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Hey yall, wanted to get some more folks on board early in the process to help shape a new server getting spun up. posted here a bunch in the past (penumbralcraft) but doing a wipe for the new hardware and currently going through rounds of voting to select the version and mods we plan to use.

first round is for the minecraft version for the server, currently debating between 1.12.2, 1.20.1, and 1.7.10

join the discord to throw a vote on the poll

after the version is selected here's how we intend to vote on mods::
- Magic Mods (Top 2)
- Tech Mods (Top 2)
- Core Mechanics (Top 3)
- Dimensions (Top 1)
- Lifestyle Features (Top 4)
- Building Tools (Top 2)
- Storage Solutions (Top 1)
- Combat Systems (Top 2)
voting on tech mods:
make it offline
I hope your parents will take responsibility and stove your head in before the years end.
finishing this man's job since he forgot to post all the stuff he had in his reddit post

Core Features and values of ρ𝖊numbr𝖆lcr𝖆ft
- Full PvP & Complete Looting

- Faction Warfare

- Deep Tech Progression

- Arcane Powers

- Extensive Base Building & Raiding

- Community-Driven with Admin Support
add psychedelicraft
so is this up or not im not joining your groomcord
fuck off yank
what is this scorpion from?
it looks like shit
try it before hating on it

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