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>What's Dark Ages?
Dark Ages is an online role-playing game set in a fantasy world of faeries and magic. You can battle monsters as a mighty Warrior, protect and heal as a Priest, use powerful magic as a Wizard, use the devious skills of a Rogue, or discover virtue and power with martial arts as a Monk.
Based on Celtic mythology, originally developed by Nexon and now operated by KRU Interactive. It is loosely based on the Korean game Legend of Darkness.

Dark Ages site:

We're currently playing on the Legends: Age of Chaos server:


might take a while to gather enough gold to start one. we can chat through 15 player party chat.

>Class Info


This is part of the MMOdventure project where anons get together to play obscure/niché/old MMOs

check out the MMOdventure thread for further discussion:
>Stat info
Strength allows you to hold more items and attack harder.
Intelligence allows your spells to be stronger and do more damage.
Wisdom allows you to gain more mana with each insight (level).
Constitution allows you to gain more health with each insight (level).
Dexterity helps your attacks hit accurately and dodge enemy attacks better.
Because wis & con will award you with increased max health/mana every character level, it's best to level them early.

>Min-maxing builds
Monk - Keep CON at least +10 lvl, at most +20 lvl for efficient hp gains. (Suggested to focus on CON early on up till Lv.35)
Priest (Pure/No sub) - Focus on CON until it reaches 13 base, then place all of your points into WIS. Keep WIS at least +10 per Lv for efficient mp gains.
Priest (Sub) - Keep WIS at least +20 per Lv, then place points into INT.
Rogue (Pure/No sub) - Focus on CON until its at 18 then pump WIS to 38.
Rogue (Sub) - Focus on CON until its at 20 then pump WIS to 13.
Wizard (Pure/No sub) - Focus on CON until it reaches 13 base, then place all of your points into WIS. Keep WIS at least +10 per Lv for efficient mp gains.
Wizard (Sub) - Focus on CON until it reaches 8 base, then place all of your points into WIS. Keep WIS at least +20 per Lv for efficient mp gains.
Warrior (Pure/No sub) - Keep CON at least +30 per Lv.
Warrior (Sub) - Focus on CON until it reaches 77 base then pump STR to 111.
Keep in mind that some skills will require you to have certain stats to obtain them.
We should post our in-game names here
Does the game have a guild system?
This might not be too necessary, I think anybody with an orange and maybe green name in the players list(third from the top on the right sidebar) is a new account and we're the only people signing up right now. If that doesn't work, then I suppose we could use https://pad.riseup.net/ to keep track of names.

It does have a guild system but it takes 5mil to set up. I'm not sure if we can pool together that amount in a reasonable amount of time.
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I've collected some Gramail equipment that should help us tackle on Piet crypt from Lv. 17 to Lv. 26. Lets see if we can power through later today.
people had smaller eyes back then
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How are things going btw?
Are you guys grouping up, how many people are playing, etc.?

(I would like to finally join one of these games you guys are playing, but this one isn't working for me right now)
Do you guys keep or delete your characters at the end of the two weeks?
it's a bit rough. we did some group slaying with 6 people though, that was kind of fun.
some people throw their items away / give them to the eventual anon that continues playing. I like to keep my chars mostly intact for the day that will never come where I get the overwhelming urge to play Ace Online again.
most of the time I find a local who's been nice and mail all my stuff to them but if it's a game I return to like ECO, I keep my stuff.
i went to the 3rd floor of the crypt and got 1 shot by a bat... wiz feels really bad so just rolled a monk
btw what does levelling a skill do exactly? what's the difference between level 1 assail and level 100 assail
Kick kept failing all the time at a low skill level. I'm not sure how it is with spells, I don't think I have seen one of those fail.
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grinding spiders and pedes for gold
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is there any specific armor/accessories to focus on getting?
I see roughly 8 - 15 hunting every now and then. Sometimes we group up for bigger hunts.
I keep them around in case i feel like playing it again. I often go back to PSU and recently Neocron.
That is normal for any class because the third floor is where the games main mechanics (elemental autism) kick in. Monk is a lot easier to handle though.
It depends on the skill and spell. Each level on Assail raises its accuracy.

>Damage based abilities
Accuracy and damage boost
>Healing abilities
Healing amount
>Support & Class specific abilities
Success rate
A set of Elemental necklaces & belts, Gold earrings, Leather bracers, Emerald & Spinel rings, Leather greaves
Where do I get the elemental stuff? I only saw a fire belt in Sumoi so far.
The necklaces can be found in Rucesion. For the belts Undine for Water, Earth for Piet, Fire for Suomi and Wind for Rucesion.
water belt is in Undine and earth belt is in Piet, 10k each I think. I haven't found the necklaces myself.
I should probably grab all of them right? Or should I get a specific one first.
Melees are heavily dependent on them, yeah. Things change for belts at lv. 30 when you get access to Dark belts gained through a party quest from a map as a drop. I suggest you get 1 belt and 1 necklace and grind on C1 in porte forest Treants until you reach lv17. You should have enough money to buy everything that you need.
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huh the elemental stuff really does make a big difference
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Where should I head off to grind once I hit level 15?
East woodlands 3, Mileth crypt 3 or Porte forest C2
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/group <playername> to invite people to party
don't have to be in same map
You can add people to your friends list so they appear green on the user list. Makes it easier to see if people are online to add them to the group I guess.
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porte forest purgatory
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Rogue, ignore the 20 con 18 is fine
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It's so thoughtful of them to install a bath in the sewers.
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alright, let's get real. what is all this shit?
Double right-clicking on the dummy in the inn seems to auto-attack it.
Does my "assail" skill level automatically this way? (and does my dagger lose durability?)
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Ah, it does
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Looks like it'll take a while to get to the next level of the skill:
macros for skilling up are allowed on this server according to the dumb pop-quiz they make you take, so grind away at the dummy. anon linked a pretty nice macro tool for dark ages here:
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oh and we can force-invite you to the party if you want and have this button set to full G
I got a quest from a smith at the beginning, but I completely forgot what it was. I think I would've gotten some gear. Got some gear when I chose my class, so that's at least something.
Going to level my assail while browsing for now. The guide says to keep auto-attacking for 4 hours.
>I got a quest from a smith at the beginning
he wanted a whetstone from the marketplace in exchange for some novice gear. I wasn't able to find the market. The events tab in your ui acts as a quest journal.
It's a guy in Rucesion who asks for a Viper's Gland.
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>12 hours to max a single spell now

Wizard was a mistake. Surely the experience for you non-wizards is so cheap that you're overflowing with gold and can chip in to my mana pot fund.
Wizards have two ways to play it depending on the party composition. Despite having stronger version of spells, your main ones will always be 'beag' and this is due to how elements work in this game. I suggest not maxing everything, only meeting the requirements to learn higher tier spells.

Spells to max:

Puinneag Spiorad (Drains MP out of monsters)
Beag Cradh (Curse) and its higher tiers
Dachaidh (Teleport)
Pramh (Sleep)
Puinsein (Poison)
Luasgadh (Slow)
Comhdhail (Warp)
Dall (Blind)
Suain (Freeze)
Marbhadh (Doom)

>During casual hunts in a party
Without a Rogue present, you use 'beag' to "search" for the monsters weakness. If a Rogue is present that can read elements and the weak element is Water. Use beag creag (Earth) and alternate it with beag Athar (Wind). Basically you want to alternate spells that don't have big resistances follow >>1521517 to get an idea of what to combine it with. You lose out on a little damage by not using Creag (not beag) but you save on MP in the long run. Thankfully this server gave Wizards 'Cradh' spells, this curse is good enough support to provide second-hand damage to allow you to 'idle' while the others finish them off.

>Mana burning
Begin using an escalation of weak-to-stronger versions of the weak element until the monster is dead. For example, if the monsters weak element is Fire then you begin with beag Sal, Sal, Mor Sal, Ard Sal and then you finish them off with your Ultimate spells Strioch Bais (Light) or Driug Gar (Meteor).
heh. fards.
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anybody want a drink?
>ass ail
Is this game solo friendly?
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Pick Rogue and you can solo most of the times
>Can't resize window
>Can't see "OK" button character creation screen because of current window size
Alright which of you retards actually voted for this
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good grinding
just found another wiki:
Blue gang.
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This is the start of so many doujins
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Good and bad news:

Good- Legends increased the drop rate of the Dark belts. I was able to obtain 7 in less than 2 hours. The experience points you receive for finishing the quest has also been increased. Make sure to hunt for at least 3 belts before completing the quest.

Bad- They reduced the amount of Gargoyle spawns in the Heart of Darkness (1,500 exp / kill) so the map isn't a good place to level up anymore.

From the developer
>"I'll be looking to host multiple events along with some raffles on 12/05 starting at 20:00 est. If we get a good turnout I'll also sponsor a kas mine run afterward (or a level appropriate hunt for lower players)
These are essentially exp events and I suggest everyone to attend them for a little bump on those levels.
There's a backstab bonus in case people didn't already know. 2.25x multiplier for rogues and 1.5x for other classes.
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We must advertise more
this game has the deepest lore. there's so much official and unofficial fanfic, it's crazy.
how do you pray the sgrios scar away?
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6-1 East woods it is
She's cute
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Porte forest 2.0 ...
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This new priest armor's thigh slit goes all the way up.
still not as slutty as monksluts
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A dark ritual.
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I want her special box
anon she's out of ten
>20:00 est
Damn, I won't be getting on before midnight, if at all. Have fun without me lads.
sadly I only got one belt last night, my luck is notoriously terrible. Is there a way to go back after completing the quest?
the whole quest is repeatable I think, you need to bring the ingredients to blaise.

No problem! I still have spares that I can give.
>events with a small community
inb4 someone is banned tonight
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>will have to use nigga instead of nigger
all these fucking rules man...
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it was fun while it lasted
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time to get stomped by locals
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Ottoman Sex Slaves (colorized)
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some extreme gaming going on right now
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Could anyone find out what the hairstyles 60+ look like.
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These ones that cost 25000 under "expert hairstyling".
Also where did you get a preview? when I went for styling, I didn't get shit. I had to look up hairstyles off of a wiki
There is no preview that's why I'm asking.
just buy every haircut to check what it is
From their Discord. May or may not be accurate, give it a shot.
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Thanks, it works.
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The enemies doing their best to make sure I don't stand next to them:
I think this is the MMO I've been trying to remember for the past 13 years. Can you get a frog face you can't remove if you equip it?
Not quite, you're thinking of Endless Online. It's more or less a clone of this game.
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Arena is happening in a bit
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i sparkle
>Your spell has been deflected.
>Your spell has been deflected.
>Your spell has been deflected.
>Your spell has been deflected.

Kill me
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We're one week deep into our Dark Ages playthough so we'd better take some photos of our party. Let's meet up at 9:15 pm (UTC), Saturday.
Make sure to share any good picture locations you know.

>Time converter: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Dark+Ages+Party+Photo&iso=20241207T2115&p1=1440
>Countdown: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?p0=1440&iso=20241207T2115&msg=Dark%20Ages%20Party%20Photo
I have returned just in time. Really wanted to play this but had to take a break for 3 days cause' IRL. Truly unfortunate.
Not to worry, a few anons are also starting out.
Picture is taking place in Beatha Finn. Accessed via the world map.
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pondering the fountain
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dying help
one sec, we're trying to figure out who can enter.
a clergyman is coming
we don't have the manpower to clear out the mobs. gonna have to wait until our tank un-afks.
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alright, log in now
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I missed the group photo..
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Friendship with the Grimlok ended.
Holy cute.
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anon who died in deep in east woodlands yesterday. I found your shit
Where do Deoch god items drop again?
I appreciate the thought, but at this point most of my gaming time for the week is gone, and I have no interest in logging in for sporadic 1am solo grind sessions. Do whatever you want with it.
>Mileth Crypt, Astrid, Pravat Cave
thanks. been killing these mobs in the crypt for a while now and they only drop cean/fio
From my experience those gods are listed from most common to least common. Astrid gives you a lot of Deoch items, Mileth Crypts barely give you any.
that makes sense ty
Do the mobs you kill to get the Dark Belt hit hard? I still need to do the Aite quest.
server crash?
I think so.
Their power went out, will restore as soon as they are able
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It's over
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>still gone
It's so over.
Ok it's not back up yet so I'm going to go to bed, have a good one.
They're not HARD but it's tedious if you don't have a priest because it's very claustrophobic and enemies can hind behind the perspective on walls
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I just want to whack crabs in the sewers man.
Good morning... Oh.
where is the server hosted exactly?
I think Northern America, but I'm assuming
Just got home from my shift at the sausage factory.
Server up
Download new client: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mjBFZzc3KxgGF-6sXuvfPAwZRIW-gvwj/edit
Sgrios buff works now
is scar maxing back on the menu?
They changed it how it works for Legends. Instead of requiring scars, now the buff drops your HP back to 10% upon cast AND when the buff runs out so you need to be careful.
I'm skulled in the Abel Crypt, pls halp
What coordinates?
near the downstairs in Abel Crypt 1-1
Northern or Southern ones?
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Just in case you missed it, we're voting to add new games to the lists. Voting ends in 24 hours or so, so make sure you've voted.
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Why do we g et a new client every patch
oh neat i played this game back when it released
do they still make you run for public office or beg someone for new armors past a certain level?
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Votes for movie night closing in 20 mins, don't forget to get yours in~
>do they still make you run for public office
that's probably a thing on the nexon server - Legends is quite low pop
>beg someone for new armors past a certain level?
an anon that's in contact with the locals told us that there's two people who are able to craft lvl 61 claws, so begging people for armor sounds very accurate
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Starting in about half a hour
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need help. bring two star potions.
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well this is awkward. I think we're three corpses.
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Someone needs to be on the quest step to go in.
MMOdventurers! I come to remind you about the voting procedure.

Here's how you apply:

Anons that already participate in this current round of voting don't need to do anything and will receive the next token automatically.

Any anon that has not yet applied for a voting token can do so by following this procedure:
>screenshot your character and character information window, see pic related
>attach this screenshot to an email addressed at mmodventure@proton.me

You will then be added to the token mailing list and can participate in future MMOdventure polls.
The verification screenshot can be from a previous MMOdventure title.

please be sure to use any email provider that can:
>read mail
>send mail
>attach jaypegs to a mail

The voting process will look as follows:
>receive your unique token link via email, one for each round
>cast your vote in two rounds of voting that will be held to determine our next destination
>njoy results

So get your hairstyle in order, equip your finest rags, in case you did not lose them on death already and send your verification picture to:
Locals are giving out saph/em sets, whisper Koality for free gibs (good till Master)
fighting our way to where you logged
I think we're at your position now
is the server up? I can't seem to get in currently.
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that bee in the inn can count itself lucky...
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that bee talks about you a lot
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where'd you get this image of me?
its over, the last day everyone will be on and the servers are dead
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ye, sucks. at least I got my south america east permit.
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Did we wanna cancel minigames this week? It's a bit of a shame we lost two days to the server being down, though on the other hand we didn't run minigames last week, either.
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it could be down for a while
>Alicia Online moment
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idunno, it might be fucked for a while. also I just tested Super Tux Kart and it seems to be working...
Yeah, having minigames is probably for the best.
Were you the anon who was planning on hosting? I was just wondering if that was still the plan.
>Missed the first guild pic
>Second guild pic won't happen
It's over
yeah I'll set up the strawpoll
If the servers still happen to be offline by the guild picture time, what about holding it sometime next week? We can always hold a picture as long as a few anons show up.

Neat, feel free to check out https://mmodventure.altervista org/minigame-links/ for a list of games confirmed working with available servers, if you're in need of suggestions.
KurtzPel seems to be down (?) right now btw. I'm getting 'not available in your region' in steam.
Good spot, looks like it's region locked. I'll check through the rest to see if there are any others.
I'm getting the same error with Twelve Sky 2. I'll check if that one works through the website later.
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yeah, idunno. how did you guys manage to create your account?
This looks really cool. Reminds me of some ancient Nexxon game I played back in the late 90s. Also has a Ultima Online vibe.
Gonna download it now.
Are you blind or retarded?
it might be because this game is indeed an ancient nexon game developed in the 90s.
both, but I still don't know why there's two glove slots, two crosses and a hair accessory (?)
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This worked for me - you can swap out the fives for any number.
2 - social
3, 4 - Artifacts
x - social
hey that works, cool. Rumble Fighter will work for me now as well. did you guys like it?
>it's still not back up
Well it was an honor everyone. Thank you for all the free gold for a struggling priest.
we'll play some minigames in an hour:
come join if you're just staring at the Dark Ages main menu anyways
we're playing super tux kart!
Group photos?
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If the servers are back online in time, we'll take some group photos at 9:15 pm UTC Saturday.
>Time Converter: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Dark+Ages+Party+Photo+2&iso=20241214T2115&p1=1440

We'll head into the next game on Saturday 11:00 PM UTC.
>Time Converter: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Bizarre+MMOdventure+-+Game+17&iso=20241214T23&p1=1440
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The servers will seemingly be down until midnight so we won't make it in time for guild photos. Guess we can always make some time for them later.

Official DA site if anyone wants to mess around and discuss Twin Saga servers etc.
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Surprising the official server has this many users though you have to wonder how many of them are real players.
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Looks like they have some kind of Christmas event going on.
Why didn't we roll official?

This is what it said in the server research section.
>Has QoL improvements, removed the bloat from Official and it runs really well.
>Devs are actual bros, they are willing to help out with just about anything.
>Custom content isn’t a random addition like it usually is with Private servers. They put some thought into it by including battles from the original in-game lore, which were previously only available through texts. [Example Gameplay Video]
>EXP rate is normal, but the exp needed per level is slightly reduced. Skill growth (Important for crafting!!) is x3 faster than Official, and Master is easier to achieve.

Nym also already set some stuff up beforehand on the server so it was the simplest option.
>Official 1-99 is pretty much skipped entirely using items that simply give exp, such as golden starfish & EXP/AP boxes. There are items that further double the exp gained from all sources including from these items, which you can purchase from the kruna shop.
Official received the WoW Cataclysm treatment, and the possibility of us progressing as quickly as we did on Legends was low due to the modified rates. A lot of us would still be level 30s with some at higher 40s if we choose not to spend on premium and exp items. The locals on Legends were much more receptive than Official too, and from what we experienced they definitely delivered on that much needed help (for a game like this). Another tidbit that might have been an annoyance for many is that Official has 4 more elements Dark, Light, Nature and Metal which you needed to swap around to get optimal DPS, imagine swapping between 8 necklaces.
>want to make it to final group photos since wasn't able to last time.
>lay down in bed for a few minutes
>suddenly nap
>wake up
>no guild photo cause server is kill
Is this a good or bad thing? I can't tell.
Progressing on Aura Kingdom is really fast so I will return to this with the intent of reaching Lvl99 after I cap out on AK.

New client: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FztTBzEhgLKZ64rGr0IyeJhcGgHiZDcR/edit
Thank you
Do we want to schedule having another guild pic sometime now that it's back up?
I think we should wait a few more days till things are settled on AK to not confuse the newfriends
I nominate Christmas if anvi is still planning on hosting a movie night then.
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How does everybody feel about taking guild pictures next Sunday at 9:15 pm UTC? Or would a weekday be better?
Sunday works best for me
Sundays great
>Merry Chrysler, everyone. Gonna host a holiday get-together and give out some gifts to everyone on 12/22, starting at 8pm est.
I'm fine with whatever, just post in the main thread
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You're gonna have to go without me. I just can't fix this error.
at least its not just me. its so over.
resetting my ip fixed it
I overslept. again. I need a louder alarm clock.
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my face when being late
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client where?

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