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>What is this?
My Hero Ultra Rumble is a new battle royale game based off the My Hero Academia anime. It features various different characters from the series (with more to be added) with different quirks and costumes, separated into 5 archetypes. The matches are made up of 8 teams with each team having 3 players. Last team alive wins!
-Season 8 is here
-Mirio is now obtainable via Hero Tickets
-Nejire is now available in the gatcha
-New Kirishima skillset coming to the gatcha soon
>Game's database
>Google doc with damage numbers
>/mhurg/ agencies
PC: Toga Lovers (ID: 1695305727)
Froggers (ID: 2203659952)
XBOX: Mina is Cute (ID: 7295700145)
PS4/PS5: Juicy (ID: 1219501098)
>Character ID List
>Current gacha characters will be added to the ticket pool at a later date
https://twitter.com/MyHeroUR/status/1707812523259343249 (embed) (embed)

-If you want to apply to an agency from these threads, leave your name in the thread in order to be easily identified.
-Certain characters like the ones that can only be seen in the "Special" part of the License tab, can be unlocked just by playing (Bakugo, Todoroki, Tsuyu, Toga, Mr. Compress and All Might). Some have to be unlocked with Character Tickets (Iida, Kendo, Kaminari). Some have to be unlocked by rolling (Aizawa, Kirishima, Momo, Ibara), but may be obtainable by using Character Tickets in the future (Ibara).
Thanks for updating the OP, and for using a Nejire pic too
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>Want to use Nejire skins.
>All her skins are either recolors or boring clothes that cover up her ass.
Make short haired Nejire or timeskip Nejire into skins Byking, I know you're straight enough to do it. (Make all the timeskip designs into skins while you're at it)
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Post your Nejire (or other character) builds
Togadev just saw this clip and WILL nerf Hawks next patch now
>forced to fight a blue HOEga
>fail to time my dodge right and get hit by her beta, but take no damage despite getting stunned by it
>she starts spamming alphas, and even though I spam dodgeroll, I take a shit-ton of damage
good job devs
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At the very least I got all of the auras for my favorite skin with the tuning system, Mirio doesn't really have much broken builds and I'm missing both special tuning skills, not that either of them are that good but at the very least I got some skill recharging buffs and some health buffs that I really needed.
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pic related is my build, if anyone has any reccomendations to make it better please lmk
what the fuck?? bro kill birds
>Mirio doesn't really have much broken builds
What about Perception, the Hawks special skill?
Melee someone once (particularly easy for Mirio because you can use his SA to get close) and then have 30 seconds of being able to blindside them through walls while they think they're safe.
AfO's special skill is also great for Mirio because it makes your Special Action recharge retardedly fast when you get a down. Unfortunately for his shirtless skin, only the yellow pants variant has a purple special slot, and both its slots are purple, so you couldn't use it and Perception together.

Once Kiri's skill set comes out, my recommended build for the skin you're using now would be Perception and Kiri's skill, the one that lets you survive a lethal attack with 1 HP every 60 seconds. Given Mirio's escape capability and his Special Action, it seems like he'd be able to make a lot of use out of that mulligan.

Also nice would be Strike Dabi's skill (can lower self-revive timer from 20 seconds down to 9 seconds) and Bakugo's skill (+20% PU charge for every KO you get.)
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>lets you survive a lethal attack with 1 HP every 60 seconds
That's with the new Kiri skill set? fuck I kinda didn't want to roll for it because it might make a significant dent on my stash, thanks for the heads up though I'll give those a try
>That's with the new Kiri skill set?
Yep. You can see special skills on the page for a given costume on the database site (https://ultrarumble.com/costume/24304100,) and it seems Kiri's strike skill has already been datamined.
It only gets as low as 60 seconds at level 11, and since it's in Special Slot 1 (for the default shirtless costume, anyway) you can probably only get it to level 10 for a 90 second cooldown, but still.
If you did want the 60 second cooldown, you could use his orange pants variant which has a blue special slot 1 and red special slot 2, which would allow for a 28 second Perception duration and 60 second Willpower cooldown.

Something else to bear in mind is that you can, technically, use the special skill without actually owning the skill set. But it would require 100 Strike Kiri memories (you can't use the generic data tickets for characters you don't own) and because the drops are random and the roster is so huge, there's no telling how long it'd be before you could randomly accumulate all that you needed.
Not sure if it's worth the currency then, seems a whole lot to invest and I kinda want to get a Kirishima tank build somewhat later.
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>cumchucker's pur costumes don't have the special tuning color combos I want (green and blue or green and purple)
I'm just letting you know that it's technically possible without the character, but it's still kind of a crapshoot. There are 34 characters+skill sets in the game, you get at MOST 12 of a random character's memories per match (depending on how well you do) and you need 100 to unlock a character's special skill if you don't own them. It could potentially take 1-2 months of playing to save up enough Strike Kiri memories, depending on your luck and how many matches you play.

Given your ticket stockpile, I think you'd be better off just rolling for the skill set if you really want Willpower. He'd only cost 2k at most and you can make 1400 per season, so it doesn't have to result in a huge dent. Once you own him, you can get his skill with the generic character memory tickets.
They really should've allowed people to spend hero crystals or souls or even fucking roll tickets and reroll the slot colors for a given costume.
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Given my luck I think I'll wait till Mirio quirk skill drops so I roll for Kirishima's quirk skill as well, rolling on a banner for only one thing barely works out for me, I don't want to waste 2k tickets for a single quirk set.
>there are anons itt that use t*ning perks in customs games
In 2 hours.
Imagine being so poor you can't afford tuning.
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>you only get 10 tuning keys from weeklies
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let the biggest winner of mha in...
>Ibara can do a double alpha if she alphas while walking off a ledge
ayo?? ibara ledge tech??
With this, Ibara has finally moved from C-Tier to B-Tier
>Ibara can deal hundreds of damage in an instant
>but has to spend 3 hours climbing to the top of a building with her zero mobility in order to have a ledge to use for it
That's why I bought all mine with hero souls.
You're not POOR, are you anon?
im POOR after BUYING all the KEYS from the HERO SOULS shop
>have thought of builds for a few different characters, or seen neat ones that I want to try
>fully upgrading PUR costumes for multiple characters, let alone every character, would be astronomically expensive
The people most punished by tuning are people who don't have a main to prioritize.
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Give me a moment, I'm trying to get OBS to start without crashing my game.
One of these days I'll go through my backlog of clips. One of these days...
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>only 10 a week
>I didn't even get the first 10 because S8 just replaced the old rewards with the new ones, and I had already finished weeklies
>I wasn't even rushing to do weeklies, I was just behind on the last EP event and was grinding matches, and naturally finished them while doing so
I wonder if they changed something in an update. It's always been at risk of crashing before, but I've never had so many failures in a row.
I'll give it a few more tries and then just go without if I can't get it working.
>You only get Tuning items every other day
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I'm 0 for like, 20 at this point, so I guess it's not happening. This won't be the first week I haven't captured any customs clips, but it will be the first week that I won't have even had the option.

It's a good thing Steam just recently came out with its own feature. I'll have to figure out how to use that going forward, maybe it'll play nicely with MHUR.
>ibara glitch clip gets posted
>2 ibaras in customs
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froge?? your PU??
I tried doing the double Ibara alpha thing and I couldn't get it to work. Walking off a ledge mid-alpha seemed to just cancel the alpha animation and while I could immediately alpha again in midair afterward, it seemed to just be a single, normal alpha. No extra damage or anything.

The timing might just be really tight, but it seems like it's not a reliable tech.
Nejire is actually a pretty tough matchup for Cementoss. He fares better than like, Strike Shiggy or Momo, but it's still tough.
>tfw ran out of potions
More like you ran out of options
Cementoss match?
I never realized before how disadvantaged Iida is against Kiri. I mean I know Iida's the weakest rapid at this point, but I REALLY feel it against Kiri.
All of Kiri's moves are armored, so Iida has trouble starting combos on him, and if Kiri's using his SA then Iida can't start a combo at all. Without his combo stunlocking, Iida takes a ton of damage every time he trades with Kiri.
When I was in gamma mode I could land some hits without getting smashed in return, but only barely.
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>bunch of unused shit
A retarded faggot, as always
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>semen match
>run out of shield potions
>plenty of shield potions
>plenty of health potions
>save PU until the end
>it doesn't matter because I can't get inside the shrinking final circle
>when I try to make a vertical pillar to gain height, it instead makes a horizontal pillar and pushes me further into the gas
>almost dead
>finger on PU
>try to heal
>see attack coming
>nothing happens
I HATE the fact that PU doesn't override potion drinking. For what purpose? Why is that the ONLY thing it doesn't take priority over?
the characters are just really thirsty from all the running around
>AfO pulls me inside the circle
>Momo's cannons knock me back out
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>2.5 hours late
Nejire might be the most vertically mobile character in the game, all she needs is a lvl 4 gamma and she immediately gets two super jumps to get instant height with. But more importantly once she's up there, she can stay there thanks to her generous special action and stalling potential on her beta and gamma. This was pretty much something that used to be exclusive to Cementoss, so it's tough having someone who can just hover above or level to his towers and deny him his usual height advantage. Before I used to give Semen players space, but when I'm Nejire I just go all in and challenge them on their turf.
>and deny him his usual height advantage
It's not just that, but 90% of Cementoss's damage is spawned from surfaces. His only way to hit Nejire, if she's smart and stays elevated/keeps her distance, is by hitting her directly with cement globs, which is both difficult and deals shit damage. Meanwhile she can just spray him with alphas and betas.
He can't even shelter himself because her beta shreds his cement structures.
Put two tech Togas in the air who can land every gamma and Nejire will be beat in the vertical mobility game.
As Cementoss I think your best bet would be to just run indoors and plug up the openings as much as possible to block her shots. Then just pray you can hold out until a third party beams her down.
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>almost dead
>cut around a corner through a storm so I can find a safe place to heal
>Dabi trap
>can't crawl back inside in time
>lose because PU doesn't give shield
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>Mic punches through my PU
>Shields don't activate
>Once i get up my PU is back at 100%
>Free PU
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How come he has googly eyes on his hand??? I just noticed this and it looks absolutely silly (now I also see a line below that looks like a big smile).
>grapple a tree trying to get away
>I slingshot directly into the tree trunk and lose all momentum
>die as a result
In the anime he gets this form after merging his body with one of his henchmen. Those are presumably the henchman's eyes, although there's really no reason he has to have the henchman's eyes anywhere considering his quirk. He could easily remove someone's eyes entirely if he wanted to.
>Iida beats Hawks
I didn't think they were actual eyeballs... thought it was something random like metal nuts bolted on his hand or something.
I forgot AFO could just spam beta in the final circle.
Alright, I think that's finally it for tonight.
Thanks to everyone who joined!
>Didn't get any frog pictures
(and that's a good thing!)
>hawks melee into beta combo does over 200
>one single beta twirl does over 400
nice nerf
Hawks feels a bit less nerfed with Embrittlement. I love doing 20% more damage off a melee.
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GIVE ME KIRISHIMA'S SKILLSET RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beats him to being downed, yeah
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Final Chunko ass shot. I'm seeing a lot of folks so in denial mode right now that they actually believe the epilogue that just dropped is fan art.
Zamn! Why doesn't she look like that in UltraRumble? Exactly why does UR look worse than OJ1-2?
>Ochako's birthday is this month
Ochako's quirkset please!
I'm dieting
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frogge needs hawks correction
fix frog beta
nerf frog beta
so did he fix it? well, as much fixing as you can do when you've sentenced the main character to doing fuck all for several years before giving him a version of the iron man suit that already got made ages ago, anyway
Why is Toga a vestige now?
Mostly retard fujos
Anyoneelse getting hit by shit that you clearly dodged lately? I keep getting hit by shit like Mirios beta even though I know the dodge timing for it?
Since Season 1 for me
Does anyone want to do a few ranked matches on pc?
Happened to me with the same gay ass move. Maybe it's time i go back to playing Mirio
Is Strike Kiri really coming in just two days?
on god?
>overhaul melees me
>game crashes
So this is the power of the Shie Hassaikai
>kendo shield had already been fixed long ago
>S8 kendo shield is bugged again
>lose because teaming ochakos keep hitting me with beta through the shield
rapid privilege strikes again
December 18, stupid. Maybe you meant two weeks
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>assumed Toga's costume would be on Kiri's banner so I could at least kill two birds with one stone and maybe get Kiri before pitying for the costume
>it's actually on fucking Overhaul's banner
>I already have Overhaul
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Gamme backwards
Im in the exact same boat and it upsets me so much. They suck for advertising it like that
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>Playing solos as MOMO
>Wandering around aimlessly wondering where everyone is
>Check the scoreboard and see a TOGA with 16 K.OS
>uh oh.jpeg
>Get on top of the dome see the TOGA zooming around at lightspeed and opens the big box in 0.1 seconds
>The bitch is hacking
>Her victims are spectating me and her at this point
>She stops speeding after a while in the middle of the field and i take the chance to drown her in balls
>TOGA takes damage but Instant Transmission's in front me, 2-SHOTS me and proceeds to spam emotes over my corpse, ending the game with 19 K.O'S
>UA island safezone always chooses to hover over the UA building for the last phase now
>in solo rapids constantly camp at the top until the storm closes, ready to use the all the green cards and heals they picked up
>slow characters have zero chance to fight them when they do this because they'll just get knocked off if they try to reach the top
rapid privilege strikes again
>am afo in solo
>UA island late game safezone goes right over UA
>only opponents left are moomoo and red debbie
>decide to abuse the top of the school, as it keeps happening to me
>they can't do anything to get me because I can just push them off with gamma
>wait until the end and healspam to win
Good job removing those old banners connecting to the top of UA, Byking
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Yo! it's break time!
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I want a 2 team 12 v. 12 mode with friendly fire. Is that too much to ask?
>friendly fire
red shiggy time
>friendly fire
You're stupid
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>friendly fire
Wild frogger spotted in a video
Jiro, Tokoyami, Stain and Mineta animations
ayo?? famous frogger??
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Zombie horde mode never ever
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I'm surprised that wasn't one of my many matches where I choke and get destroyed, talk about luck.
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I finally got 1000 hours in UR.
This one feels different... be on the look out.
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>time to do my dailies
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Who's your favorite bot?
Is the game live again?
Did they fix frog or do anything?
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Also new gift on the mail, 50 tickets, 700 tuning slot enhancements, 2 PUR tuning slot enhancements and 100 slot keys
no, lol, they confirmed they know about the issue though.
frog issue
>50 tickets.
>2 PUR enhancements
>100 enhancements keys
They could've given us more, especially when we have to deal with shitton of bugs.
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For me, it's
fellas...we gotta grind for tuning data
>555 tickets
I'm ready for Kirishima. Well, gonna go to my laser surgery now, fellas, wish me luck
good luck billy
>Ochaco went for a heal-off at the end of the match
>Against an Overhaul
>join solo lobby
>other people flood in
>a deku and mirio join, find each other near where I'm standing, and start teabagging
It made me nervous
I use the past tense because my game crashed going into the map screen, so I won't have to deal with them possibly teaming now anyway
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>used to rarely see teamers in solo
>have seen them almost every day in S8
Ochaco would lose that fight anyway
Bad luck? I don't feel like I've run into teamers at all so far this season.
are you hyped for the frog fix?
Frog fix is death
Ultra Rumble will be at JumpFiesta.
>New scans are coming out today
>More gifts (Tickets, PUR Enhancements, Keys, and etc) coming soon
>[Cope]: Maybe a new map or new game mode
It isn't...
>malformed tits
>curved doorframe
Yeah, it isn't, you're so right
You baiting? You know you can look this image up on Gelbooru.
It its AI, maye just "enhanced" or helped by, but the small details make it obviously slop.
Is it?
>am afo
>down a momo and try to take her moves
>right as the momo dies a blue HOEga pulls me with gamma
>don't get momo's moveset from the kill because of it
Why copy her? You don't really gain much with her skillset
Better than what I had, which was nothing
>Collect green cards
>Give them to my Momo
>Check her levels real quick (She has lvl 9 cannons)
>Fly off half a mile away to go fight a Strike Dabi since they become a pain in the ass when the circle closes in.
>Cannonballs fly past me, instantly down the Dabi.
Remember that Momo's are your personal artillery pieces and its up to you to fuel them with ammunition.
I don't think I've ever seen Stray play solos before, which is odd since he has a pretty solo style of playing.
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oh hey it's the artist that drew that momo i've posted a few times, that's funny
What about them? That's what post-timeskip Mina's horns look like.
>humans are incapable of making bad art on their own
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When will my pitQUEEN be playable?
One's Justice 3 (DLC Character)
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>play Unranked match
>encounter two AfOs who were both hacking and teaming with each other
How sad must one's life be? It's Unranked, you don't even GAIN anything from winning.
they are being courteous to you
if they did it in ranked you'd lose rank because of hackers
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Paizuri Girl
Did she appear in the final chapter?
>Did she appear in the final chapter
I don't think so...
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>MHUR is essentially a shooter.
>Don't add Nagant, Snipe, Mustard, Kinoko, or any of the other characters with literal guns.
What's up with this? Are they just not popular enough? We got Ibara so I was thinking literal whos weren't off the table completely.
>play ranked
>0 glitch appear
>now it's worse cause your icon straight up doesn't spawn
>lose a shitton of points
Well, i'm not gonna play ranked thanks to the incompetent faggots at ByKing not fixing their damn fucking game, even less with my limited playtime. I hope something bad happens at their shitty offices at Bamco
are the servers okay? no damage glitch 4 times in a row

also fuck hacking iidas
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>another solo game lost to another set of teamers
I only play 1-3 games a day, so encountering them almost every day is shitting up most of my playtime. I should make a list of teamers, like that anon from a long time ago that made a ranked player list. That or go back to trios, I mean what's worse:
>lose because your teammates are bad players
>lose because bad players team on you
Are you on PC or console?
On PC I don't think I've encountered any teamers in solos all season long. At least none that were blatant enough/lived long enough for me to notice.
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Just encountered a Twice in solos with level 10 AfO special tuning.
He had a fucking army. EVERY bot he killed was a clone. I was stunlocked and obliterated in seconds.
Man I wish I had a PUR skin for Twice.
Some sort-of unused voice lines that can still be triggered in-game: https://www.reddit.com/r/MyHeroUltraRumble/comments/1h8hym5/i_managed_to_find_another_way_to_trigger/
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>keep fighting him round after round
>even when he doesn't have a clone army, he's mastered Twice's alpha-gamma-alpha-gamma-beta combo and can deal like 470 damage to me in an instant if he so much as lays a hand on me
>only saving grace is that he has no long-range burst damage
>have to change tactics completely, kiting him and focusing his clones until they're all dead
>even then if I make one mistake or get too close he just obliterates me
>eventually realize that he always spawns in the Fire Dome
>I spawn there too and down him at roundstart since he doesn't have nuclear combo damage yet
>let him go
>still don't let him clone anyone though
>all the bots are dead by the time he leaves the dome
>just me, him, and an All Might
>I'm hiding because I'm absolutely dead if the Twice third parties us
>Twice eventually fights and downs All Might
>I jump in and finish All Might off before Twice can clone him
>finally feel like we're fighting on my terms
>manage to beat him by staying as far away as possible and throwing alphas at him
>we're buddies now
I hope I can get him on a team in the future. I don't think I've ever encountered such a scary Twice.
Man, randos are extra retarded today. Not helping is that the other teams get Ace faggots already
no overpowered characters in customs, we will only play the BALANCED characters:
>purple Dabi
>red Bakugo
and KENDO because she was NERFED for BALANCE
She was nerfed because she did too well against rapids
Can't have that now, can we?!
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>need just 1 hero soul to buy one last set of keys
>decide to not be a bitch and do a 10 roll
>9 reds
>ready to get my shitty gold repeat, plus 10 hero souls
>pull the thing i was missing from this one banner
Well, i think that's the first time i pulled every item from a banner, i don't even know what i was gonna use the keys for
>in lobby, see the Ochako that teamed in solos with a Deku a few matches ago
Yeah, she's gotta go as soon as the match starts.
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It's up!
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>a few days ago, accidentally start game during maintenance
>can't quit game due to popup
>start OBS in an effort to intentionally crash the game in a way that I know won't fuck up EAC and make me have to reboot (Alt+F4 often does this)
>OBS starts just fine
>end up just leaving game running until maintenance ends

>well hey, it worked then, maybe it'll work now
>start OBS
>this happens multiple times in a row just like last Saturday
Of course. Apparently it was just a red herring and I'm still going to need to look into Steam's replay buffer.
AIEEE TWICE is a NIGGER! When there's two twice clones around its impossible to use a single potion
after playing marvel rivals, I am so glad this game doesn't have Q to win BS
Denki vs Nejire feels like a really tough matchup for Denki.
Could Nejire solo a team of Momo, Kiri, and Shiggy?
yes but she's dead the moment she touches the ground
most characters without easy mobility vs Nejire is a tough matchup
Just kill them all before touching the ground...
that momo pose is lewd...
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holy AOE
Cementoss next round?
semen time
>low health
>try to use Mt. Lady's giant beta to get back inside the circle
>tracking locks onto Endeavor and makes me gamma into a building
>can't cancel it or shrink or do anything until the animation ends
Mt. Lady's giant form needs a lot of QoL improvements.
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Was it worth it?
spicy cementoss round
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>gamma carried me into the gas
>try to gamma back inside
>hit a ledge and get no distance out of it
I wish Shoto's gamma had an early cancel.
Why aren't any other mono-character rounds as fun as Cementoss rounds?
Is Cementoss just the most fun character?
I actually need to go afk so I think I'm just going to die to the gas this round
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>lay a trap
>Deku tries to escape with blackwhip
>he slingshots himself into the trap
>lob an alpha after him as he jumps out the window
>downs him
Tech Dabi can be pretty funny.
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>mfw poking someone with AfO's beta from below while they're trying to heal on one of the dome roofs
Tech Dabi win streak DEAD
i shiggydiggy
Strike Shiggy seems to counter Tech Dabi fairly hard. His alpha and beta are great for minesweeping and if Dabi tries to gamma he gets disintegrated due to the end lag.
>in the middle of a dodge roll
>get hit by mirio's alpha anyway
>get hit by kendo gamma in the middle of mirio's alpha
>take massive damage
>hit again and left to die in the storm
I should use my PUs more. I always save them for when I "really" need them, but most of the time I end up dying with full PU while others have already used theirs 2-3 times by that point.
>purposefully downed into the storm where I can't get out again
Alright, that's it for me tonight.
Thanks to everyone who joined!
do a flip
You now remember the Invincible Toga exploit
>lose to teamers but one of them dies quickly after
>join another game, and he's in that game but without the guy he teamed with
>but there's suddenly another set of teamers
>I kill one of them but the fag from the first game kills me
>he then gets BTFO by the solo player, who also kills the second teamer and wins the game
total teamer death
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>powerful enough to be fun to play but not completely broken to where fights are braindead
>building keeps you engaged because he's not just a standard "click on enemy" character
>he has a funny run animation and funny emotes
GODmentoss is MHUR's biggest success
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This is america...
>how it feels when your teammates leave in the lobby
when you see it...
What's the best Nejire for Offensive purposes? I have the purple dress one, with AFO's quirk regen on downs and i'm gonna put Bakugo's, because i wlready have one for Kota searcher. I don't really like the speed abilities, cause the useful ones need you to get early kills, and that's hard with Nejire
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This but what's the best tuning for default Nejire since I don't want to stop wearing her sexy hero costume.
>the database added all of the game's voicelines
>the voicelines are just written and there's no audio to play
it's over
>throw two Overhaul gammas at an Ochako
>dodge roll saves her from both
but I still get picked up by Ochako gamma when I'm standing or rolling outside the pink circle
Reminder that you should have at least 50+ buddies who you know are competent and reliable players.
Buddies? No thanks bro, I play in SOLO
*dies to teamers*
>Fist Full of Fucks
Haha skill issue
*dies to the guy who watched you fight with the others*
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The game just got it's funding for another year lads.
>100 bucks to get 4-5 rolls
He just sucks at math. Unless he means x10 rolls, but then he's a retard for accruing 2500 roll points before simply fucking getting Rapid Toga via point exchange.
Of all the games that currently exist, this one doesn't deserve whales, especially not ones so retarded as that fag
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Someone needs to fund the game Billy, won't be any of us after all.
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Jeez louise...
>Capitana Galaxia
Huh, didn't expected to see her here
>50k spent
>even if he's not accurate right now about spending that much on rapid HOEga, someone like this could have really spent thousands on this game over the last year
just make your own game studio and games at that point
someone spend 50k to buy their way into Byking's development team and make the game better please
Overwatch and Marvel Rivals WISH they could make a kit as fun as CHADmentoss
>have debbie and hawks in my team
>enemy has debbie and hawks in his team
>mine suck, his' don't
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>kurogiri, shinso, and monoma
>these 12, maybe 13 since La Brava apparently has a slot for a tuning skill like confirmed characters do
>the rest of the One's Justice characters
>all of the alternate skillsets
>they all need a unique special tuning skill
why do you do it to yourself byking
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uh Byking? The FESTIVE Ibara skin??
if byking had any soul they would add this skin
maybe if a kind whale gives Byking (small indie devs) another 50k they will be able to make the skin...
a large portion of their funds go into their Assassin Department which they need in order to sabotage their player's matches i'm afraid...
I hope Jiro is next.
I can't wait to play as Kurogiri and use my inevitable SA portal to warp my teammates a mile into the storm.
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want to share that the database now has various unreleased voice lines listed and they're interesting to read through
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>we could've had seasonal voice lines
I wonder if the devs ever entertained the idea of doing something like covering the whole map in snow.
Nah, bitch, the three main faggots need those Santa skins more than her and Kendo
I hope in season 9 or whatever season is next fixes the tuning system, it shouldn't be based on clothing.
I wouldn't mind it being based on clothing if your tuning outfit could be different from your visual outfit.
I want to wear the costume I like, not just the most meta costume.
Remove Tuning
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>spectating teammate
>hear enemy revive voiceline near them
>I can clearly tell which direction it came from
>teammate doesn't react at all, doesn't so much as glance in that direction
>can't even say anything because whoever it is will be on their feet before I could get any kind of message across
Are there people who play with voicelines completely disabled, or are they just deaf, or what? This happens so often.
pirate frog data
remove all frog data
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Well, after a whole day of shitty matches yesterday, i finally got a good one, and two emblems of KOs, so that's pretty cool. Already had the damage oneso i was surprised about that, also, this skill set of AFO and Bakukek is kinda alright, given i have AFO at level 5 and the other fag unupgraded
They just need to drop skillsets and focus on new characters since MHA already has a bloated cast you could draw on for years. Skillsets are ass anyways and exist only to milk gachawhales.
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Here's my Nejire build. Should I change some stuff? (I don't have overhaul).

Also debating which special tuning skill to use, Red deku or Bakugo
That, or wait until Red Kirishima comes out next week, wnd see if his ability is worth a damn
Thanks! Should I replace one of my current reds with Strike Deku?

I don't think I'll pull for him so I'll pass but thank you!
>wnd see if his ability is worth a damn
We already know what it is.
The little passives barely matter. I picked whatever just to fill in
What is it?
nvm, i saw what it is, so yeah, Bakugo is the better one
I don't think 20% PU charge per KO is better than being able to survive one lethal attack every 60 seconds.
You don't even know how that ability works yet, plus, the other one is more convenient to have overall by the sound of it, plus, you don't need to roll for q skill set
>You don't even know how that ability works yet
What's there to know? It's not exactly a complex description.
It says:
>"Leaves you with 1 HP after a fatal attack."
>"a fatal attack"
Will it work against combos? Does it give you free seconds of extra invulnerability after the effect takes place? Who knows
I expect it won't work against combos unless it also gives you iframes like a knockdown, but even if it doesn't, I still think it's good. The ability to survive a big chunk move like Kiri gamma/Deku beta/etc seems really good. All those times where your PU reaches 100% right as you get downed? You'd actually have a chance to successfully trigger it.
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>ready up for a match
>spot a froggers banner show up just before i do
>cant cancel and back out to leave a like
>enter solo lobby
>two hawks have matching names and are wearing the same outfit
>they wait near each other in the lobby
>they spawn next to each other in game
yeah it's time to hit the retire button
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>in a duo, with a random third teammate
>third drops away from us, gets into a fight, gets downed right as he reaches us, and disconnects after he dies
>me and the other guy proceed to win the match with 18 combined KOs
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>towards the end of the round
>both teammates down
>I die in the process of barely managing to revive one of them
>he's able to revive the other
>they go on to win
>people spent literally the entire last season complaining (rightfully) about Hawks
>the most overpowered character ever released, capable of ambush one-combo instakilling a good chunk of the roster from even full health and shields and nearly all of the roster if they had taken some damage already
>devs refused to release any balance patches the whole season or even communicate about it at all
>in spite of this, Season 7 somehow did mostly better than Season 6 in terms of player numbers for its whole duration
>Season 8, meanwhile, has in just 3 weeks dropped lower than either Season 6 or 7 ever did
>in just the first 1/3 of the season it's already as low as the tail end of S5 was, despite the season starting with a higher player count than any other season in the past year
Is this because of tuning? Do people hate it that much?
Is it just because of Strike Deku/Hawks still being too strong and too common, and people finally giving up after holding out hope during all of S7 that the devs might nerf them in S8?
People finally reaching their breaking point in terms of being fed up with the Rapid/flier/mobility meta, with the release of Nejire?
>anniversary season hype wore off, and people that had been hoping that the game would get better in year 2 are quickly losing that mindset
>hawks didn't get nerfed
>more people realize that mic and blue toga is OP
>nejire is OP too
>Twice and Overhaul never got substantial nerfs Mirio didn't either
>rapid meta is stronger than ever
>tuning makes the powerful characters even stronger
it's Kendover, maybe even Momover, and dare I say, it's Bakugover
Nejire is like the last straw in the camel's back I think, theres too many OP characters around.
Hawks was an outrageous example of shit balance everyone unanimously agreed needed to be fixed, and instead of fixing it the devs ignored it and went on to introduce the tuning system. Which isn't as bad as Hawks but still a good way of proving to your player base you have no clue how game balance works when you attach character builds to their skins. At that point most people will realize the balance isn't gonna go anywhere anytime soon, turning off everyone who isn't interested in playing characters that aren't part of the meta.
Some people turn all game audio off so they can play while listening to music or podcasts or stuff.
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With that I'm done till next season, I'll probably log in to get special log in rewards but I'm done otherwise.
>so they can play while listening to music
I've done this, but I only turned off the in-game music, not ALL sound.
>hawks didn't get nerfed
He absolutely did. You can argue he didn't get nerfed enough, but he was still nerfed significantly compared to how he was before.
even customs?
I don't think he's one of the only four people who have attended the last dozen custom games.
he could still consider it...
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never ever
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It turns out that the spectral wings that AfO gets when he uses Hawks's quirk will render through walls.
>oh AfO you KILLED a rapid? NOT okay!
>your opponents can now see you through walls, better not do it again!
they will add premium data soon
They'll make it so it's no longer tickets, but upgrade parts, with 10 tickets at the very end
Depending if I'm available, sure I wouldn't mind.
are you playing as shadow the hedgehog?
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Good man
>keep seeing people in MHUR spaces talk about/play Marvel Rivals
>look at some gameplay
>it's just Overwatch with a coat of Marvel paint and a third-person camera
I've never had the desire to play Overwatch and Marvel Rivals doesn't look particularly attractive either.
I tried it and it didn't click with me, but I'm not a huge fan of overwatch either
it's kinda fun
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>Used to be a teamshooterfag that played TF2 constantly.
>Could never get into hero shooters since they're small scale 6v6 matches that make individual impact matter too much.
>Teammates have an aneurysm if you aren't pigeonholing yourself into needed roles. (Marvel Rivals already has an issue with tanks apparently)
>Teammates also have an aneurysm if a single other player is bad, as a single player skill diff will make or break the match.
>Game is a constant cycle of meta team comps rising and falling.
I was never interested in battle royales until MHUR, but I can see why they became a popular alternative with Fortnite. It's a lot more fun to just pick who you want to play and have the breathing room to fuck around until the circle closes in. And if there's anyone sweating with top tier characters like Hawks, you can just third party and get them out of the match permanently. (Assuming you can deny revives)
>Marvel Rivals already has an issue with tanks apparently
i'm amazed that in this day and age hero shooters are STILL launching without role queues
I think OW started doing role queues at some point, but it just created the new issue of popular roles like DPS having ludicrously long que times compared to tanks. Or players not having the flexibility to swap roles mid-match depending on who's best with X tank that's needed for Y situation. Regardless it all sounds like a headache and I'd rather just play battle royale or 24vs24 mosh pits.
Caught an iida mid flight, like a clay pigeon
That being said, that ceiling is fucking durable as shit, considering ber alpha even at level 1 can break some stuff with just one shot, like those civ huts in the other map
I think it might be possible to glitch Aizawa's special tuning somehow and have it last the entire match at level 1. I've seen multiple people do it now, but I don't know how.
Or maybe it's just bugged by default.

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