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Party like it's 2003 edition

Previous Thread

Retail (the only version of ffxi that exists)
Based OP
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>add a new job
>only a certain amount of groups can be in an instance at the same time
>hundreds of people want to unlock DRG
>people have to form lines to complete the battlefield to unlock it
damn, these instance things are never gonna take off, huh
we all know horizon fakes their pop but how much do they do it?
>3 posts in before a schizo post
do better
this is the best we've done so far
it's a serious inquiry
Looks like someone missed medication time.
It's vastly improved from 3 threads ago where normie fags were crying about ecelebs.
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its actually his game and you're all his Trusts
I don't get this, is he the best tank trust? I thought AAEV or August were, did something change? Or was he always the best? What does he do?
why does every mmo have a line story
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40 year old japanese technology, preasu undahstando
He's good for everything below level 75, especially when they buffed him to use Uriel Blade without TP and they just give him to you at level 5 so everyone uses him and doesn't want to experiment with other tank trusts because why the fuck would you when trusts will kill everything for you for 75 levels no sweat. As soon as you get into difficult stuff you need your tank to be able to close skillchains like Ark Angel, or have DT like Mnejing, or Magic defense like Amchuchu, or not use an AoE on every pull and aggro fucking everything in the area, so Valainerel (eventually) loses relevance
I've also been seeing a lot of Qultada with newer people too, probably for the exp buff
I've also noticed that all the "exp spots" are filled with newer players, so there's like half a dozen places you can fight enemies your level but I only ever see people in
>Crawler's nest
>Garlaige Citadel
and all the other areas are barren, I don't even see people in [S] zones
guides were a mistake
Why is Sylvie (UC) the most popular?
she's the only GEO trust that actual does anything, and she's cute
I see yoran oran and apururu more though
Is there pre-119 gear one should definitely get? I'm still in my RSEs while leveling a bunch of jobs.
Artifacts. Fun quests, completes RoEs, gives stats that focus on your job, good lockstyle, can store away, can also upgrade them for 119.
Do you dabble in crafting on retail? Any worth leveling?
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probably your job specific movement speed gear if you're far from finishing adoulin, you can usually start getting those well before cap.

Theres also lots of useful stuff you can get from pre-cap shit like abyssea and nm's that will serve you well into the endgame but getting your welfare 99 stuff will make getting those things easier anyway. they can range from genuinely great accessories that last you a long time like epona's ring to niche gimmick slots that are really useful for one specific thing like pic rel that comes from one really easy nm. skim through job gear guides to see if there are gear pieces that are useful for your job at endgame that you are already capable of getting before that
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I got a couple to 50+, crafting quest requirements and gobbiebag stuff is your most profitable. Most things are worthless though, which is nice if you're buying. Crafting's really only good for the niche shit or for you glamor, or for when no one is stocking your quest items or artifact upgrades.
It's literally cheaper for me to level clothcraft to 80 and try my chances at making a Royal Cloak than it is to spend 1 million gil buying it off the AH
It's also nice to be able to rely on yourself instead of the market, so I was back on phoenix where no one sold anything, so I had to level alchemy to 50 just to make a sleeping potions because fuck waiting weeks on end for someone to sell that shit on the AH
I found some people need Rolanberry (874 C.E.) for a mog garden quest but no one's been stocking them, so I farmed a stack and have been selling them for 50k each. And I can change the price easily since I'm the only one stocking them.
The real money maker is spells and meta equipment, not crafting. Casually farming for Mage's Ballad II from Zvahl Bailey's coffers gives you maybe one a week, but it sells for 600k+, farming ceremonial dagger drops gives you maybe 1 a week, but it sells for 400k+. Meanwhile I've been selling moblinweave nonstop and I get maybe 1 sale a week for 100k because the market for gobbiebag stuff is so competitive.
I haven't got any crafts up to 100 though, so maybe it's different for higher levels. I know high quality food will always be in demand though.
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r34 of this mithra please and thank you
use ai like the artist did
just look up mithra on gelbooru
no! i want this specific mithra! look at her cute face! holy shit!
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>log in to see what trannies are up to on rizon
>jumpscared by their custom 'hd' elf head models
how do you guys have so many assault breastplates on the AH
Uig shouts are nonstop and daily. I have to assume the meta is do your weeklies like its fucking wow
The cope around 75 cop era balance is so funny. You see people write essays about how its actually a good thing that the jobs are so heavily unbalanced but it still allows the lesser ones shine in .0000001% niche situations, and “you’re just some stupid zoomie who doesn’t understand squares grand design which they changed for most of the games life from cop onwards anyways but never mind that .” Than you see that “person” main 1 of the 4 jobs that get invited to 90% of the content and its like oh yeah duh
every job should be able to do every piece of content and also be able to solo and also be the best at everything
nins stay winning
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Return Home to Vana'diel campaign from Dec 20 to Jan 6
both free trial and discounted subscription cost
Why not? Thats how retail was for most of the games life so clearly square agrees.
And why do you faggots parrot this as if nin rdm and brd are remotely bad in anything. Hope you didn’t level half of the jobs in the game when 95% of strategies is mass magic burning with blm or smn. What is even the point of melee merit parties, wow you get to put merits into a bad job nobody wants LOL
I've done some on a couple of my characters, most experienced in Alchemy (Adept) and Clothcraft (Veteran). Getting all crafts to the subskill cap at 70 is easy enough if you know which recipes to use, just takes time, crystals, and gil; beyond that, better gear up, farm, and pray you get skillups.
>>1521371 is correct in that if you do partake in crafting, it's better to focus on self-sufficiency and aesthetics (Signatures, lockstyle gear, furniture, guild point prizes, etc.) as the reward. If you're trying to figure out which craft you want to take beyond the subskill cap, look into what's offered from each craft and form your opinion from there.
pussies closed relic discussion thread again
>Square is always right
>nerfs your magic burn strat
nothing personell, kid
>but they were right before when most jobs were worthless
Should I open one?
Bahamut anons, I'm cumming for u
Nocturnal Souls is shutting down in a few days probably permanently. Doesn't sound very likely the lsb port / v2 is happening now.
inform me as someone who doesn't know. what are you referring to and why does Nocturnal Souls shutting down matter to it?
It's one of the ffxi private servers that has been mentioned here in previous threads.
I know that much, but that didn't answer my question. what does that have to do with an LSB port? Who is porting what, and why does Nocturnal Souls matter to it?
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World transfer to Bahamut
End game drama is so juicy, I love watching full grown adults act like toddlers.
I can't decide which job I want to main
just pick GEO and ERP with your tank like a good little boy
I look like this
how is economy like in retail? how important for example, is breaking 1m gil compared to horizon babies? is royal cloak actually still used for much in retail?
im on horizon and have a little more than 20 mil. it's rich but not uber rich like relic holders rich.
Buying a relic in retail is around 300 mil
Gil is inflated because you get around 500k a week just from vendoring sparks shields
is owning a relic considered special? or does anyone who's been playing a couple of months have them already?
Horizon? Relics are still special but less so as 2 years of gil printing made any retard who treated the game like a job have one by now
Retail? Even less special and mandatory pre endgame gear for some jobs like brd
I use royal cloak because I'm intentionally limiting myself to level 75, and I thought it'd be nice to have innate refresh at 75
Everything under level 99 is fairly cheap because lol who uses gear under 99
The rest of the economy is fucked, Asura's controlled by bots, Odin and Bahamut have undercutters for fucking everything for some reason, and anything less populated doesn't have a functional economy
mythics and empyreans are considered special i guess because they actually require personal effort and time. aeonics and relics are just a gilcheck (or a friendcheck if you have people who are willing to do an aeonic run with you for no money)
The cost is certainly not as expensive as 300m on retail, it’s fairly cheap in comparison to that. Your Stage 4 currency piece varies from 25-45m (depending on server, I used Asura), then your lesser currency pieces for the earlier stages are even cheaper. Throw in the cost for some mats and weapons for Stages 1-2 also. When you’re taking it to il119 you have your Magian kill trials, x5 Umbrils then finally your 10k Plutons, so that’s still no where near 300m
What is "gil printing"
Doing something that requires very little interaction with the game to generate items to sell directly to NPCs, which generates gil within the game. AFK crafting in town is an example.
alchemist brainrot. to a lesser extent woodworker, cloth, and bone.
what about gil printing in Horizon? How do people get the hundreds of millions of gil to buy the stuff I see on sale in bazaars or in trade chat?
Crafting, gil printing, or mercing. Mostly a mix of all of the above.
How the fug do I get the unlit lantern to drop. I just want to get Zilart over with and I haven't even started.
Tonberry Imprecator in Den of Rancor. Drop rates are around the same for all tonberries that drop it, but Imprecator is the only one in the zone that matters.
What is that?
Did it a couple weeks ago with my linkshell, + four puggers for a total of 7 people. Just need someone with /thf and your set. Takes about 2-3 hours, listen to a podcast or burn through your powermetal album watch later playlist.
Killing content with rare/ex drops but instead of sharing the loot you sell it for gil.
Is it a good idea to get THF as my first 75 in Horizon or will I get excluded from Zilart and CoP groups?
Nah thf is a good job for eva maxing dyna pulling, niche eva tanking as a whole, farming important non event drops like organs, new abilities are very useful for hnms. the only issue with thf is that its an extremely popular job so a lot of competition, but in my ls every event has a sign up for 1 thf guaranteed. Get th4 and you have a better chance of getting into content than a samurai or monk.
As for missions bring anything, missions are extremely easy if you just abuse shadows/kiting/sleep +1 healer. Thf with eva set can probably tank most thing things better than a pld/war anyways. anyone who spergs about party comp hard in like promvy LOL is extremely bad at the game
it seems gil printing is popular on horizon. particularly sairui, kodoku, shihei, and dragon cuisses. fishing is also a form of gil printing after you get to certain levels.
but the uber rich ones have a craft, maybe on all three characters, where they gamble for T1 and T0 HQs, on top of other things. usually they got to high levels when it was early and crafting was much more profitable.
is there much content where there is a 75 cap and others who do the same? or are you doing mostly solo play
>Gil is inflated because you get around 500k a week just from vendoring sparks shields
Uh oh... did they nerf this? My memory isn't perfect but I thought I was getting almost 2m a week from doing this back in 2021 (I came back but haven't even bothered capping sparks once)
level a real job. i hate you bastards.
like what
he's wrong the weekly welfare sparks/unity cap is still 2m
What's the fastest way to do this? I don't have any significant job points, I used to just go to Escha - Ru'Aun and kill aerns on sunday mornings during the EXP RoE. Is there a better place/way to do it now (considering not great gear)?
I am duo-ing with another anon, and I am blackmailing random newbie passerbys into playing with me every once in a while
We just walked past some guy while going up Delkfutt Tower and asked him to join us, and then he joined us
I wanted to learn what the content at 75 was before I speedleveled to 99, since level 75 seemed important to the life of the game way back when, but I wasn't interested in private servers so I'm going this route instead and I've been enjoying it so far
You only need BST
Cop era is mage dominated thanks to tp feeding and no cor to steroid melee.
Rdm blm whm brd nin smn are all infinitely more useful in pretty much all endgame content. Melee dd is pretty much just a minigame to spend gil on so you can epic parse in merit parties or the few burns that don’t matter lol.
Bst pld and thf are also useful but not as applicable or needed as mages.
Rng fucks
fastest way is you level BLU and cleave shit in escha zi'tah during gain exp. i can go from 0 to capped sparks and unity in like 20-30 minutes AoEing shadow dragons and puks. before I had gear/job points I would do the same but on the easier mobs in the zone like the bugards and hoppy guys I forget what they're called. same ease but it took a little longer
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newfag money making guide on retail (not monthly campaign dependent)

>RoE weekly welfare cheque (free)
>solo omen runs for astral detritus (can do with relatively poor 99 gear and your gains will scale up as you gear up)
>hourly salvage runs whenever you can stomach it for alexandrite (this funded probably 70% of my first couple REMAs) (pretty much free with a cleaving job)
>farm relic currencies in dynamis (easy and most boring but someone has to sell the population this shit)

and then you use that to gear your supportslut/healslut job of preferences so you can get into groups to make real money like daily ody runs and ambuscades. I recommend also meekly picking up a linkpearl of a recruiting ls and going "h-h--h-h-h-h--h-h-h-h-hello???????" and go do dynamis-d and omen with them. thank you for coming to my ted talk
Buy gil like half of the server
>giving money to brazilians
no thanks
The poorfag to whale grind is over half the point of an mmo. Play a real rpg if you want to skip it.
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>accidentally bought a stack of guild craft materials at inflated 500k each
>sells back for 2k
Besides BLU, what other jobs are good at cleaving and how do they compare to BLU?
pretty much no one
there used to be WAR cleave parties, but that uses a weaponskill
mages are all good at end game and in demand during leveling. black mage might have trouble getting exp parties aside from mana burns. a lot of bcnm strats involving blm, rdm, and smn
between the two main tanks, nin is generally more useful than pld.
bst is good for mission contents and bcnms, but there's a lot of complaints about it not being useful or doing much damage at end game. another cheese job that's hated by all including themselves.
brd is always in demand, but can't do anything on its own. cheap and fat to level which lets you unlock contents faster.
melee diddy jobs are mostly interchangeable so they're equally valid except for drg which has more versatility with /mage builds.
mnk is probably the least busy job there is but at least you have a lot of window to fap in between weapon skills.
BST with the cricket pet is the other solid cleaver, but their aoes are smaller and dont do CC which is what makes BLU AoE so potent. I can't speak to how much easier/harder they are to gear.

Not having to wait for mp to recharge is probably a big plus though that was pretty annoying early on when I didn't have good refresh gear as BLU cuz cleaving devours mp
Mages are fucking lame though
Except for BLU
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Kat mon
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Gyatt damn!
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I remember a time before these faggot ass private servers actually got popular, when there was 1 FFXI thread on /v/ every 2 months, and the 5 active people in it would talk about the actual fucking game more than using it as an extension for their little girl facebook drama.
No they didn’t, they just shat on ff14 as le cringe and 11 as le chad
Or they just did typical red goggles nostalgia posting about era and how nu mmos can’t hold a candle even though i’m positive most of them never did half of the shit they said they did and most likely stopped playing at like level 40.
who wants to pay my sub this month

its the season of giving
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Im updating the racial tier list after dealing with a number of galka players. From least to most fag list choices.
Elv F > Hume M > Mithra > Taru F > Hume F > galka > Elv M > Taru M.
Galkiggers never shut the fuck up about being galka holy shit.
>Taru M.
>dude weed char name
>lore accurate name or ff7
post her feet
>almost all female humes in bastok are exclusively located in the galka ghettos
Wtf did square mean by this? No, genuinely?
I mean the Shadow Lord literally exists because some dude was mad that his Hume waifu was fucking a Galka and killed her
Put Taru at the bottom. Playing a fantasy game and picking the child options is peak cringe.
>lore accurate
imagine voluntarily being a baguette
>10 guys all farming solo in the same area
>/shout hey does anyone wanna party up?
>/shout hey does anyone wanna party up?
who the fuck are these guys, and why are they so shy that they won't even give a pity "no thanks"
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Where my Odin gamers at?
Waiting for the discounts for new accounts.
JP onry
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it's the other way around THOUGH
literally have never brought up galka but whenever I do anything it's "lol galka tank" "lol galka mage" "lol garka melee" "lol galka used flee" "galka fishing and making food lol" shut up you NIGGERS!
galka > everything else > massive power gap > taru M
You have no excuse.

> Friday, December 20, 2024, at 12:00 a.m. (PST)
to Tuesday, January 14, 2025, at the same hour.
Fuck off galka nigger. Galka literally never shut up about being galka. You would assume it would be mithra fags that can’t stop talking about race and they do too. But its no where near as bad as taru and galka
what are some good mods for this game?
do people still use ashita?
join the nekosentai discord for dat mods
do you think they will ever drop the subs? this game is old as hell and not many people play it.
they did via inflation
Its a Jp corpo,
they won't change shit haha
why are there still so many BST? what are they doing?
Pet Jobs are utterly broken on horizon
Add to it that BST is retard proof, the best soloer and one of the best jobs for instanced battles
The devs have no clue how to fix this btw
you only played at launch
Fuck off Kipling, get back to work on ToAU
the worst part is how people demand bst for crap that bst isn't even good for, like promy holla
Pet jobs are bad because they don’t benefit from support. Cor and geo don’t exist so the gap is not as far as toau onwards between pets and normal melee. Add on that horizon added ooe jug pets that scale to 75 and you now have pets you don’t have to share loot with, can tp burn+blown up literally who cares just resummon and all you lose is like 10% damage lost compared to bringing a melee nigga instead of a bst that's just going to explode anyways.
All content you can bring melee too you can you easily bring bst instead.
Melee in general is bad without cor.
Dyna is faster with mass magic.
Hnm and henm are safer with mass magic
Replace melee in your limbus group with more mages and you can lowman
Merits are faster with a magic burn
trying to do the Cornette turn in quest for windurst but im not gaining any fame.
any idea why it isn't working?
Mages are low test
Oh wait im retarded.
Rank and fame are different
ToAU when?
We don't have 1.2 from 2023, we're never getting ToAU. Enjoy the scam.
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Lets talk about how SCH was always a better option than RDM for healer on exp/merit on retail era.
Enspellga/+7 str > Haste
Actual regens
Better mp efficiency
Better cures
Unique buffs like aquaveilga, stoneskinga, blinkga, element boost (especially good in magic burst parties)
All rdms debuffs and actual dps options while still being a healer
All na’s and erase without having to sub whm and can also aoe them
Why did you always invite rdm instead when haste is mid and you cap it anyway with a brd which works even better with sch anyway.
Can anyone give me a real answer? Does Kipling still post in these?
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Please don’t reply to the FFXIV tourists….
Lurks. Doesn't post. It's why you don't see certain names brought up. Thankfully most of the trash left a couple months ago.
When will I get to play dancer and scholar kipling?
meant for >>1522824
Underaged please go and stay go
>no most jobs should be bad because they just should be
>its actually balanced when you think about it because jobs are made for different content except the good jobs are good at all content and the bad ones are okay in 1 minor peice of content and bad in everything else and also still replaceable in the 1 thing you bring them for
>also it doesn’t matter that square fixed this and made most jobs useful in most of the game later on and for most of 11s lifespan because shut up okay.
Told you the cope around cop era balance is funny as fuck
Nigga just kill the pink birds wtf are you talking about
I think all jobs should be bad, then no one will be happy
>square fixed this
lol imagine thinking this, the post 75 era has always been significantly worse balance wise than 75 cap, if anything it got worse.
Proof: SE created a system to pity force people to bring certain jobs just to use their abilities to proc NMs
>understanding anything
Go play FFXIV. Its literally right there and ongoing. All the jobs are exactly the same there you have nothing to worry about
Its really not outside of master trials and top burns every job is viable in pretty much anything you need it to be.
>no argument
Every time lol.
ok so by 'later on' you mean 20 years later and by 'content' you mean rehashed slop, try to be a little more descriptive
Telling you to go play a game that satisfies your criteria is an argument though because not every game is going to satisfy what you want nor it should. If you want something out of a game then you have two options:
>make it yourself
>find something that satisfies what you want
Coming here to scream at people who disagree with your point of view is what a child throwing a tantrum would do.
Lastly, you have been here since Horizon started throwing tantrums about how the game isn’t balanced while dismissing every single valid opinion thrown against yours. You also probably do this in their discord server. You refuse to acknowledge things such as when people point out that what you want would make the game no different to the homogenized job system FFXIV has which is exactly the thing that has everyone seeking a classic experience in private servers and exactly why all jobs are different with different strengths and also why you can level up every job in a single character. Not only that, its objective that every job is viable, complaining about metawhores (which you ironically also are one) not letting you play melee is complaining about the community not the game making every job exactly the same will not solve that as it has never solved it for any game, even FFXIV.
The sooner you accept that everyones view on what a ffxi private servers should be is different and that you are clearly the minority the faster you can get on with your life.
You should also be aware that catseye and retail exists as options that let you play whatever you want.
If your argument is that you can’t do HNMs on horizon as a melee then thats legitimately a you problem and also a skill issue.
I am currently farming several stacks of Rolanberry (C.E. 874) to sell at a 2700% up-charge on the black market because people are too lazy to farm some themselves, what other stupid things are you guys doing right now?
playing on horizon
I’m not reading thi. toau onwards is more balanced so L bozo square agreed with me, melee is bad on horizon.
Most of 11 is rehashed. What do you mean? And no even toau is a massive step towards balance for all jobs
so where the fuck is ToAU
they originally said they wanted to have it done by the first anniversary
>so where the fuck is ToAU
they also said there would be meaningful job changes for each job as well as a ton of custom content
people lie
Then kill yourself, I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news but nobody cares what you think.
Lol except 99% of pservers have balance changes to fix this issue, and square fixed this issue. It seems like most players do realize that yes it’s an issue half of the jobs are dogshit and it wasn’t intentional. Sorry you have to cope about stupid shit instead of coming to the same thought everyone else did 20 yeaes ago retard. Go ahead weite another essay nobody will read.
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You’re right, square enix fixed this “issue” on this game. Why not go play it? Retail is another solid option, Yoshida turned it into FFXIV lite. I can also recommend the jew FFXIV mobile game.
Who is this guy?
He sounds like a massive retard so I’m curious to know if he’s also shitposting the horizon server to death
>horizon server
Buy an ad
we aren't buying anything. not even a sub
You are buying a relic but it won't be for you
Why do you guys ping pong between pservers cringe to thinking retail 11 balance being better is cringe. Which is it? Retail 11 had no issue making all jobs viable in most content, so is retail now bad because actually it’s tanakas vision that half of the game sucks? Also a lot of 11 jobs are pretty similar in cop. melee the main thing i don’t like about cop balance just auto attack and press weapon skill.
I don’t like current retail because yoshida turned it into a solo game until endgame, the exact cancer that killed MMOs when WoW released.
Level 99 is fine
Capacity is fine granted I would have just raised the level cap further.
Trusts WOULD be fine if they weren’t a replacement for real players when leveling, don’t say that they aren’t because they do not nerf party xp and for leveling (especially pre 75) trusts are more powerful healers, tanks and even dps than any other player.
Ilvl is not fine and only encourages powercreep.

Retail is fine for people who just want to experience the story but its definitely not a replacement for what era was for me, I would have much preferred the experience continuing to be leveling as the journey with mostly sidegrades to equipment.
Retail didn’t really change balance as far as I am concerned but the level cap increase giving access to things like Accession to everyone did homogenize jobs a bit. The powercreep also doesn’t really help this as it makes the differences between jobs less distinguishable when everyone can hit damage cap which makes primary differences existing in utility. Regardless of all this, the existing gameplay style of each job remained intact and a lot of the balance changes from era to current retail attempt to solidify an identity to each job, to give a simple example Scholar having better regens than White Mage.
The main issue people have with retail is the loss of party leveling until endgame so the dopamine of slowly getting new skills and slowly easing to your job is kinda lost as leveling becomes mostly an obstacle to rush through rather than the actual gameplay loop.

Personally I would have not added ilvl and simply kept the cap at 99, people would have taken a while to adjust but people would have adjusted. Abysseas bare minimum entry level should also have been like 60 or 65 or whatever level players could have used it as a regular exp camp for, its entry level being 30 was the first major step into killing exp parties
One thing I do not like about ilvl is how it makes all the equipment word salad compared to 75 era gear.
Another thing I do not like about ilvl is that even though the ilvl makes a good shorthand for overall strength of the gear, it's been capped at 119 for years for everything including gear that should be ilvl 135 or something.
I understand why Item Level exists for going beyond 99, but I also wouldn't have minded if 99 cap era stayed for longer, at least throughout SoA.
hey I have to press Hasso every couple minutes too, it's a tough job
levelling is still stupidly quick even in a party of 4 guys, which I've done a few weeks ago by the way. And most trusts are pretty trash that are only useful for a single weaponskill, or a buff. A decently geared player who presses their skill buttons does better than most trusts. It's just that they give you Valainerel spamming Uriel Blade with 0 TP, and Semih spamming sidewinder at level she shouldn't be able to, and Shantotto II magic bursting for 1000 damage when your skillchains are still doing 300, which human players literally will never be able to replicate.

Joachim is a 2-song bard, Qultada keeps fucking busting his roles because he's a compulsive gambler and always rolls for 11s, Sylvie exclusively uses Indi-regen till FUCKING LEVEL 94, Valainerel can't close skillchains, Shantotto II actually has really good auto attacks mp management closes skillchains and magic bursts off of them she's actually just that good, Kupipi and some of the archers keep fucking running away and aggroing other mobs like a pack of retards, most of the mages don't know resistances and a lot of the skillchain closers will ignore resistances too so you'll end up healing a mob from skillchains or random magic casts, the mages also suck at mp management, if you have multiple skillchain closers then they'll end up ruining each others skillchains by activating at the same time. If you don't have skillchain closers then they'll just fire them off at random and ruin your skillchain anyways. having a healer and a paladin or several paladins will make them all Cure IV you at 80% HP and waste most of their MP, most of the tanks have 0%DT so they die rather quickly if they ever get weaponskill'd, some thiefs and archers and melees have AoE skills that they spam and sometimes get you killed because they aggro everything around, Teodor actually cast a -ga spell and aggro'd a level 80 quadav that was underground and killed me.
Now, I'm not saying trusts are bad because they have a few quirks, they're very good and I'm sure we all know that. But I am saying that having a competent player will be better than 95% of the trusts. The real problem is that there are no competent players, having any trust weaponskill is better than having a player who doesn't know how to weaponskill, or a mage trust that casts a 50% resisted spell is better than a player who doesn't cast magic at all, and having a 2-song bard is better than having no bard at all
Hasso is ooe. Retail cop sam didn’t even have that lol. Why does a cop server have to be the most popular. Most jobs didn’t become cool until the very least toau but desu wings/abyssa is when most flavor was added
>you can still do it if you gimp yourself
You don’t have a point.
Leveling died because unless you have a group of friends that is also willing to gimp themselves you can’t do it and trusts are just objectively better until you’re 99 and they actually start to fall off which you are conveniently trying to dodge in your point.
I get that capacity is a replacement for exp parties but with all the power creep it also just isn’t fun when every sort of party you form now is some sort of variant of a burn party. Meanwhile in a retail era server you actually see parties with 1 tank or 2 bulky melees, a black mage, and a healer making skill chains for the black mage to burst of. Its plain to see what people covet about that era that retail just doesn’t provide anymore. And no the majority of people playing in private servers are not HNM no lifers bitching about the typical AM burst strat, theres legitimately people seeking for parties across all levels in horizon. If they don’t stop being hardasses about delivering toau and wotg then their player count won’t last.
>if you don’t balance your trusts they suck at efficiency
>but they will still kill everything pre-99 with ease
When will you just acknowledge that trusts replace real humans for exp? Nobody is going to waste their fucking time trying to find 5 other players willing to gimp their exp when they can just summon 5 beginner trusts and kill an IT mob for its full exp no problem? Do you think people merit without trusts too? No stop deluding yourself and living in a bubble with the 4 other people willing to delude themselves with you. Theres not a server of 1000 players in retail trying to play it like its era.
We really pretending trusts are unoptimal? You can hit 99 and fully merit a job in like a weekend of casual play. How much faster do you need to level? It also really doesn’t matter if its 3% less xp than a full party when its 3 trillion times more convenient lol. You spend so much time just moving and going to new camps to keep xping since you level so fast that i have to imagine waiting for the whole party to move/hope they dont get lost easily deducts far more xp than trusts
Its not more efficient than a full party because trusts don’t nerf your exp like another person would.
In a full party or even in a party with a second person you’d get reduced exp per mob.
In a full party of just you and trusts you get the full exp the mob would give that would normally be split between you and other players in the party
Why would I kill an IT mob in a full group of players for 200 exp when I can get much higher fighting the same IT mob with a group of trusts?
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I would only accept abyssea if its entry level is restricted to like 65+ instead of 30 and chests don’t give exp alliance wide.
It was fucking retarded to have moshpits of alliances mindlessly killing mobs for chest exp, it was like i was playing wow or some stupid shit. Other than that I think abyssea is pretty cool, it would be an interesting way to add new exp areas for 65-70 thats for sure since it can also double as a cruor grind.
Aside from that I agree that WoTG was the best era for job flavor since it added scholar and dancer among other things, i just didn’t like how abyssea changed the xp meta instantly when it came out.
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Melee are too low iq to understand anything other than RDM gives haste i guess
Xp/merit is zombie content. Just do big enough damage and pull more, its not that complex to warrent an essay of considerations.
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Its brainless for the melee yes but not your bard or healer, especially if your healer is a rdm or sch.
I think only brd has shit to keep in mind. I healed merits with whm and outside of this one party keeping 2 ninjas at 70%ish hp for both of their latent rings it was pretty braindead. I actually take back a little of what i said. Xp is kind of fun thanks to more varied job combos/camp swaps/new weapons/spells coming online but merits are zombie content 100%
xp/merits are supposed to be boring as fuck so you're able to talk with your friends :)
Honestly you’re not wrong if from the perspective of a melee who is literally just sitting their waiting for tp to mindlessly ws.
But the healer is keeping track of a dozen buffs and curing.
In SCH’s case, they are keeping track of stormsurge buffs which can be as annoying to setup as brd buffs if someone wants something other than STR or a mix of STR and something else (voidstorm). They also keep track of enspellga, regen, heal you, heal your debuffs (granted idr if colibri did any relevant ones) the one saving grace with colibri is that they couldn’t be debuffed by any mage due to reflect and SCH could aoe pretty much all their cures.
By comparison rdm only keeps up haste on every melee and maybe refresh if you decide to bring a blu or drk while healing and healing debuffs.
Meriting on colibri is boring tho, its far more interesting to do something retarded like wivres, crawlers, trolls or if you really want to make your healer suffer then soulflayers, now thats fun.
Whm literally only has to keep up haste and debuff if non-colibri.
Rdm and sch have far many more things to keep track off, especially sch.
yes, I agree with you
You actually get around 700 exp in a full party per kill, or 2000 if solo, ignoring kill quests, and item/crystal quests (which will actually drop more often if you're in a party)
it's actually better if you have some guys with echad rings and rhapsodies buffs and one guy who isn't using echad or rhapsodies, that way you can level sync to the lowest guy and have everyone else level 3-4x as fast without having to move camps. But it's a silly strategy that I'm sure no one actually gives a shit about
this is why you force your DDs to sub a support job instead of subbing another DD, that way they can do extra shit, like keeping up an extra song buff, or a dancer samba, or a level 37 puppetmaster whm automaton (which I think is very funny) so your white mage doesn't have to do literally everything themself
Lol most of horizon dd literally complain about having to /nin and go on long winded rants about how they only /sam from 1-75(they didn’t) even though merit mobs explode with /nin to the point you are still waiting on spawns already.
And now you want them to sub support subs?
you WILL mage's ballad me so I don't have to heal it myself, you WILL aspir dance so I don't have to worry about mp
the real problem with trusts is that none of them can use pets. some of them are even summoners, beastmasters, and dragoons in the code but they can't actually summon anything
And make it less fun for me as the healer?
SCH gameplay on merits was king when fighting non colibri because your job was
>-na and erase
>buff yourself
>buff melee with stormsurge
>keep track of sublimation
>switch to addendum black dark arts to double MB off skillchains with helix and element 4
This is precisely why I merited full points into enlightenment cooldown and I don’t regret it.
If you can find a sch that could do all that while healing then they were legitimately skilled at the game
Keep in mind that stormsurge was potentially either give everyone str or if you had picky melee it was buff everyone with str, then buff the picky ones with the stat they wanted or voidstorm, then buff yourself for MB.
It was so much to keep track off I generally just asked for light to keep myself in aurorastorm to help me with cures.
I leveled /sam from 30 all the way to 75
I asked a sam/war to off tank once with a war/nin partner by making him use seigan in horizon, it was a solid party.
I tried to do it again several times and the war or sam I asked to do that just left
Lol fuck metaniggers they can kys.
Seigan is underrated. When i leveled pld sams could just rip aggro off of me whenever they felt like it, and instead of taking 2 200 damage tp moves back to back they just auto parry the first and third eye the second. Tanks in 11 are interesting because you only really need 2-3 melee in some kind of combo to completely null and void the role in xp but thinking is too hard so everyone just mass /nin or grab a main tank to call it a day
It's even funnier because Horizon tried to make PLD actually good and possibly better than NIN but failed spectacularly
You can get 20k xp an hour just fine with a pld in group.
Get a smn healer and make him alternate refresh and attack buff
Sorry hastega and refresh buff
Yea prob if everybody isn’t retarded. High xp isn’t a challenge, any party with a half awake brd fan achieve that. its getting a high xp party guaranteed thats hard. I still get invited to random merit parties that just go up on flames because something doesn’t work either leech dds that can never pull hate, clueless brd, healer struggling to keep haste up.
I think people like mass /nin because its guaranteed to work, its really hard to fuck up.
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This is why you never seek party you make your own parties and let the midwit rabble shit themselves in the mud. Dont blame the server blame yourself for conforming with the meta
The real problem with trusts is that you can't lockstyle them nor cast them in your mog house
>make my own party
>invite some guy that seems fine
>is a complete retard that barely knows how to play
what now?
You replace them and blacklist them or if you’re nice then you try to correct them before replacing them.
>i didnt know their gear
Also isn’t an excuse when horizon went out of its way to dox all of its players
Getting bad players like that happens almost all the time in parties you have no control over by the way, which seems to be what you prefer
Surely most people are in idle or lockstyle gear in jeuno
No I love micromanaging my parties but I'm just too lazy to look up the camps
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I played the original for a while. Took a Warrior/Thf up to 65 and quit. Came back for a few months and left again.

City of Villains was the better game, may it rest in peace.
not 14

Please disregard my post I suck cocks
I had fun playing on horizon tonight!
That sounds like a skill issue.

If they are in idle gear then thats a sign that they know what they are doing, assuming that we are talking about merit, regular leveling progression doesn’t have much idle gear until like 50+.
Why wouldn’t you invite a mage that has a vermy cloak anyway?
>bst too strong
>pld is too weak
>blm needs to do burn parties, tp burn and mana burn are too strong
>skillchain + magic burst parties suck unless they are manaburns
Why are midwits allowed to have opinions?
>bst too strong
I mean objectively it is extremely buffed from access of ooe jugs on horizon that all challenge in a lot of non 75 content like level capped cop zones, battlefields, enm/ksnm/bcnm is erased.
>pld is too weak
Pld is fine. What it does it does fine, and the horizon changes are nice without rocking the boat. However a good nin player can outright replace pld in everything it does while being able to do 3000000 things more, and that just feels shitty at a baseline.
>blm burn
strange how people literally exclude blm from normal parties. Level sync allowed burn parties to exist maybe a tad to easy. In era theirs no way you could gather enough of a single job within like 4 levels to do a burn. You just usually joined whatever you had available which did let far more job diversity overall
They do suck in a lot of level ranges, once you get access to light/dark ws tho it’s objectively stupid to not do them. Magic bursting is strong but i simply don’t trust most horizon tards to pull it off. When i leveled blm for sub, i can count on one hand the amount of times these random melee managed to make a skillchain. Its pathetic. If everyone isn’t sub 90 iq a single mb a mob more than justifies a blm especially tier 2/3 spell range. 2 blm can almost 100-0 a level 50 monster with a mb
>skillchain parties suck because the community has low iq
No they suck because you don’t make your own goddamned party.

Manaburns are effective but boring.

Pld is fine yeah but I’m not going to pretend nin is better not even in original retail.

Bst is too strong sure, but I dont think giving them the ability to use their pets skills directly was a bad thing, if anything the issue is more jug pets raised level cap and pet burns being way to efficient.
>be summoner
>get invited to mamaburn
>say no thanks
>get a super passive aggressive reply back
Lmao I didn’t even say I don’t like doing manaburns its almost like they were stalking me.
A lot of blm and whm won’t xp if its not a burn so they probably were looking for a smnigger for awhile. Don’t sweat it the lazy cunts can just level smn as a sub to do that part themselves
>Lol most of horizon dd literally complain about having to /nin
I DRK/SAMed all the way to 75 and never got any complaints from my healer. Only had a small handful of parties where the tank (usually a NIN) could not keep threat and I had to hold off on the damage until the mob was near low HP.
>won’t xp unless its a burn
>level up the designated healer class in a moshpit of white mage spam on undead
>do the same but for black mage
I mean I guess the novelty is kinda neat once or twice but this is the most boring way to level for me. The most fun I’ve had playing summoner is unironically solo healing parties, its super stressful when your best cure is cure 3 and you need to use one of your 3 wards for an aoe cure bomb, I love it. Being a dps/buffer instead is just super lax and lazy.
Smn is a magic dps buffer pet job. Anyone who asks you to solo heal is a retard. I don’t even know why smn get asked to heal over any other job /whm when all they have is higher max mp. I mean surely if you can’t find a whm or rdm to heal a pld/whm would be better than a smn.
Also has native refresh, and about same mp pool as a whm but with cure 4
I don’t see anything wrong with it. I’ve been solo healing parties on it since i got cure 2 on horizon. Its difficult but it works. It helps to have a bard.
Have you ever tried monster rearing? What are some neat things you can do with it?
you can get negligible boosts to stats and cp gain. And I'm pretty sure some part of it is mandatory to finish the adoulin quest set to get +1 adoulin rings and ergon weapons.

its an okay idea but it progresses too slowly and just becomes more daily login "slap your eft once a day" bullshit
skillchains below level 30 suck ass, nobody has any weaponskills yet, and if you do manage to find a combination that works, you're getting maybe 1 auto-attack worth of damage from the skillchain, and a magic burst that does maybe 50% extra damage at best (which is worthless because your magic bursted Water is not going to deal as much damage as a regular Thunder)
because it's fun
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Why would you magic burst with water or thunder instead of your highest tier ga? Are you legitimately retarded or just arguing in bad faith.
Skillchain parties with a blm at 30 end the mob after a single skillchain and mb, usually overkill
I hope you’re not trying to imply that a skillchain + MB party won’t have a BLM…
because I can't make an impaction skillchain with level 30 daggers and staves
>just use a better job
If I could, I would
How do you know which skill to use? Do you have all the skills and possible skillchains memorized?
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I made my own chart and managed to remember most of the tier 2 weaponskills and most H2H properties by memory, but then I refer to the chart to get other weapon combos
just spam the highest damage one until you can make light or darkness
well I'm fucking stupid, I can make impaction with daggers and staves, I was just saying water and thunder as an example, not as an authority
I suck cocks etc. etc.
Nigger what the fuck are you talking about? Are you talking about retail trusts? I was talking about parties with real people
my point is that I played with a warrior, a thief, and a black mage at low level in delkfutt tower and we did jack shit for weaponskill/skillchain damage and could only feasibly make an induration skillchain or whatever because my thief had less than 40 dagger skill, and my black mage was an idiot who had to be notified 30 seconds in advance that we were going to make a skillchain and that he should prepare to Aero or whatever when the skillchain occured, and his magic bursted aero did about the same damage as a regular thunder
yeah, I get it, my anecdote does not reflect reality, but I'm certain that not everyone can party anywhere with a full group of highly synergistic jobs and weaponskills, and sometimes has to deal with shitheads who are underlevelled, undergeared, underskilled, and under the effects of several narcotics
Can't believe Spicy leaked all the cat's eye custom modules. Very based.
1 black mage that knows what they are doing
1 healer that knows what they are doing
4 melee
Thats all you need.
Pick a weaponskill that the black mage can do their most powerful spell on including ga
You could probably have fixed that party by just talking to them and giving them advice
You literally just have a skill issue
Better content than CoP.
I can do literally nothing about a guy with no dagger skill, and a guy who is high as a kite
>just get more melees
Suck my micropenis. We got through it anyways with just us 3, somehow
Its not even a full party how exactly did you expect it to be the standard for skillchain parties? There is no possible party configuration where you would use a staff in a skillchain unless your mage is meeleeing for some reason and that wont be an exp party
I need every job to be a self-skillchaining samurai by level 30
which ones
hello <ffxiags>

Looking to come back into retail to see what it has to offer after taking a bit of break when wings collapsed, which was my first time actually getting to endgame.

I haven't subbed since 2008 to retail, is there a TLDR on getting back in? General job meta?

And it looks like there'll be a campaign coming up, so I'll just do the trial until next week.
>obtain items related to the monsters you raise
Too unreliable if you're aiming for a certain item.
>gain stats from Cheers
Not much worth noting aside from increases to Capacity Point bonuses and skill gain rates.
>adds items to the Green Thumb Moogle's shop
This makes certain items easier to obtain such as Imperial Tea Leaves and Frost Turnip.
Maxing out the ranks to your Mog Garden, Monster Rearing included, is one of the requirements for the +1 Adoulin Rings and the Ygnas Trust.
It does go slow and the only item that makes monsters grow faster has only been obtainable through Mog Bonanza for the past several years.
How do you get to Aht Urhgan Whitegate without finishing CoP? Do you just buy an airpass with gil from the Tenshodo?
You can do ToAU without doing any of CoP. Just complete any of the requests for the pass.
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>The server is actually b-balanced now!
t. every single garbage private server after half of the population abuses broken shit then pulls the ladder up behind them

NEVER play nigger servers
No the jobs used on horizon is pretty much the same jobs as always for era.
Pld nin rdm brd and blm or smn if you need to abuse pets eminty does 90% of the content. Bst and thf are used for things outside endgame/th4 tagging.
The only real differences in horizon balance that actually changed the meta is that when you do actually grab a melee you grab war instead of sam and bsts get invited to parties
No server, not even retail will ever be perfectly balanced and thats a good thing
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FFXI was good because it wasn’t perfectly balanced.
If it was perfectly balanced we’d have a homogenized game, retail actually gets close to that with new sub job cap as it removes most limits to what makes a job unique
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Horizon 11 is homogenized, this is every optimal strat. If your ls isn’t 60% blm and smn. Its a bad ls, simple as. Era which had unfucked eminty was just blm only so even worse
There being one strat that is more used than others does not mean its homogenized, it means the collective community doesn’t care for having more than one strat.
Homogenization implies that job design within the game itself lends to give every single job within a role the same options
Not when its the only good strat. Mass blm and smn. Is safer, faster, and better in every conceivable way. You only
Cope and don’t spam mass blm or smn if you didn’t recruit enough of them. Melee is terrible in era, and only have a place in sub 5 min burns. When people say that 11 era has 15 unique jobs its not saying the whole picture which is 11 has 6 good jobs 1 okay job, 2 niche jobs and 6 other jobs that are dogshit minigamers that all play pretty similar too. Like woah on war i press my buff buttons than auto attack but on drk i press 1 different buff button and auto attack. Not homogenized at all.
melee niggers will never be able to compete with magic without cor and good aoe ws like fellcleave.
On top of that a lot of jobs still play pretty similar in a lot of scenarios like whm with gear swaps can land enfeebles on most monsters with no issues so the biggest up rdm has over is not that big of an issue. Leveling cooking also lets whm have refresh in events with 100% uptime. In reality the only real differences between the two 99% of the time is rdm has convert and dispel while whm has erase and cure 5. They are different, but not really. Same thing as pld and nin. Nin can spin the wheel for better constant ce generation while pld has a single good ja that lets them shoot up to ce cap however they are still both spamming shadows holding mob hate and probably have a stave equipped while doing it. Not really that different in most situations you actually go out of your way to get one. i would argue wow vanilla has far better varied class fantasy than 11.
Also later versions of 11 with the 30 new jas fleshed out a lot of jobs that it seems strange to pretend only era had any kind of job differences.
Why do horizon guides go on and on about acid bolts and dispel. I have never seen a xp rdm cast dispel and it never mattered. “This crawler is going to take 3 more secs to kill….its over”
Once again, it is the most favored strat and for ENMs specifically, you are gaslighting everyone by saying its the only strat thats used in every type of content.
Even if we talk about endgame, endgame isn’t just alliance ENMs, theres plenty of 6 man content and overworld bosses that can be taken on by small parties. Simple as.
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>This crawler is going to take 3 more secs to kill….its over
3 seconds can be the difference between getting 200 or 300+ XP per mob
Bolts, Dispel and/or Magic Finale is very good against certain enemy types, especially at 60+ when you start requiring exponentially more XP per level and you ideally want to kill shit fast
Refresh in the form of a consumable isn’t homogenization nor is it preferred to a casted refresh.
Jobs that can perform the same role do not have the exact same utility, the very example you gave with whm vs rdm is a testament to that as while both can perform the same role red mage doesn’t have access to things like aoe na or the stronger curagas, they are also further differentiated in things like combat where white mage is really good fighting things with blunt damage while red mage is more of a slow burn. Likewise, red mage also has things white mage does not such as the fact that it has a much more powerful enfeebles and refresh is a spell with a 50mp downside which is very different to devotion which cant just be used endlessly and has an instant effect.
If this were the FFXIV healer role, red mage would have the exact same kit as white mage with extremely minor differences in a handful of abilities. You do not know what you are talking about plain and simple
I didn’t say it was the only strat, i said it was the only good one which is objectively true. Magic feeds far less tp making it ideal if you are fighting something dangerous. And ga spells/blowing up statues with as many blm as possible cuts out like an hour of dyna easily.
Except they mostly do have the same utility. Rdms and whms still sit down and primarily cast heals/sleeps/para
/slow/haste which a dark obi in dyna lets whm land sleep just as much as rdm btw. I will concede that the jobs do have different feels in lower man content but the second you get into alliances they become so similar that the only real difference is rdm have prio on enfeebles/stun if its a rdm/drk and whms on cures/barspells. I just think its funny you guys have this idea in your head that 11 jobs are so wildly different when they just aren’t. Both eq and wow had far more diverse class designs but thats fine those are just different games, but the endless seething about retail balance like era/horizon is any different is retarded. the whm and rdm are still in the same corner casting practically the same spells.
Also retail rdm and whm are more different now compared to era. Whm is all about cureskinning+making party immoral from enfeebles and rdm actually uses its melee skills and magic damage in groups now instead of the offchance they get invited to tank or solo
okay fine I'll resub
i play this off and on sometimes but never get that far but i play on asura. the server is ok but theres so much chat spam. is there a server with similar population but a more normal chat? not asking for ppl to not advertise their stuff but its like going a mile a minute. also whats the deal with these galka gangs just running around in the overworld?
Odin is JP ONRY, and some faglord e-celeb told everyone to go to bahamut, so the only real tolerable server is phoenix, and even then the population is so low that you probably won't find any of your necessary quest-items/upgrades/spells on the Auction House
there's some retard on /v/ who keeps advertising his Bahamut LS on every FFXI thread
yea look up how to filter chat, you should do that by default for any 11 servers. also look up the command that hides trusts for other players. makes it so much cleaner not having to see 4 separate shanatoto 2 next to each other
A white mage and Red Mage do not have the same utility, a red mage is mostly self sufficient and has much better enfeebles while a white mage does not have infinite sustain but has much better ways to instantly replenish mp as well as regens for far more efficient heals. White mage having access to enfeebles doesn’t necessarily mean they are the one that should use them.
You should also not be disingenous about job playstyle and the similar utilties, while its true that basically every job with mp gets access to cure spells and basic enfeebles not everyone will use them the exact same way or in the same situations. Those similarities you are pointing out apply more to lower man content than alliance content and the mages this game provides are very distinct to the more melee oriented classes while specializing in different areas themselves. A summoner could main heal your bcnm or alliance, does that mean that they should? No.

That depends on the content you are doing. ENMs aren’t the only endgame content.
That is because of afflatus, which is an update that happened during era. I get that HorizonXI is being retarded about toau and wont add afflatus stuff until we get to toau but thats not an excuse to be disingenous.
Retail also added increased sub job cap, which means that the things that made the jobs more unique is now far more lacking, this hit jobs like red mage and scholar especially hard as they lost all the job abilities that were unique to them to other jobs, now everyone can sublimation or accession while having access to a full array of white and black magic debuffs.
Red mage and white mage only play similarly in exp parties or 6 man content and even then there are some major differences.
White mage (and by extension scholar) relies heavily on regens for efficient healing, red mage relies more on Convert and Cure 4.
A white mage and red mage also perform entirely different duties in alliance content

In 6 man content you would use Red Mage or White mage or both depending entirely on the content or exp camp, white mage and summoner are the only ones currently that can aoe cleanse and that is a legitimate difference to red mage who focuses more on sustain and brute forcing everything. Red mage is a sufficient healer but it is not an efficient one.
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(Horizon) I swear I checked my plant within the last 34 hours (it's 24 + 10 hours, right?). Anyway, they won't die like the Moogle says, right?
should i just quit horizon and sub
it's over
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>>1540862 (me)
I also meant to post this, it might be relevant
We all have
All the tiny systems of 11 so not work on pservers. Autists only care about the big pieces of content leaving the neat little shit that keeps you invested in a mmo to rot.
Never ever pvp
Never ever chcoco raising
Never ever choco racing
Never ever ff11 pokemon
The only reason gardening semi works because its a direct gil gain system. What really gets me is that pots don’t work, how? Surely that would be easy to fix, we have the data on wikis that people trusted for 20 years of what each pot should grant
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wtf i love horizon now
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Many have been asking for this. THANK YOU AEREC!
This can’t be real. Who would unironically think that taru face looks anywhere near passable
Sorry you are mad other people are having fun. Hows Eventide going for you?
Some people love their taru characters. Let them live in their deranged fantasies.
It looks fine for a week, but i already know fucking niggers will still be giggling about it months from now. It’s not that funny
Nta but cmon for olds times sake.. Someone post eventide /sea
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>yeah that looks good, ship it
going to try unlocking beastmaster
Reminds me of that microsoft teams meme
>Unity Communique daily
>still lost Apururu
fuck you
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The same exact guys that thought it would be funny to joke about TOAU release/update at the end of this year by creating a custom disc channel for it, only to run it back after they got roasted [again] by the players in said channel, causing them to delete it entirely and claim public drunkeness as their alibi. "Ahaha just kidding! Also, we have no update on the code rebase btw, but Treasures is still totally coming!"

Other anons called out the eventual slow death of this server before they quit last year after they saw the writing on the wall at level cap and I kinda wish I had the same knowledge they did back then that I have now. I didn't know what they were talking about then, but I sure do now after seeing the all around QUALITY of the server, its progress, and the way they treat their players. They shovel so much shit into the faces of their fans, but when they dish it right back, they can't handle it and have a temper tantrum by either blocking or banning people for daring to speak "out of turn." Thank God the unofficial free speech horizon disc server came out. That's how you really redpill yourself on how garbage Horizon is (either there or in any linkshell voicechat where you hear all the retarded grown men HNM drama). Def the most passive aggressive community I've ever seen in an MMO, possibly even any multiplayer game
A whole discord to be really faggy delusional doomers about a pserver 2 years into its life sounds lame.
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>They shovel so much shit into the faces of their fans, but when they dish it right back, they can't handle it and have a temper tantrum
KEK I still remember the how much seethe a single clown emoji could cause
I don't see how the people behind the server can ever hope to achieve anything when a single clown emoji can destroy them internally.
Is there ERP in this?
I don't hate horizon, but I don't like how the staff wants us to treat them like celebrities. All you did was steal a game, you do not need to put a crown on your character as a npc.
Pvp event just like last time is just another 99% of people watch in a stand while the discord favorites get to actually play.
You don't want to watch the same Tom, Dick and Harry pvp because their friend is a staff member?
Horizon has Ballista?
The staff team stopped working on rebase to watch slap fights from the players.
Whens ToAU
Never, I don’t see them pulling it off. I played a lot of pservers from multiple games and i never seen an era server manage to fully release an expac. Usually they just release a 2nd server running thst expac instead, people need to accept horizon is a COP era server. Which is fine, cop is a fun expac with the only real issue being missing a lot of 75 era content but what exists is good.
And btw im not an obessed doomer, I would love to be proven wrong. However were 2 years into the server, and the rebase isn’t done let alone toau being in a releasable state lol. Square created and released toau from scratch in This same amount of time.
Av isn’t even out.
Let's all collectively move to eden
We moved to Bahamut
bahamut is full go to the reddit server #keepbahamutmidpop
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dude, we stopped play ffxi like 9 years ago, everyone's playing Onigiri now
that's a food not a game
>implying bahamut isn't a reddit server
>we made anniversary ring available to everyone guys! even the newfags!
>needs a ton of big ticket items on top of traveling to high level areas to even start the quest for it
what the fuck was aerec thinking?
He wasn't
We all did! Its still dead though. Go figure.
It worked. You're falling for the bait.
How does a newbie who just started get an anniversary ring then?
maybe play for a year first to deserve the ring nublet
I literally just want an ERA WoTG server with Scholar and Dancer. I know both of those jobs and WoTG zones are working on LSB so why is this so hard to ask for
Launch the server and advertise it here. I'll meme it for you.
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Honestly I might break and go back to retail and attempt to play solo to 75 without ever getting the rhapsody in white
Make it a no memeshit no qol server and I'd play it
Out of pure curiosity. How close to era can retail be for a party of 6 people if you avoid anything post abyssea and trusts entirely, specifically the rhapsody in white? Did pre 75 mobs get nerfed at some point? What about the nation missions?
Don't you still get a shit ton of EXP from IT mobs? I remember doing this and still leveling in like 2 mobs
So they took off the exp penalty from partying with 6 other real players?
Unless they took off player share a party of 6 people should only be earning 0.35 each of the base mob exp. If you avoid all exp bonuses then on a typical IT mob giving a base of 600-800 exp that should be 210-280 exp for each player.
You might be thinking of 1 player with 5 trusts which will get full exp base exp from the mob as trusts do not activate party share.
no, the EXP penalty is still there, but you still earn 300 exp from a single enemy even in a full party without an echad ring or rhapsodies. Not only that, your book and quest EXP is individual, so you're actually not even losing that much exp since books and quests are easily ~30% of your total exp
The damage equations have been changed so much throughout the years too. 1 Dex used to give 2 accuracy, then they changed it so 2 Dex gives 1 accuracy, but now every 4 Dex gives 3 accuracy. Two-handed weapons did shit for damage, but then they increased the damage multipliers or whatever and now two-handed weapons actually deal decent damage. Level-correction didn't exist at launch, so now every point of level difference between you and an enemy is 2% hit rate and 5% damage, so the most important stat is your level (but also they implemented level-correction really early on, so it's not like it matters all that much)
Samurai didn't start off with Hasso, and I'm sure plenty of other jobs had skills added on to them, so you'd have to ignore certain skills (and some skills are completely changed or removed, so they're impossible to play with now).
Sparks are really useful for gear, but they lose value after about level 40, and NM gear drops tend to be more useful anyways. Sparks are easy to ignore until you need cash and spend it all on Acheron Shields to sell for gil. The gear is easily replaced by your RSE gear and artifact shit anyways.
Areas like 3 Mage Gate, Quicksand Caves Pressure pads, and Garlaige Citadel banishing gates require other people to open doors (some of them can be opened with trusts) so you'd need to use other people to help you open them
I've been trying to limit myself on what to use, but the temptation of just spending 100 accolades on teleporting instead of walking 30 minutes over to an NM that might not even be spawned is far too enticing. I think the teleportation has the most
>2000 character text limit
I think teleportation is the most radical difference between era and retail. I prefer to walk everywhere first, then allow myself to use teleports, but most people will just see "oh the quest is in xarcabard, let's accolade warp to xarcabard" but I went through ranguemont, then through beaucedine, then to xarcabard (without a map too) just for the hell of it. Free access to mounts also changes the shit out of your traversal because you can't get attacked while mounted, so nothing is a threat while traversing anymore, other than caves because mounts aren't available in there, but they also give you cheap Invisible and Sneak items so it's not like you'll ever be shit out of luck traveling anywhere.
Because no one is in early game areas, finding camps is easy as shit. Unless you go into the areas that a guide says to, like Valkurm, or Crawler's Nest, or Qufim, or Garlaige, but all other areas are just completely dead.
I think new NMs were added, and new gear, so you can accidentally get out of era content but it's not like anything before level 75 is game breaking or anything.
The game isn't actually too difficult without trusts, even just having 1 or 2 other dudes can help you immensely before you start getting into the tough BCNMs later in the story. Having 6 dudes will make anything a cake walk as long you know what you're doing and have a semblance of proper party composition
Nothing in the missions got changed, as far as I know. Your biggest issue is going to be the level 99 enemies that got placed into early game areas, because SE wanted more camp locations and decided to change all the early game areas, so you might be fighting level 30s in one room, move one room over, and end up dying to a level 90 for no reason
The market is way cheaper than era, NPCs sell a shit ton of useful stuff now so you don't need anyone to be crafters anymore, and gil is piss easy to get
>another 2000 character limit
The biggest problem I hear people saying about not using trusts in retail is having your exp gimped because you're in a party, which is a fucking stupid complaint because you can get to level 75 in literally 8 hours. Just walking through areas as you casually go to each story mission, or just unlock crystals at mhaura and jeuno will keep you on level with the mobs the entire time. I went through with 4 guys a few months ago and we just headed straight from Windurst to Jeuno and managed to get there in 4 hours from level 1 to 30. If this were era, it'd take you a whole fucking day of farming in Valkurm to get from level 15 to 18, it's fucking absurd how quickly you level up in this game now, but for some reason dipshits will always go "uhmmm, but I don't want muh exp to be reduced tho, so I'm not partying up." I'm levelling up a fourth job now, and my biggest time sink is unsummoning and re-summoning trusts because I keep fucking outlevelling them too quickly. If anything, you level up TOO quickly in this game, you can barely walk through the entirety of a single area before you overlevel everything there. Delkfutt tower goes from level 28 to 35, but if you stop to kill everything that aggros along the way then you end up getting to level 40 by the time you're halfway up the tower. In fact, my opinion is that a 6 man party should be used in order to actually go through areas and still have them be challenging, because that way you won't outlevel everything in the area after fighting for 20 minutes.

Anyways, I kinda got off track with party exp. Retail is a decent approximation of era as long as you ignore Sparks, teleports, mounts, AH, and the generosity of the decades old gillionaires who will just give you shit if you ask them because they're so bored of the game and don't care about giving away a few million gil to a newbie
of course, nothing is going to perfectly emulate the era experience. The real heart and soul of era content was the community, having to ask around for people to join you, collaborating with total strangers to figure out where to go, what to do, who to talk to, what the mechanics of fights are, which materials are needed to craft certain items, the spawn conditions of NMs, trading quest items for other quest items, shooting the shit in exp camps, leading underlevelled players to Jeuno, walking 45 minutes to some complete rando in the middle of nowhere who had their friend yell for a raise in the closest city, complaining about the JP button, making do with your shit party composition because 3 monks and a red mage was literally all you could find and you didn't want to wait around for another hour shouting. You can still experience the entire rest of game in retail with 6 dudes. Retail no longer has that. Private Servers can't preserve that. Nothing can.
Anyways, just play with your 6 fuckboys and have fun, it's still a good video game after all is said and done
think I'm too shy for era
Just /wave at people as they walk by, it's literally that easy
Alternatively, guilt trip your friend into talking to people for you. Yes I know you have at least 1 friend
Just join the 4chan LS we're all friendly and decently well adjusted people
I wish retail still got job updates. they were on the right track with the 2020 ones
if the recent questionnaire was anything to go by, then job changes are one of their top priorities (fat chance)
you still do all of that on horizon
have you played FFERA?
No but isn’t that server dead?
What are the server settings?
bald taru isn't a bad idea, they just have bad artists. it's just a part of a sphere for the cranium.
elvaan female looks nice. even fappable. where'd they get the model from? hume female isn't quite correct.
what's the 4chan LS?
Just level sync and get to 75 running around exploring +killing mobs on the way. Swap to merit mode/ignore next lb quest at 75 and see how much 75 era content you can complete or until you’re bored. If you still feel like playing go to 99 and repeat.
I would not bother with the headache of trying to imitate traditional xp camps on retail. You simply level too fast that a lot of the time would be spent traveling to these camps, camping for 5 mins, than having to find a new camp because you alresdy outleveled everything
Floortanks, its a casual social/progression linkshell. Kinda dead with people either leaving for endgame linkshells or leaving horizon overall but everyone still left is friendly enough. Since its the 4chan ls you would assume it would be deranged schizos going on race rants but Surprisingly its one of the least toxic ls on the server lol. I heard crazier shit in casual no hate allowed linkshells
300 exp doesn’t sound like fast leveling, did mobs get nerfed? Or are you saying this because trusts are overpowered until you get to 99
I’m not believing that. Every single 4chan community in any online game I’ve been has been so fucking pig disgusting that its taught me that joining a “4chan community” in any type of online game is the most surefire way to ruin your experience with the game.
Get some friends (not from here or course) and play with those.
FT was the first time I played with 4chan anons and I unironically thought I'd have a similar experience when I played other games with anons
Boy was I wrong
Exactly how they grabbed me other times. Stick to your cesspool of the mentally derranged and leave everyone else alone please
Is it really worth paying for retail? Game looks dead to me.
play the free trial and decide for yourself, or play catseye
personally it's not for me
4x XP, so it's good for horizontal progression vs vertical. Working assaults, salvage, mythics. It's really small pop but not dead.
It lets you experience "the story", but beware that you are going to spend many hours first level grinding by yourself, then unlocking the job you actually want to play as, then level grinding that up even more, then running around looking for RNG coffers to get your job armor, and then finally you start doing the story... which is actually a handful of cutscenes and 85% of your playtime is spent teleporting and running around to the next destination. The base game and nation stories are meh, Zilart is a little more interesting but still overall boring gameplay experience. I heard people praise CoP and Aht Urghan and Adoulin but I was just so bored by all the running around and farming for rare key drops I just gave up and decided to play real JRPGs and VNs instead.
>but most people will just see "oh the quest is in xarcabard, let's accolade warp to xarcabard"
Do newbies these days really do that? Exploring Vana'diel is one of the best parts of the game.
>Nothing in the missions got changed, as far as I know.
Level caps have been "removed" in mission BCs so you can just overlevel and clear them, and by "removed", they just raised the cap to 99 so you can't even emulate the original cap via level sync. However, you can do that in previously capped CoP zones as theirs were actually removed... as long as the sync designee doesn't overlevel by all the EXP.
>If anything, you level up TOO quickly in this game, you can barely walk through the entirety of a single area before you overlevel everything there.
This is biggest criticism I can give to the early game, even if it was out of necessity due to dwindling population and feature creep; job levels easily outpace skill levels and funds for mages' scrolls.
I've been playing with a new character on retail recently and running solo thus far without Trusts, but did get Rhapsody in White, and the EXP gain rate felt adequate for me when sticking to Easy Prey to Even Match mobs, although I still needed to go out of my way to stop and grind for weapon skill levels since I went as Warrior and wanted to not miss all the time in at least 2 or 3 different weapons. Not having to be carried by Trusts has been quite a game changer and feels closer to era. Getting enough funds from RoE sparks has also made me consider using items more often in normal battles without much worry of going broke.
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Discount campaign and free login is now until Jan 20th. If you have ever subbed you can login for free. The game is discounted to $10 and world transfers are now $9.



Jan 14th*
dude, I farmed level 30 sheeps in Beadeaux for sheepskin for 6 hours and went from level 72 to 75 solely off of the sheepskin quest while watching movies on a second monitor, levelling is stupidly fast these days
Weird seeing 2006 come up on a price history in game
How many rhapsodies did you have
rhapsodie in white only, I didn't get any exp from kills, just from the sheepskin drop quest, and I think the Beadeaux conflict quest too, and the 200 total kills quest, and the deal 500 damage quest probably I don't know. nevertheless, I levelled up off of enemies less than half my level
Then the era experience is still salvageable
Rhapsody in white is a humongous boost to exp and its not like you have to do literally every roe objective.
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retail values are doubled compared to era exp, so Even Match enemies give 200 instead of 100
full party player share is 0.35, meaning an even match enemy gives you 70 exp
You don’t have to believe me anon, it is what it is.
300 xp when it takes 3-4 seconds to kill something and this before you count all of the bonus xp equipment they added. I got 4-8 levels in 20 mins half awake in modern ff11.
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Going to level 75 by only killing equal match enemies requires about ~11,000 kills. Let's say we kill something once every 1 minute, that'll take us 200 hours to get to level 75
Now, let's say we kill Tough - Very Tough enemies, easily doable with 6 guys, and not dangerous enough to accidentally kill us. Now we're earning ~500-600 total exp, that's 200 exp per person, that's only ~4,000 kills, doable in 60 hours.
If we start killing Incredibly Tough enemies, somewhat doable with 6 guys, that'll bring us up to ~1000 or 1200 total exp, ~420 per person, only 2000 total kills, only 30 hours, give or take, ignoring AoE clearing, ignoring downtime for healing and regearing, ignoring dying and Level Downs.
In the early levels 1-20, you're levelling up every 5 kills, then in the 40-50 range you're levelling up every 10 or so kills, and in the 60-70 range you're levelling up every 30-50 kills

Even with zero exp buffs, we're levelling up pretty fucking quick, ignoring 150% echad ring, ignoring 30%/60%/90%/120% rhapsodies, ignoring Corsair's and Kupofried's exp buffs, ignoring books, ignoring quests, ignoring chains, that's still pretty fucking quick. Factoring in a bunch of downtime, that's easily 100-150 hours to get to level 75 at a super relaxed pace, just walking around, not even focusing on levelling
Hypothetically wouldn’t it have been far faster and easier to just copy every character on the server. Open a 2nd server on the shit they are converting too and upload are login/characters to that then close the first? Isn’t rebase just moving horizon to the coding base every other pserver already uses so what would the issue be?
Aerec is retarded anon, we've been over this
>1. Adjustments to existing content - 52.2%
>2. Additional scenarios and quests - 47.2%
>3. Job balance adjustments - 40.8%
>1. Additional scenarios and quests - 54.2%
>2. Additional battle content - 52.4%
>3. Character development elements (job master, Master Levels) - 45.2%
I'd see it going in the order of the top three from JP results since they're already working on content adjustments. I do hope they follow with the top JP picks. Without any additional context, I'd assume that the overseas players just want another layer of grinding.
I just want fights that are actually challenging with all this sick ass gear, more Master Trials please
This was unironically the best part of horzion and made my wasted time 'playing and finding out' worthwhile.
To be fair Eden doesn't have AV either which is surprising considering how top heavy eden is
I like the malevaan, hard fucking pass on the rest of that shit lmao
I know this goes without saying, but the dev team for horizon completely fucking suck
horzion 'devs' fled the sinking ship which was the Wings server over 2 years ago. if they couldn't make that work what made you think horizon would be much better
Idk but I expected better than a bunch of super cringeworthy riddles and egotistical attention whoring as any goodwill remaining evaporates around them.

Still a lot of sycophants praising them tho so I guess it's a good dopamine fix for these malignant shitheads
retail players complain about how fast leveling is while using exp buffs and systems.
but pservers do that too with all the sweat about ring charges, burns, and getting max xp/hour. omg a brd party! boring and degenerate.
what's the point of then if it's tame. do you at least dunk on redditors?
FFERA has AV, PW, Odin, Mythics, all kinds of stuff, no player base. So weird to me people just want the MMO competition and grind. Like, OK? If you want to actually play FF11 and do the thing the game has to offer, a server exists, but its pretty slow population wise.
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Umm, acktarully, free login is only until Jan 5.
(yes I know it says Jan 6, but that's in the wee hours before morning)
>Do newbies these days really do that? Exploring Vana'diel is one of the best parts of the game.
t.never had to do an hour-long slog trying to get to a CoP fight in Riverne, back in level cap days
(there's always that one idiot who can't keep to the wall and constantly gets aggro)
But yes, you should be required to get somewhere the hard way once before you can tele there.
>t.never had to do an hour-long slog trying to get to a CoP fight in Riverne, back in level cap days
I finished CoP before the level cap was lifted, you guys just need to git gud at stealth.
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This chart literally implies that if the monster is EM then the party would get 100 exp not 200.
What exactly are you on about? Are you saying this chart is wrong?
Has anyone ACTUALLY tested killing an EM mob on a new character without the rhapsody in white or exp bonuses? If it gives 100 exp then with party share that would be 35, which as far as I am concerned is era accurate. This chart, IF i am reading it correctly is also implying that in the early level ranges a level difference of 8 on the mob will give the party 600 exp thats 210 with party share which literally sounds like what the highest level mob in dunes would give to a party in era.
I duo’d with a friend like 5 years ago using trusts and had maybe the rhapsody of white, we leveled fast but not THAT fast, i specifically remember at one point we did something that felt very similar to an exp party around level 75.
Can anyone give me an actual accurate account of this info? It sounds like trying to nerf yourself in retail is worth it to try and have an era experience but I’d rather not bother if I am actually gonna get 400 exp per mob with no exp bonuses on a full 6 real person party
Why are you being a weird faggot about retail xp. Its still extremely fast no matter how many ways you cut it. With an echad ring and some rov done i got 2600 xp from a single garliege bat around level 29 lol. Its too much, in 10 mins these incredibly tough bats were worth nothing and i had to figure out where to go next.
Also trusts are far stronger than real players before 99 shanatto 2 actually does damage to things 15 levels higher than her with zero acc issues and Valaineral takes 1/6th the damage a real player would take
>ask a question
>answer given is completely irrelevant to the question
Why do you even care so much that I am asking about accurate accounts on retail exp? How does it affect you personally that you have to go on a rant about retail exp being horribly powercrept if you use the absolute most insane exp bonuses and rhapsody in white which is literally the opposite of what I am asking?
>erm its actually 200 not 100 so actually retail xping isn’t completely dead.
You flat out CAN NOT gain the old exp anymore. It's impossible. There's a EXP chain Campaign going on that like 10xs the exp you get on chains. These occur for ~90% of the month, and you can only pay for a month at a time. So unless you and 6 other people are OK with each giving 15 bucks to SE for a ~week of gameplay if you nolife, just give up, like everyone else has.
who gives a fuck about 1-99 on retail its fast on purpose so you can get to the real grind which is master levels which are only efficient in a party which is what you are looking for right? group levelling?
This guy just posted 3 times in this thread just to dissuade me from trying to use retail as an era server. What exactly is the problem this general has? I have never seen such concentrated mental illness before.
nta but you simply cannot play retail as if it was era man let it go
Because retail isnt era which is fine but its a completely different game you moron
Here's a link to the 2010 values, Even Match was 100xp:
Then they doubled it in 2011 or so, here's a 2012 link:
Even Match became 200xp
Looks like nobody ever took the time to figure out the Tough and above values, but from some a few new numbers, it looks like they doubled too.
IT gave like 5x-6x the EM value, which is why anybody who could do them did. And then there's chain bonuses to make things even more ridiculous when you get a good burn going.
honestly farming up your main class ought to take a long time, but because retail is so focused on letting you use all the jobs it's a lot better to just get your subjob up to 49 as quickly as possible, instead of spending a month getting it up just to find out it's a shit subjob for your main job
Farming 20 jobs up to 99 would be fucking awful if you didn't have any exp boosters. My real problem is newfags joining the game, powerlevelling to 99, and then complaining that they don't understand how to play the game
Are we going to pretend horizon giving you 12000 bonus xp a week is on par with 90000000 bonus xp a day with already massive amounts of xp inflantion to begin with?
Yeah you might be able to go to a crawlers camp only 3 times instead of 4 on horizon. Retail you literally spend 80% of the play-though traveling and looking for higher level monsters because you sky rocket past everything. I do t even know why they added survival challenges, i usually outlevel the zone before i done a single one lol
>I do t even know why they added survival challenges, i usually outlevel the zone before i done a single one
FoV's challenges were added before the base EXP buff.
GoV's add buffs per completion, mostly used for casket drop rate when hunting items like the crafting torques.
i am balls deep in eden this game takes way too long to start over fresh, even when you have x4 exp gain and all that other qol shit i'm still not interested in doing everything all over again

i wish private xi had enough interest to fill all the private servers
make eden 2
He’s right though you just sound like a sperg
nobody wants dualbox sorry
so make it single box
I think ff11 should have a New Game Minus mode like ff12 where you earn 0 exp and you're stuck at level 1 the whole game
I am earning 10,000 experience points per kill because of the special event chain bonus, holy fucking shit
Yeah just fucking make the server, its so damn easy. Chop chop we are waiting.
speak for yourself i love dualboxing. pity your so shit at the game you can only handle singleboxing bro
i'm not saying it's the same, but where does it stop? it's not uncommon for players to take month or so to get to 75 which was very rare for old school retail. some players won't even party unless there's a bard and always have an exp/hour tracker going on. i hate bards to be honest. bard party is brainrot.
saving up for gear and actually getting to use the gear is one of the most fun part of the game.
>bard party is brainrot
i remember when I started FFXI near release, and japs (90% of the higher level playerbase) were obsessed with making parties like "BLM RDM WHM DD DD Tank", and those parties were so fucking incredibly boring and shitty to be in. 6k-7k exp/hour was considered good, and you'd be spending so long fighting individual crabs and dhalmels that it'd make you wanna kill yourself.

They basically balanced the game around BRD and eventually COR drastically improving DD jobs, and any other combination outside of shit like RNG sidewinder/slug spam (for the tiny period before it was nerfed to trash) made DDs feel like they were swimming in peanut butter. If anything, the problem is that they made BRD itself such a boring as fuck job to play, so much so that people would literally make bets with the losing punishment being "You have to play BRD in the merit party"

Ideally, DNC should have had debuffs and buffs comparable to BRD and COR, because it was way more fucking fun to play, but the retards developing the game decided to make it a halfass healer with an obnoxious cooldown instead.
Which is more fun between ninja and thief?
horizon if it matters
its almost end of 2024
you know what that means...?

that depends on what kind of mental illness you have
yeah, down right bad party set ups exist, and i don't speak for the role of bard but rather having bard in the party for other roles. i see it as a retard or gimp crutch. the dds don't have to be geared or play well. they just spam weapon skills especially if they are /nin. mages have to pay less attention to MP management because of ballad.
>won’t party unless theres a bard
what made FFXI fun back in the day was working with what you got rather than only making parties when you had all the conditions for a perfect one.
Just don’t party with people like that. Party with people who would be willing to get out of the comfort zone a little. Back in retail there was someone who always invited me to their merit party as a sch instead of getting an actual rdm simply because he got used to my pace
thf cons:
finding parties or having to make parties.
less build variation
thf pros:
latel evel solo with cross bow bolts is fun.
can solo farm while waiting for parties as /bst especially
fun if you like positioning game

nin cons:
early levels is lame and have to use yonnin.
mostly acts a first voke in later levels when most of the dds will just rip the hate off of you
nin pros:
build variations (dd, eva, -pdt, int, ranged interchangeably)
can solo safely but slowly
fast party invites especially 60+

over all i would say ninja has more potential to be more fun, but it requires a lot of gil to play in that dynamic style.
I get that, but Eden doesn't even have power leveling. on FFERA you can catch up super quick. The big issue is population. It just could take a dozen or so people to help, but FFERA really is an endgame server, not a grind server. People just like the grind more than trying different builds out and combos and seeing what else works. On FFERA Ive seen BSTs kill Cerberus, DRK's tank Sandworm and all the different stuff in limbus and salvage.
Playing retail for the story but I'm itching for some social interaction and EXP parties. Should I go with Horizon? How much of a time investment is it to make enough gil to gear there?
merry christmas to everyone except thieves, beastmaters, alchemists, cooks, and woodworkers.
y-you too anon
fuck you you're not getting any sole sushi this crismus
DDs that are geared like shit literally waste BRD's songs horribly. If you had to sing Madrigal because your team was full of low acc retards that were probably not even using food or using mithkabobs, you may as well have just gotten another DD. March was also hugely benefited by gear haste being high, so the gimp DDs were really just anchors around any single team comp in the game.

I am literally a more bigoted person solely because of how much I learned to associate shitty DDs with certain countries in FFXI.
Europeans, specifically French and Germans, used to have this "It's my 12.95!" mentality in their mongrel brains that thought it was ok to wear 50k gil total worth of gear well into the 60s and 70s, and this proved true so many fucking times that I'll never trust those motherfuckers to be capable human beings TO THIS DAY.
I played ERA like 3-4 years ago, and I remember half of the endgame players going through a completely broken set of CoP missions that were made easy or entirely skippable by bugs, but there were no resets or rollbacks after it was fixed.

I quit when I managed to 5box King Behemoth with a bunch of naked SMNs wearing nothing but Light Staves in like 45 minutes thanks to Meteorite doing like 800 damage and summon enmity being disgustingly broken.

The dude who ran the server was also a ponytailed faggot that would also livestream himself chainsmoking while watching Naruto AMVs.
>The dude who ran the server was also a ponytailed faggot that would also livestream himself chainsmoking while watching Naruto AMVs.
KINO? someone get this man a silk dragon ball z button up shirt from 1998 NOW
Installing retail now.
Anyone in Bahamut interested in doing the Starlight Celebration events? I'm going to start doing them in about an hour over at Bastok if anyone's interested, whether it's all of them or at least get the one quest that requires partying done for the +1 boots and bell.
Anyone else have to resist the urge to call their ls members idiots? I don't want to have to micro manage them, but boy do they make dumb decisions.
just call them fags and get banned like a real man
one LS im in just blew up over drama I think I might start finally learning how to multibox and forego human interaction altogether
Every time I see a female in subligar I get a stiffy.
republic subligar my beloved
>you can gain skillups on Astral Boxes up to level 8
Should these boxes be year-round content? Without the Starlight goodies of course.
thought they were going to add a fanta to this game...

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