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My friends are abuzz with speculation about Valve’s “early access lottery,” suspecting a hidden karma system impacting community posts, beta selections, and matchmaking. Beyond simple moderation, this system could potentially archive and weigh years of user behavior to shape opportunities on Steam.

Steam’s reach is immense. In 2021, the platform boasted 120 million monthly active users, 62.6 million daily users, and an average of 1.5 hours of use per person. With 50 petabytes of data processed regularly, Valve has the infrastructure to analyze vast amounts of information. Backed by $10 billion in annual revenue and a 75% market share in PC gaming, their ability to track behavior at this scale is both feasible and unprecedented.

One example highlights the concern: a friend’s 20-year-old account, tarnished by early toxic behavior in CS:GO chats and GMod streams, seems less "lucky" in lotteries and invites. Could Steam's servers be harboring archived chat logs, gameplay patterns, or even store interactions? If such data is used to create a behavioral score, it might influence matchmaking, beta invites, or other perks. Originally, such tracking may have been for market research, but the data's potential to moderate and penalize users is unsettling.

The implications are chilling. With over 30,000 games and millions of hours logged daily, Valve has unparalleled insights into its user base. Does this mean a single slip-up years ago could haunt users indefinitely? For those with rocky histories, should they abandon old accounts to escape their digital past? While Valve’s intentions remain opaque, the idea that we might be judged by unseen algorithms is a sobering reminder of the permanence of online behavior.
they are like every other company - they want to corral people into specific, obedient behaviours.
It's brainwashing. Like on rddt, you aren't allowed to have your own thoughts, otherwise your comments and account/voice will be deleted. You received rewards however for being obedient and following the programming they force into you, with rewards such as keeping your account, medals, upvotes, etc.
deadlock was a know-a-guy beta i got access in may from a friend. guy in photo isn't a friend its probably you crying. take your medicine before its too late anon
I would not doubt such a situation. Valve bought the firewatch developers a while back and the infusion of that many idiot retards into the company has likely been what's turned valve so absolutely gay.
Before firewatch was bought, dota didn't have the insanely horrible behavior score system.
Before firewatch was bought, valve didn't care about policing accounts and left it to individual developers.
I absolutely think the firewatch people have hurt and undermined the generally hands off approach valve used to have.
Covid too had to have changed shit with Gaben literally being afk in NZ for almost half a decade rm
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One of the absolute faggots Valve infected their company with in their purchase of Campo Santo.

ChatGPT post.

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