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File: Battlefield-1942.jpg (190 KB, 1368x680)
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too many reasons to list really, it's free for one if you search for team simple or moon gamers or abandon ware games dot net, but the player count, it was getting better a few years ago with covid, full lobbies with like 80 people again but it's starting to go back down. There's no other game on its level imo and it's dumb bc primarily, having everything from submarines to bomber planes, and conquest mode, are what sets it apart, it's over 20 years old and yet there's no other FPS quite like it. I suppose there are some but not nearly as many as you'd expect. For me it's like GTA if GTA were really about GTA and not sidequests. Getting into a tank, jeep, or plane and killing people and capturing spawn points. Call of duty and most other games are just kinda meh like TDM with everyone just spawning at random points in the arena. BF1942 is a perfect balance of realistic strategy and "arcade" or whatever. If you get shot down over water for example, you can request pickup and another plane might come by, you can hold E, and as it's flying above you just above the water you can get in while it's moving lol. And the battles are always something different. I'm still finding new strategies n stuff

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