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Vintage Story Thread! Christmas Edition!

What are you doing to celebrate the holidays anon? Make sure you have a warm drink and comfy clothes.

Thanks for those who attended Posh's gathering. Tyron is still putting off 1.20, likely leaving the release for next year. This has killed some of the hype which probably won't pick up again for a few weeks.

Some people are making OC again (based). People are having major issues with mods. OG has a good number of regulars again.

>Server List

The original vm server, longest running vs server. Best server if you want your builds to last years and to explore the past ruins and builds. Actually has a decent playerbase of regulars now.

>Grassless 2.0
Server run by a vetted janny. Mostly used for testing the 1.20 features. This server will be wiped once 1.20 stable is out for a more permeant server. Right now for messing around.

Last thread >>1495795

>Other servers of note
The MLP server has some vm fags but is dedicated to the mlp board. You can find it on the mlp board’s gaming thread.

Music for the music mod and stream will come in the second post.

Reminder that discord/reddit trannies are not and have never been welcome in these threads. No servers will be added to the thread if they are associated with either.
>Music packs of .abc files for instruments mod

cytu DOT be SLASH r SLASH joyless
Named after the town in OG, Joyless, this is a public music streaming area for /vm/ vintage story players on any server or game. (Replace DOT with . SLASH with / and r

massive lotro ABC file dump
anoth ABC collection and decent info on making ABC files
terraria players don't settle for starbound and neither should you.
>people complaining about metallurgy last thread
these "people" are the reason cdda is shit now. i wish nothing but perdition and misfortune upon them
I agree. I prefer the pit kiln one just because it increases the conversion ratio from 2:1 to 3:2, so at least you're rewarded for engaging with it.
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new thread, new glass rant.
instead of detailed metallurgy based on specific ratios I'd rather the existing range to output system be used for glass instead of retarded rose quartz makes pink glass in a bloomery.
crushed ores are added to get various colors, lead improves clarity with crystal containing 24% to 40% lead, soda and lime are needed as flux just to melt the shit otherwise quartz melts at 1800C which is hotter than a bloomery can handle considering the slag in iron is made of partially melted silicates.
pic related is cranberry glass, it gets that nice reddish-pink color from gold particles suspended in the glass solution.
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Post the rant
literally the post above yours
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I'll take my leave...
now for the thing that's the absolute worst in the game for glass, purple. amethyst is that nice purple color because of the irradiation of its iron impurities. the ion is insanely reactive and heat-treating amethyst causes it to change color to a yellowish orange, it's literally how most citrine used for jewelry is made.
seraphs are literally BUILT for ELK COCK
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>mod author added his cats in as craftable decorations
>they purr when you get close and hiss if you punch them
Should have the basics for the Chocobo mod working around when rc1 comes out, I hope
I don't see much point in changing the glass-making in this game because the only interesting part of the process is the shaping anyway. More realism would be cool sure, but at the end of the day it's just changing the ingredients in the recipe
I think tyrone needs to add a bigger boat nobody will use and break the coordinate system in his game to add a dimension 10000 blocks away from spawn that's key to the character development of his self-insert also I wish the legs on tables were slightly rotated inward
Modern TFC glassmaking is EXTREMELY annoying and it's the only mechanic I hope they won't adopt.
then use sand in a furnace and color it with dyes, vanilla minecraft is unironically more realistic than VS for glass.
anyone used the mods for taming wolves and bears? are they actually any good? Having some guard animals wandering around mercing driggers at night sounds great
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I spent all of the warm seasons gathering materials for my manor along with managing my homestead, and now I have probably 400-600 combined blocks of brick, cobble and plaster. Not nearly enough to create a real manor. Damn. I spent so much time quarrying too.
its better to break those boulder blocks rather than mine stone if you just need the small rocks for grinding/pulverizing/cobble.
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Took me 3 min to improve your design.
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go easy on him, he's still using crude doors with a plank roof
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would you?
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Who wouldn't?
>the masculine urge to stockpile on weapons, ammunition, and food.
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Sup /vm/
How long till next update drops?
Also how long should I wait for the mods to update
After cursing myself for deciding to fill in a lake to build my house on I have to say now that the effort was 100% worth it
not only did i make some prime real estate but i have stupid amounts of space to expand as much as i'll ever need, either by filling in more of the lake or digging an underground complex that's guaranteed not to intersect with any of the caves nearby
and the overall effect looks much less obviously terraformed than if i had leveled a bunch of hills to make flat land, with a little work i could probably make the map view look like it was still completely natural
>How long till next update drops?
january, we don't even have rc1 yet
0 seconds to INF
some already work, some are abandoned
now give seraph booba
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That's not a seraph
Hopefully I don't get banned again
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i made a sump for my basement on horse serb
even chisooled the inside for no reason
this is the kind of larp shit i have to do to get off because tyrone wont add any new mechanics
more stone building options PLEASE
i cannot build rome with this shitty lineup of stone
>clay bricks
you literally can
the options fucking SUCK.
Just waiting for the forest of walnut trees I planted to grow so i can build my windmill out of debarked walnut logs
the whole thing out of debarked? I like the stuff for framing but going full log cabin for a windmill seems a bit much
I plan on adding some trim so its not just a giant slab of seamless wood but yeah the majority of it will be log cabin
dumb question: once a release candidate will be out can I start a long-term world with it or will I have problems when updating to the full release?
oh fuck, the buckets can't create source blocks mod was changed into an aqueduct mod because that's now a 1.20 option.
that's really cool, I'll probably use it on my 1.20 world
I'm waiting for a mod that makes walnut trees harvestable to eating the nuts.
>can't raise water yet
Call me back when the future plans are implemented.
The Good:
seems to have no range limit, can be used to irrigate farmland with both normal and enclosed
The Bad:
connections are wonky
The Ugly:
ashlar blocks only, textures are misaligned and clash with ashlar blocks if you wanted support pillars,
only limestone, sandstone, basalt and granite.
>making aqueducts from limestone
niggrum it's almost like you want a leak
FINALLY Vintage Story is good again.
yeah, I almost pointed out that besides granite it's really weird the guy chose some of the most porous rocks possible. hopefully he's going to just add all rock types because the options available kinda suck.
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1.20 when?
Within the month, assuming tyrone is keeping with his promise
Four more years
right now let's go
>one of my mods adds a second mode to shears to harvest leaf blocks
>breaking leaves in this mode still drops sticks and seeds
Sounds broken
Looks like Tyron will manage to squeeze out a RC1 before christmas after all
well yeah, he said 7-14 days a week ago. he's not going to squeeze out a full release this year though and the 1.20.3 patch that finally fixes some of the serious bullshit will be in march.
A bit optimistic don't you think?
for 1.20.3? no. 1.20.5 which fixes the last of the major corruptions introduced in 1.20 is going to be in june.
it definitely is, the branchy leaf blocks will drop sticks and seeds infinitely but I'm not really trying to cheat besides testing it so i can still get some decorative shrubbery
link from the youtube premiere anon posted, it'll have the patch notes when RC1 comes out tomorrow.

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