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File: ShSW4kT.jpg (505 KB, 2000x1500)
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505 KB JPG
>How to create your own
1. navigate your PC internet browser to: https://jiggie.fun/?new
2. upload one (1) or many foto(s)
3. select piece count (big number = more fun. also, very big number bad for certain PC internet browsers)
4. mark nsfw as necessary
5. disable image previews (no cheating!!)
6. Enable piece rotation (only if ur mentally unstable)
7. enjoy puzzle with internet friends :)

>First puzzle
682 pieces
SFW / No rotation
File: Untitled.png (155 KB, 426x453)
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155 KB PNG
So many robots
I could only do some of the edge pieces
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Kind of funny that it's a "Where's Waldo" in jigsaw form
Found the image on that thread
iirc this style is called "Wimmelbilder" and makes for great jigs
Found him. More like where's BMO.
The finished puzzle:
704 pieces
SFW / No Rotation
>neko edition :3
Puzzles are fun, but when we share through them our desired puzzles, we share joy.
I like to do wimmelbilder stuff, but also cats, too old art works from the masters as breaking down those works into discrete pieces I find I am closer to their methods of stroke, of pigment, of unity.
So: please create your own!
(I swear this board was very busy with JIG threads some years back .... not sure what happened that it fell out of fashion.)

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