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Soku/PoFV/TPDP/IaMP and other 2hu games with netplay. Host, play and discuss your favorite multiplayer Touhou games.

Download Soku here:
>Community pack, all necessary tools come preinstalled. Get this if you are new
>Base game, not necessary if you use the above link
>Upgrade pack for the base game
>get Giuroll here

Can't forward ports in order to host? Try these:
>Autopunch: Mainly for Soku, not necessary if you got the Community pack
>Proxypunch: Compatible with more games, a bit less user-friendly

Other games:
>PoFV Netplay guide
>PoFV Netplay tutorial
https://youtu.be/Q1RzTArt4es [Embed]
>Touhou Puppet Dance Performance: Shard of Dreams
>Download IaMP here, includes Rollcaster netplay tool
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soku anyone?
sure. Room name is vm reserved
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>failed to connect
please join me instead, GR 0.6.14
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GGs! I was excited for Alice mirrors but your Udonge was a much better match.
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GGs. Nice blockstrings, really forced me to learn how to rightblock and find holes there. Of course it's a lot more motivating to figure that out when I'm also learning Alice on the side. I'd like to do more mirrors someday but she still needs work
soku now?
ip grabbing game
soku now
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hosting >>1541159
ggs, i have to leave now
thanks for hosting
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GGs! The RNGods were merciful today.
Very nice Alice vs Alice match.
>>1546047 get in with giuroll! Not for too long though.
Game froze, rehosting.
I fucked up at the end
I'll get my revenge another day
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Ggs! You got catfished I forgot to change to my actual deck but decided to keep it, I got fantasy heavened, everyone happy! I finally got how it works, condition is for amount of hits on opponent and not a timer for not taking damage as I thought, must have for typhoons.
I fucking hate that fish
yes soku, GR 0.6.14
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ggs, i can only take so many cirno games in one night
for whatever reason it seems like my stamina for Alice mirrors lasts exactly for one round before my brain overheats
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Good games, well played. One day I will not wrongblock every one of Yuyuko's attacks.
Shame, I could do them forever.
more soku?
Host for whoever comes first I guess? with giuroll
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happy Christmas
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Apparently, squall links with usual ground combo just well... Yeah things are becoming more understandable now.
Ggs, happy christmas to you too!
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christmas soku?
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Christmas soku!, GR 0.6.14
sorry had some tech issues, can you rehost please
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random game crash, but i had to leave soon anyways so might as well call it there
ggs, thanks for hosting and merry christmas
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All I got for Christmas this year was a beating.
Thanks for joining, GGs! Merry Christmas!
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yes soku >>1549654
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GGs, merry Christmas!
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more christmas soku?
can you host
the usual
can't see you on the hostlist
when I host it stays up for a while then disappears, when I try to host again it won't let me unless I reset my network
try now
I got less raped today
ggs, see how much you can do when you don't give me free openings after wake up or airtech?
and merry christmas
merry christmas you too
Im coming home right now so I'll ask if anyone is available to play soku, not now of course, but later
ok soku now
soku now?
soku now (not him btw)
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GGs. Setting up Sanae's 5card between rounds is fucking devilish. I like it.
ggs, that was some very intense soku, i need some rest
>Setting up Sanae's 5card between rounds is fucking devilish
i love those little gimmicks that are just bullshit. it's so obnoxious even when you see it coming
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Soku in half an hour?
if you can host now then sure
I can, hop on with giuroll!
Connection lost (again), rehosting if you're up for more.
>Failed to connect
first time was a random crash, now it seems like the connection is truly dead
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Aw well, ggs then, quite impressive how you're so good with any character! I really lack character knowledge since I mostly only played against Marisa and Alice, Suika's moves especially were just incomprehensible for me. And Aya mirror were kinda humiliating but I will catch up at some point...
On the bright side, today I got to connect bullet hit and crowcard second time in my life, this time intentionally!
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ggs, thanks for hosting. Suika isn't that bad really, it's just that i got a meme deck with literally all command throws including the 5 cost card, which can be really tricky to play around in a game where almost no one has a throw. if i get to use a normal deck against you it probably won't be as silly
>today I got to connect bullet hit and crowcard second time in my life
that was a very good confirm, i hardly ever get to combo from stray bullets like that
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Yes soku >>1553984
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Thanks for joining, GGs.
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Holy fuck playing against Alice is impossible she's like a castle, I cannot get slip in with anything
Sorry I was playing like punching bag, I was just looking for openings and playing for the counterattack
got to spectate a few games, Alice truly fucking sucks to play against as Reimu
any advice?
NTA, but here's an advice from someone who has been Alice's punching bag for quite a while : don't let Alice snowball you, try to clear dolls or don't let to set them up before it's too late and you're cornered with 4 dolls shooting at you.
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i wish
the most success i've had was trying to chip down Alice from a distance because Reimu's normals kinda blow at close range and at mid range Alice is just better. even then, you end up giving her a ton of space to set up as many dolls as she wants, but it's still better than the alternative
also try not to whiff things like 6A, against other characters you may catch a dash in but Alice will very happily just f5A you in return every single time

do you play Reimu main?
wanna play mirror matches with me?
Soku? At with giuroll!
and happy new year
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Ggs, game was unusually laggy today, happy coming new year!
last soku of 2024?
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Is it too late to ask now?
it isn't, there are still a couple hours left for some 2024 soku
actually maybe not right now but in about half an hour from now
'kay, I'm ready when you are.
i'm ready now, can you host?
vm reserved
GGs. Rigged as hell random select wanted that Sanae runback
ggs, i can probably play some more later on if you want
thanks for hosting and happy new year
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Another day. I wanna hit up training mode for a bit before playing more matches. Happy New Year
Anyone up for soku today?
sure i'm still up for games
stop mashing and play the puppet game
Hop on with giuroll then!
did our connection kill itself again
Yeah this time it died on my side, rehosted if you're up for more.
ggs, looks like the game loves Komachi today
thanks for hosting
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Ggs! Yeah quite a lot of Komachi matches, and I still can't quite get how to properly play against her. Any tips for her or in general, aside from still... absent proper combos?
to be honest she kinda sucks, the only easy way for her to open people up is through j2A crossups so if you are on the lookout for those then defending against her should be pretty easy. then again i never got to use Taste of Death which is her only other relevant mix up
also she has a whole lot of anti airs and her 66C is air unblockable too so low flights are super unsafe against her unless you are at literal full screen distance. Aya shouldn't have much trouble with that anyways, Gust Fan is an amazing anti-anti air
I want to try playing pofv, can someone host?
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Hosting at with Adonis2
give me a min, it's not launching
thanks! seems like it works
lets play later maybe
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Congrats, you set it up right. Just so you know, you picked the weakest character in the game so if your goal is to win you may want to not do that.
I don't care I like her
also I need to start playing again because I'm very rusty and I have not played pofv in a long time, but I know how it works
Ok I finished up doing some stuff, wanna play again a couple of rounds?
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Sure, hop in. Same IP.
Thanks for the games, I managed to grab some rounds so I'm happy, I'm going back to doing some stuff
let's play later maybe
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GGs, good job scoring points. You can press the Save Replay button to exit the game.
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GGs, well played. Some of Aya's sprites are way too distracting. Even if you can't see her pantsu, it's still showing a lot of skin.
up for more pofv?

>Some of Aya's sprites are way too distracting
true true
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Ggs, webmrel was so dumblucky but also so satisfying.
> Even if you can't see her pantsu, it's still showing a lot of skin.
I firmly believe she does that intentionally, enough to catch eyes and distract mine too but not enough to show anything important.
New IP:
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I wanted to call it quits after that thread 404'd, I'm glad I didn't. GGs, well played. That nonstatic IP must come in handy sometimes.
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Ggs! Second time we start there and end up here, lol.
> That nonstatic IP must come in handy sometimes.

Until they notice and reach for subnet...
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Yes soku!, giuroll
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GGs, that was time well spent. My brain is starting to acknowledge the existence of Sakuya's AUB. Developing countermeasures. Maybe next I'll think about not trying to 66A through your knives at melee range. You gave me lots to think about. Thanks for joining.
ggs, well played
>Maybe next I'll think about not trying to 66A through your knives at melee range
it's not so bad, those 66As killed like half my attempts at setting up Phantasmic Killer
soku or pofv?
i can play soku now
ok lets go
can you host
yeah, same as always
game crash
now my game crashed
I think the network might be dead
GGs anyway
yeah i guess the game doesn't want to work today
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soku! >>1563589
Sorry there was a power outage due to rain
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Yes, PoFV., Adonis2
back to work
thanks for playing with me
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Thanks for joining, fun games.
still want soku?
sure but i probably won't stay around for too long
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>>1572749, giuroll
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Thanks for joining, GGs. I thought I was starting to understand.
ggs, thanks for hosting
you were, but these cards are so stupidly high damage that even a tiny mistake snowballs into half an hp bar and suddenly all your momentum is lost
soku or pofv?
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Yeah sure >>1572754

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GGs, you did alright. Keep it up.
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Thanks for hosting, GGs.
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Now what the mofuark is this damage...
Ggs! I still feel like a complete slug when I play with you, in situations when I have to play aggressively I vaguely know what to do, but when I try to do that it works out in only like 5%, otherwise these air-to-air kicks for example result in just another combo in me. Any tips how to improve in this regards, if it's possible at all? Or just play more input faster?
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Play more input faster is the best advice I'm capable of giving. See what works and what doesn't, learn, adapt. Keep in mind that your opponents are also learning and adapting and may sometimes be slow to do so. If there's a way of improving other than putting in the hours, I don't know it.
As for your webm, this is why I can never give up Alice. She may not compete with the high tiers but when her spellcards hit, they hit hard.
sure >>1571260
sorry let's pley in a few mins, gotta work
guard crushes have really massive proration. combine that with a low HP opponent and Aya's already kinda shit damage and yeah
that's always good to remember before choosing to blow all your cards after getting a guard break
ok I'm done, let's play again
join up
GGs that was pretty good, I almost won one
let's play later maybe
My skin burnss
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GGs, thanks for joining.
Please pick a more opportune time to play, pausing a match in the third round is the worst.
I'm very sorry about that I got called up to hel pwith something
I'm playing in the dead hours of work
Time and place
nta but now
same as always
still up for soku if anyone else is alive
lets go >>1578544
sorry someone got in
rehosting btw
try again, i saw a host up for like 3 seconds before it vanished
yeah sometimes it does that
it should be up, get in now
>failed to connect
yes, but i think it's on my end because i can't even host with autopunch apparently
not sure what's going on, let me try out a couple things first and we can try again in a few minutes
kino Reimu mirrors
indeed, all mirror matches were too close
more soku
Still up for it?
nta but i can play if you're still up
Not for long sadly. I'll likely be around to ask for games tomorrow at least
sure no worries
ok let's go
up for soku again
sure can you host
same as always
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ggs, sorry i had to mute the game i didn't know that was supposed to be last
you've gotten much much better recently, but you should really try to avoid using moves with such high commitment like 6a/66c so often just to try to land a hit. generally you want to use quick moves to open people up so you don't eat a ton of unnecessary damage in case you miss
try land canceling it more often at max range, most characters can't do shit about it
The latter just works sometimes as it can graze a bit a catch someone offguard, but you are right.
>try land canceling it more often at max range
how do I do that?
>how do I do that?
literally just landing with the move. landing with aerial moves has almost no recovery in this game, and that thing has big range and is active for a long time so if you use it while landing i can't really punish you for it. if you use it while rising for example you are stuck in recovery for a long time which gets you clipped by stray bullets constantly, unless you hit me and get to cancel it of course

if you use C amulets as cover it's specially difficult for me to try to challenge your landing with that move
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alright thanks
Doubling here in case you don't have dollchan or other thread autorefreshers.
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GGs, well played. Keep not letting me control the entire screen. Keep getting that damage in.
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Ggs, games so good today I almost forgot I got to go. By the way, what happened on webmrel? I literally can't see any hits or bullets to hit me there...
It's a Returning Doll coming from off-screen. You can see the wire at the start of the webm.
Oooh now I see it, I thought it was wire from shooter doll and tried to see any rainbow bullets coming from there.
soku anyone
same as always
are you rehosting?
yeah, just give me a min
I think you gotta reset your game and network
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sorry I got a bit angry
man I can't understand this game
i restarted everything like 3 times and it didn't work, then i did literally nothing else, joined again and it started working again. no clue why our connection acts retarded like that some times
ggs, and yeah i could tell, no worries
you were on the right track yesterday, it just takes a while time to get consistent at it
sure but short set because i need to go to bed soon
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>>1586069, giuroll

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