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Space Station 13 is a round-based roleplaying game, developed using BYOND engine around February, 2003.
Players are given a list of ~40 different jobs aboard a space station, each with their own access and responsibilities. For example, Engineers maintain the power grid and power while Scientists create (peaceful) bombs, research technology, construct mechs and cultivate alien life. Each round has a particular gamemode, the most frequent being Traitor, where one or more crew members are assigned with illegal objectives they must complete for the Syndicate against the station.
More often than not, the In-Character choices you make are often limited only by your imagination (and local terrible administration.)
So get in there and start busting heads.

ITT we post memorable stories, beat clowns to death with toolboxes, eat human burgers and get sucked into a Grabibational Scrungilartiy

>Download link for BYOND, game platform of SS13 (most servers use version 515)
>Guide to BYOND registration & joining servers
>List of public SS13 servers
>Ban Evader Tech Support

>Riviera Station (online 24/7 but everyone plays starting Saturday 6PM EDT)
>Riviera Station wiki
>/vg/station is also pozzed (just look at all the spam), don't mourn it because it had it coming

>Should I try it o—
Don't, it's not worth being lorded over by powertripping axewounds. However, if you do
>>Alternative SS14 launcher
Previous thread:
What did you get your waifu for Christmas this year
i got 80 credits for her. the guy who bought her was pretty chill.
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Play SS14
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i hate christmas
lol are we really bringing this back?

Also vg is pozzed? Since when? Their rules don't really seem to show it.
Haven't checked in since the vm server that was on the small station. Kinda gave up on it after that imploded. Whats the current state of the game?
No, it's just one retard who's buttblasted over /vg/ for some reason and is trying to promote a dead server.
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wasn't this guy a coder for /vg/station at one point or am I mixing him up with someone else?
anecdotally, I noticed former 2015-era basedlords who have Grown and Matured™ have a close-to-guaranteed chance of trooning out even compared to other leftists who just have a relatively high chance of trooning out.
I understand that guys working in IT have to (at least outwardly) adhere to a certain doctrine to fit in and reforming into a male version of an HR harridan is a good way to do that, but isn't getting le coque choppe to permanently embed yourself into a lefty client caste a little too far? what if, hypothetically, you know, just for the sake of argument; the ongoing extreme cultural environment changes in the next 5 to 10 years and leaves regime adherents reliant in the social and political power their loyal adherence gave them in the dust, just as it did for the protestant church ladies in the 1980s? what if the current regime fades and is replaced by a more conservative one who wants none of this kind of stuff, or even if it remains but decides People of Gender have become too much of a reputational liability or just aren't useful anymore? will they be able to have the peepee grafted back on? will medical science during their lifetimes advance to the point that it will be able to revert the profound structural damage to their endocrinological systems that genderfluid and titty skittles have caused?
/vg/station is currently working on a port to SS14. If you're interested in helping (or playing), we encourage you to hop in for some funky fresh fun and fantastic gameplay!
Things ALREADY accomplished (keep in mind this effort started like a week ago):
- Tile Movement (basic implementation, improvements pending)
- Some alterations to atmos to make it more like /vg/
- SHITLOADS (1000+) sprites replaced to be /vg/ style
- Various QOL stuff, alterations to make it more /vg/ like
Our first playtest is on Jan 4th, where we want players to point out the biggest things they feel is off so we can focus on changing that.

yeah he's the /vg/ guy. used to be autistic about the color of shuttles, now he's autistic about estrogen.
>wasn't this guy a coder for /vg/station at one point or am I mixing him up with someone else?
Yes he was the vg head coder. SS14 is somehow a blend of the bare bones departments of vg, godawful engine-level rehauls like multi grid and the cancer admins of tg. It is all the worst parts of every SS13 server poured into a standalone game.
VG has had no real relation to 4chan for at least four years, the thread was only cursory and lesser than all its various shitcords and forums. you can see all the various VGtards infesting this thread right now; the AI slop spammer is one of them
AI slop poster, if you're going to falseflag and insult yourself like that you should probably learn how to use a different writing style.
Anytranny who insults AI slop should be killed
so is anyone going to play tonight or should i plan to play my autistic autism driving sims again?
so do we need to download it on steam or from somewhere else to be able to join?
It was Christmas and we're way past NA peak time
Try ~8-9 PM Eastern time.
that's what i meant, i normally play paradise if i'm playing any other time
>ai cunts posts keeps getting deleted
thank you mods/jannies
You can download the launcher from here https://spacestation14.com/about/nightlies/
/vg/ has a test server online at ss14://ss14.moe you can either direct connect or probably find it in the server browser
average tranny advice from average Very Gay player

read the OP and use https://github.com/ValidHunters/Marseyloader which isn't branded with the Transgender Pride Flag (not a joke)
As the other anon said download it from the space station 14 website and create an account. There's also a version on steam, but you have to request access. You can disable the trans flags in the options, it's "seasonal theming" (when was transgender pride month again...?)
this post approved by all SS14 transgender sisters
Marseyloader disables a lot of the built-in telemetry also. Default launcher is botnet
>former 2015-era basedlords who have Grown and Matured™ have a close-to-guaranteed chance of trooning out even compared to other leftists who just have a relatively high chance of trooning out.
troll's remorse is real son
It's also literally a cheat client that is now no longer being worked on. Back to russia, monley. Who tf cheats on a roleplaying game?? You win by roleplaying lmao
It's weird because I've never felt any remorse for all the trolling I've done. I look at the trolling from the past years as fond memories of when times was simpler and I could get a good laugh shitposting and having inside jokes while making fun of freaks and weirdos with randoms on the internet.
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Just don't cheat with it then? And there's several updated versions to choose from.

And, unlike other telemetry where the data is sent to some impersonal chinese / american group, here the data is sent directly to psycho trannies who will try to ruin your life at the cost of their own, such as in the Jesse Rougeau situation

>just install the cheat client... and don't cheat with it!
>just let trannies use several methods to fingerprint you such as exploting Discord RPC, leaving files on your drive to give your device a unique ID, trying to get a hardware fingerprint, being able to read random folders on your computer, ...
opinion disregarded
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okay nevermind you guys are nigger cattle. Ignore what I said and send your home address and social security number directly to pjb3005@proton.me
byond is 10x worse in this regard lmao
of course, you are talking to VGtards. they are not worth responding to.
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this on /vg/?
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>want to upload meme NTSL word replacement script targeting the local HoPstatic
>rob the HoP for an all access ID with the help of the vox trader
>less than ten seconds after uploading the script, get hit by this banger
I also made the script replace my character's first name with Adolf and last name with Hitler, which is how that previous screenshot came to be.
to be clear i was just trying to make him fat, it was only slightly a kidnapping!
hey I was the RD that round, I'm sorry I blew up the trader outpost with a TTV because of the misunderstanding but it was hilarious when you found out. Also that whole round was such a shitshow even though the antag didn't actually do anything and everyone just killed each other out of boredom and pettiness.
it's okay, i figured it was an accident. i appreciate you apologizing though
how so
More information on alleged data collection malpractices please.
It's open source software so it should be easy to prove if they're violating GDPR.
They collect your IP address, some hardware fingerprints and such to make it slightly harder to banevade. The cheat client, for obvious reasons, tries to work around this.
>They collect your IP address, some hardware fingerprints and such to make it slightly harder to banevade
You retards just can't be helped. If you get fucked by this it is 100% deserved. It's natural selection at that point. PJB (the head ss14 coder) joined the discord of a server he didn't like, secretely recorded the entire thing and uploaded it unlisted on his youtube channel. He's already done the thing where you can't join certain servers without a custom client which no one believed me when I said they would do it. All this and you're still going to trust the gooners with your IP and to mess with your computer.

No fucking wonder vmstation failed as hard as it did when you idiots are this shit for brains.
PJB just today authbanned 2 servers (not dehubbed, you cannot direct connect to the servers either) for saying they would submit police reports about pedophiles on ERP servers, and as retaliation for the police reports against the wizard's den maintainer last week outlined in https://hackmd.io/@rane/r1LipPlr1x
Okay, and what does that have to do with the game having anti-banevasion measures?
They have pretty sophisticated surveillance including discord bots everywhere that auto namesearch them, have previously abused auth logs in their fights with people, and have dismissed valid concerns from some of the most technically skilled people in the entire space as "weird privacy freak stuff" and saying that if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear?

All normal privacy concerns apply but it's tripled over because this is the personal playground of literally clinically psychotic trannies who cannot hold down a job and spend 12 hours a day fighting on discord and assembling dossiers on all their perceived enemies. You wish they were just selling my data to China or something instead
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>vg14 sent to the gas chamber
It's so over furry bros
The wizden reich has finally won
I'm actually shocked that this happened before the scheduled playtest. PJB really hates /vg/ huh?
but... VG is full of fellow transsisters... how could PJB be this transphobic??
Because they're petty losers that abuse everything they can to the fullest and if you think they wont exploit the stuff that's there for the anti-banevading to do other nefarious shit you just deserve what you get.
>I'm actually shocked that this happened before the scheduled playtest
You retards never learn lol
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