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Guild wars 1 is very much alive, we have a /vm/ guild that has been running near weekly events for 2 years now for anyone interested in doing endgame content, new players are always welcome and no prior experience is needed.

Previous Thread >>1491453


Next week on Sunday Dec 8th 5:30 PM EST we are starting our paragon only NF campaign prog. This prog is a paragon only prog we must all run paragon rules and more details will be posted below.

We will likely do the prog on either Sunday/Monday/Tuesday at around 5:30 PM EST we'll discuss it more on the first day we play. Other events and endgame group stuff is planned. Today we are doing FA/JQ to take advantage of double competitive week.

If you want to join the guild, post your IGN.
If you're new and ever have questions or need help with something, just ask anytime.

And fix your sound!

What is DSOAL-GW1?
>When GW was released in 2005, the audio component of Microsoft’s DirectX API was something called DirectSound. DirectSound had a 3D audio component called DirectSound3D, or DS3D, that could pan and amplify/attenuate sound sources based on their position relative to the camera in the game’s 3D world. PC’s with a high-end Creative sound card also had access to EAX, an extension to DS3D with a suite of hardware DSP effects for occlusion, obstruction, reverb, echo, etc. Like most games of its era, GW’s audio system was designed around DirectSound and DS3D, and owners of high-end PCs could get the “definitive” audio experience with EAX.
>All that ended in 2007 with Windows Vista. Vista completely broke DS3D and EAX. Rather than fix it, Microsoft deprecated DirectSound and pushed developers to adopt its new XAudio2 API for future games. With DS3D and EAX broken, GW hasn’t sounded “right” in any version of Windows since XP.
The goal of this prog is to beat NF with a team full of paragons, no monks, no mesmers, only paragons. Of the 3 campaigns NF is the easiest to beat, last time we did an NF prog I can only recall 2-3 instances we ever wiped while paragons are pretty good healers they have virtually no access to AoE damage, and very low DPS which will force us to have to work together and coordinate spike targets. This run exists primarily to explore the depths and lesser used but powerful paragon skills that never see use due to most party comps being caster heavy.

Basic rules are:
1) No EotN PvE only skills. Sunspear and Luxon are acceptable in this prog however.
2) No pcons/tomes*/consumables unless they drop during the prog.
3) Rune trader is still banned, paragon insignias are to be fought to the death for.
4) Only 2 paragons can have the same secondary, having a party full of P/W would be boring.
5) No Paragons can use the same elite skill, everyone on our team must be using a different elite.
6) You are allowed a max of 1 PvE only skill (not EotN), HR is acceptable, but only 1 person can carry it since it's an elite

*Tomes - Weekly during the run I will hand out elite tomes/reg tomes to half the party this is because many skills in NF are backloaded toward the last 10% of the campaign the addition of tomes will give our group a slow and steady power creep allowing people to adapt their strategies slowly and always have something to look forward to or strategize how they will use it as opposed to having to complete entire campaign just to use a skill for the last 2-3 missions.
>we wuz
fa is already happening
can't make it tonight have fun guys
>5:30 PM EST on Sunday Dec 8
are you sure about that?
seems a bit late judging by the lettucemeet schedule we had people sign.


we'd only be gaming for 1h30m before EU people would start to peace out
our GAYMEN sessions last around 2hr on the longer end anyway. 1h30min sounds fine.
>are you sure about that?

not positive it's more of a tentative time at the moment if we end up doing 2 days per week we might do 1.5 hours each session. Most of early NF is just questing anyway so we'll do some questing maybe try to get to Joknaur's and call it a day. We'll talk about it next week ingame.
Who the fuck has taken all the NFL player names
ah yeah that's fine, just wanted to make sure
you know what class we're playing?
you need to try cheerleaders. try gw bush
Yall got any tips / builds for good assassin heroes?
I'm a lonely monk stuck in yaks bend :(
u need a run to LA?
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I need to figure my shit out that's what I need to do. What do you think? Run to LA then start NF for the Heroes so I can do everything solo? I'm level 11, so I don't really want to start over
well we got a whole ass guild so u can play with others but heroes will def help, if you're on I can run you in a bit
>solo monk
I wanted to try smite while leveling/going through the campaigns for nostalgia then end game I can swap to whatever is needed
Put mesmer skills on them and give them a staff :^)
They don't really do dagger chains well enough and there's not much you can do to fix it
COME FA NOW we need like one or two COME NOW
better off using derv or warrior heroes

if you are really determined to use an assassin hero, any basic dagger spammer + way of the assassin setup will do. I've heard there's a pretty neat signet condi build using deadly arts that heroes tend to use pretty effectively but I don't remember it.
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Yeah, I'm just experimenting with changing up the hero order that's been carrying me through the game. The programming for heroes doesn't seem to account for the Assassin's sequential attack skills. It looks like if I want an Ass in the party, it needs to be me.
do the crit bow one with the anniversary bow
anniversary weapons are automatically customized so I dont think herpes can use it?
they can thoughever unless I don't know something
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>asking for it
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The nagging urge to get GWAMM on all 10 professions is niggling me again. Guess I better start hitting up the chest runs during this week.
look at that tight tummy on display for all to see, fucking assassin tummy slut
what a hero
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What do I do with this junk?
put it on heroes
merch the frog lol
Inspiration might actually be the fucking worst froggie to get
it's q9, hell, I'll take it
sell the 20% ench for 5e and the insightful head for 3e
heroes can use stuff customized for you
then again I doubt you have a sin crit bow on another character
oozebros it's ooze zaishen bounty tomorrow
>Built For Spanking
gee where'd he get that idea
i cant remember what is it from
I deleted the monk and started a new ranger in nightfall to presumably make things easier
if you aren't far in, try factions
faster than prophecies and the henchmen don't suck dick. building a team of heroes when you have no skills unlocked blows
I never played GW1 but bought the game with all xpacs. What would be a good starting class? Should I start with the main game or with one of the xpacs?
play them in release order, starting with Prophecies
any class is good, though Monk can be boring if you're just healing your AI party
>starting class
Every profession is fun and plays differently. You'll end up liking some more than others.
Monks are fun imo but smiting can feel limiting in Prophecies and healing/protting dumb NPCs isn't very fun.

>what order
Campaign order, new character for each: Prophecies > Factions > Nightfall
There is only one "expac" which is Eye of the North. The other three are independent campaigns. There's also Guild Wars: Beyond which you can do once you're finished with all that.
Prophecies runs slower than the other two as it's taking it's damn time to introduce you to mechanics and new skills (make sure you're doing quests for new skills!).
Ignore people who tell you to speedrun to Nightfall for heroes. You won't even have skills unlocked to put on those heroes. That being said, Prophecies henchmen are kinda sucky at times. If you need help you can post here and people will come help you.

>bought the game
Did you buy the trilogy on Steam or the complete collection on the website?
You're going to have to buy the lone expansion eventually if you bought the trilogy of campaigns on Steam.
(The expansion is basically just something Anet made with leftover assets to tie into GW2 but still worthwhile eventually).
There is only one expansion: Eye of the North.
Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall are all standalone campaigns. EotN requires you to have beaten one of these campaigns to play.
I would play a caster class (necro mesmer ele) or maybe ranger
try prophecies, and if it's too slow for you play factions
Release order is best imo, prophecies is a bit slow, but it teaches the game very gradually and doesn't overwhelm you like NF, nor difficulty spikes you like Factions. I would recommend making a new character for each campaign that way you experience at least 3 classes so when you unlock heroes you already have a ton of skills unlocked.

Class is really up to you. I would personally avoid Monk or Mesmer as your first, Mesmer tends to be very reactionary and knowing what targets are physicals vs casters which isn't always obvious (but Mesmer is very fun and a lot more reactive playstyle). From there it's whichever one appeals to you the most.

As mentioned by other commenter if you get stuck post here other anons are happy to spend hours writing up ways to improve your build, strategy recommendations etc...
HA in 40 mins or so be there or be square
LF ele for HA tonight
Man, the kurzick areas are really fucking pretty, and they seem really chill. Why was there so much hate for them (mainly in older posts I find)? They just seem to call them emo and leave it at that. (Luxons are still pretty cool)
idk I love kurz stuff
it has random weird shit while the jade sea feels like 2 templates copypasted over and over
Just got to thinking about how fun a GW private server could be. Imagine all the wacky builds you could put together with access to every skill in the game (NPC abilities included). Could drop mobs into presearing and make it have more high-level stuff, bring factions/nightfall professions into presearing, etc.
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How was I unaware of this spell? So we can have self-BiPing Dervish healers now?
I basically only use my Dervsh as a healer.
yeah but derv mysticism skills aren't that great and lyssa's aura already exists
>implying inspirations skills are better than mysticism skills
ehhh what mob skills are you wishing you could use? There's not many I've seen that I went "man I wish I had that" the only upside to private server would be updated balance which would drastically change the game and keep things interest.

It was added in 2018
but you can go /me for energy as a class with better energy and a better primary attribute
if you're using vor you're buying into using derv enchantments to benefit from mysticism's effect
Also since it self renews, it's usually the very first thing that gets stripped. It's a fun spell but it's kind of a lot worse than some other healer builds.
>6 years ago
Bro I still think 2020 was last year. I grow weary of living in interesting times.
Yeee tell me about it.... Lotta shit happening around the world (good bye Assad, gonna miss ya)
log on for some HA
TOMORROW we start our paragon prog at 5:30 PM EST (24~ hours from now) start thinking of paragon names now so you can get past the hardest part of early game.

Also start contemplating what secondary you want to go.

Time/day is likely to change for future games, just wanted a safe day to run it.
Fresh Peter:
>early evening on a weekend
I'll hopefully be able to make it, or at least not be too late.
a lot of the day will just be questing and hanging out so even if you show up late you won't be missing too much. Goal of the day is to beat Joknaur's Digging.
Not gonna make it. Gonna be on a plane
I have family stuff but I will 100% be there mondays/tuesdays (except the week of christmas)
post how far you guys get when you wrap up
Better time than the usual, wouldn't mind seeing the future date change either. I will be patiently waiting with my Ranger :-)
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Today we did quite a bit of side questing, something like 10+ keys dropped for our party (I got exactly 0). We stopped at the quest Signs and Portents (the quest before Joknaur's Digging).

We've decided we will be playing weekly on Mondays at 4 PM EST. Next Prog will be MONDAY THE 16TH - Not tomorrow, next week.

Currently we have:


If you are joining us for prog, please post in thread what secondary you'll end up going with. Ideally trying to keep a max of 2 of each secondary. I will be posting weekly what builds we are all running so people who aren't in the prog can watch our progress as well.
Pet - Flamingo is the MVP of the prog so far.
nvm I will not 100% be there
Would 4:30 PM EST work better for you? Or Tuesday at 4 PM EST? Or is this just a next week thing?

The only person on our lettucemeet that appeared busy at that time was Scoozy, normally I would of done a sunday game but there was a much higher interest in a weekday prog.

yeah it's on me
if I look at that, 4pm shows 3/7 available, 9-11:30 (4pm+5 to 6:30+5) shows 6/7
and if I scroll to the bottom it says shown in local time (gmt) in faint gray text, because I apparently had some adblocker extension break whatever they used to get my location, despite them having my ip address
not included in this confusing paragraph is that my local time is not gmt but est, and thus I'm at work at 4 est
if it works for everyone else no worries, I'll just come through for the next thing

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