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>Wait, I can play this in English?
Yes, there are numerous guides and resources on how to get the game translated via DQX Clarity.
>How much is translated?
The entire main story up to the end of version 6.5 is hand translated, while all of the quest and regular NPC dialogue use machine translations because the dialogue for them is stored on the game servers instead of in the game data itself.
>Do I need a VPN to play?
The United States is unblocked but if you live in any other country that isn't the USA or Japan then a VPN is required.
>How long is the free trial?
You can play for free up to a point in Version 2.3, the end of the first expansion, then you have to purchase the All in One pack and a subscription after your first month with the full game.
A payment and subscription guide is on DQXAbbey.
>DQXAbbey Website with many resources and links to guides
>Set Up Guide
>Translation Tools
>Japanese Story Quest Guide (Use a translation tool)
>Japanese Useful Quest Guide (Use a Translation Tool
>Japanese Quest List and Guides (Use a translation tool)
>Game Wiki
>Vocation List
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Are there any anons enjoying the game around...?
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I'm busy doing nothing while thinking of playing DDO. Isn't there a DQ thread on /vg/? There's probably people playing it there.
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Been pondering coming back to it, the sub is cheap, and I was just starting ver2 on my armamentalist.

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