Bored of playing modern minecraft with trannies, missed when you were playing in 2011?Try out b1.7.3 which has an even more tranny filled community!Q&A:>This isn't FOSSThe server source will be released one day, you can play through truecraft for a (bad) open source client>Modern foss client? (Will never be finished lmao)>How long has the server been up2 yearsLinks:>Server>Unofficial server guide
Server backend information:Running on a decompiled version of b1.7.3's vanilla server (with many patches for bug/exploit/performance fixes) to squeeze in a little more performance while not picking up all of Bukkit's shitcode. This should fix all of the random inventory wipes that were caused by Netty and AuthMe having race conditions a while back.
>>1559107why the fuck would you put this shitter in the OP?
I think this is the first bot for b1.7.3?Not utilizing the existing client
guys from the valley group can u explain the random lavacast in the middle of town??? i just got back
>>1559523another "funny guy"
happy new year
>>1559523take a look at >>1559152spawn was also griefed a bit
reminder about the alpha texture pack with fixed lava
>>1559250wow 2b2t BibleBot revival dokucraft dark dokucraft high dokucraft light faithful 32 modern look simple (ocd) flows hd 128x
Never using wool again
buuurpp & buummpp
great, now i can't skip the night 'cos there's a piece of shit bot online 24/7
>>1559107>>1153028>>1153028>>1153028previous thread
yo theymabfag when are you gonna log on again...
>>1561497pure kino
admin don't know if you're active but check logs, i'm posting in chat if i notice stuff that's unusual/glitchy, etc
buildin' mah castle
>>1567486>no chandelier Come on, that opening is just begging for one
>>1567444I'll check them when i get back to my apartment, currently out of town.I already made some commits to fix some issues that I've picked up on but haven't had the time to actually restart the server yet.
>>1567506why don't YOU do it then?
>>1568295Because it's YOUR house!
>>1567506How do you even make a chandelier?glowstone + fences?
>>1568560yeah, so there's no chandelieralso it's a castle
>>1568945Torches on top of fences for small scale stuff, glowstone if you have room to spare
>>1569280>Torches on top of fences for small scale stuffthat's not a chandelier
>>1559107Is there a problem joining in? I keep getting "End of stream" whenever I log in
>>1572208i'm just stuck on>Logging in...>Disconnected by Server>Took too long to log in
same thing, end of stream
can you register at least?
Server had a NullPointerException and wouldn't restart, restarted and will fix issue next restart.
>>1559107I haven’t logged on in maybe ten months and I forgot my password.Is there any way to contact an admin via discord or email so I can get back in?
>>1573261there doesn't appear to be any contact form at so i would say this thread is the best place to find out>>1572548looks like server's back up, thanks admin
dog entity stuck within wall, can't destroy the blocks...i have also noticed this with slimes when strip mining which is annoying 'cos they follow you around and sometimes block your progress underground
bothadeezare you an admin
ayy felt like an acomplishment
>>1573261Just shoot me an email, I don't log any details other than the last time you logged in so just give me your closest
>>1561648What 2 do enext
>>1559107Do i need anything else than an account to join?
>>1576971I would advise you to not use, no accounts are required to join.
This shit is cringe just gimme ur modded server jar I dont want craftbukkit bs Please and thank you
reposting from archive desuFinally wrote a skin proxy to be an alternative to the one at, it's written in golang and takes less than 8mb idle.To prevent abuse all skins are cached for 24 hours before repeating the request to microshaft servers because I would prefer to not get rate-limited.Just add this to your launch arguments if you would like to have skins and fixed sounds in
>>1576971no i just joined with nothing
>>1561648>griefed alreadyit was 100k out you fat autists. yet spawn is in good condition somehow
>>1567486Post the outside or at minimum the entrance
>>1581842>yet spawn is in good condition somehowI destroyed an entire sandstone castle and someone broke the remaining blocks.I made a small roof at Y:128 at spawn and this is gone too.I lavacasted a bit of spawn once and the admin went out of his way to break half of it.The admin just wants the spawn to look clean for whatever reason
>>1583887i'm the one who removed the casts and removed 3/4 of the roof. have more fun cleaning up griefs then mining. free cobble
>>1583959flashmods ftw
>>1583983the other battlements
>>1583659>>1564562lurk moar
bumping! get online bothadeez
>>1586186i'm on
>>1586186made a list of random plans, if anything interests you lemme know when you wanna build stuff together :^)
how do you stop the bot from greeting you?asking for a friend
>>1559250ive seen other bots with custom clients b4maybe i could make one myself some day
get on nonnies
>>1583983holy shit cadbrad
>>1593874please do i would love to run something like that
>>1559109>This should fix all of the random inventory wipesI thought the admin decided to delete my stuff. That was why I stopped playing.
>>1609858why would the admin choose to delete specifically your stuff retard
is there any way to get this version of minecraft for free safely?
>>1612553No anon, the moment you even TRY to search for free-minecraft.exe.bat you get shot in the head and raped.
>>1611128They didn't offerto restore my stuff retard
>>1614976would YOU offer to do something you know isn't possible?
>>1612553downloaded this version and my computer blew up...
>>1612553try polymc