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Vintage Story Thread! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years!

Did you get your family any good presents this year? Vintage Story game keys perhaps? Remember, New Year, new you!

Full 1.20 release is not coming out this year as most of us guessed.

OG is chilling, player base dropped since the 1.20-rc.1 Mazor server is online. It will likely be a longer lasting version of the previous mazor test server. Has some issues with pre release updates but the janny is smart enough to fix them.
>Server List

The original vm server, longest running vs server. Best server if you want your builds to last years and to explore the past ruins and builds. Has some regulars, usually the go to server when the new update excitement dies out. Unmodded and still 1.19.

>Mazor New Server
Server run by a vetted janny. More permanent than the test server. Great if you're just getting back into the game with the new update or want a fresh start on a fresh server that has the new world gen. Modded and the more popular of the two for now.

Last thread >>1495795

>Other servers of note
The MLP server has some vm fags but is dedicated to the mlp board. You can find it on the mlp board’s gaming thread.

Music for the music mod and stream will come in the second post.

Reminder that discord/reddit trannies are not and have never been welcome in these threads. No servers will be added to the thread if they are associated with either.

Last thread >>1516860
I cannot make a thread without fucking something up lol

>Music packs of .abc files for instruments mod

cytu DOT be SLASH r SLASH joyless
Named after the town in OG, Joyless, this is a public music streaming area for /vm/ vintage story players on any server or game. (Replace DOT with . SLASH with / and r

massive lotro ABC file dump
anoth ABC collection and decent info on making ABC files
terraria players don't settle for starbound and neither should you.
Considering picking this up based on some /indie/ posts. Can I get your best shillings for it?
It's the best survival crafting game I've played. Despite being a Minecraft-block lookalike on the surface, it has the deepest and most well thought out farming, cooking, forging, building, and crafting mechanics of any game in class.

When I started playing I kept discovering new things that gave me "wtf why is this the first time I've seen this" moments. Things so obvious it's insane they are unique to VS. True custom voxel block modeling with chiseling. Rope ladders that can be lowered and raised from the top. Real seasonal cycles. Actual animal husbandry and domestication. It's just goddamn comfy to play.
if someone does convince you to buy it, go to their official latin american retailer. it's something like a 40% discount that way.
>cross above the fireplace
based anon.
Christ bless
The only mods on 1.20 server are total bush death and cairns, so it's very light. It's also meant to be pretty permanent barring any fatal bugs.
I don't play on the server but someone else mentioned rivers a few days ago and I pointed out that flow and waterwheels force it to need a client install. turns out someone forked rivers to just generate the water without flow so it works as a serverside only mod.
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it's the only game that i've ever actually decided to buy after playing a pirated version
at first i just thought it was minecraft with extra autism and a geology 101 class but the more realistic worldgen and climate genuinely make living the farm life super comfy, and advancing from stone to bronze to iron and steel is very satisfying as you progress from knapping flint spearheads to casting molten bronze and finally smithing out work on an anvil voxel by voxel
its fun
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join the srber niggers
need more newfags
and oldfegs
listen POST, I don't negotiate with namefags
No I have my own.
I like the biomes mods and having 8 latitude and longitude special spawn areas
Starting out with a small group of friends new to the game living like cavemen until you start your first village
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Verboten Domain...
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prime 'ronism
How are the people on these Vintage Story /vm/ related servers? Any time i've tried to play something on a 4chan community server i run into the biggest antisocial goobers imaginable
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>i run into the biggest antisocial goobers imaginable
you just need to proactive with them, they won't initiate social interactions on their own so you need to force them into it
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just realised you can snap beams on a 16*16 grid by holding sprint
looks like roof autism is back on the menu boys
it's a mix of "based" manchildren and normal people
it's a mix of based giga chads and seething troons
It's a mix of no-lifing autists, no-lifing chill people and people with day jobs
it's a trail mix
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Google searches over the last five years. Selecting Youtube searches gives a similar graph.
Glad to see the game gain popularity with each update.
This anon is the most accurate: >>1544640

There are newfags, like myself and some veterans that played together in the OG or the first grassless serb.
>looks like roof autism is back on the menu boys
in creative mode where roof beams exist sure. the new beams don't exist for survival and it's intentional that way if you read the patch notes.
the new horror enemies are motherfuckers
at least you can rush down bowtorns, but their accuracy is insane
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Why is the boat so fucking slow aaaaaaaaaaaaah
>just heard the piano chord that plays when you hit 65% stability
>im not playing the game right now
is winterless jannie around?
It's 2:30 AM, fuck off
go to bed then
Tyron will never let us have nice things
I still play on og. Tempted to do the new sbr to do some civ larp but I can't commit the time. :(
How is the new server so far? Do you plan to maintain it about as long as most mazor sbrs?
we're going on an expedition to the second loreshit location today
>second loreshit location
the lazaret? it's a pitstop that has directions to the second significant location after the resonance archives.
oh ok
we'll go there today anyway
>3 bituminous coal deposits
>no fire clay
fucking hell
does it spawn in littler patches and i need to excavate the entire thing to be absolutely sure it has none, or if the vein has none at the bottom, can i move on to the next?
hopefully this means more and better mods
at this point I'm certain niggerone has fucked it up completely and it doesn't actually spawn, ever
have fun heating up metric tons of flint, jobbie
could we have a teleporter from the spawn to the npc village on mazors serv uwu
what npc village
has the mazor serb gone to the next location after resonance archive yet
I am intrigued and a bit scared about the ever increasing normalfag attention on this game, while sure.. it is good to have a constant stream of newfags to keep things fresh, i hope its popularity doesn't go exponential anytime soon, i like things as they are, comfy.
oh, don't you worry mein freund, the wave of groomertrannies is inevitable. soon, some she/shem will worm its way into the development, add absolutely nothing except a mandatory Code of Conduct for modders, issue reports and the forums, and become a Community Manager.
You vill journey thousands of blocks and forge friendships along ze vay and you vill like it
does your current location matter when you use the story items to get waypoints on your map? might be best to travel home first before you use them if so
>the new beams don't exist for survival
/gm c
it's pretty cozy, we speedran steel in about a week. The worldgen settings are conducive to elk'n boat. I will prolly return to OG eventually when stable release drops.
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>tyron lore
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do they check where you're buying form? should one use vpn?
t. thirdie
what gpu is that
USD and EUR are pricing options so I assume they don't. just delete the language part of the URL if it gets added, their EN-US shop doesn't have vintage story but main one does.
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>home base is right beside a place where I found a bunch of copper and iron after mining
>cant find tin anywhere
>just got enough trading to make a pick
>mfw drowning in iron which I cant make jackshit with because no bronze anvil
damn, nevermind. I didn't bother to try checking out but it looks like they might need a card from a latam country to actually check out.
used 7700XT, stutters were from running it on HDD
yeah I tried it just now and got told to fuck off
guess I'll pasta for a week
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i'm up to 7 deposits with no clay so i'm inclined to agree
i'll hollow them out and hope i find some, if not i'll dedicate all that coal to burning flint 24/7
json is identical for clay spawning in rc5 and pre 11 which is used for the bauxite sand/gravel fire clay. nothing on the github for engine changes related to clay gen, this is where the shit under coal would be.
I wouldn't put it past them to have fucked up fire clay generation but I just don't see where they could've.
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first bauxite gravel desert I found on a world made in rc5, all three grass patches are fireclay in soil.
and found a bitu coal node with nothing, I think this shit has been broken for months and no one noticed. looking at the github the coal block was last touched for pre8, it refers to fire clay as rawclay-fire-none but the json just uses fireclay. it's like they renamed fire clay at some point in the pre versions but didn't change it on the coal block.
Current server has at least one instance of fire clay deposit being present under black coal.
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what's the rock situation like? I'm thinking I got cucked because it switched from chalk to slate immediately under the coal deposit. really why am I testing this shit vanilla? I'm just going to make common fuckhuge coal deposits in the json like I did to test peridotite loose ore nodes.
i finally managed to find some clay beneath more coal, which i had to fight through a locust nest and bell to get to
it gave me just over a stack, a single bloomery's worth
unfortunately, the only bauxite i've found is on a couple of mountains with no clay in sight, so i might just be fucked
I'm really tempted to report the firepit cooling items. it might not be a bug but it sure as fuck is an issue.
>tries per chunk raised from 7 to 700
>radius increased to 100
it looks like there's two scenarios where clay doesn't generate. if the node rolled the lowest thickness and when the node is right on top of a change in rock types. I'm going to play around with node thickness to see if I can confirm that half.
thickness 1, var 0, fire clay still spawns under coal. I will say the one with thickness unchanged had much more fireclay underneath so it might be a factor on the clay deposit size but doesn't prevent it entirely.
75% resolution with all the fluff off is soulful as fuck and now turning bloom, fxaa and godrays on feels really fucking wrong.
I reported an issue :)
finally managed to get 500 fire clay, you have to strip mine coal deposits to find the shit
i still don't like it but at least i can get some iron
my next complaint is the lack of blue clay, i wanted to make my fireplace out of blue but all i have is red
Yea I wasn't pleased with the lack of blue clay, not sure why he nuked the spawn rate.
it's been a while since I compared the two but I think he literally changed the old fire clay spawner to blue clay and the old blue clay to red clay.
He initially did that, but for some retarded reason nuked blue clay spawn chance anyway
Why you gotta report shit like this instead of the fact that cooking a stack resets its temperature?
>cooking a stack resets its temperature
not a bug, its a feature :^)
is there a pirated version I can try out before I decide if it's too autistic for me or not?
my usual places doesn't have the new version the game is too obscure
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see picrel
but also, cs rin ru has up to 1.20rc.1
most autistic games' cracks are there, even managed to find singleplayer-coop tarkov there
I did check rin.ru I was trying to get the latest rc but I guess I can't be picky
surely there are no important fixes in the next 4 versions anyway
>there are no important fixes in the next 4 versions anyway
Anon, I...
he's right though, rc2 was mostly server optimizations, 3 was trying to fix connectivity issues, 4 was continuing to try to fix connectivity and charcoal pits allowing doors, 5 was fixing lore location generation issues introduced in 2 and breaking kilns while adding fire brick kilns. rc1 is the safest version right now.
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left is 1.19.8, right is RC5
deposits are smaller than fire clay deposits were but the spawn chance is the same.
>followsurfacebelow spawner
oh, I thought it was the sealevel spawner
is it?
surface spawner, that's why clay can generate on hill. also the deposit size change matches what blue clay used to have and red clay currently has so it's effectively blue clay deposits reduced to fire clay's old rates.
>prepare 8x8 area of nothing but red clay shingles to clayform
>Fps tanks by about 2/3
oh yeah, im ready for some arthritis
Every time it's mentioned in these threads. I'm reminded I should make them decraftable in some way, but never get to it. Now that the full release is just around the corner, hopefully this time.
Would "block breaks into stones" like you're just toppling that shit be too tedious?
Last time I checked the game just runs terribly on AMD compared to Nvidia in general. With many complaints and discussion on the issue. Unless the recent performance tweaks did a lot for those cards.
>Last time I checked the game just runs terribly on AMD compared to Nvidia in general.
I've never had issues on a 6800xt, it's not like tyrone is using opengl.
sarcasm note for people that don't get it, vintage story is using opengl in year of our lord 2024 which has always been AMD's biggest issue because official documentation is shit and they refuse to make custom implementation for it like nvidia does.
install gentoo
no thanks, open source is a minefield of trannies banning competent people and sabotaging dependency libraries. I deal with that shit when I'm paid but in my free time pajeet code just works.
iggames was the place I got it, last I checked it was still up to date. and at least for vintage story it is 100% in the clear
Just breaking into stones sounds perfect to me.
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did you fucking manage to steal the skeleton that generates the ruined letter?
Please tell us about the latest grand Tyron lore exploration mystery tour.
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after that i hope tyron gets trampled by a horse
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>travel 30k blocks west to the lazaret
>finish it in 10 minutes
>travel 10k blocks west to the village
>talk to some retard and get a map
>travel 3k blocks south to a cave
>get another map
>travel 6k blocks south to driggerland
>have to do suicidal parkour to get to the top of a tower
>map so janky it almost cannot be beaten
>janny takes a pity on us and hits the boss with an admin sword
>ports everyone back to spawn and gives out participation trophies
>everyone is so disgusted by what they went through they no longer even want to play the game
never doing tyron's loreshit themepark tour ever again
homo sapens nojooo serb when
>ports everyone back to spawn and gives out participation trophies
did he give you the lens or the custom transporter schematic which doesn't work because the tuning item isn't in game? if it's the lens you need to hand it to tobias to get the schematic which then is supposed to link to tobias' teleporter for future lore bullshit because he's your hub NPC nerevarine.
tobias was killed in a pure fit of rage after we got done with the tower, tyron can shove the lenses up his fucking ass
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and I'd do it again
now I can go play something else for a change
you have no idea how long I've waited for someone legit to test that shit after I blasted through everything using creative on the day rc1 dropped. if they did playtest this shit without flight I'm convinced the retards put in jumps that require a time switch in the middle while they added a bullshit cooldown in the release candidates that wasn't there in pre versions.
also the jannie should've just flipped the lever for the elevator at the top of the intact tower. tyrone in his infinite retardation added call levers to each floor but the motherfucking thing starts at the top with a switch to enable/disable it instead of making the call levers locks on each floor as checkpoints and starting it at the bottom.
>put in jumps that require a time switch in the middle while they added a bullshit cooldown in the release candidates that wasn't there in pre versions
that is exactly what they did, multiple times, with precisely timed jumps, that you have to leap-of-faith at 100% movespeed (got armor because there's LEGIONS OF INSTAKILL DRIGGERS below? too bad get fucked) and that will instantly kill you if you fall
and also the final boss knocks you back when he lands with every phase, off the tower and to instant death
I have lost all faith in Tyron doing anything good, he must be surrounded by nothing but shitcord orbiter yesxyrmen by now. this is Mostly Negative filler content DLC tier, it should never be alpha mid-development content. just in time for everyone to find out this is yet another uninspired minecraft clone, too, with the recent spike in popularity
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I expect all combat and lore locations to be trash after the crippled robot damage sponge fight
resonance archives were at least fun to explore even if the eidolon was dumb as fuck
this is just tedious walking for thousands of blocks from point A to point B to get a lore textdump, which then culminates in an extremely badly designed parkour segment and an unfair bossfight, in a game where dying can take you back by tens of thousands of blocks and waste hours of your time
tyrone overestimated how enjoyable his stupid elks and boats are. I barely covered 30k in my largest world and that was assisted by oceans, rivers and the sailboat mod with speeds bumped up instead of holding W on a boat as slow as the raft.
I liked the eidolon fight. It had a nice MMO bossfight feel. It's fun with friends.
Seems the server janny also talked about this very negative experience in the vintage story forum itself, so hey maybe Tyron and pals will take notice
inb4 "it's very rough and unfinished sweetie wait until release" only for the release to be the same
good luck, the firepit cooling items has sat in the bug report list for over two years
the yesmen in the discord will make sure every negative opinion will fall on deaf ears anyways
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the top floor lever did jack shit, no elevator spawned, probably unfinished
I think someone here had the idea of leaving wood back in the past so you can come back in the present and harvest Aged Wood
no lol it's exclusive to the location of a platforming puzzle boss that only drops a macguffin that gives you the schematic for a teleporter item that returns you to the place where you were supposed to take the macguffin (after grinding endgame materials for a month)
wake me up next non-lore update, even a dejank
elevator already exists at the top of the tower locked in place by the activation lever, if the janny used wipeall it might've been collateral because it's an entity similar to the boat.
>tobias reward changed to schematic and a part
>rickety translocator always just goes to tobias, even with multiple placed
>it has a fucking cooldown
fuck you tyrone, you fucked up the one possible good thing from your stupid fucking lore update by making the reward just a link to the stupid goddamn quest hub that wouldn't need a teleport if it didn't generate so fucking far out in the first place.
i didn't even think of that
why must everything be an entity
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it was nothing i didn't expect of tyrone.
if it moves it's probably easier to be an entity than a block. interestingly the elevator levers and rail are in mechanics and have wrench orientation properties so it might be getting added for players to build in a future update.
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Stained glass
>retards gets played by notorious grifter Tyrone "block game jew" Madlener
>they get mad
(you) should have known from the start when the resonance archives were released. we are witnessing the separation of this game in two very distinct parts, one being the original survival and grindy homestead simulator which we all know and ,if not love, bought the game for, and then the shitty themepark adventure game whose only reward is "lore" held down by tyrone's own writing, half-assed gameplay and the faggy OC Tobias.
>one being the original survival and grindy homestead simulator which we all know and ,if not love, bought the game for,
so the shit made by bioxx and dunk for TFC years ago that he copied almost 1 for 1

>and then the shitty themepark adventure game whose only reward is "lore" held down by tyrone's own writing, half-assed gameplay and the faggy OC Tobias.
and the shit tyrone is responsible for on his own. don't forget that tobias isn't even the prime OC, he's the faggy childhood friend that wrote multiple lore books about his gay lover jonas falx, creator of all the technological shit made of cupronickel.
>so the shit made by bioxx and dunk for TFC years ago that he copied almost 1 for 1
Faggot probably hasn't e en conceptualized how steam tech should be simply because the OG TFC didnt have it. and the windmill 'tisms are so ass.
>also no watermills
Shouldn't snowball earth or at least "very cold" world be canon? it fits the rust world aesthetic
Posts discarded for copious amounts of homosexual headcanon.
can we add some tasteful mods
The game lacks a lot of "early game" shit for some reason.
No stone hammer with low durability. No crude walls. No crude saw. No splintered wood.
You can have crude doors but not crude walls? Not crude floors?
tyron is austrian so applying a gay lens is required to understand his work.
>but not crude walls? Not crude floors?
I use packed/rammed dirt for that
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I... I can't do it. Every house I make is ugly, and the materials cost so much.
use cheap materials or git gud. there's no reason to use expensive mats if you're a shitter.
The price of artistry is paid in labor, sweat and tears
post house
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I'm in creative, just trying it out. I got like 5 different kinds and none of them are particularly good. This is the first iteration, but its too small on the inside except that thing on the right and it's way too big. just a large open room that's near impossible to enclose for warmth.
Anon design for function then build from there, if you're building in survival then you need to just learn to build to match your needs.

there's no sense in building for looks in creative if you're not even building in survival.
anyway...your palette is also far too muted and the roof takes up too much verticality compared to the walls. Bump the walls up 1 or 2 blocks and pick a different roof material. Use thatch or clay or sod., you're also using two different styles of roofing on the left vs right side. Personally I'd not include those diagonal logs as part of the roof.
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>diagonal logs
oh i didn't see what it was properly, yeah idk if this is just a weird texture thing but I wouldn't use this
>build to match your needs.
>no sense in building for looks in creative if you're not even building in survival.
yeah, I suppose. in survival, because it cost a bit too much, I ended up with two squares. so I figured if I spend time in creative and unlimited blocks, it would open my mind or something. i dont know.
>palette is far too muted
yep, I went with the dirt cheap materials. I figured it would be a problem, especially because of how much wood is used on top since I couldnt get the blue shingles to work right with the shape. I knew this house was a fuck-up, but it helps to hear someone know why. I been working on something similar, but larger. so thank you for suggesting bumping it up 1 or 2 blocks. Means im on the right path.
Oh, those are full wooden blocks but chiseled to match the stair blocks. I didnt know how the chisel worked
thank you for the help, fren
you know wood shingles exist now, right?
no, i didnt. thanks, i will look into them
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>so I figured if I spend time in creative and unlimited blocks, it would open my mind or something. i dont know.
Sometimes being in creative can hamper your creativity because you have everything available, itt'll be easier to just start building in survival and look for what you need/what is in your area.
Judging from that 1 build it just looks like you're trying to be too compact. Yes resources are tight but simple blocks aren't too bad to farm.
Look into the beams in the game, too. It can add a lot to a build even if you're just using it for trim. Having a nice layer of trim around your windows can make them pop a lot.
Try to think a few blocks larger & try to leave your bases big enough that it's viable to knock a wall down to expand and add another wing to a house.
>beams pic related
it's super late here so im gonna sleep
didnt know about beams either. okay, nice. I think maybe Im trying to build like how i would in minecraft, which is really compact, exactly how you described.
i will post again tomorrow if i make decent progress
any essential mods for a first time playthrough?
I know about the play vanilla first but there are games that give you a much better experience with some QoL mods so it never hurts to ask the experts before digging in
maybe the firepit one, calcinated flint has made it exponentially more cancerous.
Just crank up the oregen
by how much?
Up to you how much tedium you can take prospecting ore veins
Incredibly endearing to see this community still alive and seeing my own gravestone at the OG server hub. Some very fond memories have been made here. I love you anons like you wouldn't believe. Maybe I'll hop on and play a bit from time to time but I'm incredibly busy IRL.
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This is your coming century! They will eat them Mandus, they will make pigs of you all and they will bury their snouts into your ribs and they will eat your hearts!
Minecraft house
The game needs a rust biome.
there is a rust biome now, but it only spawns in a single place and is only used for tyron's shitty donutsteel storytelling
Oh well, I guess I'm pirating rc5. Thanks.
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I don't care for all the travel but this place is really cool. Music is good too
aren't you glad that 80% of developer time and budget goes towards making story locations you'll see once in your playthrough and then never again?
is using the bed spawner basically cheating?
right now? yeah, the games still very early access, if Tyrone finishes his tism story then he'll have the time to actually dev the rest of the game. Figuring out your general story route is kinda step 1 in making a story game.
>if Tyrone finishes his tism story then he'll have the time to actually dev the rest of the game.
silly anon, the tism story IS the rest of the game
>finishes his tism story
...anon, I...
surely trombone will finish his story...anons...
too bad you cannot actually explore it outside of creative mode because of the infinite fucking driggers constantly spawning all around you
so how much longer do you think it'll take before the game reaches 1.0?
how feature complete is the game?
>Quenching, Tempering, Annealing
Wtf that one anon complaining about metalworking in this game needs to see this
Tybone better add a fuckin wood lathe or I'm gonna be pissed
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>Roughly 8 story chapters
>we're only on chapter 2
>Roughly 8 story chapters
does this whole update count as the second chapter or the fifth? considering tyron averages 2-3 updates a year and the next update is guaranteed to be dejank/industry, we're looking at 4-5 years before he even finishes the story. eternal early access games are so tiresome bros
yeah but thanks to tyrone's shitcode and the accrued technical debt every odd update is an obligatory dejank update, so that 2-3 figure of yours is more likely to be one and a half update of content per year. so about a decade before Tyrone even finishes with the story at this pace.
>village has traders that are guaranteed to buy alum and cinnabar every day
Actual money machine. Only being able to find them once you probably already have a large, difficult to move house is criminal.
>we're only on 2/8 story chapters implemented before the game is even remotely done
>they're already this bad
I'm not very hopeful.
How the fuck do I find the village? Is it revealed by one of the trader quests or just you stumble on it?
I think the game intends you to either go all the way to the village and make a whole new base there or build the rickety translocator to get to Tobias's cave right away from your old place near spawn
Tyron is gonna have to massively nerf the devastation though
you have to beat the resonance archives, then the treasure hunter trader gives you a map to the lazaret, there you will get another map that leads to the village
you can't stumble upon it randomly because it's tens of thousands of blocks away in a random direction
Tyron really should just make the story locations a lot closer. As it stands now a lot of people aren't even starting with the story shit until they're at iron or steel age, I have no idea how he plans to make the next 6 chapters "challenging" without relying on cheap shit like the parkour puzzle.

Do the resonance archive -> talk to treasure hunter trader and go to Lazaret -> find letter in lazaret that puts village on your map
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oy vey don't let them know!
>or build the rickety translocator to get to Tobias's cave right away from your old place near spawn
y'know when people were teasing customizable translocators I was pretty hyped for faster transportation options, even if it was going to be expensive, but this shit only able to teleport you to one (1) location and nowhere else sucks
also sucks how timeswitching is used in one (1) place and nowhere else, I was hopeful that we'd be able to make aged blocks in this update. especially since a bunch of new aged blocks were added but are currently unobtainable because they arent used anywhere
even something as simple as a device you feed TGs into that turns all blocks in a 3x3 radius near it into aged version of the block would be fine addition, but I guess we'll just have to make do with getting a pointless reward that blueballs you until the next story chapter comes out
What if I'm playing in a smaller world? Not the 1mil blocks, but 51k or 102k blocks?
doesn't matter, the story locations will always spawn thousands of blocks away, that's why the elks and boats were added, to make traversing long distances easier, specifically for getting to these locations
after all who doesn't love holding W for 2 hours? That's real gameplay right there
I know but I assume it's a % based distance? So a smaller world (25k) would have the locations closer to each other but still relatively far, no?
>but this shit only able to teleport you to one (1) location and nowhere else sucks
And it's not even the new pseudo-hub they just added, it's a single guy you're probably gonna have to talk to over and over for the rest of the story.
probably, you'd have to beat the archives first to see how far away the lazaret spawns
ill test it for you, give me a sec
that's too creative of an idea for the devs, you need to make it a mod first so they can copy your work.
any anons on the new modded intereseted in a slave ? I want to get back into the game but can't be fucked with bronze age and everything else
like sexual slave? kinda weird man
the spawn shitshack and the forge are communist institutions, you can take things from there for free
like a field nigger to tend my crops? kinda weird man
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>main menu music
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i crashed while in the resonance archives but resonance archives still spawned 5k blocks away on a 25k by 25k world, so i dont think location gen takes world size into account.
Nice, that's good to know then
Thanks, anon!
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i fire up the classic minecraft soundtrack when playing desu baka senpai
peak soul
this is pure kino compared to something like GTNHs opening music
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Are there any mods that adds somewhat interactable npcs like MC's Little Maid or 2hu maids?
need wife
You're looking for this anon: >>1548326
lmao don't be retads, more like "here is some good gear, now go quarry a bit and help me build x"
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I'm too ESL and autistic for that
no fuck off
so I supply you tools and you do work for me for free? like if I hand you a hoe and seeds and tell you to till and sow a massive field you'll do it while singing work songs?
ok but if u wear thigh highs
Then just turn your seraph into a waifu
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more like autistic road anon needs some help and gives me somewhat good gear
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why are my bow driggers turning into unkillable/gay entities? ffs had this shit with double headed just few hours ago and i really want that first tempo gear
some bug with things spawned during temporal storms. happened to me in the pre versions too. someone ought to make a bug report
so if I supply you with a maid outfit and give you cooking ingredients you'll work for me for free? like if I hand you a pot and tell you to cook you'll make me a tasty meal while shaking your butt?
someone reported unmoving, unkillable entities back on october 30th
>spawn in a flat, medium fertility land surrounded by basalt near a huge body of water with a ton of cattails, fishes, peat, clay and a trader
>cant find trees

so close to being perfect...
Why use stairs to make the roof instead of using roof blocks?
he's still minecraft brained
terrafirmacraft bros.....
it's time to go back
There's a streamer I watch who is basically at iron age & doesn't even know there IS a story lmao.
yeah I guess the one saving grace of this story stuff is that it's optional. plenty of game content even if you ignore it all
Why the fuck did they make the Lazaret so small? There are randomly generated ruins bigger than it. They make you travel 12k blocks for that small ass paper telling you to travel another 10k?
Watch tyrone never ever actually implement any of this.
I did go back, it's pretty fun, especially with Distant Horizons.
>It won't be implemented because... it just won't okay??
Why are pessimists like this?
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can't wait for when this general gets an ERP server for you fucks to get your slave maid fetishism out
it's been years and they haven't even fixed the fruit press molesting dry mash, making permanently scarred stacks that can't be integrated with others even after they rot despite literally having a pull request on their github from a guy whose pulls they regularly merge that fixes it.
Drifter companion when? I love the little dudes
Maid seraph compaion when? I love the big girls.
Shivers made me shit myself inside my own anus. They're great.
I was thinking of buying the game, in the middle of their ToS they state that they may terminate your account if you aren't "excellent to each other". How much is this enforced? Has banter on MP ever locked someone out of SP? I don't plan on saying nigger nigger nigger on their forum
dunno, really. but all that matters is you can yell nigger nigger nigger on mazornigger's server and i haven't been banned yet.
as long as you don't tell the resident forum or discord trannies to kill themselves you're probably fine
damn I guess this game is not for me then
just stay out of the official forums and discord, that's what most of this thread does. tell the ones in the thread to kill themselves though.
Well once you get shears and a few seeds you can start growing your own forest.
good to know, I rarely use game specific forums so it is mostly a matter of in-game chat filtration/reporting, something like in MC
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They hunger
>no screenshots
baka my head
just as anon said, I had the minecraft on my noggin. I also didnt know about the wooden roof blocks and I couldnt get the shingles to fit the shape.
>play in temperate biome
>bored as hell all the time
>play cold earth starting in a -10 temperature biome
>have fun

what's wrong with me?
>have fun
have you found clay
Your origins are clearly not from the frozen hellscapes of northern europe or similar.
For me the best life is a mad scramble to south as man can go, to enjoy life as god intented, not suffering indoor 8 months a year.
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I am the architect of this atrocity, the creator of a godless Eden. And yet, as I cast myself into the belly of the beast, I wonder—was there ever another way?
do you have pictures of the ducky keyring to share with class?
idk man it kinda grew on me after hundred of hours, its an acquired taste
Tyrone really dropped the ball with that one, instead of 4 locations which are resonance archives-quality atleast, its more like one and a half (driggerland would be cool if it wasnt infuriating, and wasn't limited to one place)
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C'mon it's day already, how much do I gotta wait until these fucks piss off from my hole
I like starting in a warm climate because it starts you out at 30 degrees north latitude instead of 47, basically the gulf coast instead of the canada/us border. Winter still happens but it's not as oppressive, and summers get pretty hot so planting winter crops vs summer crops matters. And if you really just want to get to southlands you start off that much closer
speaking of which have you guys found the secret section in the lazaret?
I've noclipped through the entire thing, the only secret of the lazaret is not knowing how much it absolutely sucks balls before you go there.
that's a no then?
>he's unaware of the generation trigger only works when it detects a player near it
it's in one of the latrines, isn't it
yuppers, one of the iron barred ones behind the iron doors
is there anything interesting inside?
this is tyron we're talking about. you know the answer is no
you mean the shitty empty tunnel with water? is it even navigable in survival?
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>1. Just make the locations closer to each other
I feel like the reaction to the new locations would be a lot less bitter if people didn't have to spend hours travelling to each one. Making them spawn closer should just be a matter of changing numbers, easy as pie
>2. Rework the Lazaret
Don't want the Lazaret removed outright but it really should be reworked, either the location itself or the order in which you encounter it. As it stands now you can literally get the note you need and leave in less than 30 seconds (I just checked this), having to spend over an hour travelling to something you can move on from in 30 seconds is extremely shitty design and a terrible first impression to the quest chain. If it was made optional it wouldn't be so bad
>3. Lower drigger spawn rate in the Devastation
Main complaint I'm seeing regarding that place is that you can hardly explore since you're under fire all the time, and this especially makes the first few floors of the parkour a pain in the ass when you keep getting sniped from below. Either make the tower repellent to driggers or lower their spawn rates across the board there
>4. Make the customizable translocators customizable
Right now the only good reward for going through the story is access to the village. The glider is only marginally useful sometimes and the new translocator only teleports you to a story location. At least give an actual reward for going through all this bullshit
>5. Make the bird less cancerous to fight
Who the hell thought giving you very short windows to deal pitiful damage to a flying enemy with a bloated health bar was a good idea? Make it less tanky or make it's hitbox bigger, it's impossible to hit it with a bow unless it's closing in

Tyron said that the story locations needed some finishing touches before stable release so I'm praying to God he will fix all of this
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got the itch to boot up the og server and do some chiseling again
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>white plastic lawn chair
why is it in such an unnatural position? I've never seen one that's not laying on the ground if it doesn't have a person in it.
please don't make fun of it, i think poshtiara made that (rip)
>so I'm praying to God he will fix all of this
see >>1548519
I'm glad someone appreciates me likening the fruit press to a pedophile
Love Vintage Story but it needs a lot more content. Exploring caves, and everything else, is boring as shit once you realize there's nothing really in there. Finding ruins and 1-2 underground storage rooms and all that gets boring really quick. Needs more everything and it gets really slow, lackluster updates.
I'd love Better Ruins mod if it didn't have completely overpowered towers and huge cathedrals that lower my FPS just by looking at them.
Wasn't Tyron supposed to have hired new devs for faster updates? What happened to that?
he probably hired more writers for faster lore updates
tyrone is a gaynigger
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ack forgete pickrel
drifter player model mod when?
i want to dress one with a cute straw hat!
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>find a tapestry
>the message is bugged
fuck you tyron, i want my worthless lore tidbits
it's a puzzle you have too low iq to solve
sex mod when
the game is so roleplay friendly someone should have made one by now
>game about hyper realistic survival
>it doesn't have sex mods or vanilla sex one of the most definitive motivators for mankind to thrive and survive
this game sucks
>block called etho slab in-game
Recently tried this game out. Pretty cool. Weird that there are no more games that go deeper into stone age tool making, knapping.
>tracking the frequency of these posts to track with this >>1544669 graph and youtube popularity
I'd fuck that wolf
btw temporal storms are even more aids now, full gambeson against driggers is doable and ez to farm temp gears, full gambeson against shivers that like to crawl up your ass and launch you in the air isn't.
guess its time to dig the death trenches, again.
From personal experience, shivers can climb a little, so you'll want to dig even deeper. But then the bowtorns will shoot the fuck out of you from across the trench anyway.
I like there being more enemy variety than "slow manlet who walks at you and throws rocks sometimes", but they can be annoying.
I don't know if anything in particular makes shivers trip or if they just do it randomly, but there should be some guaranteed way to fuck them over. Maybe a shield block.
For bowtorns, I'd remove their melee attack completely, make them a non-threat the moment you get into their minimum range. I don't even think their melee does much damage, but really hammer in that you want to get in close and stay close.
>>1549333 (checked)
the only reasonable response to the new drigger menace is to dig trenches all the way to the mantle so they instantly die if they fall in
Perhaps the most soulless response possible to increased drigger variety. Build your shit with temporal storms in mind.
and literally the only response anymore.
put on ze maid dress and choose body type female
hardcores server with this https://mods.vintagestory.at/hydrateordiedrate
>Hunger was so good they made Hunger2
Sorry for being clueless but is this game pirateable it looks pretty exciting to me.
for some reason my brain didn't think to just check cs.rin sorry
I'm too lazy to check if rc5 is there, but if it isn't then you can just manually update it yourself through the regular game client that you get on the website.
Top left, new update available, install. Download any 1.20+ pirated version, copy and paste the crack (PlayVintageStory.exe) in the regular game folder and you have rc5.
>reload page
>thread gets 10 times comfier
i have no idea why but heather (the flower) kills my fps whenever i look at them, i dont have a problem with other flowers, just heather
Have a nice christmas
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RC6 is out
>stable release in 1 to 3 weeks.
>Various tweaks and fixes to story locations
>Fixed: Multiple issues with the Fruitpress
>Fixed: Beehive Kiln no longer working
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Nice, I just noticed that but what if it breaks mods... I can't live without my mods.
Only .exe crack i could find is gone and the rest are .dll and seems that rc6 doesn't have that dll. Might just buy it
Should i play on that 1.19 server till i make a decision to buy?
you don't. the servers are no pirates after retarded nigger wiggers exploited the lack of auth.
I got the .exe crack from ru tracker, their version was rc4 or something, I updated to rc5 three days ago and now I just updated to rc6 using the same crack.
you too anon have a jolly xmas
>>stable release in 1 to 3 weeks.
I guess I'll just wait for stable then
performance seems worse in rc6
It works thanks man, have a nice christmas eve.
>>Fixed: Multiple issues with the Fruitpress
about time
>inb4 dry mash is still cursed
and the NoMolding mod doesnt include red clay which seems to be the most common now
I like making shingles
it's pizza2004's mod/pull request being merged. for some reason tyron didn't credit the merges on rc6 like he did rc5, probably because they make up half the list.
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tyrone on a serious pull request merging spree, maybe he'll add better firepits if the guy tries to push his two lines of code that fix them to the main branch.
>set the cattail resistance to 0.1
>tone down the spawn of red clay (usually 5 times higher than other clay types)
>starting a new world is suddenly fun
>>Various tweaks and fixes to story locations
remember that story location? it got various fixes and tweaks
you are brown
stop making threads on /v/ if you aren't going to keep them active
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>jannie wants me to come see his BLACKED shingle tower
>agree to come despite a mostly peaceful drigger riot incoming
>"It will be fine if we're on the move."
>proceed to be ambushed by shriggers and driggers in bush hell
>jannie dies several times and finishes off my injured elk with a wide arrow spray
>get refund elk
>stash it for later cause afraid jannie will kill it again
>place it down, it runs off into the ocean and drowns

damn it, just damn....
do not trust driggers
do not trust jannoids
and ESPECIALLY do not trust bushes
give me one reason why I should bother sleeping at night? the region where I'm at has bright nights, it's very stable too, i can just go explore at night and gather resources, right?
it skips time for the various animal husbandry timegates.
I am a moose hunter, thoughbeit.
then enjoy your hunter gatherer lifestyle, tyron refuses to give us more fabric types despite having goats, sheep and shears so your only real loss is dairy.
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how does this marefucking faggot have more in his fat titty drigger/seraph collection than I do, what is THAT
I hate tin.
>historically people made red dye from plants
>but tyron decided that you need to find a rare mineral that is only found under slate

What the fuck
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Farming coachinel bugs on cacti when?
When can I farm my nopales on the desert
I want to ride a camel in-game
I want to see giraffes and elephants instead of dumb gazelles being chased by here as
I want my heckin fishing Tyrone I want to catch fish like a civilized man instead of spearing it like an uncivilized barbarian Tyrone
I want to be able to use the new bugs for bait or make doughball baits
But most importantly
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TFC had cinnabar, it doesn't matter that it was to crush into redstone to bridge vanilla mechanics into the mod, tyrone see, tyrone steal.
I basically never see tin at all unless I trade for it
I'll find tons of hematite by mid copper age and never catch a whiff of any tin
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a "combat update" is the single worst possible thing you can ask for from Tyron, and you know it
no, asking for a lore update with more parkour is the worst thing anyone could ask for.
no-one's asked for it
precisely no single soul has ever asked for that
I don't know anon, I'm sure the discord had some retard ask for parkour after parkour civilization exploded on youtube.
speaking of parkour, is there anything specific that lets me avoid fall damage? now and then i'll fall 20 blocks and land safely
It's a special item called "shit code"
I survived my first temporal storm and I smelt my first copper tools.
Jesus fucking Christ, this game is... a lot. It has muchness. It is muchier.
Overwhelming but in a good way.
i know how you feel.. i smelt my balls and it was almost too mucho..
wowoweeewow bro broskie get yourself a GTX 4090, them graphics from ATARI
W-why is it so fun to chuck spears at animals and run after them?
because you're brown
white men use rifles
>get the mod to remove locusts because they were glitchy as fuck for me and impossible to hit
>their cages dont spawn either so i have no jonas parts

its over
>go to new island at level 35
>avoid getting my shit pushed in
>find huge dragon egg
>hatches to silvegis
this is bullshit, I wanted to relax or at least get chef snake
goddamnit, this is the VS thread. fuck it, merry christmas. I'm playing other games if 1.20 is going to suck that much ass.
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I've spent eons roofing a cabin only to find out that the underground chert caves are beautifully rusty and match the game's aesthetic.
Fuck it, I'm gonna turn the surface into an arena for temporal storms.
is he sleeping
little cunt
Me and Michael
love meteoric iron, hate normal iron

smithing a bloom, then realizing you need one (1) voxel because you got the unlucky 0.01% of blooms that dont come with all the voxels to smith by hand, it being winter and not having enough flax to rush mechanical industry and have a helve hammer, and waiting atleast till late spring to even start on a windmill.. god i fucking hate iron blooms, i hope the fag that took us out of the bronze age burns for all eternity in assyrian hell.
So i just bought this game recently and i am starting to love it but im just completely clueless, do yall have any good tips or sources to guides to share?
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press H on items to see what they make and for guides
look for copper nuggies on the ground, below them are ore deposits, gotta get 40 before you can mine them
always mark the locations of important looking shit like ores, resin trees, bees and such
get a farm going before winter fucks you, flax is king
fuck driggers
jonas parts can be found in ruins and quite
a few in the archives.
People often recommend going without mods in the beginning but there are many that are good for first runs. For an example Auto Map Markers makes marking resources and traders on your map easy. The Simple HUD Clock is another good one. I can't live without the zoom button mod since my eyesight just isn't what it used to be.
Like the other guy said press H and read the guides. Also use the wiki if need be. When you need to start prospecting i recommend you watch a video or read the wiki to get an understanding of it.
i'm playing with 400% durability and it still feels like metal tools just get destroyed really fast
i still have my grandfather's axe and hatched that are 40 years old by now and they work fine to cut down or trim trees trees when sharpened, all that breaks is the handle which is replaced
has tyron never used a tool in his entire life?
it's a videogame
it is not minecraft, though, you cant punch trees or rocks down
they're both videogames
reiterating what the other anon said, its a video game. imagine if tools actually lasted 40 fucking in-game years, whats even the point of a durability system then
i expected more accurate autism considering how this game is
stone and soft metal heads should have durability and work the way they do in the game now
hard metal tool HANDLES should have durability, then the handle breaks, it drops the head and you have to put a new handle on it (recipe: tool head + nails and strips + a stick)
that's a neat idea, too bad Tyron is only interested in zoomer parkour challenges and his shitty story
maybe in 5 years
If you want things to be that way, then just make a mod. This is honestly the answer to 90% of the complaints posted here.
Finally found clay, why did nobody tell me that you can see it in the map
Can you post a screenshot of it? I can never spot clay on the map
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This one's from the wiki
Neat, I thought they changed that because I could never spot it on the map.
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gentlemen, i am pleased to announce that conquest VS edition has been updated to 1.20.
What is this sorry im new? also where do yall play on?
texture packs are for fags and that's legitimately more ugly than vanilla.
just a textures mod
>also where do yall play on?
Most people here play singleplayer or the serbs in the OP.
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retarded nudev excuse. why be actually creative and create new solutions for your video game systems instead of copying the abstraction that every other retarded faggot used, even though it makes no actual sense in the context of a more realistic survival game? that's your argument. it's LE VIDEO GAME that means you shouldn't THINK AT ALL about what makes sense to be abstracted and what doesn't. the "durability" system works for shitty tools made of stone and sticks because they are piece of shits, even flint that you can't realistically sharpen with the flint you have. it absolutely does not make sense for copper and onwards.
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I made my initial underground base in an unstable place without even noticing.
Luckily the stable place (right) is just a few blocks from the last base's entrance (left).
I decided to make the cave between my unstable and stable bases into Driggerville which will be fully decorated for the little cute drifters that spawn there often and hopefully I'll connect it to the other caves nearby.
I have enough tin to make a pickaxe to give to the treasure trader who lives on the surface but I don't wanna start the story just yet, I want to make Driggerville.

What should I do with the unstable place that doesn't require me to spend lots of time there?
>copying the abstraction that every other retarded faggot used, even though it makes no actual sense in the context of a more realistic survival game
there's your problem, you think tyron came up with this shit on his own. vintagecraft back when he was making a minecraft mod was a ripoff of terrafirmacraft. everything feels like it's taken from minecraft because everything is taken from other people's work besides his autistic steampunk story with the rust dimension and his uber autistic butterfly obsession.
>you think tyron came up with this shit on his own
no, I don't, retard, I'm not that stupid, and you should see that from the very sentence you copied instead of putting words in my mouth. it's all a ripoff. I'm not arguing about tyron at all, I know he's retarded. I'm arguing about durability and how it doesn't fit at all.
>find black coal vein
>mine it
>fuck-all fire clay
so it seems i've been duped, yet again.
thanks tyrone
a stack of flint can make you 8 stacks of fireclay and it's everywhere
just get into the habit of picking up every piece you see and you won't have to worry about finding fire clay
>I'm arguing about durability and how it doesn't fit at all.
neither would just having handles break, sharpness is a closer universal because most tools dull long before the handle breaks and shears don't even have a handle. turn durability into sharpness, add a whetstone that requires sitting and time to restore sharpness, add a grindwheel which ties into mechanical power and takes much less time.
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>use the coal from the vein you mined to make the fire clay that the piece of shit ore gen tyrone wrote couldn't
now read the post again
>sharing the thread with ""people"" not versed in the current state of affairs (nor jokes)
fucking amazing, and i bet its the two absolute mongoloids arguing about durability. Hope a bird takes a shit on (You)
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>wasting black coal as fuel instead of making blasting powder
>not using brown coal indzrsf for firing quicklime and flint
the absolute state
>fire clay not spawning under coal
>best source is in bauxite sand
>kilns require iron for doors
>if you have bauxite you have refractory brick
>fire clay bricks die 50% of the time, refractory brick t1 5% of the time
why did they add fire clay brick kilns?
for people that want to mass fire clay shit before getting a pulverizer or having access to bauxite. all the bricks except the non-destroyed grates and door can be repurposed for coke ovens afterwards
>takes 8 bricks to make 4 fire brick blocks
>breaking 4 damaged fire brick blocks just gave me 13 bricks back
infinite bricks glitch
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>sculping the head of a corrupt drifter
>hear the door opening
>two little shitheads waltz in and start throwing bricks at me
I love them so much.
if you love them so much why don't you marry them
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I finally finished the corrupt drifter bust and put it in its place above Driggerville's entrance.

They're shy and love playing hard to get.
Why can't I make shepherds pie Tyron
>make a mod
One already exists actually
>Each part of the tool has it's own durability, and is damaged when using the tool. When the tool breaks it will drop the damaged material used to create it. You can re-use damaged parts when binding another tool.
The devs' particular autism is more focused on some parts than others. Notice how butterflies have intricate details and even species entries in the guide while for other insects its just "fuck it here's a small cube"
Why can't I die of overheating Tyron
Why can't I catch the flu Tyron
Why can't I shit and piss Tyron
Why can't I make spaceships and satellites Tyron
Why can't I rape the villagers Tyron

This is how you sound btw
and you sound like a retard complaining about retards
I'm gonna rape you faggot
and this is why "lmao jus mod it niggy" will NEVER be the answer to anything
no shit, "just mod it teehee" kills any drive to improve the core gameplay or fix certain types of bugs
>it hasnt been updated for 1.20 though!
neither was better firepit but it still works. have you tried that mod to see if anything is broken?
>Playing on a server with sepia map
>Have half a roof made of blue clay shingles, can't find any more
Send help.
by now I am certain that "built-in modding framework" is a pre-emptive execution for any early access game. unless the developers also support all cases of modding, like Wube does with Factorio (or just know what the fuck they're doing, which the vast majority do not)
just mod it and put the code as a pull request on github, that's how fruitpresses got fixed
Uuuuh, what the fuck? I don't block a nightmare shiver attack, it takes 1rd of my health, i block a nightmare shiver attack, it insta kills me
Make a bug report
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Now I'm stuck inside the wall after getting hit by an enemy while I was near the wall.
I'm out now thanks to /gm c
>meteoric iron shield
>scrap and stone tools
The shield was ruin loot.
Looking at the damage log, it wasn't a 1-hit kill while defending myself with a shield, apparently there were multiple shivers but some were invisible.
Been getting some invisible mobs since RC6, hostile or not, even a trader once (not missing, just invisible).
Better firepit is stuck in 1.19.1 and still works like a charm on the most recent update, at least try using it before giving up niggy wiggy
>bombs arent affected by gravity
>cant even place them on trap doors on in the air
there goes my machicolation idea, damn. how are you even expected to use the scrap bomb in combat without hitting yourself too? place it through a tiny hole in the wall?
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>srbrs: ded
>update: 'roned
what is next bros?
Dejank update
Combat update that is a near 1-to-1 copy of TFC
Dejank update
>Combat update that is a near 1-to-1 copy of TFC
please no, the slash, pierce, blunt shit was done purely to differentiate swords and maces after years of them being identical. I'd rather tyron copy the bullshit colored steels before adding needless complications to damage calculation while not bothering to change mechanics.
I'm certain that the "combat update" will either be the end of the game or walked back almost in its entirety (apart from some nigling details that still make the game worse). Tyron is so spectacularly fucking retarded with combat that it cannot possibly go well.
the combat is bullshit. for how often you have to kill the driggers there is basically zero satisfaction nor impact. could really use some physX rag dolls or giblets like >>1545885
i don't trust tyrone to fix it either... its so over.
how would you even fix combat? aside from answers like "remove it" and considering that servers might have shitty latency
remove the wind up on melee attacks. forget servers, it makes singleplayer feel like it has shit latency.
there's so many answers, but they all start with undoing the retarded bullshit tyron did to make it awful to begin with, like the artificial delay on every single weapon, hitting fucking blocks instead of enemies, shit hitboxes, shivers, etc.
but cosmetically it also has zero punch. there's barely any hit sounds, no death sounds, nothing enjoyable whatsoever about the actual experience of combat. it's just an annoying chore that you're sometimes forced to do (especially in all the loreshit, which makes said loreshit not worth doing almost at alL)
isn't it game design 101 to make control inputs respond as instantly as possible? i just use the axe still even though its shit cause atleast i don't have to wait 6 gorillion millennia for the windup.
it's still 0.5 seconds for the axe since 1.19.x I believe and it fucking sucks. it just means I hold right click and hope I hit something. alternatively I can gank niggas instantly with spears (when they don't phase through the fucking hitbox as if nothing wasn't there, but that's more of a problem with arrows and the sling)
>barely any hit sounds
the falx hit sounds like the light tick noise you get on a hit using a sniper in ghost recon
so absolutely ded nobody even took my sturdy backpacks I so generously laid out
>cosmetically it also has zero punch.
this probably matters more than anything
the falx's description paints a picture of how you need a broad, serrated sword to cut through these amalgamations of flesh and rust, and then when you hit them it makes a light slapping sound and they grunt like you inconvenienced them, until you hit them enough with your single weak overhead that they hunch their backs and stop moving
even the arbitrary delay might feel alright if you were winding up an actual meaty swing, and not a point-target attack that just checks if the hitbox is in the crosshair and within 2.5m of you, represented by you raising your weapon a little before swinging it unenthusiastically
yeah, that;s also a big problem: half the tooltips are outright lies. nevermind that knives are the worst tool to harvest mushrooms, falxes are probably the worst weapon against driggers bar none. I'd rather be fucking clubbing them. the tooltip straight up lies, it is no more effective against driggers than it is against wolves or seraphs.
and yeah, there is a place for a delay: with HEAVY hits. this game treats every hit as if it is heavy, yet without any power or inertia to accompany it. it's fucking stupid.
yeah, the vanilla way of quarrying for stone only works in mp when enslaving other anons to do the actual work, in sp it gets kinda grindy, so i just went ahead and installed stone quarry
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Another one joins Driggerville. They seem to enjoy it.

How hard is the Resonance Archives anyway? I just got the location marked on my map.
Do I need to bring a temporal gear with me and set the spawn outside it?
Carry a chest along with me? (I'm using Carry On mod)
Lots of bandages?
in SP it's probably harder but definitely bring a lot of bandages and leave the chest outside. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES bring it inside, you cannot place or destroy any blocks on the inside. bring a torch and food you can eat without placing it down, so no crocks and pots. keep the chest on the surface so you can put away shit you find.
Thanks, anon, I better get started with leather-making for the backpacks too.
the boss fight is super easy even solo, just make a bow and arrows and there are pillars you can hide behind to block thrown boulders while you peek and shoot
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Alright I'm back from having christmas. Have fun
>one tiny dark block spawns 5 enemies right behind me

What the fuck
wtf is going on in the background
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who stacks cairns??
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Is it safe to start a world in this rc6 version and update when the full release comes out? Do story locations get created at the start of the game or when you look for them?
It'll take a long long time for me to get ready since I liked the game when it was on near wilderness cock torture settings and plan to play it that way again, so I won't be seeing the new stuff for weeks
t. played once back in 1.17
>Do story locations get created at the start of the game or when you look for them?
i dont think anyone knows for sure but im inclined to think the former.
Weather and compression artifacts I'm guessing.
Me, so I won't get lost. Also just spamming in a bunch in creative to see that it worked.
It's like a rock wall but just a point instead of a 1D structure.
From my understanding, they get generated 5000 blocks away from the player location once you get the map. They're not in the game world until you activate the map.
I tested it with different worlds with creative on and it is always 5000 away, no matter where you are or the size of the world. It basically reloads a far away unexplored chunk to spawn the story locations.
your understanding only applies to resonance archives. upon using their spawn items, the lazaret will generate 10k blocks from spawn and the other three in this update 20k blocks away.
>It basically reloads a far away unexplored chunk to spawn the story locations.
Then it should be fine, are there anything el-
>Can I start playing 1.20 now?
>please do not now use a world created in any of the pre-releases of 1.20 - those pre-release worlds might need manual command entering to get the correct story locations and other corrections, so it will be better to start afresh.
I just saw this on the devlog of rc.1, fuck. Is this "manual command entering" hard to do or is it just like mineyman where you copy paste stuff in the chat? I just wanna play after seeing Robbaz stream it on twitch
Just a chat command.
But RC5 already fixed the story locations not generating correctly, so you should be fine.
pre-releases and release candidates are two different things anon
I see, guess I'll give it a go and if it does break, then I'll start over with mods after a month or so.
Oh, there's a pre.1 before rc.1, that seems little autistic. Anyway, I'm just hoping shit will work, got nothing else to play right now
>temp storm comes
>new mobs spawn by the billions and ass rape me
That was kind of fun actually, practical reason to build walls and arrow slits now.
explain to me why you havent built pic rel yet
because I have finite time on this earth and because diagonal buildings look like fucking shit
taking defense advice from the french is like cheating off the retarded kid's test paper
>26 hours of time played in the world
>iron age
>about to hit resonator archives
>suddenly feel like restarting the world (same seed and settings) but don't feel like going through the chore of getting all the stuff I got before and grinding again

i hate this shit, i can't commit to a world for some reason
why are you feeling the tard urge? you could always just move somewhere else on the same world. if playing on the release candidates, you can do the resonance archives, get an elk and fuck off somewhere else.
I always restart when I hit a "new age" or discover a new mechanic basically, it gives me new ideas and lets me play the game for longer.
This time it was iron and leather-tanning.
But it is a chore to restart so, might tweak a few jsons to change things and make restarting less tedious. Last time it was making cattail and grass instant to harvest.
This time might be installing the "Easier knapping, clayforming, and smithing".
When I start a new version I do this, I don't find the early game grug stage interesting anymore so I tweak it to make it very easy to progress past it.
Do builds this big even exist? I see plenty of city builds in Minecraft but I've never seen one in Vintage Story.

t. never visits the servers
BetterRuins mod has some huge builds that will lag you if you're on a low end PC
>3 new mods since i checked yesterday
nothing compared to minecrap of course, but im glad the modding community is getting more lively
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VS modders are kino, desu.
The music is really lame.
fuck you its kino. the only bad music is boss battle music
Link me the good shit, then. All I've heard is Stardew music over and over and over and over and over.
Radiance is the only good one and even then its only like half of it
all good, without exception. and merely a small slice of the kino ost in this game. i'd include devastation and tower osts too if they were on youtube
Are there mods for actual enemy variety yet
>i'd include devastation and tower osts too if they were on youtube
they're in your install files, upload them yourself
>he's already bored of his new toys
Use the "creatures" tag on the mod list, lazy bones
I've seen one specific dude on youtube who uploads each day of his hardcore world with no talking just him playing. Last I saw he was working on a castle but still nowhere close to that size.
>culinary artillery mod STILL not updated
Come the fuck on already
Are they earn from making mods?
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We out here.
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You have never explored og. It has tons of old megabuilds and cities.
bro this shit sounds like a 5 year old slamming a keyboard in fl studio

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