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File: sled man's hand.png (80 KB, 800x450)
80 KB
Merry Christmas, anons! Below are some Steam keys for DEAD MAN'S HAND: Card Roulette Action, a multiplayer Russian Roulette game with playing cards that change the flow of gameplay. We'll be dropping additional keys every 50 posts if the thread stays alive.

The game is currently undergoing a seasonal event with exclusive unlockables for the holiday season.

Join the Matchmaking queue to help fill games, and if you enjoy the game, please consider buying a copy for a friend! Up to three friends can play for free via the game's itch page so long as one person owns the game.

>Steam Page:

>Itch Page:

Free Keys Batch #1:
Post your favorite robot colors in the thread!
Let's be real, this is your game, so I will at least give some feedback: for font legibility, please either add a copy-to-clipboard function or omit the use of lower-case l, capital I, and numeral 0 from lobby codes. Cards on the right side of the hand can't be read, even in the tutorial menu.
Great feedback. Giving it to the dev team. Thank you!
Okay, so I am the pal who got the last key you listed, and I tried it. First it crashed at start of tutorial I think? I restarted the game and it crashed at practice.
The matchmaking queue is alive today! At least for now...

Are you running Win11? We've heard Win11 users have issues.

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