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anyone playing TF2 for vegans?
GW1 > GW2
fuck EA also
last week, I was going to until I realized that xbox requires xbox live and I stopped buying that years ago
I played both GW1 and GW2 on xbox so I can't play until I get the pc version whenever the next steam sale is
I prefer GW1's maps, but I plan on buying GW2 because it seems like it has more players
I can't be picky when it comes to multiplayer games that are this old
Tf are you on about Gw1 being better than Gw2?
Gw2 has more content and the same mechanics, and Gw1 super commando isn't in it?
Super commando is cancer, yes. But GW1 maps are soo much better than GW2, and it's slower paced which is actually better imo.
I guess that makes sense, but I prefer somewhat faster paced shooters, I guess its preference at the end of the day, both are really good games
>o I can't play until I get the pc version whenever the next steam sale is
>I prefer GW1's maps, but I plan on buying GW2 because it seems like it has more players

Don't get the pc version, its anti cheat, at least in pvz Gw2 has kernel level access
is there any way to play online multiplayer on xbox without having xbox live?
I've been really getting the urge to play Garden Warfare lately
no I don't think so, I would check if pc gw1 does not have kernel level access though, I don't think it got updated to the new anticheat that Gw2 and Bfn got, but I would check for yourself cause I could be wrong
Are the servers active at all? The last time I played GW2 on pc there were no players
also wish to know
I mean you could switch which servers your connecting too, I heard North america and europe usually have players, but I could be wrong, also depends on what time you play

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