Welcome to /vm/abinogi. Mabinogi is a fun, once popular little old school Korean MMO from 2004 based around Celtic mythology with many different features. Your character can age, rebirth, eat food and gain weight, play and custom make music, and so much more. You can be anything and do anything all at once with no downsides. From non-combat related skills like cooking, tailoring, blacksmithing, trading goods in a commerce, carpentry, etc. to different styles of combat like melee, magic, ninja, archery, puppetry, etc. all on 1 character.Although graphics and gameplay is still a bit dated, even after 14 years the game is still rich in content such as fashion contests, cooking contest, jousting, playing in or viewing large concerts, training pets, and so on and continues to be Nexon's most generous game.Guild:We currently have a guild called Mabigen. Our guild stone is located by the Taillteann graveyard. Apply and note the current leader or officer that you're from /vm/.News and Eventshttps://mabinogi.nexon.net/news/94826/master-plan-brilliantly-shining-starhttps://mabinogi.nexon.net/news/94832/astrologer-part-1-written-in-the-stars-updateUpdate:https://mabinogi.nexon.net/news/94577List of all patches chronologicallyhttps://mabinogi.nexon.net/news/62617[Helpful links - These links contain useful guides and other stuff.]Beginners guide and outline to just some of mabinogi's features.https://docs.google.com/document/d/1of49rjWooRxDJZhrwmiZQRHneXt-ElcuvvzNvPjiZtA/edit#wiki for Mabinogihttps://wiki.mabinogiworld.com/view/Wiki_HomeSkill Training Guidehttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1UefjxRzcQWza26VaJapHl77eH429SR2bjkpkkLLggYw/edit#Best In Slot Gear guide and gear progressionhttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1sq3Sa0AaOuQ087rb2CR5fBK9F4gE2Uz6LjsdBgWtscQ/edit#heading=h.kt0ezt1btzidOther Useful Information:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aRZlJfMwi0G-IECWSdFxLhKiOugcrwQigz-zEZyOLm0/edit
How is you're Master Plan going so far /vm/abinoggers?
>>1570218I'm almost 20k from the blannid stuff and the storyline. I'm not sure that the master plan has even helped me. I might reach that by next master plan, the leveling through shitty storyline like shakespeare is dragging
>>1570445I have no idea who that is, but it was funny to wake up and see it there and everyone else mia.
>>1571021>using 3 letter termsshoo glowie
game up
>>1571149I'm close
good bye mabinogi.
>>1571298no it's up maint is over
Only took me 38 minutes to do the Peaca vet today. Yesterday's was easier at 21 minutes.
wend my frend dies next to me in crombs
Would anyone like to do 8 AAHM?
Not available in my region. Fuck this shit.
>>1571765Are you still doing them? Give name.
>>1571793bruh stop being third world
Anyone I see with this title on I just assume they ERP
>>1571918Eggnog Regulation Patrol
>>1571793why don't you own a goy vagina penis nus
>>1571958goyV egetaP iccolo,N ew cellVPN
>>1571918Elven Brat, is this the look you're after?
>>1572348I don't know how I got that quote backlink in there but I'd like to let you all know it was unintentional and I am severely mentally retarded, autistic, and dumb, and I do not in fact believe that poster is the elven brat, I have made a complete fool of myself and am deeply ashamed of this.Thank you for your time.
>>1571793most thirdies aren't actually blocked. are you being filtered by the game not being on steam?
>>1572348No I'm a guy that won't work
>>1572420>by the game not being on steam?t. doesnt play
>>1572673The other elven brat (F) (male), not the chaser brat though the other one.
>>1570056commerce in Iria is so fun hopefully I'll get a wagon soon
feeling cute
>>1573085girl joh is exxxtra hot
>>1573085generic bland lolishit post some neon elves instead
I feel like Impmaxxing and making my skin color purple or red with a tail and devious eyes and ears
>>1573127>this generic lolis bad>this generic lolis good
How do I stop myself from getting stunlocked? For example, the salamanders in techs. I can't windmill fast enough to knockback and my pet dies even with divine link so it can't draw aggro.
>>1573149accept that you can't and rely on iframes
>>1573149Have a healslut in your party overheal you and you get adv heavy stander.
>>1572903I have the wagon now, definitely feels like a difference in speed enjoying it
>>1573219If you get the commerce outfit with transport reforges you'll zoom around. I love commercing but I can't justify the cost-opportunity ratio
>>1573225>commerce is fun but the gold per hour is badso you choose to do a less fun thing to spend your time?
>>1573127>>1573139post a non generic loliI dare you
>>1573137just do it then if you have the money do it.
>>1573238I find running Alby Advance and Alby Advance Hardmode fun and that gets me more than commerce, bar bartering.
>>1573289luxiloli uwu
>>1573289Would tbqhwy and not ashamed to say so
>>1573289secret fashionista
only absolute freaks take pictures of other people
>>1573323i took this just now
>>1573323i take jifs not photos so i'm safe
>>1573338dabbing on a dead personschivaly is dead
>>1573334vidoes and giffys are a series of pics
New thread. New hint. The feth exploit has something to do with being able to enter despite there not being any entries actually available. The bonus entry coupons are key to this but it doesn't actually use them meaning you can reuse the same one over and over unless you mistime the delays.
>>1573085>>1573289>>1573334>>1573338I miss my Mabinogi pals
>>1572861speak plainly, schizo
Is it advisable to protmaxx?
>>1573491no stop asking
Any guild recs?
Anywhere underwear recs?
How do I kill things?
>>1573496not him but why not?
>>1573513the thread guilds are:mabigen: >get to say nigger>lots of talk about ai>schizo rambles>luxcavae>anime chats>runs content across the spectrum>luxcavaesundew:>talk about human art>gay schizo rapping>anime chats>cant be too edgy>runs higher end content >sugar mommas
>>1573655also both guilds occasionally run things together since a lot of members of each are still friendly with one another
>>1573655Is mabigen accepting members?
>>1573660Yes but you'll have to wait for Shadiggler or Johyu to wake up and approve you, I dont have officer for night shift anymore. If you want to hang out people are usually around ch4 dunbarton bank.
>>1573655hello enlighten me on sugar mommas
>>1573655wtf is human art?feces molding?body part diarama?excess hair collections?
Why is there not a easily viewable UI element that shows your attempts left for certain content?Can I do Theta?Can I do GB?Can I do Crom?this should be more readily available info
>>1573995I take it you looked at microsoft's dall-e once and decided that's all AI sloppa.
>>1574039no I see ai generation as a tool similar to changing your digital paint brushanyone can open up mspaint, anyone can generate an image, but it takes effort to produce something worthwhilei would not assume though "human art" is referring to "non-ai art" since I do not think simple generated images to be art in the same way I don't think generating noise is art
>>1574044I think I'm retarded and misunderstood what you meant the first time lmao
>>1574044>>1573995chill out,chan don't go on another schizo rant
>>1574256Actually >>1574039 >>1574049 these are me you got it backwards I just misread his post but actually he's based.
>>1574352go away ugly
>>1574433says ur faec
>>1574352You look like a prodigy wizard or something it's very cute
>>1574433no I'm cute>>1574464hey thanks...
>>1574352you look like you only post here to get noticed by someone rich
>>1574558???????what does that even mean?!
>>1573670Late reply but do you know where the guild stone is? My guild search list is always broken. I did try joining from the community/guild page of the website but I don't think web member is the same hahaha my ign is StarlitSea>>1574542You're welcome!
>>1574604Tailtean graveyard
>>1574619Thank you!
>>1574622You couldn't even glance at the OP yourself?
>>1574655Have you ever read an OP?I just see funny picture and give it a clicky.
>>1574687I read and click all links in every OP I plan to post in and lurk for like 2 weeks minimum before posting to ensure I'm undetectable as a newbie. I don't think most people do this, but they should be more afraid
>>1574705lurk moar is old school technow you accept anonymity, disregard traditions, and post wildly without thoughtget with the times grandpa
>>1574705based thread culture respecter
>>1574705if people don't know I'm new then their expectations will not be appropriate hahah but in all seriousness I read it once upon a time but forgot whatever wasn't relevant to me at the time, I'm sorry friend
male giants look so bad
>>1574960thats a human that ate a fishcake
>>1574990no its a giant he was using a 2h + shield
>>1574994a fish cake lets you do that baka dumbass nigga dont know how protein work
>>1575007you will never be black
>>1574960i beg to differ, knife ear-kun
>>1575031>posts something even more hideous
>>1575038idk about you but im jerking to it rn
i love how elves hate giants so much and the giants are just chilling minding their own business
>>1573655let me fix that for youMabigen:>say freeze peach is allowed but report anyone who says bad words>gay niggers>only run hardest content with close friends>ignore rest of guild>use secret discord server and pretend you don'tSundew:>Run a bit of everything and very casual>mostly communicate outside of the game>won't pretend to tolerate you, much stricter entry reqs but you won't be backstabbed>gayer niggers
>>1575081both of these sound bad when you put it like that but I see pictures of Mabigen people in the threads more and that's very nice
>>1575081Fake and gay, IGN?
I quite enjoy these types
>>1575115Corentin is a respectable young woman
>>1575121young woman(ancient)
>>1575099>Mabigen peopleboth of them post desu
>>1575113correntin gets me going in the wierdest way, i love how authoritative she looks
>>1575134It's nice the church isn't evil in mabinogi like Vindictus aside from Esras for the most part
>>1575134nice hands lmao
>>1575138She would be nice to have tea with
>>1575145she looks like she will force feed you graham crackers if she catches you with a boner
>>1575149good thing I never hang out with boners
>>1575190>>1575149Both of these made me laugh
>>1575142ironic because most of the gods are
>>1575264It's just like real life, the various gods that most worship are evil, but the followers are often good people who just need to find the one true God through Christ and stop being led astray by other "gods". In mabi it's comparable to how only Aton and the second tier gods (Archangels) Jeamiderark, Lymilark, and Hymerark are the only ones that don't seem to be entirely self serving and potentially evil. While the Gods we deal with in the storyline are generally demonic or neutral at best.
>>1575284Oh you're not at the later gens yet. OK.
>>1575287I made a script to press left click and space rapidly for the later gens actually.
I honestly have no idea what the fuck is happening in the story past G9 other than the player character being demigod tier strong.
>>1575328The ending for Gen 18 is pure suffer kino I love it so much
almost no mabigens at banq today. Is fashion over?
>>1575629I forgot about banquet, I was at joust
>>1575629im watchin some anime
Lance arcana npc is Vastramundhttps://www.youtube.com/embed/yBouWlttO8U
>>1575629>chase everyone off>ignore those who remain How could this happen?
>>1575832look I was just busy today get over it and go back to the salt mines
>>1575801>https://www.youtube.com/embed/yBouWlttO8UCan a Koreaboo break this down? Looks like there's gearing recommendations (Namely reforges to aim for) at 3:20+It would be good to know what it scales off of and what the best reforges arePraying to god you don't NEED double rolls
>>1575842The big one scales off lance charge thats all I know, I think another uses flash launcher as well.
>>1575845I'm wondering how useful stuff like charge width/distance is with these skills. Same for the gunner ones. Flash Launcher reforge is pretty much dogshit so that can be ignored.
>>1573219I now have an elephant
>>1575871elephant is the worst mount
>>1575881I'm already back to my wagon haha
>>1575629I work at 3amI can't stay up late enough to enjoy banqs with friend
fucking default small mouth niggerssick of seeing this copy pasted look on 90% of females
>>1575716pan over and show poseums
>>1575832who chased who off? it seemed like a natural split
>>1575950mad because they are cuter than u?
>>1575801why did my brain light up when i saw this? i wanna /smooch him on the lips... imagine how his moustache feels on your lips... it looks so... soft
>>1575950Honestly yeah they pretty much all have the same hair/eyes/mouth I've noticed this too.
>>1576104Kenny please.
>>1576100It was assuredly not. One nigger decides to leave and make his own guild for no reason at all other than to say that he "owns" the guild and can do whatever he wants with it.
>>1576099They are in this pic>>1575883
>>1575883I have a camel now
heycall me cute
>>1576401How the fuck do you keep showing up in every single mmo i've been on.
>>1576401This is a super cute avi
>>1576412clearly because I'm following you specifically and I'm out to get you>>1576413thanks...
>>1576401Using their munthole
>>1576421never happening
>>1576401cute and you deserve better than mabigen
>>1576428why would you say that?I don't think you know how awful I am
>>1576432mabigen's mabidegens drain the soul patience and innocence from cute players
>>1576438impossible, sorry
>>1575284I personally can't wait for Christ to strip you of your free will and the joy of anything ever tangentually related to violence or what could've been considered in the old testament as vice or sinful act so you can spend the rest of eternity in blind servitude.>>1576401Slut
>>1576449I am NOT a slut
>>1576438everyone in Mabigen is a sweetheart
Interesting place to visit.
>>1576449Take your eucharist
>>1576570absolutely not.
>>1576594You know the more you say no the more it makes me want to
>>1576459chick on the right is cute
>>1576241>Kennyfunny that you think i am kenny, vast just turned me into his onahole and i cannot resist him any longer
>>1576640t. vastramunt
>>1576401knew it >>1574558 ugly cunt
I love the outfits with glowy stuff 10/10 best part of the game
fission time
>>1576927Fission Mailed.
>>15769470 cutes
>>1576947I totally forgot, I had a pass and everything, logged off to watch Terminator 1 & 2
>>1576783you are talking about the flashy dyes?
>>1576606I want you to explode
>>1577063Nooo the ambient glow some will have in stars and stuff, like blaanids runes love those
>>1577099sending you 50000 flashy dies now
I hope Unreal adds 3 things.1. swimming2. climbing3. revamp of exploration to mix in the above two while also making it group focused and possibly combat oriented towards the end of an expedition.Going to do actual exploration, having the puzzle your way through environments, and finding a lost tomb or dungeon with a challenging and rewarding boss would be great.Use the idea of dungeons and use the randomness to create wilderness.You could also tie in commerce too and possible protect a caravan through unexplored territory to supply a forward camp or something
>>1577292its still going to use the same mechanics as current mabi
>>1576651huh????that's not the same at all
>>1577292So, basically take the game down for a decade or two or maybe three to turn Mabi into BoTW?You know, Nexon had that in Peria Chroniles Although it leaned more into TotK
>>1577292Go play Genshin or something instead
>>1577332>>1577339I don't want genshin or botwI want exploration to mean explorationnot use L rod and collect gems
>>1577375You can go explore the game right now. Exploration doesn't mean climbing buildings and mountains like spiderman. Mapping out a randomly generated maze isn't exploration either, it's dungeon crawling. Go play some roguelike for that. You can already find lost tombs and dungeons with L rod and no amount of random is going to keep them fresh and interesting for you.
>>1577375you can explore my asshole
I got my first dan 3 skill
>>1577388>no amount of random is going to keep them fresh and interesting for you.I still enjoy regular mabi dungeons, you don't know me.
>>1577099post a pic?
>>1577506tell these dummies anon-chan!
Get down from there!
>>1577467CONGRATULATIONS! cutest magic prodigy
>>1577615don't have any on me but like how the gems and bevel of the Perseus Peregrine Scythe glows. Blaanids memorial outfit does with the runes. I don't know when it became so commonplace in the game but I like how many items have small magical glowing bits now
>>1577662who cares
>>1577660maybe its my settings, i never noticed glowing
>>1577699>>1577700checked luxcavae
>>1577780There's a storm in Iria at the moment that helped highlight what I mean! I even saw an outfit that had stars with the same effect so pretty
>>1577816If you look up Spirit Liquers on the wiki there's a bunch of different effects that change what the glowing orb of your spirit on your weapon looks like. The spinning orb in the 2nd image is the offhand for the scythe.
>>1577824I have the feather one currently on my scythe and the page one from the event on my sword! I love them I wish I could have even more slots for all the liquors
Hey Sal you might want to unlink your YouTube from your Discord account. Congrats on the self-doxx I guess.
>>1577889GOOD JOB! :D
>>1577467I'm going to rape you, Megumin.
>>1577889what took you 33 minutes?
>>1577978It was 20-something to clear the dungeon, and the rest on the boss phishing for crits with Fate Foretold & Meteor to do anything more than 0.5-2% damage at a time on 3 boss enemies.
>>1577982Vets on release were disgustingly awful. Just showed the direction the game went through. You could have DBlade and whatever endgame set at that time and it took 500 hits to kill mobs let alone bosses. Shitty damage sponges.
>>1577998why :(
>>1577816i see. very subtle!
>>1576386I have the skiff now
>>1577924no you aren't and that's not my name>>1577968die
Imagine making a deck with your guild mates on the cards.Taking creepshots of people and putting them on my cards.Luxcavae on every card.
>>1578766I wont let you
>>1578777I already got you in my sights.
>>1578766I hope you all put me on your Wheel of Fortune and The Devil cards.
>>1578766I know exactly what I must do.
>>1578840What must you do?
>>1578842Make the best memecards.
>>1578691I love the spiral potato and wow! You have a magical hat now you're getting more powerful and cute with each day
>>1578691>>1578766this will be super cute and fun but Blaanid doesn't appear physically after book 3 saaad
>>1578691I wish these two would drain me
>>1579160life drain?
>>1579168Both results are the same
I love how many updates mabi doesplaying game like ffxiv was draining but it's also the nature of xivs content.
Astrology update livestream soon, trust the plan https://www.twitch.tv/mabinogi
>>1579250 Luxcavae
>>1579255excited for this maybe we'll get more quests with Delaney
>>1579277dating quests with delaney
What was post?
Is it possible to Erg the welfare scythe?
>>1579298was a link to some website that wanted me to sign in to see anything. I assume porn or jewish media, probably both.
It's been so long and nobody has found arcie nudes yetwtf
I for one am anticipating all of the mabigen creepshots
>>1579441that's just astigmatism
Astrology is just the "white woman" update
>>1579437crayon thing is cute
which one y'all niggers won a free cash shiet
>>1579437a yotsuba member in this day n age?
>>1579482Mabinogi has been getting popular again lately
>>1579437Cute lil' guild full of cuties (and Lux.)
>>1579390what year is that from
>>1579459it has wood paneling on the back! cute>>1579491this is an insanely cute guild
i have come to the realization that kenny is not delusional about being black, he is just your average socal asian and nightz is his ABG
>>1579556>in SundewNGMI
>>1579390Bloody hell
https://arca.live/b/mabi/110965752 card grade 30 values
>>1579575everything turns korean at 30?
>>1579560I physically cringe whenever I read gchat in Mabigen
>>1579575Does fate astrologer also require a scythe?
>>1579612You're not in the guild.
>>1579629Its Its all buffs for it yes
>>1579612>>1579560stop promoting this fake ass beef we dont hate each other we are still friends! Only white women hold grudges like this
>>1579804why do people hate white women all of a sudden?
>>1579811Chanala came back
Why make it so vets can't get this title?
>>1579811>all of a suddenbro white woman hate has been full throttle since yellow fever began to spread 300 years ago. Why do you Columbas crossed the Atlantic? He wanted easier access to Asian women. He found native americans, asian-lites, and decided it was good enough. Then a mass exodus of people tried to abandon the white woman country for the new world. A few idiots brought white woman with them and from that point the west would be considered "fallen"
>>1580228You lose it at 10k so doesn't matter.
>>1580228>he plays mabi through steam
>>1580243Yes because I am aware of how dumb the modern player is and many like to use Steam Charts as a method of checking if a game is worth playing.It costs me nothing to boost the playercount by one and hopefully help draw more players into the game I love.Also the nexon launcher is shitty bloatware.
https://mabinogi.nexon.net/news/66545/frieren-crossover-eventHOLY SHIT GUYS
>>1580277>still no Konosuba
>>1580230so you are saying it was over before it started?
>>1580277idk how you spoofed the URL like that but i realize i just got bamboozled, meet me in dunbarton this afternoon around: 8:20 PM EST i just wanna talk to u bro
>>1580277that got me LOL
>>1579833Thank you, I gladly accept this medal of "Mabigen's top White Woman hater" with great honor and pride.
>>1580893your character is a white woman though
>>1581200Never ask a racist the color of his character
>>1580893Don't forget Antisemite of the Week!
>>1581200Hahah.. yah I guess you got me good there!
>>1581244Why not winter white?
you guys are mentally healthy women repellent and give me the ick
>>1581262Good I hate women
>>1581263they hate you too
>>1581266Why would I care what a bleeding hole thinks? They're beneath me.
>>1581262Good, I have a better woman with a more accomplished family history than you or your line will ever even dream of. Pure blooded with no nigger admixture to boot.
>>1581275accomplish my gock in your mouth you incel freak
>>1581284You don't have a cock, and I've had sex.
>>1581284>CHUDCEL!>CHUDCEL!Where do you think you are?
>>1581341For some reason redditors think they belong on 4chan or in a 4chan guild on the game, it's very strange choosing to go to a website or join a guild full of people and a culture that you hate.Dare I say, mentally ill white woman behavior even.
>>1581341>>1581345>being schizo incel faggots that do nothing but circlejerk eachother in their safe space general (where they only want their guild members posting), make the 50th about raping their guild members, and crying about white women is a requirement to not be considered a redditorcope seethe etc fagcel
>>1581370Are you ok netherlandish ESL?
>>1581390>unchained Alice
>>1581275>Pure blooded with no nigger admixture>he really thinks that is possible in this day and agefirst off chicks lie about body count so why would they not lie about this too?
>>1581390this Alice makes me hard
>>1581397>lieI have paperwork to back up my claims
Vets ch4 very soon
>>1581409I was there.
>>1581476Thank you for coming, it means a lot to me.
>>1581397She's Korean, retard.
>>1581501are we still talking about luxcavae?
What would be the most cost-efficient blade to repair when creating straps? A sturdy sickle? Some random shop item?
>>1581682Any beginner item
>>1581409Need an STL of that statue
early maint.
>>1581501and she still is crazier than any white woman, how ironic
>>1581682https://wiki.mabinogiworld.com/view/Beginner_Fluted_Short_Sword this is what I use, 1g repair at 100% success when master plan free repair is off.>>1581751There's an unpacker on git you can extract the pmg from the data packs with but I'm not sure how you would convert to stl.>>1582023You've never even spoken to her, but I understand you're simply a jealous white woman mad that I won't give you the attention you so desperately crave.
>>1582023all women are insane, the appeal is the flavour of insane. I'd rather a bitch with yellow skin that beats me with wooden spoons than one that fucks dogs. If you prefer dog fuckers all the power to you but most of us aren't into furries.
how come men get rejected once and instantly go for asian women
>>1582079Based. Mine is more likely to feed me with the spoon though, she's a sweetie and a great cook unlike the modern white woman.>>1582097I've always preferred asian women, I have never been rejected by any woman only rejected women or told women to remove themselves from my life. I'm sorry that you're so upset that I rejected you too, or denied you even having the chance.I'm sure you can find a nice pitbull, or new european black/brown man who will accept you for who you are!
>>1582097I'd have to talk to a woman to be rejected
>>1582139>inb4 he cheats with some blonde bimbo
>>1582232You're projecting your own disloyalty, I've been with her for 9 years.
>>1582079>>1582139Bruh don't say based when every dog fucker ended up a confirmed fellow white heeb
>>1582372Unfortunately it really is a white woman problem and not just yenters.
it's up?
Astrology is the white womans talent
everyone focus on what's most important
>>1582479soft wolf cut
>>1582479Jesus? Thank you for the reminder to say my daily lunchtime prayers anon
>>1582512chain reaction prayer reminder I need to pray
>hear that the new content floods your inventory>clean it up to prepareIt's that time again. Post your baginogi!
can someone tell me what this outfit is called pretty please
>>1583076Space Cadet Outfit (F)
>>1583081ty ty
>>1583039I'll clean it eventually
Paying 10mil mabi gold to whoever posts a full set of Lux-cards.
>>1583275I need this
>>1583282need what...?
>>1583238do it yourself, lazy faggot
Any BME gamers
>>1583401I have 3k alby runs and no BME
>>1583275this is so cute
>Electric Gray is now Black Tungsten
>>1583432thank you!
>>1583481This is the ugly face shape I talk about when I say elves have 3 options, the ugly shape, the washed out face, or droopy ears the only correct option.
>>1580243>he likes to use the offical nexon launcher
>>1583681*Pulls your horn*
>>1583681who is this crosseyed freak
I wish I were dead but there's nothing else to do but mabinogi. I wouldn't say that the game is preventing me from doing so, but rather that it distracts me long enough from doing so.
>>1583777ok Lux
>>1583777based, trips checked, and here forever
>>1583866thats not how it works
I'm having more fun than expected with the new skills so far!
>>1584591I would so badly
>>1584603WOULD WHAT??????
>>1584591I would like a card of you
>>1584796you can get a card of me if you'd like!
>>>/wsg/5780629Luxcavae and Vastramund
>>1584981What's their IGNs?
>>1583915nobody cares eat shit you incel schizo faggot
>>1585439Lottete, but he did call me stupid when I said "the starspoken who is" and not "walking among the stars" after telling me I was the one who was wrong.
What stats do I need for Crom normals?
>>15855082200 int>>1585517dont care dilate
>>1585524>don't care>cared enough to reply
>>1585534dont mistake my shitpost about him being wrong to begin with and laughing at your shitpost bullying him as me caring what you think
>>1585508I'm doing crom with these stats
>>1585549wdf if that's the case I should be able to then, unless you're just being carried
>>1585546>keeps replying:3
>>1585568If someone hides their ign they're being carried
>>1585508>>1585549jo and Vast carry me with these stats on the occasional chance I have to run it.>>1585572I simply enjoy wasting your time so you have less of it to spend getting knotted, because I know you're refreshing the thread every 10 seconds with baited breath at the opportunity of getting any sort of attention from me instead of going to >>>/soc/ like the rest of the white women.
>>1585508I regularly carry jo through crom 100
>>1585680what are you doing with that UI color bro
>>1585759I like it so I use it.
Unreal Engine update preview trailerhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZOEnnjp76Y
honestly love this update, this is cute
>>1585949>heart stickercute
>>1585960I got the pic as he used cartomancy! I was hoping the orb would show up in it hahahah but these are turning out super cute
>>1585940hey that's meeeee, I hope you like it!