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Now with less thargoids

Get some cracking paintjobs https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/1hiso8h/sandra_coors_delivery_locations_and_rewards/

Elite: Dangerous is an online space flight simulation and combat, trading, exploration, mining, ship-based, vehicle-based and on-foot PvP and PvE game that takes place within a slightly outdated yet surprisingly accurate 1:1 scale simulation of the Milky Way galaxy. There was already star located in-game at about the same place before it was discovered in real life. We're sadly missing UY Scuti but there's VY Canis Majoris. Still super-massive and real-sized in-game, especially in VR.

>Trading and market tools

>Space Chinaman's ship and module discount emporium:
Look for high tech stations with power Li Yong-Rui for the best selection at 15% off. Example: Ray Gateway in the Diaguandri system.
Or just rank up to trade Elite (easiest) and go to Jameson Memorial in Shinrarta Dezhra for convenience and because you aren't poor.

>Theorycraft your spacecraft:
https://edsy.org/ (should be your general go-to shipbuilder)
https://coriolis.io/ (arguably better UI though some say it's inaccurate. slightly better for combat stats too)

>What the fugs is engineering?

>Elite: Dangerous wiki

>Where's all the xeno scum?

>Rizz up your cockpit with fronthole magnets:
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worth it
I just want to consolidate my care packages.
It's one for loop.
Please, we're dying out here.
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Wow, Elite: Dangerous is now old enough to marry the Prophet Mohammad (PPUH)
Haven't played in years, do I have to engineer new FSDs for every ship?
If you want them to be 0.24% more effective then yeah. Really it doesn't matter much.
>spec ops ship fires a caustic missile at me
the actual fuck?
Do SCO drives not need to be engineered again? Or does it just slap your current upgrades on the new engine? Been so long I forget.
Everything needs to be engineered, except the old pre-engineered non-SCO drives, which are obsolete, and the new pre-engineered SCO drives which require harvesting thargoid titan components (which itself requires corrosion resistant cargo rack).
Oh, there's pre-engineered ones, forgot about those too.
Also if you've been away for a while, engineering materials are now far easier to obtain compared to the dark ages of tedium and grind.
I've heard, though not precisely 'how' better. I'll have to get used to my controls again first and maybe pick up a stock SCO until I can get a pre-engineered one.
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Manufactured materials:
One HGE is enough to max out a single G5 material.
Consult pic related for raw materials. You'll need a remote release flak and a lot of collector limpets.
Encoded materials are still a bitch, with Jameson Crash Site being the only reliable source.
Trade for lower tier materials or ones you can't get through the easy farmable ways.
Handy, thanks Anon.
This 10ly colonization range is going to really be ass. There is barely any systems of value within 10ly of an already populated system, any system that IS of value is probably gonna have a hundred people racing to claim it.
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>game ran out of -minor- care packages to hand out
>now gives me regular care packages with 4x as much shit
Yeah those are an unlockable at human tech brokers using thargroot guts. They're pretty shit though.
why are large ships so uncomfy?
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>the medium hardpoints on the covfefe have absolutely dogshit convergence
there go my dreams of running modplasmas on it
it is over
I am a slave to the krait
Is it worth trying to use a Type 9 for anything? I have an insane dream of having one of every ship but it seems other ships even do cargo hauling better.
Slap a bunch of armor and shields on it and put turreted single cannons.

Idk if it would work though but sounds fun.
Was thinking of turning it into a dedicated combat salvage ship, to fight off pirates that keep bothering me while I'm picking shit up.
I don't remember if its the type 9, but theres a AFK build for just raking in bounties overnight with one of the cargo ships I think.

Never tried doing salvage stuff though so might be fun.
A quick google search says the Type 10 and Cutter are best at that, but it's also three years old.
what ship does cargo better? python for medium pads obviously but for large pads the t9 is better than the cutter if you want a shield
And you will want a shield because it takes some getting used to just how un-manoeuvrable and drifty the Imperial Whale is. You will drive it into something sooner or later.
t. other anon
The Type-8 is hands down the best cargo ship for medium pads.
Fair, I'm just going off stats on sites since I own neither yet, and it looked like the Cutter had higher capacity, jump range and maneuverability. Seems more fun to stick guns on, though.
Probably use a Type 8 for deep core mining.
Anybody have any idea how much selling items in a black market affects a controlling faction's influence?
from the wiki: "Note that using a Black Market will decrease the influence of the controlling minor faction."
Now this is the most unhinged, schizoid Raxxla speculation i've ever seen lol

you can only colonise systems within 10ly of the bubble? seriously?
Yeah, but I want to know how much. I'm not going to spend hours dumping garbage into a black market for a one percent influence decrease.
10ly from an already inhabited system, so you will eventually be able to chain colonize all the way to colonia/beagle.
Who would win in a fight between you guys and the EVE thread?
I hope you're aware that whatever method you use, you probably won't be moving the INF bar more than about 3 points per day, give or take. And that's with 0 opposition.

Also, don't do BGS. it kills the soul.
If you're doing powerplay stuff join that corresponding powers discord. Otherwise you'll likely do lots and lots of grinding to do essentially nothing.
EVE has both more Americans and more thirdies, so more volume of fire and more machete-wielding cannon fodder on their side.
Doesn't seem like it's worth it, had a laser turreted cutter with prismatic shield just afkin in low res, was fine staying at 80-90% shield for 50minutes, then suddenly 3 groups of 3 showed up and had to manually maneuver it to finish them off, shield at 15%, so that would be -60mil if left for the night, all in all 6mil (+20% from pp) so 7 mil in bounties, whole night for 1 rebuy (it will probably survive fine if I deploy a fighter or two, but again that's one mission worth of credits, maybe two elite pilots in haz res would manage, but doubt it would be proper afk
Shield boosters should be removed from the game.
Oh never mind you can only deploy 1, so low res it is, if your pilot somehow dies when you're asleep you might be in the red from this, they must've gutted this as absolutely not worth it rn
The Eve niggers would be too busy fighting each other.
Yes, at least for the open beta. We'll see if they extend it after that.
still waiting on news about how the fuck colonization works
You buy a colonization kit, jump to a viable system, deploy it, then haul a shitton of materials to it aaaand bam
>carriers still barely functional
>new mechanic effectively gated behind carrier hauling
It'll probably be doable with t9/cutter, like community goal/group mission, at least they said it should be doable solo, we'll see
Fdev expects it to be done with haulers, not carriers. They said they're aiming between new player and established player with this, so someone who has money but not necessarily a carrier.
Have we run out of 'we're so back' already?
It's Christmas.
>plan to sell exploration data in elephant trunk's only populated system
>system under martial law
>most services locked
I think I'm gonna buy a fleet carrier. Thoughts?
It's just a mobile station for billionaire cmdrs. Stock it with as much trit as you can before you take it out into the black, because having a stranded carrier in the middle of nowhere is not a fun time. If you take it to Colonia, the tritium jews upcharge it 3x at their carriers, and the stations in Colonia run out immediately, so buy as much as you need in the Bubble where it's cheap
why does sub surface mining exist? And also whats the current mining meta?
newb here, any reason to get odyssey if you're not into the fps and only want to fly ships?
There are dockable planetside ports you can only land at and have access to if you have Odyssey. Also exobiology is the best early game money maker, even if it means leaving your ship a bit.
Also colonization
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Is there a reason why i cannot go to sol? I could before but after not playing for a while i just cant.
during invasion everyone got one, weird they removed it so fast wonder if people can claim their fsds remotely
for sol permit:
Navy rank, show under the reputation bar. You need to undertake missions for Federal factions until that reaches 100%, then accept and complete a mission with Federal Navy in the mission's name. This will get you up one rank, rank up a few times and rank 4, Petty Officer, awards the Sol system permit. You'll also unlock a ship, the Federal Dropship
whats with the alien stuff now? I remember there being lots of activity but now that i have time to hunt them down they all fucked off. How do you xeno hunt now?
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Man I forgot about the 10th anniversary, that's a bummer.
What else have I missed so far?
The two year war just ended.

Kind of sad that the biggest event in the game happened during the lowest point in the game's history, playerbase-wise.
wait so they are gone now? Like completely? Thet used to appear outside of the bubble sometimes but not anymore?
Check around nebula
Oh they're still in the nebulas and whatever, but there's no more attacks on the bubble right now. They did raids every so often beforehand though, so hopefully that also keeps up.
Do only the small named ones count or are bigger less dense areas also fine?

Damn i hope they will focus on the new colony thingies once that update comes out because flying a warship out there sounds like a pain in the ass.
pleiades (maia/asterope/merope)
I haven't played in years, but when I played it, a friend boost me a lot in terms of credits, and then stopped playing.
Thinking of giving ED another try, should I start a new character or use the current one? Currently I forgot everything about how to fly ships and how shit works.
just rerun the tutorial if you completely forgot everything (or just enable pre-flight checks in the right panel to rerun the keys on launching)

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