>What is Age of Chivalry? Age of Chivalry is a half-life 2 mod released in 2007 as a fps and truly defined the genre 'slasher'>how do i join? thankfully it's free with the exception of linux not being able to support it we have our own server with custom maps and a rtv !you can get the game here:https://store.steampowered.com/app/17510and to connect: in-game notes:make sure to click space bar to skip the loading screen or disable it entirely client side as it does crash, another issue is crashing when alt tabbing and is therefore preferred to use windowed mode, and as for the server browser by default there are filters that should be checked off so if you don't see any servers on the browser list just disable them, and for the console it by default is turned off though it can be turned on in advanced settings>after all of this trouble is it still worth playing? well we hope to build a community of users while simultaneously finding people who can save this abandoned game which inspired many, it has a raw masculine feel that all other medieval 'slasher' games failed to do and beautiful graphics ahead of it's time and a classic source fighting mechanics and amazing use of it's engine.
>>1505174holy phuck I remember playing that map ages ago on this game. good times, hard game