After 4 years of waiting for b42 how much of the new stuff have you actually used? I played around with animals before I got bored with them just like crop farming because that shit is just tedium for the sake of tedium.
>>1562861crops and animals are good for stuff like challenge runs where you can't access 90% of the map
>>1562861In the current version of b42, cow>milk>butter is absolute meta.Just because the calorie system is completely broken now (you can eat 4 whole chickens a day and still in deficit)That is, if you are playing challenges in sandbox with insane population, because every loot was nerfed and every spawn point was turned up to 11If you are just playing default settings, doesn't really matter.
>>1562891Milk->Butter pipeline is neat, but you know what's also piss-easy?Fishing.Level 0 fishing and I caught a pike that must've had 3 days worth of calories on it.
For me it's playing other games for 6 months until retards like you beta test the unstable into a playable state.
>>1562970>Missing out on the opportunity to be a shitlord for 6 months and feel smug about itNever going to make it.
>>1562968Never tried fishing out of CDDA. And spent 3 dies only getting bottles and broken nets lol. Not a single fishI know it's because its december though. But yeah I was at least expecting some small fish
>>1562981You will catch bottles and other useless shit, but the cost is a maggot or cockroach which there'll be infinite of.
>>1562732I know this is bait but I'll bite it anyway, lemmy has written more words in reddit posts going on schizophrenic rants against the players than I've written words for college english classes.
>>1562998this>no no we cant write weekly or even bi weekly blogs, thats far too much work!*spends weeks at a time writing essays on reddit and twitter*
>>1562861How's foraging and general "homesteading from scratch" gameplay feel right now? it was so lacking before and took so much leveling or extra steps to yield any meaningful foodgenuinely more interested in survival homesteading + sometimes zombies and base defense/maintenance at this pointshould be trapping and baiting deer as well, there would be massive overpopulation of deer.
>>1563041Basically, it's harder and more boring.Basic tools (stone hammer, axe and knife) are harder and more annoying to make.
>>1562732YesReminder that somebody requested a refund, and this caused lemmy to write up an essay about it in a blogpost and smugly saying that he would not be working on the game for the entire weekend solely because of the refund request.
"2 months work? holy shit thanks for that treasure of a christmas present i think i just developed an instantaneous stomach ulcer reading that. A reminder why I stopped interacting with this community six months ago before this release."- Lemmy being a butt hurt faggot on reddit.You quit interacting because you went out of your way to promise everyone it would release in the first half of 2024 FOR SURE.
>>1563213Who exactly are you talking to? Lemmy browses Reddit, not 4channel. You're on the wrong site.
>>1563234Hi lemmy. Finish the game you faggit
>>1563041It's somehow worse than it used to be. Which is honestly impressive in it's own right.
>>1562861None of it is usable yet, so I'm waiting for the lazy fags at TIS under the direction of the commie lemmy to finally start doing their jobs and fix their game.
>>1563041Foraging is fine but you'll be losing weight no matter what if you only rely on that. Anything building/crafting from scratch is entirely broken, seriously, just don't bother with it until they fix it, at best in a month or so. Currently you'd have to cave 5000 stakes, and knapping 5000 flint modules just to unlock the most basic of crafts without magazines. And most crafting stations and ingredients are not even obtainable without spawning them in.
When are they adding pregnancy?
>>1563328Pregnancy isn't realistic chud, lemmy keeps getting fucked in the ass by dozens of fags and he hasn't become pregnant yet
>>1563213He actually promised it even earlier than that. Q2 2024 was him pushing the date back even further from Christmas time 2023.
FUCK YOU LEMMY! You'll get what you deserve.
>Hitting rabbits or even RATS causes as much damage as hitting deer or zombies3 fucking years.THREEFUCKINGYEARS!
>>1563352*3 years of lemmy covering for his cumpdump not coming to work because of "health issues", refusing to hire anyone to replace the fag, and hiring some jeets online to make the crafting update in a few weeks as well as botting up an AI for new loading screens then trying to gaslight everyone into thinking AI isn't AI, in an attempt so ridiculous even r*dditors called him out on it and he was forced to remove the "art" less than a day after release.
What's the go-to traits in b-42 it feels like every zombie takes 10 whacks to the head regardless of the weapon I use and it's killing my vibe
>>1563373>What's the go-to traits in b-42Because Lemmy is a fucking retard the negatives well outweigh the positives.So the answer is 'none'.
>>1563393Yeah I'm feeling it. What a stupid fucking change. I can see why people hate Lemmy now. Everything weighs more, negatives are all permanent "fuck yous", blacksmith is literally 14 points, it's crazy how much this guy sucks
>>1563373The only way to make an even remotely bearable character now is to give yourself like at least an extra 20 points
>>1563446He finds the most obscure and spiteful ways possible to fuck over the player. Keys having weight (and still not giving the slightest indication what they're for when it's house keys, and only a tiny bit which I can't be bothered to memorize when it's car keys) is evil genius. If the guy spent 10% of his time schizoranting and plotting against us to actually improve the game, the game would be complete by now.
>>1563493The worst part of keys having weight is that with mechanics+electrical, keys become utterly redundant.All houses can be unlocked from within.And all cars can be hotwired.
>Entire point of Build42 was to allow players to unga-bunga in the woods without ever seeing a city>All calorie values are so low you will starve to death while feasting 24/7>Cannot hunt without a gun because bows/crossbows aren't a thing>Can't even knap rocks without reading how to knap rocks with a magazineWhat the fuck?
>>1563496>All calorie values are so low you will starve to death while feasting 24/7It's*breath heavily*realistic because*gasp for breath*the average person*grasp at chest*need over 5000*fart*hundred thousand calories per day.
>>1563500My character ate a 10kg fucking fish and lost weight.
>>1563504Must have been one massive shit
>>1563496This, update is a failure, it's pretty obvious most of the team didn't do jack shit for 2/3 years. The map guys basically doubled the map, some others did a ton of technical stuff with the lighting and engine changes, and then you have the fags who cant be bothered to fix the bugs that are everywhere, fix calories or ensure that unga-bunga playstyle aren't faced with a circular crafting softlock every 2 recipes.Butchering a 900kg bull gets you 2kg of meat, lemmy is a nigger.
>>1563504There seems to be some retarded inertia to weight, so if you've been losing weight, you need to eat more to start to gain weight. If you're already neutral or gaining weight, eating a small fish will make you gain, but if you've been eating only berries for a few days, you'll need a huge fish to reverse the tendency even a tiny bit.
>>1563524isn't this the exact fucking opposite of how the human body works
>>1563586It's retarded because your calories in game goes to the negative values.That's the reason 4 chickens a day doesn't make your weight go up.I don't remember the exact value but my character was like -2200 calories (checked with a mod to see stat values)To make it gain weight, I would need to eat enough stuff to make it +2200 or something like that.That's why the only reliable way of keeping up weight now is butter and fish
>>1563586Yeah but... have you considered that this is an unstable and you should be thankful lemmy hasn't sold the studio and you're an ungrateful incel hater harassing the poor devs and it's all gonna get fixed anyway and they could just sell updates as DLCs you mean chud?>>1563590This, entire system is retarded, the thinner you are the harder it is to gain weight.
Funny how shills try to prop up the failed build, an even r*dditors are overwhelmingly telling them to fuck off, even if they have to use fag language with constant "but it's unstable I understand, pls don't ban me"
>>1563590The calorie system has a presumably hard coded maximum range of 4400 as you've discovered.>>1563592>should be thankful lemmy hasn't sold the studioI know this is bait but anyone who thinks this, why? The game is fucking doomed if they don't get some more demanding taskmasters to make sure shit is actually getting done, and since lemmy is clearly not up to the task would not selling the studio actually be a benefit to people who want a completed game? I mean just look at Freelancer and Chris Roberts versus what happens when he's just left unchecked with Scam Citizen.
>>1563680For context, it was a big update and had a lot to iron out. They’ve already stated that they don’t expect the b42 multiplayer update to take very long, shouldn’t be anywhere near two years lol. I’m sure it’ll be out in a couple monthslol, just like b42 was supposed to be out fast and quick. or how it was supposed to release in 2023, oh wait summer 2024, oh wait actually a week before the new year. and also the build is pretty much broken and 90% unfinished!
>>1563715>For context, it was a big update and had a lot to iron out. They’ve already stated that they don’t expect the b42 multiplayer update to take very long, shouldn’t be anywhere near two years lol. I’m sure it’ll be out in a couple monthsthis was supposed to be >
>>1563709Cap for calories is 3700, dunno why it's not 4400 honestly
>>1563709>I know this is bait but anyone who thinks this, why? It's a reference to one of lemmy's many meltdowns, in one of the more recent ones he just waved the "big publisher" boogeyman around with a typical "if y'all can't behave, I'll sell the studio and you'll be sorry for your bad behavior!". This is how schizo this fag is, literally threatening the playerbase for calling him out on his shit management.>would not selling the studio actually be a benefit to people who want a completed game?Yeah it would, but lemmy has gone off the deep end in his commie larp of "we're the anti-crunch good guys side and everyone else is le evil capitalism big company!". He and his shills constantly use the "no rushing" argument to defend genuinely not going to work for months or even years on end. It's pretty clear the crafting part wasn't worked on for even 10% of the 3 years we've been waiting, and the "playtesters feedback" was entirely made-up, every single system in the game is broken in a way that fundamentally destroys the experience.Lemmy is just a sociopath who cannot concede his mistakes and as such keeps digging his grave more and more, he's already gone on dozens of schizo rants against everyone rather than try to fix his flaws.
>>1563727>values are hard written again
>>1563727What the fuck>>1563736>It's a reference to one of lemmy's many meltdownsI had a feeling though I don't really keep up with them.
>>1563803The selling the studio rant is the most well-known one because of how absurd it is. The guy is insane.
>>1562970>6 monthsB41 took a year to get to stable and it had significantly less new features.
>>1563680Reddit is a great source of pure copium
>>1563846Always. Sadly it's also always saddening that you can't just say the truth directly, always have to take precautions to not offend some commie jannies.
Can anyone tell me why my car takes like 50-100 turnovers before it starts
Speaking of calories I seem to have made a bugged recipe. Took me from 83 to 86 and I didn't even eat it all.I'm having to snack on fruits and gummy to lose the fatfuck trait.
>>1564044Check the engine quality (not the condition)
>>1563792as opposed to...?
>>1564055Activate debug menu, give yourself the nutritionist trait and check its's calories
>>1564166Dependant on weight and amount of exercise
>>1564166At least have the values stored in their own variables, so editing them later doesn't require to modify every values individually.It's a nitpick but it's not the first time they've done it, and usually on a much larger scale. Just look at the nightmare they've wrote for the sandbox settings.
The more I try to make an axe head the more I realize how retarded the system is.
You can get level 1 pretty easy by welding a metal sheet into a window. When you unbarricade you get the metalsheet back. Annoying that you can only refill non-empty welding rods.What does the wildernis trait let you craft btw? Some bone stuff?
>>1564044Battery could be low on change but have fine condition. Engine could have low 'quality' which only police/ambulance vehicles have in good values.
>>1564276>Okay so I have a chipped stone, now what?>Can I use that long stick?>Nope>That short handle? >Nope>How about that big tree branch can I cut it down into an axe handle?>NO>What the fuck am I supposed to use then?>Regular tree branches and NOTHING else
Lenny has overplayed the "Well we COULD stop working on the game and sell it to a different company" card and now people are telling him to do it because he is so incompetent.
>>1564351At this point I wouldn't care if he sold to a chinese chink company which turned it into an action gameBecause at least it'd be fucking fun instead of a chore>>1563727Farming now also takes as long as IRL crops (using ingame time at least) so you need 120 ingame days for most crops to grow.Given that most characters don't even make it 1/10th that far, what's the fucking point?
>>1564349I'm trying to forge an axe head and apparently tool heads are late-late-game stuff. The grind is insane what were they smoking.
>>1562861Anons how is the multiplayer in this game?I have seen some videos of people organizing events where they all start from scratch but can I join a random server and have fun, or is it mostly a single player/co-op game?
>>1564423I spent like 3,000 hours in multiplayer. It's very fun. I started in b41 and only played the tutorial in single player.I've been playing single player in b42 only because multiplayer isn't out yetMP>SPPlus you don't have to sleep in MP which is nice
>>1564423It's fun at first but then it's get boring. It's either tryhard PVP, or very easy/artificial difficulty PVEI played 300 hours in MP, then switched to SP, and played 400 more hours in it. SP is far supperior, unless you have friends who 100% on same wave with you.
>>1564423Its fine, there is a online server browser, i would advise going by ping and choosing that way, as a EU i've played on NA servers at 200 ping, but driving is a nightmare regardless, even with 40 ping. Atleast try the game out in singleplayer, as most servers don't have respawning loot, meaning, quite likely, that you will spawn and not find anything for a time, struggling to survive, i have played on ~10 servers so far (ranging from a few hours of gameplay to a week at most) and 4 or 5 of them had very rare loot, and no respawn loot, still, i think most servers have active admins that repopulate stores and such (it might even be automated). All the servers i played on were modded and had PVE, most people were helpful and fun to play with, despite the jankiness. I love the fact 20-30 people were playing at the same time but i think the game struggles a lot even with dedicated hosting once you go past >5 players.
>>1564423it's great if you're playing with friends, but public servers are absolute dogshit 90% of the time, playing solo gets extremely boring unless you have a big imaginationHonestly, I think you should check back in several years to see how the game has progressed because right now it's a hot mess
>Build 42 update incoming>Ponds now have realistic number of fish and fish breeding rates are now realistic as well, so most ponds have only a couple fish and they don't respawn if you kill them all. Takes an ingame year for fish to respawn.>Zombie virus is in water, meaning fish is now lethal to eat even cooked, standing in rain also causes progressive sickness>Strong and athletic traits removed because in 1993 no American was fit or strong>Sharpening blades, tearing clothing and wearing military equipment now requires magazines>Zombies don't feel pain so you cannot push them anymore because they cannot react like a human would
>>1564356>Given that most characters don't even make it 1/10th that far, what's the fucking point?>Build 42 changelog: We noticed players were making use of the farming mechanic to survive longer so we adjusted grow rates for ReALisM
>predditors saying corpse-sickness is now actually dangerousI don't get it, you'd have to stand around fifty dead zombies for a day to die to it.
>>1564549But it is realistic.
>>1564549>We noticed players were making use of the farming mechanic to survive longer so we adjusted grow rates for ReALisM>t. Never farmed in his lifeI was actively malding because how fast potatoes grow ingame, compared to real life, and that you needed seeds instead just being able to cut potatoes in few pieces and plant them. Old farming was unrealistic and made late-game boring.
>>1564558>Dickriding for Lemmy this hardWho gives a flying fuck about realism in a game where there's Romero zombies and spiffo's secret sauce?Making a mechanic take 120+ days is nonsensical when the average character lasts 14.
>>1564567The fact mods like autoreload/mechanic/cook/tailoring aren't vanilla content by now is proof lemmy is a gay nigger. "Carpal tunnel is realism".
>>1562861>farmingDoesn't work.>blacksmithingDoesn't work.>exerciseDoesn't work.>potteryDoesn't work.>making windowsDoesn't work.>plastering wallsDoesn't work>plumbingDoesn't workThank you for waiting 3 years, I'm sorry but we're busy on vacation right now, we'll make the game playable after the long dark of B43, trust me bro, this early access game will totally be finished one day.
>>1564567I wouldn't mind the extension on growing times if there was anything at all to work towards in this game. But as it stands, actually doing anything besides killing a bazillion zombies in the first two weeks is entirely pointless. Crafting is a grind, building your own base is a complete waste of time, farming isn't engaging, fishing won't feed you, multiplayer is disabled.Zomboid somehow managed to become a big name in survival crafting without actually adding any of the survival or crafting that any of the other games have.
In other news, whilst Project Zomboid devs are on vacation, SS14 had new fork updates throughout the entire community and it's nearly at the 100% state of SS13, whilst already having extra features.The testing servers have 100% functionality, virtually nothing is broken and if it was it would be fixed literally for the next round, no "long dark", no unplayable single player builds, with the only major complaint being the tranny devs smearing it with their homo flags.
>>1564571>>exercise>Doesn't work.This one is egregious. How did they fuck this up, nothing in the update remotely touches on exercising. But if you do exercise, some of them cancel when you input a move command, as it should, but some others have your character frozen in place and completely unresponsive if you don't press Esc.It's obvious lemmy fucking lied about the playtesters things, there was 0 process of playtesting to fix bugs, everything is broken, every single system is fundamentally non-functioning in a major way. Wish he'd rope himself so someone competent would finally take charge.
>>1564575>with the only major complaint being the tranny devs smearing it with their homo flagsand being emotionally unstable and thinking vidya racism against fantasy creatures like not having cat people in command roles is somehow real racism and worthy of having an entire 100+ player server nuked.
>>1564567>Who gives a flying fuck about realism in a gameMe, Zomboid relative-realism is only reason i bough it.>Making a mechanic take 120+ days is nonsensical when the average character lasts 14.Skill issue. My first and so far only SP run is 1 year+ on single character, which i dropped due to getting disheartened due lack of lategame and the old farming.
>>1564558How is waiting longer for crops to grow going to improve late-game?
Reminder that they had working NPCs since like 2013 and the only reason they didnt release them was so they didnt have to do extra work after they moved from 2D to 3D. NPCs are coming in 2018 at the very latest, just be patient.
>>1564587>Trolling outside of /b/
>>1564575>with the only major complaint being the tranny devs smearing it with their homo flags.Unfortunately that's all I need to throw a game in the trash. A shame, I used to love playing SS13 years and years ago, before every server was subverted by tranny jannies and devs.
>>1564598Those NPCs were extremely basic. The biggest issues now are that 1) lemmy is a commie faggot who pretends not working for years is "fighting against crunch" 2) lemmy is a delusional faggot who believes they can easily implement Rimworld-worthy NPCs in the game, which is going to either be impossible or take them 15 years.
>>1564602at this point i'll take the randomly wandering survivor NPCs that die 2 minutes into the game if for no other reason than to add a bit of chaos to the starting hours/days
>>1564604sorry chud but we can't add those, what if the community decides they've had enough of endless waiting and makes the NPCs fully functional before we do? Do you realize how humiliating it would be for us developers?You get to play with scraps while we scratch our asses and you WILL praise us for it, or else I'm selling the company to the first chink I see
To continue on the subject of calories and lemmy hating the playerbase: 41.78, lemmy introduced a "new mechanic" where walking consumes massive amounts of calories, more than if you ran the distance. Lemmy is such a humongous faggot that it's more calorie efficient to run everywhere than to walk, better eat your 12 chickens a day if you don't wanna starve to death.
>>1564596Make food question less trivial. Also stop me from cringing from seeing potatoes fully growing in single month.
>>1564609The devs have so much basic shit to fix like >>1564607 that i dont see them ever changing that.
>>1564609Farming doesn't make enough food to survive ingame, how does that make the food question any better?
>>1564611Unless i missundestand changes, this update suppose to make crops to grow realistic time, aka from couple to several months depending on vegetable or crop, so i happy with it. On colories i agree, many of those are way off, and wasting more of them on walk than running is retarded.
>>1564612They make more than enough for it in B41, to the point i run out of space in my freezers to keep all vegetables i grown, and quick at that.In general, when B42 become stable my plan is combining farming, fishing and animals hunting/keeping. So i can have fried potatoes with beef/pork every day, at least, ingame.
>>1564614I think you'd enjoy Vintage Story a lot more than this broken piece of shit
>>1564614>I get more than enough when food takes 14 days to grow>So it makes total sense that 140 days to wait till food is viableThat's an order of magnitude retard.
>>1564609So the plan is to make getting food somewhat easy instead of turbo easy?
>>1564617>what is trapping>what is fishing>what is unperishable >what is cooking>>1564609That's the improvement in my book.
>>1564618Mean lower half of >>1564619 to you.
>>1564619>what is trapping>what is fishing>what is unperishable>what is cookingNot farming.
>>1564622Yes. But anyway, if they made potato shelf life realistic then it's be entirely viable to live entire year on potatoes, as long as you planted enough.
>>1564616Minecraft graphic is kinda unappelaing to me, but still gonna check it out.
>>1564623Lemmy makes things 'realistic' when it hurts the player, then makes shit gameified when realism would help the player.It's why you can't find a fucking sledgehammer to save your life while any hardware store would have about fifty of them.
just wait until they add scurvy to force you to go fishing every once in a while
>>1564626>Lemmy makes things 'realistic' when it hurts the player, then makes shit gameified when realism would help the player.Agree, that's why i can't play Zomboid without mods, to fix his retardation, as well as use Sandbox.
>>1564606Too late to save face, Lemmy boy
>>1564637I sure hope it's not another "NPC spawn on top of player" type of mod.
>>1564609>Make food question less trivialHow? I don't see how extending the farm time makes the food question any less trivial. Given that the game also added hunting and animal husbandry, on top of the already existing systems of foraging, fishing, trapping and scavenging. Hell, if anything; extending the farming time makes it more trivial in the long run because the first harvest will be coming in around the time the initial scavenging supplies start getting low.
>>1564637if these mods actually worked well, the community wouldn't still be begging lemmy to add NPCs
>>1563213For fuck sake, it's real. And you always have some cocksuckers every time lemmy speaks, here's a direct answer to what you quoted: "Ehh don’t bother with comments like these. They just rage type without understanding the disclaimer you released before pre42 was released. Keep up the good work and happy holidays!". How much gayer could you be?For those who want to see the retard in action, here's his r*ddit
>>1564673Does this retard have blackmail of the rest of the company fucking kids? How is he not fired, look at this incompetence, when someone asks him why raccoons haven't been implemented yet: "No idea desu lol - i assume there were bugs, or we ran out of time for some aspect of their behaviour."That's their PR? "Lol I dunno, don't care, fuck you, we don't owe you shit"
>>1564675>Does this retard have blackmail of the rest of the company fucking kids? How is he not firedanon, he's the owner
>>1564676Still, aren't there some counter-powers or investors or whatever to get rid of him when he's clearly a detriment to everyone? This schizo is single-handedly destroying the reputation of the entire studio."Yes, some 90% of the proposed crafting tree was not implemented in time for stable due to delays.". The guy is a pathological liar, "I swear guys, we worked for 3 years on the crafting, that's why we're only 10% of the way there, the UI sucks, code sucks, recipes suck, but we're gonna fix everything during the unstable". It's obvious they hired cheap jeets to do everything in a few weeks, just like they used some AI generator for their art and then played dumb about it.
>>1564679I've noticed youtube channels with randomized numbers (jeet shills) defending the game. Jej.
>>1564679And the fag even uses "xmas", that's how much of a commie he is... someone rope him, please. "Please let our team get some time with their families," This commie unironically saying that anyone at the studio taking their vacations later would be le peak evil capitalism crunch slavery. Even when people tell him the build is unplayable on their AMD and they get black screens, the retard unironically answers "wOn't sOmEbOdY ThInK AbOuT ThE ChIlDrEn" as if bugfixing for a few days was the equivalent of being sent to the Eastern Front.>>1564682Kek, doesn't surprise me, lemmy is in full shilling mode, he can't stand any criticism any longer.
>>1564679they made millions of dollars in profit from this game, most of which came from b41 release, the company is doing extremely well and they get to work like 3 hours a day so why would the employees protest?
>>1564687His mismanagement of the company means the released build didn't even reach the peak of years ago with B41, and working with a gay commie sociopath every day can't be pleasant. He's destroying the studio's reputation and potential for new sales.But I guess it's true it's an easy paycheck considering he thinks financing NEETs is "fighting crunch".
Whoever started the insane retarded idea that early access is 'how the game launches fully' and any update during early access is more like free-DLC?Because that's not how it works, an update is just an update and is the bare minimum expectation you retard.
>>1564675>"No idea desu lol - i assume there were bugs, or we ran out of time for some aspect of their behaviour.">That's their PR? "Lol I dunno, don't care, fuck you, we don't owe you shit"Even worse, that's the project manager. He doesn't know what's going on in the project he's managing.
>>1564696Indeed, that's the terrifying part. Seems more and more like he's actively sabotaging the game in an ego-trip against players.
Whatever happened to NigmaGrey?
>>1564686>"Please let our team get some time with their families," This commie unironically saying that anyone at the studio taking their vacations later would be le peak evil capitalism crunch slavery.anon don't be like that, no one deserves to be forced to work through christmasthe build should have been delayed until 2025, the whole reason why they had to go with 2024 release is because lemmy ran his fucking mouth in random reddit comments and confirmed 2024 release despite constantly whinning about how setting up deadlines stresses the team out and makes the community mad if they don't deliver on timethere was no goddamn reason to release it in this state, people would have been happy if they just gave out a concrete release date as a christmas gift for fucks sakeEverything bad about this game can be sourced back to lemmy's disastrous PR and management skills, dude's a fucking loonie and should have restarted the whole project way earlier since it's pretty obvious the main hurdle in this game is the absolutely disastrous codebase they're working with
>>1564699quit for mental health reasonsrabidly defending PZ every day for years has taken a grim toll on him, poor lad worked his fingers to stumps writing out essays on why the game is great and you're dumb
>>1564703>anon don't be like that, no one deserves to be forced to work through christmasThey have dozens of employees, it's statistically impossible that they all absolutely need to go back to their "loving families" or whatnot. Keep a skeleton crew on board, have them take their vacations later, hell give them a bonus pay if needed.And sure, don't work on the day of Christmas, but those fags are not coming back to work until tomorrow, the 6th of January and we likely won't get an update before the 9th at least. That's 3 weeks of the unstable being plagued by game-breaking bugs for every game mechanic at the minimum. Either the entire team does not give a shit about the game (but unlikely considering they apparently hired modders who worked for free and so did care), or lemmy is forcing his commie tyranny on everyone else.
>>1564705I bet he just changed his online name and stayed with the company lmao.
>>1564703>anon don't be like that, no one deserves to be forced to work through christmasAnon, many of the complaints users have are literal .lua file edits with more sensible values.They could've completed 70% of user issues within a day or two but they chose to have nap-time instead.
>>1564710This. But dare say that to lemmy, and he'll accuse you of harassing him to make him sellout to the Chinese."We get approached to sell the company and IP all the time, for a LOT, its sometimes tempting just to be free of this ambient eternal pressure, expectation and judgement. Honestly, don't make me talk myself into it any more."
>>1564712He should stop being a giant pussy and put his money where is mouth is, selling the IP.
>>1564713If he does that, anyone else will probably handle the studio better, get better results and be praised for it, and since he's terminally online, he'd definitely rope himself if that happened.
>>1564714" (we) are liberal with paid leave for mental health reasons and such, we work over the internet not in an office so we don't keep people tied to their desk X hours a day"This is how the project manager manages the project. No checks of any kind, everyone stays in their home and can go "hum sweetie, my mental health needs caring so I will take a paid leave for the next 6 months", and lemmy is absolutely fine with it. " likewise the staff are fair to us with their time and want to push themselves because they aren't pushed to mental exhaustion,. Yep we're likely a bit slower than companies who treat their staff much worse. BUT NOT MUCH SLOWER AT ALL."Translated: "Hum akshually, the staff works barely a tiny bit slower than crunching teams when they know they have guaranteed paid and 0 obligations of results and no one to tell them what to focus on or the direction the game is going."
When is multiplayer coming for b42 or do I need to implement it myself because it will take 5 years?
>>1564718I don't think I can name a single game studio that takes almost 5 years to release an updatemaybe Dwarf Fortress but Tarn is alone for that one so it probably wouldn't be fair
>>1564722DF is also far better balanced and most importantly is FREE as well.
>>1564695Especially when the update ruin the game hard>Why are you complaining about a free update after playing the game for thousands of hoursBecause it's neither free as I paid for the game, and also because it made the game unplayable, so literal theft.
>>1564756>so literal theft.But chuddie, we don't owe you shit, and don't you know that EA means "we are allowed to scam you and if we scam you, you're in the wrong for trusting us and not us for scamming you? it's written in the talmud that we're allowed to do that"
>>1564756It's an opt-in update. Stop being retarded.
Also stop being entitled fucks expecting free updates forever because you paid 10 bucks once.
>>1564758Its fucking creepy on how much talmudic logic is commonplace nowadays.The idea of 'you fell for my scam so really YOU'RE the problem here' would get you thrown in the looney-bin a while back.Now? It's the standard.
>>1564771Yeah, this kind of stuff is what makes me seriously wish for an eradication of the entirety of non-Aryans on the planet. Then we get rid of our dysgenic crap and traitors, and we'd have literal paradise.It also shines a light on the issue of "security". We wouldn't need any kind of security if we just killed the criminals, but the more time passes, the more we give tools to criminals and the more we all have to suffer from "securing" ourselves. Meanwhile my friend in Norway gets weird looks when he locks his door because there are so few burglaries people just all trust each other since they're Aryans and crimes don't happen.
>>1564722DF is still free, even when sold on Steam.PZ is a paid product that have been in development for fucking 14 years and in EA for 13.
>>1564768I'm entitled to my money. If my money is stolen, I'm gonna raise hell and attack the thief.
>>1564768>I was scammed recently>I was pretty bummed about it.>But I think The Indie Stone staff was more happy to go on vacation with it than I am sad from getting scammed.>The total happiness in the world increased>So whatever.
>Gets a burn on foot for a second>Literally cannot even walk at normal speed in an emergency>FOR MULTIPLE DAYSYou can get shot in the fucking head and have less downsides than a small burn on your foot, holy shit.What a shit game.
>>1564722>>1564784DF has been getting consistent updates ever since going to steam. Tarn now has a small team working on the game.
>>1564807game is shit but that's a pure skill issue
>>1564809They added multithreading to a bunch of shit which reduced lag in larger fortresses.Meanwhile Zomboid added bull balls and more grind, I guess?Whenever you lose in DF it usually feels justified and fun. Losing in Zomboid is just a fucking chore and often due to janky combat mechanics.>You missed that zombieBUT HE HAD A FUCKING OUTLINE!>Don't care, you missed itTHE AXE WENT THROUGH HIM!>MISSED
>>1564768>expecting free updates foreverYou mean them implementing what they promised people when they buy the game in early access? Dumb nigger
>>1564812>That's a pure skill issueMy character is wearing combat boots, how the fuck do a few smouldering embers cause a crippling burn in a second?
>>1564825did you walk over a lit firepit?
>>1564826No, a small segment of burning grass. GREEN grass.
>>1564829>burning grasszomboid is tile-based, doesn't matter if you only put your little toe into into that tile, the game considers it to be full blazing inferno in that tile and you just put your foot in itfire in zomboid is extremely dangerous, you should consider yourself lucky that your character only got one burn instead of burning to death
>>1564833Right, so as my original post says.SHIT GAME.
>>1564834indeedthe devs were actually constantly talking about a fire rework that's maybe coming in b42 several years ago but I guess they forgot :)
>>1564826The fact you can burn yourself on a campfire while not directly on it is both hilarious and frustrating.I watched two of my friends spontaneously combust and die because they happened to be standing next to the campfire and didn't noticed their health ticking down.
>>1564835>Fire rework added to game>Oops sorry this is just an unstable fire-rework>Gonna be back in six months after our vacation>Fires now cause permanent scars that cripple any limb they are on>Fires now set clothes on fire forcing you to remove every piece of clothing to get the fire off>Kills within 5 secondsHave fun because that's realistic!
>>1564841The average joe in the 90s would not understand the concept of fire
>>1564843>Fire bombs/molotovs permanently removed because 90's Americans wouldn't know how to make incendiary devices>campfires now require two magazines to build>Starting fire has a 1/100 chance of working at 0 "Fire Starting" skill, need level 10 to have a 1/10 chance>Fire chance reduced by 10x unless you're using lighters
don't worry guys, they didn't forget about the fire rework!>So this is basically us waving a flag at you to say that we hadn’t forgotten all this cool shit, and it’s back off the shelf and receiving some active love and attention for later on down the line. (October 22nd, 2022)
>>1564847work has continued until 2023 as seen in this 'doid (January 26th, 2023)and then it was never mentioned again
>>1564852can you believe they've been working on this one singular feature for 5+ years now and it STILL isn't ready? (June 17, 2020)
>>1564855I just read the "ANTI-KITE MANOEUVRES" part, Jesus fucking ChristInstead of working on the zombie AI so they spread out evenly during chase (them going in a conga line and breaking apart is what make them easy to kill), they looked for ways to nerf the player.Because it's fucking realistic for your character to take 2 whole seconds to turn or being unable to move their legs while doing something with their hands.
>>1564869Romero zombies don't even spread out much, they all converge on a singular target much like the ones ingame.Shockingly a bunch of shambling single-minded corpses are easy to kite. As if characters only ever died to them by being stupid or being surprised because Romero zombies don't make noise most of the time!
>>1564855From this, the crafting mess and lemmy's posts, it's pretty clear the biggest issue the studio has is that there is no vision. Everyone is on their own, working only if they want to, no deadlines, no rules, no actual meeting of skilled devs to decide what is feasible in a reasonable time-frame... Lemmy is so deluded by all his pep talk of anti-crunches and passion project/labor of love that he lets every single employee of the studio work on that model too. There is no expectation, no results demanded, no timeframe.This means every dev is on their own with no guidelines, and most of what they do is canned when they realize it doesn't fit with the rest or titillate lemmy's balls. The only explanation for lemmy's debacle with the release dates and crafting is that it was canned at least twice, all of it. They desperately need someone in charge, someone to set up rules, deadlines, assign tasks to specific people, and objectives to accomplish in reasonable timeframes. The way it's currently set-up, it's like expecting all the linux-devs nerds with their personal distros to all come together to make a perfect version with no one in charge, we've been waiting for decades for that and it still hasn't happened for a reason. But lemmy is a literal commie so of course he rejects that notion.
>>1564686>And the fag even uses "xmas", that's how much of a commie he is...anon xmas has been shorthand for christmas for like... a hundred years. take your schizo medication
>>1564909"shorthand" for a fag who types thousands of words schizo-rants every single time someone makes a legitimate criticism, sure.
>>1564921I'd understand getting irate over "Happy holidays!", but xmas isn't really controversial
>>1564843>The average joe in the 90s would not understand the concept of firekekwhat's the original quote of "the average joe in the 90's wouldn't XYZ"?
>>1564921you typed schizo-rants instead of schizophrenic rants, you must be a commie
>>1564926>what's the original quote of "the average joe in the 90's wouldn't XYZ"?this post I think >>1556188
>>1564692The thing isDevs don't care about any of that shitThey will live from paycheck to paycheck and rather look for another easy job than fight for better management
>>1564926iirc it originated from an Indie Stone forum talk about how the game was designed around "what the average joe could do" and people fellating the devs over why X or Y can't be done by the average person, completely missing the fact occupations are a thing.Seems to have recently turned into a running gag because B42 is going full caveman and yet your character still can't do half the shit a normal human can do.
>>1564673I was reading the comments on the last thread he postedJesus FUCKING Christ The amount of ballsucking is insaneI hate reddit so much it's ACTUALLY unreal
>>1565017Shit platform, sadly it was astroturfed and killed most niche forums.
CDs are now 0.3 weight. A full box of cereal is 0.2 ingame.????
>>1564794How were you scammed? The game is playable, the only thing left to add is NPCs
>>1565027>the only thing left to add is NPCsSee you in 2035
still no new coldfixes
>>1565027>the only thing left to add is NPCsSee you when the Sun dies out
>>1565023The only cereal to exist in the 90s was rice crispies.
>>1565023Shut the fuck up son of a dog
>>1565017>>1565019It is an issue with zomboid players, not just redditors this, or at least the ~5 paragraphs if you dont like reading, and then read the comments. Zomboid players are just mentally ill
>fucking steel blade>goes blunt after chopping a few walking corpsesI'm almost certain only the mapmakers were working during these 3 years.
>>1564929nah its just this>>1564929except its been especially bad this time around because of b42. people have always used the >but youre just an average retard who dont know nothing!as an excuse for why our player characters are so lacking in every single basic human skill but with b42, this type of stupid rhetoric has worsened. all the dev nuthuggers come out of the woodwork and doubled down on this talk>OF COURSE youre redneck character cant shoot a gun!
>>1564713Someone should really call the bluff and tell him to do it. Become like Notch, see what happens when a big company takes over your dream project and takes all the credit.
>>1565108Don't forget it can be made completely and utterly destroyed after chopping about a dozen more. Because somehow hitting bone and flesh is more stressing on a steel blade then chopping down oaks all day.
>>1564713he really should.
>>1565108This is one of the least egregious examples since a blade would do a poor job after chopping through some bone, fat, blood and sinew and like all zombie games the zombies don't rot over time. Problem is they're not consistent with their realism autism because there's no reason a crowbar or other full metal instruments would break after smashing skulls.
drinking lots of alcohol makes it so your character cant die of thirst...
Have they fixed the flashlight battery bug? Is it even worth to play with it?
>>1565257Its not a bug, its a realistic feature. Batteries lose charge over time.
>>1565276They lost in b41 too but now is ridiculously faster. Even with mod to increase their energy they drain fast, something is off.
>>1565257They haven't fixed SHIT>Batteries only keep their charge if you store them inside radios or flashlights. So you basically need to have a stock of flashlights and radios at base and immediately swap when you need.>Food being shit for calories, Only butter and fish being reliable to maintain weight>And then at 0 fishing, stuff like this happens after you understand how the fishing system works
>>1565227You're not going to dull a steel axe head with monkey bones. Those things are made to last months chopping fucking oak and pine wood without requiring a sharpen.
>>1565257jannies cleaned it up kill yourself lemmy
>>1565227for knives and stuff it makes sense, but no reason why axes should break considering there were purposely made to chop things like wood. here's a part time guy who makes knives out of a fucking satellite dish and his axe holds up well chopping wood. imagine in zomboid, the equivalent would be a level 3 blacksmith who probably wouldnt even be able to make an axe in the first place, having their axe be dull and useless after a couple of swings.
>>1565395>for knives and stuff it makes senseif you were doing nothing but hitting bones with it 24/7 - 365, then yeah it'd be too dull to cut through paper, but you could still stab with it basically forever
So what exactly changed with the aiming? How is it different from the old system apart from not being able to see your chance to hit a zombie
>>1565473You can only aim at the same level your head is, so you can't shoot crawling zombies, zombies that are up the stairs, zombies that are down the stairs, nor can you go on a roof and shoot zombies that are on the street. But it's better than before, trust me bro. It's unstable. Give the devs a break. You should be grateful you got the update for free instead of being a dlc.
>>1565473>not being able to see your chance to hit a zombieah yes, obfuscating info, my favorite
>>1565473Shotguns is highly nerfed no longer horder-cleaning multi-hit.
>>1565508Realistic. Slugs do not go through 15 bodies in a 90 degree cone of fire.
>>15655574 bodies*, but agree in general.
>>1565557>t. never seen the daisycutting effect of buckshot
>>1565483I thought i could shoot crawlers earlier when aiming where there head would be as if they were standing.
>>1562861zombabe OP >>> not zombie girl OP
Is there a mod that fixes sharpness loss?I'm tired of having to sharpen my stuff after half a dozen zombies.
>>1565557Buckshot absolutely goes right through a person at close range lmao, you should be able to kill at least 2 zombies every shot. Maybe 3 because headshots.
Still not actually sure what the difference between B41 and B42 aiming mechanics are.>B41Outline indicates hit chance, green is good, red bad. Standing still makes you more accurate, enemies being closer makes you more accurate.>B42Crosshair indicates hit chance, green is good, red bad. Standing still makes you more accurate, enemies being closer makes you more Uhhh it's the same fucking thing? People say you should 'aim for the head' but that's not true, as long as your crosshair indicates you're aiming at something it has the same hit rate, headshots are completely random because standing zombies don't HAVE hit models.
>>1565658You have to aim for the head because the new targeting system is pure jank, and your character still face the melee cursor, which is slightly lower than where your mouse is.See the video >>>1558656
>>1565666The video isn't correct though, as long as the cursor is lit-up the bullets will travel towards the target.So it's the same fucking thing as Build 41 where 'aiming in general direction' works just fine.
>>1565674It's basically the same thing but worse, because you can't aim below you, at a downed zombie at your free, or just random zombies for no particular reasons.
>>1565674Shotguns are the exemption where you can't aim in the general direction towards a target because it's jank like that. But more or less, it's nearly the same as build 41; Indie Stone is just trying really hard to dress it up as some kind of projectile based system and lying about it.
>>1565674No it isn't.
>Cats eyes basically pointless because it's an amplification trait and not an addition one>So even with the trait indoors is pitch black once the power is outWhy would they add basements to the game if they're utterly pointless once the power goes out?...
>>1565683It still useful outside, also new lightning in door is janky.
So why can't we craft candles, rushlights, firepit, etc... and have to live in permanent darkness the instant electricity goes out?
>>1565688Because after 3 years they only introduced around 25% of what they plan for the crafting update. I wouldn't be surprised if glassblowing will be used to blow oil lamps or something, but we won't be seeing it until next year.
>>1565690>until next yearCan you give me the number for your copium dealer?
>>1565691I didn't want to come off as too pessimistic anon. We'll split the difference and say 2029 until Build 42 is finished. How's that?
>>1565695Just pick a value between infinity and infinity + 1.
>>1565695>We'll split the difference and say 2029 until Build 42 is finished.Fair enough.
>>1565688>rushlightswhat are these
>>1565709A poor man's candle. It's a dried plant stem dipped in fat that you hold on a fixture and light up which produce a small amount of light.
>>1565350>>1565395Fresh, living bone is way harder and more abusive on an edge than hardwood. Any fine, sharp cutting edge will fold over or chip on a thick bone. A thick chopping edge like on a splitting axe should chop bone for years without a problem though. This is kind of a moot point, though, because zombies are fucking dead, and their bones should be weaker.
>>1565746Bashing a skull enough to pulp the brain is way less damaging to an axe than chopping down a tree. Characters aim for the head when swinging, even if it's not a one hit KO every time.
Jesus Christ, Build 42 is a perfect example of how developers use 'realism' as a distraction to shitty gameplay mechanics and poorly thought out ideas.>Why are buildings pitch fucking black?...REALISM!>Why is water toxic?REALISM>Why can't my character do simple human tasks without a table?...REALISM>Why do I get tired as a bodybuilding athlete in a few swings?REALISM
>>Metal baseball bat with bolt is a downgrade to metal baseball batWhat the fuck is the point then?
>>1565656>buckshot goes through multiple peopleThank you for proving you've never fired a gun in your life.
>I'm gonna 420 noscope every zombie within 500 yards just like in real life!REALISM
>>1565906At close range the pellets have barely if even spread out, sometimes they're still in the shot-cup lmao.That'll go right through at least one person, especially one skull.
>>1565906mf where do you think the pellets that killed kurt kobain ended up? not inside him, that's for sure
this is how you died xd
>>1564813>You missed that zombie>BUT HE HAD A FUCKING OUTLINE!>Don't care, you missed it>THE AXE WENT THROUGH HIM!I'm not even remotely surprised that this happens with weapons other than the spear now.
>>1565991this is how you died
>>1565998I luckily did not die but I did not expect other weapons than the spear to miss the outlined target, I'm also annoyed that TIS has removed the Always Show Outline option.
>the year is 2074>Lemmy is on his last legs>zomboid 1.0 just released>after having survived for three months fighting scurvy and hypocalcemia you've finally done it>you've managed to get all the equipment together to become the server shoemaker>size 12, size 40 - it doesent matter, you will make shoes for them all>this is how you LIVED
>>1566042>you then proceed to instantly die from the common cold because there's no antibiotics
>>1566042>the server shoelace maker dies because the server twine maker didn't log on so you can no longer make shoes
>>1566042>minor update release>shoemaking now burn 500x more calories than walking>hard limit of 1 shoe per day>shoemaking now make a large amount of noise>shoemaking only allow "Handcrafted Duck Hair Twine In The Moonlight On A Rainy Friday" in its recipe>random chance of dying of Sepsis while making a shoe, 200% at lvl 1, 50% at level 10>shoes no longer generate in the world and on zombies>zombie heat map reworked, shoe stores and sources of leathers contains the population of India
>>1565894This was always the case for baseball bats with nails. You're trading durability for crit chance, not worth it at all.If you find a normal baseball bat in b42 the only things worth doing with it are reinforcing with cans or scrap metal.Crowbar is still the undisputed king of long blunt weapons even though it deals less damage than bats.
>Multi-hit now sometimes freaks out and doesn't work in Build 42Holy shit kek, Lemmy got so irate over every reasonable person using that setting that he had to make it full of bugs just out of spite.
>>1566067Really not a necessary setting, especially in B41. As long as you got decent fitness, othing stopped you from conga-killing 100 zeds in a row without multihit.There are a lot of decisions from lemmy to fuck over the player, but this isn't one of them. And yes I mention that because every single shitty r*dditor can't go 5 minutes without the usual "I use multihit" "yas queen you play the game how you want, fuck the chuds, I love sandbox it shows how heckin wholesome the devs are!"
>>1566070Zomboid is what some people used to call a 'video game' so there's supposed to be things that don't happen in reality for the sake of fun.Multi-hit is fun.You should like fun.Predditors hate multi-hit, which is why you should love multi-hit.
>>1566071Kek, predditors LOVE multi-hit, make any post there against it and you'll get swarms of them going "REEEEEEEE LEMME PLAY HOW I WANT".And multi-hit isn't fun for me because B41's combat was already piss-easy, the only real argument I'd see for multi-hit is reducing the number of clicks on your mouse if that gets tiring.
>>1566073Predditors hate multi-hit because they believe in 'Lemmy's ideal way of playing the game' which is default settings.Weird how you're redditspacing...Almost like you're from there.
in an alternate timeline you could multihit by charging up an attack with a heavier weapon or a lighter one if you had Strength above some random criteria that the weapon hadalas, i am not in that timeline
>>1566074>paragraphs are reddit spacing
>>1566078Paragraphs aren't made up of singular sentences ESL-Chan.>>1566077I hate how this game lacks any sort of combo-system. Pushing a zombie you just discombobulated with a hammer to the head has no more chance than pushing it over while it's in it's prime.The game should reward combinations of attacks/pushes/etc to down zombies quicker.
>>1566080>discombobulated>accuses others of being r*dditorsKek
>>1566081Yeah I know the English language is a little lost on turdies like you, so please leave the discussion to those with White skin.
>>1566073imo multi-hit makes the game way too easy.As you mentioned, zombie conga lines make them easy to kill, but there was still a risk associated with trying to fight zombies too close to each others (since you can't move when hitting).Multi-hit negate that risk completely.
>>1566083Build 40 and before had multi-hit by default. Stands to reason it should stay.
>>1566082>amerimutt talking about white skin because he's a bleached nigger, not Aryan>>1566083Yeah, game was already stupid easy so that any experienced player could be set for life in a week in-game in B41. The only risk related to combat if you weren't shit at the game was getting cornered in interiors, and multi-hit almost disables this since you can survive 3 times higher numbers of zeds in tight spaces.Those I've seen defend multihit on repeat have always been r*dditors trannies and femoids who don't want to do the slightest effort and want to play zomboid like it's L4D2.
>>1566086>'jeets forget about the countless Whiter countries than AmericaEvery single time.
So I went to the bar in the city near Lousville and there's not a single bottle-opener in there. What the hell is going on with the new loot system? The hardware store lacked any tools, it was just full of 'handles' as well.
>>1566090Lemmy nuked all of the loot, because fuck you. And if you dare to talk about it, he'll unleash his army of shills to screech at you "reeeeeeee it's unstable let them cook it's only been 3 years trust the plan stop being entitled and just change sandbox settings!"
>>1566091Can he get off his ass and bake-in specific loot in specific locations? Who the fuck wants to RNG across a BOTTLE OPENER?
>>1566090The lootpool has been ruined by adding billions of useless garbage, I hated the almost all of the vehicle mods for the same reason.
>>1566090The average joe in the 90s would not understand how to open bottles
>>1566096Don't worry you can craft what you need innawoods... jk, fuck you, all recipes suck, require unimplemented items and recipes like rag + ass to wipe are locked behind magazines :DLemmy just hates the players: added weight to keys, buffed all negative traits, nerfed all positive traits, destroyed the number of points negative traits give you, added hundreds of zeds on all locations that should have good loot AND removed all the good loot from them.
>>1566098It's retarded because you can open bottles with the corner of a table, or even just random fucking objects.It's like how you can't cook something as simple as a fish stew.
>Can't walk while opening a can of soft drinkWhy the fuck did B42 remove the ability to walk while doing 90% of ingame actions?...Is Lemmy that fucking uncoordinated that he can't do more than one thing at a time?
>>1566111Also it's fucking rural Kentucky, we can't pretend the average inhabitant doesn't know how to fucking open a bottle without an opener.
>>1566113it's to make doing things while walking away from a horde hardernow you have to stand in place to rip a sheet for rags, so if you get hurt without bandages in the middle of a horde, you might bleed out since you need to stand still for like 15 seconds
>>1566116Ah yes, because a game where injuries are often already fatal really needed an extra layer to it.
>>1566116>Fuck fuck fuck I'm bleeding out here!>I just need to rip up this shirt with my knife/scissors/machete/FUCKING KATANA>H-Huh? My legs have stopped working? What the?...>No! Stay back! I need to rip up this shir-AHHH!
>>1566113IIRC you can't perform any actions while smoking either
>>1566120You can't do anything while smoking, but you can still move around at least.
>Taking a small stroll through the woods has a chance of lacerating your neck, killing you in 30 secondsLemmy hasn't ever stepped foot outside a city, has he?
is it just me or are you able to craft engineer only recipes without the profession now? I had the ability to make fire bombs but not molotovs
>>1566126There's no profession-limited crafting anymore. Everything is via magazines.Molotovs have been removed and replaced with fire bombs.
>>1566127neat, but also>Molotovs have been removedwhy?
>>1566130Russian word bad, also weaponizing alcohol would make the game too easy. You WILL use a plastic bottle and one litre of gasoline, chud.
>the P.S Delilah boat has a normal looking stairwell leading to a sudden drop due to a missing floor tilekino
>Catch a few 40kg fish>Can somehow eat them in one day.Wouldn't eating about 120kg of fish in a single day kill you?
>>1566149>Wouldn't eating about 120kg of fish in a single day kill you?Why are you expecting this game to be realistic? Lemmy's shown repeatedly he's not interested in that.
>>1566155Dunno, I just had this weird feeling that Lemmy wanted the game to be realistic after he added skill magazines to breathe and he made starting character weight 120kg.
>>1566156Silly anon, Lemmy only uses the word realism when he wants to fuck players over.
>>1566149You'd probably stop before you get full, but yes, unless you're a massive fatass (and even then, iirc the max recorded case was like 15L), your stomach would probably burst past 2-4kg of food.
>>1566125Of all the things to complain about, this is actually realistic. Try running blindly through a forest, see how far you get before a branch fucks you up.
Why there's no zombie children?
>>1566067Everything related to targeting is fucked in 42. I had to turn off lungers because my weapons kept phasing through their hitboxes.
>>1566176>Of all the things to complain about, this is actually realistic.
>>1566176You're not running blindly though, you're WALKING with perfect vision.
Is there any way to re-enable putting corpses in containers? I used to build huge graveyards and bury all the zombies in the town I spawned in, putting them in a trailer then driving to the graveyard for burial. I get that they disabled putting corpses in containers because players were putting them in garbage bins and deleting them but come on, if you want to get rid of corpses easy now you just dig a grave wherever, toss them all in, then destroy the grave, repeat. 1000 corpses disposed of in 2 squares. I want my damn player made graveyard. It's what I did beyond basic survival or building the biggest post-apocalyptic library.
Did you know that spruce branches are made from barbed wire and their needles carry HIV?
>>1566178do you want lemmy spending 5 years to make that
>>1566178I genuinely wish, but honestly considering the spaghetti code, you can expect it to take 500 years and also be absolutely broken because the targeting system is itself held with spit and duct tape.
>>1566090I remember this huge icestorm in the late 90s where power was out for a couple weeks. Mom broke her leg slipping on the ice and family was dealing with it, leaving a very young me alone in the house. Neighbor decides to lend me his generator while he goes to Florida and wait out the disaster. I was maybe 9 at best at the time. Took me about 10 minutes to drag the generator into position, plug in an extension cord and powerbar and plug in everything I needed (TV, VCR, spaceheater, hotplate, and a standing lamp) Didn't need a damn manual to tell me how to turn the thing on.In v42 Zomboid I've found 19 generators and zero manuals to tell me "pull starting cord then plug stuff in"
>>1566217>I was maybe 9 at best at the time. Took me about 10 minutes to drag the generator into position, plug in an extension cord and powerbar and plug in everything I needed (TV, VCR, spaceheater, hotplate, and a standing lamp)Sounds really cozy anon
>>1564809I'm still hoping for boats some day. That and the ability to build/dig underground 'deep roads' for dwarves to link between settlements.
>>1566217Zomboid characters seriously have intelligence less than children. Makes sense because of what Lemmy's into.
>>1566083Once again mods implement features that should be standard, the modular multi hit makes it so you can isolate which weapons can multi hit and what skill you need in said weapon for it to work. If the devs actually gave a shit about zombies they'd work on those aspects to make combat a little more rewarding and gratifying instead of encouraging conga line gameplay but it's one of the many core features that they refuse to address such as indoor zombie spawn or zombie migration.That being said I'm not even sure I want them to touch those broken features considering what they consider as "reworking" traits.
>>1566176tripping and hurting your ankle is realistic, getting poison ivy burns on your legs would be realistic, getting your carotid artery opened by a stick because you were running in the vicinity of a tree is Zomboid Realistic. real trees aren't made of concertina wire and razor blades.
>>1566125>>1566176>>1566258don't get too uppity, or else lemmy is going to add a 0.1% chance for a branch to stab you in both eyes and give you the blind trait
>>1566258Please understand, Lemmy cut his finger when walking near a bush so obviously all plants are sharper than razor blades.
>>1566116I don't know if it's a bug or if it's intended, but if it's the latter I wouldn't be surprised if it's a brand of autism of trying to make the game harder with inconsistencies about "realism". While smoking a pack or drinking an energy drink while casually walking away from a horde is "goofy" is it not unrealistic as herding zombies would be an useful skill in Romero zombies situation. Moreover, you can't actually do that with %-based sprinter spawns. Maybe another instance of the devs trying to fix what ain't broken OR applying the wrong fix (having a small % of zombies walk faster than your own walk speed).
>>1566263>having a small % of zombies walk faster than your own walk speedPlease fuck no, don't give Lemmy ideas.
>>1566264It's already sort of the case, some zombies are slower than others, it's just that none are faster than you. Having a few stragglers that force you to react while you're conga-lining would be better but I personally never play without 5% sprinters. There's a lot of things that could be improved with zombie mechanics in the game but they haven't worked on that beyond trying to make stealth work (lol) for more than 5 years.
>>1566263the main issue is that romero zombies in most media are mostly just a nuisance that can be easily dispatched or lured away, the main dangers are other humans and trying to survive in a hostile environment with limited resourcesZomboid has no hostile NPCs and most of the system that would make actual survival harder are either unfinished, broken or badly balancedno infections to force you to look for antibiotics, no diseases to force you to rest at home and take medicine except for generic fever, absolutely demented unrealistic nutrition system, cold temperatures being trivially easy to counter just by wearing a jacket and so on..
>>1566149I think many of the retarded nutrition decisions in b42 start to make sense if you assume that you're not actually supposed to be playing as a human, you're secretly supposed to be a black bear.
>>1566268That's probably why Lemmy is holding off NPCs indefinitely, either he actually succeeds at his vision or it will cement the game as a huge wasted opportunity. They'll basically make or break the game.
>>1566267I'm fine with zombies having randomized speed. It's just that shamblers EVER outpacing a human makes no sense.
>>1566263People made fun of this scene but honestly it makes sense, it's just that it's funny in a "guess we livin' with zombies now", like if someone decided to film 30 minutes of the guy on corpse burning janny duty with no cuts and no music.
>>1566268I really like the idea that Louisville only falls on the 15th and 16th, and up until then the military has a quarantine zone shooting anyone trying to get in or out. On the 14th people inside Louisville riot to get out, military shoots killing a few people which attracts a zombie horde, military shoots them but that attracts more zombies and some get through. Military starts to pull out, heading "north". Everyone in Louisville starts getting sick from the airborne version of the strain, turn and the town falls that night. I'd be great if when the player starts, it's chaos and most people aren't zombies yet, many infected and panicking but most of problems being people running around, making noise and attracting zombies. With military/police blockades shooting anyone acting weird on sight (and Louisville being entirely cutoff by snipers and machineguns). As the days progress, players find fewer NPCs and more zombies, with the occasional fortified enclave of police/army/survivors wearing gas masks trying to avoid the airborne version. They're not immune like the player so these become more and more rare. Also, I'd want guns to be extremely common but ammo rare, since people getting overrun would probably shoot everything they had, die and leave an empty gun on the ground.
>>1566283Pretty sure people mostly made fun of it because of some poor CGI in a shot, there's also the infamous CGI deer from the same season or shortly after.
>>1566271I took nutritionist to see what was happening because I was either starving or bloating but that didn't help at all. Ended up eating like 30 eggs a day and still losing weight.
>>1566288*blocks ur path*
>120kg deer>Get 2kg meat off of itOkay so what's the fucking point of hunting when by the time you get all the equipment and skills to hunt, you could be catching 40kg fish using paperclips and maggots?
>>1566301>nearly half a ton of bull>2kg of low quality meat after butcheringIT'S REALISTIC CHUD SHUT UP
>>1566301The moral is that even in the zed apocalypse, you should be vegan you evil chud. In the next update, you'll have 100 days to kill all the cows on the map before their farts destroy the ozone layer of the climate change of rising sea levels and you instantly die.
>>1566060The metal baseball bat with bolts is especially egregious because it's one of the many weapons that got zero changes. So adding the bolts only hurts durability with no changes in damage or crit at all. Unlike nailing the baseball bat which gains both damage and crit for durability.
>>1566287this all sounds cool on paper but in reality they're just gonna add a killzone next to the LV fence that instakills you enter it to simule sniper fire, then it disappears once LV canonically falls
>>1566313>Implying they'd ever actually have map-centric eventsLol, lmaoYeah no, they'll just do what already happens. Entering louisville before it canonically 'falls' just shuts off the radios prematurely.
>>1566320I think what I described is pretty much the easist option to simulate what they're trying to go for, it would be really fucking sad if they just plant a couple of soldiers at the checkpoint that you could just drive over to get in and the city would still be full of zombies anyways
>>1566287This would be great, but would require a Dwarf Fortress/Rimworld tier dev in charge of the game.
>>1566301You know what is annoying?Instead of making butchering better, they will nerf the FUCK out of milk-butter making and fishing.My bets are: low animal care makes cow give way less milk, low fishing makes you only catch small fish (10 cm if you are lucky)
>>1566333Yeah, that's more what I was wanting out of 'early game' when the infection starts to get out of control. Police and military trying to stop 'rioters', constant sirens and gunshots, some people panicking and running in every direction while others are looting or fighting back - getting infected and adding to the growing number of zombies. Always bothered me that the player just wakes up alone on the planet like they were time travelling for a month and only popped in once everyone became a zombie.Zombies are the terrain. Other people are the threat or motivation. Police or Military? Don't be seen trying to get into a store to loot, or outside during 'curfew', bandits/rioters? Don't be seen while unarmed. Other survivors? Don't try to enter their homes uninvited. There's a blog post about the player, some day in the distant future, either helping or robbing Kate and Baldspot the two characters in the tutorial as they have some goal to accomplish. I would love something like that. A reason to do anything in the game that's beyond basic survival. Get medical supplies before Kate dies? Sure! Find a working car and drive both of them to some distant safe haven they've heard about? All while trying to get past military/police roadblocks, zombie infested towns, other panicking survivors on the road, bandits trying to steal the car? Sounds like an interesting challenge. Intstead Zomboid right now is about wandering aimlessly looking for digital watches and scissors so I can train electronics and tailoring.
>>1566381Your tard character squeezed the cow tits too hard pls understand
>>1566287ammo should be rare, but when you do find it, it's a stockpile of a few hundred rounds in multiple calibers. handloading would be another feature that's too good to ever be in this game, even though that's the kind of overly-complicated autistic crafting system that people would actually want to use, not pottery.
>>1562094I died like a bitch because you cant fall asleep with max panic and I was stuck outside fully exhausted and didnt sleep for days because of the helicopterI also played on max pop so that also made it suck.
>>1566078>paragraphs are one sentence
>>1566492if you just walked away, zombies would eventually stop following and you could have taken a nap in the woods
>west point is almost clean of zombies Feels good. Fuck respawns I grinded these kills.
I get the Katana basically being a secret ultimate weapon. But why the fuck is a handcrafted and smithed that takes fucking ages to get to only as good as a fucking machete despite being a twohanded weapon? Fucking Lemmy I swear to god.
>>1566505It's r-e-a-l-i-s-t-i-c
>he's still trying the long blade meme>even though the weapons are still a pain to get and the new books are rarer than m16sngmi
>>1566517Ah yes, the realism of a highly skilled smith who's set up his own forge and furnace and using the exact same steel that the Machete is using and only getting a two-handed longsword that hits exactly as hard as a one handed machete.Very realistic, how could I have forgotten.
For a rare loot run/cdda, the best weapons on b42 are short blunt. By fucking far.>Just pick a fucking stoneCrafted weapons having less than 50 durability is a fucking joke
>>1566537Generally, in terms of availability/craftability and damage it's long blunt; since long blunt actually gives you a secret additional 10% damage boost at level 3 and level 7 skill, with a 10% reduction in stamina usage at level 8 as well. But short blunt is absolutely extremely good as well.
>>1566217>late 90sPeople in the early 90s wouldn't understand how to plug in a generator.
So which systems would you say can be rebalanced by mods with just number editing and which ones can't?
>>1566217how do you make your generator power the ceiling lights in your house?
Reading should be a skill. Cant read books until you level it up by reading magazines first.Then you can only read level 1 skill books until you increase your reading level for better skill books.
>>1566537Stone being meta is funny though
>>1566551Sharpness.Durability.Damage.Battery and propane drain.Meat from butchering.Calories from food.
>>1566567I disagree on Sharpnes, Durability and Damage; since all three need a massive overhaul to stop being retarded. Like durability no longer being "weapon has 10 HP, roll a 1 in x chance to determine if it loses 1 HP" and damage needs to be massively decompressed now that there's all these new weapons, since there are so many identical weapons now.
Lemmy should sell to the chinks. They'd be much faster in cranking out updates. Look at what they did with Marvel Rivals. Not to mention>Zed Zone added flamethrowers and basements despite being a one man show.>Dread Dawn already added their own Sandbox Mode and Map Maker mode, still pumping out fixes every week.>Terminus Survivor is getting bandits and NPCs.
>>1566528There never was an actual reason to not go axes or long blunt in this game.
>>1566557Magazines? What are you, some kind of genius? You have to start with picture books, and actually level up a separate basic conceptualization skill before you can even start learning anything else.
>>1566541That's cool and all but all long weapons suffer a lot rn because of muscle strain, since they weight more.The heavier the weapon, more muscle strain it causes. And the muscle strain > exhaustion feedback loop is deadly.Also can't even use flashlights.
>>1566593Common Sense for flashlights, and muscle strain should be one of the first things you turn off in sandbox.
>>1566590There is now. Muscle strain.
>>1566595>Just mod it and change sandboxLiterally *eddit argument.Well at that point, just play with brita's, infinite ammo and multihit on. Why bother?
>>1566593Long weapons weigh more, but they halve muscle strain and spread it to both arms; and muscle strain goes down with each level in skill. It functionally builds up at the same rate for two-handed weapons and one handed weapons.Muscle strain also doesn't have any direct impact on exhaustion until you already hit the point where you need to stop fighting because of muscle strain anyways; since it impacts your damage by causing pain on your arm(s). The flashlight point is fair though.Axes are the best weapons overall, but those are probably a hell of a lot harder to come by in the more difficult challenge settings.
>>1566596Firearms still cause muscle strain, so he's still right; basically zero reason not to use axes, long blunt or spears in this game.
>>1566500Or just fall asleep on the floor, zombies can't hurt you while you sleep
>>1566587As vidya pretty much all recent zombie games are more fun right now. State of Decay, 7DTD, Zed Zone, CDDA, Survivalists Invisible Strain... Zomboid's goal of being a zombie survival sim could make it one of the best among those but right now it doesn't really fulfill the fantasy of "what would you do in a zombie apocalypse" because it lacks some common expectations people have gotten through zombie medium. At the back of people's mind there's not survival but also trying to rebuild, sadly this is the story of how you died. There's also interactions with other survivors, but there's no NPCs. Zombie migration mechanics can't account for roaming hordes either. The game is also selective on its simulation aspects. For example, in a "real" zombie scenario, if I ever wanted to clear a mall I would blast some sirens on the parking lot and wait for zombies to come out, you can't do that in Zomboid due to how spawing works.Having good NPCs could improve the game tenfold if some of those features were assembled. I'd care a whole lot more about a roaming horde barging through my base (not implemented) if inside the base there was my pregnant wife (not implemented) and a small community of survivors (not implemented) I painstakingly gathered through months of gameplay. It's one of the reasons why even a barebones sandbox game like Kenshi is a much more enjoyable game, the world reacts to your actions and there's even a reward to playing the game like stats influencing appearance or unlocking new animations.
>>1566505The average neckbeard in the 90s would have mastered the katana while you were out partying
>>1566600>AxesRarity readsons>Long bluntWorse than short bluntBoth oneshot when fence fighting, which is the best, and probably only strat for dealing with 10+ zombies now.>SpearsCan't even oneshot anymore.Old oneshot usually now makes the zombie fall backwards (he falls onwards in the animation, but the model resets to the other way around once it's on the floor lmao)Which makes your next poke hit it's legsAlso harder to make because you can't do it from planks anymore, only from foraging stuff, which is anti fun.
>>1566600>Firearms still cause muscle strainTypical l*mmy moment
>>1566617>Worse than short bluntHow? Long blunt just outright does more base damage and gets additional straight damage bonuses when you level the skill up. You can still crunch through a bunch of standing zombies even without the fence strat with a decent weapon and/or skill.
>>1566613You're not getting relationships or even fucking pregnancy in the game in your lifetime bro, devs can't even animals and pottery without breaking multiplayer.
>>1566626i just made one of those nail covered large branch things and i can swing it maybe 5 times before being exhausted at 7 fitness 10 strength it does almost one shot zoms though
>>1566629People who act like NPCs won't make this game a hundred times worse are huffing the most potent copium known to man. Even rimworld pawns or DF Dorfs, both games purpose built from the ground up for random NPC simulation, have moronic and frankly annoying NPCs. Zomboid has been designed as a singleplayer game with no space given for NPC interaction for over a decade, the combat system is ill-suited for hostile interactions and it's fucking Indie Stone. They'll find some way to fuck it.>>1566634Large Branch? The thing that swings like a sledgehammer? Yeah those things suck because they're functionally sledgehammers without any of the benefits. That same character with one of the upgraded baseball bats (can, nail or sheet metal) would go through like 20-30 zombies before hitting the first level of exertion.
>>1566626Assuming the same skill level, you will kill zombies in the same amount of hits, with similar weapons for their categories.But once its dark, long blunt shivers.
>>1566635It's my final copium, don't take it away from me.
>>1566636Define "Similar weapons for their categories". If we use the hammers for example, they have a minimum of .5 damage and 1 damage. Compare to the baseball bat's .8 and 1.1 or the long handle's .6 to .9 damage.Near the top of the short blunt category is the lead pipe which does between .7 and 1.2 damage and is the most damaging naturally spawning weapon in the category. The only thing higher are the maces which can't be crafted at the moment; it does slightly more than the regular baseball bat which is towards the middle of the long blunt category. Near the top of the non-sledgehammer style, naturally spawning weapons are the shovels and spades which do between .8 and 1.9 damage. Way more damage than even the best comparable short blunt weapon.Couple that with the fact that long blunt gets bonus damage in addition to that and eventually a reduction in stamina use; I really struggle to see how short blunt really takes the cake here. I suppose at really high damage levels, with high skill and strength both will one shot zombies of lower toughness values so the long blunt does use up a bit more exertion in the long run; even with the reduction in cost.
>Lemmy wakes up at 4PM>"Patch note: Added a Sleeping skill">he proceeds to stub his toe in the door and scream>"Patch note: Everytime the player walk through a doorway, they have a random chance to injure their foot and scream, attracting zombies.">he sits down on his chair and let out a huge bloody fart>"Patch note: Added the Bowel Movement skill">he turns his MacBook on, a red warning flash on his screen "You have 250613 important messages", he clicks "Ignore" and log on Reddit>a redditor is making fun of him for being a shitty dev>he sees red>he types a long assblasted rant about how hard it has been for him to work for the past 3 mo- years, and that the redditor is probably projecting his issues.>"Patch note: Xp gain changed from x1 to x0.00001, stamina reduced to 0.0001, starting character weight is 250, going outside the house instantly panic you, the player characters need to come to term with their tiny penis problem.">"hehe, gottem!" he smirks, before popping and downing yet another bottle of liquor
>>1566597That was the case in B41 too. Don't get me wrong, I think Lemmy should stop being a faggot and make at least Survivor WAY more accessible by removing all the B42 bullshit like no disassemble xp and VHS/TV nerf, etc, as well as up the xp multipliers in general, no zombiefication, no respawn, and so on.Common Sense should be vanilla and its insane out of all QoL mods they integrated they didn't do that one.All that being said when it comes to actually playing the game you can choose to either mod and tinker with sandbox and have fun, or just don't play at all. Currently I'm not playing because B42 needs to mature, there's too many basic things that worked in B41 but now broke that you need mods for that I don't want to start any long game.
>>1566635>Even rimworld pawns or DF Dorfs, both games purpose built from the ground up for random NPC simulation, have moronic and frankly annoying NPCs.I wouldn't go quite that far, but lets be honest, you're generally modding both games to the gills to get it feeling just right. And those games are the absolute peak. I'd trust just about any dev to fall short of their level, but PZ devs, lol, lmao even.I guess I also have a little copium that modders could unfuck NPC's in PZ, but god knows how long that's going to take.
>the last proton will decay long before NPCs are released
>>1566653So I went to go fuck around in debug mode to compare the baseball bat to the claw hammer to really empirically test this out. From what I can tell the baseball bat uses a bit less endurance than the claw hammer does, but very annoyingly any amount of muscle fatigue will build up pain. It seems the amount of muscle strain isn't what actually causes the pain, just swinging a weapon at all causes your character pain, by carefully timing my swings to be about 1 swing every second I was able to give my character the pain moodle with a two handed weapon long before actually hitting the point that muscle strain is supposed to do anything (That being ~20 strain). I'll have to test if it actually reduces damage because of this, but I am definitely suffering the effects of the pain moodle regardless.
>>1566688Yep, despite the health tab not showing that my character has any muscle strain that would actually affect me. I am still suffering the full effects of it regardless, as you can see by the zombie getting hit for 5.6 damage (the -107 was a zombie I've hit a few times before and was downed by a crit)
>>1566694From what I can tell, every attack slightly reduces your damage. But isn't really noticeable until about 5 points of pain. Which is something like a 20-33% damage penalty, and kicks in around 10-15 points of strain; depending on how you ration out your swings. I'll have to see if a high strength/skill character takes less pain per swing next.
>>1566554just make a forbidden homo cord and plug it in
>>1566703So a few swings later, higher skill and strength does reduce the pain you suffer. Which makes sense since they reduce the amount of direct strain you take. At about 9 skill and 10 strength it's actually impossible for most common weapons to cause any strain to your character; as by the time you swing again you've completely recovered from any build up of strain and pain, even jacking up your fitness won't impact it.Regardless of what the debug menu says, even small amounts of strain will impact your damage significantly. Testing with a hammer fixed to 1 damage through debug cheats results in ~34 damage per hit at max range, using a character with 0 skill and 5 Strength.Pain doesn't start impacting your damage until about 5 points, then it drops rapidly from there. 5 points of pain is about a 5% damage decrease, while around 6 is a drop of 15% to about half at 10 pain. Muscle strain inflicts pain over time about equal to half it's value (despite debug saying it has no effect) and tries to clamp it to a minimum value. You do suffer some pain when you swing, but it's less than the minimum value it tries to get to. This means that clearing out a group of zombies spread out in a building will actually cause you to lose effectiveness faster than if you just tried to kill a big group all at once.Muscle strain itself does nothing but inflict this invisible pain as it builds up to 20, once you hit 20 you begin losing damage pretty significantly, around 30 strain will drop your damage potential to about 35% of it's original value of course this also stacks with the pain debuff (that you can't see half the time) so the actual value will be even lower.
>>1566764Let's be real, these tests should be done at 2~5 weapon skills level and 5 strength.Which is where most of your harder and most demanding gameplay will be.No shit you will oneshot everything at 10/10 level on weapon/strenght
>>1566764I should clarify, this is with a one handed weapon, two handed weapons probably suffer from the pain more significantly since they suffer more pain, despite building up less strain on each individual limb than a one handed weapon.Pain in this context also being localized to the attacking limbs in question, as having a broken leg won't impact your swing damage as much assuming your arms are still fresh (though the pain moodle itself does inflict some damage penalties at higher values I believe).>>1566767I'll be honest stopped testing which weapon was better almost immediately when I noticed the pain build up just from swinging was a thing and decided to delve deeper into the strain mechanics.At the very least, it taught me that 1 full point of damage damage translates to about 34 HP worth of damage on a zombie at skill 0. Which should go up by about 10% every level.
>>1566617Crowbars won't break on you, unlike those hammers and nightsticks.
>>1566781I actually burned through a crowbar on day one b42...
>>1566781You will easily come up with more short blunt stuff to swap weapons as you go looting and clearing areas.Each hammer and nightstick will last for like 300 zombiesYou will never run short of options. Weapons having less durability than a fucking frying pan is where you will run into weapon break problems.
>>1566785Liar the handles break all the time. And do you really want to keep switching weapons often? May as well go with stone meta at this point.
do these shits at least work as sledgehammer or are they just joke weapons?
>>1566782same, was my first wep on my new map and it broke before i knew it and haven't seen another one since
>>1566787Alright 300 was an exhageration.But you will have to keep switching weapons anyway. The only exception to that is crowbar.It is SO fucking annoying having to sharpen axes/knife every fucking 10 zombies.I hate the sharpness mechanic more than I hate the the muscle strain mechanic.We already had the condition stat on weapons to represent that. Didn't need this stupid shit.
>>1566502I cleared Rosewood before finding out we couldn't load corpses in vehicle storage anymore in 42. Still looking for a mod that reenables that.
>>1566794>>1566787So testing it out, on my debug guy. Nimble is still an extremely important combat skill. you will take bites (and thus get killed) because inevitably a group of zombies will cause the targeting to jank out and get you bitten or dragged down because of the animation lock.Beyond that, in terms of the weapons themselves:Short blunt, even the really good weapons suffer from their wide damage ranges. They have high highs and low lows. This makes them very susceptible to zombies in "armor" (read, any zombie wearing a sweater, leather coat or body armor) since those will divide your damage by a minimum of 45%. Even a zombie wearing a denim shirt will cut your damage by 10% at least. However, because they only build strain on one hand they're better suited for longevity, especially at lower skill levels when strain builds up quickly.Long blunt weapons generally have tighter damage ranges, which makes them more consistent, while dealing slightly better damage than their short blunt counterparts meaning they penetrate armor better overall. They also get bonus damage at certain skill levels, this means they'll one shot zombies more reliably; whether through crits or by hitting weak zombies and killing them through raw damage (since these guys will spawn on default settings). Being two handed however, they functionally suffer twice the penalties from muscle strain; as you'll feel pain sooner than you would with a one handed weapon even without ever actually getting into muscle strain. At least until you get to really high levels of strength and or skill, they're probably better for killing tightly packed hordes.Whether or not you think one is actually better than the other (under default settings) mostly comes down to preference honestly.
>>1566793During all my time in B41 I abided by the maintenance and durability system they have and only did minimal QoL modding, but I think when B42 is stable enough for a long game I'm just going to change everything to my liking. Sick of this retarded shit where tools that wouldn't conceivably break even with heavy usage over the years have to be replaced constantly (I'm surprised can openers don't have durability given things like hammers and crowbars do). I don't care if its "unbalanced", I'll find other ways to challenge myself in the game. Its weird how this is a game that on one hand has a really solid core idea, but the longer you play it the more you see all these absolutely assblastedly retarded design decisions everywhere.
B42 was so disappointing that I picked up EVE Online again.So in a way it was a blessing. sasuga
>>1566823tl;dr use long blunt because eventually you will take a long time to suffer from muscle strain and they'll start one-tapping zombos
>>1566839Muscle strain itself isn't the problem, having any amount of muscle strain at all will build up pain equal to about half it's intensity which will impact your damage. Because long blunt weapons are usually two handed they suffer double this effect compared to short blunt options. Yes at 9 skill and 10 strength, long blunt is probably objectively better because you literally cannot suffer from muscle strain at all. But for even a long running survivor with like 5 skill and 7 strength it's absolutely something to consider because they'll be gradually building up pain at rest, even if they aren't suffering the actual effects of red muscle strain (orange muscle strain does nothing, and when it's invisible I don't think it can build up enough pain to impact damage)
Nice fucking animal AI lol>Cant extinguish fire with a saucepanId be so fucking pissed if I didn't have the bucket and my stuff caught fire.
>>1566850Imagine dying to a rat.
>>1566850I used campfires to clear out Rosewood, a tactic that should work on zombies but shouldn't on animals. Kinda sad, seems like an easy fix, just add weight to the pathfinding number of a square that's in fire.
>>1566263>>1566264eh I played with 5% sprinters. It just made the game slower since you pulled only a few at a time.>>1566590You need the other hand free for a flashlight now.2 handed exhausts you quicker.
>>1566847Here's that exact character with 5 skill and 7 strength; and I realize that exact character is actually going to suffer from muscle strain almost as much as a completely basic character with no skills or extra strength. This was the pain and strain build up after about 40ish swings, it takes a while to get there. But if you're clearing an area it's totally possible to swing that much, and the breaks in between will mean you'll get up to the pain limit (here, just under 6, which is a 33% damage reduction thereabouts).
>>1566867use the nightvision mod.It’s OP since it’s pretty rushed so far and doesn’t use batteries but there is no way I wouldn’t have been able to clear out the D.U.M.B without it working harded than fucktards at tis again
Cata is still better
>>1566876I'm still mad that I dragged 10+ propane tanks back to base only to find they were all empty when I put them in storage.
>>1566879lmaoAt that point it is fair to just go into debug mode, delete the empty ones and spawn new ones
>>1566301Realistic, not even memeing. You have no idea how much offal is tossed aside when packaging your pristine grocery-quality meat.
>>1566942Get back to work lemmy.
>>1566301Given it's unstable i give them benefit of doubt on this one, as it's sound as honest bug. But if it's persist in stable, i will steal Lemmy laptop again.
>>1566942Not even close. Even from a quick google, the absolute worst number I'm seeing is a 50% loss in useable meat, 25-35% seems to be a more realistic practical number.
>>1566942Actually retarded
>>1566850>rat almost burned down the entire forestlmao, based rat
>>1566948>as it's sound as honest bugEven if is, they're still a bunch of retarded faggots for having left us with an entirely broken build for 3+ weeks at the minimum. All those fags had to work is get a skeleton crew to fix the bugs, most of them can be fixed in a single day as modders already proved.But since lemmy is a retarded commie giving everyone 11 months of paid leave for "mental health" every year, of course jack shit is done. Look how the faggot malded when someone called out that only 2 months max of work were done on the crafting update "reeee this is giving me a stomach ulcer you are ungrateful!!!!".
>>1566850here's your reactive world bro
>>1566942>Realistic, not even memeing.
>>1566964It's actually realistic though. I get anons are upset and seizing any chance to shitpost but this aint it chief.
>>1566968It isn't you baiting nigger, now rope yourself. No one no matter how retarded could waste this much food.
>>1566971>No one no matter how retarded could waste this much food.I present to you exhibit A: The Amerimutt.
>>1566968>doubling downHoly shit lemmy get back to work you fucking oxygen thief.
>>1566968Jesus fucking christ dudeStop baiting
>>1566972Any amerimutt could still cut the legs offs and get much more with that alone. And even if you tried to fuck it up, you wouldn't be able to contaminate 90% of the food, contaminating 99% is laughable. A 900kg bull turns into 2kg of meat in-game, that's ridiculous.>>1566973This. But he won't, and he won't sell either despite his threats, as the fag knows damn well he'd rope himself if he did because he'd be forever humiliated once the new owners would start to do a much better job than him.
>>1566879I placed my propane tanks on the floor. I didn't see them drain yet.
>>1566996I don't know at what point the tanks emptied. I know they were half full to nearly full when I pulled them off the BBQs as I drove through the neighborhood. Spent about 2 real life hours gathering all those tanks. It's when I went to put them into storage to pick out the ones I could use for the welder that I noticed they were all empty.
>>1566593>Also can't even use flashlights.Just use angle-head flashlight and webbing.
>>1567008Sure. And how do you plan to fight for that loot without having it? Without cheating btw
nice animal farm you got there
>>1566879I spawned every dead propane tank I found. Got the mod to fix it now.
>>1567013While I think this is gay, did you do that butchering action on one of the butchering hooks? I wouldn't be surprised if the game quartered your return if you don't use one of them.
>>1566948>Given it's unstable i give them benefit of doubt on this one, as it's sound as honest bug. But if it's persist in stable, i will steal Lemmy laptop again.It's not working unintentionally, it's working AS intended, the values are just fucked up, which is ALSO intentional.Lemmy just fucking hates his audience.
>>1567017YesAlso at butchering 10
>>1567009A firebomb, a whistle to make louder shouts, two legs and a couple cans of pepsi?
>>1567025Good luck finding the firebomb magazineAlso good luck making the zombies catch fire and follow you around like b41They lose interest in you after you go behind cars or turn corners
>>1567029That's weird because I did exactly what I said and it worked just fine.You can usually find the firebomb magazine in Muldraugh police station evidence locker.
>>1567030And what did you use to clear the md pd?
>>1567036I cleared Rosewood with 8 campfires.
>>1567036A couple fireaxes, luring zombies into woods, and multiple days.It wasn't easy but it's doable. Also use car horns to lure packs awayWorst case scenario just use campfires to burn zombies
>>1567008I didn't know angle-head flashlights were in the game. Loot is so damn rare. Have to wonder where all the forks went.
>>1567045Every house is missing multiple essential items that every house IRL has multiple of. Because Lemmy doesn't know how to make a loot system that includes guaranteed items.
>>1567013I barely could see anything but from what i seen it's seems sureal.
>>1567047It took me 20+ houses to find a fork and a frying pan so that I could make an omelette. Realy tempted to start over and set loot to NORMAL instead of rare. Oh and keys? Yeah, that becomes common. Tired of finding a locked house with 20 zombies inside and not a single one has the key to the house. Or when my character doesn't have a key to their own house or the car in their driveway.
>>1567053I put most loot on normal, things like guns and ammo on abundant. In general, it's basically requiered to tweak and rise loot sliders for realistic loot ammount.
>>1567053Set loot to normal or higher, even normal is fucking retardedly low for the number of zombies.>Has to use 400 bullets to clear a police station to get 200 bullets>Wait...
>>1567013My body is a machine that turns 700 kg of bull into 2000 calories.
>>1567045Military houses usually have those and military backpacks. Rarely any guns though.
>>1567054>>1567055I was surprised to find out that Survivor difficulty sets loot to Rare instead of Normal, feels like it should be the 'average' difficulty. Weirdly enough, Apocalyptic difficulty loot is also rare. Builder difficulty loot is very rare. Leads me to wonder what "Normal" difficulty is if none of the default settings uses it.
>>1567072you WILL play how the devs want you to play
>>1567072>Builder loot is very rareIsn't Builder supposed to be the "Easy" difficulty for people who just want to dick around? What the fuck?
>>1567115Supposed to be, yes.
>Loot now gets rarer and rarer with each day ingame>Due to invisible NPC's looting buildings despite the buildings being surrounded by zombiesI'd tolerate 'looted buildings' if the zombies outside were cleared, instead we get a kick to the dick AND balls at once.Fuck Lemmy.
>>1567141Imagine looted buildings having an open front door, windows open, lots of dead zombies outside, making it obvious that a 'player' went through it, 10% chance of a zombie survivor with the loot from up to 5 of the nearest 'looted buildings' and about 10 or so zombies next to them.
>>1567132Between this and what I learned about muscle strain earlier today, Lemmy needs to be beaten to death with fucking hammers.
>>1566980>as the fag knows damn well he'd rope himself if he didThat alone would be worth it, even if the chinks turned it into genshit: zombie edition.
>>1567159Sorry chud, it's not realistic to beat him to death because after the second swing you'd have crippling wanker's cramp.
>these zombies are super easy to manage once you remember the fence techniqueis what i thought before i stupidly ventured out at 4am with no flashlight or plan and got bit and overran
>>1567187There's also that 1 in 20 zombie who crawls after going over the fence and tries to drag you down.
>>1567187How the fuck they seen you in the darkness? You should be indestinguishable.
>>1567195New stealth system doesn't work at all. So darkness does nothing but blind you.
>>1567215It's like nothing changed at all.
>>1567215I take conspicuous. If stealth doesn't work then why bother, it's free points.
>>1567226I'm honestly of the suspicion that the system is backwards, and getting more stealthy with levels in stealth, darkness and inconspicuous actually makes you easier to see. But it's purely anecdotal gut feeling with zero evidence to back it up.
>>1566942you sound like one of those faggot "meat processors" that hunters will take their carcass to and you'll "process" 180lb of meat into 20lbs of sausages
>ram into car wreck at full speed>barely damaged the hood>slightly scratch the paint on a car wreck>engine lose 40% of its healthAlso we seem to have ran into a bug with the zombie population, Muldraugh was infested but West Point, which is supposed to have a higher population count, was almost empty. (talking B41)
>>1567187Turn off crawler lunge because it's non-canonical.Romero zombies cannot do sudden bursts of movement.
>>1567264yeah ive noticed this too, I was expecting a big fight when i went to raid the gun store for more ammo but hardly any zombies were there or showed up
>>1567264>>1567316Yeah I admit that West Point had a suspiciously low number of zombies compared to Muldraugh.Did Lemmy seriously fuck up Muldraugh's zombie number just to spite players starting there?...
According to the roadmap we're supposed to be getting human NPCS very soon lmao, surely they wont flake out on their roadmap for the 50th time in a row.
>There was actually anons who thought shotguns couldn't pierce at least one skullLol, lmao
>>1567340Anyhow who doesn't think it would is retarded, however the likelihood of the pellets also hitting another zombie in the head is pretty low overall and it hitting a third after that (and still having the energy to penetrate) is astronomically small.
>>1567360Zombies ingame are pretty grouped up. Likelihood of hitting a zombie after exploding one of their heads is pretty high, especially because the pellets are going to be flattened out and going everywhere instead of mostly straight.
>>1567362Yes anon, every zombie you kill is perfectly aligning its skull in a compact row so that each bullet/slug fired penetrates as many skulls as efficiently as possible. This is how the Nazis were able to kill so many Russians in WWII. It's simply realistic!
>>1567362That doesn't make it anymore likely to hit another head, because it's just as liable to go down and hit low, or high and fly over their heads. Though getting into the effects of shattering the humerus or obliterating a zombie's spine with buckshot is something zombie media is usually uncomfortable with answering.
>>1567339>NPC Stage 1>NPC Stage 2>NPC Stage 3Nowhere in that roadmap does it specify they'll be human NPCs... get your eyes checked retard.
>Fishing minigame actually pretty fun>But Lemmy has designed it so there's a small chance you hook onto 'the big one' which is guaranteed to break your lineGay.
>>1567365rats and bats and gimbly timtats aren't characters they're animals
>>1567168Chinks sometimes do a pretty good job, don't starve together has been owned by Tencent for years now and they didn't do anything wrong yet.
>Build 47 for NPCs Stage 3>Build 47
>>1567369No, it's not a catchable fish. It's a programmed unwinnable fish that breaks your line.
>Lemmy adds weigh to keys just out of spite>Except housekeys are pointless and carkeys become pointless with a little bit of mechanics and level 1 electricalWhat's the fucking point of adding weight to keys when you end up dropping em all anyways?
So uhh why do guns ingame now have less range than the Halo 3 shotgun? Actually no I think the Halo energy sword has longer range than these pieces of shit.
>Low thirst>Low metabolism>High HungerLiteral survivalist meta build. Barely needs to eat anything to maintain weight, can eat much more food when required and drinks less.
>>1567409Because all the guns have fixed range limits, the pistols and shotgun having especially short ones. But now actually aiming at a zombie additionally penalizes your aim, same with aiming for a window or some other destructible object.
>>1567423I fucking hate leftist developers who've never fired a gun before. Shotguns don't have fifty INCHES of range, they have fifty FEET of range.More or less depending on the load, choke, slugs vs pellets etc. But still.What, are the characters using birdshot ingame or something?
>>1567431Realism only matters when it disadvantages the player chud, you'll take your shitguns and like it.
>>1567431I can kind of barely understand it because Zomboid is a game where you have to compress ranges to some degree. Since realistically popping the heads on zombies like in Zomboid you could do from like 200 meters no problem and the game would be a snooze fest with guns.
>>1562861>After 4 years of waiting for b42 how much of the new stuff have you actually used?I am not playing til it hit stable.
>>1567442It feels like dogshit when guns are just less-straining melee weapons though.My axe has almost as much range as the guns.
>>1567442Except for the fact that Ammo is limited and the entire reason the military collapsed is that they brought more and more zombies the more they fired
Why the fuck do I now need to open the beer can manually before I can drink it?
>>1567462Which is kinda ridiculous. There shouldn't be more than 20-30 thousands zeds inside initial zone TOTAL. Even few thousands of them, shouldn't have been a trouble for military with guns, tanks, etc.
>>1566789My West Point hardware store, general store and streets had no sledgehammer. Went to Fallas Lake and no luck there either. No guns at the gun store there btw lol.If the northern Muldraugh warehouses fail me I'll try crafting one of those to test their functionality.
>>1567462This is the Day of the Dead argument, but unlike that movie PZ takes place around the time of initial contagion. If the military and able-bodied people immune to the airborne strain got their shit together it'd be no logistical problem to shoot every zombie out there, ammo ought to be plentiful enough. The logistical problem would be what to do with the bodies when it was all over.
>>1567464Its another piece of broken functionality in B42 like water boiling, washing rags, etc, its not meant to be that way. At least I think it shouldn't.
>Releases probably the buggiest most retarded patch yet seen>Goes on fucking holiday for a monthHoly shit kek TIS has no respect for it's customers, does it?
>>1567572game would be dead if not for modders and the map guys stuck at TIS
>>1567509In general zombie scenario require some major level of incompetence to work, if a government is even barely capable they'll usually stop it early.The military response being inappropriate and causing just as much harm to the general public as the zombies causing things to escalate out of control is a pretty common scenario.
>>1567578>>1567578>require some major level of incompetence to work, if a government is even barely capableDidn't the US have floods just 3 months ago and the government wasn't functional enough to help in any way? Was watching the news and there was some government helicopter destroying a refugee camp by hovering right above it through downdraft and the people in the camp were preparing to shoot at the helicopter to make it go away.
>>1567475Can confirm stone mauls do not work like sledgehammers. Hopefully you'll have luck with the bucket maul but I doubt it.
Nothing except sledgehammers work as sledgehammers despite some weapons being huger and logically more destructive.
>>1567578I think Left 4 Dead is probably the only zombie franchise that makes sense for shit to go badly even if the military was competent given how rapidly it spreads and the threat level of the infected even if they die very easily.
>>1567591>>1567595Welp looks like I'm off to Muldraugh. If I can't find it there I'm stuck with forging one.
>Level 8 tailoring to repair holes in clothingWhat the hell is this requirement so high for?You're repairing a hole, not doing designer fashion for fuck sake.
>>1567590It's more incompetence with far reaching implications.On top of my head>PZ military not evacuating the nearby places to not harbor suspicion, being vague about the problem being faced leading to unrest and eventually riot, and in general having no idea just how bad the state of Knox County was.>L4D FEMA extremely poor response to a fast moving virus, doing stupid shit like evacuating the population in large crowds and the military taking over too slowly when it went out of control>TLOU military "shoot first ask question later" policy causing massive panic and rioting
>>1567470Makes sense in the lore that everything fell to shit though: something between 90 and 99% of people died from the airborne strain without needing to ever see a zed, and the moment things in Kentucky started to get public, nignogs and antifas in big cities immediately rioted and attacked the authorities meaning the US forces couldn't do much because they were stuck protecting useless politicians.
>>1567572Lemmy has no respect, and he clearly holds the studio by the balls. What a fucking sociopath, I hope one of the insane troons he hires will hang him.
>>1567411low metabolism is broken so you still need to eat the same amount of calories to keep the healthy weight
>>1567625>>1567411I haven't noticed any difference between low or high metabolism. Still need to eat 30 boiled eggs a day either way.
>>1567627btw low metabolism gives you -1 fitness
So how exactly are we expected to level up tailoring anyways?
>>15676360-1 shorten 200 jeans (not baggy) and skirts. 1-2 make thread from rags, patch holes in clothing repeatedly.Enjoy the grind.
>>1567643Eughhh you've got to be fucking with me, right?I'm going to need like 1000 ripped sheets for that...
So where do these freaks come from? I refuse to believe actual human beings birth these weirdos.
>>1567644Better get to ripping those zombie clothes!btw it takes longer to rip clothes now
>>1567648Yeah I noticed clothes take way longer to rip. Fuck Lemmy.Also you can't wash rags/strips from a tap/well anymore.
>>1567647Saaar, what does it matter where someone comes from? Pakistani are worse anyway!>>1567644Yeah. Daily reminder that in "3 years of work", they still haven't implemented automechanic/cook/tailoring, so you can't get high levels in vanilla in those without developing carpal tunnel.>>1567650And you can't rip them while walking. And you can rip less of them. And they increased the weight of rags. And also fuck you for pressing us to give you an update after only 3 years, we're going on 16 years of paid leave for our mental health, that's your fault chuds, we're innocent and we don't owe you shit!
>>1567647I believe the underlying cause is single mother househoodsCreating kids who are too sensitive and get hurt by wordsAlso woke culture villainizing any form of direct expression
>>1567654Indeed. Even correct opinions on r*ddit have to employ fag language that wastes time, everywhere should unironically allow without question picrel or they're shit places
Gotta admit the forums being dead as shit....Is sort of funny. Shows how much censorship and general anti-human behavior is from the developers.
>>1567650>Also you can't wash rags/strips from a tap/well anymore.there's already a mod that fixes this
>>1567653Grinding the mechanical skill recently while playing with friends, it's horrible how fucking bad it is.A failed attempt is like 0.7xp, a successful attempt is around 4xp, even with maxxed books, you gain fucking 11xp for a failed attempt and something like 70xp for a successful one. (70 xp when you're at a point where you need 8000-9000 xp)And you don't gain xp from doing something repeatedly (installing and uninstalling again and again) so you basically have to strip every single vehicles you run into to level it up.I spent literally 6 fucking hours getting to level 4, with one of that level and a half being a fucking VHS.
>>1567647that's one of lemmy's burner accounts
Frankly pretty insulting how the game's map design and detail is A+ tier, while the mechanics within said map are F tier.Give the map guys a raise, whip them harder and fire everybody else and replace them with new blood.>>1567661Playing exclusively vanilla, so that I can hate the developers more.
Build42 is just more evidence that modern game devs don't actually fucking play video games.>Need 0.5l of water to wash a rag>Meaning you'd need to carry some 100 liters to wash 200 dirty rags from all the zombies you murdered>Which would take IRL half an hour to sort out with an infinite water pump which is the most optimistic scenarioSeriously are games programmed by AI nowadays or something? It doesn't even pass the most rudimentary of programming design documentation.>Lets make a cleaning system that doesn't workYeah that makes total fucking sense, especially when it did in fact work beforehand.
>>1567632Yeah, I had never started with anything less than 5 fitness before and taking that trait made me finally realize how fucked up the fitness and strength skills and their implementation is. Never mind realism (which there is none, since the optimal way to get fit is to get a few cases of whiskey and food, and spend weeks upon weeks doing burpees until you nearly pass out from pain, drink alcohol and repeat) but from a gameplay perspective these skills are pure MISERY. Not even in a "this might make a roguelike game a bit more challenging and interesting for myself", no, just straight up misery.
>>1567664>Playing exclusively vanilla>In a game we know that is broken because devs are simply lazyNo fucking way I can do that again. Not for zomboidI can tolerate dealing with the new settings of apocalypse (random zombies for example)But not literal bugs because there is no QA and poor project management, like 30% batteries after reloading the save or lack of cleaning in the sink
>>1567672Fitness+Strength are the most bullshit indicators of Lemmy having never done anything in his life.If you eat shitloads of protein and run around all fucking day, swinging swords, axes, baseball bats and carrying 30kg of shit around all day, you're going to be buff and fit as fuck in very short order.
>>1567674it's early access, we are the QA
>>1567674Oh I mean I do play on custom sandbox, not default values. Because lmao fuck that shit.
>>1567664>Playing exclusively vanilla, so that I can hate the developers more.Radically based anon
>>1567632>btw low metabolism gives you -1 fitnessIt's not low/high metabolism that gives -1 fitness, it's the "overweight/underweight" trait that come with low/high metabolism.I took high metabolism and I ate nothing but junk food for 4 days and gained the 5lbs needed to remove the 'low weight' trait, regaining that 1 fitness. From there it was an all egg diet because I had like 100 chickens from that farm in Echo Creek.
>>1567683I try my best.>>1567684Pretty sure losing the low weight trait doesn't give you back the missing fitness.
>>1567671Pretty clear lemmy the commie faggot utterly lied about the playtesting in their blogs. No one tested anything in this shit, every single system has a fundamentally game-breaking issue. How the fuck did dozens of players in the update that adds animals no a single time put 2 animals together and realize they multiply to infinity in a single night and tank your fps to 0.1? How did no one use flashlights to realize all batteries don't work? How did no one realize you need to eat 5 chickens a day to barely maintain weight? That butchering hundreds of kg of meat gives you 2kg? That picking smoker fucks you over any time you loot a single zed? And it goes on and on and on...
>>1567449Your loss chud.
>>1567684I know niggerYou either changed in the debug menu or did not do that at all.Getting to 80kg after starting with low/high metabolism does not give your fitness back. You will still have to waste hours and hours of "GAMEPLAY" doing the dumb exercise ingame to get the fitness back. low/high metabolism are literally trap negative traits
>>1567688Is the animal reproduction bug the reason why some towns are fucking littered with rats?They're all over the fucking place.Also>Need electrical level 3 to use generators without magazineWouldn't that require breaking down over a thousand digital watches?Does Lemmy actually play his own game?
>>1567691And even the exercise are broken. Some of them allow you to move at any time to cancel them as it should, and some others lock you into place even AFTER the exercise is done, you cannot move without pressing Esc. No one fucking tested anything, lemmy is a commie liar and deserves to be shot.>>1567693>littered with rats?Yeah, someone got 0 fps near the sanatorium because rats there reproduced to infinity.>Wouldn't that require breaking down over a thousand digital watches?Of course not anon-kun, all you gotta do is build electrical things... kek fuck you desu, there is nothing interesting to craft and you need level 5 to craft anything anyway, if you complain we'll go on 3 more years of vacations and call mossad on you because you threaten our mental health :D
>>1567693>Wouldn't that require breaking down over a thousand digital watches?Yes. This is why multiplayer servers have a digital watch based economy.
>>1567696I know you can do exercise while sitting down, which hilariously lets you do exercise infinitely lmao.
>>1567697>Multiplayer Zomboid outside of hanging out with some IRL buddies ingameLol, lmao.Come on lets not be comedians here. Nobody actually plays Zomboid MP like it's an MMO...
>>1567699Oh... But they doI don't know why, but zomboid mp attracs lots of trannies btw
>>1567698Once again, no one playtested this. Any of us autists can play the game for 5 minutes and discover yet another new bug. And lemmy's excuse is, I'm not fucking kidding: "don't complain because if you find a bug, I pinky swear that we akshually fixed 20 more important bugs each time that you never saw so be thankful because it could have been even more broken!". The commie not only lies, he wants us to be THANKFUL that after 3 years of update, the main menu still works.
>Farming>120 days ingame to get a harvest>Needs daily maintenance>Needs specific seeds during specific seasons, specific cures, lots of land and specialized equipment>Harvest is pitifully low unless you have high skill>Fishing>Calorie-maxxing food in a day>Needs a stick, some twine, paperclips and maggots>Can catch 40kg monster at level 0 fishing that'll feed you for a weekPhew I wonder what I'll choose.>>1567702Haha, oh you! Always with the jokes. What's next, you'll tell me that there's actually players who use a hundred mods that add nonsensical firearms and clothing types that don't match the ingame art design?
>>1567675On top of being realistic, just speaking from what would be good game design you don't want the main methods of gaining experience and progressing to be doing some senselessly boring action. As far as possible it should be tied to the natural gameplay loop. Its one thing to mix in some menial day to day survival activities like cooking, farming, setting traps, foraging, general inventory/storage management, etc, in the right amounts those things give meaning and weight to everything else. Entirely passive actions like watching your character do burpees or read a book is something else though, that's really just outright bad design when they become things you have to engage in for any larger amount of time (and because of the way the game is balanced, they are). For me its easy, the baseline (assuming normal weight and diet) should be that from say 3-6 months of natural gameplay of looting and running around you should be at 10 strength and fitness. Both from a gameplay and "realism" perspective.
how long are you guys planning to keep shitting your pants over this? It's been 3 weeks and you're still seething, it's gonna take months before they fix it so go play something else before your brain stem pops
>>1567703>he wants us to be THANKFUL that after 3 years of update, the main menu still worksActually multiple people are reporting the main menu isn't working for them anymore. Whoops?>>1567706>Entirely passive actions like watching your character do burpees or read a book is something else though, that's really just outright bad designYeah 100% agreed, it's fucking weird that fishing was reworked to 'not be an AFK simulator' but then the devs add in fifty billion AFK simulator actions alongside it. Why does everything ingame take so fucking long, god damn.
>>1567707We are going to complain and we will do it everydayIt is what we do.
>>1567699A Zomboid MMO would be the most niche game ever. The funny thing is that's the game they're making, and they've said so outright many times. Despite owing all their financial success to attracting a player base that mostly doesn't give a fuck about that and just wants a functioning zombie looting survival game with more content and polish.
>>1567707>Lemmy enters the thread on queueWe WILL take the piss out of the gameWe WILL shit on how shoddily programmed it isWe WILL make fun of the zombified playerbaseAnd you WILL seethe about it.
>>1567715thanks for the money, bitch
>>1567707Its more like we're all mourning, because a lot of things simply won't get fixed, and the road to B43 will most likely see the game losing players in droves as it gets closer to the devs intended vision (multiplayer glassware and pottery making).
>>1567718>Lemmy the overweight retard hasn't heard of piracy yetThank god...Imagine if he was smart enough to add DRM.
>>1567721it's no big deal when the Steam sales look like this
It's almost as if faggots here actually enjoy being mad about a shitty game instead of being happy playing a different one that's actually good. Weird, innit?
>>1567747Rope yourself lemmy
Why is the game still missing AR-15's?
>>1567747Don't you ever come back to /vm/
>>1567684You don't regain the fitness lost from the under/overweight trait, but you don't lose fitness if you reach under/over during the game.
>>1567664>Playing exclusively vanilla, so that I can hate the developers more.
>>1567757I appreciate the respect.But I have little time, I must play more vanilla Build 42 so I can hate the developers even more than previously thought possible.
>>1567758Try making a soup or stew
>>1567758Have you tried crafting? Have a character who starts level 0 on all the new skills and try to craft anything, that will have you bashing your head against the wall.
>>1567759Tried this, couldn't even add water to a pot.Still not fucking sure how to do so. Maybe only SPECIFIC pots work? Because the black cast iron cooking pot no workie.>>1567761My nigga I have like 3 skill in most things and I still can't craft anything too useful. And the materials to do so would be so RNG and hard to find that it's pointless anyways.
>>1567763>My nigga I have like 3 skill in most things and I still can't craft anything too useful. And the materials to do so would be so RNG and hard to find that it's pointless anyways.Precisely why I said so. Crafting update, we can't craft shit, "3 years of work". Considering lemmy's "this gave me a stomach ulcer!" answer to someone saying this looked more like 2 months of work, pretty obvious they didn't work any more than that.Rope lemmy, fire everyone in the studio except the map designers, hire competent people.
>>1567766>lemmy's "this gave me a stomach ulcer!" answerShame it didn't give him stomach cancer. Checked btw
>>1567766The skills aren't even remotely balanced god damn.>Level 8 blacksmithing to make an axe>Or...>ZERO SKILLS REQUIRED TO MAKE A STONE AXE THAT DOES THE SAME SHITI wonder which is more reasonable to make...
>>1567769>retardnaru telling us what we already know
>>1567769>Zombies who see you are going to see you regardless >So what's the fucking point of stealth?Saved you guys some time.
>>1567707mods update every day slowly fixing the fuckery of lemmy's commie tendrils
>>1567778wake me up when someone mods in the missing half of crafting back in
>>1567778Can you guys mod in a better development team?
>>1567781There are several crafting mods available already
>>1567707That's the joy in this thread. There something new to complain about given some time. Stopped playing but enjoying this thread immensely
>>1567788okay, which one adds pic related?
>>1567769So basically the new stealth system is so buggy it's literally just what happen in PZ multiplayer with how inconsistent they are at seeing and hearing you.
>>1567792Look at all that useless shitHere, have some crossbow
>>1567795that's not heckin realistic you chud
imagine having to craft all this with the new dogshit crafting menuit's gonna be hell
>>1567799Exactly. That is the best part.
Electronics is in such a horrible state they should just allow you to use up elec scrap to train the skill. It's even more "realistic" than dismantling watches. I never minded the speed up and watch green bar. I had auto tailoring/mechanics/reloading. Still hated working out and reading though.
>>1567801>>1567792These charts are so fucking funny.I mean, in the process of developing something, they are important. The people in charge of the project need to study how the thing is made to have knowledge of how to adapt it into a game.Then they should have several hours of discussions on how to adapt all that garbage, how to simplify the process and make it F U N>indie stone in charge of making anything fun at all
how does Unturned manage to be a better zombie game lmao jej
what is the best zombie game ever made?
>>1567819We were the Left 4 Dead Too.
This new update is so fucking trash, I haven't been this disappointed in a long time.This is going to need more mods than a Bethesda game to make it playable again
>no control over your mods>mods update automatically when you launch the game>basically forced to sit out until the server restart due to different versions>server constantly need to restart just avoid this problemReally great fucking game you've got, Lemmy
>>1567822so just like b41 zomboid
>>1567822i'm running like twenty mods on sandbox and it's ok...but i still can't believe a major update doesn't have muliplayer at this point
>>1567801Is there any way in current 42 to go Log -> Baseball bat? That's literally the only thing I want to craft.
Oh. Or a crowbar. Would love to do Steel Bar -> Crowbar somehow.I have 100 steel bars since I looted that steelmill near Match Ridge.
>>1567844steel bar is easily my most used "weapon" in 42, i literally don't find anything else ever
>>1567819original dayz
Can't wait for archery to be implemented and see how they'll balance it, lmao. Never mind that in real life a good arrow could conceivably be reused hundreds or thousands of times. Probably gonna require 8+ bow skill to even be able to hit anything.
>>1567825nah, I had a lot of mods for b41 but they were complimentary and enhanced the game. b42 fucked up so many things that were fine in b41 that half of my modlist will just be reverting things to how they were before MUH REALISM feature creep
>>1567827That's one thing, but how this update could be single player only and still manage to break so many core features is mind boggling.
>>1567886>Never mind that in real life a good arrow could conceivably be reused hundreds or thousands of times.assuming you can actually find it after firing it hundreds or thousands of times. but that would be a good use of the foraging skill.
>>1567883there's no zombies in that game
>>1567886>shooting one arrow takes your entire stamina>the bow and arrow both breaks the instant you use them>arrows can only be stored in quivers, pulling out an arrow takes 30 IRL minutes>your character can't move while readying an arrow and pulling the string and shortly after firing>this is at level 10 Archery, Bowmaking, and Quivermaking
>>1567769wait so stealth is still shit and the darkness and fog dont even work?
>>1567967Seems like it. And to think I defended some of the new gameplay (especially muscle strain) because we got stealth to compensate... fuck you lemmy, made me look like a dumbass because I dared to entertain for a second the notion that you weren't a lying sack of putrid shit.
>>1567462The real life military would have enough ammunition to kill the entire population of the quarantine. Living included.Ammunition expenditure is only high when you miss because people are running around and shooting back at you. Zombies don't do either of those things.Civilian gunstores have more than enough ammo (to say nothing of all the homes) to also kill the entire population.
I do not think strength and fitness should be skillsit should be like weight where you have to maintain them, but be relatively easy to change over the course of a few days. also different muscle strength as opposed to just 1 global strengthof course like weight their should be skills to start higher and lower fitness/strength>>1567967darkness and fog do workbut theyre flat reductions to zombies vision radii, so whether you level up stealth or not you benefit the sameaka stealth builds are still useless, conspicuous still free
>run for months on end>barely level 3 at Sprinting
>>1567971>Ever defending muscle strainyou get what you fucking deserve.
>>1568025I still maintain that the core idea of slowing down the game so that it isn't "find weapon day 1, kill 300 zeds in a conga day 2, loot day 3 and have your permanent self-sufficient base established before the end of the first week" is a good one. But it needs to be executed well, not by a spiteful fag like lemmy who gives weight to keys along with 30 different new mechanics and changes exclusively made to fuck over the player.The game should be working flawlessly with how long it's been without updates, areas infested with zeds should have high loot, tedious bullshit should be removed or tweaked as to not be tedious, crafting should be 3 years of works and not 2 months of hiring jeets, and lemmy should jump off a bridge.
>>1567769Even when talking about how stealth just does not work, he has the fucking cope and say "oh they just didn't get around to it yet". They had THREE FUCKING YEARS, stealth was the entire reason for the dogshit stupid fucking muscle strain system that fucks you over invisibly and to tell me stealth is completely 100% fucking broken while trying to pass it off as "no it's okay they'll get to it"?Genuinely fucking embarrassing. Everyone involved needs to kill themselves.
>>1568045>"oh they just didn't get around to it yet".it was one of the bullet points and they were bragging about how they fixed stealth and the skill is as useless as ever
>>1568050Yeah and, none of it fucking works. Everything marked in red is broken, and everything in brown is poorly thought out and barely functions even if it technically "works". I'm sure there's a bunch of jank and brokeness to corpse dragging that I haven't encountered since I don't use it.
>>1568068>corpse draggingIt's much slower than before for no reason (and the animations are fucking broken of course, your character will stand next to a window with the corpse, go back 2 meters then use The Force to telekinesis it apparently), and there is already a mod to speed it up, so that's one more shit decision fixed by modders and one more proof of how much they didn't give a shit and lied about having any playtesters.
>>1568091also you cant drag corpses in certain situations like if the zombie died close to a wall your character will run to the other side of the wall to try to pick up the corpse only to not do anything because the corpse is now out of LOS
>>1568091Yeah I should have also marked it as brown since corpse dragging is janky (if functional) but also fucking tedious as shit because it causes exertion and takes forever. So actually using it to clean up your base takes a million years.
>>1568103i did this by trying to throw a corpse out a window, which i think it did, but the corpse fell back to the floor inside and now i can't move it without my character pathing outside
>>1568105I forgot about the ridiculously quick and high exertion though... dear god lemmy is a fag
>fitness is now gained from doing any exerting actions instead of just running and exercise>strength is gained from carrying heavy loads and hitting things aswell as few other actions like chopping wood and building stuff>instead of being static they both work like weight and you can gain and lose levels but the process is much faster so you dont have to exercise for 3 months straight to get to level 10 from 9 anymoreyay or nay?
>>1568173It needs both passive and active way of gaining. It's silly for your character to run a marathon every other day and not being fit.
>>1568173The game does not need more meters to juggle. While I think leveling fitness and strength needs to be faster, having more shit to juggle just wouldn't be engaging and would be more tedious and annoying than anything.
>>1568173That's mostly the system already the numbers are just shit.>Fitness experience is gained by performing fitness exercises, hitting zombies with melee attacks while not overexerted, and can also be gained in random intervals while running or sprinting, with an equal chance of receiving either fitness or sprinting experience whenever experience is gained this way.>Strength experience is gained by performing strength exercises, carrying more than 50% of the player's weight capacity, and running. Strength experience is also granted when hitting zombies with melee attacks, and cutting trees.>I've seen 10 fit & strength characters lose 1 exp over time.
>>1567769>you are instantly spotted>you are instantly spotted>you are instantly spotted>you are instantly spotted>you are instantly spotted>you are spotted>you are spotted>you are spotted
2 days of "work" have passed, still no hotfix for bugs that can be fixed by changing single lines of code, which modders have already done. Trash fucking studio. Gotta wait for Thursday at minimum because the gay nigger lemmy is autistically obsessed with only releasing things on Thursdays.
>10 butter in 2 days worth of milk>220 hunger fish on day 2Literally all you need is a fishing rod and a pregnant cowWatch lemmy nerf milk and fishing while barely buffing butchered meat
>>1568256All I want is the option to track a deer, kill it with a good shot from my bow or crossbow, and butcher enough meat for a few weeks in-game.
>>1568275Sorry, best we can do is a few minutes in-game.
All I want is the option to track Lemmy, kill him with a good shot from my bow or crossbow, and butcher enough meat for a few weeks (in Minecraft).
>>1567901>>1568307>not quiverusing
>>1568068Basement is also broken because it doesn't get energy from generator (modders already fixed)"New seated animation", that is a worse implementantion than the fucking mod for sitting (you can turn your character from the sitting stance)What the hell does environmental story improvement fucking mean? Do they mean finding picnic stuff on the woods?
>>1568322>What the hell does environmental story improvement fucking mean? Do they mean finding picnic stuff on the woods?>bro wasn't it so funny you found that one house with nothing but toilet paper in it
>>1568322>What the hell does environmental story improvement fucking mean? Do they mean finding picnic stuff on the woods?Basically yes, it's all the hand-crafted little stories that are overwhelmingly put at random in the world, like the naked bedroom zeds, one suicide body and a live zed behind a barricaded door, tents and supplies in the woods, ambulance a bit to the side of the road... It's nice but not extremely important in the grand scheme of things
>>1568322>>1568326>>1568327"environmental story improvement" is map related stuff, like specific zombie spawn or house have a generated setting like survivor house or being burned down.The guy making the map is literally the only competent fucker in the team and it shows considering this shit seems to be the most polished aspect of this fucking update.
>>1568322>What the hell does environmental story improvement fucking mean?it certainly didn't mean fixing the bug causing the dinner event to spawn on tv tables
>>1568275Acquiring large quantities of meat from a single kill is unrealistic chud. Now get out there and loot houses for canned food.
>>1568336>The guy making the map is literally the only competent fucker in the team and it shows considering this shit seems to be the most polished aspect of this fucking update.Agreed. Only person/people on the team who shouldn't be crucified outside their offices as a message to other devs.
God, so many "I love B42" posts on Reddit which just give away those people didn't even touched the update (at least unmodded).
>>1566215Days Gone had zombie children and no one gave a shit
>>1567705Idk what you choose, but i choose both. I want my po-ta-toes with fish.
Environmental storytelling is still too damned rare.You get a handful tops in an entire town, but then they fill the towns with so many zombies that you're more likely to see one, maybe two.Zombie fucking apocalypse and the number of 'survivor' houses, campsites, and other weird anti-zombie measures are all but nonexistent.
>>1567809>crafting system added as a total afterthought>still better than three years from an actual dev studioIt really is embarrassing, huh?
>>1567792>>1567801Lmao what? These are more complicated than the already overly complicated Dwarf Fortress industry diagrams.Who the fuck asked for that in a zombie smashing game?
>>1568592I asked.
>>1568603Go home Lemmy, you're drunk,.
I'm surprised we're still filling threads with nothing but complaining about the update. It's boring so I'm not playing it. But I'm surprised the circlejerk is still going.Are you just mad that the community aside from here is still huffing copium? That's not going to last. People get the update and post that they think it's good because that's the delusion they wished for. But soon enough they stop playing and go quiet. Takes some longer than others.I think everyone here is similarly clinging to the game they wish existed instead of the one that exists. It took me a week or so, but I realized it's not worth getting mad over, and now I'm just playing other things and occasionally checking for another update.
>>1568622>Are you just mad that the community aside from here is still huffing copium?People laughing is now being upset? It's hilarious watching them gaslight to themselves and others.
>>1568607I am not Lemmy, i am Benjamin.
>>1568624It is, yeah.
>>1568622>I'm surprised we're still filling threads with nothing but complaining about the update.As opposed to what?People are going to return, see that it's shit, go to /vm/ and say "wow this is shit".You'll see this for a while, not like everyone just instantly jumped on the update the millisecond it came out.Sure, you have the autisms that hawk this thread 24/7, but you can easily assume that a good chunk of the posts are people returning for disappointment.
>12 ropes for a shitty log stairsbruh>8 twine for shitty drying racksbruuuuh
>>1568622Why do illiterate third worlders like (you) always confuse hatred, amusement and judgement for seething, coping and complaining?
>>1568640The new crafting requirements are fucking retarded because the only way to possibly get that much twine/rope/etc is waiting 100 ingame days for crops to grow (lol, lmao) or looting entire towns.Because in 1993 the only way to build a drying rack would be to loot about 100 houses to find FUCKING TWINE.Why can't we just use rag strips? Why the fuck are recipes so heavily restricted and nonsensical?
>>1568550I liked some old turn based RPG from about 15 years ago called "Dead State" for that. Take the trucker NPC along on your first outing and she'd point out the FEMA markings on houses and explain what they meant. There was some some hostile NPC holed up in a diner in one of the earliest maps, has a name so it looked like she was recruitable, but the player puts her down and she gets back up - showing that some people are infected. There was some kind of camp of survivors near the player's base, they don't trade and warn the player off to not get too close, and attack the player if they get too close - which results in several of the people at the player's base get mad because they feel like the player is turning their shelter into a bandit camp. Taking the police survivors to the nearby police station results in some dialog between the fortified police station and the police in the player's party, angry that the police officers at the station decided to only save themselves instead of others. There's plenty of places that have fortified themselves against zombies, some more effectively than others. Was nice to find some dead guy surrounded by empty bottles in a basement or a zombie barricaded inside a bedroom while there's a corpse outside with a gun missing just one bullet. Though my favorite was the school which was turned into a shelter like the player's base, with NPCs telling you to go get help there, only to find that it was overrun by zombies and finding successive failed barricades until reaching the deepest part of the fortifications with a couple hostile starving soldiers. Though that game was about running a shelter full of people along with scavenging in a zombie apocalypse, but it did a lot of environmental storytelling.Would recommend it but it's hard to get running on a modern computer.
>>1568659Sorry but that sounds too complicated, so we've decided to split weapon skills into 'short, medium, long and very long' for blade, blunt, axe skills.
>WTF Romero zombies are slow and easy to exploit because of limited brain functions!?>So luring them over fences and stomping their disoriented bodies is easy?>Players are having too much FUN!?>Fuck it, crawlers now can lunge about 6 feet and stun you for multiple seconds>Yeah we know Romero zombies can't do that>But FUCK the players for daring to have fun
How the FUCK do you get clay?
>>1568588what game are you referring to?
You can spend weeks living off the land in this game and not gain a single point in strength, which is bullshit. There are bushcraft channels on youtube that show the before and after a 30 days challenge and as long as they're catching those fish and small prey they get big really fucking fast, the human body is incredible at adapting to the circumstances it finds itself in.Fucking zomboid devs man, they don't do much research. Never mind that a deer kill is a godsend that lasts you many weeks if properly smoked and/or salted.
>>1568673Forage along roads. It will take you many hours to forage enough clay to make anything.
>>1568673Can't dig it yet so you gotta forage roads for it
>>1568677>>1568678Ahh yes the famous location for collecting clay.ROADS.
>butcher chicken>get cow skullSOVL
>Want to knap a flint nodule>Need stone hammer, wooden mallet or short bat>Nothing else worksPretty fucking certain between a claw hammer, ball-peen hammer, club hammer and sledgehammer I should be able to break a fucking rock.
>>1568689Or you know, using a rock like actual cavemen did.
>>1568693Well that's the most logical choice yeah. Rock beats rock.Also getting tired of the fact that since Build 41 the meta for starting has remained the same>Find car with petrol and keys (condition does not matter as long as it runs for a little while)>Honk horn to corral zombies into area where they won't do any harm>Loot police stations/hardware stores/etc to get the shit you need to survive >Make molotov/firebomb to clear thousands of zombies in a day>You've won the game
>>1568698That will never change, because leaving zombies alive is always going to be a huge hurdle you'll have to overcome in the future. It's why stealth and direct combat will never be balanced. But now indie stone really wants to make direct combat more tedious and obnoxious, they're pushing people more and more to the firebomb/campfire solution.
>Add convoluted crafting system>Can't just attach a weapon head to a long fucking pole to make a polearmSlap a claw hammer head on the end of a long pole and you have a proto-polehammer that'd smash a head in pretty good.
>>1568704It makes no sense, the reason why honking horns, firebombs, etc are so popular is because direct combat/stealth is so shiftily balanced and un-fun.Lets see, I could spend ingame weeks and crafting tens of stone axes.Or. One campfire.
Anyone else have zombies randomly not play any footstep or moaning sounds unless spotted/within melee distance? Happens to like 1 in every 20 zombies i come across.
>make a glass spear>it literally breaks in 2 (two) hitsWhat is even the point of such a dogshit craft other than to bloat the menu? I couldnt even kill a single zombie.
>>1568717>make a weapon out of fragile material>it breaks easilyRealism?
Zombie respawn is 10% per day after about 3 days of not being in the areaYou can spend 3 days at-base reading books and grinding skills with ease. Spending another 10 days doing menial shit is also expected from the developers apparently.So they seriously want default settings to fully respawn every zombie just because you wanted to build a table and catch some fish?Retarded.
>>1568738Respawn not only being a default setting but being so aggressive is absolutely retarded but completely on brand for how anti-player TIS(lemmy) is. If they weren't complete hacks they would already have a horde system or better migration system to make respawn obsolete but also make it so you can reasonably secure an area.
Guys I did a stupid thing with an obvious outcome and now I am mad. This must be Lemmy's fault.
>>1568741Turning off respawn makes the game a lot more fun. Being able to clear areas entirely and enjoy just driving around or sightseeing is great.There's always a few stragglers here and there too so it's not like you're 100% safe.
When will they start working and patch this bug filled game?
>>15687513 more years saar
>>1568705There was a build 41 mod that did that actually, it was called more polearms or something. Added a few makeshift polehammers and pikes you could craft from logs.>>1568707It's an inherent problem with Romero zombies. They're frankly not all that threatening if you're paying a modicum of attention at all, but there are a bazillion of them so it's usually tedious to kill a horde. It's a huge design flaw in the concept of the game that Indie stone has failed to address for a long time.
I just got bitten by a zombie from behind a window frameWas it always like this?Or is it just because it is a constructed window frame (without the window itself)So fucking stupid. Thought it would behave like a fence
>>1568778Zombies can bite over windows and fences.
I'll only play B42 if they or modders manage to revert back fishing and shooting to how it was like in B41.
>>1568784Fishing is actually pretty fun in B42. Shooting is as dogshit as ever though.
>>1568786>Fishing is actually pretty fun in B42So-so. What I miss most is being able to fish with spears and fastforward the time while doing so. I know we can fastforward it in B42's minigame, but it isn't the intended way to fish and it shows, because the game goes bananas when you do it.
>>1568792Yeah spearfishing should be re-added. You're supposed to be able to unga-bunga.
>>1568797>You're supposed to be able to unga-bunga.>NOT LIKE THAT!>t. lemmy
>can't craft when it's 'too dark'>Which is like half the time you're playing the game>Meaning you have to spend daylight crafting which means you're wasting time you could be looting>Being inside a car doesn't provide light despite cars having lights inside>Having cats eyes doesn't let you craft at night despite being able to see perfectly in dark areasRE-TAR-DED
>Fluids don't actually 'mix' with each other, they just stack on top of each otherThey spent three years for a mechanic that doesn't even allow for chemical mixtures. Holy shit kek. SS13 figured that shit out ages ago.
So you need twine to re-line fishing rods, and twine only comes from crops, foraging and pre-placed loot.But you can't use fucking thread to make twine, or use thread to re-line fishing rods? Fucking why? Braided thread would be as strong if not stronger than fucking TWINE.
>>1568781No they fucking can'tIve been fencefighting since the b42 droppedAnd window fighting like this seems it only happens on player built windowframefucking bullshit
>>1568814You can craft near fires. They really need to add like a big ass bonfire because even the campfires dont really have a big radius.
>>1568867>It seems it only happens on player built windowframePlayer built structures are massively fucked in general and always have. I wouldn't be surprised if the fact they can attack playerbuilt structures lets them attack you too.
>>1568825What? They do mix actually.You can mix soda and whisky or whatever alcohol beverage and sip 1/4 or 1/2 to fix tired/pain moodles temporality
>>1568652Hatred sounds a lot like seething to me.
>Sand is a highly limited resourceFucking SAND of all things? What the fuck for?Lemmy I swear to god you need to get outside, PLEASE for your health.You know what's under sand?MORE SAND.
>>1568901They don't mix, you just drink both at the same time. I know that sounds pedantic but "Soda 'and' water' is not the same thing as 'soda mixed with water'.Ingame if you mixed ammonia and bleach you would get 'ammonia and bleach' that would not create fumes.
>>1568962Rocks and dirt. The earth isn't literally all sand retard.
>>1568962I was watching some zomboid player on youtuber and he was talking how some spots on the map have easy access to sand.I think he was referring to the fact that you can get sand from the ground with a sack?I have no idea. I have almost 1300 hours on the game and I never touched anything related to gravel/sand/paint/whatever. Not even agriculture lmaoI will test it out tomorrow>>1568966Oh I see what you mean now.Well, for all the problems this build has. That one really is one they can overlook for 3 years for all I care.There is so much wrong with the game now holy shit
>>1568999The point anon's getting at is that most sand bars aren't a thin layer of sand spread over dirt like gravel roads
>>1568999A sandy shore isn't a 1cm layer of sand over bedrock and soil you fucking idiot.God you third worlders have never been to a sandy beach have you? Oh wait you probably shat on it.
>>1569006Actually they are.>>1569008A sandbar in rural Kentucky isn't nearly the same thing as a beach in Florida retard-kun. It's basically a thin layer of fine silt.
>>1569013A single person in an afternoon shouldn't be capable of throwing every ounce of sand in an area into the water.
>>1569014It's a good thing there's hardly any "sand" to begin with in rural Kentucky, retard-kun!
>>1569017There's sand in a bunch of places but it never respawns like grass or trees.So somehow SAND of all fucking things is a rare and valuable resource.You know? The thing that literally just sits around on the ground and can be found in tens of tons in construction sites?
>>1569019Sounds like you should be foraging construction sites instead of the wilderness. You've just downgraded from retard-kun to nigger-sama.
>Game designed around the player being 1 hit KO'd by the only enemy in the game which is present in great numbers>Also designed around the player surviving for ingame years for crops and other bullshitDo the developers seriously not see the conflict of interest and mutual exclusivity here?Especially because a 'good' permadeath game gives you rewards for future runs if you do well enough. Zomboid gives you jack shit.
>>1569025Git gud.
>>1569028>Changes settings to custom sandbox>Lemmy suffers lower back pain every time you do thisRemember to enable multi-hit and disable crawler lunge. It makes Lemmy's brain tumor slightly larger every time you do it.
>>1568622>anons agreeing on anything is circlejerkingRope yourself lemmy
>>1569019>it's in construction sites, therefore it must spawn naturally everywhere else!Yeah anon, we all know stuff like steel and construction hats can be found in abundance in America's wild rustbelt.
>>1569031>enable multihitBased.
>>1568622>I think everyone here is similarly clinging to the game they wish existed instead of the one that exists. It took me a week or so, but I realized it's not worth getting mad over, and now I'm just playing other things and occasionally checking for another update.Same, but reading complaints here soothes my blackened soul and makes me feel less alone in this hellscape world.
>>1569025I still don't get why Survivor doesn't default to no zombification, no respawn, and overall more chill and sensible settings. Apocalypse can be kept the same, hell, add a description to it "the way Lemmy actually intends you to play the game and if you don't pick this one you're a faggot", I don't care, but ease a player into the game and let them learn all the systems slowly.
>Buildings slowly get looted by invisible loot-gremlinsHoly shit kek Lemmy is UNHINGED
It's pretty fun to find generators, placing them at fuel stations to re-enable their usage once the power runs out.So far I've placed generators at three gas stations and I plan on doing it more to extend my range.
>>1569086until you realize we're the minority and the majority of the playerbase worships lemmy and TIS like the second coming of Christ
>>1569031No respawnsNo lungers2 hour days0.5 loot rarity for ammo and literatureNormal breed speed for rats, rabbits and chickensSimple as
>>1569094Would be fine if it became a sort of mini-game with the loot transferred to set-pieces/survivor zeds with distinct features. But the fact it's straight-up deleted from the game is horrendous, especially with how skillbooks are now: much more of them so diluted pool, and 9 out of 10 library shelves have 0 skillbooks.There are so many things in this build that conceptually are perfect and that I want to see working in the game, but they are so ass backwards or broken that it kills all enjoyment of them.
>>1569098That's not what the numbers show. The build is utterly failing at bringing new players, the silent minority of cock-suckers on reddit (most of them being jeet shills) don't matter, they matter even less than our minority of people who care enough to investigate why lemmy is a faggot.
>>1569112that's because the vast majority of people plays multiplayer
>>1569112Build 41 Unstable didn't bring in players. It's Build 41 multiplayer that did.Expect bucketloads of niggers to show up once 42 gets MP.
>try to do a low population super sprinter zombie run>certain buildings always spawn with hundreds of zombies inside them even if you set zombie population to zero
>>1569117IIRC number of zombies in buildings has no relevance to the 'world' population. Plus B42 got the fix so zombies don't only spawn once you enter a building.
>>1569116>Build 41 Unstable didn't bring in playersUnhinged revisionist bullshit. I know you're upset that the current unstable sucks but B41 was a massive improvement to the game well before multiplayer and many people got into it because of that.
What were the major reasons for server resets?Can I expect to be able to eventually play on a server every now and then and level up any skill past level 5 without everything wiping because neets ran out of things to do in their flying fortresses?
>>1569123Maybe in build 43 where there'd be so much shit to grind (for better or worse) it keeps the no lifers preoccupied and there's less damage to the world because of that grind.If I recall most servers reset because the world gets permanently fucked by players minmax by deconstructing every container and the fact that most don't turn on loot respawn. So eventually the world gets picked clean by the players essentially.
>>1569122you are full of shitIWBUMS Build 41.12 Releaste date: October 16, 2019Beta Build 41.60Release date: December 9, 2021
>living comfy life in my B42 stable multiplayer base in louisville>someone sets one of my fucking cows on fire with a campfire>it panics and starts running around, spreading fire everywhere before dying>fire attracts zombies>zombies walk into fire and create an even bigger inferno>rats get attracted by all the dead bodies>the rats pathfind into the fire, panic and start sprinting in random directions, futher spreading the fire>by now the entirety of lousville is on fire>the fire eventually spreads near a river>one of the fish in the river pathfinds close to a fire and as result the fire spreads to them>in less than ten minutes the whole river is burning>by the time the server admin wakes up from their ten hour nap the entire server has been reduced to a wasteland of ash and charred flesh
>ZOMBOID WAS ALWAYS ABOUT REALISMMy nigger it started off as a Sims 1 clone with zombies.
Lenny is just buying time until NVIDIA releases some sort of automatic npc AI machine and does all the work for him.
>>1569131>MP server don't have fire disabledNGMI
>>1569128>71% increase in playercount>bad
>>1569131>>in less than ten minutes the whole river is burningActually realistic. American rivers were so polluted that they literally caught on fire.
There was heaps of bitching about Build 41 as well, because it made the combat into the retardedly clunky mess it is today.>Yeah lets make a fucking isometric brawler game with fucked up animations and hitboxes>That'll work totally well
>>1569140compared to the amount of players multiplayer brought in? Yeah
>>1569144Your argument was that B41 didn't bring in any players, which is factually incorrect. Moving goalposts doesn't make you any less of a retard.
>>1569146not my argument, you got destroyed with facts and logic and now you're coping, sad!
>>1569147I accept your concession.
>>1569128Anon do you not know what those green numbers mean?
>>1569152going from 600 to 5k in 2 years is less impressive than going from 5k to 40k in less than two months
>3d assets added to game>Immediately LGHDTV types and troons add in all their stupid shit that's anachronistic for 1993The second holocaust (first REAL holocaust) when?
How much are we betting that the next hotfix will only drop tomorrow evening and will barely fix 10% of bugs because those 3 weeks of vacations after releasing an unplayable broken build were apparently necessary?
>>1569110This kind of thing is so obvious and would honestly be pretty easy to implement along with even minimal functionality aggressive NPC's.>have building loot work same as now, but on top of that add said transfer mechanic>when enough loot has been transferred/time has passed, spawn in a simple bandit camp set piece somewhere>tie into AEBS system to give you a hint as to where you can find it>add a few aggressive NPC's guarding the location, sure immersion won't be perfect without adding more complex behavior (patrolling, going for actual loot runs, dealing with zeds sensibly, perhaps even similar survival needs as the players), but I think having some NPC's that simply cycle between sleeping and patrolling the camp perimeter still would add a lot>much opportunity for emergent gameplay as you engage NPC's with guns, have to make use of stealth to get good position, potential of alerting hordes there, etc>can have bandit camps be anything from ragtag group of survivors with crowbars all the way up to military remnants fully geared and kitted out
>Hostile NPCswhy the fuck would I ever want to engage with a hostile NPC with an indie stone combat system?
>>1569172now you know why lemmy is so scared of adding them in now
>>1569167The tracking skill already implemented would be very useful for this kind of scenario too, identifying recent human footprints (humans don't walk like zeds), recently opened and thrown away canned food... and it would make sneakily tracking them very enjoyable.Any competent project manager and devs would make this a reality in no time, but only the map makers are doing any work at the studio, everyone else is in "mental health paid leave" 11 months every year.
>>1569175I want NPCs to be as far away from this game as possible honestly. It's way, way too late in development for them to be halfway enjoyable. Either they need to overhaul combat and basically turn players into blenders who can mulch through a horde of zombies, or dealing with an NPC who gets aggressive is essentially going to be a coinflip of either dying instantly with no ability to react or steam rolling them with no in between. Just another corner indie stone painted themselves into.
its up. lemmy on suicide watch
>>1569187>lemmy's reaction
>>1569187>NPC spawn on top of you>enemy NPC have access to satelites to always know your locationBetter no NPC than dogshit ones.
They managed to break even CDDA? How? I started a run and there wasn't ANY fire in the entire house, not a single tile burned, and I have 0 mod that affects anything related to the challenge or fire.
>>1569203Weren't those modes considered deprecated or something for a long time already
>>1569098Haha no, outside Reddit and the PZ forum, the opinion is insanely negative.
>>1569098>The places which ban dissent are free from dissentHuh...Weird...Wonder why that's the case?
>>1569246Yes anon, I'm sure all those project zomboid videos on youtube with millions of views are entirely negative. Wake the fuck up.
>>1569142The combat was already notoriously shit, B41 switch caused the "can't hit shit close to you" and the "targeting system can't agree on who to hit" much more noticeable.
>>1569256B40 was way less janky because both players and zombies had simpler animations and movesets. Plus the player was generally faster.
>>1569257Of course but I meant to say the combat was always a janky mess. Which is impressive in its own right.
>>1569255Yes yes I'm sure Jewtube hold the entire PZ playerbase and not the, you know, servers where people gather to play the game, which, for no reasons whatsoever, happen to laugh at B42 and the state of development.
>>1569261Are those B42 haters in the thread with us now anon?
>can't see past a street away>makes driving a car fucking impossible as going above 30 means you're going to crash into junk on the road>people want NPCs that shoot at you
>>1569266Uhh yeah I'd say so. Jej.
>>1569266No, they're either busy playing B41 multiplayer or they gave up and left.Rajeesh on Youtube or on Reddit isn't gonna change the opinion of the actual playerbase.
>>1569267turn on edge scrolling in vehicles in camera settings
>>1569269Boy, it sure is a good thing individual poster count was disabled. It would be embarrassing if the vast and influential community of /vm/'s PZG turned out to be nothing more than a handful of seething autistic basement dwellers!
>>1569167Honestly you don't even need actual NPCs to make the world feel lived inJust have off-screen survivors build up their safehouse and occasionally fuck with yours
>>1569108>Normal breed speed for rats, rabbits and chickensWaitWhat is their default breed speed?
At first, I hated the new XP and leveling changes. After playing some more, I now admit that I couldn’t have been more wrong.
bait used to be believable
>>1569321I hear you brother. I’m gonna start a new run when I get home. I’m gonna tweak certain sandbox settings, but I’m completely reverting back to the xp settings I initially despised. Maybe it shouldn’t be so easy to put up an impenetrable base so quickly. Maybe it should be difficult to kill zombies and yea, I guess it does make sense that, if not used properly, weapons (especially wood) could get seriously damaged or broken, even if used sparingly.
>>1569321This, honestly I was skeptical at first but now I really enjoy the water rework. It makes the game much more difficult because I can't just find drinking water everywhere, and it's pretty realistic, the average joe doesn't know how to cook or clean their own clothes, so why should my PZ character?
>>1569321I don't get the negativity surrounding the update.The crafting system as it is now is fine, you can make a few things to help you out in the wilderness but it shouldn't have everything because it'd make the game way too easy, the average player would just run in the woods at the start of the game and never interact with zombies. Same with crafting requiring items like a hammer to make them, if the crafting system was circular, you'd just run in the woods and do everything there from scratch, that's really boring.And honestly the xp gain could get a nerf as well, learning a skill from scratch can take decades IRL so I don't see why this shouldn't be a thing in PZ too.
>>1569335>>1569328>>1569324get back to work lemmy you faggot
>>1569335>learning a skill from scratch can take decades IRLInsane levels of cope from a brainlet. An average person could reach the PZ equivalent of level 5 in a week or two if they don't have a room temperature IQ.
>>1569321Honestly I don't get it, people always complain the game needs realism, but then they start complaining that rats reproduce too fast, lmao.But I don't care, haters can talk badly about the game all they want, I'm having a blast.
>>1569341Rats don't tank my framerate irl, nigger
>>1569337Kek, two of the posts you quoted are just me spouting nonsense shit for a laugh.
>>1569345Just stop being poor, my game runs at a smooth 3 FPS with my 64GB RAM and RTX 4090
>>1569031>It makes Lemmy's brain tumor slightly larger every time you do it.
>>1569319Very fast. I setting it all to normal, once stable hit.
>>1569370"The game engine depends on your computer specs"
>>1569374Anon... I... I don't know how to tell you this but...You might want to re-read the post you're replying to.
>>1569377Kek, sorry anon-kun, I've seen too many jeets shilling I misread your post, my bad.
>>1569335>The crafting system as it is now is fineIt's literally unimplemented. They had to scrap it halfway through and redo it and it wasn't able to be merged for B42.
>>1569372Ridiculous.That's why I had to enter debug mode and do a delete all animals yesterday to make my save smooth againShit was retarded
>>1569335Back in my day we used to type :^) to show we were being retarded just ironically
>>1569399What about :3 instead
>>1569400That was used to show you wanted to suck older men dick
>want to try clothing mods>most of them have white underwear peaking outso I need to look up nude character models but most of them are changing faces, back to digging then, i hate it
>>1569416Yeah, I complained about that before, even without any clothing mod, putting underwears on make your character look like they're wearing a fucking diaper.
>>1569421So where's the diaper mod? :^)
>>1569323I just copypasted the cringiest thing I could find off the Reddit frontpage. People just like to feel outrage.
>>1569429Faggot redditorEverytime
>>1569429I noticed, that's why your post is full of nonsensical replies.I just wished anons caught on that instead of falling for it tho.
Is tracking even functional? I want to try hunting but don't want to waste time on shit that doesn't work like most of the update.
>>1569578Seems like it? You just select "animal tracks" in the foraging window and look around, you'll find feces or footprint and inspecting them gives you information, the higher level the better info. I haven't found animals this way yet, but I've not seen anyone complain of issues with it, and I only stopped playing because the build is so utterly bugged/broken and boring because of it.I think tracking works, the issue is that butchering is fucking worthless since you'll butcher a 900kg bull and get 2kg of meat.
>already a week past new years>not a single piece of news on b42 unstable developmentLEMMY
>>1569610"This post gave me a stomach ulcer, because of this me and the entire team are going to take 3 months off for our mental health"
>>1569610Actually I'm having a blast playing B42 I can't go back to B41 and honestly the negativity toward the developers in unwarranted and in fact I don't think you actually enjoyed the game and why are you even complaining about a free update when you have thousands of hours into it and anyway it's okay things don't work because the average joe wouldn't know how things work and also it's unstable the devs will fix it so stop criticizing and if they don't mods will fix it anyway and just make your own game if you don't like it but also play Fortnite if you can't handle all that realism and-
Modders in charge of fixing literally everything
>>1565695I'd say 2027 we'll have B42 done (but without half the content), NPCs will be pushed by to B44, B43 will finish the crafting update (and add multiplayer)
do I need to like roleplaying with other people to enjoy this game?
>>1569141>Haha look at how filthy and evil crackers are, goyim, they're so evil and stinky and dirty and they ruin everything!Jewjournos don't even try to hide it.
>>1569752>nazi werewolvesHow did they lose again?
>>1569758soviet zeds, british vampires and american silver bullets
>>1569752>A Jew wrote the article, therefore it didn't happen.This is your mind on /pol/.
>>1569902I'm from /pol/ and I disavow this retard
>>1564722Speaking of Dwarf Fortress they just announced a major update that'll release adventure mode can really tell which indie studios are actually working on their fucking games. Somebody please rescue the map guys from TIS.
>>1569909I'm still hoping for Boats. I want to have a harbor where traders offload goods. Not being 100% isolated on an island would be nice too. And the ability to construct overworld map roads, either above ground road+bridges or dwarf style underground "deep roads".
>Got the walking dead survivor crew spawn in the house next to cdda farmNiceCrazy loot damn
I leveled to welding level 3 with the window trick. Hoe are you supposed to level it? Metal walls build with with steel rods? How do make the rods?
>>1570170What trick?
>>1568698How long until driving is locked behind an expensive trait and/or many skill magazines?How long until you just spawn in as a retarded fucking blind dumbass that can't even open a door without reading the "Open Door" magazine?
>>1570171Not a real trick, just welding a metal sheet into a window, unbarricade, and repeat.
>>1570172Im surprised the auto-drink water is even a thing at this point and not a skill
>>1570182>tfw to retarded too notice my thirst
>>1570182>Start with low water drinking skill>Strain my arm taking a sip from my bottle>Fail to fight off a zomboid due to pain and get bit
>>1570187I mean, your character already is too retarded to know how thirsty, hungry or tired they are. Since you need mods to actually know what level of meter drain you're suffering from besides the moodle checkpoints
Sex sex sex with zombie girlllllssssss!!!
>>1570181Oh I see.I just did one to level up tailoring to 2. Which is sewing belt, then ripping belt to reuse leather and buckleYou will need some thread too though, but lv 1 enables making thread from rag
>But the next BIG thing will be NPCs and we’ll have a dedicated team working toward this goal going forward.>No build will ever take as long as Build 41>Worked on concurrently to the balancing and crafting update, as well as discussed and shown within our blogs going forward, will be the first version of NPCs.>As soon as we are though, we’ll be talking about the ongoing NPC development, alongside the concurrent crafting and balance patch, until they drop. Exciting times!>We’re confident that this will be a great year for PZ, and feel we can keep the content pipe flowing- 2022 and Beyond blog, Jan 6 2022.In reality nothing exciting happens that year, they do minor bug fixes and add bullshit like poker chips.They then spend another 2 years spinning their wheels on a shitty half baked crafting update that includes pottery, glassblowing, sheep and a new fishing mini game.42's development cycle will take just as long, if not longer than 41.They never continued to discuss NPC development. Just copy pasted their Metaverse bullshit from 10 years ago and they were never mentioned again.NPC's are still a pipe dream and likely 5-7 years away.Exciting times!
>>1570298>and feel we can keep the content pipe flowinglol
>>1569298>Implying a minority of actual humans is less important than literal botfarms, third worlder masses and glorified NPC'sBig think.
Serious question but what was the fucking point of the fluid mixing mechanics?
>>1570479>Semen remaining
>Predditors openly admitting that half the shit ingame they would be incapable of IRLHoly shit I didn't want to believe that subhumans actually exist, but it's true. Isn't it?There's retards saying they wouldn't know how to change a car hood, or cut a plank into handles.
>>1570298Eh.. modders already fixed 80% of the bugs and Im having funNow I only care about multiplayer
>"bro haha who even wants NPCS"Everyone for 12 years Lemmy, now get back to work on making them, you aren't fooling anyone.
>>1570479so i can grief by mixing my cum with other players water and fuel in MP
>Clean clothes>Rip them up>Get dirty ragsExcuse me? DIRTY? The clothes were fucking pristine.
>>1570298>NPC's are still a pipe dream and likely 5-7 years away.Works on my machine
>>1570706>M*dsLol, lmao.
>>1570712Calm down Lemmy, just go work on your game
>>1570720Oh Lemmy can go sudoku himself lmao.But using mods in zomboid?You should play vanilla so you can hate the developers even more. Using mods in zomboid is like putting sugar coating on a log of shit.
>Games where mods make sense>Incompatible with modern OS so mods required>Total conversions that completely change shit despite the OG game being good anyways>Mega-autist lore-friendly mods (ultra rare)>Games where mods make no sense>Shitty games where mods don't actually fix inherent issues>Hyper limited modding which doesn't allow for much>Bethesda-slop
>>1570551Is the actual fucking lore for this game that some military virus and a fast food hot sauce got mixed up and that's what caused the outbreak? Are they genuinely that retarded?Also, couldn't they have figured out any other designation besides M1A1
>Head and handle of weapon has different HP bars>But they decline at the same fucking time for the most partAll they had to do was make tool-heads 10x tougher than they are now, and keep handle HP where it is now and shit would be more fun. Maintaining weapons would actually make sense.
>>1569025>Do the developers seriously not see the conflict of interest and mutual exclusivity here?Lol no>Single player requires jack of all trades and has a speed up for tedious tasks>Devs talks about MP where each player is specialized in a single skill, MP has no speed up
>>1570765Its genuinely weird that singleplayer doesn't have boosted values by default.Even fucking Ark Survival Evolved is smart enough to make singleplayer a completely different experience. And that game is about as incompetently designed.
>>1570768Yes it is, considering the default apoc setting is shit for both sp and mp.>Base exp rate is 25%. So the "+75%" from a single skill point is actually +300% / 4x exp.I swear to god Lemmy just made this change out of spite and never reverted it. The fact they haven't changed the text proves this to me. No sane person is going to assume you're at a 25% base rate.
>>1570764Even worse is when you realize that reduced head/edge HP also increases the rate the handle degrades, on top of increasing muscle strain and fatigue
>>1570778>Axe IRL>Can chop entire fucking trees down without blunting>Axe in zomboid>A few skulls? Oops sorry completely dull now!
>Fireman truck outside burnt house, bunch of firemen zombies running around>Great! One should have the keys, although really it's likely to be unlocked because zombies wouldn't lock the door right?>Car is locked>Okay weird but whatever>none of the zombies have the keysDid they fucking eat the keys? Where the fuck did they go? Who the fuck locks their firetruck when there's a fucking fire taking place?
>>1570786Not to mention the fact that nine times out of ten their truck just got back from the demolition derby
>>1570790Look, the people of 1993 Kentucky did not understand car maintenance.
>Perks like wakeful still some of the most importantThe whole game is a retarded battle of stamina/tiredness. The more you have the better. It's why fitness and wakeful basically turn your character into a terminator.
>do squats>after workout go out and fight zombies since it tires your hands not your legs>exercise fatigue kicks in and it builds muscle strain on legs>my hands hurt and strain won't drop down>wtf?>check the debug mode>when muscle strain from exercise builds up on any body part it prevents muscle strain from dropping on your whole bodynice system, you fuckers
>>1570792They understood a little bit given how they were all driving around with no gas
>>1570758The lore is that there are multiple vectors for the initial outbreak.
>>1570786Key can be on the ground. If it's not, i stealing lemmy laptop.
>>1570810No keys anywhere, I scout around vehicles with foraging mode just in case.
>>1570803Don't forget even invisible amounts of strain inflicts pain on your limbs. So even long before you get to the point where strain is actually supposed to do anything, your damage is halved by the pain your arms are feeling.
>Can't use an angle-head light without webbingHave these retards never heard of shirt pockets? Or just clipping the fucking thing to your collar? Or just stitching up a belt to serve as a makeshift ALICE slot?Holy shit I haven't done sewing for a while now IRL but I could MacGyver up something to use an angle-head light with within an hour.
>Predditors use mods so often that they become detached from reality and cannot figure out what is ingame and what is from the modGod damn.
>>1570844Vanillachads just keep winning.
>Game had only two fucking wells for multiple years>In the span of one patch now the wells are all over the fucking place in new areas>But none added to existing areasI hate how the game's endless feature creep makes more and more of the map seem redundant and garbage>Is it a house which doesn't have an infinite water pump or lake nearby?>Completely worthless, find a new baseWow I enjoy being able to base in a handful of places on the fuckhuge map. Totally makes the game feel good.
>>1570855>feature creepBuzz words of midwits. There never too many features, there is only not enough of them.
>>1570862>This nigger does 1000 kicks once instead of one kick 1000 timesNGM
>Clicking transfer-liquid defaults to the chosen bottle being the receptacle instead of being what I want to pour into something elseHow did they get this backwards so bad? When transferring fluids you usually want to pour one big thing into a bunch of small things, not the other way around you fucking retards.
>>1570864>NOOOOO IT'S EITHER "A" OR "B"I shall crush your balls in 1000 ways, thousand times each.
>>1570855>doesn't know what rain collectors arelol
>>1570868Lemmy, you haven't managed to flesh out a single mechanic properly. Stop e-bragging and work on your game you minge eater. >Claustrophobic still makes zero fucking senseThe house you start in is supposed to be 'your' house, yet the character cannot sleep in their own house due to getting panicked.It should only proc in hallways and closets, not open bedrooms you retard.
>>1570870>Bro just like, grind carpentry in the zombie smashing gameWhat if I don't want to? This isn't minecraft, and why the fuck do I need to build 300 walls just to build a fucking bin-lined box?
>>1570872>why are video games challenging instead of letting me win with zero effort?
>>1570876>Calling a sandbox game 'challenging'Oh boy I bet you struggle in Dwarf Fortress too huh? Big boy?
>>1570876project zomboid isn't hard, it's tedious and annoying. it's like night in the troons were it's a gigant chore visual novel instead of a game but this time it's the devs forcing you to play along with their zombies but sims bullshit.
>>1570871Also your own house doesn't have shit in it>start naked>no clothes, no food, not tools, nothing>have to kill a zombie barefoot and wear its shit stained underwear then break in my neighbors home to steal their food
>>1570786the game is really retarded if you think about it too hard>every single parked car has somehow completely run out of gas and been wrecked to shit, finding a 90% condition car with more than 10% fuel is like finding a unicorn>every store is in a paradoxical state of being both looted and non-looted where they are completely stocked up but also missing bare essentials, tool stores are selling handles(????) instead of actual fucking tools. Sledgehammers are still non-existant and despite it being the whole purpose of the update to make it so you dont need to hunt down ultrarare items in a looted server/world you cant craft your own.>want to make a fire bomb? sorry buddy you need WATER BOTTLES not plastic or glass bottles>want to dig up flint? you need a CLUB hammer not a regular one (sledgehammer and pickaxe work too but good luck finding those lol). No you cant use a rock or a sharp tool or any of the new crafted gigahammers that's not realistic>digging clay near a river or a lake? lmao try again! Go forage on a road for irl hours lil survivoid
>>1570902nearly forgot>axe does 55 damage to a door>sledgehammer does 40>bone war hatchet? 2 damage>animal bone? 5 damage>iron/steel bar? 1 damage>banjo? 5 damage>half an iron/steel bar? 10 damage
>>1570776>Base exp rate is 25%. So the "+75%" from a single skill point is actually +300% / 4x exp.I'd change it so 1 skill is default, and the player gets 1 chargen point for reducing a skill to 0 (active dislike for that skill). Would also make it so people who have a career in something have 6 to 8 in that skill. If you've been a doctor for 10 years then you're going to have more skill in it than someone who's watched a couple VCR tapes on first aid. A career long carpenter is going to make nice furniture, not random crap with nails sticking out. Someone's a professional welder will be more skilled than someone who's spent a weekend doing practice welding.
the complaints about unrealistic car and loot spawns always boggle my mindwhy would you want the game to be even easier than it already is by filling every street with two dozens of fully functional cars with a full tank and making every house overflow with loot? The game would become even more trivial to play that it is now
>>1570902>every single parked car has somehow completely run out of gas and been wrecked to shit, finding a 90% condition car with more than 10% fuel is like finding a unicornI don't mind cars being completely out of gas (and dead battery) IF they also have the keys in the ignition. Driver ran off or zombified while at the wheel and left the car running which drained it of gas, then the battery died because the lights were on. Logical.Or if cars had the kind of damage the player experiences when they drive, mostly to the front or back from running into things (zombies). Or one side completely battered because zombies were trying to get into the vehicle. None of this entire vehicle at 10-15% evenly damaged stuff.
>>1570921Because the danger should come from zeds forming hordes, dangerous NPCs, tons of events linked to the downfall of society and the resulting absence of maintenance of everything. The world having actual dangers, especially the zeds migrating randomly, would make it much more interesting that extremely artificial difficulty where every house has barely some pasta, a fork and maybe a bowl, in their entire kitchen.
Why do you guys want a shooting system that works and lets you shoot at zombies at different elevations or on the ground? The game is already easy enough as it is lol
>>1570921>what do you mean you don't want 6 bagillion broken cars?>no that's stupid, it would be too easy if you had 6 bagillion functional cars>what do you mean I'm not addressing the main problem?
>>1570927>Because the danger should come from zeds forming hordes, dangerous NPCs, tons of events linked to the downfall of society and the resulting absence of maintenance of everything.but none of this is in the game anon, are you trying to pull a lemmy and completely change a core game system before adding the thing that is meant to improve upon it?>>1570929asking to fix a core gameplay feature is pretty different from whinning about the developers not making the game even easier to play than it is now>>1570931what problem? The game not spawning you in a fully boarded house full of supplies with a 100% condition vehicle with keys in ignition and a full gas tank?
>>1570932>but none of this is in the game anon, are you trying to pull a lemmy and completely change a core game system before adding the thing that is meant to improve upon it?I'm answering your question nigger. People don't like artificial difficulty by having unrealistically shitty loot, this being 10 times worse this update, and they'd prefer organic threats in the world. Living in the wilderness was easy, so lemmy decided fuck you, you'll need to grind for 30 hours to get basic tools and they'll break every time you do anything, and all places where you could potentially find them have 6 billion zeds and the loot magically disappeared. Oh and loot on the map will progressively get deleted with no way to get them back.
>>1570932>what problem?The game spawning 6 bagillion broken cars with no key or gas, you dense nigger.
>>1570937these complaints are irrelevant anyways since you can change them in sandbox settings to your likingjust stop being autistic about playing on default settings
>>1570902>>1570924CDDA (the game) does a good job with car spawns where almost every car found on the roads in cities is anywhere from poor condition to completely wrecked, parked cars and cars in highways out of town are usually in better condition but out of gas or undrivable in some other way and cars in indoor storage are almost always in pristine condition and usually stocked up. Hopefully we get similar spawns in PZ eventually as its really annoying when there isnt a single working car in a whole town and the "car shop" spawns with two random parts and none of the tools you need.
>>1570939Aaaaaaaaah, the sandbox-brain r*dditor shows his face
>>1570938just admit that it's a skill issue, getting a car is a milestone in terms of game progress since they're very overpoweredyou just want to spawn in a perfect condition car to breeze through the game even faster like a shitter, admit it>>1570943you're the one trusting lemmy with the balance and suffering because of it you nigger, fix it yourself
Lemmy should remove the sandbox settings from the game to be honest. Let's remove mod support too, Indiestone is better at development than the stinky modders anyways.
>>1570921>Design game around 'realism'>Okay fine, we want realism, you want to give us realism right?>REALISM WOULD BE TOO FUN AND EASY>HERE TAKE GAMEIFIED BULLSHIT WHEN IT HURTS YOU>What the fuck? You said the game was supposed to be realistic?>IT IS! WHEN REALISM HURTS YOU IT'LL FEATURE REALISM!You can't have your cake and eat it too, fatty. Stop being a fucking anti-fun-glutton and give us what we want.
>>1570979>has the option to customize the cake entirely to his liking>instead he chooses to whine and stomp his feet constantly because lemmy's cake doesn't suit his tastes
>mfw I start joyriding with my car, ramming into everything I see until it runs out of gas, then I push it all the way back to my driveway then I jam my car key up my ass
>>1570983>Bakery's default cakes on sale have turds on top>WTF why are you judging my bakery? Just ask for a cake without turds!Yeah nah mate.Take the L and walk away, go be a shit-eater elsewhere.
>>1570983Please, refer to >>1570950
>>1570841I doubt it'd take you an hour to tape it to your jacket. Or put it on your belt. Or in your pocket.
>>1570992explain to me why you refuse to use sandbox mode
>>1570996explain to me why you keep moving the goalpost instead of responding to the argument you're presented with.
>>1570995Hence 'within' an hour. I wouldn't use tape either, not secure enough. But simple stitching would be more than sufficient and a fucking child could do that.>>1570996I do use sandbox you doublenigger. Why are you brown people so unable to understand scenarios outside of your own experiences lmao? shit Zomboid's 'easter eggs' are some of the lamest most fart-huffing shit ever.You're not supposed to fill your game up with faggoty modders, streamers, youtubers and developer shit.It just shows you how far TIS's head is up it's own ass.>Heh, yeah that's right we got motherfucking Nasko graffiti on walls>Who the fuck is Nasko you fucking queer?
>>1571011Seems to be mostly map related stuff, which, considering the mapmaker is the only fucking competent fuck in the entire team, I'm fine with it.
>>1571015It's not just map related stuff. It's mostly about faggoty modders and the dev team.You don't get to put in 'easter eggs' praising how badass your game is when it's not even fucking released and it's your first proper game.They're the sort of easter eggs that belong in "Zomboid 3: The zombie-ing again", not the first game.
>>1570996why don't you use sandbox to make the game harder instead of bitching about how it's too easy?
>>1571025Predditors like to stroke their e-peen.They actually think that 'games being hard' makes them manly or something.
>>1571000Lemmy's goal is to slow down the early game, making a working car harder to find is one of the ways to do it, Apocalypse is supposed to be the harder default setting after allIs it realistic? Not really, but most people would probably try to leave the exclusion zone via their car, causing traffic jams on border of the county and on the highways, which is simulated in the game on a smaller scale, so the overall car count in the cities would be lower than in real lifethe low gas and vehicle quality can also be chalked off as an attempt to make finding a working car harder, I don't think realism was considered at all when they choose those settings for Apocalypse>>1571025I exclusively play on 6 months later, default start always bores me
>>1571011you choose the dumbest fucking shit to complain about
>>1571036And your country doesn't have running water. What's your point?
>>1571032And again you move the goalpost. I don't give about "muh Lemmy", explain to me how having much rarer but more functioning cars would somehow make the game easier and also how would it be unrealistic?
>>1571041Anyone who defend lack of loot and cars, and joke about "sledges is river" ironically or not is are room temperature IQ imbecile. Default loot is unrealistic, as several other parts of game, sadly devs mostly fix unrealistic stuff that benefit the player, but there some good things like new farming that i personally enjoy as concept. Anyway, Lemmy is retard and default setting is for midwits who can't survive more than month anyway. This game in current state can be comfortably played only with sandbox and mods that improve realism in the areas, in which devs ignored it.
>>1571031The worst thing is that it isn't even games being hard, it's games being unfair with impossible to guess bullshit. Those retards would defend a game where in the first level you'd have to stand up against a wall and leave the computer running for 40 minutes to activate a secret check that in the final level gives you the good ending. All their "difficulty" comes from being a wikislut.
>>1571049They love artificial difficulty. Real difficulty isn't a boss with craptons of HP that requires 20 IRL days of grinding equipment to beat. That's just faggy fake-extended gameplay by incompetent devs to placate NPC's.Proper difficulty would be well programmed AI, where it's purely up to logic and intuition to beat.
I've just calculated that the new farming in B42 basically means that you have to spend literally a week IRL (not sleeping, eating or doing anything else) in the game if you want to see your crops grow.
>>1571041>explain to me how having much rarer but more functioning cars would somehow make the game easier and also how would it be unrealistic?you can change the settings to whatever liking you want anon, I don't think there's anything wrong with making the quality better but cars themselves rarer, it evens out to rougly be the same with the default settingswhat I have issue with is people complaing about certain aspects of the game being unrealistic without considering that the changes would be detrimental to overall enjoyment of the gameIf every house was stacked top to bottom with loot and there was a working car on every street, I'd get bored of the game far quicker than I already do, I like to struggle with finding enough resources to get by, having to search every house just to get enough food to live another day, finding a broken car and slowly fixing it and armoring it up with rare resources you risked your life to findthe struggle and challenge is what makes the game fun, not having everything handed to you on a silver platter so you can get to a point where you just sit in your base and fast forward time for weeks on end right away
>>1571054Yeah you can up crop growth rates 10x and it'll still be pretty fucking slow.>>1571059>The base game should be fun>Yeah but you can alter it any way you want>Yes but the DEFAULTS should be fun!>But...But you can alter the settings!>WHAT PART OF THE GAME NOT BEING FUN RIGHT NOW BY DEFAULT DO YOU NOT GET?Imagine if Halo CE on normal difficulty was a kick to the balls and took an IRL week for Master Chief to load a handgun. You fucking donkey.
>>157105424x7 = 168, 1-hour days, or almost 6 ingame months.Tbh pretty realistic, saying as one who grows potatoes. Though some other stuff like tomatoes or strawberries would get ready to harvest sooner.Anyway, you don't have to babysit your crops most time rain do watering for you, you just check it for illness once per week or so, or spend one day watering them if there was no rain for a while.
>>1571062>Yes but the DEFAULTS should be fun!>Other people having fun on it>NOOOOOOO, no others, it's all about me!
>>1571062and guess what retard, as I said a billion times before, anyone can alter the settings to their liking>>The base game should be funfor some it might be, for the majority it is not, in reality it's mostly irrelevant because you can alter almost every setting to your liking, would you care to explain why that's a bad thing and why everyone in this fucking general shits their pants anytime someone mentions sandbox?
>>1571059You go with hyperboles again.Nobody asked for every houses to be stacked and every parking lots to be filled with functioning cars. They're asking for more consistency:It's crazy to go inside 40 clean untouched houses and not finding a single fork or underwear, but you'll find your 95th baseball bat and leather jacket.It's crazy to have every cars in driveways be complete wrecks with no gas and the car key nowhere to be seen.Let alone the unrealistic aspect of it.Make it clearer if the house won't have shit in it: Have them either with their door wide open or the car missing because the owners left, have the place broken down because it's looted.Have less fucking cars everywhere, but have them of better quality, have better visual design to tell you if the car is a wreck or not, etc...
>>1571070>>1571075Nobody has fun on default stats, everybody tweaks them pretty damned radically, for both MP and SP. Tards.
>>1571082>It's crazy to go inside 40 clean untouched houses and not finding a single fork or underwear, but you'll find your 95th baseball bat and leather jacket.I don't know about this anon, I don't really see how filling every house with worthless garbage is going to make the game better or more funwould it be more realistic? I suppose, but with the current inventory iteration, would you really want to have to scroll through hundreds of items in every cupboard just to find anything actually useful? Besides, I've never really noticed the loot distribution being this extreme, boarded up houses can have tons of great loot like 5 baseball bats but regular houses? I'm usually happy just to find a single baseball bat in the entire neighborhood>It's crazy to have every cars in driveways be complete wrecks with no gas and the car key nowhere to be seen.unrealistic for sure, but that's part of the Apocalypse setting being set to make the game harder>Make it clearer if the house won't have shit in it: Have them either with their door wide open or the car missing because the owners left, have the place broken down because it's looted.I mean, that's already partly implemented with survivor houses, the story events and houses with for sale signs, isn't it?>Have less fucking cars everywhere, but have them of better quality, have better visual design to tell you if the car is a wreck or not, etc...You can play with those settings yourself, right now
>>1571093>You can play with those settings yourself, right nowOr it could be the default setting because "muh realism" shouldn't only be when the dev need to justify adding testicular torsion to the game, the entire argument to begin with.
>>1571099Ok, Lemmy has heard your wishes and made cars extremely rare but they're always in great condition with a full tank and a key in ignitionthe Steam forums are now rioting because cars are practically impossible to find oin servers now and unskilled players are struggling with finding them in towns, now what do you?
Soon to be one fucking month of waiting for the "playtested" completely fucking broken B42 to be fixed in any way, those lazy fags took 2 weeks of vacations with 0 work, and it's been 4 days since they "got back to it" and we still don't have shit when modders fixed many issues easily already. What the fuck is up with this shit incompetent studio.
>he's not burning down cities and shooting dogs while larping as the ATF
Im having fun in B41
>>1571106Add testicular torsion
>>1571093>I don't really see how filling every house with worthless garbage is going to make the game better or more funI WANT TO MAKE AN OMELETTE! THAT'S EGG PLUS HEAT = FRIED EGG! I NEED A FORK AND A FRYING PAN TO MAKE OMELETTE! WHY THE FUCK DO I NEED TO LOOT 20 HOUSES TO FIND ONE FORK AND ONE FRYING PAN?
Any week one players ITT? I don't know how to make money as a burglar.
>shoot at a zombie with a revolver>miss at point blank>zombie attacks me>mash LMB while holding RMB during the attack animation>revolver turns into a literal machine gun shooting like 30 shots in one second despite only having 2 bullets leftK I N O, too bad nvidia is dogshit and shadowplay didnt record it
>>1571227i just got it last night but haven't played yet, looks bretty neat
>>1571227I don't think burglars can make money. They steal. Could always pickup trash and pretend you're a hobo. Real money is in being a lumberjack, 10$ per log delivered.
>9/30 mods on the workshop front page are solely fixing shit the devs fucked upGrim
>mappers add a lot of ladders to the new / remade buildings>game won't allow you to climb ladders without modsNice. Very nice indeed.
>>1571290Where do you deliver the logs? I made $200 shooting everyone in a house and taking their wallets but it doesnt seem sustainable because your average civilian can glitch and super speed death combo you for like 90% health.
Can you put fuel in barrels in 42?
>>1571328I've been putting them in the log storages at the logging company near Muldraugh, but apparently any log storage on the map will pay 10$ for per log.
>>1571331In wooden barrels / rain collectors, yeah
>>1571339But not these literal fuel barrels?
>>1571321yeah that fucking threw me hard, all these new building renditions that added ladders and you can't even climb them without the mod that turns them into sheet ropes
>>1570841The funny thing is, the actual flashlight the things are based on come with a clip. Literally a built in feature going as far back as the 40s. The ALICE webbing requirement is entirely arbitrary.
>>1571068Okay, but what does the realism add? It doesn't make the game harder, because getting food is trivial, even across that immense timespan. It's not thematically beneficial because the game is about "this is how you died"; if anything it's thematically at odds with the game. It seems the only purpose is to draw out the time it takes to farm crops (and by extension get farming/agriculture skill) and nothing else.
>>1571338Did you figure out how to buy a car? I brought some car keys off a shop, but the soldiers still shot at me as I drove by.
>>1571227You can make money? I thought I was supposed to be gunned down by military for grabbing a water bottle in a store where 50 people jump over the counter
why must farming take forever now
>rainwater is somehow taintedi didnt know zomboid was set in china
>>1571448It always took forever.
>find Jackie Jaye in the LBMW trailer>the ID she has on her has a different name
>>1571446Looks like taking money off cash registers doesnt count as a crime. So that seems like a good strat if you dont want to work.
>manage to sneak out of westpoint>Go to the strip club on the outskirts>No strippersFUCKING RUINED
>>1571550Select the Stripper job????Profit
>>1570945>skill issueNot really. When "realism" gets shoved down your throat again and again and usually for things that only inconvenience you and for bad game design people are going to want a settings preset that fairly shows realism.After playing the game for some time there is no skill. Only tedious chores.>>1570996So I can complain about the default. Don't make me and the modders have to do 90% of the balance for a realistic preset and hard but not boring preset.
>>1571466Now it takes forever but irl forever, not game forever
>>1571550and those red tiles are bugged and there's no alcohol in alcohol shelves
>>1571433I didn't know we could buy car keys.
>>1571634Anything in a store is for sale - except the money in the register and the trash in the bin, those are free. Keys have a chance to spawn inside any building, businesses among them so you can technically "buy" the key and it becomes yours and no one will freak out if you take the car assigned to it. Meanwhile you try to break into a car or hotwire one and people start attacking you.
>npc driving speed in the settingsSo did anyone try to make a street racing murder city?
>Character in front of the stove burning with 6 hours left>Still too dark to readAlright fuck itIs there a mod to fix this garbage mechanic?
Ok so I finished the scenario. Its interesting but not something that warrants multiple playthroughs>First few days you need to make a living>Extremely rng based on the house you spawn in, because residents will attack you if you try to break into their homes, even for a little while>Normal humans are extremely powerful and will flatten the shit out of you even if its 1v1 with a woman>Shit like hunger can be an issue, specially if you dont have any cookware to make food cheaply>Make small amounts of money for doing your "job">Some people complain about being a little sick>As the days go on bandits increase in number and start stealing shit and breaking into peoples houses>People line up at atms and desperately try to withdraw money>People still eat at fastfood joints>Takes a few more days before people actually start boarding up their homes, even then only a tiny bit do this>The thing continues with bandit counts increasing until like day 5>People stop and show signs of being severely ill but still walk and run as normal>Wagies still show up to sweep the street even as riots erupt and looting starts>Day 6 is full blown panic with money pretty much useless and the player is encouraged to loot>High chance of getting shot (somehow safer than engaging in melee with the crazy fast melee attacks that humans have)as long as you have a gun yourself>Most of the kills are done by the bandits and the military/police/civilians keeping them at bay>Day 7 is when the zombies actually show up en masse>World gets nuked at the start of day 8 (apparently you can stop this)Its pretty decent, but I'm a bit disappointed.I think it would be way more interesting if we had zombies as early as day 1. Maybe 1 straggler showing up to be quickly dispatched, maybe even spread the infection for a bit but its manageable even to civvies just because uninfected outnumber them. With what we have they just show up at the final stretch when the world is pretty much already fucked.
>>1571710So you literally only play 7 days then lose everything? lol
>>1571667If you were complainimg about not beimg able to read in front of a fireplace I would understand, but a stove? City slickers, I swear...
>>1571093>I don't see how making the game realistic, one of the goals stated by the developer endless times, makes the game betterOh jeez maybe that little thing called artistic integrity?
>>1571409>The funny thing is, the actual flashlight the things are based on come with a clipOh, i know. Because I own one lmao.Like usual Lemmy hasn't actually had any IRL experiences, he just sees pictures of things or hears about them in the third person.
>>1571458>But...But the zombie virus is in the clouds! And in the rivers! And in the lakes! >Yes I know this isn't stated in the lore>Yes I know the virus isn't waterborne>Yes I know the player is immune to non-bite forms of the virus>BUT TRUST ME IT'S IN THE WATER!>IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN IN THE WATER!>I AM NOT PAID BY LEMMY TO DEFEND HIS SHITTY DECISIONS!
>>1571828The old stove thing I mean
>>1571828Just open the stove door a bit? Wow, light. As long as you're not retarded there should be no fire chance as well.
>>1571466They changed it in b42 so that it's le REALISTIC and takes multiple in-game months for crops to give you food.Butchering a cow will still give you 3 days worth of meat though, because shut up CHUD.
>>1571888Especially funny excuse because dying from drinking tainted water doesn't bring you back as a zombie.Apparently the water strain just kills you but doesn't bring you back like the rest of them.
>>1571897Almost like there isn't any zombie virus in the water!>Fish are lethal to eat raw tooOur ancestors ate raw fish all the fucking time, PEOPLE TODAY STILL DO ITWhy the fuck are fish toxic?
>>1571899India must have redirected the Ganges toward Kentucky
Guys can you stop your fucking bitching about how Build 42 isn't balanced properly? Just use sandbox.
>>1571904fuck off back to r eddit
>>1571904>isn't balanced properlyIf that was the only issue with B42, people wouldn't be complaining.
>>1571905>>1571907Okay I confess I'm just yanking your chains.Fuck B42, fuck redditors who use 'sandbox' as an excuse and fuck Lemmy.
Gotta love how 99% of this game's problem is the normie's misunderstanding of how resources work in apocalypse scenarios.Protip: If you kill off 99% of the population in a week, you don't have a resource shortage per person. You have a resource EXCESS per person.>Oh fuck, oh shit! My town of a million people is DEAD!>What am I going to do!? I'm the only survivor!>Oh wait I have a million people's worth of beans laying around?>A million people's worth of guns?>Jej I'll be fine for many years from that alone
>>1571911nah man the virus has a secret directive that makes people dump their stuff on the river
>90% of subreddit posts are heavily modded>Doesn't state this anywhereGod predditors are insufferable, none of them know what the actual game is. No wonder they're so deluded.
>>1571940the actual game is FUCKING TRASH Vanilla experience is literally masochism
>>1571948That's why you SHOULD play vanilla. So you can be filled with hatred more. You DO want to hate Lemmy, right?
>>1571950Nah. I've played enough vanilla pz.Look at this fucking shit
>>1571953You cannot be truly filled with hate until you play vanilla (custom sandbox or otherwise)
>>1571911I don't mind ammunition being rare while guns should be extremely common. In WW2 the average number of bullets fired per kill was 50k and it gets progressively worse over the decades until you reach modern US in Afghanistan which required 300k bullets per kill. Even police in a shootout against one guy will expend hundreds of bullets, let alone what a zombie would require. So yeah, we should be finding empty guns on the street surrounded by hundreds of casings and a few dead zombies while ammo being found in locations that were overrun while they were still shooting or in depleted armories. Or maybe people's gun safes or closets when they died away from home.
>>1571969Zombies are relatively few in number until about a week into the infection where everyone got deathly ill and died within a day or two.There was no time for everybody to be shooting zombies left right and centre, all the armed people just got the sickness and died before being able to shoot a fraction of their bullets.
>>1571972I'd like to think the military was competent enough to equip their soldiers with NBC gear before the airborn strain became obvious.
>>1571976Afraid not, canonically the army gets sick and dies in huge numbers.
>>1571917>reddit-riverYou need to either take meds or kill youself.
>>1571969Wtf are you talking about? Do you know WHY there requiered so many bullet per kill? Because supressive fire and long distance-fighting, and it's happening because enemy can shot back. Zombies can. If you good at shooting you would requiere 1-5 bullets per zombie kill, no more.
>>1571987>Zombies cancan't*
>>1571797You get a dream in the last few days and it sends you on a quest. Basically you can attack the military base and stop the bombs from dropping. You could also be in a basement when the bombs drop and apparently it lets you live.
>>1571895Every nerf was made under the excuse that its for realism's sake. But as soon as realism benefits you, they pretty much and turn around and tell you to fuck off. Livestock? Hope you like butchering 7 chickens a day to maintain weight because FUCK YOU everything needs to take 10x longer.
>>1571987You might want to check out the recent requirements for a US Military infantryman and compare them to what was required back in the 1930s and 40s. You'll embarrass yourself less in the future.
>>1572138>recentYou mean ones that was in place in 1993, you know, where game started?
>>1572147That is recent, yes.
>>1571974>Still only on page 7>Still way off from image limity tho
>Survive week one for 12 days>The nukes fell while I was on my way to louiseville and I made it somehow>Get to the bridge>(Probably accidental) Zombies trapped on the other side>No more events happen>Just get infinite raids by hazmat suit guys with assault rifles>Eventually run out of food in the destroyed car I use for cover>Crawl to the park next to the bridge and lock myself in the concession standImma stay here in perma fast forward until something happens or I starve to death
If NPCS were in the game you could have actual realistic loot spawns and working cars and shit would just slowly get squirreled away into bases of NPCS.
>>1571969People primarily miss because their targets are running around, or shooting back at them. Zombies do neither of those things.>>1572138Having gone through basic, you need to hit 23 out of 40 targets at ranges of a minimum of 50 meters. That's still more than a 50% hit rate required to qualify.
>>1572292Forgot to mention, the targets are only up for 3 or 4 seconds; and pop up in random places. They're not lined up neatly in a row.
>>1572292>23 out of 40 targets at minimum 50 metersSo, as i said, good shooter would kill zeds with bullet count 1-5 per one killed zed, Given they can't shot back, so you can take your time to aim, just like in range.
>>1572313More or less. Any halfway decent shooter would be able to clear hundreds of zombies on their own. Especially since Zomboid/Romero zombies shamble slower than you can walk.As for actual rarity of ammo? The United States alone manufactures about 8 billion rounds a year, solely for the civilian market, while the military produces ~2 billion rounds of munitions for their own use. I actually found an article from 1993 about how the military is gonna try and draw down on their stockpiles because they had something like 9 billion pounds of ammunition.So realistically, the amount of ammunition just the gunstores and random homes would have in rural Kentucky would be impossible for the human mind to grasp. Hell, I live in yankee land and I've got a box of50 9mm sitting on my desk.
>>1572325>Hell, I live in yankee land and I've got a box of50 9mm sitting on my desk.Bro that's about the entire inventory of a gunstore in Kentucky. I should know because i've played Zomboid.
Waiting for the devs to maybe fix the bugs that modders fixed in a couple days before 2050, if they feel like it, but no guarantee, deadlines are stressful, so it might sip into 2075, and if it doesn't, just let them cook until 2100, after all we should all be patient, it isn't reasonable to expect anything from a labor of love before 2150.
this game might have the most annoying community around it i don't mean this thread but the subreddit and discord are practically unusable with the amount of dev dicksuckers in them
>>1572485The last proton will decay before PZ gets finished
>>1572494That's what happens when the mods practice soviet censorship. Go on youtube and suddenly the dicksuckers become a laughable minority. Lemmy just hires shills to attack the players everywhere he can, but that's extremely difficult to do on youtube.
>>1572494I would add zomboid threads to that list of annoying faglords.
>>1572494Everyone who isn't a PZ fanatic either hasn't played B42 yet or already went back to wait mode
>>1572313>So, as i said, good shooter would kill zeds with bullet count 1-5 per one killed zed, Given they can't shot back, so you can take your time to aim, just like in range.Then you have those real life 'bath salt' psychos who take hundreds of rounds to put down compounded with the fact that police/military are trained to aim for center of mass when that has zero effect on a zombie - which would destroy anyone who treats it 'just like in range' when the person you shoot in the chest does not fall down. Not the first. Second or even 10th. One of the bath salt attacks had 93 bullet wounds and still managed to kill 2 police by stabbing them.
>>1572674Most unbelievable part about that is that cops hit the actual target 93 times instead of some bystander.
>>1572677I mean the cops in PZ have Aiming skills, I'd say that's already very unrealistic.
>>1572689Well you have to remember it's only level 3 aiming, in IRL terms that's not even able to hit the broad side of a barn if your gun was touching it. Level 0 would have the bullet come out the back of the gun and shoot you instead.
>>1572677In that case several cops were hit by other cops, many of them ran out of ammunition, thousands of rounds were fired. They were completely unprepared for someone who didn't fall down or surrender when shot at so several of them panicked. A few officers ran away. It was a shitshow.
>>1571904>Just use sandbox.Just filter every message.
>>1572695Which case was that, sounds hilarious
>>1571974kys. Stop baking early. The previous thread is even still up.
>>1572700And so is the previous thread, there's 3 PZ threads on the board at the moment.
>>1572674Bath salt psychos run at people still, something zombies don't do. And will still drop in a single shot if you hit them in the head, police and military are also trained to shoot either the pelvis/head if their rounds have zero effect on target.Your exceptions do not prove the rule.
>>1572695>Thousands of rounds of ammunition>Hit 93 timesOkay, now I know you're making shit up.
>>1569902This but unironically
No sledgehammer at the northern Muldraugh warehouses.I'm bored because I don't feel like grinding for 10 hours before I can make axe heads.
>>1573298I want to play blacksmith and I went to irvington because new town. Turns out clay cannot be harvested rationally so my only choice is to either grind foraging on the roads, or to wipe out the entire school and hope theres a sack of clay in there.And no, I will not go to that stupid premade forge.
>>1563352>not using a durability cheatCouldn't be me desu.
>whole games schtick is realism>Dev spites player base by making systems that would be beneficial to player unrealisticly bad and systems that benefit the player realisticFucking lole
>>1575044You get the jar lids back now stfu
>>1575069Lmao you won't be getting a stable patch this year.
so build 43 is supposed to be the first NPC build, how retarded do you think they'll be given the devs have claimed they've been building systems for them for years now and all they needed to do was put the pieces together.
>>1563592if he sold the studio we might get more than one update per president