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Welcome to /vm/abinogi. Mabinogi is a fun, once popular little old school Korean MMO from 2004 based around Celtic mythology with many different features. Your character can age, rebirth, eat food and gain weight, play and custom make music, and so much more. You can be anything and do anything all at once with no downsides. From non-combat related skills like cooking, tailoring, blacksmithing, trading goods in a commerce, carpentry, etc. to different styles of combat like melee, magic, ninja, archery, puppetry, etc. all on 1 character.

Although graphics and gameplay is still a bit dated, even after 14 years the game is still rich in content such as fashion contests, cooking contest, jousting, playing in or viewing large concerts, training pets, and so on and continues to be Nexon's most generous game.

We currently have a guild called Mabigen. Our guild stone is located by the Taillteann graveyard. Apply and note the current leader or officer that you're from /vm/.

News and Events


List of all patches chronologically

[Helpful links - These links contain useful guides and other stuff.]
Beginners guide and outline to just some of mabinogi's features.

wiki for Mabinogi

Skill Training Guide

Best In Slot Gear guide and gear progression

Other Useful Information:
Terry-san is smiling down on us...
What the hell is that op lmao
I smile back at terry.
We'll get those CIA niggers...
We'll hit em with our cars in Tir na Nog...
terry davis will save mabinogi
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this is not a good eyepatch
I'm listening to mabi music and all the memories of old mabi come flooding back to me. It used to be so much fun running through dungeons and mainstream final quests together with full parties.
It's still fun running through dungeons
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I am so very sad
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I'm seeing a weird cat texture outside of Baol.
Can anyone else see it? I'm not crazy.
I'm seeing many cats in many places.
just buy passes
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do you have your christmas outfit picked out?
I did, you can only do 2 a week, and it ends before I can.
just buy passes using real money
Flampy....shot into the sun just like Broly...
Flampy...the strongest...
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Save it for Saint Guard, their arcana skill scales with magic shield duration.
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That was the fourth time it rolled level 19/20 in one sitting, I'm too invested into Dark Diviner to switch over to the new Close Combat one at this point though. It got an alright roll in the end at least.
Even if you don't plan to use that you can still sell it for huge gold
I found a note lying on the ground today in dunby
it said
"free sidhe carries
-love vastramunt"
With Eternity do you think they are going to add music to Iria?
Commerce update added music to some places but most are still silent.
The silence would be cool with me if there was heavy weather effects. Like desert storms and blizzards.
Could Mabinogi get away with a hardcore-ish server. I don't mean a permanent death mode, but that could be an option with a specific title or something you can wear.
But anyways something where Blaanid doesn't exist, conveniences like repair alters cannot be used, and teleports are heavily reduced or disabled altogether.
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danger is rising in the streets of dunbarton
theres a title for getting to lvl100 without rbing
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Am I going places now?
>he didn't get it
lmaoing at my life
it came out 15 years after I started playing
play again
*TL's note: "Free" means munt
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the login music for the new update is nice
>>>>>>>>>>Astral Reave
astral + card spam?
i am a jew
as opposed to shadow flare + fireball spam
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stress got to her
That's just mabi about 7 or 8 years ago
look into mabipro, but bring friends or get ready to mingle
How do I get exp pots outside of events? The dungeon guide shop has a limited amount.
Lux is on my team!
I will never see you ingame
Whoever came up with the dan test for Astral Reave is evil.
all dan tests are designed with koreans in mind and minimal ping
Buy them from the auction house for cheap or maybe make a new character, some dungeon guide items are per character. There is an event right now though that probably sells some.
>outside of events
Anon I...
if you wanted to outside you would be mabin
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Don't mind me just activating my cheat code.
If this works I'm typing in Luxcavae
Unfinished Reverie's Diadem Halo
is there a homestead attachment that lets me have an aquarium? or have some fish in my pond like you see in tir chonnail?
bonus points if i can splash in the water
it can't be worse than dan 3 healing pre-patch right?
It's by far the worst dan dan dan yet
Old Leaf hands typed this
Red vs Blue for sycthe?
Blue it uses mattk
THANKS i sure hope i can step in these i know exactly where i am going to put them!! (you wanna see?)
i already have a fishing swamp thing but i cant watch cute fishes swimming and i cant step in the water
Red if you can get over 1k MA before special upgrades.
If not go blue.
that sounds impossible
is anon telling us to just go blue?
i had a crom sempai lecture me when she saw my red upgraded staff (someone told me that nobody uses blue)
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Blue >>1543293 is trolling you.
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wat da catgirl doin?
Going skinny dipping obv
just got home from work
I had saved a few dailies for before maint
now it is maint
I'm going to fund a radicalized army of mabers
nexon has been niggiers lately
With the perseus scythe how do you perform special upgrades?
I do the artisan upgrades
Then gem upgrades
Then special upgrades at the anvil using blue stones
But when should I stop upgrading?
Does failing at +5 going for +6 lock it into not being able to be upgraded further?
Are the two items to protect against this too expensive to be worth using on it?
can I get into this astrologian stuff as a new player? I'm about halfway into Blaanid's quests so I'm still overwhelmed on a lot of stuff
Astrologian stuff can be your first combat talent if you want, it's entirely viable for anything new players will be doing. And the weapon you get from the event will be better than other Blaanid stuff too. So it's prime for beginners.
cute retards
>Does failing at +5 going for +6 lock it into not being able to be upgraded further?
Yes. Never use a special upgrade stone that isn't protective when you are going to 6 or 7.
>Are the two items to protect against this too expensive to be worth using on it?
The items that go from +5 -> +6 are usually in events, so wait until one rolls around. I'm pretty sure the current event you get the scythe from has the special upgrade items that only work on the scythe.
now that we have scythe i seriously NEED a katana talent
Why not a rapier talent to make elf melee viable
elves can 1h with a shield and go SG if they want to solo or go EK if they want to party play with an HS https://youtube.com/watch/gwtaRXPLBII
plus katanas are cooler than rapiers and imagine if they did something cool like quickdraw skills and gay DMC judgement cut shit
man I want to make a NB weapon but the cost is so daunting
we can share the cost as well as our love
it would have to be a 10/90 split of cost
are you trying to say your love is stronger than mine?
no you have more money
I just looked at the snowball event we're getting and it's a gutted version of KR's without any of the new stuff they added except for the snowglobe
Why do you actively seek out disappointment?
>seek out
I saw someone post a link to the korean version
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we could have had BEARD
i play as a 10 year old girl
yes but BEARD
but when are we getting frieren
is it up
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i would rather they just made rapiers work as some dex-scaling EK variant if they can't think of enough gimmicks to make it on scythe's level, it feels like a no-brainer to just make a dex-scaling close-combat adjacent duelist talent that doubles as a two-handed option for elves and actually utilizes their good stat, but maybe lance filled too much of the close-combat adjacent thrustbuddy niche
aesthetically there is nothing more pleasing than a slim longsword with a free offhand, saint guard wouldn't be bad either with some nice looking shields but my heart will forever belong to rapiers and papa maike
>gnome cosplay sabotaged again
saint guard but instead of blocking countering
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im so best
wtf is this lmao
you guys watched my videos
post ur account, so we can increase ur views
Won't happen it will mean they acknowledge elves beyond wanting them to suffer.
elven whores probably make up 90% of their cash sales
Then those elves got stockholm syndrome
>Elves can have rapiers but they have to give their black hair and skin back
Which would you choose?
>dark k***hts
no ty
All the elves who are obsessed with "melee damage for elves" should just log into their giant alts.
I won mabogi
So anyone got anything good? I won a snowglobe
the snowglobe is the only decent thing
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Why do you think you won Mabinogi? Did you get a good drop?
I want to ram that sheep
I got penis poop in my butt
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fat pink cat...
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i just had the worst experience with kenny
do not interact with him please, i beg you
he is not what you think
kenny will trick you
kenny will deceive you
nothing but a liar, manipulator
here is my experience with him
>be me
>see him in dunby waiting to queue for the event
>occasionally doing emotes
>dark,smol where it counts, thicc where its needed
>slutty outfit with tummy exposed
>begin to edge to his character
>he is talking to pubbies in his usual disjointed ramble that he usually does
>why cant women in my area be more like kenny?
>the sexy retard's eyes and the idle animation are both too much for me
>cum instantly
>it dribbles all over my thighs and pours from my chair
>it is as if someone poured a bucket of hot cream into my lap
>notice that i hit a fly with my semen streaks
>it is twitching and writhing as it breathes its final breaths
>lean in to admire kenny's avatar a bit more
>look closer and realize the character's chest is flat
>realize that kenny's character is actually a guy and he turned me into a fag
>his hair isnt even long either
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Beats you at snowball.
Sundew: do the dew
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I'm on a lot of drugs right now and i wonder what will make me pass out first, the drugs or the event.
Last I heard, y'all niggas was havin' sex (Uh) with the same sex (Woo)
I show no love (Yeah) to homo thugs (Nah)
Empty out, reload, and throw more slugs (Boom)
How you gonna explain fuckin' a man?
Even if we squash the beef, I ain't touchin' your hand (Aight?)
I don't fuck with chumps (Yeah)
For those that been to jail, that's the cat with the Kool-Aid on his lips and pumps (Uh)
I don't fuck with niggas that think they broads
where do you distribute your stats with the potential system? like for magic and warrior as human do i just pure dump one stat like intel for mage and str for warrior?
It's easy to cap int and dex, so there's no point to boosting into them. If your main damage talent uses str, pump points into that. Otherwise, Will or Luck since those are more difficult to cap than int, dex, or str.
Yeah well
Can I play this game with WASD and normal keybindings or does it still follow the typical wonky early 2000s control scheme?
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Post your Master Plan Baginogi! Mine needed to be cleaned and organized for months and I finally found the time and desire to do so. All of the expiring event items need to be used, but not right this moment.
You can play with WASD
WASD and mostly normal keybindings (numbers).
If you want to use skills on letter keys you can do that too, but it's not intuitive and you can only assign up to ten.
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>Forget-me-not bag was closed
Hell yeah! That's more like it!
>shadnigger never dies
how do you guys give yourselves master plan goals when you've already done everything?
nobody has done everything
based DMX enjoyer
post a close up of the silver haired cutie behind you
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Here's a photoshoot just for you! I should reroll her reforge now that puppetry is pretty dead, but it still feels bad rolling over something nice so it's not a priority for now. I want to put Creepy Haunted on her eventually if they ever get a rerun and if I manage to actually get the scrolls.
you reroll that and you'll see the release of the puppet arcana
Jo cant stop quitting...
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Organize this shit
How well does the tank arcana synergize with Fighter?
it doesnt
>tank arcana
spank arcana and you've been a bad boy Kenny
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Have you ever shown your mabinogi character to a friend or relative?
My mom and sister have both seen my character, they think she's cute.
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>Have you ever shown your mabinogi character to a friend or relative?
Yeah. Had a screenshot of her as my desktop wallpaper when my mom visited me once and she asked if she was my character in some online game. I said yea.
Usually I change my wallpaper to just a black background if I know someone is coming over, but that time I had forgotten to.
My cousin knows and she's impressed at how I can put so much energy into looking fashionable in a game but hate dressing up in real life
no I am ugly and alone irl and ingame fuck off stop bragging about how much free stuff you give
>how I can put so much energy into looking fashionable in a game but hate dressing up in real life
Literally me
are there any leg warmers in game?
bonus pts if its a shoe
thanks (i thought it was a character)
digital destiny shoes, nekone's shoes, raving rabbit boots, after school shoes
thx anon
my mom asks why i'm not playing a male
are there any cool coats
what is a cool coat?
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that's not cool bro
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Reaper's outfit is probably the closest to that, the (M) one has pants instead of a skirt.
Check out the thighs
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Nightbringer staff would be 35% more damage but whatever, Blaze is bad.
if you showed this pic to someone 10 years ago theyd never believe this is mabi
Use to feel like a god doing 10k with blaze in wizard hardmode back then..
>log into ch1
>literal first thing I see
Dat ass
Is it ok to buy your mabi crush something for Christmas?
Only if she isn't already married to a nigger in game.
I give people random stuff year round that I think they might use.
Yeah but you're probably a good person.
For anyone who's running the game under wine and having performance issues that need frequent client restarts, I've found disabling transparent huge pages to be pretty effective at putting the game's performance back in line, however memory leaking is still a bit worse than under windows.
There's a few ways to disable THP;
using systemd tmp files: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1624100#p1624100
using a service: https://overflow.projectsegfau.lt/exchange/unix/questions/99154/disable-transparent-hugepages#363887
or adding to your kernel command in grub/systemd-boot/etc config: transparent_hugepage=never
bro thats a cat
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this is nuts
flampy nuts n balls
holy shit
I never had issues with memory leaks (that are worse than Windows) on Bottles with soda-9.0-1 runner.
Although, the pack loader code is really slow because it's Themida'd, so loading regions for the first time/logging in for the first time is a bit slow. I believe this is because of some Themida related code not running well.

The game naturally bloats in memory regardless of OS/wine, because they prefer to cache region/item data in memory; as reading it out from the pack is super slow with the (relatively) new .IT pack format combined with Themida.

Another thing is that NGS's memory probing is significantly slower on Linux for some reason - surprisingly, this appears to be Linux-specific code rather than incompatibility, as the memory checker actually detects mods even if you edit memory from root. But, this performance deficit is hardly noticable as it only runs every 5 minutes or so.
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For me on bottles with kron4ek 9.17 (soda and the other options I couldn't get the game to launch or even the launcher on some, probably nvidia related, lutris' 8.26 worked for the most part but I had issues with it locking up the client if I changed channels too much) it's been having some serious memory leaks particularly having the chat log open, but with THP on there was also horrific stuttering every few seconds after it hit around 6.5~7GB so that wouldn't be the 5 min NGS scans but turning THP off alleviated those hangs even >10GB of memory leak for me.
Imagine the amount of snot that that nose could store.
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were you on an alt or something? i never see any members from the guilds at the snowball event (also how was i slutty? my shorts went to mid thigh?)
omg that pic ahaha i remember i took that a while back when i was messing around with the dressing room and people kept calling me pazuzu and i didnt know who that was
i heard that you millenials would go insane when you heard some DMX
was he like the xxxtentacion for your generation (rip X LLJ)
built for instant loss
1boy, dark skinned male, femboy, brat, 2koma, instant loss, tenta-
dmx is a real straight nigga before the darkies sucked dick
im a girl right now, i dont know why he thinks im a dude just because i dont have big tits
darkies always sucked dick
whities too
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wearing a hijab now, you cant be horny off of me anymore
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What did he see?
me takin a shit
sorry this post >>1547715
was for you
I just find DMX funny because you just know he fucked a man in prison
Catchy rhymes too but I was mostly on the Eminem train, most black rappers use nigga as a free rhyme tool and it gets old
Plus they're mostly retards rapping about money bitches and drugs, I like wrappers like Gift of Gab

Basically dropped rap when I realized the lyrics of the best touted lyricist back in the day (Immortal Technique) couldn't get off the fuck whitey victimization. Its all trash. Some of it is catchy and sometimes you get rappers (mostly white) who actually talk about life's struggles for the everyman.
I am average man and I struggle get money bitch drug
Maybe, but you can get this dick instead
t. doesnt actually listen to rap
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No statues for anyone today.
>sucks your toes
>licks and sniffs the ground you stood on
>I couldn't get the game to launch or even the launcher on some

I use a custom launcher, because I also could not get the launcher to run.
Look for something like kanan-launcher (not maintained), something like that only needs minor adjustments to work.

The game itself may run much smoother in some other environments where the launcher doesn't run properly.

It's really hard to fathom what exactly could be causing those stutters, as I've really never experienced that on ANY runner.

The method I use is this:
1) Install Mabinogi on Steam;
2) Create a soda-9.0-1 bottle
3) Put my custom launcher in the steam install dir
4) In the bottle, create a shortcut that invokes my custom launcher.
5) Custom launcher then invokes Client.exe with the correct auth parameters

Steam keeps it updated, and I don't need to use NXL or Steam to authenticate.
I forgot to mention (and this might be really important lol), that I have 128GB of RAM and run a 24 core threadripper. It's possible my CPU just chews through whatever is going on.
5950x 128GB and 3060 12GB, I'm too much of a brainlet to program my own launcher unfortunately but you're probably onto something with that.

New pierce enchants + weps just dropped
>log off
>still hear the Dunbarton music
I have mabi music in my head all the time
eventually you forget about it like breathing
>Knuckles with piercing
Can't wait to never get these
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>Sword lets you choose between max or piercings

I reckon these are going to be 4b-5b. Christ.
no one in the guild is ever seeing these besides vast
spell vast backwards
that's me
I'm the counter vast
I will obtain them first
Who are you spending your Mabimas with?
jokes on you Vast is all I need to carry me
don't underestimate the power of thottery
damn bitch you live like THIS?!
what the fuck they made drops in tech duinn have only one good drop among the party?
no wonder there are no parties for this ffs
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This is how I feel after my Sidhe runs
nice chest beefballs
Is there a video of all the skills?
Skip to 1 hour and 33 minutes, there will probably be videos within the next day or two but I just have this stream vod right now.
That looks pretty cool. Is the celtic lance good or do you really need NB or perseus?
>today is birthday
>no one says happy birthday because of holiday
sad day
happy birthday my guy! please focus on the positive! i did hear being born on christmas is deceptively ass
now down to business! i am sick of these bitch ass niggas... i crashed the market out of spite and still got under cut, like how??? so here we are, i came to put a hit on the ABSOLUTE, son of A BITCH who keeps undercutting my ass on the AH anyone with a high powerlevel needs to find this guy and BEAT HIS ASS until he stops undercutting me and i will give you 50 percent of what i am selling (i will do the finding btw you just need to beat him up)
What are you selling?
not him but my dressing room has been lagging
and the animation sometimes goes back to the original when i swap channels or log in for the first time
a rare scroll and an expensive mat but that is irrelevant now, they chose violence
SIKE! happy birthday
Perseus is mostly just more max over Celtic since the set effect is the same boost and pierce is capped to 9, if they give us some boosted piercing cap with Blast Lancer however Perseus and NB (which is more max again but also a bit higher lance charge damage set effect bonus) become a lot more relevant because they can be upgraded and enchanted over the pierce cap even further. My celtic lance already has 11 though so if it isn't any higher than that for a cap boost if there is one at all the better lances are basically just more max damage.

Happy birthday anon, mine's September 12th so I can relate to how you feel, some jews demolished a few buildings in some city they own and everyone forgot about my birthday for years when I was younger.
just saw kenny by crom with his clique looking like a pornstar with those juicy thighs but he logged before i could finish gooning
for me, im waiting for chanala to post her character in thread again so i can finish to that
fuck it, everyone list characters or players who you ever made your cock or coochie feel anything
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Just for you, King.
thanks queen
Anything special for logging in on Eve or Christmas specifically?
Merry christmas all
And happy birthday Lux, hope you're having as good of a day as you can
well wishes from people you love
>crutch class for giants so they can do a fraction of what magic can
That's a human doing 20 million to the golem. I don't see shadow flare and fireball spam getting anywhere close to that.
why are you posting the videos like this
>DDs calling anything a crutch class
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DD is the single worst thing they have ever added to this game. Worse than RE:Fine. That brief period after the tech changes and before DD was the peak of Mabinogi, and it was all ruined by DD.
>There were plenty of healers and they all vanished the second DD released because it's comically overpowered
>Magic didn't even need a second arcana to begin with, as HS was still competitive with other talents
>People no longer party because it's "more efficient" to solo as a DD
>Because non-DDs can't find parties now, their only option is to go DD to clear content by themselves, making the problem worse
>Raids are back to being a complete shitshow because DDs just kill the bosses before anyone can get contribution
>DDs are so carried that they fuck up the little content left that requires knowledge of mechanics
Fuck DD. Nerf that shit into the ground.
don't forget
>so overpowered it becomes the new minimum standard for everything
maybe they should buff the other arcanas instead of making DD shit
>more power creep
>Buff every other talent
>Powercreep all the remaining content
>People will continue to not party
>Raids get destroyed even faster
They never should've released DD in such an unbalanced state. It needs to be weaker, not for other talents to be caught up with it.
offense magic was always OP and it will continue to be as such in other words: working as intended

also i have no problem finding parties, if you are strong, people want you to carry them, if you are weak band together with other weaklings
based retard
>offense magic was always OP
No it wasn't. Magic was shit and needed several buffs like the Ego update which buffed hailstorm, the Pragarah tech, and ruin/demo weapons to finally give magic piercing.

>also i have no problem finding parties, if you are strong, people want you to carry them, if you are weak band together with other weaklings
If you are strong (play DD), you have no reason to party because you can just solo everything and you'll actually be rewarded for it. If you are weak, you can become strong by playing DD.
this smells like a lootlet post
>If you are strong (play DD)
you can be strong by just having good equipment
i seen a party of 3 eks and an hs do glenn hm
stop blaming everything on DD jews
EK and HS had to be buffed because they were so laughably weaker than DD. And they're still weaker than DD! Buffing other talents doesn't fix the powercreep DD introduced.
every new thing is compared directly to how fast DD/AS clears things
>you can be strong by just having good equipment
DD equipment is the cheapest to get. They can coast by with a celtic staff.
that has how magic always was
ITT: non magic-fags being mad that they invested in the wrong talent
sucks to suck innit
Sure, but the investment to power ratio wasn't as ridiculous. Before arcana, mages without demo or ruin were pretty weak, and those weapons were rare at the time. Other talents need at least perseus tier + erg 50 + ego 63 just to be as strong as a DD with a celtic.
>mages without demo or ruin were pretty weak
only if their stats sucked
expensive items are still rare, that is why they are expensive
Kek ruination weapons are not rare anymore. Before arcana they were much harder to come by. It's funny how the intelligence based talent attracts the most retards.
to be fair, it's not like DD requires much investment in the first place. the lance arcana will lead to more seething because elves can't even touch it.
>ruination weapons are not rare anymore
yet still cost a bil to make
this you>>1550485
mad cuz bad
of course they arent hard to come by for a whale
Don't you have anything better to do than spam on 4chan on christmas?
youre here too
ok now back to our discussion on why dd stands for deep dick because they have that devgock deep in their throats
Melee is for fags in every game. Fags who lust after healslut femboys.
Healslut femboy lust for DPS mains
astrologer doing shit damage compared to DD is really disappointing because scythe is such an aesthetic
Maybe they should have kept players without arcana and underpowered so tech runs take 10-15 minutes each at minimum, Croms at 40-1 hour, and Glenns 1 hour each

You're right anon. NOTHING but DD is wanted in parties and NOTHING but DD can clear things, despite EK/HS being buffed to keep up with it and AS not even mentioned because you know its good
actually we want ambush twink tanks
t.healslut femboy
>scythe is such an aesthetic
mood bestie
koreans have worse gear than everyone else

why aren't they complaining?
And that's why arcanas are as strong as they are - it should be busted.
Anons complaining ITT have an easier game and still find a way to bitch
their mobs are using a slower version of the AI. On top of having better ping on average the mobs are retarded and sit there. they don't need to kill things as quickly
are you serious?
post proof
you too
how is there version of the game easier when it is the same game even if it is more up to date?
are you sure it is not purely a ping issue
this was confirmed to be a false rumor. literally just a skill issue
for me, its luna
we get gacha pay to win equipment they have craft their armor.
anyone that thinks kr is playing an easier version of the game is retarded, all they have over us is better ping and being 5-6 months ahead
we have demo/ruin weapons and gacha equipment like special ele harmony that took until glenn release to get a comparable crafted set that still needs 2-3 slots and bullshit like hyperion eclipse
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a very scary Christmas 2 u
Why is everyone in this forum bad at the game lulz
Overheard some people talking in channel 8 about how funny this place was cause the takes were even worse than the official discord server's

Thanks for the laughs xD I'll come visit more often if its this good
get b& nerd
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going through Blaanid's stuff and I'm at the part where you need 10 spirit liqueur, is this the normal price for these things on the auction house? This is gonna take a massive chunk of my cash...
i will spot you
ch10 alby dungeon lobby
go there and look for the succubus
>its just kenny
no im gonna give this guy some spirit liquer
is this why all these eggs keep coming here? to spy?
sorry I'm a dumbass and bought
ill throw you the gold u spent for it dont worry
lol people are obsessed with kenny for some reason, he cant even do something nice for someone without them hounding him
Thanks for the help
Merry Christmas
no u (just yell in thread if u need more assistance)
even if u think the question is stupid if they make fun of you i will kick them in the balls
niggas will get strong enough to one shot most things in game and forget how daunting this game can be for new players
you think kenny would go broke from buying spirit liqueurs? I am pretty sure he has money now, he got a marble
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They are complaining. KR doesn't have ruination weapons and DD is still head and shoulders stronger than everything else.
duh? you think them not having it would change anything? Ours is just more OP. limits are stupid anyways.
uhh disconnected and can't reconnect
what is this
maintenance is on thursdays
try again this afternoon
Maintenance time soon
Post some Christmas hauls!
I got literally nothing for christmas
my friend on mabi got me a cwn,i am saving so i can get her something back but idk what to get her
most girls would love a 67th floor ruination staff
It's ok to be jewish.
I'm not.
Stella sent me a cute star cookie.
She gave you her cunny and you're here asking us what you're suppose to do?! You know her better than anyone Anon, the most thoughtful gift for her comes from YOUR heart! You can do it, I believe in you, we all believe in you!
Ok this is dumb I hate maint
How do I fight back against these promaint heads
Rub their boobies until they submit.
games up
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Thank you Stellafin, cutest Christmas tree NA.
i said cwn! not cunny!
anyway... she is rich asf so i feel like anything i can buy her she already has or does not need
is mutant talek supposed to be hard?
what the fuck is wrong with you to think you should post that
this is the level of mental retardation running free in mabigen
mainstream quests are designed to be completed by anyone
what was the post?
what are your outfits that you use to show off your thighs
wafflewitch has a panty shot
Maybe you should just tell her how you feel then, a sugar mama isn't looking for money she already has, she just wants someone to love her that she can spoil back in return for the affection.
hey stop that she is NOT my sugar mama
Why not? Don't you love her enough to return her affection?
it aint like that bro we are just friends, plus im pretty sure she lives on the other side of the world
You don't think she's worth traveling for??
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Average "Male" giant.
Yeah I'd rape Chanala.
when have you seen this?
wouldnt that make me a passport bro?
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that's really really really hot
Was thinking about picking this up, but saw it was developed and published by Nexon. How pay to win is it?
is the unreal engine thing out yet?
when is unreal engine thing out yet?
Paying real cash for pay to win is mostly optional at this point, the core stuff like "reforging" (random stat/skill damage upgrades) is available ingame with currencies you accumulate by doing content. Mounts are frequently given out as event rewards and you get a couple free from "Dungeon Guide".
As for fashion it's most gachapon, but you can buy it from players with ingame gold. Most is expensive first run but generally gets run again within a year or two and comes up cheaper if you see something that really appeals to you. Oh and the cash shop reforges, VIP service, and many other paid things are also possible to buy from other players with ingame gold via the auction house.

Sometimes there is gacha armor with bonus effects that are more powerful than the ingame stuff but Korea doesnt get those gachapons they come to NA from taiwan, and the game is balanced exclusively around what is available in korea so these are mostly just power shortcuts and not needed to clear any of the content.
Do glyphs stack with reforges?
The only real remaining p2w parts are extra equipment slots.
They are optional but they make endgame stuff much easier since you can swap gear faster to use more skills faster.
No you will not turn into a passport.
But you might get to eat pussy.
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>But you might get to eat pussy.
i dont pay for that, i use dungeon vouchers LOL
there is no comma there, passportbro/sis is someone who goes overseas for the sole purpose of sex tourism
also i can find pussy at home to eat, if i am traveling to asia to meet someone off an mmo, i need to really like them
but that is besides the point, i dont think i am ever meeting anyone from this game while yes, we do play together, i do not feel particularly close to anyone
I feel close to you, please don't keep up this icy cold distant facade.
best pet for mages?
k-drama head ahh boi
when do you know if you can solo hardmode techs?
When you hit start and you clear it without party members.
Bone Dragon
Chinese Dragon

Whatever you use to move is up to you but those three are essential for any combat player.
those should be friend summons
i was asking if there are any that have buffs or debuffs that can be especially useful to a mage
Wizard corgie for mprot debuff over time with Siamese purling and Ceraunus as friend summon slots for their duration based mprot debuffs that stack with the corgi.
Another option is the new Cwn Annwn wolf that has a near instantly applied bonus damage buff up to 5% when you level up high enough, you will want the same friend summons on him.
Another consideration for friend summon is Fallen Fairy or Alto for their stacking move speed buffs, although you wont use it a lot as a mage they also provide stacking attack speed buffs useful for brionac's protection sheering mechanic.
Cwn Annwn
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Nova Blast with radius 19 reforge and range 1 + range 2 conjunction effects
How significant is the gap between humans and the other races these days? I last played in summer 2022.
giants>humans >>>>>>>elves (cant do shit)
why do the boobies in belvast suddenly fall over?
what is hitting them?
They're just using "play dead"
what are they playing dead for?
fun. also to make it harder to sketch them I guess. There was a quest to do that.
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