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File: battlefield hardline.jpg (217 KB, 1526x874)
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To any Battlefield heads, I'd like to hear your opinion. Even BF3 and 4 have more players than Hardline, which is a fucking ghost town of no players in the few servers still up.

Its not as fun to play as the other games. Not sure why, but I remember most maps being too large with too little action except for the heist maps which were basically metro meat grinder
The driving was pretty bad
Terrible map design. The maps that weren't cityscape/towns that had essentially so many rooms, walls and areas that were terrible to fight in had some of the worst aspects of stuff you'd find in BF1 (think Fao Fortress) with dips and ditches + height advantage.
Nu-Field (post-2142) barely holds traction compared to venerable titles like Battlefield 2.
i personally loved hardline, but i felt the vehicles had very low impact on the game, which made it feel more like a pure infantry based game. only aerial was helis with a door gun, and groundwise you had armored cars with guns all over.

doesnt match the impact of a fucking tank, apache, or fighter jet. makes the combat feel less like a massive immersive warzone and more like a typical shooter like COD.
It should have been released as a Battlefield 3 expansion pack instead of a standalone game, akin to BC2 Vietnam. The hardline beta amusingly copied all of your BF3 settings if you had it installed.

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