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we're so back edition
what keeps you coming back to eve, what keeps you from ever being truly free
theres already an eve thread fuck you
nuh uh
I had a dream again, that I've lost in hostile nullsec jumping and trying to dock to stations, I felt space darkness and void and it was good yet frightening. Last time I launched the game six years ago
name your thread better
yuh uh you motheffuckin cunt
i didnt make it but no fuck you.
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>Be me, poorfag
>Guy I know wants me to join his corp, I have 700m isk at the time
>Join it
>Things happen, suddenly I have a bunch of Dread alts, a bunch of dreads, some carriers, and my very own Fortizar
>Can't be bothered making isk anymore
I'm tempted to start again after not playing for over 10 years.
Please tell me why I shouldn't.
As someone who has completely mastered Albion Online is Eve similar enough that I can follow a similar grindy path to success fully solo?

AKA safe zone gather -> craft, play market, market flip, craft and gather till massive super billionaire?

That's what I did in Albion. I just kept making silver in that game and leveraging it to make more silver till I had so much silver I could buy anything I wanted multiple times over, including books that level my weapon and armor skills up without ever having to actually grind at all.
yes but forget safe-zone gathering and just go nuts on the market if you want to make the big buck
Should I buy the video game called "Genesis Rising" for 1,5 € on steam?
NVM, watched some reviews and don't probably wanna play it anymore. Its kinda sad eve hasn't gone full retard on new ship archetypes for a decade now.
Anyone recommends Eve Online on 2024-5?
I'm thinking of starting a new character. Haven't played in more than a decade. I want to do PvE.
>Anyone recommends Eve Online on 2024-5?
>thinking of starting a new character
Just play your old toon, there's zero reason to start over unless you want another alt toon. Existing SPies and iskies are always beneficial for toonies.
Just do what I do: not play for a really long time, get an autistic itch to play the game again because something as mundane as reading the word “blueprint” in a news article reminds me of my BPO library in game, wrestle with pros/cons of playing again for a couple weeks, finally decide to play as an alpha for a few days to scratch the itch, get drawn in and end up resubbing multiple accounts for the year, get burned out after a couple of weeks and don’t login again until the cycle repeats a couple of years later.

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