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Drought Edition

Previously on /pal/: >>>/vg/500126360

>Steam Page

>Palworld Twitter

>Pocketpair Youtube

>Latest Patch Notes (10/29/24)


>Breeding Guides and Tools


>Pal Models


>Server Setup

>/vg/ Community Servers
Check in thread for up-to-date ones.
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>/vg/ Community Servers
For some reason I keep getting disconnected when I try getting into the server.
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Works for me, are you getting a loading screen?
>Community Servers
Check in thread for up-to-date ones.
/pal/ NA:
Yeah, I do hear something like water falling during the loading screen, but I get disconnected due timeout, but I don't get why since my internet is quite stable.
logs don't show you connected at all
are you running the game on a HDD?
Hunting fanart of Ribunny getting its ribbons pulled by another pal, then wrinkling its face in anger. Does anyone have it saved?
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Can she survive cooperative gapening?
Maybe if you faggots didn't make posts like this ^ every 2 hours you'd still have a thread in a real board
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Just took a screenshot
Are you a new player, or returning? The incomplete loading sounds similar to when my serverside save was corrupted and needed to be rolled back.
Does the disconnect happen if you try connecting to official servers? If so the next thing I'd try is connecting mod free (if using), with a clean install or after verifying game files via Steam.
Nah, I can't connect to the official ones either. I'll try changing the adapter tomorrow to see if the router is the one blocking the connection.
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Jetragon is great
>Oh good, a mount speed adjustment mod, now things like Rushoar will be usable and-
>Increased the speed of nearly every single mount to be faster than all of the vanilla mounts
Why dont people just fast travel
Why do you need JETRAGON to be faster
Hey there /vm/
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I can't doodle New York. Sorry.
Is Relaxaurus the Biolizard?
it's great
Sorry, meant to be >>>/vg/502218778
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Outstanding, thanks
10/10, this is great, I really like Selyne's expression
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Reposting the hot cawgnito
If anyone wants some doodles, just drop a suggestion and I'll doodle it.
And like I said before, the porn-ier the better
I'm not that good with furry/anthro, but I'll do what I can.
Depresso hot gluing a Vixy idol figure or photo
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I misread and forgot the word "idol"
No worries, nice doodle
A paltamer french kissing a Caprity.
We will have this in the game soon enough
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Kidding. Here for real.
I really can't be arsed to keep up with the discord or whatever other community shit exists for this game, is there any ETA on the next big content update?
There should be an announcement next month
late february 2025
trust the plan
You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this.
Thanks man.
>next big content update
Whenever Syndicates try to attack Caprities in random encounters I do exactly this before killing those wannebe anarchists on two legs. They'll pick up sweet memories before going to hell.
bucky still insists before the end of the year, probably in december because japs are godless heathens that made christmas a couples holiday.
Jetdragon sucks
Jetragon's alright
The signs are there, I know not to give up hope even if they have to relocate. They already made it. They can just leave if it comes to it.
Nintendo likes to try to play death by a thousand lawsuits but they can just leave.
Does anyone know where you can get the mod to add those thrusters to Jetdragon?
>real board
I only have the mod that gives her a huge ass and tits, sorry
the only real board is the one in my back yard
looks like shit, good for one with no standards such as you. You should make a mod that also bolts silicone onto the guns too.
Actually, my standards are very high. Thanks.

Nah he's right
Same anon here.

I managed to somehow connect to the Community Servers (tried Teez Hussan, Bamboula's Beach, and Jürgen Hanson) and the Official Chinese server #1001 but for some reason I can't connect to the NA, EU, JP or the /vg/ server.
Strange, do you have a VPN you could try testing a connection through?
Will try that on Monday, I'm currently away from the PC in the city.

Also, do you think it might have something to do with the fact that I don't live in USA? Because it's weird that I can (so far) only connect to the Chinese server, but I live in the Caribbean which is closer to NA.
I was able to connect from Cancun during a trip, and don't believe there are any serverside region restrictions.
Leaning towards it being something local, whether it's network config, connection strength or ISP funniness.
How old is the community server? Is it worth joining or is the game world pretty "conquered" at this point?0
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I got pic related
It's been kicking since around a bit after release.I haven't played in a bit myself but as for "conquered" I think most people left playing have already made it to the end except for finishing up the harder raids and towers. There's some leftover bases abandoned so land might be a problem if you're trying to find your perfect spot but it's also nice going by seeing what people have done. Whoever's left is most likely just doing build or breed autism while waiting for updates.
I have fun on it and the people are nice
I think this is it, thanks!.
Had a much better image in my head, but I might've misremembered.
Land's tight in some areas as mentioned, but there's still plenty to work with, especially if you make good use of pillars as foundations.
Concurrent playercount's way lower than it was when Sakurajima was fresh, but there are still regulars who appear often or intermittently, and most tend to be responsive and helpful if you're present in chat.
I still log on sometimes for build and breed autism while waiting for updates.
No decay mechanics for abandoned bases? You'd think it'd be fair game to let structures that haven't seen over a month of use turn to dirt.
never seen this, was this in a trailer?
If someone's base is in a really shit spot and the person hasn't been on in ages you can actually see it removed
I'll check on Monday to see what's up.

Btw, how many people are in the server? Does it have Guilds or mods installed?
The confused syndicate thugs in the background is a nice touch
We should make a new server to celebrate moving to /vm/!!!!!!
There are decay mechanics but the owner has them turned off or they're really fuckin long. If you really wanted you could kite an enemy pal or summon one of the raid bosses to destroy their palbox but it would take quite a while unless it's on a foundation. If they left some pals with repair kits then it'd be quite unlikely to take over.

There's 'guilds' but due to the way they work I think everyone is solo. Everyone is technically in their own guild at the start and can join others but guilds are limited to only a couple bases which means you'd have to fight with your other guildies over base locations and where to put em. Everyone has their own personal pals but if you put them to work in a base anyone else in your guild can just go and grab em.
Are there any mods installed or it's just a vanilla server?

That being said, if I do manage to log I'll see if I can join someone or go to a remote place so I don't get bothered by raids or people who want to snipe bases.
>Snipe bases
bro thinks this is a real game with actual multiplayer
Vanilla, no drops on death, no random base raids, no structure decay, 0.1x egg incubation time.
Unlikely someone on NA would take the time to break your palbox unless you're walling off resources like fast travel statues, skill fruit trees or occupying spawns on sanctuaries. Still, it's good practice to take precautions like building your palbox on ground or fireproof foundation, and keeping repair kits available.
I see, that's good to know.

I mean, I haven't been able to play this game on multiplayer, so I'm entirely basing my opinions on previous experiences from other games.
Get online and meet pal tamers today
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There's no Rust-style base demolition in this game, the closest 'Sniping' strats are:
>Deplete the palbox's 20k health with kited enemies that hit for a scaled down 1 damage
This is easily countered by having repair kits and handiwork pals onsite, along with fighters to kill enemies before they can act.
>Hope the palbox is built on wooden foundation and have a fire/explosive enemy proc burning on it, eventually destroying both at once
This is easily countered by having a watering pal onsite, in addition to the above.

It's a very tedious undertaking which counts on the base owner not being online to catch you in the act and/or undo your damage instantly.

>Hope someone lets you join their guild in bad faith and use your permissions to disassemble everything
Inexperienced players might fall for this, just be mindful of who you give this power to. That said, I haven't seen one person who isn't in a solo guild, or has shown interest in recruiting for or joining one.
I kinda wanted to guild it up with other anons myself at the start but that was closer to release and now I'm already set in my ways and comfy with my bases. If a fresh start happens at a later update or full release I wouldn't mind mucking it up with other anons but I don't particularly want to give up my current bases to join others or risk my current bases and pals letting others join.
I think part of the problem is pals are just so damn quick to catch and are immediately usable, killing most reasons to group up. in ark you need a tribe to provide a knocked out dino drugs and snacks for hours. in conan exiles you need a group so your slaves being broken on the wheel don't get stolen.
And resources. Resource generation at bases can definitely be a bottleneck if everyone wants to start autism breeding. Never enough cakes.
I am a cake maniac. I live to cake.
with the help of yakumo i've got myself a combat fuack and now attempting to breed a battle teafant, despite all attempts at capturing wild teafants with my yakumo, they only seem to want two of the three passives my fully condensed yakumo has, so off to the eugenics farm again
Let your water pals taste the feeling of booster supports.
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No, it's a screenshot taken by a guy in the Palworld Discord who has mods installed in his game.
Same anon here, checked the config, used a VPN, changed ISP and nothing...I don't know what else to try.
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Too cute!
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grillet is PISSED
Have you checked if your connection fails on a mobile hotspot?
If you're certain internet isn't the problem, I'd try a clean install next.
>Back up your local save directory so you can reuse it:
>Delete or rename game folders:
"AppData\Local\Pal" AND "steamapps\common\Palworld"
>Redownload game files or reinstall via Steam
Steam Library > Palworld > Properties... > Installed Files > Verify Integrity of Game Files
>Overwrite the new SaveGames folder with your backup

If this doesn't work either I'm out of ideas, short of trying on someone else's WiFi or a different PC.
It fails on a mobile hotspot.

And doing a clean install didn't seem to work either. The only thing left to do is to try and do it on another computer.
Someday....someday I will get a Jetragon of my own.
Just grind. Grind grind and more grind. PP nerfed fall damage so it's less likely to die from falling off the cliff near its spawn area
I will continue to do so. I have been grinding since the game released. I purchased it the weekend it came out. Just a little longer and maybe I will get it.
how have you spent 10 months not catching jetragon?
Because I'm not a high enough level. I'm not messing with them unless I'm a good level.
We need more palworld official merch!
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hmmm from what i can tell, the best spots to go mimog hunting are either lower half of the desert and the green area before the astral mountains - these zones have fewer other pals taking up the total spawn pool so you're somewhat more likely to encounter one, unless I'm looking at how pal soawns work the wrong way. The lower desert half spawns are only active at night however.
although the desert would be much more preferable due to the simple terrain and clear sightlines that allow one to spot mimogs easily
Some more plushies would be nice honestly
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The game potentially being shutdown finally made me care enough to do all the achievements. I don't achievement hunt but at least if the game does disappear I can say I did that much.
not how a game getting delisted works even if japanese courts had power to stop international sales. people still have domina in their steam libraries even after the dev called trannies out for being abominations.
Nicely done, unless you used Gobfin, then you didn't beat the game
>community server
>IP not working
like clockwork
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>Paste IP
>Connect without issue
it is a mystery

if you tried to connect i don't see you in the logs
works on my machine
My penguin is complete
>no pic
anon plz

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