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I have just made a new Minecraft Server with some friends. It is mostly Vanilla, with a small twist: the entire world is one big ocean, with some small islands scattered throughout. With a limited world border, this would in theory make resources scare and cause fierce competition. Also we have a Live Map (Dynmap)

What version? 1.21.3?
1.21.1, I see
this server is from r*ddit.
OP isn't the owner.
posted on reddit AND 4chan?
how could this happen?!?
I know it was you who dissabled and then re-enabled orebfuscator, let this thread die.
You don't know me, anon.
>waah i can't xray everything!
Of course I know the person who dissabled and abused the anti-cheat is the same "developer" who leaked the IP on 4chan to "make things interesting".

The new Server IP is : 31:214.162.193:8123

And it's on official mojang hardware, which is why I take issue with OP.
see what you need to understand is that since it's actually a r*ddit server you'll be muted and banned for saying bad words.
Something he never explained in his thread.

So make sure to join using a cracked minecraft installation and grief OP.
His base is at 1797,-785
There's a dynmap that can be abused to get netherite upgrades from bastions.
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my bad, it's
That doesn't mean that this anon is who you think it is, dummy.
heh finaly a server to play on on /Vm
Oh my gyatt! I'm on the website with the green text
Yeah I thought it was kind of weird when a server admin incessantly asked me to join his discord server as soon as I joined his server
No surprises it's from reddit
discord is a bad sign
in da end
Should I join? I want to just farm and build
lot of space, just need to find an island you like
the best server here

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