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>What is Tabletop Sim
TTS is a physics sandbox game meant to be used to play board games online, you can find almost any board game for free in the Steam Workshop, or even create your own!

Hosting is as easy as just opening a lobby and getting the game's workshop item. Post your favorite board games, discuss and play with other anons. Find games in the Workshop (https://steamcommunity.com/app/286160/workshop/) and discuss/host your favorite games!

Of course, if you prefer to play board games through other platforms, like Tabletop Playground, Board Game Arena, or game's digital editions, feel free to talk about and find other players here.

Previous thread: >>1478352
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>How do I play?
Controls are mostly straightforward and intuitive, but there's always little tips and tricks to learn, more info can be found at https://kb.tabletopsimulator.com/

>How do I join?
That's easy, you click on "Join" in the main menu, search for the lobby name and password that's been posted, and done!

>How do I host?
Click on "Create", and that's basically it. You can find free games in the workshop here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/286160/workshop/
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Check 'em… The games we've hosted/played so far.
Can I get uhhh JP tabletop recs?
Here's a ublock origin filter to remove all the Villanous copy-pasted character slops from the workshop.

You know a game is good by the amount of fan content it has.
This is just petty
Don't care, and amount doesn't equate to quality. It's just braindead character reskins so you can have your favorite anime character in some shitty Disney card game.
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>You know a game is good by the amount of fan content it has
Not everything popular is good. It could just be a Disney-made thing.
Villainous would have been immediately forgotten if it wasn't themed around Disney characters. It's pure nostalgia baiting because the game itself is extremely boring.
You're right actually
The less fan content it has, the more it's likely to be good
Villainous is just garbage, almost at the same level as mon*poly, r*sk and c*tan
>the less fan content it has (..)
very true, and it applies to every single media on earth
The Disney theme is just to attract the females, the game is a great battler
Is Tragedy Looper Rei any good?
what are you even talking about, each player does their own thing and pretend to mess with others' progress by doing one particular action that just forces the opponent to draw bad stuff from a deck, where is the battling? not that i care about battlers but get your definitions straight
if it's anything like the base game I doubt it
What didn't you like about Tragedy Looper?
It's the archetypical expansion. New characters, new action cards, new counters, tokens for tracking character status easier, and a whole new tragedy set with new plots and new rules. I won't play it, but only because I wanna play more of the base game first.
Oh oops, Rei is the expansion. I meant the base game. I see that it got a reprint by a new publisher who fixed some typos and mistranslations from the first one, it looks like, but the TTS version is probably based on the older version. I was gonna grab the reprint to play with some friends. It also seems to come with some of the recent scenarios, etc.
I could host it in like 9~10 hours if you wanna try it before you buy it.
I won't be around then, so maybe some other time. Thanks though.
Oh well, i'll try hosting on the weekend then.
no games?
no bitches?

lobby name: g/vm/es
pass: rage

in mood for word games/socded/dixit type shit
oh shit everyone died
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done with warmup jiggy, doing sky team coop game now

also the lobby crashed (shitty host), lobby is back up
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after 3rd player joined us and we finished with piloting the airplane, we settled for classic clovering
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finished the clover with astonishing results:
total: 7/18

closing the lobby for now, but for the brave ones i leave you this clover to solve on your own, good luck
Any games planned for today?
Yeah, some 2 player card battlers between me and the other anon from yesterday
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I'm game.
Host, I'll go for whatever
>nobody is brave enough to host
damn, i guess it's good to know i'm not the only one like that but still
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Room: /vm/ games
Pass: rage
On surface, hosting is a pretty simple task. From a completely logical point of view, you're just going to be another player with a few extra responsibilities.
But failed hosts brought about insecurities and disappointments that weigh too heavily, for me personally, to even think about hosting again.
3/4 in for pic related, starting in 5 mins.
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Red wins with 52. Deciding on next game
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We played Huang and teal won with 8. GG all, room closed.
How different is it from Tigris & Euphrates/ Yellow & Yangtze?
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Want to try it? I can host it.
an extra tile color to replace treasures, each tile has some silly function beyond "make vp", and external conflicts can now have 3 sides and every player picks a city/state to add fighting strength to instead of every leader color conflict being resolved one at a time. Oh, and the temples only take 3 tiles to make, but they don't have two colors, only one.
i prefer T&E but Huang isn't bad, just different variation on the same core game
Can't rn
any late night games with more than 2 players?
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>more than 2 players?
Could do some Pax later
How about some TtA?
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Password: rage
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Starting off strong
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>Free east AND west ops every turn
It was carnage.
>No hosts
I am sick, I don't want to host.
And now it's too late :)
Read the rulebook for this.
You need an special kind of autism to understand any of it.
But they told me it can be taught in 5 min to newcomers in lobby and its very easy to learn
Not really
But you need to have the player aid close and consult it at all times or you'll forget what exactly each op and os does
So yes it requires autism but not to learn it, just to play it until you remember the minutiae
not really. You have a limited amount of things that can happen, and while each card has different abilities on it, all the abilities are simple.
You get 2 actions a turn. The actions you can do are:
>buy a card
by placing coins from your hand onto the cards to the left of the one you buy. Most cards, when bought, go to your hand.
>play a card
from hand, into tableau, optionally using its' One-shot ability at the bottom, or placing it's Agents (also marked on the bottom of the card) on an empty city in the cards' associated area (one of ten specific map cards, or a general The East/The West).
>sell a card
from hand or from tableau for 2 coins to your hand
>activate West/East ops
using the Operation abilities on all your tableau cards associated with that side. Ops are generally simpler than oneshots, but you get more of them per action.
>activate the Trade Fair
by using the leftmost market card (the facedown one) and divvying up all the coins on it between pawns and pirates on the associated trade route on the map. Map cards also get free units if the trade fair reaches them, as it ends as soon as the coins do.
but only if a) anyone bought one of the four special Comet cards to flip an objective from inactive to active, and b) you have completed that active objective. The objective tiles explain themselves but they all boil down to "have more stuff" or "have some specific stuff". And yes, winning takes a full action, so if you need two actions to set up a win, you might have to rethink your plans because other players will see that and will stop you.

Other than that you dont need to know much, even intermediate players still use the ops and oneshots cheat sheet to see what they all do.
/v/oard, rage
yes, no advance notice so ill leave it open for longer while i play metaphor
no i don't know what to play, ill paste the list from previous post (but you guys will just disregard it anyways)
Hansa teutonica
Brass birmingham
GWT (2e / NZ / ARG)
Terraforming Mars
Tigris & Euphrates
Puerto Rico
probably* open to suggestions
Sorry nonnie, it's just a bit too late for me
>play metaphor
I will not join your host
Okay, trying again in 2 hours if i havent fallen asleep then
I can teach it in like 20 minutes, it really quite simple, it just has a lot of decision space.

As everybody said, it's more daunting than it looks from the rulebook, but the game is fairly straightforward once you see it in motion. Better to set up and read while learning then trying to read and learn just from that.
hey bros, I just got tts and looking for some easy to learn and fun games with a group of 5-7 friends. exploding kittens we just learned super fast and had fun with it. any other recs would be appreciated
also on my learning list are secret Hitler and love letter
At that player count? Twilight Imperium 4
The Campaign for North Africa
with that amount you'll end up playing party games, meme games and traitor games
if you want actual games i'd split in 2 groups, hard to find one game that everyone likes anyways
but if you want to stick with 5-7...
7 Wonders

Up to 6:
Colt Express
Cosmic Frog
Power Grid
Mission red planet
The Resistance Avalon
So Clover
Codenames, Mysterium and Decrypto
7 Wonders
6 nimmt (Expert rules)
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Stationfall and Sidereal Confluence support that many players, but SC needs multiple voicechat channels for it to not become a mess when playing online
Also i would recommend Captain SONAR if it had good tables for it on TTS but my mileage wasn't great with those.
>Stationfall and Sidereal Confluence
Worth mentioning
Stationfall is a medium-to-heavy games. The mechanics aren't complex but they have a lot of cruft and frills.
Sidereal Confluence is a light game.
>Sidereal Confluence is a light game.
but with so much talking, and even more potential for math, i'd treat it as a medium game still
I'm not going to say the board state doesn't get complex, but it's a matter of fact that the rules are simple. If his group is used to Exploding Kittens they might stumble with Stationfall but they definitely won't with SidCon.
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>SC is a light game
>Compares Exploding Kittens rules to SC
And this is why you should never take /bgg/tards seriously
you shouldn't take BGGulag seriously either with their dredge of blind rankings and absolute shit takes
Sidereal Confluence is simple core rules(trade everything and anything except earned victory points, duringeconomy all economy happens at the same time), slightly involved faction rules (but you only need to know your own faction fully, half of them are "you have this wacky bonus to getting cash") and difficult strategy because of how the economy is set up (you always need to trade if you wanna make money)
it is absolutely a party game for people who can into medium weight games
>my medium-heavy asymmetrical economic game is like a party game for my group
>i'm so smart
too much effort for a bait of low quality
I've come to understand that <<game weight>> has nothing to do with how difficult the mechanics are, just the level of investment and interest required from players to properly play it
in sharting kittens you can just randomly play cards just fine and nobody will care, so it caters to people who don't actually play actual board games, they join because the others are there too
I'm assuming (dont know the game) that SC requires you to actually pay at least a bit of attention to what is going on at the table so you cant just sit on the table and be entirely clueless all the time cause it'll be a waste of everyones' time
The gulag's weight rating is consistently garbage.

You have a bunch of cards with recipes on them. Each recipe can be used once per turn to convert resources into other resources. Some recipes takes cards as input and gives cards as output, giving you new recipes.
At the start of each turn players freely trade resources and can use recipes that input or output cards. Other recipes are used after trading and only resources owned at the moment trading finished are allowed to be used as inputs in them.
After everyone is done with their recipes, there are two auctions to determine the order players get to buy a card from two markets. Bids use a specific resource and all bids are made simultaneously.
In bid-order players spend their bid to buy a card or choose to keep their bid if it can't afford any cards in the market or if they don't want anything.
Player-specific cards that were traded away are returned to their owner at the end of the turn. Some recipes output cards for every player for you to hold on to until this point in the turn.
After six turns all resources are converted into points at various exchange rates.

There's a few faction specific details, some recipes force you to conduct trades, and the notation on the cards is a bit inconsistent but what I covered above is >95% of the game rules.
At some point there's 200 different cards on the table that all have different recipes on them but the rules aren't heavy.
Go back
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Yoko Ono Hama
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Check 'em, gg.
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so i reworked the design of all my cards on my shitty isekai boardgame, i will start hosting it again this week to see the new balance changes and if the new design works better than the last one.
anybody interested?
>requires three beds
S-she's a big girl.
Nice work lad, that's definitely a big improvement.
i might learn digimon one day i think desu
You mean the card game? It's absurdly simple to learn, pretty fun too
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>keep presenting yokohama as an option for lobbies for months
Nobody fucking cares
>some random guy hosting at ungodly hours puts it up
Hell yeah lets play it

moral of the story: just like host game
The autistic evolution charts were made-up by video games, the card game is much simpler
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Words to live by.
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It's the gets, have to be.
>ai "art"
I'm sorry anon, but I don't think I can handle constant nausea while playing
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I'd be happy to play it again if you want, I rushed orders that game and left myself wanting more anyway. Does tonight at around 8-ish ET+2 sound good?
Clarification: i did host, but everytime everyone disregarded yoko and we played other games instead
>8 EST+2
Isnt that uhhh... midnight UTC +2?
Sorry no can do, can only do that on friday, and saturday sometimes
>Isnt that uhhh... midnight UTC +2?
Mmm no, I don't think it is? 8PM ET+2 would be 6PM ET, which it'll be in 3 hours, 30 minutes.
Fuck timezones to be honest lol, but well in any case, maybe I'll host it in the weekend if I don't go play irl.
>in 3 hours 30 minutes
yeah, that's exactly midnight, ok, good to know. so no, can't
its up
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Host it
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I crave Through the Ages
Do you crave Through the Ages?
Maybe. Just a little. But not today and not with more than 3 players

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