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>What is this?
Korean anime-styled battle royale with moba controls/skills. Currently 8 squads of 3 for a total of 24 players per game but they may bring back solos and duos in the future. Game has been in early access for a few years and version 1.0 has officially launched on July 20th, 2023. Ranked season 6 started Dec 2024.

>Steam Link


>Eternal Return 1.0 Animation Intro (Full Ver.)

>Dr. Nadja's Beginner Guide

>Match History, Character Lookups, etc.

>Interactive Map

>Items/Tac Skills/Augments





>/erbsg/ friends

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>Eternal Return Season 6 Preview

>Season 6 Legion Preview - Eternal Return

>[New Character] Hisui - Eternal Return
I'm tired of siss
I cum in siss
bros i've been practicing sissela for 3 days and only just found out about her normal attack part of her passive
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>Skins available in store and boxes again
Arcana of Fate Adina
Underworld Org Haze
Steampunk Martina

>Skins available in store and boxes soon
Exterminator Adriana

>Skins not avaialable in store and boxes
Crimson Devil Echion
Magical Girl Rio
Lovely Magical Girl Rio
Beachside Nicky
Test-Taker Hyejin
Masquerade Daniel
Demon Hunter Johann
Burning Maid Adriana
Morning Coffee Sua
>Patch notes tomorrow
>Another 7 tk daily that I have to spend hours trying to complete
remember that you can finish non-pass non-event dailies in practice bot matches
>non-pass non-event
well, kinda useless innit?
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don't forget redeem the code bwos
hongbuki nadja when?
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any idea who drew those?
it's a different style vs these
I rolled a silver yuki in ranked who wouldn't group, and wouldn't listen to pings. I don't wanna play ranked anymore.
is Melee Alex bad? I tried him out via the test button but it told me to make a pistol and a shuriken and that's it
alex is unique in that he can use 4 weapons in a single match, 2 of which are ranged and 2 of which are melee. he swaps between them and can utilize the benefits of the various weapons, giving him many options and a flexible playstyle. if you are only playing the melee weapons, then you are not utilizing the potential of his kit.
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Reminder that as a Test Subject, Chiara has had her story re-written twice over the years, both of which to do with how she is around her dopey magician friend.
Then why did the auto guide thingy not tell me to make any, was it just it being bad then? Also doesn't that make picking runes and your non weapon slots really weird, since you want stuff that's both ranged and melee?
What was the previous story?
the build you picked was probably bad. alex is a little odd for builds because you are supposed to bring along the components for all your weapons when you are going through your initial purple build path, but you can't add the additional weapons into your purple build, so you have to just memorize which additional components you need to pick up.
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The original version of "Kyrie Eleison" in Black Survival was the same as the "current" version up until the point where Chiara discovers the photos Nathapon kept of her when she would nail makeshift voodoo dolls to the walls of the Tunnel (or something along the lines of that) which had been kept in Emma's bag, which she had forgotten about until they accidentally spilt out onto the floor. Nathapon is not entirely wrong to do this, as Chiara is usually dangerous and he needs this to remind himself that she can be an unpredictable threat.

Originally, when Chiara discovered these photos, she immediately flew off the handle in typical Chiara fashion about how Emma retained these for a reason, how Nathapon took them for a reason and that no one trusts her to be better, and how she can't trust anyone. In her mania she attacks Emma (but doesn't kill her) and only is able to stop herself after she's already put a few stab wounds in the poor magician girl. Emma tries to calm her down still, pretending that she's fine even when severely wounded, but Chiara just condemns herself as undeserving of any kindness and runs off. The fate of Chiara, Emma and Nathapon are uncertain as the story closes.

However, instead it was re-written. In the re-write, Chiara immediately ceases to challenge why the photos are there and speaks nothing more of the matter when Emma dismisses them in a single statement. Nathapon now suddenly becomes an incompetent retard who while he has a gun, does not see Adriana as a threat that should be dealt with when everyone knows she is amongst the most unrepentant and murderous of many Test Subjects, and after his bag is burnt away by her, loses his memories two seconds later like someone just clicked Delete on memories.txt, simply to remove him from the equation.

Ah that would probably do it. Damn.
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Now, when Adriana discovers Emma and Chiara and is prepared to fuck shit up, while initially Chiara immediately shitmurdered Rosalio on sight as he was a threat to Emma, Chiara decides to do nothing here. Not a peep as our silly magician girl just walks up to the schizophrenic Mexican arsonist and gets stabbed in the throat. What happens past this point doesn't really add anything else to the story and is more just kicking Chiara while she's down.

However, this is where we move onto the lore that Chiara has in Wild Fighter Idle, which is a continuation of Black Survival lore and not the Disneyfication that Eternal Return is. Specifically the part where Chiara believes Emma is dead and gone despite the fact that, well, VF regeneration.

So basically, following the events of Kyrie Eleison, we're supposed to believe that either
1) Emma is actually permadead and couldn't be regenerated somehow, even though she's obviously still around since the events of Wild Fighter Idle take place later on and Emma is a playable character there
2) The researchers took part in complex manipulation of Chiara's memories so that she's incapable of recognizing Emma exists even if she walks in front of her face and still thinks she's dead following how she "failed to protect her" and Emma in turn would no longer recognize Chiara at all nor have any idea what Chiara was referring to, because suddenly people no longer have memories that can perform basic jigsaw puzzles.

That's the first time around. The second time is just Eternal Return's slop setting where Chiara and Emma are best friends and nothing bad ever happened or will ever happen.

t. chiara autist
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Thank you, you are truly the strongest Chiara autist
>Chiara and Emma are best friends and nothing bad ever happened or will ever happen.
Okay but I like this better.
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It really is just better that way. It's part of the reason why Spirit Hunter Chiara was so well-recieved, not just because of the overall design of the skin and the effects, but because it's a variant on Chiara where not only does she believe she has purpose in the world, but also stalwart self-confidence to carry out that which is her duty with no doubts or fears.
I only wish for her to be happy.
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You forgot mention Adriana killed Emma for being an airhead retard pretending to know everything and said that Lily death wasn't a big deal though, but I concede you know more than lorelets doing stupid shit like "Estelle x Adriana" when the later hates dense smartasses bossing people around.
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Chiara Happiness! Chiara Love!
A shame that they're stuck in a zombie franchise
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Emma was - and still is, just that, an airhead. A cheerful, overly optimistic airhead. It's the entire reason they threw her in the same places as Chiara in the first place given the absolute polar opposites they were.
In Kyrie Eleison, Emma is a new arrival to Lumia Island and has little understanding of the dangers that others pose - whether at the start when Isol was attempting to turn her into a pincushion, nor Rosalio mistaking her for a baseball, nor the pyromaniac who had already laid waste to several people that experiment.

Unfortunately, while she has a heart of gold, in the context of
>my sister froze to death in a locked freezer while I was forced to watch
>turn that smile upside down :) life is like a pack of cards, if you don't get what you want, re-shuffle and try again!
does not quite work here, especially when Adriana has to kill you at some point anyway due to the nature of the survival experiments.

(Which is also something they forgot about during Kyrie Eleison since they wouldn't quite permit all of Chiara, Emma and Nathapon to all go home in one piece unless they do what Mediocre Ending did (Yuki, Hart and Li Dailin) while they just let themselves all die to timer)

Sadly, the hasty re-write means they neglected to have Chiara say or do anything at all in regards to how Adriana was obviously hostile (given how she'd attempted to burn the lighthouse down while Chiara and Emma were in it) so now we had all of Nathapon, Chiara and Emma all becoming immensely unconvincing retards in short order.

Anyway, now all of that is little more than a scary story for Emma to read to Chiara during Halloween as they'd share cups of hot chocolate, where the pair's biggest problems in life are trying to work out if Vanya disintegrating into butterflies is actually what was meant to happen following eating at the Deadly Diner.
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>Ready for a summer adventure?
When have yurifags ever cared about canon character personalities?
it's insane how superior is still rank 1 for 6 seasons in na because let's be honest here he will probably get it regardless
yuri fags will always do crack ships though?
t. yurifag
me when i play shoichi
wokez almost got it this season but double agent frankie ranked up his smurf and sat in low meteor to sabotage him
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>Is there... something in particular you'd like me to paint?
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chiara players when their R expires and then another team begins walking in
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>Epic skin
What's with the futa Tia memes
Sex with these two at the same time
I cum inside Vanya on a daily basis
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The tits that killed esports
>both of her allies are dead
>she misses all of her cooldowns
>just autos three people to death one after another while healing for more than their combined DPS through healcut
>lifts up her dress so her massive tits spill loose
>tweaks her nipples
>causes ER to be considering a laughing stock of an imbalanced mess of an "esport" ever since
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futa tia is fun
They have hot sweaty lesbian sex every night btw
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>When have yurifags ever cared about canon character personalities?
Good point, but still funny how those cope retards ignore that ER is a korean game, country where lesbians are strongly reject unlike japan, bisexuals are barely tolerated and you're socially dead if join feminist activities and such.
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>The other epic skin
Yeah im not sure which one im getting. I play Mai more then vanya but her skill aoes are alot smaller
that's a lot
and I mean a lot of dumpires
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Damn it feels like shit playing ER and knowing you're just dead weight for your team
The tits that defeat me every night since I started playing ER.
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>This still shows up
I mean it's like 2 games?
or 1 game if you grief yourself
It's not hard, but it's a bit funny since you can only do it in the first few days.
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dash dash dash
Thanks to .hack I'm going to hear the RENGEKI from that in my head all the time.
>execute on swallow counter
>another bruiser with execute
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>Free execute again while old characters still with 50% of their kits since 1.0
NN retardation never stops to amaze me
>buy our shit
nah, fuck you
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>Q slow
>W1 shield
>W2 movement,airborne(1)
>W3 untargetable,healing based on damage
>E movement
>R2-slow, execute
Here I thought It'll be ok if some part of the kit just being raw damage but this is abit...
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>Character with multiple dashes, self healing, shields, and a true damage execute
I complained about this design philosophy for newer characters but a few days ago, and lo and behold. Guess I'm not playing for a few weeks until the patch.
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patch notes
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>Mai nerfs again
>Nerfed David: Tactical armor pen by 1
>effect still reachable with two items
An across the board nerf and not targeted towards that interaction? Interesting. I guess only a few can slot crit on weapon but still.
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...Huh? How does a lower skill cd help Jackie at all? She kills and resets the cd, or she fucking dies before it comes up again.
>1s cd less for a skill
>Same cope buff applied to Hyunwoo-Fiora-Li Dailin in previous patches and didn't help a shit
She seems really cool. I can't wait to play her but be dogshit because I don't have the hands for it
>that W
Jeez girl how did they let you have TWO ult.
Words cannot even begin to describe how feral li dailin makes me.
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>another set of Barbara buffs
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>Wanting drunk chink stink
>Mai nerfs again
>No nerfs in Luke snowballing with just press W and autoattacking to lower cooldown
>Jackie and others get -1s cd as "buff"
>New character have 2 or 3 effects per skill and execute
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>playerbase when brand new slop character is absurdly broken on release yet again
yeah idk how luke didnt get nerfed. he is #4 in pickrate and he has middle of the pack RP gain despite that. somehow dailin got buffed when her glove is #3 RP gain and even nero is able to climb with her. surely the next patch will be better.

We’re increasing Charlotte’s base defense to reduce cases where she dies first, becoming powerless.

Base Defense 45 48

yes if you die you typically become powerless
sorry your little cherub dies if she's killed
Hisui-dono please spare me from your katana AIEIEEEEEE
Release the Chiara bride skin and there will be an end to the horror
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I think NN decided against any more wedding dress skins, mostly since they know that gooks can't be trusted around women, not even fictional ones
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Instruction unclear: Charlotte bride skin
do marriages even happen in south korea any more or does the gender war mean that one of them would probably kill the other within a week if they weren't already intending to do that in the first place
probably not
Wedding dress Eleven got a positive opinion and many thinks she's one of the best epic released though
i couldn't imagine waking up to lilypichu's voice each morning
Got positive opinion because epic Eleven have a better model and look than default tho
But she's so cute
I see literal noobs autopilot Luke with 10 kills per game and bronzes who never got gold reach beyond since the rework, but eat shit playing any other character. I really don't understand why NN refuses to nerf him like Mai
Imagine if Adrenaline Burst had the same bullshit of Luke
>Heals per target hit
>Basic attacks reduces W cooldown
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im guessing because luke is never played in comp, unlike mai who has a giga pick rate when she is good
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counterpoint even if she was as retarded as chibi I'd play her because shark teeth + many swords
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stop namedropping anons bro that's not cool

new chapter
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>NN expectation
ER content
>Playerbase reality
ER porn
I have yet to see any of those
please post
Hell yeah let's go porn.
Lmfao what she needs is like 20 more base armor
so, what are you guys gonna do with the magnus mmd model?
Meat spin
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16 y/o btw
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Will this get updated to have Hisui in it, or is it locked to characters that existed at the time of acquisition?
It's always outdated by like 2 or 3 characters, otherwise you'd have no reason to spend currency/NP on buying the brand new shit.
I swear I was able to get Katja from one of these and she was the second newest before Yumin but maybe I'm just way off base. Thanks though, guess I'll grab someone random and use event NP to grab hisui and some emotes.
Brother, there are 4 characters between Katja and Yumin
Next you'll tell me 2025 is two weeks away...
It's actually less than that
Guess I'm retarded. Thanks for clearing it up, I thought those two were back to back for some reason
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lmfao even the gooks are aware
Anyone who's not a cope retard (or newfag) knows that oldest characters are always put at a disadvantage because lost like 1/2 kit in EA unlike the new characters (and now rework luke) doing lot of things pressing one and only fucking button.
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The sharktoothed flatfuck samurai is cute but those cooldowns are way too much work to track, yuki is more my speed
literally me playing hisui
Any anons want to norm? I need to play Hisui!
I just got done with a 8 hour session, but fuck it, if you really need someone I can play.
If you are tired you don't need to, I can solo bolo randos
I'm fine, I don't have anything else in particular to do anyway. What region?
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invite me
you know who
I'm waiting for kr scrims anyway
No problem then. You probably don't have me added so Statius
Bwo I don't knyow...
you are the rock crab
how's /honey/ lately?
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>he doesn't know
yeah it's over
You're not on my FL! Add me NYOW Twao
You can't just call me out like that, I hardly ever posted on there in the first place, I just sit on /comfy/ forever.
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where stream?
where the hell is /comfy/ I have been gone from there for like 3 years already I don't know what's happening anymore
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How can stream with these current mechanics of a plat player
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Is this enough to get the skin at season end or do I need to like maintain it or get higher gold? I'm tired of being dead weight for people and want to go back to norms
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Yeah, you're good. There's no decay in Gold.
It's enough.
Don't worry about it anon.
I just want to keep tab on things
Cool, because I don't think I have the capacity to properly contribute yet. I only started playing in November and I'm tired of getting spam pinged by Koreans
don't care want stuff to watch
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Stream right NYOW
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It's just nyorms and nyo ranked until tomorrow
I said I don't care
I am watching ghost nyorm rn
See ghost nyorms is good
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so joever I crashed.
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Come back right nyow for last one frfr...
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Btu hey Hisui feels very strong, probably getting nerfed? Or is she actually shit and nyorms mean nothing.
Should be strong if not only due to the execute and W1 spam but E into parry to engage can't be real. They just walk away and you're stuck on W1 or W2 if you hit Q after.
>E into parry to engage can't be real
The normal special where everyone wants to fight you. Yeah probably doesn't actually work. But then how do you jump people with her? Find fog of war angles/lilypads/get a real tank engager?
You can't really engage or chase so you need someone else to do it for you unfortunately. Best you can do is E > W1 > if you're in trouble and parry eventually until you can W3. W1 spam is really strong too, so don't think you always have to W3. If someone else engages, feel free to EQ AA for W3, though. Think of W3 for survivability/buy time and W1 for damage.
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I see bro thanks. I will W2.
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>stands in front of you
Is her W3 not the thing to try spam? Its the coolest looking one so I wanna do that one the most.
being cool supersedes everything
go be cool anon.
You are the coolest to me anon
What about taking The Strijder and just running at them?
Is it a good time to return to the game? I used to play it a bit but I stopped when Sissela was disabled for like a month after 1.0 dropped.
it's still the same game wdym good time
well bwo, now or later?
Season just reset so yeah I guess. A new character just dropped though and she's not enabled in ranked yet so you can play norms, see 4+ of her and figure out the matchup
>tried playing hisui
>she puke and spit every two second
Who's the target audience for this?
haev you tried not being old?
>hear random crunching noises in FOW
>get to catch a hisui trying to heal up
Gotta give it to NN if this design was made intentionally to nerf her
Jan does the same thing where he grunts every other second doing pushups like a retard.
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You mean piolo? Jan situp grunts sounds are self only no? Just like epic leni trumpet
If they are self only they've been changed, when he came out everybody could hear them.
Bwos how do I run from hisui...
Esc key > quit
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Every single fight is just enemy chasing me through the zone while my team 2vs2
sometimes it do be like that
just try to survive
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First time I got stuck loading in a match.
What do?
alt f4
alt f4 and relaunch happens very rarely to me too dont know the cause
Restarting the game didn't help.
Guess today isn't the day.
Time for nikki I guess
the dailinfags are streaming again
you watching this scrubp?
this guy just got a +177 game in myth
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I'm falling, I'm falling
'Cause life is not easy for me
Please touch me like you do
To have you near me
To go where you go
Why waste a lot of time?
My love is not a serious crime
>5) Li Dailin
Previously would have been higher up due to dumpster diving but she doesn't do it anymore since competition from university students and health insurance CEOs annoyed her. Either way, she spends her entire day drinking and stuffing her face with Xiukai's cooking, resulting in her smelling like a distillery where everyone eats spicy fish for dinner. Eww.
>4) Miya
She'll wash once she's gotten to Level 72 and unlocked Shattering Blade++ for her 4th alt on World of LumiaCraft. Once was so caught up in a 40-man raid battle that she simply pissed herself where she sat, because she couldn't find a bottle nor five seconds in the battle to fill it up.
>3) Katja Hertz
Doesn't have time to change clothes during a mission, and missions sometimes take upwards of weeks to the point where her clothes just rot away while she's still wearing them. Eventually, almost stark bollock naked, she approached Darko to ask him for some money for a change of clothes. "FUCKING HELL!" was his immediate response, pinching his nose to block the invasive mix of sweat, dirt and piss.
>2) Nadine
Raised by wolves. Or pigs. Spends all day out hunting and gathering, still thinking she's a wild animal. Eventually got assigned to partner up with Rozzi for an experiment, who immediately shot Nadine on the grounds that she reeked of blood, sweat, grime and wet dog. Then, Rozzi shot herself as well.
>1) Lenore
Sweats a lot during performances. In fact, she sweats so much you'd mistake her for Superior typing up his usual 40-page essays on why Sua is actually fair and balanced. However, that's far from Lenore's only problem. To say that Lenore fucks shotas is just incorrect. Shotas won't go anywhere near her, for the mad German violinist emits a pussy odor so immensely pungent that you could gas six million jews with it alone. She doesn't stink like a barn, every barn conscientiously objected to being lumped in with her. Either way, keep her far away from me.
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Getting high off Lenore's overwhelmingly powerful pussy musk
>1) Lenore
Now post the best smelling ones
but sua is fair and balanced, always in the middle or below middle of rp gain and win rate :^)
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>The literal smoker arsonist isn't in top 5
Adriana probably smells like a 25 year old piece of burning rubber
>5) Chiara
"Ohhh, Chiaraaa! Where have you BEEN?" Lightly scolded Emma as her wobbly nun emerged from hiding in the Factory all afternoon, engine oil stains all over her otherwise pristine black gown. "Off for a bath with you, missy, and no moping about it!" Fourty minutes and one shared hot soapy bath later, Emma reminds Chiara that isn't cleanliness meant to be one with holiness? Of course it is. Silly Chiara, always forgetting.
>4) Adela
Professional Chess tournaments are not like "professional smash bros ultimate" tournaments, you're actually meant to be clean and properly dressed. Adela puts in the extra work given her preference for stargazy pie for dinner. Perfume, hand and face scrub and after-dinner mints and all. She's a proper lady.
>3) Sua
Sparkly clean and lightly perfumed. She catches you staring from above your book as she's sorting out things in the library, and also definitely also picks up on the "snnff snffff..." as her cologne reaches your nostrils. Contrary to popular belief, it's not just because they're huge, warm and soft that you never want to leave her breasts once she insists on yourself burying your face in them. They've got a nice relaxing scent to them. What a lovely girl she is.
>2) Cathy
Has a proper wash two to three times a day, inherently disliking poor hygiene from being a doctor, even if she got struck off for malpractice ages ago. "She suddenly threw water at someone without a provocation once, saying 'do you want to give back to the world by decomposing?" That means you.
>1) Your Waifu
Your Waifu is clean, cute and smells nice. Give her a big hug <3
>Chiara AKA cumdumpster of whole lumia island
>The least smelly
Nice joke
This but unironically
>She catches you staring from above your book as she's sorting out things in the library, and also definitely also picks up on the "snnff snffff..." as her cologne reaches your nostrils. Contrary to popular belief, it's not just because they're huge, warm and soft that you never want to leave her breasts once she insists on yourself burying your face in them.
I would sniff until I passed out in her bosom
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New Chiara!

Chiara on the good smelling list in fifth and first place! Chiara Love!!!

I curse you to stub your little toe whenever you walk through a doorway.
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Awww! She's so cute!
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Interesting theme going on in my store tonight
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liv on teitch
Get cool and rare emotes (previously korean LAN only if I'm not mistaken)
Dumb Lenore question, does her dance not work? I usually play with the skin but ctrl+7 just makes her wave her bow like once and then immediately reset. Or does it just not work in the loading room.
Let's go NA
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>johann, bianca and charlotte emotes
>no chiara
That's Adina, retard
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Penguin discrimination of highest order
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There's going to Charlotte emote tomorrow.
Asians eating massive dong to No Flame
You LOVE to see it
aaaaahhhhh NA trying to 3P
It's the only way to win because just eat dick in direct fight lol
Same emotes as the stream but with a code
Just post the code, this nigger stole it from CN stream
>this nigger stole it from CN stream
t. chang
t. chong
Wake me up when we get the Aya emote
>Another emote for Charlotte and no Chiara
>Supercuck camping and 3p to win a final zone
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The chinese teams are SHIT
Osaka BTFO'd made Superior and co. kneel the whole match tho
DH CNJ is kr...
Honorary chinese, no korean teams would be this ASS
there is another chinese team above them...
>3 chinese teams at the bottom
That's fuckign crazy
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they are 2nd anon...
it's getting embarrassing...
>7 chinese teams
>the one western team is winning
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The other 7 are not doing 3p tho
oh and I forgot
sup and jast are asian too
frankie is the only westerner in this entire tournament
>ban Sua
>No Flame fuckign DIES
>BTFO'd by Osaka in round 2
>Win doing 3p and camping
>BTFO'd by Osaka and out of round 3 because you can escape like a cuck again
lmao even
>No Sua to escape after lose as usual
>No Lumi to save your sorry ass
>No Arda team doing your job
No surprises
>Its not 1 team
>Its 1 person
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>BTFO'd by Osaka and out of round 4 again
Stop laughing at No Flame. NA will make it to day 2!!
NF, aka No Fight, is a North American team from New York known for their herbivore playstyle and 3p
>BTFO'd and out of round 5 again
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NA onetrick 3p fraud check
>called No Flame
>got flamed by everyone
The burger fears the samurai
>It happened yet again
>BTFO'd and out of round 7 again
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It's impossible to lose on Luke, just what they need for the Game 7 comeback :^)
>Supercucked having to rely on rework Luke whose gameplay is spam W and autoattacks to reduce cooldown
lel imagine being so desperate that you're willing to pick lukenigger to win a round at least
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Can't even win on Luke
>Can't even win on Luke
>BTFO'd again
What's up with error 6100? I think the game just ate all six boxes I got today
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>Backpedaling after suck NA fraud dick
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NA onetrick 3p fraud double check
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Jesas fuck hisui's ult hit like a truck.
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I basically just watch this guy and 100soo
but I've been on and off with erbs the past couple of weeks the preseason unhyped the game for me and the usual people I queue with are all sucked into poe2 it's so fucking nyover
She reminds me of Illaoi oddly in that her biggest weakness is just walking away from her and she can't do anything about it.
Hisui is an absolute menace once you realize you can infinitely reset her dash.
Because W have no cooldowm
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Play and love, LOVE, Chiara!
it was like this for garnet and lenore and pretty much all the new girls
So, is Superior garbage and I should be listening to koreans about how to play Sua instead?
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He lost for being a onetrick nigger abusing of unbalanced mechanics to win fights 24/7, bwo
Cute Chiara!
the old adage is lose once = washed up/garbage
win against the guy who beat you = so barack/the goat
he's washed up
I forgot Hisui isn't enabled in ranked yet lmao
Hisui nerfs soon
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Don't mind just wanna play her in ranked cause nyorms are kinda... ehh... Kinda easy when premade but boring when solo with level 10s
When are we ranked stacking?
Err anytime after Hisui's out. Idk I'll play with any anon until they don't let us premade anymore
Bros why are normal players so toxic lmao it's fucking norms...
Because I can't queue ranked without waiting for 20 minute queues and dumb niggers keep picking adc Charlotte
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But they don't' matter at all. Premade with some anons here instead of rolling the teammate roulette in normal of all places and then complaining. They're a bunch of new players and extreme casuals who don't know what they're doing. Though said newbies were complaining and being toxic which is why it was funny.
Either that or eat the 20 min queue haha...
>wonder why magus keep dropping first in fight
>he build crit
we are liv
showmatch day 2
Thank gotta bag those emotes
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No Chiara emotes again lol
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Chiara is an inconvenience to NN at this point and they'd just send her home if she had a home to go to. Instead they have to keep her around even though she just mopes in her cell all day.
Oh fuck, how much more time do I have left for the emotes?
Cumming inside Chiara
and taking responsibility afterwards!
with a gutpunch to solve the issue
the issue being Adriana saying mean things to her
If anyone wants it.
for me I simply just dodge if I see my teammates are two lv 20s with 2% winrates and there's a diamond/mythril 3-stack in the lobby
i'm the type that can go into ranked and believe a game is winnable with silver/gold double adc lock-in 5% wr teammates but norms CAN be actually unwinnable and there's no point in playing those games out
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Someone posted the code in discord
Thank you very much
sissela sex
is vanya playable bros?
Oh wow, that code expired fast
>daily quest required moonstone
>change it because you don't use it
>kill 25 bat
fugg :DDD
Just play Chloe
just roll abandoned lab
Yeah, she's not bad with blazing fury and lunar.
blaze up*
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>anon invites me to normals
>fucking dies
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idk if the PM got through since my net dc'ed while I was afking in lobby but I was gonna do norms while waiting for frens to hop on for ranked (hopped on an alt)
however despite being the start of the seaosn NA ranked is DEAD at this hour so it's nyover...
back to norms then?
I'm ready boss.
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frens are online so we are 3 nyow...
unless you wanna cobalt haha....
I could be coerced but nah have fun
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this hisui champion is gross
Yeah she looks like she doesn't shower too
Newfag to er, How fucked are EU serv compared to NA
Is it still worth being a 99ping pest just to dodge EU?
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Probably still better to play on your own server during the prime hours but whenever it feels impossible to find a game just hop onto NA. If you're new I'd recommend stacking with other anons here on NA when you can anyways since anons tend to not mind helping beginners from the thread out and there's a lot of concepts you don't really learn unless you're being dragged around by people with better macro and map awareness vs figuring out what to do ingame with 2 other new players on the squad.
I think we have a few EU anons here anyways so you won't always have to queue NA to play with anons.
LeniPlapper and GarnetMatinPress are my heroes
Sex with Dailin while she's dead drunk and sleeping
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Her W2? Or her E?
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Me as fuck
Imagine being swarmed by like three dozen Suas all at once. You'd be the first person to have "died from excessive tittyfucking" on their obituary.
Not a bad way to go
I just love how summer sua keeps saying that she had so much fun and would love to come back here again on her victory screen. What a psycho.
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is he right?
Does Echion always drop 20 credits on dead, even in day 1/2?
EU literally had moderators who would defend their local celebrities even if they were being absolute cunts all of the time, saying it would cause "outrage" if they were banned, and everyone else has 50 smurfs to avoid the "lowrolls" and instead flame silver players for not having 50,000 games over 50 accounts
NA has 500 rooftop servers to complain about everyone else and how anyone apart from #1-5 is lowroll subhuman handless trash who should kill themselves
SA is a graveyard so no toxicity there, the dead cannot be toxic.
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>tfw you hit the jackpot
I came
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This was always going to happen when the game went from solos to squads. Team moba type games always end up as games where some sweaty asian who spends his whole day on the game's discord, twitch, and queue yapping at you about your performance.
>implying people were being nice in solo
least delusional solo poster
This is just a problem with all competitive pvp games. Competitive people crush the newbs too hard until the newbs no longer get serotonin from playing the game. Actually too mindbroken to enjoy the game.
Real sports thrive because its communities are local and jackasses have to rein it in somewhat or be beaten. Newbs still have to handle hazing, but its not as volatile.
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I wasn't forced to cooperate with them in solos. It didn't matter if they were nice or not because I never had to listen to them. I killed them or they killed me and I moved on.
Nice joke retard, the toxicity was worse with solo and ER was going to shut down at this rate
>inb4 b-but muh solo ;(
Didn't ask
>I-It was worse trust me bro
I accept your concession.
>Unable to cope
>I-It much better and NN removed it for no reason
lmao even
Daily remirder solo doesn't exist anymore and that's a good thing :^)
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just stfu
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Really got me, faggot.
cool shop
>Trying to cope after flopping his tiny cock on the table failed
lmao get fucked kid
>The game is dying and that's le good!!!!
Dumb Alexfaggot
>Game is dying because no solo ;(
Peak delusion
the game is dying right now because of shitty balance. despite that, the playerbase is still many times larger than it was back when solos was the main game mode.
>Alextroon schizoing out and trying to rewrite history again
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Nice newbie stats retard, solo is shit and was killing because this game
*not my fault if you don't know NN removed solo because the game was close to an EoS
who the fuck is alexfaggot
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>playing with toaster pc 4 years later
So uh, am I forced to ranked on the Asia server? Seems like barely anyone on NA.
Who knows, probably some guy who raped his ass, like all the solofags I BTFO'd in that shit mode
>Say solos was less toxic
Goalposts on fuckin wheels. Yes it was killing the game, it changed to survive. I don't think the game is better for it. Keep blaming your team for losses, fag.
I said solos is shit, retard
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>Less toxic
NA will pop starting in 4-5h. It usually pops for about a 6h period.
The current problem of ER it's the shit balance between old and new characters.
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*meanwhile in south korea*
it is not a balance issue. most old characters are doing fine numbers-wise. having simple kits is not necessarily a bad thing.
there are a handful that just have bad kits for the squad environment. imo jackie, chiara, and shoichi should get small reworks to their kits so their fights are not so one-sided. martina may need a rework as well so that she doesnt feed points for free in tourneys.
I can't say I'm exactly surprised that the most popular character in KR is "the forever child"
at the height of their gender war they really don't give a fuck about denying the PDF allegations anymore
Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?
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It's just a random market tent selling fan-made material, schizo burger
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i think he just wanted to take the low hanging fruit when it comes to calling gooks pedos
>You'd be the first person to have "died from excessive tittyfucking" on their obituary.
That's how I wanna go out
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That stoic bunny made me lose gallons.
You only drop credits if you have a gold item so it's likely he had his gold weapon already, check the replay to confirm it.
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Sex with sexsela
>Tsubame nerf
I don't understand
total ninja death
Hisui is gonna have to go through another set of nerfs to be "balanced". Rework Jackie btw.
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>instant lock hisui
>take all the loots
>die first every single fight
The Yasuo of erb...
skill issue
I need those toes in my mouth right fucking now
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merry sex-mas
merry christmas lumiers
Not really sure how to build LyAnh
Does skill amp also improve her Ghost Forms attacks? Or is she stuck in this wierd spot between wanting attackpower for ghostform but skillamp for everything else
Ly Anh has no skill amp scalings. It does nothing for her.

Go here for statistics on what people build:

Go here for top players so you can watch how they play the character and also see what they build:
Merry xmas bwos
may your favorite test subject be buffed next year
Oh i see nvm.
Her base descriptions make it imply shes a skill damage character because everything is skill damage, but alt descripts revealed it all scales off atk power.
Too used to dota where everything is ethier flat damage or specifically stated to scale.
There are 2 types of damage in this game: basic attack damage and skill damage. There is not much difference between these, but notably defense mastery will reduce basic atk dmg more than it reduces skill dmg, and dragon scale has built in skill dmg reduction.
Basic atk dmg is pretty much only from auto attacks while skill dmg is mostly from skills, items and augments.
Skills can deal skill dmg but they scale depending on various stats such as attack power, skill amp, defense, hp, etc, so skill dmg is not necessarily related to skill amp
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Merry Christmas bros. Hope you are all having a good time
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Merry christmas
How do you guys organize stacking here?
Typically just adding anons on the list and then PMing them if they want to play if you two happen to be on at the same time
Alternative you can just ask in the thread if anyone wants to play (state region)
I reckon most anons here are NA or at least are fine playing on NA but some NA anons also don't mind playing on KR/EU servers
>ranked is now filled with a bunch of really bad Hisui's
Time to be one of them
Emma watching the TV and patiently waiting for Chiara to come back into the front room after taking slightly too long to choose some snacks from the cupboard in the kitchen, which after that they can resume snuggling in a big blanket
Merry Christmas bro. ER has been running like shit for me lately, ping shooting up to the high heavens for no reason and it's making it near impossible to play
Hope you're having a good one
Merry Kurimbus, bros
I'm having a good time with friends.
ER malding resumes tomorrow
Had this same issue when I tried to play a couple of days ago. I assumed it was just my net but I remember a similar thing happened back in S4 or S5 where a patch just completely fucked the ping stability for some people so idk
in any case I reinstalled league of legends for the first time in 10 years and am having an awful time
Cumming inside Chiara in the front room btw
Yeah it's a good time thanks bro. We will go back to degening on the 26th.
Sorry about the ping bwo... Dunno what to do about that. Call your provider on Christmas haha...
>in any case I reinstalled league of legends for the first time in 10 years and am having an awful time
Eww it's over
>hisui top pick rate all the way to plat
Nerfs can't come soon enough.
>Lose a fight in pond
>Teammate escapes on the jump pad to cem
>Rests to full
>Jumps back over into the entire enemy team and dies
NN simply just don't give a shit when it comes to actually testing anything
they've adopted the western
>fuck it, we'll fix it later
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>there's not much Christmas-themed art of our lovely penguin nun, or at least none where I think it would be
Admittedly I didn't look around too much because searching for art of any particular ER character is a fucking minefield when the gooks keep drawing them being raped or dismembered just because they lost to that character once in-game.
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after all, there are other ways to cope with getting hard 1v3'd by hisui.
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Well, I suppose that counts!
Nice jolly Chiara! Chiara Love!!!!
I can't post Chiara because I'm on vacation!
For this christmas all I want is for li dailin to milk me with her pits until I scream
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It's been a week
Where's the Katja MMDs at?
Tell me when they do come out
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Best christmas present
You people complain way too much for content that barely exists. I actively seek out guro/ryona content, and there really isn't that much. The way anons whine about it you'd think it was every other drawing. Ended up greatly disappointed.
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post some
16 y/o btw
Fallen Angel Charlotte definitely does small penis ridicule
>Hisui’s been recording extremely low stats after being introduced to Ranked matches so we’re making some adjustments to enhance her skill combos.
>character with massive weakness that only does well in norms against bads makes people on forums and message boards seethe
a tale as old as time really
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is he also right?
you'd think people will notice the pattern already
I don't know or care who the fuck that is or whatever platform you grabbed that shit out of.
Koreabros don't look
He's right but needs to cope because ERBS western playerbase is small as shit and if he wants people to stop dodging him on sight he needs to get good enough to not be dodged
He mentions process of learning but in my experience dealing with high elo keks they do not dodge that hard unless you are a hardstuck 2000 games 3% winrate type of player. Maybe if this were one of the early seasons where Gold frequently got matched with Diamond then it's a valid complaint, but I believe the matchmaking is a lot narrower now so someone can no longer be the hardstuck 2% wr Gold 4 player dragging down the Diamond players on their team.
Simply put if you get decent enough people will stop dodging and even if they don't stop dodging you can still get games just look at Twii.
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>playerbase learns a shit ton of bad habits from stomping norms with a broken character
>goes into ranked where people actually have their builds done before day 4
>they run it down because they can't make 1000 mistakes and win anymore
>NN being colossal retards think it's just that the broken character is actually weak just because the playerbase would tomato fields on release day Felix more often than not with how bad they are at the game
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the kr was talking about something
Doesn't that guy play immobile-as-fuck characters? I've definitely seen him on Nathapon more than a few times.
I don't think that shit flies unless your teammates can cover your ass or you're some kind of god.
Hahaha, I wanted to post the same.
collab when
gimme your id
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new code
damn this guy has never had a season with a win rate above 7.5%. he literally does not know the formula for winning.
Some people are destined to suck.
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I'm not him and just got home, sorry.
10058 DW, if you still want to add for whatever reason
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wait you are not scrub
wrong code or?
No, I'm not scrub. I'm just passing by ER enjoyer who saw familiar name over in /gfg/
Sorry for the confusion.
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I will add you anyway I guess
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As a newb, what is the following for winning?
>Farm purple and a stack of food+drink asap
>Group with team instant you do.
>Wait near resource to thirdparty, or kite forever. (If your character has no escape option, get fucked)
Never sure the actual gold priority. Which is better, dumping resources to the Carry so they have 5 force gold, or an even split
Well you have to get your tanks/bruisers something or else they'll die instantly and it doesn't matter what the carry does.
Better to have a somewhat even split. I don't know the objectively perfect ratio but for every two golds on my backliners (assuming it's like 1 mage 1 adc with me as the frontliner) I try to have at least one gold item myself so I'm not getting melted the moment I step an inch out of line.
Usually I don't take the first meteorite / tree but I may nab the mythril since often times nobody needs it for a build. FC from Omega depends but usually give it to your carries if they need it
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It's mainly supports and some tanks like Mai and Lenox that can get away with funneling a carry. Not much point in funneling a carry when playing with pubs because they will usually run away when a melee jumps on them and leave you with a 2v2.
as long as you play with a brain and learn from mistakes then you will be fine. different test subjects have different playstyles, so there is not a single formula for winning.
ideally you get your purple build done at least 1 min before night 1, and then you look to maximize wolf camps because they spawn when there is 1 min before night 1.
once night 1 begins, mutant boar/dog/chicken camps and bears spawn. this is an important time because you need to farm these to hit a day 2 force core buy. grouping is not necessary here, some characters can split-farm (although this is nerfed this season, it is still viable). if you are split-farming, prioritize your survival (stay away from pings and look to kill any bear/mutant camps that are free). 2 bears is about equal to a mutant camp, and there are something like 26 regular bears, 3 chicken packs, 5 dog packs, 3 boar packs. overall thats about 13+3+5+3=24 packs worth of farm, split between 8 teams, so if you get at least 3 packs then you are doing pretty well for the first day/night cycle. select a path towards an objective and probably group with your team before day 2 objectives spawn (3 trees and 2 meteors).
for day 2, the wolves that you killed on day 1 will be respawning, and the mutant wolf packs in archery and factory will be spawning. your goal is to get an objective and then farm as many wolves as you can for exp and rng drops. get your buys in before night 2 as well (if you farmed well so far then you can buy fc). for night 2, make sure to path towards and objective and also farm the bears and mutant bear packs because those are all spawning at around this time. temple and beach have the mutant bear packs and these are the hot zones for night 2 due to regular bear respawning and mutant bear spawning (5 bears in each zone).
that is the guideline for macro on day 1 and 2. if you follow this you are already better than the vast majority of the playerbase.
to add on, you ideally have a campfire along your route so you can make food and drinks on day 1 (night 1 at latest). if no natural campfire, make bread in tears and loot campfire off of mutant boar packs to cook steaks/sandwiches.
day 2 you can actually split farm as well, but i would recommend grouping together around the end of day 2 so you can contest the bear hotspots.
i will not talk about pvp combat because each test subject plays differently and idk which you play.
for gold priority, in the past, tanks would funnel the carries. that rarely happens now since tank items are much stronger than before. espcially in ranked, i would not trust my credits on other players, so you shoudl just buy for yourself, but don't get too greedy and hog all the rngs from animal drops/boxes. even split is ideal imo.
Why do people not want to fight? I keep getting teammates that avoid every fight possible and PvE all game.
I would say get better or just don't care that much about what people think about you. Some people have egos and will dodge me too bad but overall most people are chill
>t. 1k spammed games 10% winrate 1 trick shitlord
Early on, fights are griefing compared to just getting the build online.
pick any of the following:
>they have better map awareness and don't want to risk getting third partied by another team that's a zone away
>your team is behind on weapon mastery/items and needs to farm
>the other team(s) you run into are way ahead in mastery/items
>your team comp is shit at both engaging fights or playing neutral (no pokes while the other team is just poking yours down and because no good engage you can't take the teamfight unless you catch the other team with their pants down)
>they don't trust their teammates to be able to teamfight (very common in higher elo when your teammate is some circlejerk egonigger who sees you and other teammate as low roll randoms just because you're not a regular in the cords and decides you can't fight and will spam danger and retreat pings the moment Gallazor or Superior or one of their other discordnigger friends show up in vision)
>they themselves are bad at fighting so they avoid it
theres egotistical players in this game but most people will not dodge unless ur stats are borderline trolling. the only players i dodge are the ones who will easily tilt and decide to throw the game when things dont go their way.
most likely they are new players and not confident in their abilities. either that or they are not confident in the team's ability to fight.
bikini clears here
watch your replays and check if fighting then would've been a retarded idea. it usually is.
Quick bruggers what's the Hisui build now? Still the same korean stuff? Do I swap out auto arm for myth shield for a more budget build that doesn't cost 2 fc?
stream first nerd
I'd go myth shield cowboy with the new changes
>queues are super dead even though someone told me people play earlier these days
It wasn't that needed. I was lied to it's still degen hours. That and it's the day after Christmas so people may still be celebrating
ezter is on
go q
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Oke. The gold cowboy hat with antiheal?
yea and you finish with myth boots
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Something like this? Time to drop to gold with some solo magic if queues pop
If you want the big points you have to give it up and go 2 FCs like the big boys
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>there are people in this thread who unironically thought this throw pick was OP before the hotfix
Explain how to deal with hisui
kite her. if she misses her abilities she is screwed
just like garnet mirite?
How to kite a 2 gapcloser?
just simply blink away on reaction to when she gap closes
you DO play on 10ms ping right?
>2 last teams standing in dead lock
>use that jump flower to immediately deck their carry to break dead lock
I feel like a genius.
she needs to hit 2 abilities to use the 2nd gapcloser
>play ranked for the first time in 3 months
>3 games, 1 hisui in my team each
>lowest damage every game, even lower than our tank in one game
Play ranked with your /erbs/ friends then.
unironic skill issue
But i dont really see how to dodge them without wasting your escapes?
>wasting your escapes
Well you either don't use your escape and die, or you use your escape so you can live
In a game like this it's always better to err on the safer side than risk being greedy.
Be the tank with a bat and just knock Hisui out of the way.

new chapter
First panel sort of reminds me of Amana from Imas SC
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Must not get addicted again. Goodnight gamers ER is fun. But we gotta premade gaming before I hit dia or else it's joever
Mai epic skin is kinda mid
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>New year next week
Aint the bat slow as fuck and requires being in range of her skills anyway?
Any anons wanna play ranked premade tonight haha
what time so i make sure im not napping
Idk when does queue usually start up? In 5-6 hours?
About now-ish or an hour or two.
Grr absolute lies I tried queuing at this hour yesterday it didn't start popping until 8-9PM EST
So where is this Leni skin?
So gather in 1 to 2 hours from now?
Yea let's do that
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We getting on now?
How exactly does food work in this game?
Does it give a buff or it's purely for healing?
The healing work during a fight?
It's for healing. Always have it going during a fight. Start it as soon as possible, if you're prone to forgetting then eat it as soon as someone engages.
food gives a buff that provides healing over time. you can queue up an additional food item (it will start healing after the first buff expires).
food healing works during a fight, it is not reduced by heal-cut, but the healing from the food is reduced by 25% during combat.
So when i got full purple i have to get as much food of high quality as i can for the best healing in team fight?
if you can, it's a skill gap
I believe better food increase your chance but then again plenty of kr immos don't give a shit and just eat steaks
>/erbsg/ friends
where stream?
Where lobby?
Common strat is to use your free bread to make toast and do toast+meat for sandwiches. Pick up frozen pizza if you see it, then eventually loot bodies for food. You really want to stay moving
Alright thanks i will try this later.
I always rarely used or took food because it didn't seem to heal much and i didn't expect it to heal in fights.
most kr players are using carnivore for tempo, so thats why they eat steaks
lol no
I use steaks regardless of my augments because I'm the grill boss
you can also pick up food boxes for a 6 stack of blue food
I hate playing Ranged Attack Carries since I am a spaz with the mouse.
Is there a need to craft the permanent buff items or it's better to just craft gear and only do that if team is fully geared?
gears first
rgn food is a meme and should be the last thing you get
Use attack move, it's what you should be doing anyway. But consider getting better with your mouse, accuracy matters.
Erm whoops I'm home, let's get it
>missed it
I'll catch the next one.
the waters are good but they don't give as much stats as yellow upgrades. you should go for them last.
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Just picture the win in your mind and it shall be granted
>Katja get's dunked on immediately
>my Hisui teammate still came out on top in practically 1.5v3 with only me as Garnet just distracting them and eventually dying
What the fuck is Hisui on? How the fuck can she take more shit than me?
The power of shark teeth
Hisui didn't need buff, her winrate was low because shitters >>1551000
sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to get healing reduction
holy YUM
>Healbomb ethier just does that or stuns yourself to heal more, damage mitigation is only reactive but roots if people are stupid enough to stay in for a full second. Cooldowns only reduced from the healbomb and isnt enough on its own requiring full rotation and CDR gearset
>Passive is flat basicattackonly defense
>Rest of kit is just a ministun dash towards, a short poke, a telegraphed knockback and a ult that requires your team bursting, winning and the enemy having no cc immune to execute.
>healbomb makes her untargetable while also having multiple dashes and decent damage.
>Damage scaling severly nerfed, going full tank makes damage ass.
>Short poke
>Gets ethier a dash, a shield, or healbomb that also makes you untargetable. Can use all three so long as she doesnt whiff.
>Dash can be used for escape
>Katana parry
>Execute with no twofactorverification required
>Cooldown reduction requires just basic attacks
>Far more damage to lifesteal off.
Hisui, but her playstyle encourages feeders because you need to land her pokes consistantly

Saying that though, you being a distraction makes it a 2v3. As now they are dealing with a hisui+your health.
Garnet really got nerfed to the ground .

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