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>What is this?
Diablo 4 is a dead MMOARPG by blizzard

Formerly known as /d4g/ on /vg/, this thread is dedicated to all 3 players that still play

A 4channel clan named FREN exists but is dead just like the game itself
bro thats a character from the actual game or is it a mod?
bro it's 100% a real character
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>all 3 players that still play
Me, Myself and I (all me)
how does diablo 4 compare to all the other diablo games?
i heard some ppl saying that it is ass, but everything has ppl saying th@ nowadays
I'm having fun.
t. boomer dad gamer
Are you 14?
>how does diablo 4 compare to all the other diablo games?
its the worst one lol
typing like this is fun
are the characters pretty at least like OP?
>are the characters pretty at least like OP?
there's basically zero character customization aside from microtransactions and transmog. if you want a cool or cute character you'd be better off playing almost any other game.
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>poe2 tanked
we are so back diabros!
elon pls...
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sorry sis but my boobs are bigger
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I think my tiger has autism
Lion > Tony the Tiger
nice fisting rod
>they don't have the cow cat

hello shardlets. poe2 is a fucking SLOG makes me wanna log back in to d4 and run some hordes or some shit.
>cow cat
The what now?
ah, the leper cat
ah yes the ever consuming cope of the shardlet
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tigers rule
lions drool
Can't we simply be called /d4g/ still?
you guys trying poe 2?
It's too fucking slow
yeah. i'm slogging through act 2.
PoE 1 is okay, the gameplay is fast enough but not diablo tier and PoE 2 is literally for geriatrics
Is it slow in a methodical/strategic way like D1? Or is it just slow motion PoE.
it is dark souls but even worse
Care to elaborate? I had zero interest in poe series, but its clearly the most popular ARPG out there.
slow-mo PoE 1 with dodge rolls
dark souls is a very boring and slow game
poe2 is even worse because it is somehow even slower and more boring
what makes diablo 3/diablo 4 better than poe1/poe2?
I don't understand why the two even need to be compared. There's so much video games available it's ridiculous to argue which is better. In the end they're both skinner box games for people to chase digits.
Why didn't they make her boobs larger. "she" almost looks like a man and that is a huge turn off.
poo2 fans seething because they already killed the best builds and nobody has enough gold to respec kek
(You) almost look like a man
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Whew, even with poop2 crashing and burning d4 still somehow ends up being worse. Can't believe we can't even keep a general alive.
Noice, gobbo event next week with assloads of loot
shall come back and play a bit. poe is so fucking slow and gay especially for sorc. why do all the games hate my gf
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Did they add Paladin and add more skills to Rogue yet?
No paladin and rogue got spin2win daggers
>The heralds are sounding their horns for a mighty ascendance—an additional gleam from the world of Azeroth may soon be making its way into Sanctuary. Keep your eyes on the horizon for more details on December 17.
wtf did they mean by this
more wow skins
The event is total trash
>have to kill 50 million goblins
>it spawns maybe 3 per hour
Thanks blizzard
Greed shrines in NMDs son
logged in to get my "rewards" they were SHIT haha
I got ring of starless skies so it was ok
hell yeah
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>check /v/
>Shitpost thread
>Check /vg/
>Check /vrpg/
Well at least theres a thread here.
I'm starved for arpgs and honestly thinking of giving D4 a try. Is it worth it at the moment or not?
it's fun. it's late in the season so the /vg/ thread has migrated here since most people have stopped playing until next season.
>tfw stuck in pit 136
ngmi, this is almost as bad as being a hornlet
136 is good though my shardlet friend
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>enter pit 120
>do basically no damage
i thought spiritborn was supposed to be op
skill issue
Gotta minmax your ass off
I'll join you all again next season.
Give it to me straight sisters, has PoE2 buckbroken Blizzard? Can they recover from being mogged and big-dogged in a genre they fucking created?
blizzard is too big to fail, anon. Doesn't matter the quality of their games, they'll always hit top record numbers with every new game
A new gigantic sale (the best in history, since this time there are lots of WoW items to pick up) is very tempting indeed, but I still can't see whether the devs have given up on D4 or not. I get the impression that they're totally demotivated by bad player reviews and the total lack of hype.
New season around the corner, it's pretty quiet atm
the amount of casual non-chronically online gamers would be astounding if we saw the numbers. the game isn't going anywhere.

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