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Aside from the devs not fixing the obvious bugs by now, would this have been one of the few games that would have made sense to go the mobile game route, or do anime games have zero chance of becoming big nowadays?

Have any of you tried the game yet, or is it just not for you?
I bought the game on steam and already did the two battle passes. Its super fun and I was thinking of maybe holding a thread for it but I think the price is a big barrier for people considering other popular social deduction games like among us are cheaper
>I think the price is a big barrier for people considering other popular social deduction games like among us are cheaper
not to mention the prices for dlc so expensive
won't be surprising if this game servers shuts down within few years
I bought the L/Misa battle pass because I love the IP that much. It's really fun but I wouldn't recommend it unless you are a big fan of the series. I don't think it'll close any time soon. some future roles with Mello, Near and such were already leaked and if it goes on sale for cheap and for free on PSN and stuff I can see it doing well. I've been playing on public lobbies for 40 hours now and its okay
>Have any of you tried the game yet, or is it just not for you?
I tried it. Didn't really know what I was doing, so I deleted it. Randomly decided to come back to it a week later and instantly fell in love with it after playing the tutorials and learning the game. Literally all I play now is this. It's fucking addictive and so much better than Among Us, since voice chat is a thing. The community is cancer though.
>brain dead faggots coming in shouting slurs and blasting music like brainless niggers.
>everyone shouting over each other in every meeting
>brain dead niggers who are investigators trolling by chasing you around every match even though you're both investigators
>Kira follower just blitzing everyone and stealing as many ideas as he can and then just randomly killing people to see who L is
Like you take the trolling and shit out and the game is can be genuinely fun as fuck, but maybe I feel this way since I got the game for """free""" on PS Plus but yeah the community genuinely ruins it in most cases. Although it's kinda buggy. I was crashing every single match at the start until I turned off the subtitles setting. I've also gotten the glitch where I couldn't kill anyone and it kept telling me to wait another day, although we still won through New World Progress. Also, people leaving automatically killing the match is annoying as fuck and just leads to a lot of people blocking idiots who leave, which ends up killing the game since you can't join a match if you have someone blocked or they have you blocked. I think the game can be big if they just fixed the bugs and the whole leaving match situation, which I heard is rumored to be fixed in an update. Also, we need more maps, playing the same 2 maps over and over again is boring as fuck. If the next update has at least 2 maps with either Mello or Near role update, they're cooking.
>new patch update
>still no new roles
>still no new maps

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