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/vm/ - Video Games/Multiplayer

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>join and be a part of various forces afoot in Vvardenfell, from the Great Houses, to the Empire and even the Sixth House
>play as any character you can think of - A Dunmeri pilgrim from the mainland, an Imperial painter from Cyrodiil come to seek inspiration in Vvardenfell's hostile landscape, or a lone Khajiiti former-slave escaped from a plantation trying to evade the law
>attend roleplay-events which will always affect Vvardenfell in a tangible way, and the world permanently changes to reflect your actions
>in-game features for setting up and running a shop, and buying and decorating a house with placeable objects, all done without the need to install any mods
Has anyone tried this? While I like Morrowind one of my main gripes with the game was how static the world felt, but this seems like a good way to re-experience the game with others
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Vanilla+ RP server:
Yeah, I play on Silt Strider. We have events most weekends, it's pretty fun.

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