still bring a tackle or ewar but I want to fly doctrine. Should've added that it's not just the sp that's overwhelming but the ship types too that I'll have to learn
pick your One Thing and focus on becoming good at that
That's a good idea. I'll look at the doctrine ships/types and see what appeals to me the most and then skill up in it. Hell, I'm still learning what more there is outside of the basic kiting, brawler and tackle basic types/fits
if you wanna cause extreme amounts of asspain
ewar, especially ecm
That sounds like something I could fuck around with in a fast t1 frig and learn fleet play in. Not looking to be/know I won't be a DPS gigachad immediately. I'm not super underskilled, but just focused too much on Amarr ships/systems/no shields because I thought they looked cool
fucking up a logi chain and either having them not notice or respond fast enough can swing fights pretty hard
just know you'll be a high priority target but its a good way to learn to fly the fuck out of your ship and understand keybinds and the tac overlay
ECM is kind of mid, people still hate it because it used to be super OP. Now Damps are actually the most cancer. They do the same thing as ECM except with no RNG and no counterplay. The Keres is the most busted ship in the game.
>i buy minerals, moon goo and fuel blocks from sell orders.
then your next step would be setting up undercut buy orders or going directly to corpmates/friends/suppliers for that stuff.
lot of people gladly give up 10% or more in price just to not have to haul it 20 jumps to Jita themselves.
>how do I stop being space poor? it seems like most of the stuff that pays well requires omega
not really
problem with Eve is
>the fun stuff pays like shit
>the boring/dangerous shit pays really well

if you're too earth poor to afford 2 pints of beer worth of Omega time a month then thats fine.
Keep training your alpha up to the 20mil SP cap with daily goals, daily alpha injectors and event SP.
skill into a good Gila and Praxis.
your best bet would be to get into Incursions with a noob friendly group.

Researching blueprints to max then selling them is another slow but steady way. Look up the youtube guide on this. 80mil investment plus a couple of months maxxing a cruiser blueprint can make a nice return if you're patient

another option is flying a Worm in T1 abyssals which even on an alpha is a solid 50mil/hr.

FW is another option for you as well as exploration.

If you're a miner, an option for you is the Mining Barge Expert System. This lets you rent skills to fly a Mining Barge for a week so you can do that even on an Alpha. Its pretty easy to pay the Expert System off within the week and still have isk left over.

>get enough isk to buy plex as a f2p?
the only limitations on this are your actual knowledge of the game and isk assets you have to start with. has nothing to do with in-game skillpoints or Omega/Alpha status.

Omega is one of those things that's easier to maintain once you're Omega.
3 char slots with 6 planets each all doing PI will pay for 2/3rds of Omega on their own, then the rest you can make up with casual hour or two every few days of playtime.
ultimately, grinding for Omega with isk sucks a lot of the fun out of the game when you could just do 1 hour of overtime on a public holiday and make 3 month's worth of Omega that way instead.
>overwhelmed by the amount of SP I'll need to skill completely into doctrines
just skill into a Ferox/Drake and tell anyone that complains otherwise to fuck off.
Omega for 1 week is 10 plex at the moment and everyone just got given 10 free plex.
try to time it so you reach Day 9 on your daily goals and you'll make 15 plex from that (5 per char).
That ended at DT yesterday.
It did not because I still purchased 7 days for 10 PLEX today.
i absolutely dont have the patience to babysit buy orders
especially since ccp removed margin trading and now i have to put full escrow up, i'd be looking at 3-4x the isk investment for 5-10% extra profit.

right now i do about 10b/wk on roughly 25% margin, i want to go for 30b/wk on a 15-20% margin

friends don't let friends mine
make alpha accounts, train a character up to 5m sp
redeem all free sp from login rewards and referrals and use it to fill skill extractors

i filled 20 extractors from alphas this expansion, and I make 400m profit on each extractor
thats 8b in two weeks and all you need is enough capital for a single skill extractor to do it

its 300m profit per injector if you just dump to buy orders
That's a good idea to help me, a new player, get sp faster
How long does it take for an alpha to hit 5 million so?
6-8 months.
another thing people do is run AIR Career Program over and over on an alt slot on their account, redeem the SP to the main, delete the alt and repeat.
finishing AIR gets you 750k SP. really easy to get the SoF one done if you have a friend.
Wait what the fuck? I can redeem shit from my alts on my main if it's the same account? Does this include dailies and monthlies?
No, just the air career shit
only the SP and item/isk rewards from AIR Career Program, cuz it all goes to your Redeem Items window.
Pre-nerf, why did so many people fly Cyclone Fleet Issues over Drake Navies? What sort of benefit did they have?
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How can one possibly look at this and say yeah this is good.
Better application, smaller sig and faster.
Punisher is based. Fuck off
No it's shit, as is every single
ship in the game.

They should just delete Amarr as a faction.
>Seething Mimatard
They have easily the coolest frigs and destroyers of any empire faction
*beam lasers u*
>They have easily the coolest frigs and destroyers of any empire faction
They are trash. Let's see:
The only one worth anything is Malediction.
Meanwhile gallente has Keres, the most broken EWAR frigate. Minmatar has Hyena, Wolf, Jaguar, Stiletto, and even T1 has the most based ship of all, Rifter. Caldari is also decent with Buzzard, the best exploration frigate, Kitsune, Hawk and of course Heron, the 2nd most based ship in the game.
The only use a Coercer has is ganking abyss divers in Highsec. That's it. Dragoon is trash, navy coercer is a joke. Confessor, Heretic and Pontifex are whatever.
Meanwhile, Gallente has Catalyst and Algos, both very good ships. And while Eris and Magus are whatever, Hecate is one of the best solo hunting ships out there and can be relatively easily fit for sub 1s align and resistance to smartbombs for highsec/lowsec transport. Minmatar has Trasher and TFI, excellent offensive ships, Sabre, the best dictor in the game, Bifrost, the best boosher in the game and Svipul best destroyer for wormholes. Caldari T1 is whatever, but they have Stork - a good boosher, Flycatcher -2nd best dictor and of course Jackdaw, best PVE destroyer in the game.

Amarr is just trash trash trash trash.
Just DELETE them already.
I'm not going to burden myself with reading all of that, as you can't comprehend a single sentence. Coolest does not imply best/meta/whatever. It's aesthetic. And if it looks cool, I fly it. Simple as
>And if it looks cool, I fly it. Simple as
Red killboard subhuman detected. Don't ever speak to me again noob.
I'm actually even rn, with the majority of my kills solo :)
actual metanigger detected
we need more empire ships desu im tired of every new ship coming from some literalwho faction ccp made up a month ago
>new deathless expert system
>tholos hull is still priced in the billions like any other just added ship
wow it’s fucking nothing
I see someone was #punished
Are you joining sisters?
why would i join sisters of eve they werent in that fight
that's a lot of words but i'll answer
>dog ACTUALLY has minmatards still seething about Amarr
>people ADMITTING they're minmatards
its fine as long as we all hate goyllente
Blasters are literally the least useful weapons in the game. They have no redeeming features, their DPS isn't even that good.
death to those who fly monitors
Iceland is exploding again
>even nature hates ccp
shouldn't have blundered my wod mmo
>amarr skybox

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