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I'm looking for some cheats or bots to crush online Melee, couldn't find anything when looking onto the web so if you guys could provide some links it'll be really cool! I don't mind getting banned, it's just to get some lulz for a few games and test these technologies out.

Thank you for your time guys.
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i wanna call you a fag but somebody on Slippi named themself Taunt If Cool, and falcon punched me at the start of the match while I taunted, so good luck, soldier
Just pick marth nigga
did you know that if you hold A during the stage loading when you pick zelda, you go up in the tier list magically? that's a hell of a cheat right there
Yep, that's also a good cheat
Bruh, Melee comes with built in cheats like picking Peach and spamming her down smash.

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