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Have you ever roleplayed in a multiplayer game before?
I realize that videogames are just electronic action figures, and shouldn't be taken seriously for a second.
Yeah, I ERP'd before. I basically soft-nutted in 12 year old me's pants. shit was so cash.
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I played on an RP server for ARK for a while
I decided to build a shack in the swamp, tame a bunch of gators and go with a "what if Eustace was from louisiana instead of kansas" kind of vibe with it
played as a crazy guy on a halo rp server in gmod once, got hunted by an entire army base and later executed by firing squad after killing several soldiers and killing everyone else in the jail i got put in when they captured me
Yes on WoW but it just became RP nightclubs
Habbo Hotel
GTA San Andreas
Only on GTA rp

zomboid is such a duct tape and cardboard shitstaindisaster you spend more time dealing with the shitty game mechanics than anything else
ss13 and Eternia, but not much else

I played SS13, i liked the Fallout servers despite the awful moderation and the fact that an entire server (Fortune) can just die in a few hours because of the mods being retarded or making awful balance changes. But it was pretty free and you could build what you wanted.

Anyways i liked being a wannabe exorcist, hotel proprieter, cannibal restarauntieur, wannabe british explorer, toll troll, The Riddler, etc. These either ended anticlimactially or in death but it was fun.
I did some A3L but didn't really have the time to really put enough time into it to get into any whitelisted servers.
What's RP on Zomboid like anyway?
I cannot even fucking roleplay as myself when I try to fap one out while ERP'ing with AI chatbots
>roleplaying as yourself
just go with whatever shit comes into your head
Yeah, I roleplay on a Morrowind server, and have graphic ERP that would make my family ashamed to even know me on a World of Warcraft private server
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i roleplayed on a roblox game called after the flash for an embarrassingly long amount of time. game went downhill a few years ago when the creator got greedy and removed all the rules so people could do whatever therefore removing any cohesion from the setting. it's also a honey pot for grooming and pedophiles as you can imagine, there's at least 500+ people who are blacklisted from the game for that reason or something similar.
Mostly community life RP over survival RP. Either you're wandering around alone or you go to the big RP hub really and just engage in the vents there.
if the game and/or server lends itself to it, rp can be fun as hell
I have always wanted to rp as a knight but there are no good medieval games. Mount&Blade comes close, and I have done some rp on that (albeit 14 years ago), but there is no multiplayer scene anymore.
Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in
Whats the premise
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It's supposed to be nuclear post-apocalypse survival. It's complicated though since the creator completely changed the lore with the most recent game "because he didn't have a well-developed view of the world yet" which was his way of saying he was too conservative when he originally wrote it even though it ironically predicted many future events like ukraine and the middle east. So the lore got changed to a social-democrat's wet dream with the nuclear event taking place far enough into the future so that he could develop his ideal america complete with puerto rico, guam, and D.C. (renamed to douglass after frederick douglass) as states, every city becoming walkable, universal healthcare, etc. The pitfall to doing this is that it reversed the 10 years of lore and story the community had made for the previous timeline so the game is stuck having a huge identity crisis. It's become a melting pot of a bunch of different media from cyberpunk to anthro furfag shit as players try to figure out wtf to do with the roleplaying now. The original nuclear post-apocalypse setting that's supposed to be the game's premise has pretty much just become a suggestion.
World of Warcraft, Argent Dawn EU. Haven't played since 2019 though.
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yeah, i roleplay in online wrestling games and moan like a slut when the other person beats me. even send my femboy pics if they really fuck me up with the painful holds and all that
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How did it work out? Did you mating press any stupid gators?
i can't draw the spirit to do those kinds of things anymore but i was bigly into it for a long time
roleplaying on roblox fell off so fucking hard, i think GMOD is the same
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wasted most of my young hot life roleplaying on garry's mod and san andreas multiplayer
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I was in a WoW RP guild for a while on Wyrmrest Accord. Then WoD hit and everyone stopped playing. After that I tried other guilds but it was never the same and my interest fizzled out.
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may as well post the rest of these
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all i have saved, sadly
I have roleplayed on many games for quite some time, some erp when I was younger too.

I'm actually planning to host some RP on Star Citizen, it's pretty much the only thing the "game" is good for. I'm thinking of having a bit of an plot behind that dictate some events to keep things moving.. that's cause I'm thinking we'll record it, edit and post it in YouTube if any of the material is usable.
That Firefly type of wibe
I guess I can give a few examples;
Back in the days all MMORPG were RP, horizon - empire of ishtaria and all that. Ragnarok Online one was big since it had girls. Then ofc WoW RP server (erp there too), then Mount and Blade cprg mod, made a massive clan called Knights Templar with all the bells and whistles. Then Warhammer online, Aion Online, Tera online.. (ss13 and others too) after a while I kinda stopped, keep seeing RP people in games like final fantasy but I mostly just don't get drawn into RP action anymore. I played some long pen and paper campaigns in between, hosted some as GM and I guess eventually it's just such a luxury to have any free time that RP dropped.
I also realized what many others have too, that majority of male characters look like ass and youd rather look at the butt of a hot lady than a dude, and started playing ladies. That doesn't stop RP but usually the characters are not created with that in mind either, I'm not big into genderswapping in rp

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