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It's time to admit that Team Fortress 2 is the best online game.
it's an amazing game that i've played a lot but some of the weapons that have been added over the years make me start to hate it. i've noticed i have the most fun in games where they're not being used.

not too long ago when the item servers went down i found myself enjoying the game more consistently.
Many weapons in TF2 are truly unbalanced. For example, a phlogistonator.
Reddit game at this point
At least the phlog doesn't fully heal the pyro anymore lol. But yeah I definitely find it a lot easier to rack up a lot more kills as pyro when using phlog.
all that's left are sweats with anime avatars because it's the only thing they can use as a method to feel better than others after being made to feel small their whole lives
that's what make it funs, the whole game is unbalanced
even the map itself has balance flips around the moment someone reach a certain spot
giga based
Indeed, but what is the second best game? What is the third best? Halo 2 and 3 are up there, Battlefield 3, Minecraft are all up there as well
I disagree, TF2 is only fun when you're a teenager, once you become an adult it loses its fun.
I have not had a machine without this gem installed. I will die on this hill with my limbs shattered and my innards splayed accross the entire field before I say otherwise: Never will there ever be or has there been a game like TF2.
And it tears my heart out that the troons are trying to take it over and enshitify it.
I had fun in TF2 in like 2012-15, can't remember the exact period, there used to be /v/ servers
it *was* the best online game, for a time. I don't think you can say that anymore
I don't know what you could say has taken its place either. I'm lost.
crossposting >>>/v/701727831
Then make a racist profile pic, play a few hundred hours on heavy/soldier and dominate them, simple as
Cod zombies, Titanfall 2, Left 4 Dead 2 and GTA 5.
im an adult and still having fun
never played it. it's probably lost all approachability by this point.
That it has.
t. Been playing it since I was a freshman in college when it came out in 2007.

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