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Any interest in an SMT thread? Remembered my login for New Moon and was wondering if any of the anons from earlier this year still played.
I actually wanted to play but last time i tried the .exe said to launch through the updater, and the updater wouldn't fucking work.
Could be something we all could play together
I would absolutely come back to this if anyone else is interested in playing. I still have my New Moon login and the clan already made.
There's currently an 2x EXP buff to celebrate the game's anniversary, it'll last until december 2 or 3
Apparently they kind of fucked up the updater so you had to redownload if you didn't had an outdated back-up folder
I'd be interested in playing again, I had a pretty developed DU though I'd need to remember what I needed to farm next and the controls a bit
Well do you have the link to it? I'd be willing to play.
Alright newfag, I'm going to spoonfeed you

Mega (parts):
Part 1: https://mega.nz/file/omkVhTQL#wHBMGSi7-uUfwJ77acu0dIF88owgwbmEw98-M-yFK5A

Part 2: https://mega.nz/file/JvdEVSxR#55MOjO-0mQ_Cw8LD7zgqpGjBtvhpiNlR27lxFFzStgc

Part 3: https://mega.nz/file/0qE1TZhK#j8MM_Hm6sm6ZRZ8cbrhWh1bTDM_5YWsxvWldF1J0EBw

Part 4: https://mega.nz/file/k6EwQIKA#fuT7MRrl1-pyNPG5TWnNOvuVBMWQhwjR_aF5pYyAkb4

Mediafire link:


I hope next time you don't act like a nigger
I am >>1515003
I know the download links from their website, nigger, i'm not downloading that shit again. Last time the updater wouldn't work and even downloading some random shit to toss on top of the files on the folder didn't work, i'm not wasting my fucking time again until someone not only spoonfeeds it to me, but chews it and regurgitates it in my mouth, you fucking cunt.
You fuckwit it was announced that one of the updates fundamentally fucked up the files and like I said >>1515661 you have to re-download the folder and update once more if you didn't had an outdated back-up folder if you wanted to play, downloading some random shit on top wouldn't fix diddly squad because somehow that one patch fucked up the folder, like it got totaled, so they had to patch the patch.
Oh I see I think I only slapped the patch on top of the fucked folder
Still, go fuck yourself, hee-whore
i havent played it b4 but id be down to play with someone
I wanted to give the private server a try but the story isn't translated. Yes, I play mmos for story.
Nigger who tf is going to find all of these mega links kys

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