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Thread for the Third Person, Third Biggest MOBA, based on various World Mythologies.

FACT: The 4chan clan is [SmGen]: Smite Gen Plus! All new players are welcome!
Most members are on around 10pm-4am UTC+0 (esp. Saturday). Party up with anyone you can find.
Post funny clips if you're feeling cute. Original content is encouraged!
Regulars usually talk / LFG in-thread, don't mind them.


>>Currently in Closed Paypig Alpha
>>Free access if you're not a retard (but why would you want to?)
>>Two unnecessarily remade Godtoons planned every 3 weeks
>>Five total new Godtoons before the formal release at 50 in mid 2025
>>Roadmap planned for 100 by late 2026
>>Finishing catchup of 135+ by ~2027
>>Basically, it's fucked

>New Player Guide + Splash Art Gallery



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Are there any good guides out there for smite 2 itemization?
why would i play shi2
let me guess
>cooldown is uncapped
uhhhhhhh build max cooldown on everything and fire off 15 second base damage nuke ults which force bead (on a 250 second cooldown)

shi2 meta status = solved
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Not playing it.

Anon, it's about *choice*. The new item system actually means that there's no such thing as an item meta, you just build the stats you need at any time, and they build into finished items that are meta for your build / playstyle or something!
It's why they changed it when nobody fucking asked to begin with! Have fun!
Coooldown is OP in smite 2? I've seen people rek with protection builds, int builds on neith/amaratusu. I just don't know what is happening brother but I will start building cd on everyone
dis nigga really think im boutta finna proc shi2
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I really, really like this new meme.
why the fuck does everything cost so many gems. 1200 gems for a skin. 250 gems for a voicepack. why the fuck do they want me to spend so much
tl;dr f2p FOMO strategy is what keeps the lights on, skins are only reasonably priced on release and you can reasonably have all voice packs after a few years of goypasses.
The only gameplay-affecting thing is the ultimate god pack, which is cheap on sale.
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shite 2 isn't gonna fund itself
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well it better figure out some fucking way to fund itself because i ain't playing it lol, and they burnt all their previous docile whales and paypiggies hard, by insisting that they remake all the skins for you to repurchase instead of just porting them across (as well as other skivy plays like putting all previous T5's on sale just before announcing shi2, or making the closed beta paid access then giving free signup access almost immediately after, or desexualising / deleting the most reliably profitable godtoon designs they have).

nah, wait, cancel that, they should spend another mil on memesports nobody watches instead, that'll fix it.
Maui should be cc immune during his 1.
your counterplay, sister?
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Marry Charybdis
>marry a boy
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broccoli heads like wubb just dont get it
Alright I'll say it. Even though It's probably fucked I would like skins to be thematic to the game Itself. I don't want wild SpongeBob skins or walking food. I want normal skins that look like they should be in the game. I'm hoping that they knew cross-overs ruin the game and that's why they purposefully did it at the end of the lifecycle to cash-in by ruining the game.
>I'm hoping that they knew cross-overs ruin the game
Having multiple crossovers means that they did well
I know they did well. That's still a bad thing. If a Jazz club turned to hip hop it would probably be more popular. Now It's no longer a Jazz club.
Yeah. Crossover skins ruined the game. Not the fucking hotdog skins.
>jazz to hip-hop
Jazz and hip hop are two fundamentally different styles and basis of music that require different disciplines to play. Skins didn't fundamentally change how the smite is played. Retards were ruining smite far before crossover skins started entering the picture
>putting all their eggs in the smite 2 basket
>in order to unlock things in smite 2 you need to spend money in smite 1
profound retardation. they should've laid off even more people
Smite 2 will be a success in official full release 4 years from now. Trust the process.
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Guys. It's still at the hypothetical level but I think I might be able to win a game with Chaac using this build.
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Listen. Can you hear it? The schlick. schlick. Lermy could be here. Be careful.
smite 3 will save smite 2 and smite 1
Paladins 2 will save smite 3 and smite 2 and smite 1 and paladins and rogue company.
Global Agenda 2 will save paladins 2 and smite 3 and smite 2 and smite 1 and paladins and realm royale and rogue company and tribes ascend and tribes 3.
I want to fuck these two like you wouldn't believe.
>gets mad about the prospect of chaac winning
>posts a charybdis
The Morrigan.
A creampie.
You do the math.
I'll be bringing an apple cobbler to the smgen Thanksgiving party.
A unicorn / werewolf / police dog
You look up the video.
What in the fuck are you talking about?
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>try to gilg kick a ganesha
>silences mid-animation

>try to gilg jump a medusa
>petrified mid-air
>statue stays floating 30ft in the air
skill issue
Bronze moment
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>shi2 pozeidon
>>10 seconds on all abilities, scaling to 3.5s abilities
>>90 second ult (beads / aegis is 3 minutes), scaling to a 30 second ult
>>AI generated splash art
so this is the fvture huh....
Why is vamana black?
Maui loses every 1v1 against Geb.
even in a fucking Nut contest?
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maui fucking nuts so hard that he mythologically died by an obsidian-blade-lined tendril pussy eating him alive
literal legendary nut status = achieved
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They should work this into his kit somehow.
Maui bros what the fuck is wrong with us???
Damn bros frostbound is such a whoelsome item perma slow on a 3second cooldown so wholesome really epic and poggers
that's the funny thing, it used to be weaker and balanced, then they made the slow stronger but only on a timer to nerf it when nobody fucking asked, then lowered the timer to the point it functionally doesn't exist so it's even stronger than it originally was
Kek the slow lasts for 3 seconds. There's actually no cooldown at all
hawaian culture is so beautiful
smite 1 content.. please stop doing this hirez... please change smite 1.........
"Smite 1 players need to get comfortable with not owning Smite 1 and playing Smite 2. You vill play Smite 2 and you vill ve happy."

- Ubi-Rez
I have a suspicion that if(when) shiite flops they will return back to s1 since it's their only cash cow
im gonna play shredded pussy maoi juice
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>yellow numbers
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So what are you supposed to do against a cringemaxxed aphro support?
acknowledge that laning phase is lost and minimize the loss by not feeding in lane, have at least 3 antiheal items on the team(not on adc probably)
Just kill her. She has mage health. The Carry is literally tankier than her. Shoot the mage with auto attacks and she's dead.
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Why are conquest players always so mad?
Is we proccin or am I clocking in for another 8 hour shift on runescape
i just woke up, gimme an hour for brekkie + showwa, i'll hoproc on
Fuck it I'm gonna play some more monster hunter instead.
a paladins player made this post ^
Fuck it I'm gonna play some more SMITE 2 instead.
Fuck it I'm still not gonna play SMITE 2 or buy NotGemsâ„¢.
My Surtr just rage quit against a death's toll Jorm.
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>Gelong is in a match and cno be invited
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Imagine trying to force an innocent man to play ASSault.
>xe tihnks i can see chat
innocent biscit
the salt will flvw
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>one game
well uhhh good gamei guess
sorry im freezing and starving
think i used up all my luck for the night with a 17 kill charybdis proc
My build came online and I was forcing beads, aegis, and ults and then the game ended.
I think another reason to credit slash and conquest is that since the games last for a while you're allowed to reach the end of your build and experiment.
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>i won't play cringe gamemodes
>>just plays cringe passive backline loikd,een ith ultra maximum super duper speed buffs and constna hoox

Sorry next time we play I'll dive in with the 4/10 Ra and the 3/12 Shiva and run it down with you.
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We need to go back.
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manikin's hasnt been the go to starter for loki since season 9....
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I will save SMITE.
SMITE 2 already saved SMITE.
Clearly it didn't do a good job at that.
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Who's your daddy
Loki is peak zoomer toon design.
When are they releasing AltBlue from prison?
Who cares.
Dolize will save AltBlue.
But who will save Dolize?
SMITE is unbearable to play right now. My whole team everygame just hides behinds walls and watches. This is so fucking shit.
arena sister...
This is conq where all the well informed players are supposed to hang out.
Dolize's mental illnesses will save Dolize, so he can in turn save AltBlue from his own retardation.
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this is what happened to me yesterday when i played a game of arena as moaui and our loki wouldn't ever die with us because he was bury gonserned about his kda
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>Lose because the carry fucks off by himself to clear camps at full build and level 20
It's happening.
Who's gonna carry the damn minions?
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I'll carry the minions.
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"I'm on it!"
I'm thinking that carrying suicidal minions wouldn't be that different to carrying suicidal teammates, but the minions don't spam VGS, and probably don't have the capability to type that they're going to rape my mother in the chat whenever they're waiting to respawn.
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Whenever I queue for conquest I get nervous like something terrible is about to happen, this must apply to all conquest players.
postan in a locked sticky
Show me some King Arthur frags.
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Fuck, bros...it didn't last long at all...
Yeah SMITE is so shit now don't want to play against frostbound hammer every game.
Did they have to kill the game so much that the only queues I get are against 5man stomps. zzzzz
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We're so fucking back.
Chaac, Charybdis, Maui. This is the trifecta of throw toons. Just having one of them on your team destroys your odds of winning but all 3 is a guaranteed loss.
maui is viable doe
>ares chain except a pull
>ares aura except a projectile teleport
>ares damage except instant and a stun and a jump
>ares ult except ranged and leaves a wall behind
>ares chain except a pull
It's shittier
>ares aura except a projectile teleport
This is actually a good ability
>ares damage except instant and a stun and a jump
The abilities aren't similar at all
>ares ult except ranged and leaves a wall behind
It's shittier most of the time
You vill sacrifice yourself to ze 5-manz, and you vill like it.
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Stand aside. I'll save smite 2.
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just kidding its a desperate plea for money by advertising a dogshit anime spinoff with nothing but png cosmetics at least its free
Two dead franchises linked up???
This is like writing in some D-list influencer for the election
>Crappy anime before the original Trilogy
Outlook; Not so good
soon we'll get a FULL cross over, they just don't want to add a battle pass in the game before it's out of beta. trust the plan
>It's shittier most of the time

While I think it's dumb to compare the two to begin with, I do like Maui ult because it's harder to react to in an instant. I hate the rest of his kit though.
Can't fucking wait to play as poorly voiced anime versions of Tolkien characters.
Where's my fucking king Arthur frag movie.
Nah bro I aint playing solo till they patch out frostboundhammer.
Sister dont you like getting slowed every 3 seconds???
So who decided that animosity should be good again and that you can build it with qin sais.
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>Ummm you need to take 5000 damage from yellow numbers because.... you just have to okay?
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I havent played smite in months. There is no smite mods.
There is one that has a picture of artemis but its basically just a mod for adding perks for hunting animals nothing more.

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