Soku/PoFV/TPDP/IaMP and other 2hu games with netplay. Host, play and discuss your favorite multiplayer Touhou games.Download Soku here:>Community pack, all necessary tools come preinstalled. Get this if you are new>Base game, not necessary if you use the above link!ashhnZza!cWdD2mqnQSfpzow5h_LDABQzHOnAiHDL62ceAOF6z9k>Upgrade pack for the base game>get Giuroll here't forward ports in order to host? Try these:>Autopunch: Mainly for Soku, not necessary if you got the Community pack>Proxypunch: Compatible with more games, a bit less user-friendly games:>PoFV Netplay guide>PoFV Netplay tutorial [Embed]>Touhou Puppet Dance Performance: Shard of Dreams>Download IaMP here, includes Rollcaster netplay tool
soku anyone?
>>1541142sure. Room name is vm reserved
>>1541149>failed to connectplease join me instead84.10.221.254:10800, GR 0.6.14
>>1541149GGs! I was excited for Alice mirrors but your Udonge was a much better match.
>>1541268GGs. Nice blockstrings, really forced me to learn how to rightblock and find holes there. Of course it's a lot more motivating to figure that out when I'm also learning Alice on the side. I'd like to do more mirrors someday but she still needs work
soku now?
ip grabbing game
>>1542428soku now
>>1542462hosting >>1541159
>>1542466ggs, i have to leave nowthanks for hosting
>>1542609GGs! The RNGods were merciful today.Very nice Alice vs Alice match.
>>15460475.16.27.46:10800 get in with giuroll! Not for too long though.
>>1546052Game froze, rehosting.
>>1546052>>1546069GGsI fucked up at the endfuckI'll get my revenge another day
>>1546098Ggs! You got catfished I forgot to change to my actual deck but decided to keep it, I got fantasy heavened, everyone happy! I finally got how it works, condition is for amount of hits on opponent and not a timer for not taking damage as I thought, must have for typhoons.
>>1546107I fucking hate that fish
>>1546560yes soku84.10.221.254:10800, GR 0.6.14
>>1546563ggs, i can only take so many cirno games in one nightfor whatever reason it seems like my stamina for Alice mirrors lasts exactly for one round before my brain overheats
Good games, well played. One day I will not wrongblock every one of Yuyuko's attacks.>>1546643Shame, I could do them forever.
more soku?
Host for whoever comes first I guess? with giuroll
>>1549481GGshappy Christmas
Apparently, squall links with usual ground combo just well... Yeah things are becoming more understandable now.>>1549564Ggs, happy christmas to you too!
christmas soku?
>>1549647Christmas soku!, GR 0.6.14
>>1549654sorry had some tech issues, can you rehost please
>>1549654random game crash, but i had to leave soon anyways so might as well call it thereggs, thanks for hosting and merry christmas
>>1549727All I got for Christmas this year was a beating.Thanks for joining, GGs! Merry Christmas!
>>1550321yes soku >>1549654
>>1550347GGs, merry Christmas!
more christmas soku?
>>1550506can you host
>>1550512yeahthe usual
>>1550513can't see you on the hostlist
>>1550519when I host it stays up for a while then disappears, when I try to host again it won't let me unless I reset my networktry now
>>1550519>>1550523GGsI got less raped today
>>1550547ggs, see how much you can do when you don't give me free openings after wake up or airtech?and merry christmas
>>1550549merry christmas you too
Im coming home right now so I'll ask if anyone is available to play soku, not now of course, but later
>>1553722ok soku now
>>1553800soku now?
soku now (not him btw)
host, GR 0.6.14
GGs. Setting up Sanae's 5card between rounds is fucking devilish. I like it.
>>1554159ggs, that was some very intense soku, i need some rest>Setting up Sanae's 5card between rounds is fucking devilishi love those little gimmicks that are just bullshit. it's so obnoxious even when you see it coming
Soku in half an hour?
>>1554530if you can host now then sure
>>1554647I can, hop on with giuroll!
>>1554651Connection lost (again), rehosting if you're up for more.
>>1554683>Failed to connectfirst time was a random crash, now it seems like the connection is truly dead
>>1554687Aw well, ggs then, quite impressive how you're so good with any character! I really lack character knowledge since I mostly only played against Marisa and Alice, Suika's moves especially were just incomprehensible for me. And Aya mirror were kinda humiliating but I will catch up at some point...On the bright side, today I got to connect bullet hit and crowcard second time in my life, this time intentionally!
>>1554692ggs, thanks for hosting. Suika isn't that bad really, it's just that i got a meme deck with literally all command throws including the 5 cost card, which can be really tricky to play around in a game where almost no one has a throw. if i get to use a normal deck against you it probably won't be as silly>today I got to connect bullet hit and crowcard second time in my lifethat was a very good confirm, i hardly ever get to combo from stray bullets like that
>>1555239Yes soku >>1553984
>>1555239Thanks for joining, GGs.
>>1553984>>1555249GGsHoly fuck playing against Alice is impossible she's like a castle, I cannot get slip in with anythingSorry I was playing like punching bag, I was just looking for openings and playing for the counterattack
>>1555364got to spectate a few games, Alice truly fucking sucks to play against as Reimu
>>1555422any advice?
>>1555433NTA, but here's an advice from someone who has been Alice's punching bag for quite a while : don't let Alice snowball you, try to clear dolls or don't let to set them up before it's too late and you're cornered with 4 dolls shooting at you.
>>1555433i wishthe most success i've had was trying to chip down Alice from a distance because Reimu's normals kinda blow at close range and at mid range Alice is just better. even then, you end up giving her a ton of space to set up as many dolls as she wants, but it's still better than the alternativealso try not to whiff things like 6A, against other characters you may catch a dash in but Alice will very happily just f5A you in return every single time
soku>>1555467do you play Reimu main?wanna play mirror matches with me?
>>1557486Soku? At with giuroll!
>>1557512GGsand happy new year
>>1557530Ggs, game was unusually laggy today, happy coming new year!
last soku of 2024?
>>1557856Is it too late to ask now?
>>1558645it isn't, there are still a couple hours left for some 2024 soku
>>1558753actually maybe not right now but in about half an hour from now
>>1558755'kay, I'm ready when you are.
>>1558799i'm ready now, can you host?
>>1558818vm reserved
GGs. Rigged as hell random select wanted that Sanae runback
>>1558880ggs, i can probably play some more later on if you wantthanks for hosting and happy new year
>>1558882Another day. I wanna hit up training mode for a bit before playing more matches. Happy New Year
Anyone up for soku today?
>>1559168sure i'm still up for games
stop mashing and play the puppet game
>>1559247Hop on with giuroll then!
>>1559261did our connection kill itself again
>>1559284Yeah this time it died on my side, rehosted if you're up for more.
>>1559286ggs, looks like the game loves Komachi todaythanks for hosting
>>1559329Ggs! Yeah quite a lot of Komachi matches, and I still can't quite get how to properly play against her. Any tips for her or in general, aside from still... absent proper combos?
>>1559340to be honest she kinda sucks, the only easy way for her to open people up is through j2A crossups so if you are on the lookout for those then defending against her should be pretty easy. then again i never got to use Taste of Death which is her only other relevant mix upalso she has a whole lot of anti airs and her 66C is air unblockable too so low flights are super unsafe against her unless you are at literal full screen distance. Aya shouldn't have much trouble with that anyways, Gust Fan is an amazing anti-anti air
I want to try playing pofv, can someone host?
>>1560717Hosting at with Adonis2
>>1560740give me a min, it's not launching
>>1560740thanks! seems like it workslets play later maybe
>>1560789Congrats, you set it up right. Just so you know, you picked the weakest character in the game so if your goal is to win you may want to not do that.
>>1560793I don't care I like her
>>1560798also I need to start playing again because I'm very rusty and I have not played pofv in a long time, but I know how it works
>>1560793Ok I finished up doing some stuff, wanna play again a couple of rounds?
>>1560830Sure, hop in. Same IP.
>>1560835Thanks for the games, I managed to grab some rounds so I'm happy, I'm going back to doing some stufflet's play later maybe
>>1560857GGs, good job scoring points. You can press the Save Replay button to exit the game.
>>>/v/699093359GGs, well played. Some of Aya's sprites are way too distracting. Even if you can't see her pantsu, it's still showing a lot of skin.
>>1560859up for more pofv?>>1562297>Some of Aya's sprites are way too distractingtrue true
>>1562297Ggs, webmrel was so dumblucky but also so satisfying.> Even if you can't see her pantsu, it's still showing a lot of skin.I firmly believe she does that intentionally, enough to catch eyes and distract mine too but not enough to show anything important.
>>>/v/699165138New IP:
>>1563456I wanted to call it quits after that thread 404'd, I'm glad I didn't. GGs, well played. That nonstatic IP must come in handy sometimes.
>>1563495Ggs! Second time we start there and end up here, lol.> That nonstatic IP must come in handy sometimes.Until they notice and reach for subnet...
>>1563577Yes soku!, giuroll
>>1563577GGs, that was time well spent. My brain is starting to acknowledge the existence of Sakuya's AUB. Developing countermeasures. Maybe next I'll think about not trying to 66A through your knives at melee range. You gave me lots to think about. Thanks for joining.
>>1563692ggs, well played>Maybe next I'll think about not trying to 66A through your knives at melee rangeit's not so bad, those 66As killed like half my attempts at setting up Phantasmic Killer
soku or pofv?
>>1563805i can play soku now
>>1564001ok lets go
>>1564002can you host
>>1564005yeah, same as always
>>1564005game crashrehosting
>>1564034now my game crashed
>>1564034I think the network might be deadGGs anyway
>>1564040yeah i guess the game doesn't want to work todayggs
>>1565112soku! >>1563589
>>1565121Sorry there was a power outage due to rainGG's
>>1571250Yes, PoFV., Adonis2
>>1571260GGsback to workthanks for playing with me
>>1571297Thanks for joining, fun games.
>>1572544still want soku?
>>1572715sure but i probably won't stay around for too long
>>157274984.10.221.254:10800, giuroll
>>1572749Thanks for joining, GGs. I thought I was starting to understand.
>>1572848ggs, thanks for hostingyou were, but these cards are so stupidly high damage that even a tiny mistake snowballs into half an hp bar and suddenly all your momentum is lost
>>1572890Yeah sure >>1572754
>>1573012GGs, you did alright. Keep it up.
>>>/v/699983371Thanks for hosting, GGs.
Now what the mofuark is this damage...>>1576106Ggs! I still feel like a complete slug when I play with you, in situations when I have to play aggressively I vaguely know what to do, but when I try to do that it works out in only like 5%, otherwise these air-to-air kicks for example result in just another combo in me. Any tips how to improve in this regards, if it's possible at all? Or just play more input faster?
>>1576112Play more input faster is the best advice I'm capable of giving. See what works and what doesn't, learn, adapt. Keep in mind that your opponents are also learning and adapting and may sometimes be slow to do so. If there's a way of improving other than putting in the hours, I don't know it.As for your webm, this is why I can never give up Alice. She may not compete with the high tiers but when her spellcards hit, they hit hard.
>>1576171sure >>1571260
>>1576181sorry let's pley in a few mins, gotta work
>>1576112guard crushes have really massive proration. combine that with a low HP opponent and Aya's already kinda shit damage and yeahthat's always good to remember before choosing to blow all your cards after getting a guard break
>>1576184ok I'm done, let's play again
>>1576196join up
>>1576197GGs that was pretty good, I almost won onelet's play later maybe>MedicineMy skin burnss
>>1576222GGs, thanks for joining.Please pick a more opportune time to play, pausing a match in the third round is the worst.
>>1576223I'm very sorry about that I got called up to hel pwith somethingI'm playing in the dead hours of work
>>1577586Time and place
>>1578537nta but now
>>1578543same as always
>>1577586still up for soku if anyone else is alive
>>1578590lets go >>1578544
>>1578596sorry someone got in
>>1578599rehosting btw
>>1578600try again, i saw a host up for like 3 seconds before it vanished
>>1578602yeah sometimes it does that
>>1578609it should be up, get in now
>>1578611>failed to connect
>>1578618yes, but i think it's on my end because i can't even host with autopunch apparentlynot sure what's going on, let me try out a couple things first and we can try again in a few minutes
>>1578623GGskino Reimu mirrors
>>1578721ggsindeed, all mirror matches were too close
more soku
>>1579506Still up for it?
>>1579572nta but i can play if you're still up
>>1579648Not for long sadly. I'll likely be around to ask for games tomorrow at least
>>1579658sure no worries
>>1579648ok let's go
up for soku again
>>1580389sure can you host
>>1580424same as always
>>1580476ggs, sorry i had to mute the game i didn't know that was supposed to be lastyou've gotten much much better recently, but you should really try to avoid using moves with such high commitment like 6a/66c so often just to try to land a hit. generally you want to use quick moves to open people up so you don't eat a ton of unnecessary damage in case you miss>IT'S SO USELESStry land canceling it more often at max range, most characters can't do shit about it
>>1580544>6a/66cThe latter just works sometimes as it can graze a bit a catch someone offguard, but you are right.>try land canceling it more often at max rangehow do I do that?
>>1580690>how do I do that?literally just landing with the move. landing with aerial moves has almost no recovery in this game, and that thing has big range and is active for a long time so if you use it while landing i can't really punish you for it. if you use it while rising for example you are stuck in recovery for a long time which gets you clipped by stray bullets constantly, unless you hit me and get to cancel it of courseif you use C amulets as cover it's specially difficult for me to try to challenge your landing with that move
>>1580913alright thanks
>>>/v/7003773815.16.26.157:10800Doubling here in case you don't have dollchan or other thread autorefreshers.
>>1582371GGs, well played. Keep not letting me control the entire screen. Keep getting that damage in.
>>1582589Ggs, games so good today I almost forgot I got to go. By the way, what happened on webmrel? I literally can't see any hits or bullets to hit me there...
>>1582602It's a Returning Doll coming from off-screen. You can see the wire at the start of the webm.
>>1582634Oooh now I see it, I thought it was wire from shooter doll and tried to see any rainbow bullets coming from there.
soku anyone
>>1583010same as always
>>1583058are you rehosting?
>>1583061yeah, just give me a min
I think you gotta reset your game and network
GGssorry I got a bit angryman I can't understand this game
>>1583077i restarted everything like 3 times and it didn't work, then i did literally nothing else, joined again and it started working again. no clue why our connection acts retarded like that some times>>1583143ggs, and yeah i could tell, no worriesyou were on the right track yesterday, it just takes a while time to get consistent at it
>>1586066sure but short set because i need to go to bed soon
>>158606984.10.221.254:10800, giuroll
>>1586069GGs. That wasn't a short set, was it? Sorry to keep you up so late.Don't want to be a backseat driver but are you holding back on Sakuya's oki strats? I used to dread getting knocked down against her but you're just letting me get up. Even when you have the right spellcard selected.
>>1586123ggs, very well played. wasn't intending to play for this long but i can't say no to some good soku. also>mountain vapor phantasmic killer as last resortsome times all you have to do is believe>spoilerthis is not my oki oriented deck, private square is in there mostly as weather manipulation, checkmate situations like typhoon/sunshower and really because it's just broken as hell all around. i don't use the other deck as often unless i want to derust those setups, mostly because spamming the wake-up mario party guessing mini game over and over isn't really fun for either party in a casual set, unless both players are very deep into the setplay flowchart
>>1586125I see. Glad to hear you're not going easy on me. Sweet dreams.
Soku gaming?
>>1586195yes >>1586070
>>1586195GGs, well played. My entire hand hurts, that's too much soku for today.
>>1586306Ggs, thanks for hosting!> My entire hand hurts, that's too much soku for today.I guess tiring your opponent is also strategy to win, lol.>>1586202I'd be up for more in like 2-3 hours.
>>1586315>I'd be up for more in like 2-3 hours.nah gotta go in one hour
>>1586315>I'd be up for more in like 2-3 about now
>>1586729Let's, but not for too long, hop on with giuroll!
>>1586772>Failed to connect
>>1586783Hmm, try now?
>>1586794still nothingi wonder if it's on my end, since i can't host even though my setup should support hole-punching
>>1586808Maybe, I don't think I've had problems with people connecting to me before. Just in case, check if you entered correct IP, if still nothing well we can try our luck next time with autopunch maybe.
>>1586816nothing, i tried updating the autopunch module as well and it still doesn't work. it's strange because i have already joined you before and had no issues, i even joined another host just a few hours ago and still had no problemsjust to make sure, what does show if you run the test while hosting?
>>1586850Seems like everything's fine. Maybe your ISP blocks connection to certain IP ranges?
>>1586860not sure about that, i tried joining through a VPN as well and still nothing. on the bright side, apparently i can host on the hostlist (with autopunch) now so see if you can join there
>>1586899Oh we can, though it's tournament time now that's why I said not for long that time. Now that it's solved, see you later!
>>1586908dunno why that worked but sure, good to see there's a workaroundfuck's sake i forgot that was today and didn't register
Hold the fugg up, there's a tournament? Why did no one tell me?
>>1586933i did not in fact remberalso they did not make a separate thread in the usual board so you will have to scroll to the bottom of to find it
>>1586961Third time in a row I miss one of their tourneys. I have this thread open too, I just didn't check it for a month.
Jobbing to japYuukarin second time... >>1586933Oops, sorry, I was almost sure everyone here also know and visit zzzchan, where it also was announced.
Quick tips&tricks vs Suika? I don't think I've learned anything from last time I played against her...
>>1587139respect the fireworks and get out of that area if you can't navigate around them, don't spam flight so often if you are in loliball range since you can't stop it with bullets, abuse her bad defense with endless pressuregood luck
>>1587139don't get fucking massacred
>>1587153>>1587167Thanks, it looked so much scarier before. Now revenge against Yuukarin...
>>1587221>that train dodgeHOOOLY SHITYou spent three months in the hyperbolic Alice chamber, you better not fuck this up.
>>1587221Congrats on the win!
>>1587247> You spent three months in the hyperbolic Alice chamber, you better not fuck this up.Yep, that didn't go to waste, 2-0 against Alice (romanian), thanks sensei.>>1587295Thanks to all who have been playing with me previously! Final victory wasn't my biggest win today though, not as much as revenge against the Yukari player who ended last tournament for me and sent to loser bracket in this one, feels sweet to see previous 0-2 and today's 2-1.
>>1587297shit i couldn't watch the finals but congrats, both sets against Suika and Yukari were great to watch
>>1588212yes soku84.10.221.254:10800 giuroll
>>1588212GGs, cool Iku. I hope you stick with her.
>>1588223GGsI think I should learn how to play Iku instead
>>1588459soku soku >>1588223
>>1588459GGs, well played. That's the Sakuya I remember.
>>1588660ggsmaybe my other deck did need some practice after all
is someone alive? I want to test out something, but I need a host (that is not from lobbymod)
>>1588856yeah, does an autopunch host work for you?
>>1588897maybe, try to host
>>1588920146.70.187.182:10800also up on the hostlist
>>1588933nope, doesn't workIt's what I expected, thanks for trying are you up for playing later tonight?
>>1588939depends on how late that would be, but most likely yes
>>15889546-7 hours maybeor tomorrow around the same time as >>1588212
>>1588957>6-7 hours maybearound 6 hours from now works for me
I haven't playeded soku in a few years anf wanna play it again but what even is all this stuff in that first link back in my day sokuroll was just enough
>>1589248a bunch of QoL stuff that was added like fixing desyncs, better controller support, an in-game hostlist, an enhanced training mode etc. most of it isn't necessary if you already have the game installed and are happy with thatwe don't use sokuroll anymore though, there's giuroll which is an improved version and you can find the link in the OP as well. they are not compatible so you do need to install that module
>>1588961i'm up now if you wanna play
>>1589653im coming home right now
>>1589653>>1589667ok host NOW
>>1589689see >>1588933
>>1589695GGs and thanks for hosting YEAAAAAAAH I WON ONE WITH IKUI was sad about that first Suika match with that demonic grab but everything is ok nowI wish there was a guide about how to deal with Oki
>>1589792ggsif you intend to learn Iku then i very highly suggest adding Veils Like Sky x4 on your deck. not only will it spare you from those moments when you get constantly rushed down without any room to breathe till you die, but learning to use it properly will probably teach you a lot about better movement for perma grazing>>1589792>I wish there was a guide about how to deal with Okiwe all dobut for starters you may wanna tone down your aggression on wake up a little bit. unless you really don't respect your opponent oki, which is also valid but depends on the opponent. usually when you are recovering from wake up or in the corner your first priority should be trying to get back to a neutral situation, rather than trying to beat them up
>>1589803>rather than trying to beat them upyeah.. I tend to do that a lotI mean the majority of opponents do it and works for them, I don't know why.I could be right besides them waiting for the wake up, so I can put some pressure with a 5A, and they counterblock me all the time, but when I do it I get smacked.
>>1589809counter-attack me"
>>1589809>I could be right besides them waiting for the wake up, so I can put some pressure with a 5A, and they counterblock me all the time, but when I do it I get smackedhitting that properly means timing the start of attack slightly before they finish waking up, which can be hard to do unless the move is active for a really long time. if you are too early, the attack will come out before they finish waking up while they are still invincible, so instead you are in recovery and they have time to hit you instead. if you do it a bit too late, they will have time to press a button as well. the timing can be really finicky so it takes some practice to do rightit's easier to do with bullets because some bullets tend to move slowly and stay active in an area for a long time (like Iku's 5c which shoots out a thunder ball that stands still). but if you only do that then the opponent can wake up and instantly high jump, which is when you should catch that jump insteadthis guy explains it more nicely if you need an example you want to just escape instead you probably want to block the oki and look for chances to border escape or use defensive cards instead. Iku also has extremely variable wake up timings because of her super long tech, so that's another way to mix up your options and make the opponent fuck up their timings
>>1589827thanks man, much appreciated
Soku gaming in around half an hour?
An hour is somewhat around half an hour too I hope...>>1590198Hop on with giuroll, but this time from sokulobbies client with vanilla network menu! I noticed my giuroll versions are different, it might be that (thought I thought they were compatible).
>>1590211GGsthat leap attack is so confusing, I swear I'm blocking an it still gets me
Hisoutensoku: strive when
>>1590248Ggs! > I swear I'm blocking an it still gets meYep, that means I finally started using it as actual mixup tool. I can control flight a bit and land it further than center of your hitbox, making your block invalid as you should've blocked to the left on webmrel. I LOVE tengu drum.
>>1590250AAAAAAA that's the exact moment fuck
>>1590249god help us if that ever happens
>>1590249Never. AoCF: Strive however...
>>1590249nobody tell him
>>1590827still up? i could play for a bit
>>1590986>>1591007GGsman do you know the frame advantages of all the characters? there's no way around you
>>1591035ggsnot quite, but it's not too complicated in this game either. you can just assume that rightblock=minus and wrongblock=plus. if i see you wrongblock something i will keep extending forever. there are really few exceptions that are worth learning, like Okuu charged 6A which crushes on wrongblock but still gives her the advantage if you block it right or Remi's slide which as you might have already noticed i shamelessly abused for that whole match
>>1591041>or Remi's slide which as you might have already noticed i shamelessly abused for that whole matchyes, I'm still salty about that and the question was born from that abuse
>>1591046yeah that's probably the worst offender in the game. basically it's always plus unless i use it point blank AND you block it right. if you wrongblock you HAVE to hold block, and even if you block it right, if i use it from a distance then it's still my turn. one of the many reasons everybody hates Remidon't worry that's about as complex as it gets with frame advantage of melee moves in this game
>>1591048I think I should work on my defense more then, getting beaten up for a long time without diminishing returns get's very tiringGood night
>>1591052might wanna consider bringing more defensive cards in that case, they are pretty good training wheels for defense and you'll probably gain more from that than some other spell cardsgood night
Can I get some cirno tips
>>1591360I load up one of my decks with great crusher, she's got good range as well and her delayed attacks can make for fun situations, her kick is also cute
>>1591360get good at corner rape and your life will be 10x easier as cirnoalso ice charge helps her cover quite a few of her problems, try it if you don't have it in your deck already
soku?i wanna try out a couple cards
>>1592583still up? i can play now
>>1592815NTA but I can play
>>1592924sorry had to do something, but if you still wanna play just host
>>1593054vm reserved
GGs. Free me from the corner jail
>>1593241ggs, thanks for hostingyou played really well, there really wasn't much missing besides more experience against some characters
>>1595799i can play for a bithost if you still wanna play
>>1595891vm resereved
>>1595896rehost, i was about to join
>>1595900that guy wasn't you?
>>1595900never mind i just noticed someone else joined insteadyou can keep playing if you want though
>>1595902the guy left after a match
>>1595903well then, rehost again please
>>1595907GGsSorry there was a power outage
>>1595929well ggs thenthat was much better though, you found many chances to escape without eating much damage at all
>>1595931ok I think I found the problem, the heating system was faulty but I fixed it, I thinkWanna try again?
>>1595967sure but i'll be leaving soon so not for too long
>>1596005host up
>>1596005>>1596007GGsthat was pretty good, I need to polish a few more things and I'll be able to win more
>>1596072ggs, yeah that was very well played, i think you already noticed the huge difference. also>completely whiff tenshi's reversal>still get a random bullshit crossup for 7k raw damagelel sorry but that was funny as hell, i think that was aurora drizzle too
>>1596089yeah that was bullshit hahahow did that get me?
>>1596091it was a counter hit so you were caught pressing somethingthat spell has 2 parts, the uppercut and that huge fucking rock falling from the sky. i don't know if the rock tracks you or falls at a static distance, but you have to block it high because i'm pretty sure it will hit you even on wrongblock
>>1596109oh fuck I shouldn't have jumped
>>159801384.10.221.254:10800, giuroll 0.6.14
>>1598033GGsI fucking hale alice man
>>1598013GGs, thanks for joining.
i wanna try soku
>>1598472Jump in to >>1598033 if you don't mind a bit of bulling.
>>1598612is that whateverthefuck giuroll version the one that is in the first op link download pack
>>1598656>>1598612whatever im in
>>1598659it crashed, rehosting
>>1598720im gonna grab some food dont bother ggs and all that
>>1598737GGs, pretty good Patchouli. Seen worse.
late night soku?
late morning soku?
>>1599781I'd be up in like 1.5-2 hours or so.
>>1599813early afternoon soku?
>>1599846Hop on with giuroll if you're still up!
>>1599857Thanks for hosting, GGs. Okuu's moves leave a lot of openings.
Okuu is so grabbable during her spellcards...>>1599920Ggs! I really liked rocket dive move and spellcard, however there is one small issue - it's DP input... And even aside from rocket dive that is more of meme "one move for limit" skill, other Okuu's DP skills are also useful, and I'm barely able to input them. Though Okuu's damage is awesome even without fancy combos, feels great to only need to land like 4 autocombos to win.
>>1599930>Okuu is so grabbable during her spellcards...sure most of them are punishable, but atlas isn't really a grab and it's fully invincible. it will win literally every trade
>>1599846up for more early afternoon soku?
>>1600477How about late evening soku, right about now?, giuroll 0.6.14
>>1600605now i have to finish something else first, i should be free in about 40-50 min from now
>>1600643No big deal, feel free to join whenever.
>>1600655nta but are you still up?
>>1600605ggs, that was some good late afternoon sokuin theory c ricochet sucks dick, in practice i guess it instills the fear of god in the opponents
>>1600908GGs, extremely well played. I scored against Yuyuko once, I'll take that as a victory for tonight. Absolutely brutal Sakuya, just the way I like it.>in theory c ricochet sucks dickAs I saw it, it took like 3 orbs when blocked and did 2500k damage when not. It's a very scary spell.>>1600858Rehosting, let me get some caffeine in my bloodstream first. The night is still young (not really).
>>1600913>As I saw it, it took like 3 orbs when blocked and did 2500k damage when notyeah, it's just that it does about the same spirit damage of Killing Doll for double the cost, has okay-ish damage for a 4-cost spell and has no real setups unlike KD/PS because of how long the startup isbut maybe forcing the opponent to graze or block purely out of fear isn't that bad at all
>>1600913Too slow. Host down, goodnight.
If you play yuyuko you cannot have salary jobIf you play yuyuko you can't have sex You are lazy worthless nigger looking for a easy way out probably sitting in his room alone jacking off 24/7
>>1601601you sound black
>>1601601I don't play Yuyuko but let's kill each otherhost
>>1601601if ltg would play soku he would play yuyuko since he only plays lame zoners
>>1602928yes soku >>1600605
>>1602931ggs, thanks for hostinglet's just pretend no one got crushed by Alice charged dial A of all things
>>1602999Thanks for joining, GGs. It's always shocking to be reminded that Alice has a crushing move.
host the videogame
>>1603007I host >>1600605
>>1603009not playing you cornball
>>1603011What THE FWARK does cornball supposed to mean?
>>1603186yes soku stop shouting >>1600605
>>1603197sorry for the ragequit, I just can't believe how that card didn't connect when you came flying down with a kick right in my faceIt's just unbelievableIf you wanna keep playing I can get in again
>>1603217Understandable ragequit, I'm not sure what happened here either.It's kinda late so let's call it GGs.
>>1603221>webmFUCKFUUUUUUUUCKok ggs
>>1603221that's a picture-perfect safejump
>>1603333wow that's some bullshit
>>1604174yes soku, yes gaming84.10.221.254:10800, GR
>>1604180Ggs! I felt so smart for not falling for reversal spellcard twice in a row, god I hate them and the fact that none of characters I play have them.Okuu is quite fun to play, though feels lot more defensive than Aya, maybe because I'm mostly playing against Suika and she can't really break my spirit with anything other than with powerslide.
>>1604355GGs, good soku. I was about to post the exact same clip. The power of learning. Please also learn to not hug the corner when Suika has a Massacre ready.
>>1604368> Please also learn to not hug the corner when Suika has a Massacre ready.That would require looking at your cardbar, and if I'm waiting for you to grab me I might as well just smack you for that? Though being honest I only recognize how your rock throw and reversal look like, their thumbnails aren't too revealing.So about touhou triathlon, do you have someone in mind or just want to try if anyone will be up for it?
>>1604385>if I'm waiting for you to grab me I might as well just smack you for that?Yeah that's the plan. I wasn't expecting webm related to actually work.The Massacre looks pretty standout to me, but I may be a little biased.>spoiler2Two other people seemed interested in that one thread but will they actually join? Might be worth trying if there's ever a surviving weekend thread.
>>1604410> I wasn't expecting webm related to actually work.Oh, it was because Okuu's dashes are reeeeeeeeealy long. And I think I misinputed something here since dashing backwards makes no sense, really can't tell what would make me dash like that consciously.
>>1604434Or wait it wasn't even a dash, just walking back. Uuugh I guess played character has some impact on player...
>>1604518Like soku? I'd be up for some more.
>>1604385>and if I'm waiting for you to grab me I might as well just smack you for that?protip: just jumpthat's how you beat any throw. in the case of Massacre specifically you can even jump after the spell flash and still dodge it, so there's a ton of time to react to it. if you try throwing out an attack after spell flash you will get grabbed every time
>>1604546>Any throwWhat about Yuyuko's kiss or Iku's scarf?
>>1604553those are, for all intents and purposes, regular AUBs. Iku's B 623 is even blockable
>>1604560A throw is a throw though
>>1604562not everything that looks like a throw is actually a throw
>>1604571But the character GRABS and THROWS with those attacksBy definition they are throws
>>1604572so is Atlas, but it's still a blockable move
>>1604574So with your logic, Yuyuko's skill IS a throw
>>1604577when i say they are basically regular AUBs it's because there's no real mechanical difference in this game between an "airthrow" and an AUB, other than the animation. it's not like there's throw techs in this game or anything else to set them apartany throws that are actually, distinctively throws, share the properties of throws in any other game. so they are unblockable and whiff on airborne opponents
>>1604588That's a funny logic, when Yuyuko's skill is unblockable and also throws the opponent directly into oki>it's not like there's throw techs in this game I don't think this matters at all, when you can't tech spellcard throws eitherThe only main difference with other games is just the dumb tech but even then, other games just count them as throws even if they lack tech
>>1604616Not for long, but hop on with giuroll!
>>1604594>when Yuyuko's skill is unblockable and also throws the opponent directly into okisetting up an oki situation isn't necessarily true for airthrows in other games, so that doesn't really mean much either>I don't think this matters at all, when you can't tech spellcard throws eitherno but grounded throws still have distinctive properties that are enough to tell them apart. that's why something like Meiling a623C is clearly not a throw despite being unblockable
>>1604628>no but grounded throws still have distinctive properties that are enough to tell them apart.Like what?
>>1604631see >>1604588, basically all melee moves with those propertiesin fact they don't just whiff on airborne opponents, they even whiff during jump startup even at point blank distance
>>1604650>Just because they whiff they are throwsHuh?
>>1604626Lobby autoclosed for some reason (or I didn't hear X taps), rehosted if up for more.
>>1604656Gotta go snooze now, host down, Was short but ggs!
>>1604655not many moves will fail completely on a non-blocking enemy during landing and while on the ground during the jump start-up framesbut jumps have throw invulnerability so stuff like this happens
>>1604679I'm aware but that doesn't make them throws where in other games you get anti air throws just fine
>>1604689i'd say the fact that there's a throw invulnerability flag and only the moves that share the properties of throws are affected by it most definitely makes them throws>where in other games you get anti air throws just fineall i'm saying is, they are functionally the exact same as AUBs. if you would rather think about them as anti air throws then so be it, but they simply aren't affected by properties that the rest of regular throws are affected by so you can't really expect anti-throw tech to work against those. instead the way to play around them is the exact same way you play around any other AUB
>>1604696>i'd say the fact that there's a throw invulnerability flag and only the moves that share the properties of throws are affected by it most definitely makes them throwsThen Yuyuko's is a throw>all i'm saying is, they are functionally the exact same as AUBs.I can see what you mean, but they are still throws really at the end of the day
>>1604705>>and only the moves that share the properties of throws are affected by it>Then Yuyuko's is a throwYuyuko's throw clearly ignores any throw invulnerability anon, if it didn't it would be entirely useless
>>1604732>Yuyuko's throw clearly ignores any throw invulnerability anonFinally we agree it's a throw
>>1604736shut up you get the point
>>1604773vm reserved
>>1604783ok coming in, there's a thunderstorm right now so if I die, you know why
>>1604787You don't have to give me thunderstorms too, are you trying to take me down with you? GGs
>>1604783>>1604787GGs! nice patchyI was going to say that you should ditch the swords, but thy still got me so I have nothing to say then
>>1604882I am blatantly overusing the swords in situations where her other tools would work better, but I think it's very funny to have them hanging around and hopefully give some intimidation
>>1604904>but I think it's very funny to have them hanging around and hopefully give some intimidationhehonce I figured them out they were not scary anymore, patchy's entire arsenal of bullets are more scary
I don't play soku because no 2hu has bouncing big boobies in that game
>>1605431Komachi looks stacked
>>1605443Mosquito bites compared to this
>>1605431so do you play aocf then?
>>160624284.10.221.254:10800, GR 0.6.14
soku anyone else?
>>1606242Thanks for joining. Good effort in the last match.
>>1605601holy SEEEEEEEEEX
>>1607218yes soku >>1606253
>>1607218GGs, well played. Good soku. Ricochet stopped being scary after you told me it's not all that good.
>>1607360ggs, i need a breakthanks for hosting>Ricochet stopped being scary after you told me it's not all that good.yeah it's not terrible if you block it, but it takes so long that i can't force you to block it in the first place
Hello Touhous and Toubros.I'm trying to organize a 4-player game of Magical Battle Arena Next for this Sunday at an as-of-yet undefined time. Let me know if you're interested. The game is only half Touhou I hope that's okay but it's fun free and fun.
As an aside I also want to try this game.'s 4 player too.Maybe we can do it after Magical Battle Arena Next.
>>1608126I'm grabbing it however can't be sure if I'm available this sunday, so write me in with pencil for now.
>>1608126>>1608131I'm down for either. Might have to step down from the mahou shoujo game if it doesn't run on linux but I'll definitely play MM2 anytime it's hosted.
>>1608245>>1608303Awesome!If this Sunday at like 6PM EST doesn't work feel free to suggest better times. I'm a filthy NEET and can host whenever.
>>1608825Oh that's 4 AM for me, not even close... Something like 6 hours earlier would be better.
>>1608825That's midnight in euroland. Bit earlier, please.
>>1608830>>1608853I can try Sunday 1 PM EST if that's better so long as we get 1 more for 4 total.I'm worried about the connection I didn't know this place was so international. Hopefully it'll be fine.
>>1609465There was some MM2 played in a /v/ thread earlier today and let me tell you, it was bad even with all europeans. Intercontinental is probably a no-go. Let's hope the magical girl game has less terrible netcode, I want in on that shit.
>>1609465>I'm worried about the connection I didn't know this place was so internationalwould love to join in as well but this would definitely be an issue, my connection can barely even handle a 2p game with rollback so anything beyond that is a no-go for megood luck running that though
>>1609522>>1609530Even if it lags horribly I still think it's at least worth trying. Just make sure you have ethernet plugged in of course.
>>1608126can't, I have work
>>1608825I won't be able to make it at that time, sorry anon
>>161033884.10.221.254:10800, GR 0.6.14
>>1610338Thanks for joining, GGs.
>>1610343ggs, I hate Alice so muchand it fucking happened AGAIN>>1603221
>>1610433more soku >>1610343
why would i play soku
>>1610336That's fine. Like I said, feel free to suggest better times.
>>1610439Ggs alicefag, fun games.
>>1610829GGs, well played! You've got some stamina. I hope we can play again before next Setsubun.
Going to try for 1PM EST today in MBAN.RSVP if you're interested. If I can't get 4 people then I'll try another time.
>>1610893I'm up.
>>1610947Hop on with giuroll! (till >>1610893 starts)
MBAN lobby going up now! From the main menu go to network -> IP connection and find this screen. Enter my IP and port exactly as shown with "Client (クライエント)" highlighted. Your player name will be different. sure your controls are all setup to your liking too.
>>1611110ggs, was fun thanks for hosting
>>1611256Ggs! You seem to know Aya well enough, any general or exact tips and tricks for me? Also, now that I think of it, were yours 2A blockstrings tight or I just didn't manage to break them? Can they actually be tight and I'm just too slow to unput them tightly?
2 more
>>1611226Ahem I probably should've thought about that earlier to not ask stupid questions, but even settings are all in japanese... What are main controls here? And where is how does netplay button look?
Game crashed. Not sure why. Lobby going back up. >>1611281The menus should be explained in the moriyashrine link I posted.And look for ネットワーク in the main menu for online.
1 more!
>>1611285Ok, where is save changes button here?
Be the way, don't say I haven't told you this time!
>>1611263i feel there's a ton to say about Aya but i'll try to keep it short>were yours 2A blockstrings tight or I just didn't manage to break them?they are not tight, but that's the fun part because the gaps are way too small to try to mash out. if you try pressing anything you will get opened up. in some cases i stagger them intentionally to leave those gaps there and check if you are mashing>Can they actually be tight and I'm just too slow to unput them tightly?the only things you need to be tight are the melee > bullet links because otherwise they are an easy escape point if i just hold high jump. both 3A and 6A are tight into 6C at point blank range, and into 236 at slightly farther distances. neither bullet is particularly good to reset pressure but they are both good to set up BE catch situations so if you get me to block those you should probably try to look out for BEs until you force me to sit there and take the reset insteadalso if you want free pressure resets you have your spell cards for that, the 1-cost, 2-cost and 3-cost spells are all stupidly safe pressure resets after 6A or 3Ayou don't have to memorize all that but the point is Aya really prefers sticking to melee pressure as much as possible unlike other characters like Sakuya for example, so knowing which attacks let you restart your pressure and which ones will force you to end it helps a ton and will make you get more crushes
>>1611226Game crashed.
Seems like it crashed.
GGs though. I definitely can get much better at this game, and should play the single player modes.
>>1611386>>1611387Seems like it. It's stuck on loading for me. Lobby going back up.Also some things: you have alternate attack and alternate fire, which can be done by holding the "trigger" button. You also get new attacks by holding down those buttons and charging them up, as represented by the bars on the left side of the screen.
>>1611391> you have alternate attack and alternate fire, which can be done by holding the "trigger" buttonHmm, this button shoots additional bullets by itself for me...
Game suddenly crashed.
Well that's a crash lmao.
Aw it crushed again in the middle of the fight now...
Alright. Lobby going up one more time. Let's say like 2 or 3 more fights?I'm just happy we're able to play at all.
>>1611504I can't connect now somehow...
>>1611568Uh oh. Lobby is definitely still open and the others guys are still in it. Did you change anything?
>>1611569No, literally just restarted the game. Always fascinated me how programs like that just decide to fall apart for no apparent reason.
>>1611572I'll close and re-open the lobby. Double check to make sure the IP and everything is correct.
Crashed just as that match ended.
Well that was as good a place to crash as any I suppose.
>crashI'll call it here for now my fingers hurt. Fun game and thanks a bunch to everyone who joined. I can't believe I actually got a 4 player game going in that. Hopefully there's a way to get it to run better.
>>1611226Ggs and thanks for hosting! Game is pretty fun and I started grasping how to play bit by bit now.And yeah, ults can be achieved by mashing trigger shoot/attack after activating "extra" gauge, they actually helped me win in that last round.
GGs everyone, thanks for hostan >>1611656. At no point did I know what I'm doing but it was fun nonetheless.
>>1611661Yeah I randomly lost a huge chunk of life from one of Marisa's supers. She reminds of that "random bullshit go!" meme.I somehow called down a dragon as Sakura which was cool.>>1611671>At no point did I know what I'm doing but it was fun nonetheless.To be fair I think Alice might require a bit of finesse to play because of her dolls.I may do this again sometime!
>>1613389ok host
>>1613413nta but i can play if that other anon is dead
>>1613477ok host
>>161348245.134.142.210:10800also up on the hostlist
>>1613488cant join
>>1613488>>1613637oh nvm you got a gamerim spectating watching you lose
>>1613488ggsman I don't understand this game, and today's matches felt slow and unresponsive for some reasonwhen I'm defending and try to jump away, I get hit.When I'm defending and I jump to attack, I get hit firstIf I'm defending and I don't jump, I get hit by whatever And when I do get a change to hit... blockedSomething I was testing out in practice is that when jumping there are some frames which blocking doesn't work, which explains why I do get hit I'm trying to pressure someone and I jump cancel. But doesn't explain when they do the same thing as me (jump and attack) and it works for them.Maybe I'm just slow
>>1613683Also I forgot to write that because of getting destroyed so often I developed an habit of holding 4 to try top block anything but I still get hit anyway.
>>1613683>I'm trying to pressure someone and I jump cancel.I'm trying to pressure someone and I jump cancel. but they jump right into my face and I get hit"
>>1613683ggs, thanks for joining>Something I was testing out in practice is that when jumping there are some frames which blocking doesn't workyes, i think it's like 4-5 frames where you are completely open so chickenblocking isn't really viable, except in a few cases like against Alicei can tell when you are trying to block and when you switch to constant aggression while defending. your problem isn't really that blocking isn't working, it's that you take too long to figure out how to get out. blocking basically puts you on a timer, because you only have until your orbs get depleted to escape and otherwise you eat a crush and another knockdown, and every wrongblock and every bullet you block makes that timer tick to zero. that's the time frame you have to escape, and if you go in the air it depletes even faster because now everything drains spiritin that time you have to pick an option like BE, a system card, an invincible reversal, or even just mashing something quick like 4A. you can try to escape without using up any of those if you notice a big gap i'm unable to cover, but if you aren't sure then it's better to take one of the other options quickly rather than wait for too long till you have no time left. sure you might not always pick the best option, but with some more trial and error you'll figure out how to do it correctly more often than not. also don't forget 6BE and air BEs are options. and>If I'm defending and I don't jump, I get hit by whatever And when I do get a change to hit... blockedthat's still a good thing, if i'm forced to block that means you have your chance to escape and go back to the center of the screen. not everything has to be about landing clean hits, if you get into a much better position and force me to block that's already a trade in your favor
Someone host, I want to play
>>1613777vm reservedjust a quick session, I need to go to the gym
>>1613782ggs, nice fantasy heaven
>hit bump limit 3x faster than the last threadsuch strength
>>1613915all those posts are me btw
>>16139154chan soku tournament SOON.
>>1613915Oh shit I didn't notice HOLY FUCK SOKUUUUUUI'll make a thread when this one hits page 10
>>1613915truly the 2hu multiplayer renaissance is upon us
>>1614606can you wait a few minutes? Im coming home
>>1614618im in your home
>>1614628well im gonna get groomed by different discord fighter gamers so too badlater
>>1614654ah too badwell Im already home and I'll be Around so if you still wanna play I'll be here
>>1614684NTA, but I'll steal.vm reserved
>>1614735did it crash for you?
>>1614784frozen screen, relaunching now
>>1614785>>1614735GGsthose victories made me regain hope that I can still play
>>1614814GGs. Tough fights against the other anons I take it? Relatable
>>1614817yeah I've been trashed a lot
>>1615235How about in 10 hours after I come back from work sir?
>>1615267That's when I will be sleeping warmly, maybe if you can make it 1-2 hours earlier.
>>1615235sure i can play now
>>702088959>>702089336Net microdied, hop back if you're up for more.
>>1615797Ggs, if I were american this miss would've been my 9/11... I started understanding bit by bit what "tight enough" means, I need to practice my 5A/6A->236 more as I somehow manage to fail them, lol.>>1615553Hop on for a bit if you're still up!
>>1615885GGs, thanks for hostan. Webm related would've got me 4 times out of 5, I just happened to notice your 5card seconds before. Reversals land better when your opponent doesn't have time to look at your deck. Or later in the set, to punish autopilot kicking in.
>>1615553Ggs! Two Illusionary Dominances with good damage landed, very happy.
>>1616033ggsalso landing the last hit of ID is tricky as hell for some reason. well done, was fun
Someone host, please
>>1616680me but wait after I take a piss
>>1616681ok vm reserved
>>1616685GGsNice tenko, extremely hard to kill but I got a win so I'm ok
>>1616735ok but a short set
>>1616753i'm not sure that guy that joined is from here, but if it's gonna be a short set anyway just keep playingi'll be around if someone else wants to play
>>1616749>>1616753GGs>>1616767Oh wait it's not you?
>>1616773nope, i just spectated a couple games
>>1616783wanna play a short set then?
>>1616784sure but if you were gonna leave already then it's all good
>>1616795nah I can play 5 rounds more. same as always
>>1618844Ok but only in like 20-30 minutes now.
>>1618872Alright hop on with giuroll!
>>1618883GGs>last gamethypoon...
>>1618901Ggs! I hate reversals so much it's unreal. On the bright side, today I discovered nice continuation of small tornado card with tengu drum. It probably wouldn't limit even if I landed proper tengu drum follow-up, but damage numbers looking much better than usual Aya's combos.
Not sure how fitting it would be here, but is anyone up for Danmaku!!? It is touhou card board game, that was digitalized with TableTopSim. But since it is TTS, we would need to either have it bought on steam, or pirate it and apply steamfix, both options would require playing via steam. It can be played with 4-8 people, the more people the more gameplay roles become available.
>>1618929i'm down, haven't played it in years but it's very fun so hopefully there's enough players
I also made post in TTS thread just in case, so hope you don't mind people out of our exact cool kids club. >>1618918>>1619031Do you have TTS in steam, or should we get ready to pirate it?
>>1619210i do, i used to played in the TTS thread but i haven't seen them hosting in a while
>>1613754oh I'm so sorry I forgot to reply to this post>it's that you take too long to figure out how to get outYeah it's due to both paranoia that somehow you will read my mind and guess what I'm going to do if I react to quickly, and pressing the wrong inputs because of pressure (also happens when I use the wrong spellcards, or at the wrong timing)There's also the thing that if I play too fast too agressive I could make more mistakes.>but with some more trial and error you'll figure out how to do it correctly more often than not.Yes this is true, but also losing a lot made me pick some bad habits, so I 've been watching replays and playing against other beginners.>if you get into a much better position and force me to block that's already a trade in your favorI'm working on my movement, I tend to hold the flight button so I get hit by melee a lot
>>1619232they've been in eternal recline, waiting for the big box...but I'm glad someone else is interested in hosting it again after so long.
>>1619253something important is that whatever option you pick, you have to be confident enough to do it asap (unless you have a good reason to delay it intentionally of course). for example if i use a 66A and you block it correctly you have frame advantage on your side. but if you sit there and ponder even for a handful of frames whether it is safe to mash or not, you lose all those frames and now even if you press something while having the advantage you'll still get hit. instead, if you really preemptively think i'm going to keep attacking even while i shouldn't, then as soon as you see that right block you should be ready to mash 4A or whatever else. there's always a chance you're wrong and that will depend on your judgement, but if you are right then you will actually win that exchange. which is still better than losing even when you get it right>so I 've been watching replays and playing against other beginnersthat's always good, there's a ton of stuff you don't notice in the middle of a game but becomes clear afterwards. if anything you can get ideas you can then try out in an actual match
>>1619281More soku at with giuroll!
>>1619364GGs, thanks for hostan.
>>1619489Ggs, webmrel was a good one, you finally did it! And I think I finally did orb break from blockstring today, even though only once...
>>1619492Or did spinning doll actually kill me without being activated by trip wire? My god Alice is so confusing even on replays and even I've seen all her dollshit thousands times.
>>1619499> and even after I've seen*
>>1619499Yeah, the tripwire was wasted. Sadly (or luckily) it only activates the C dolls.
>>1619505Ah, I see now. It's just that you did exact same thing couple times before, sending spinning doll and activating tripwire, so I thought you've been trying to land tripwire like that lol.
>>1619492I want to burn those dolls in front of Alice so much fuck
>>1619849I'm down but I can't host.
>>1620050i can try hosting just give me a minute
>>162006845.134.142.210:10800giuroll + autopunch
>>1620069GGs, dumb game kept giving me aya. meiling and reimu
>>1620153ggs long time no seei really need to figure out how to increase delay with giuroll, i feel like an extra frame would have been much better>dumb game kept giving me aya. meiling and reimuthey felt like some of your stronger picks, i don't feel confident i could win with the mirror with any of those three
>>1620158>long time no seeHi hi>they felt like some of your stronger picksI used to play them long ago but I'm just too rusty for them, especially Aya and Reimu
>>1620525In like 15 minutes.
>>1620538Alright hop on!
>>1620607Ggs! Was that ascension kick you were trying to do on webmrel?
>>1620612no, that looks like a 6A
>>1619729Are you a bad enough dude to make that wish come true?
>>1621074*black enough
page 10 soku?
>>1621147Yeah, hop on with giuroll!
>>1621147Ggs! Apparently I'm not the only one who can use tengu drum, lol. Also I'm now really fucking scared of ever fighting Patchy, even simple fireball spam is enough but she has so much more to it too... Though if she is deliberately picked, I can pick Okuu so it's probably not as bad.
>>1621153ggs, well played>Apparently I'm not the only one who can use tengu drum, lolyeah, that card can be a huge pain in the ass to deal with sometimes but my aim fucking sucks so i can't abuse it as muchjust watch out for any invincible reversals in my hand and you're good to go
more page 10 soku?
>Please wait a while before making a thread.>>1622532page 11 soku?